UTS Business Society Careers Guide 2018

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2018 careers guide.

UTS Business Society


Copyright Editors Alexander Cheng Business Society Committee Contributors Anthony Chu Sierra Collender Michaela Curry Adam Silver Designers Hayley Cumming Anna Nordon Print ASAP Press Mailing Address UTS Business Society C/O ActivateHQ Info Desk Level 16, 15 Broadway (Building 1) PO Box 3210 Broadway NSW 2007

This publication is copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced or stored by any process, electronic or otherwise, without the specific written permission of the UTS Business Society. Disclaimer The articles and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the UTS Business Society, the Editors, or the UTS Business School. Although the editor and authors have taken every care in preparing and writing the guide, they expressly disclaim and accept no liability for any errors, omissions, misuse or misunderstanding on the part of any person who uses or relies upon it. The editor, authors, and Business Society accept no responsibility for any damage, injury or loss occasioned to any person or entity as a result of a person relying, wholly or in part, on any material included, omitted or implied in this publication. The user of this guide acknowledges that they will take responsibility for their actions and will under no circumstances hold the editor, authors or UTS Business Society responsible for any damage resulting to the user or anyone else from use of this publication.

Copyright Š UTS Business Society





//Your Future








//Human Resources







Message from the Dean

// Professor Chris Earley

It is my great pleasure to commend to you the 2018 UTS Business Society Careers Guide. Now in its 6th edition, the guide continues to be undertaken by our students, for our students, and is just one example of their enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge and experience with their peers. UTS Business School enjoys a well-deserved reputation for maintaining strong relationships with industry. In a recent QS rating, we have cemented our position as one of the top, top 100 universities in the world for both Business & Management and Accounting & Finance, UTS

Business School also ranked in the top eight in Australia for all three of its subject areas— making it the only non-group of eight business school to do so. We have an active and high profile advisory board that helps oversee the development of our programs to ensure they are equipping graduates with the skills to take a lead role in tomorrow’s ever changing business and professional worlds. Congratulations to the UTS Business Society for their efforts in preparing this careers guide. I hope the guide continues to be an important component of our students’ careers tool kit.


Message from the Careers Director // Alexander Cheng

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the UTS Business Society’s 2018 Careers Guide. We would firstly like to extend our warmest thanks to all our 2018 society sponsors: Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Macquarie Group, EY, CPA Australia, Bain and Company, McGrathNicol, Commonwealth Bank. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Each year this Guide has proved to be an instrumental platform for students of all ages, backgrounds and interests, to access relevant and reliable career information and guidance. From information on upcoming sponsor events and skills-based workshops to internship and graduate opportunities and insights, we hope that the 2018 Guide: 1. Simplifies the sometimes-overwhelming recruitment process 2. Imparts practical skills-based tips and tricks; 3. Helps you grow, explore and expand your own potential; & 4. Inspires and motivates greatness. In creating the Guide, we sought to include, a larger, more diverse variety of student and professional insights. Upon acknowledging that the exploration of the many choices available in the business industry can be an overwhelming process, our purpose was simple. We made it our aim to ensure that all students, whether just starting out or graduating, had an opportunity to make well-informed decisions, learn from first- hand experiences and potentially identify a future career path, which they best fit.

The Guide also contains detailed information tailored towards each respective major (primarily for the benefit of our first-year readers). Likewise, the Guide emphasises the importance of building soft skills through the inclusion of tips on how to write a good resume & cover letter, succeed in an interview and stand out during graduate applications. The production of the guide could not have been achieved without the unwavering commitment of our Careers Team. I’d like to extend my special thanks to Sierra Collender, Adam Silver, Michaela Curry and Anthony Chu for their ideas and contributions to the guide— as well as our designers Anna Nordon and Hayley Cumming who has created a timeless and well thought design. From personal experience, it is never too early to start thinking about your future! Our advice to you would be to seek all opportunities and do not let any go to waste. Do not let fear or embarrassment stop you from chasing your dreams because ultimately the more exposure you have, the greater your ability to turn these opportunities into fulfilling and rewarding careers.


Message from the President // Lachlan Pedan

The Business Society hopes to further expand its reach and to have a greater professional image throughout this year. Not only has our Society broadened the variety of our sponsors, our Careers team have also organised innovative events to target specific skills. With hard-working and focused Directors across all seven portfolios as well as a dedicated General Committee and fellow officers; we hope to further improve the lives of business students. We are working hard this year to provide academic support to our first year students, greater volunteering opportunities, varied sporting events and more social gatherings. Through our Society’s seven portfolios, we hope to encourage further networking and connections between students so as to further prepare them for their working careers in the future. The articles found throughout this guide are of real students here at UTS speaking out of pure experience. I do believe that people are often too quick to speak, yet often fail to take time to listen. So please listen and learn from others, whether they be your lecturers of your fellow students. On behalf of the UTS Business Society, we would like to thank you for investing your time in reading our 2018 Careers Guide. Not only will you be provided with a great deal of information regarding the job opportunities available through studying Business at UTS, this guide also contains a great deal of information tailored towards each respective major. A greater understanding of each major’s attributes and the job opportunities available are a true indication of how your Business degree can take you far. In addition, this guide provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of building soft skills such as networking, key interviewing tips and advice for graduate applications.

I would like to extend my appreciation to our Careers Director, Alex Cheng, in addition to his incredibly supportive team: Sierra Collender, Adam Silver, Michaela Curry, Anthony Chu. I personally, as well as the Society as a whole, would not be able to develop if it were not for our Careers team. Take note of what they have prepared for you and learn from the stories and experiences of people covered in this guide.

“We hope to encourage further networking and connections between students to prepare them for their working careers in the future.” v



Cover Letters Purpose For any professional positions or internships, you should include a cover letter. For casual positions, it may not be required. The cover letter is a chance for you to highlight your most relevant skills and experience and express your motivation for the position. You shouldn’t reiterate your entire resume! This is meant to intrigue the employer and encourage them to have a thorough look at your resume. Frame the letter to reflect how you can apply your skills and experience to help the employer instead of how obtaining “this role will help you”. One of the most frequent questions I receive from students is, “The job ad doesn’t ask for a cover letter, do I have to submit one with my application?” There is no right or wrong answer to the question. The truth is, a cover letter is an extra opportunity to showcase your skills and experience to an employer and if you do choose to submit a cover letter, it can say a lot more about you than your resume alone.

A cover letter can have a big impact on the outcome of your application so it is important to ensure it leaves a positive impression. Employers can often tell when an applicant has submitted a generic cover letter where they have just replaced the name of the organisation and the job title. This can contradict the message you are trying to send to employers. Remember, a cover letter sends a message to an employer with more than just the words on a page and you want to demonstrate that you are a motivated, results oriented applicant and that you are willing to put more effort into securing a role than using the find and replace function. By customising each cover letter, and ensuring it addresses each of the questions below, you can demonstrate to an employer why you are interested in the role and what makes you suitable.

// Anna Gurevich Employability Coordinator




Your resume can be a powerful marketing tool. This document is frequently the first introduction an employer has to you as a job seeker and will help them decide whether they would like to progress you to the next stage of the application process, whether that is a face to face interview, a psychometric assessment or an invitation to an assessment centre. It’s an opportunity to provide an employer with all the information they need to determine not only that you have the skills and experience needed to do the job, but also that your alignment to their unique company culture makes you the best applicant for the job. While this sounds like a big task, there are a few steps you can take that can take to ultimately increase the likelihood of progressing to the next stage of the recruitment process. Focus your resume Each job you apply for is different and each organisation has a unique mission statement, client base and organisation structure. A single, generic resume won’t be able to capture the variety and breadth of organisational cultures. This is why you need to tailor your resume for each role you apply for and focus on the requirements the employer has included in the job description and the information you have found in your research.

If you need additional help with your resume, you can log into CareerHub for more detailed check list and examples of achievement statements. You can also book yourself in for a group resume review at UTS:Careers.


Prioritise your first page Studies have shown that an employer will spend between 6 and thirty seconds scanning your resume. You need to ensure they see something in that very short time frame, which compels them to look closer at the details, by prioritising your first page. Include the information that is most relevant to the role you are applying for; whether this is your academic achievements, career related work, volunteer experience or prizes or awards you have received. Highlight your achievements Under each job heading, go beyond the basics of listing your responsibilities and highlight your achievements. An achievement in this context demonstrates to an employer that not only did you complete the duties of your role; you went above and beyond in a way that added value to your organisation. These achievement statements can be quite specific and quantifiable and can include prizes and awards, targets that you have met and exceeded or even a promotion. Know what to exclude Extra-curricular activities are a great way to express to an employer your diverse interests and can help you demonstrate your skills; particularly if you haven’t had any direct experience in the industry you are targeting. Rather than listing all your extra-curricular activities, think about whether it supports your application and reinforces to the employer that you are the best person for the role. Pick a few activities that are most relevant to the role and use them to demonstrate skills that relate to the job you are applying for.


Step Guide:

Getting the Graduate job Of your Dreams By InternGradConsulting.com

1. Apply Early Applications for individual firms often are reviewed chronologically. So an early application will ensure you do not miss any quotas that could be filled if you apply too late.

2. Online Application The online application can be broken down into 2 key elements: 1. Resume/ Cover Letter - Ensure this is completed thoroughly and lists all key experiences, interests and appropriate information - Format of your cover letter and resume should be neat and easy to read 2. Online application questions - Majority of applications will require you to answer key information about your experience - Make sure you read up on the business culture, motto's and ethics to ensure your answers stand out

3. Psychometric, Behavioural and Numeric Testing Often seen as one of the most important sections of the application. Online testing is the main way firms screen out applications. The following steps will ensure you have the best chance to pass: 1. Practice! Practice! Practice! - There are many online tests which can help you 2. Be prepared - ensure before you start you have all adequate equipment (Calculator, pens and paper)

4. Assessment Centre/Interview So you have successfully completed steps 3-4 and have landed a spot in the assessment centre. This is often a 3 part process: 1. Group Interview - Usually aimed in solving a problem and working within a team environment 2. Online testing verification - Used to ensure that online testing was completed by you Highest number of tech IPOs in SE Asia 3. Interview - Whereby you interact directly with the business and it is determinied if you are a cultural fit.

Best economic records in Asia

If you want more insight to any of these steps - Contact the Inter Grad Consulting Team on info@interngradconsulting.com or visit www.interngradconsulting.com



Interview Preparation Checklist

Do your Homework

Interview Day

Research the company and review the job description so that you know which of your skills best aligns with the role you are applying for as well as the company dynamic.

Make sure to plan your journey and arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than you scheduled interview time, you want to make the best possible impression you can!

Check LinkedIn Profiles for the hiring manager and others who are interviewing you so that you can ask questions later on about them and their experience in the company and how it would relate to your possible role. Practice Answering Questions Practice answering possible interview questions and have specific examples in mind of past experiences that you can bring to this new role. Sime possible examples you could be asked include: —Tell me about yourself. —Why do you want to work for this organisation? —Why are you interested in this role? —Where would you like to go professionally? —Tell me about a time when you have supported, led or effectively worked with others. —Describe a time when something you were working on did not go as planned. What did you do and what did you learn? —Give an example of a time when there was a decision to be made, but no procedures in place. What did you do? What was the outcome?


Dress for Success Choose an appropriate outfit - If in doubt, remember it is better to be overdressed than under-dressed. For men—It’s recommended that you wear a suit, button up shirt and a tie. For women—It’s recommended that you wear a skirt or pant suit with a button up shirt or blouse. Always try to remember the names of the people you are interviewing and to thank them individually for their time for the interview.

Basic Interview Tips

Interview Do’s —Arrive 10 minutes early —Open with a smile and strong handshake —Posture shows confidence or insecurity, sit up straight! —Be positive, enthusiastic and mature

“Prove to the recruiter that you are the best candidate. Demonstrate what makes you different and better than the rest.”

—Listen attentively and with appropriate eye contact —Provide examples where possible to strengthen answers

Interview Don’ts —Be late or flustered

—Never use negatives or apologise for your lack of experience/skills (always focus on your positive attributes)

—Speak negatively of previous employers or work situations

—Prove to the recruiter that you are the best candidate. Demonstrate what makes you different and better than the rest.

—Rush in with babbling answers to questions

—Pay attention to the details in your personal presentation/ hygiene – nails, straight tie, clean clothes, polished shoes, fresh breath right balance of scents (if you wear perfume /aftershave not too strong) and wash the day of the interview.

—Lie or exaggerate

—Oversell or undersell yourself

—Smoke or douse yourself in perfume before your interview —Extend the interview —Mention salary expectations unless asked —Fidget or chew gum —Use racist, culturally sensitive or sexist statements —Leave your phone turned on —Underestimate the power of practicing!




Your Future: In Accounting The future of Accounting is progressing towards partnering and working together with different business areas by applying critical thinking skills in order to make higher level business decisions.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Accounting?

What are the different streams of accounting that I can go into?

The level of expertise expected for graduates wanting to work in more advanced economies is becoming more and more important. The role of the accounting is increasingly moving away from basic transaction work, which is frequently outsourced overseas.

Audit and assurance Auditing involves examining financial statements of an organisation to help make well-informed business decisions. Assurance aims to improve the context of accounting information so better business decisions can be made

This means that accounting graduates need to use critical thinking skills to analyse business problems and determine an appropriate response. The Accounting major within the Bachelor of Business focuses on developing the skills required to make these higher-level decisions, including those related to the strategic positioning.

Consulting Consulting involves maximising business performance by analysing business issues and providing advice on how to go about a business decision to solve the issue

Soft skills such as communication, teamwork and creativity are also very important in accounting careers. These skills are integrated throughout the Business degree and make up a key part of the graduate attributes of a UTS Business student. What can I look to be doing within accounting after I graduate? Many accounting graduates upon finishing university commence entry-level positions in an advisory, assurance or consulting role. Whilst they are working, most also complete their professional certifications in accounting. This allows for graduates to gain a more fundamental understanding of how accounting within a business works, while gaining industry experience.

Enterprise risk management This involves managing the activities performed by organisations to control and minimise the impact risk has on their earnings. Financial advisory Financial involves working with clients to evaluate different investment opportunities to grow individual or business economic performance Forensic accounting This involves applying accounting knowledge to investigate and report on fraudulent activity. Taxation Taxation services involves collecting tax-related information, reporting of tax and ensuring an organisation understands the tax implications of business decisions. Transaction services Involves accountants performing due diligence in order to provide businesses with accurate information when wanting to undertake a merger or acquisition of another organisation



Tax Advisory Trainee // Sierra Collender at Crowe Horwath

What are you currently studying?

What does a typical day for you look like?

I am currently studying finance and accounting in my 2nd year.

As a Tax Trainee, each day is usually different. I’m often working for different managers, who have a different areas of expertise in tax which will influence the work I do. If I’m working on a tax reconciliation, I’d be working on anything from writing up queries for my client to calculating the taxable income. If I’m working on an advice piece, I could be analysing whether an asset qualifies as pre-CGT or researching the tax implications of gifts to directors. The most interesting thing I’ve done so far was going out to Lidcombe for a client meeting with the ATO, and getting to see what products our client makes in their warehouse.

How did you find your current role? It was quite a surprise coming into my role. I attended the Business Society’s High Achiever’s Breakfast in October last year, not knowing anyone or what to expect. I ended up having a fantastic conversation with my manager (unknowingly) who mentioned their team was looking for a trainee. I managed to get a business card, sent a follow-up email, which led to a partner interview and then I got the job. My main lesson from this was that opportunities can come from anywhere, and are there for the taking if you’re passionate and hard working. I would encourage anyone to start thinking about their career early and go to as many networking events as possible- especially the Business Society’s High Achiever’s Breakfast. How do balance uni study with work? My mantra is ‘it’s easier to keep up, than to catch up’ so with working 3 days a week, I have to stay on top of all 4 classes. Learning to balance my university study with my work and social life is always a challenge and something that won’t ever be fully mastered. My best advice is to make an excel spreadsheet with an action plan and worklist for every week.


What do you enjoy most about your job? I think the best part of coming to work is the people. It’s important to be surrounded by people who are passionate about what they do. At Crowe, I really like the flat culture and being part of a hard working team. I’ve also enjoyed the variety of work and being exposed to different areas of tax such as GST, or transactions. What is the most important lessons you have learnt and advice for other students? Two things. First is to hold yourself accountable. If you say you are going to do something, do it and take responsibility for the outcome. Second, there is no replacement for hard work. My advice for students would be show up to networking events even if you don’t know anyone and ask questions to people who have the job you want.

Graduate Accountant (Audit) // Yianni Haniotis at KPMG

“you need to display that you are a strong all round candidate who is proactive and performs well�

What motivated you to pursue a graduate job? I chose to pursue a graduate job in the accounting industry largely due to my curiosity in understanding how a business runs all aspects of its day-to-day operations and how that is reflected through to the financial statements. Completing a Bachelor of Business majoring in both accounting and finance, gave me the opportunity to complete numerous assessments which involved analysis and interpretation of financial statements to understand how a company operates and creates value which I believe is what sparked my interest in the industry. How did you find your latest role and where is it? During my final years at university I was confident that I wanted to pursue a career in the accounting industry but was unsure exactly what I needed to do to get there. So I began attending as many careers related events as possible. I spoke to a variety of different professionals and recruiters from many different industries and companies to try and see what my strengths and interests were aligned to. I found my current role through the knowledge I had gained from attending careers events and doing my own research about companies in the accounting industry. In January this year I started my graduate job at KPMG Australia as an Accountant within the Corporate Audit Division.

What are the benefits of undertaking work experience while still at university? Undertaking work experience while studying is crucial to show to your potential employers that you can juggle multiple responsibilities at once. Performing well in your university subjects, although very important is usually not enough to have a strong application. Your marks are only one aspect of your resume which will be looked at by potential employers, you need to display that you are a strong all round candidate who is proactive and performs well in all situations whether that be work experience, joining the committee of a university club, volunteering etc. Although work experience in your target industry is looked upon favourably, don't be afraid to gain work experience in a completely unrelated industry. It is not always important what job you are performing, but the impact that you have and the relationships that you develop. What are important skills for accounting interns/ grads to possess? For an accounting internship or graduate position it is not essential to have a deep understanding of the technical skills required to perform your task as most firms will provide you with extensive training in this area. Despite this there are a few skills that are useful that will help you perform well in your role; a strong attention to detail, willingness to learn, initiative to make a meaningful impact and maintaining professional skepticism. Where's next for you? I have been enjoying my first few months at KPMG and I am looking forward to starting the Chartered Accountancy program in June. In the near future I hope to secure a secondment position at a KPMG office overseas for a period of up to 6 months. I have no long term goal in particular, but will look to pursue any exciting or interesting opportunities as they arise.


Don’t just dream of a better future, create it. Rebecca Glover is a Chartered Accountant and the Chief Financial Officer of World Vision Australia. We sat down with Rebecca to find out how becoming a CA has helped her to become a difference maker. What is a ‘typical’ day for you? On a typical day, I have a range of conversations and decisions I need to make with regards to primarily the financial management of the organisation. One of the key things that I pay a lot of attention to is understanding what it is that our supporters are interested in funding. What it is that from a field side they have needs in, and understanding how to match those resources that are coming from those donors to those needs in the field. As the chief financial officer, it is imperative for me to be able to say hand on heart that we have done the best we can to make sure our resources are deployed to their maximum effect. What do you enjoy most about your role? What actually brings me a great sense of contentment is the idea that I am using my life as best I can, with the skills that I have, trying to help others. I feel like, in the role that I do now, I am actually using those skills to benefit as many people as possible, and in many corners of the globe. There is something inherently rewarding about knowing that the decisions you make, or the analysis that you’re doing, the report that you’re building, whatever that is, is ultimately to serve others. What advice would you give to students interested in a career in the not-for-profit sector? Get out there and volunteer. It’ll give you a taste of what the sector is actually like. It’s incredibly diverse, and it is very different from the for profit sector, it’s motivated by very different things. The decisions that the organisation makes are based on different criteria. And as an organisation that is there to help other people, I want to employ people who find that intrinsically rewarding. Because to me, this isn’t just any other job. This is a job that other people are depending on us to do our job well. So I’m interested in hiring people who demonstrate that they are interested in helping others too. How do you think becoming a Chartered Accountant has helped your career? I think being a Chartered Accountant has been the key stepping stone in my career. I don’t think I would have had the opportunity to work at the calibre of organisations that I have. I certainly wouldn’t be able to take on this role as Chief Financial Officer at World Vision Australia without having that particular designation. To see the video of Rebecca’s journey, other inspirational CA stories and information on becoming a CA go to youunlimitedanz.com The information in this advertisement is of a general nature only and is not intended to be advice. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) does not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, view or opinion expressed in this advertisement. © 2017 Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand ABN 50 084 642 571. All rights reserved. 418-DEC-17



Accounting Internship Profile // Matthew D’Cruz at American Express

“the ability to work hard as well as communicate effectively with your team is vital”


What made you want to pursue a career in Accounting? Throughout my time at high school, I always maintained a strong interest in pursuing a career in the financial world and this was particularly evident in my choice of Year 11 and 12 subjects of Business Studies, Economics and Mathematics. Furthermore, I always kept up to date with current business affairs by reading the Economist and the Australian Financial Review as well as investing in the stock market. Also, I was always aware that a career in Accounting provides a strong framework for success in the financial world and would potentially enable me to create my own business upon graduation.

“The benefit of undertaking an internship at university is the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge that you learn in the corporate world.�

How did you find your internship and where was it at?

What are the most important skills for accounting interns to possess?

I was lucky enough to gain my internship through my Bachelor of Accounting course which enabled me to participate in a 6-month full-time internship at American Express. However, there are many resources available at UTS which can help you find internships, such as the excellent UTS Careers Team.

I believe that one of the most important skills is attention to detail as it can be very easy to miss important information when reviewing a company’s financial statements. Also, the ability to work hard as well as communicate effectively with your team is vital to being able to complete your tasks on time and to the best of your ability.

Can you describe what your role was?

What was your favorite aspect of working in accounting?

I was given the role of a Financial Analyst in the Corporate Controllership Team at American Express. Essentially, this team was focused on conducting the significant internal and external reporting procedures to both key internal and external stakeholders. Thus, my role was to comprehensively prepare, review and provide commentary on the monthly financial statements at American Express, primarily the Profit and Loss Statement. As part of my role, I also conducted a number of reconciliations, banking transactions, invoicing as well as other ad-hoc administrative tasks. What are the benefits of undertaking an internship whilst still at university? The primary benefit of undertaking an internship at university is the opportunity that it gives you to apply the theoretical knowledge that you learn at university in the corporate world. Furthermore, it gives you a significant head start against other university students once you start applying for graduate jobs at the end of your degree as employers are constantly looking for students with quality work experience and skills.

My favourite aspect of accounting was understanding exactly how a business operates. At American Express, I was able to understand the unique business model that the organisation possesses and precisely how it attracts new customers whilst also retaining its current ones. Furthermore, by working in the organisation, I was able to see how every department, from IT to Marketing to Finance, were all interrelated and how collaboration within the business is vital to its success. Where next for you? I am currently starting my 2nd year of the Bachelor of Accounting Program (Majoring in Accounting and Sub-major in Economics) and have obtained a part-time job at Junkee Media, which is a digital media startup based in Surry Hills, mainly due to the experience that I gained during my internship at American Express.


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Graduate Profile Name: Rebecca Tarbert Division: Audit & Assurance What is your greatest achievement since joining Nexia? The amount that I have learnt in just one year is something I see as a massive achievement. Also work has been really supportive throughout our CA studies and I received a Pass with Merit for my first module.

What do you enjoy most about your role? My experience has been that Nexia invests a lot in training their graduates and my ongoing development has been fantastic. I also enjoy working with a wide variety of clients from different industry backgrounds, and being able to work at different places with different teams.

What do you find challenging about your role? Audit is very much a people job, dealing with different personalities and also deadlines can be challenging at times. Growing together with the other graduates roles has been very motivating and they are very supportive. Everyone in the audit team is always willing to help, no matter the question, which has helped me throughout my first year.

Who is Nexia With over 60 partners and 590 staff, Nexia has grown into one of Australia and New Zealand’s leading chartered accountancy firms. With ties to Nexia International, a top 10 global accountancy firm, we offer a full service accounting solution working across a range of industries and market leaders.


Senior Auditor // Gow Varathakeyan at BDO Tell us a bit about yourself, what uni you went to, and what did you study? I completed a Bachelor in Commerce and completed two majors being accounting and international business. I completed these at the University of New South Wales and completed this in 2013. Did you know what you wanted to do as a career while you were in uni? Not at all! You speak a lot to people older than you when they’re going through application processes, and try to gauge what’s the best option for you. As you talk to people already in their field’s, the unknown is daunting but also very exciting. What I noticed was that there was a common theme that most people were looking for big names, whether it be in commerce or in a public practice accounting firm.

“I get to work with senior levels of staff who have a wealth of experience from different parts of the world”


What is your current role and how did you get your start in it? I’m currently a senior in audit. I know I wanted to be in audit within a firm because when I was nearing completion of my degree I didn’t know what industry I would enjoy the most. Whilst researching available opportunities I thought I wanted to be in retail, then I thought I would enjoy financial services, or maybe even a not for profit. I aimed for a mid-tier that would expose me to a whole range of industries as opposed to specialising. Now my client base is of all different sizes spread amongst all three industries.

“the most important thing about being an accountant is being adaptive and learning and the best way to do this is to ask for help”

What do you enjoy the most about your current role?

Do you get to give anything back to the community?

I work for BDO which is the fifth largest accounting firm in the world. This means I get to work with senior levels of staff who have a wealth of experience from different parts of the world as well as different life experiences. In addition to this, my first day on the job included liaising with clients of all different levels from CFO’s to accounts assistants. As I mentioned before, I am not limited to one industry, so the clients I work with all have different views on business strategies and goals, and in order to provide the best service I need to be on top of regulatory requirements. I am constantly being challenged because all of my clients are continuing to improve and better themselves. In summary, what I love the most about my role is the amount I learn and who I’m learning from.

Yes! With two of my colleagues and the sponsorship of BDO, we established a young professionals networking group. This stemmed from identifying a gap within the young professionals community that are expected to have soft skills that comes from networking but lack the opportunity to do so. This gave rise to the birth of “BOND” that enables all young professionals across different industries to regularly meet and become aware of the happenings in other industries. More importantly, it enables young professionals to build long term connections that support each other under a professional realm.

Flexibility: I’m very lucky to be in a firm and a profession that promotes flexible working. Although there are days where I work long hours, there is definitely ways to make it work so that you can still commit to personal affairs. The culture is driven on performance rather than set hours. How do you overcome the challenges you face in your role? Asking for help. The most important thing about being an accountant is being adaptive and learning and the best way to do this is to ask for help. The support system I have within my professional and personal life is extremely strong and powers growth both technically and interpersonally.

What advice would you give to students who are wanting to head into a professional role? In uni and high school you become accustomed to communicating with people similar to you, because you live in the same area, you want to study the same thing, or you go to the same sporting club. Once you enter industry, you’re expected to have conversations with clients and your team. The difference from when you’re in a learning institution to when you enter the workforce is that everyone you meet possesses various backgrounds and experiences. It’s important to develop soft skills that will promote rapport with the people you’re working with.



Senior Group Accountant // Chloe Cabezas at Woolworths

“when overcoming any challenge, in any role, make sure to invest the time to think about how you will approach it and make your plan of attack”

Tell us a bit about yourself, what uni you went to, and what did you study? I attended UTS and completed the UTS BAcc program. Once I finished uni, I started as a graduate at EY and during my time there I was fortunate enough to be seconded to the EY Boston office. After my secondment, I took 3 months off and travelled through Europe. I recently moved to Woolworths and am now part of the Corporate Finance function. Did you know what you wanted to do as a career while you were in uni? I always knew that I wanted a career in something commerce/business related and given the opportunities I was presented throughout the BAcc program, I decided that I enjoyed Accounting and have not looked back since! What is your current role and how did you get your start in it? My current role is a Senior Group Accountant in the Corporate Finance function of Woolworths. I got into this role through my network – I had previously worked with the hiring Manager and he let me know when the opportunity came up in his team.


What do you enjoy the most about your current role?

Do you get to give anything back to the community?

I enjoy learning something new every day– whether it be challenging technical accounting concepts or about the commercial aspects of the business. Given the size of Woolworths, there is always something new to learn every day. I also enjoy the people I work with – everyone has had such diverse experiences and journeys and are always willing to share their knowledge and intelligence with me.

When I first started at Woolworths, as part of the induction process, it is mandatory to spend a week working in the stores to gain exposure and an understanding of how our stores operate and the challenges the staff face on a daily basis. We also get this opportunity to help out in the stores during the peak busy periods of the retail season (e.g. Easter and Christmas).

How do you overcome the challenges you face in your role? There is never one way to overcome a challenge– however one thing that is common when overcoming any challenge in any role is to make sure to invest the time to think about how you will approach it and make your plan of attack. In doing so you can make more informed decisions that you are not likely to regret later and also approach the challenge with the right attitude and state of mind. The most effective way of learning is from being challenged so it is important that you make the most of every challenge thrown your way.

What advice would you give to students who are wanting to head into a professional role? My advice would be to be open to any learning opportunity and don’t write things off before experiencing it. You will never know what you enjoy (and what you dislike!) until you experience it for yourself. Another key piece of advice that I highly value is only you can take charge of your own learning and development – it is up to you to have the drive and initiative to further develop yourself (and it is also highly rewarding!).


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Do you know what it takes to build a better working world? Better defines the way we work and starts with asking questions like, what’s next? You see, the biggest breakthroughs in the world happen by asking these two small but powerful words. With the world in the midst of a Transformative Age, we need to respond to rapidly changing circumstances. And that’s what we’re all about at EY. We’re looking to disrupt the way things are done. While others may be braced for change, at EY we’re embracing it. That’s how we’re able to inspire our people to harness new possibilities to build a better working world for themselves and those around them. Whether your career lies in providing assurance services to leading ASX-listed companies, GST insights to entrepreneurial start-ups, transaction advice on public private partnerships or managing risk and capitalising on opportunities, you’ll gain invaluable skills, experience and a lifetime of contacts that will set you up for a successful career — no matter which path you choose.

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Business Analyst // Alexandra Dodson CA at Toyota Financial Services Tell us a bit about yourself, what uni you went to, and what did you study? I completed my Bachelor of Business at UTS, majoring in Finance and Accounting.

“I would recommend any students that are interested in pursuing a career in accounting to start their careers working in a Chartered Firm due to the vast opportunities which they present.”


In addition to being a bit of a numbers nerd, I love to keep active and fit – I have competed in a number of Tough Mudders, I play weekly touch football and netball and attend gym classes. I am also a keen traveller – I have travelled solo to 30 countries in the past 5 years! Did you know what you wanted to do as a career while you were in uni? When I studied The Bachelor of Business at UTS, the course was structured so to enable students to study a variety of business subjects (Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Economics etc.) in your first year before deciding your majors. This opportunity gave me a good indication what I preferred by the completion of my first year. I didn’t know exactly what kind of career I wanted, however, I had heard that accounting would give me the best foundation of knowledge for working in a business environment. Given that I enjoyed working with numbers and the large number of graduate opportunities available for accounting, it was an easy choice!

What is your current role and how did you get your start in it?

How do you overcome the challenges you face in your role?

My current role is as a Business Analyst for Toyota Financial Services, which is a mixture of management accounting, internal reporting & analysis, and procurement. I was fortunate enough to obtain my current role due to the varied experience, confidence and leadership skills I acquired whilst working in Business Advisory at a Chartered firm.

Once of my largest challenges is time management. I have so many tasks & projects which I am involved in, so to overcome that challenge I need to ensure that I am well organised and that I have good communication with my managers for my progress. Do you get to give anything back to the community?

I started as a Graduate at William Buck Chartered Accountants and worked there for a number of years whilst completing my CA qualifications. I would highly recommend any students that are interested in pursuing a career in accounting to start their careers working in a Chartered Firm due to the vast opportunities which they present.

In addition to being on the YCA Panel, I am the Secretary for the YCA Toastmasters club. I also enjoy taking part in activities for a cause (e.g. raising funds for a charity to run in the City to Surf).

What do you enjoy the most about your current role?

What advice would you give to students who are wanting to head into a professional role?

I enjoy the variation of my day-to-day tasks and the experience of having interaction with other stakeholders in the company, both internally and externally.

Don’t give up on those other passions outside of study – sports, hobbies & travelling. All these extracurricular passions demonstrate a wellrounded and dedicated student! Employers tend to look for new employees who are passionate, demonstrate initiative, speak their mind (but of course with respect) and who like to contribute (both to their team & the overall company).

Fortunately, I have the opportunity to take part in a large number of projects within the company from development stage to implementation. It is so encouraging to see positive changes in the workplace, and being part of that process is a rewarding experience.




Your Future: In Economics Economics is the study of the decisions individuals, businesses, and governments make as they deal with the key issue of scarcity in the production of goods and services, and the transfer of wealth.

As globalisation brings us closer together, the understanding of economic concepts is invaluable in the number of job opportunities in a multitude of industries locally and internationally.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Economics?

What can I look to be doing within Economics after I graduate?

Businesses operate within the economy and many of the prospects and problems faced by a business are influenced or determined by the economy.

Economics is fundamentally about choices and the impact of our choices on each other and on society. Regardless of career path, an economic understanding is a powerful tool.

Studying the Economics major at the UTS Business School provides students with the professional skills, knowledge and understanding that enhance their capabilities in each of the professional areas within business.

Many graduates either work in an economic consulting team, as data analysts, statisticians, market analysts or policy analysts.



Profile of an Economics Student // Lachlan Peden

What made you choose to major in economics? When starting my Business degree at UTS I was planning on following a career path in accounting and had never really considered economics. It was when I started the core economics subject in my first year that I really became enamoured with the field. By looking at how different externalities and government policies could be used to affect business practices, the subject resonated with my desire to learn about the broader world like no other subject did. Coincidentally it was also around this time that I began to read "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything" by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, under the recommendation of a friend (and I would now recommend to you). The idea that economics is the field that seeks explain and solve diverse real world problems analytically was exactly what inspired me to pursue a future career in the field. What skills has studying economics provided you with, and what effects do these have on your everyday life? Unlike other business disciplines, economics is not an exact science with various different theories and schools of thought. As a result studying economics really encourages you to think critically about information and to develop the ability to analyse and find logical explanations behind information. This has really helped me to develop an understanding of the reasoning behind government, corporate and individual decisions. What is a goal of yours? Where do you see your economics major getting you in 5 years? Well in terms of a career in economics it has been an aspiration of mine that my job will require me to help form decisions that will have an impact on the lives of a diverse range of people. So potentially a policy advisory role in a major financial institution. In terms of a 5 year plan, once I graduate in 2019 hopefully I’ll land a graduate role that will start me off on my career path! Ive also considered the possibility of continuing in postgraduate studies.


Since majoring in economics, have you been exposed to any roles and activities at UTS or in industry? Over my years at UTS I've had the opportunity to speak to a multitude of corporate representatives at UTS careers fairs and networking events held by The UTS Business School and BSoc. When people think of a career in economics, the immediate conclusions drawn are that you are constrained to either working for the RBA or some other government department that is involved in economic policy making. But one thing I've learnt from spending time with these industry professionals is that the analytical skills learned in an economics major are in demand a lot more broadly than you think. What advice do you have for prospective students who are in the process of choosing their majors? Don't feel like your choice in major will define your future career path, the skills and information you learn can be applicable to a wide range of jobs. For example, what you learn in an economics major can be applicable to a job in marketing research. A major in accounting doesn't put you in a box constraining you into working for one of the 'big 4' accounting firms. A major in finance won't mean that you need to become an investment banker who works 20 hours a day. You get the picture! It's also a good idea to do your research and look into what kind of content you will be faced with in each major, particularly in core subjects that you have to do. If you hate mathematics and numbers, it might not be the best idea to undertake a major in finance.

Your Future: In Marketing A career in marketing is one of the most creative fields in the business industry and is vital for the success of any organisation.

There is no limit to the range of industries or organisations that you can work for in the marketing profession.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Marketing?

What can I look to be doing within marketing after I graduate?

Through undertaking a marketing major, you have the opportunity to learn about the way that people think and behave, as well as how you can effectively market products or services to them in a way that appeals to them.

Many marketing graduates upon finishing university commence entry-level positions in a marketing or sales role. These roles include:

You also have the opportunity to take up a Marketing Communications major, which has more of a focus on advertising and the strategic decisions that go behind certain advertising campaigns a company may wish to undertake. The marketing skill set that is gained through undertaking either of these majors is highly regarded by employees and the skills and knowledge you gain are completely transferable to any industry sector for any product or service.

— Sales and Marketing Assistant — Marketing Analyst — Insight Analyst — Marketing Coordinator — Social Media Advisor — Events Coordinator What does my career progression look like in the field of marketing? As you gain greater experience within the field of marketing, the opportunity for careers progression increases as well. Different career progression opportunities include: — Marketing Manager — Marketing Director — Marketing Executive — Brand Manager — Product Manager — Services Experience and Quality Manager



Marketing Intern // Vivian Tran at Adobe

Why did you choose to major in marketing? I chose to major in Marketing because I felt the industry is becoming more dynamic and more digitalised. It is quite fascinating to me how the way you communicate a product can have the potential to shape the perspective that a consumer has– in the context of purchase, decision-making, etc. How did you find your internship? Including how you applied and what the process was like.

“I am offered great wisdom and experience so working on a day-today basis is a constant learning activity for me.”


I am currently interning at Adobe and the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). I’ll start off with Adobe. I applied to Adobe via LinkedIn where I had to go through a phone interview with the Customer Success Manager. After I passed that stage, it was followed by a face to face interview with the Executive Marketing Manager and Partner Marketing Manager. The final interview was with the Senior Marketing Manager in Digital Marketing as well as the Senior Marketing Manager in Creative Cloud for Individuals. It was quite a lengthy process with lots of approval to go through– but the best part was receiving feedback for each interview that I had with Adobe. My advice is, speak with confidence– on the phone and face to face too. Ground some belief in yourself too that you suit the job without a doubt– that all the experiences you have accumulated beforehand was worth it. For my internship at UTS as a web designer– it was via CareerHub, where I was invited to an interview with the Director of Student Services Unit in UTS.

What does a day in the life of a marketing intern look like?

Any tips/advice you would give to marketing students looking for marketing roles?

A day in the life of an intern… well, let me just start off– there are a heap of meetings to attend! I am nearing two months since I’ve first started my internship and it has been amazing. It made me realise how important culture fit is. This can be stretched to how you interact with your colleagues, how you adapt to the business, etc. Time management is a valuable skill too– because tasks are often given with a designated time frame. Working in such a fast pace environment has been stressful but it has been a great experience– there’s always something new to learn every day. We have monthly team lunches where we would be out of the office as a team (to foster team bonding) or Friday drinks. I also had the fortunate opportunity to network and learn more about various agencies that are linked to Adobe i.e. sponsorship, event management, web development, etc. as well as Adobe employees from all over the world!

The tip I will give is, to not be let down by rejections. With every rejection– opens a new opportunity. I didn’t gain experience until my second year of university– that was when I started to panic and freak out about the ‘future’. So do not be afraid if you are lacking experience, there is always time to obtain it. I’ve started off with unpaid work followed by doing almost every extracurricular activity in UTS. Job searching was dependent on CareerHub, which to my luck– landed an internship at the university as a web designer.

What do you enjoy the most, and find most challenging about your role? I enjoy the company of my colleagues and their willingness to lend a hand whenever I need it. I am offered great wisdom and experience so working on a day-to-day basis is a constant learning activity for me. However, the most challenging task is managing my tasks (prioritising what is important) as well as my time.

The main thing is, in life you’re going to come across many opportunities– but it is a matter of knowing your self-worth. I was offered various internships at the time (before Adobe) ranging from a paid full time role at a marketing agency at Manly to an unpaid eight-month role in Newtown. Even with these offers, I chose not to accept them. It was a risk, I do agree. Many argued to me– why did you not take it? My answer is– don’t be tempted by greed of any cost, measure or opportunity but make choices that sees best for yourself. Knowing that I had an interview with Adobe at the time, the chances of getting hired was 1 in 500. Even with that in mind, I neglected all my other intern offers and chose to take the risk. In summation, if you don’t have experience– it is not too late, start off unpaid. If you have multiple offers– prioritise the best option where possible and in some cases, take the risk because you never know where it may take you.



Sales & Marketing Intern // Nicole Staff at Mirvac

What convinced you to choose a major in Marketing? Marketing is a major with a diverse range of subjects where you can develop a range of transferable skills. You practice your communication and presentation skills in all marketing subjects and I’ve found it a great help over the past three years. You develop skills in both qualitative and quantitative research through subjects like Marketing Research and more creative marketing skills through subjects like Integrated Marketing Communications. Marketing teams exist in all industries and pursuing marketing means that I have the flexibility to work in a variety industries. A marketing major gives you skills that you can utilise wherever your career may take you, which makes it a great choice for a major.


How did find your internship, including how you applied and what the process was like? My Sales and Marketing internship at Mirvac was an extremely valuable experience. I learnt a lot about Marketing and the property industry in a short period of time, giving me a range of basic skills and knowledge that will help me pursue Marketing as a career. I rotated through different teams within Sales and Marketing which allowed me to not only understand various parts of the business but also what area of marketing I want to continue to gain experience in. At times it was challenging and I had to learn quickly but it was these challenges that made the whole internship that much more valuable. The application process included an online application, phone interview and an assessment centre. The process tested various skills through the various tests, group activities and interviews. It was a challenging and rewarding process that gave you the opportunity to demonstrate your best qualities and potential which helped the company understand more about you, whilst you were given the chance to learn more about the company itself. It tested your cultural fit, and after the process I felt as though I was able to get a better sense of the company which helped me decide that Mirvac was the right place for me to compete an internship.

“It was a challenging and rewarding process that gave you the opportunity to demonstrate your best qualities and potential.”

What was the most unexpected part of your internship? As part of the intern program we completed innovation training. We were trained in how the innovation team at Mirvac works on a various projects and were then able to complete one ourselves within our first few weeks at the company. We completed primary research, collated data, drew conclusions and were able to present our findings to a leadership team. Tocbe able to contribute to another part of the business that I was not interning in was a great opportunity. We were able to work with other interns who came from a variety of teams across the business with different skill sets, learn more about other parts of the company and develop new skills outside our chosen field, which I did not expect we would be able to do.

What are some of the most important lessons you've learned from taking an internship? Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. When you complete a task you didn’t think you’d be able to, not only is it rewarding but that is how you grow. Over my internship I learned a great deal about both marketing and myself. It was a great chance to find out what areas of marketing I want to pursue and what areas aren’t for me. My internship got me out of my comfort zone, it pushed me to stop worrying about whether I could complete a task and made me just do it. You will make mistakes, but don’t be afraid to because that is where you will learn the most valuable lessons. And ask questions, that is how you learn! What are some tips you would give to the aspiring marketer? Get out there and give it a go. Apply for internships, marketing roles or volunteer marketing positions to gain the hands on experience that will help you find your passion in marketing. Marketing is so diverse and there will be jobs that you will enjoy and other roles you won’t but you won’t know until you try it. The experience and people you meet will help you grow, teach you a lot and help you define where you want to go. Speak to people in roles you may be interested in to find out what they do on an every day basis to try and gain insight into what you could be doing, but most importantly get out there and try it if you can. Going into marketing, communication is key, so practice your interview skills and be confident, that is what will help you land your first marketing role. Good luck!



Marketing Manager // Mariam at JA

Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you’re currently studying? Partnerships & Marketing Manager with a clear record of achievements in both Marketing and Human Resource Management Currently completing a Bachelor of Business focused in Human Resources Management and Marketing at UTS and due to graduate in 2019. I have a demonstrated history of being involved in extracurricular activities, including Marketing Director for UTS BusinessOne consulting group & UTS Women in Business. Did you know what you wanted to do as a career while you were at university? When I first started university, I wanted to pursue a career in HR however. After completing internships and working in HR I realised that the work was not as challenging and exciting for me. While, I still enjoy HR, Marketing is now my area of interest and something that I am really passionate about.

“I’ve also made a lot of connections and gained exposure across universities, companies and in the startup space.” 33

What does your current role entail? Being a Partnerships and Marketing manager is exciting especially in a startup ecosystem. My role requires me to oversee all marketing campaigns and outreach and driving all sponsorships with our current and prospective partners. What does a regular day look in your role, and what do you enjoy most about your current role? My day at JA Australia is never the same, I am always working on a new campaign. A regular day for me is usually extremely busy, always challenged and finding ways to keep my company relevant. I enjoy the new work that I am given weekly, I also have the autonomy to drive my campaigns. I’ve also made a lot of connections and gained exposure across universities, companies and in the startup space. What advice would you give to your former self starting out in university? Never tell yourself your not good enough! I wish I realised that you can be successful and good at what you do even if your not studying something that companies tend to want such as accounting and finance. I also wish I told myself to never be afraid and go after what you want. Since changing my mindset in 2nd year, I’ve become more ambitious, risk taker and hustling to ensure I get what I want.

Your Future: In Human Resources Human Resource Management (HRM) is an important pillar for the successful operations of a business because after all a business’ outputs are generated by people. The future of HRM is progressing to an elevated consumer and digital lens that maximises the importance.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in HRM?

What are the different areas of HR that I can go into?

Acquiring an understanding of HRM frameworks in Australia, internationally, as well as the broader context in which organisations operate is critical to a future in HRM.

Generalist Advice and Management This involves advice and management within a business unit, in order to improve the depth of talent and leadership and the culture.

The Human Resources Major in the UTS Business School equips its students with the knowledge of the responsibilities required to be an effective HR manager.

Specialist Advice and Management Specialist advice and management extends to varied areas such as organisational development, employee engagement, change management, performance management, remuneration and reward, workplace relations, talent management, learning and development, diversity and HR operational efficiency.

Through the HR Major, students are equipped with a knowledge of the theoretical bases of HRM and employment relations, as well as developing understandings and competencies associated with the practice of management. What can I look to be doing within HR after I graduate? HR Graduates upon finishing university are equipped with a skill-set to a work in a variety of industries. Many graduates commence entry-level positions that rotate around roles such as Human Resources Officer, Payroll Consultant, Recruitment Consultant. Possible career progression includes; Human Resources Manager, Human Resources Business Partner and Corporate Advisor.



UTS: accomplish award & accomplish intensive // Sara Sullivan Employability Consultant at UTS: Careers

While many students believe that university grades are the most important factor in securing a graduate role or internship, studies show that employers look for much more in a well-rounded graduate. Recent studies show that transferable skills are ranked by many employers as far more important in the recruitment process than university grades. According to a 2017 survey completed by the AAGE (Australian Association of Graduate Employers), the top ten skills assessed in the recruitment process by graduate employers are: —Cultural Fit —Teamwork —Interpersonal Skills —Problem Solving Skills —Motivational fit —Oral communication Skills —Integrity and trust —Written Communication Skills —Analytical Skills —Achieves results You will notice that University grades don’t even feature in the top ten – in fact, they come in at number 27! This means that, no matter what your degree is, you need to be more proactive in developing your skills outside of your degree. This could involve getting a part time job, volunteering in your community, landing an internship in your preferred industry or even taking an active role in your student society. All of these avenues allow you to build valuable skills that you will use in your graduate role.


It is never too early to start developing these transferable skills, even if you are a first year student. If you start now, these skills will be useful during the recruitment process as you will have a bank of experiences to draw on during those all-important behavioural based questions during an interview. Make a mental note of difficult customers you have dealt with and situations where you have led a team, because these are exactly the types of examples interviewers love to hear about in an interview. You may be reading this thinking, “I don’t know where to start!” If you are, don’t worry! The UTS Careers Service is here to help you become employer-ready. We have a number of programs to help you prepare for the job application process throughout your degree, whether you want to apply for a part-time job or an internship during your degree, for graduate roles in your final year or if you need a career kick-starter once you have reached the end of your degree.

UTS Accomplish Award

UTS Accomplish Intensive

The UTS Accomplish Award is a year-long program run by the Careers Service for penultimate and final year students from any faculty. The program is designed to improve students’ employability skills while encouraging them to build their transferable skills in the workplace.

The Accomplish Intensive program has been designed for students nearing the end of their degree to help them kick-start their job search. Like the Accomplish Award, Accomplish Intensive helps students refine and identify their skills and develop confidence when applying for jobs.

Students complete a series of interactive workshops across two semesters targeting important areas like interviews, networking, business etiquette, professional presentation, resume writing and mock group assessments. They also complete up to 100 employability hours across the year, enabling them to build their workplace skills, their resumes and also their networks. We have a number of fantastic employers involved each year from a variety of industries to help students gain insight into the recruitment process. Through workshops, they share their hints and tips for standing out in the crowd, and students also have an exclusive opportunity to interact further with them at a faculty-specific networking lunch, and a mock-interview at the end of the year. So, by participating in the Accomplish Award, not only will you have the skills to ace the recruitment process, you will have a resume full of employment experiences and some useful employer contacts as well! And to top it all off, you’ll receive the Accomplish Award certificate, signed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor to prove your commitment to the program, and the Award will even be listed on your AHEGS (conditions apply). Applications for the 2017 Accomplish Award are open until the 24th of March, 2017. Visit the careers website, www.careers.uts.edu.au and click on ‘Work-ready programs’ for details and to apply.

As part of the three-day interactive program, students participate in workshops designed to boost employability skills, including resume writing, interview skills, networking for beginners and dressing for success. We fit a lot into the three days! Participants still get to interact with employers at a networking event and meet them one-on-one at a mock interview. Accomplish Intensive runs three times throughout the year during semester breaks, with the next program running 3-5 July 2017. For more information on the Accomplish Award or Accomplish Intensive, please visit: www.careers.uts.edu.au and follow the links to ‘Work-ready Programs’. Need some help? Ask UTS:CAREERS While grades play an important role, employers look for much more than that in a graduate. Recent studies show that transferable skills, like communication, interpersonal skills, problem-solving and integrity, are ranked as more important in the recruitment process than academic results. UTS:Careers can help you get employer-ready. Our programs help you prepare for the recruitment process throughout your degree. Over the course of a year, penultimate and final year students can undertake the UTS Accomplish Award where they complete a series of interactive workshops targeting skills such as resume writing, assessment centres and interview techniques, 100 employability hours, and attend a facultyspecific networking lunch and a mock interview with employers. The Award also appears on your AHEGS (conditions apply). Employers from a range of industries also come along every year to help students gain insight into the recruitment process; some Accomplish graduates have even secured work with these employers after meeting in the program!



Building a Great Student Profile Showcase your experience and professional interests on LinkedIn!

Your headline is a short, memorable professional slogan. For example, “Honors student seeking marketing position.” Check out the profiles of students and recent alumni you admire for ideas.



Pick an appropriate photo.

Show off your education.

LinkedIn isn’t Facebook. Upload a high-quality photo (your profile will be 7x more likely to be viewed) of you alone, professionally dressed. No party shots, cartoon avatars, or puppy pics!

Include all your schools, major(s) and minor, courses, and study abroad or summer programs. Don’t be shy — LinkedIn is an appropriate place to show off your GPA, test scores, and honors or awards.



Write an informative profile headline.



Develop a professional Summary.

Fill “Skills & Expertise” with keywords.

Your Summary statement is like the first few paragraphs of your best-written cover letter — concise and confident about your qualifications and goals. Include relevant work and extracurriculars.

This section is the place to include keywords and phrases that recruiters search for. Find relevant ones in job listings that appeal to you and profiles of people who have the kinds of roles you want.



Show your connectedness.

Update your status regularly.

Groups you join appear at the bottom of your profile. Joining some shows that you want to engage in professional communities and learn the lingo. Start with your university and industry groups.

Posting updates helps you stay on your network’s radar and build your professional image. Mention your projects, professional books or articles, or events you’re attending. Many recruiters read your feed!

Collect diverse recommendations.


The best profiles have at least one recommendation for each position a person has held. Recruiters are most impressed by recommendations from people who have directly managed you.

9 Claim your unique LinkedIn URL. To increase the professional results that appear when people search for you online, set your LinkedIn profile to “public” and create a unique URL (e.g., www.linkedin.com/in/JohnSmith).


Share your work.

You can also add actual examples of your writing, design work, or other accomplishments on your profile, where you can share rich media or documents. What better way to sell your skills than to show employers exactly what you can produce?

Get a Great Profile. Get going at www.linkedin.com Copyright © 2013 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.



Beyond Corporate // Mathew Sayer

Matthew is the Operations and Growth Manager at Ribit.net, a project based out of CSIRO's Data61. A recent UTS graduate, Matthew completed a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. During his final years of studying at UTS, Matthew became heavily engaged with startups and entrepreneurship both on campus and within the broader scene. Matthew was in the pilot cohort of the Hatchery program and became President of the Entrepreneurship Society. He quickly discovered the endless possibilities and opportunities of a career in startups and decided against the corporate route that his classmates were progressing towards.

Why might a student choose to work for a startup over a corporate office? As they say, the smaller the company, the broader the work. It’s true! In a startup you’ll likely be required to work in a way your university classes haven’t prepared you for. At a startup, your role and responsibilities could change frequently, where in six months time you may be doing something totally different from the role you were hired to do. If you thrive in an environment of momentum and rapid change, then you might choose to work in a startup. In some cases corporate office culture could be a dampener to the enthusiasm a student or recent graduate carries with them, whereas startup foundations are developed on their culture and values. Your commitment in the early days could allow you to help contribute to a workplace culture you want to be a part of. How about gamified sales targets, lunchtime yoga, or Monday Morning Mojitos?

“A role in a startup could make you feel challenged, but at the end of each day you’ll likely also feel rewarded and valued as an individual, playing a critical role in a team.”


What are the biggest advantages of working in startups?

What are the greatest challenges as a student/ graduate working for a startup?

Founders and startup teams are motivated by change and impact. Considering themselves problem solvers, they are inclined to see the world in a different light, and ask the question ‘Is there a better way?’. If you love problem solving, there will be few similar opportunities to help you feel like a part of a solution.

Startups are constituted by small teams, often lacking formalised structure. This might be confusing if you’re accustomed to more structure. Sometimes lack of structure might lead to bad working habits, which you might carry with you throughout your career.

A role in a startup could make you feel challenged, but at the end of each day you’ll likely also feel rewarded and valued as an individual, playing a critical role in a team on a mission to succeed in a competitive marketplace. Another major advantage of working for a startup is the rapid learning capacity and potential for growth. As an employee in a startup, you’ll usually be encouraged to try new things, take more risks, and experiment with various projects or tasks. With this experience, you can determine for yourself what you most enjoy working on, and what you’re good at.

Corporate offices generally have highly specialised roles, meaning that as problems occur they’re addressed by the most appropriate person or team. Compare this to a startup environment whereby any problem may soon become your problem to fix. It is important to use this as a growth opportunity to hone your problem solving skills and quickly remedy the issue.



What sort of a person would typically thrive in a startup (ie. characteristics, personality, experience/skills)? Startup founders are likely to prefer their team to be self-motivated, adaptable, organised, and confident. The startup environment generally suits people who cope well with change and uncertainty, enjoy taking calculated risks and aren’t afraid to take initiative. Startups are small, close-knit teams, so having a high level of empathy, teamwork and communication, are all extremely important attributes for a potential employee. Whilst prior work experience with startups could be beneficial (especially if it is in the same industry) it is certainly not a prerequisite to be successful. Most importantly, startup founders look for people who are open to new ideas, willing to work quickly, iterate, test, and open up new opportunities for the business. Is cultural fit more important for startups, and what if I don’t think i’d fit into a particular office?

Is it harder to transition from startup to corporate rather than corporate to startup?

Cultural fit is absolutely essential within companies of all shapes and sizes. Startup founders often place a greater emphasis on the importance of culture when recruiting due to startup teams being much smaller than corporate offices. Lack of structured hierarchy makes it more important to have people who value similar things because people become the culture. If you don’t get along with someone it may make for an unpleasant work environment for everyone since startups have fewer people. There also may not be the luxury of diversifying into other departments or groups, like one could do within a larger corporate organisation.

Both career paths require time and effort for proper transition and much depends on the individual, how the company is structured and managed, and how the culture differs between the two. In a startup, you will likely be responsible for your own time and daily workload, setting your own tasks, priorities and goals. If you transition into a corporate role, it may mean you no longer need to do this. Instead you might be given set milestones to achieve, and will be closely monitored to ensure you’re tracking accordingly. Either of these can make for a difficult or easy transition depending on your personality, your manager and the support within an organisation. What sort of experience do you need to work in a startup? If you have more autonomy, don’t you need more experience? As previously mentioned, experience is not always necessary. When applying for a startup, the founder(s) would likely want to determine two things; firstly, do you have the skills to do the tasks relevant to the job, and secondly, do you have what it takes to learn and be taught the skills to get the job done. The second factor, will be based upon your cultural fit within the startup and your ability to learn and absorb from the team around you. Greater autonomy does not always require greater experience. Instead what one needs to succeed is room to fail safely and a team that embraces your abilities and dedicates time to improving your capabilities. This can help you feel more confident to run with greater autonomy. Startups do require you have a greater sense of ownership - as they say, with great power comes great responsibility!


“The startup environment generally suits people who cope well with change and uncertainty, enjoy taking calculated risks and aren’t afraid to take initiative.”

As a business student, am I restricted to fintech companies, or could I work for a startup in a different field?

What if I had an idea and wanted to have a startup of my own in the future. What would be the first step I take?

You can work for whatever startup suits you! Business students shouldn’t restrict themselves to any particular domain, but instead should aim to understand the transferability of their skills into different areas of a business or into a startup within a different field. Finance students and graduates might find themselves of value to a financial technology (fintech) company, due to a shared understanding of the industry, however in practical terms their skills might be better utilised in an eCommerce startup, a fashion startup, or a logistics startup.

A major reason why people all around the world decide to work for a startup, is so that they can understand what it takes to run a business for themselves. For the wantrepreneurs like you out there, time in a startup can be an appropriate first step that allows you to learn from the founders and team members and upskill your expertise so that you’re ready to go out on your own.

As a business student considering a career in a startup, it is necessary to embrace and understand the reliance on technology. Most startups are software or hardware related, or have a reliance on such technologies to operate.

Another step to take is finding a mentor who is willing to provide guidance, support and keep you accountable for your actions. Many startup founders are open to mentorship arrangements as a way of giving back to the next generation of entrepreneurs. Find someone who fascinates and inspires you; someone who you’d like to follow in their footsteps and learn from.

This means that you too, will rely on technology to complete your job. Business students and graduates are often hired within startups for; accounting, forecasting, planning, business development, sales, data analysis, financial reporting, process improvement, strategy, project management, analytics, communications, digital marketing, marketing research, and social media management.



Where do I look if I want to work for a startup?

Any final advice?

Startups generally work from co-working spaces, incubators and accelerator programs. They also attend startup related events, pitching competitions and meetups. If you want to work in a startup, you’re very likely to meet the decision-makers of startups at these real-life networking events.

Whether you decide to enter the world of startups, or if it’s your dream to become a corporate bigwig, either option presents an opportunity to learn and grow. Whatever your career path is, my advice is to jump at opportunities to learn. Rarely do you see a linear career, and there is always opportunities for lateral movement.

Finding a casual job, internship or graduate role in a startup may be difficult at first, because you don’t know where to look online. Unlike corporations, startups don’t usually have the time, resources, processes and marketing for formalised recruitment. This has allowed for the emergence of student recruitment services such as Ribit.net. Ribit is a free jobs matching platform run by CSIRO’s Data61, to connect tertiary students and graduates with paid jobs, internships and projects in startups and technology companies.


Your Future: In Consulting Consulting is one of the broadest career paths within the business world as it involves working across many different sectors and industries. The opportunities available for consultants are numerous as is the variety of work that you will be able to engage with.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Consulting?

What can I look to be doing within consulting after I graduate?

Your business degree helps to foster various skills, Many consulting graduates upon finishing such as the ability to critically analyse information, university commence entry-level positions in a working with in a team and solving complex consulting role. Graduate roles often consist of: problems. These skills are vital for effective communication and client management. — Advisory Analyst — Strategy Analyst A consulting major can open various opportunities — IT Analyst within a large range of roles within large — Supply Chain Graduate consulting and professional service firms. — Technical Analyst in specific areas such as Actuarial What does consulting actually involve? The main role of consultants revolves around managing financial information and analysing it in order to provide specialist advice to clients on business decisions they face. The aim is to provide clients with unique and successful solutions to their complex problems, often thinking outside the box.

What does my career progression look like in the field of consulting? As you experience in the field of consulting grows, the opportunity for careers progression increases as well. Different career progression opportunities include: — Private Equity Analyst — Strategy Manager — Consulting Director — Research Executive — Performance Improvement Manager



Business Intern Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you’re currently studying? My name is Chris, and I’m a 5th year Bachelor of Business (Finance) and IT student. Coming into the university, I would say that I was quite career driven and worked initially as an Assurance Cadet in PwC for three years, until I took a leap an opportunity to join Google. Outside of traditional work, I also volunteer my time leading the BusinessOne Consulting Society at UTS, love being super creative with food and computers - and am an avid snorkeler around the world.

“Have the willingness to go above and beyond. You will be surrounded by exceptional people who will challenge you to be your best.”

How did you find out about your current role, and what do you think helped you successfully land the internship position? I actually came upon the opportunity by chance. It pays to read the UTS newsletter once in a while, and had not noticed that Google was coming to campus in a couple of weeks time and so I made sure I cleared my schedule to attend. During the event, Google explained that they are on the lookout for Business Interns across Marketing, Sales, Finance and Law while revealing application tips and tricks. At the same time, I would have to say that the single biggest reason that helped me to gain this role was a great conversation with one of the Managers, while people scrambled for the free pizza. From there, she had pushed my name forward to the interview round in which I had prepared common interview questions. She then interviewed me and later became my manager. Google will be coming to campus around April 2018, and I’d definitely recommend participating this year!


// Christopher Tran at Google

What would you say are the most important aspects to succeed in an Internship?

What advice do you give to a business student interested in pursuing an internship?

Google at its core is a Technology company. However, the Business component is similar to most commercial companies. I believe the aspects that are important to a successful internship are:

Do whatever it takes. There is no secret in landing an internship - you are able to Google how to. However, what I feel sets people apart is those who actually carry out how to get an Internship and take the extra mile.

If you are going to do something, do it properly. Have the willingness to go above and beyond. You will be surrounded by exceptional people who will challenge you to be your best. You will also be competing with other students for potential Graduate roles. Be a self-starter. Do not wait for something to happen, make it happen! This draws back to initiative which I have experienced puts the biggest smile on your team’s faces. Understand the big picture. Ensure you understand why your work is important and what impact this has. This will help you do a better job. Have fun. Your employers are still people who want to work with people. Don't be afraid to showcase your personality which will help figure out if that is the place for you.

Go to those networking events. Yes, you may miss out on watching the latest Netflix release, but when contemplating between two options, ask yourself: What is going to help me more in future? Be Different. A lot of people have had great grades, a retail job, a society position, so what makes you special? Identify that and leverage it in your applications. Was the role of what you expected to be? Definitely not. The role revolved around the question “What are you passionate about?�. I was able to completely choose the type of work to complete as there was a profound sense of trust with the team. It is unlike other internships. At Google, there is little structure - whatever I did, I had to have a positive impact on the team and our clients.



Performance Improvement (Advisory) // Jessica Fung at EY


Tell us a bit about yourself, and how you came to work in consulting. I’m currently a fourth year student studying a Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws. I fell into consulting after hearing about the exciting opportunities that arises from being a consultant. I was definitely intrigued by the possibility of applying my business knowledge to real life client problems and analysing information to recommend possible solutions. I found that through my internship I was exposed to different types of consulting work across diverse engagements which included the above, as well as high level research and training to think strategically.

“The variety of work is also exciting because each new client means new problems that need to be solved”

How did you find out about the internship and what did the application process entail? I found out about the Summer Vacationer role through a friend who was already working at EY. At that point, I only knew about their Audit service line, but after further research I realised that their Advisory service line sounded exactly like what I was after in terms of a consulting experience. The application process itself was fairly simple. I submitted my application online halfway through their application period. This consisted of putting in details of my CV and answering two short answer questions about why I wanted to join the service line I chose and a second choice service line. A few weeks after that, I had a quick phone interview and invited into an assessment centre (AC). The AC consisted of a 1h group exercise and a 1h interview with a Manager or above. I waited over the weekend before I got the call with the offer. What is a typical day like in an Advisory internship? You’ve probably heard this before, but there is definitely no such thing as a typical day in Advisory/Consulting. Every day there is a different challenge and a different set of tasks that need to be completed. But as an intern, my experience consisted of two days of induction and continuous training. While I was there, I was trained in Excel skills and Powerpoint skills (the bread and butter for a consultant). I was also lucky enough to participate in a week long training week within my Financial Services Advisory stream where consultants, managers and partners alike brushed up on our knowledge of the financial services industry and how to deliver strategies for clients. However, while I was on client engagements, my tasks would vary from researching, compiling analyses, creatively presenting information to clients and the team (e.g. from A0 posters I designed to making final slides for proposals) and sitting in on decision-making meetings.

What is your favourite part of the job? My favourite part would be getting to meet new people all the time and having coffee catch-ups, whether that be at the client, people on your team, partners in the firm or even just with the other interns. I also enjoyed the fact that we were always encouraged to think critically and there was always room for our ideas to be heard. The variety of work is also exciting because each new client means new problems that need to be solved. What would you say are the most important skillsets for a consultant to possess? Definitely being able to communicate well and confidently is a top skill. You will be talking to people everyday and you want to be able to share your ideas, lead a team or even banter with the client. Research and analytical skills is also important. As a consultant, you will be expected to manage your client’s expectations and be up to date with all the new developments in society. For example if your client has heard in the news that ‘X’ company is now using ‘Y’ technology to do ‘Z’, you want to be able to say you can research that new technology and get back to them with an analysed recommendation as to why or why not the technology will or will not benefit their business. What are some words of advice to the aspiring consultant? If you know you want to pursue a career in consulting, start as early as you can and say ‘yes’ to opportunities that will enhance your consulting experience. For example, at UTS there is a society called BusinessOne Consulting where you will work in a team to provide advice to a real client. There are also more case competitions popping up around university that are hosted by big consulting firms that I would recommend signing up to. And when you’re ready, I would apply for consulting internships such as EY’s Vacationer Program. Go for it and good luck!



Associate // Leora Friedland at BCG What does a consultant do on a day to day basis? The good news: there is no such thing as a predictable daily routine. I find myself working on a wide range of challenges and tasks daily— sometimes I spend the entire day in meetings with clients gathering information and insights, other days I spend brainstorming with team members, sitting at my desk performing detailed analysis or crafting visual messages and insights in PowerPoint . Usually a day is made up of a combination of these activities with surprising and interesting activities thrown into the mix (workshops, trainings, team events). The work changes constantly, the industries are diverse and the challenges are unique.

“The diversity of experience you get in your first year means you develop enormously.”


What type of experiences would you get working as a consultant? The diversity of experience you get in your first year means you develop enormously. In one year alone I have worked across retail, TMT (Technology, media and telecommunications) industrial goods and government. I have worked on projects where we have transformed firms from outdated businesses into a digitally savvy, creative and competitive powerhouses. It has been challenging- but so rewarding. It is the type of job where you spend your days brainstorming and testing ideas, pushing further and deeper to uncover issues and solutions— and at the end of the day you come home exhausted with the greatest feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment- having worked on large issues and made a real, sustainable contribution and impact. What are the various areas within Consulting (Various sub-service lines) BCG Australia has capabilities and expertise across 7 industries (from Public Sector to Financial institutions and 7 functional areas (from Strategy to Technology Advantage). The shared resources available to help you succeed are phenomenal. You not only have the support and expertise of your case team, but you also have the combined knowledge and experience over 11,000 consultants across 82 offices at your finger tips!

“We work closely with our clients solving their large, complex, and high profile problems together— it has been so rewarding witnessing the positive results of our work.”

What is the best part of your job (as a consultant)?

What advice would you give to students trying to get into the consulting industry?

1. The people I work with: the brilliant, creative, interesting, humorous and truly inspiring people I work with are one of the best parts of this job— I have grown and developed enormously from my colleagues— they are from such diverse backgrounds and experiences and they accelerate my learning and enrich my career.

Do your research on management consulting to make sure it is the right career for you. Good communication skills are also key, so submit a well crafted and engaging CV and cover letter.

2. The impact we have on clients: we work closely with our clients solving their large, complex, and high profile problems together- it has been so rewarding witnessing the positive results of our work. 3. The personal development, mentorship and growth I gain from this job: BCG really invests in YOU- it has propelled me across an incredibly wide range of industries and encouraged me to engage with senior clients from day one. BCG constantly offers support through mentorship, training and weekly feedback. This experience is allowing me to navigate any pathway of my choice, whether it is continuing a long term career at BCG, commencing further study, social impact work or further corporate experience.

BCG is a top tier firm and has a very competitive process. Give it your best shot as you have nothing to lose! You will need to show you have excellent grades. But it's not just about being smart… think about examples of where you have demonstrated leadership and the impact you have made as a leader. Once you get an interview it is very important to practice case interviews- do it over coffee or beers with friends to help get you comfortable (they are daunting at first). But try think of them as real problems- what would you do if it were your company? Be creative! For the actual interview, bring energy, enthusiasm and even if you are super nervous try stay calm and relaxed. Take it slow, be logical, coherent and practice instructive thinking (tell the interviewer what you are doing and why). Most importantly be confident in yourself and the things that make you great. Good luck!



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Risk Advisory: Contract Risk & Compliance

// Celia Xu at Deloitte

Where did you undertake a graduate role? I am currently working in a graduate role at Deloitte Australia in the Contract Risk and Compliance Team. How did you find out about the role and what is the process for applying for a graduate role there? I found out about summer vacationer programs during my penultimate year and decided to apply as a vacationer in the Contract Risk and Compliance (CRC) team at Deloitte. The process of applying for a summer vacationer position was exactly the same as that of a graduate role. It involved 5 stages: the online application, online quizzes, a telephone interview, an assessment centre, and a partner interview. After completing the 4-week summer vacationer program, Deloitte offered me a graduate role in CRC!


“The collaborative nature of the work environment is my favourite aspect because I am now able to truly appreciate the roles of each team member and how their work contributes to the whole project.”

What are some of your roles and responsibilities? As the CRC name suggests, the role entails working with large-scale commercial contracts on a day-to-day basis with the aim of ensuring legal compliance between big-name organisations and their customers. The team’s responsibilities can be divided into four types of services: business partner assurance, software services, contract advisory, and supply chain and third-party risk advisory. During my vacationer program, I had the opportunity to work on 6 different projects in both the general contract and software contract spaces. My responsibilities included paraphrasing multiple clauses of a contract into laypeople terms, assisting in numerous software vendor audits and attending regular project team meetings. In this way, I highly enjoyed the highly interdisciplinary nature of my work. What is the favourite aspect of the role there? In the few weeks of working in CRC, I was able to experience the true value of collaboration and teamwork at Deloitte among people of different backgrounds and skillsets. For every project that I worked on, I was invited to join in on almost every team meeting and discussion. Hence, the collaborative nature of the work environment is my favourite aspect because I am now able to truly appreciate the roles of each team member and how their work contributes to the whole project. On a more practical side, another aspect that I enjoy the most is the free breakfast and snacks.

What are the most important skills for a prospective graduate to possess? There are two skills which stand out to me. The first is the ability to prioritise. I know, my answer here might not make you go ‘oh wow I just learned something new today’, but I had to say it because it’s an important skill to possess in a corporate environment. The second is the ability to be proactive. What do I mean by this? Take the scenario of asking your senior for more tasks. A proactive approach is notifying your senior that you will complete your current task in approximately half an hour and will be ready for the next task immediately after. In that way, your senior, who is most likely busy with his or her own responsibilities, has adequate time to prepare your next task. What are some ways to get ahead in the before and during the application process? One way to get ahead before the application process is to be involved in volunteering work, whether that be through a student society or an external organisation. Not only does it establish that you are passionate about a certain cause or organisation, it also allows you to showcase your unique experiences and skills during the interview stages of the application process. Another way to get ahead is to apply for a summer vacationer program. The program allows you to deeply understand the role that you have applied for and since you will have gone through the entire application process, you will be much more familiar with it if you were to apply again the next year. Additionally, companies and firms will often offer graduate roles to their vacationers – the ultimate cherry on top!



Consulting Manager // David Bloch at Deloitte

Tell us a bit about yourself, where you went to university and what you studied. I studied a bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce at UNSW. I really enjoyed the ‘sciences’ subjects at school so the natural choice for me was an engineering degree. What clinched it for me was sitting down with the university handbook when I was in year 12, and reading all the different subjects on offer across all the faculties. I circled all the subjects that were of interest to me, and it ended up that most of them formed part of an electrical engineering degree. Whilst I’d never done any business subjects at school, I figured that I would hopefully be working in some sort of business one day, so no matter where I ended up, a degree of this nature would more likely than not be a useful addition. Did you know what career path you would choose when you were at university? I had some idea about what my career path would be, but I was definitely open to options. During each of the summer holidays of my first 4 years at university I took part in a number of engineering internships which provided a great opportunity for me to work out what I wanted to do, and what I didn’t want to do. I was exposed to telecommunications technical assistance centres, high voltage transformer factories in


rural NSW, the Sydney electricity network and telecommunications labs, with work ranging from router configurations, network planning and optimisation, and efficiency projects on the Sydney power grid. Having said this, it took until my final year at university, when I started to think about what I would actually be doing as a first year graduate engineer that I started to explore other career options. This was when I came across consulting. For me consulting was an opportunity to work across multiple industries, with really intelligent and ambitious people, on high profile business problems and gain insight into what running a business in the 21st century entails. Most importantly, it was also a great opportunity for me to develop a strong business skillset that would be transferable across any industry, business or field of work. It as an opportunity to further my study in a hands on capacity. What is your current role and what does it involve? I’m a Manager in Deloitte’s Strategy and Operations Consulting practice. Specifically, my role is to lead client projects and also support in business development opportunities for the practice. As well as this a large amount of my time is spent coaching, mentoring and training other members of our practice.

What do you enjoy most about your work as a consultant? I’ve always been fascinated by businesses and how they operate. Consulting gives you a unique opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of clients and business problems. As well as this, because of the nature of the projects and project teams, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many different consultants and with that comes the ability to learn from so many different people, not just their technical skills but also the softer skills around communication and client interactions. What are some of the challenges you face when working as a consultant? Probably the most difficult part of working as a consultant is working out the right questions to ask and teaching yourself the right information at the start of a project so that you are up to speed in order to be effective in the job that you’re trying to do. Clients pay a lot of money for consultants and have high expectations, they also have an in depth knowledge of their business and expect the same from consultants. The ambiguity associated with client work can also be challenging, as clients often have a rough idea about what they need, but are not entirely sure. It is therefore our job to identify their needs and then provide recommendations that they are satisfied with. Consulting can involve working on a range of different projects — what are some of the key skills that make a great consultant? Great consultants are always focused on the needs of their client, and are resourceful in achieving an outcome. Clients will not always be satisfied with the work that is provided, and it is therefore your job to convince them that your solution is correct, or else to choose an alternate path. The other important skill is being resourceful, not necessarily knowing the answers, but being able to find them. This can either mean doing some extra research, asking the right people for help, problem solving with your team or working out what questions you need to ask to help you get closer to a solution.

You started as a graduate, and you now hold a management position— what advice could you give students looking to progress within their career? Firstly, try and get as much exposure in your job as you can. It is important to keep in mind that it’s not only the work that you are performing that is important, but the work that you’re exposed to. You will have the opportunity to work with other people from the company at various different levels, giving you unique insight into what kind of work you might be doing in their position, giving you more of a long term view of what your career could look like. This will help you find what you’re really passionate about, and it is far easier to progress in a career that you are passionate about, than one you are not. Secondly, work with smart people. There’s lots to learn from other people, and hopefully their skills, intelligence and ambition can rub off on you. Finally, be organised and proactive about your career. Look into the future and set goals for yourself that you can track, speak to people for advice and constantly assess the work that you’re doing and if you are learning and enjoying it. Do you have any advice for students interested in pursuing a career in consulting? To summarise: try and complete a consulting internship, work hard and get good grades, attend the consulting ‘meet and great’ recruiting events, talk to as many people as you can about what a career in consulting entails and practice your consulting interview case studies so that you can ace the interview!

“Consulting gives you a unique opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of clients and business problems.”



Management Consultant // Alex Katsaros at EY Tell us about yourself and how you come to work in consulting. So I started in EY’s assurance division as a cadet whilst I was still studying at UTS. As much as I loved the firm and the culture, I didn’t believe my strengths were best utilised in assurance, so I started to explore other options. The main area that stood out to me was our Advisory (consulting) division. Not knowing too much about it, I reached out to a few people who worked there to start to get a bit of an understanding about what they did, what the work entailed, and if they’d recommend it to me as a viable career choice given me interests and strengths. I only heard positive things, so, at the end of my cadetship program I applied for EY’s Summer Vacationer program. I was put into EY’s Performance Improvement Advisory team, otherwise known as our management consulting arm. I spent 8 weeks in that program and loved what I saw from the profession and came back as a graduate a year later. That was a year ago and I’m still here so that’s always a positive! What is your favourite aspect of the job? Without being cliché, one of the greatest thing about management consulting is the breadth of engagements you can and will work on. In the space of six months, you could have worked on 8-10 different clients, all in completely different industries and sectors. It’s really eye opening to not only get an insight and understand the issues that some of the biggest companies in the world face, but actually help them overcome them and improve. The learning curve is very steep, especially at the start, but you’ll be a better consultant for it.


“It’s eye opening to not only get insight and understand the issues that some of the biggest companies in the world face, but actually help them overcome them and improve.”

What does a normal day look like for you? Given my answer to the previous question, this is difficult to answer. There are two main aspects to advisory; winning work, and actually delivering the work you’ve won. Winning work is done through creating proposals, which are submitted to the prospective client. As an early career consultant, this will involve tasks including; conducting market research to best understand the client’s working environment, deciding what the make-up of EY’s engagement team should be, so that we offer all the experience that the client may need and deciding what methodology we should use to actually help the client solve their problem. On the other side, there is the actual delivery of the work. This will completely depend on the type of engagement that you’re on. An example of tasks include; drawing up current and future state process maps to give the client an idea of where they are at now, and where they should be at the end of the engagement, conducting analytics on a client’s spending to see where there is opportunity to cut costs or make a process more efficient as well as actually interacting with the client through interviews or workshops to transfer across knowledge and put your findings and suggestions into practice. As I said, it’s very difficult to provide a succinct answer to this question because there’s so many different things you could be doing. And that’s a good thing!

Does the actual job differ to how you thought it would be while studying? Going into consulting, I had a general idea of how it worked, but obviously had no idea of the depth that went into each job. So whilst the job itself didn’t differ to what my understanding was, the level of detail and exactly how much goes into each and every job was definitely an eye opener. Do you have any advice you’d give to students wanting to pursue a career in consulting? As with absolutely any career, make sure you’re going into it for the right reasons. Do your research and really understand the profession, and then ask yourself, is it a fit for you? Are your strengths and skills ones that you can apply to consulting? With respect to management consulting itself, there is a perceived prestige that’s associated with it. Don’t let that drive your decision to pursue a career in consulting. Do it because you have a genuine interesting in helping organisations improve, because the idea of working on a variety of clients in a huge number of industries appeals to you, because you want to go into an industry where you will be tested right from the start, but will experience rapid career and personal growth. Management consulting is an amazing career and very unique in its offering. Good luck with your studies and your career aspirations.




WHAT WE DO At Bain, we help the world's top leaders solve their toughest challenges. Our work fuels the growth of many industries; it creates change for some of the most influential organisations and notable brands around the world – and when those organisations are truly doing things right, they are positively impacting people’s lives around the world. You will personally be a part of driving that world-changing impact – developing creative solutions to real-world problems and then working in the trenches with senior leaders to achieve change across their organisations. You will leave your mark and together, we will change our world.

WHO WE LOOK FOR Our "product" is our ideas, the solutions to many of the world's most complex challenges. We’re looking for all-rounders − independent thinkers who thrive as part of a team. We recognize that everyone is different and everyone will bring their own unique experiences and perspectives to the team. The essential skills we'll be looking for in an undergraduate are: a demonstration of exceptional academic performance and strong analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills. They are a group of high-achieving people from broad backgrounds.

OUR RECRUITMENT PROCESS All applications need to be made online. Please go to www.bain.com/careers to submit your cover letter, CV and academic transcript. Our interview process consists of two rounds of interviews, with two to three interviews per round. All interviews are case-based and run for 45 minutes.



If you're an ambitious undergraduate or have been working for a couple of years out of college, if you yearn to work with the brightest, most curious minds, then we’d love you to join our team in the prestigious role of Bain associate consultant (AC). In this role, you will make an impact from day one, continually building new skills and addressing new problems. The training and support you’ll receive will be second to none, and as a Bain AC you'll embark on a global career path that will help you to maximize your potential with skills that are applicable to all career trajectories in any industry. Applications open NOW for class of 2019. Apply by 2 March 2018.

Everything we do at Bain is guided by True North. In geographic terms, True North is an unchanging and true point on a gyro-compass. It is constant, singular and not affected by factors like magnetic forces or location. For us, True North is our unswerving commitment to always do the right thing by our clients, our people, and our communities. Part of that commitment is to enable women to achieve their full potential at work and in our communities. The aim of our scholarship program has always been to inspire high potential female students and equip them with practical skills to develop leadership ability and increase personal impact as they start out in their careers. As well as a $15,000 scholarship, our winner will be assigned a Bain mentor to provide guidance and access to a vast professional network. It may also give you a head start in your application to join Bain Australia. Application open May/June 2018.

Email australia.recruiting@bain.com or visit www.bain.com/careers 59

Your Future: In Finance Finance has evolved as a major field of business centred on understanding the financial decisions of corporations and individuals, as well as managing money in international and domestic financial markets. It focuses on real world

problem solving such as making investment decisions, valuing financial assets, managing funds and developing strategies to minimise financial risk.

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Finance?

How does your business degree allow you to pursue a future in Finance?

Finance involves investigation and analysis of strategies because effective financial management relies on strong strategic intuition.

Corporate Finance These jobs involve working for a company in the capacity of finding and managing the capital necessary to run the enterprise. This is done while maximizing corporate value and reducing financial risk.

The UTS Business School school gives its students a grounding of the technical skills required to understand the dynamics of finance and the evolving environment today. What can I look to be doing within Finance after I graduate? The breadth of Finance is extensive by nature and a career in finance can range from investment banking to consultancy. Graduates of a Finance Major generally fall into roles in Finance Advisory, Analysts, Consultants and Bankers.

Investment Banking These jobs deal with facilitating the issuance of corporate securities and making these securities available for investors to purchase. Private Equity and Venture Capital Private-equity professionals help businesses find capital for both expansion and current operations.

Career Progression can entail movement into positions such as Finance Management, Stockbroking, as well as Equity Research Analytics.



Where will a career at Macquarie take you? Haneke Manoharan Analyst, Macquarie Capital What is your background? I am an Analyst in Equity Capital Markets within Macquarie Capital. My team assists companies in raising capital including taking private companies public via an IPO process of listing on the ASX. My day to day work may involve looking at equity markets domestically and globally, working closely with various mergers and acquisitions teams in advising clients who want to raise capital and more general transaction or business analysis. I studied Commerce and Law at Monash University, majoring in Finance. What motivated you to pursue your current role and what aspect of it do you find most rewarding? I was motivated to apply for Macquarie Capital because I found myself quite interested in finance at university. I found my major both engaging and challenging. I found subjects such as financial analysis and valuation, and corporate finance quite helpful in developing a foundation upon which to build my skills on the job. Whilst the finance components were helpful, they weren’t essential to my transition into the role. Most of what I have learnt has been on the job and I’ve felt incredibly lucky to learn from so many talented and intelligent people. I’ve also learnt that the skills you learn in a variety of degrees can be helpful at Macquarie Capital; if you have a knowledge base of something niche, it’s valued and can assist in your role. My current role as an Analyst is rewarding because it’s fast-paced, dynamic and always engaging. Rarely does a day go by where I’m not challenged and I find that I’m constantly learning – which I love.


What tips would you provide to students looking to apply for an internship or graduate position? It’s important to thoroughly prepare for your interview and be yourself. Apply for jobs you’re genuinely interested in, be open-minded and use the interview process as a way to determine whether it’s the right role for you. The interview process can be daunting, but usually the thought of the interview process is more daunting than it actually is. No one expects you to turn up knowing everything there is to know about the role and the company. Being interested and keen to learn is something that a lot of companies look for. A lot of people don’t apply because they self-select out, but don’t let fear hold you back and just give it a go – you never know where you might end up. Can you tell us a little about Macquarie’s culture and environment? What sets it apart? The culture is what motivated me to intern at Macquarie and this remains true in my role now. I feel very lucky to be able to work with such intelligent, down-to-earth and approachable people in a team-orientated environment. The people at Macquarie Capital are genuinely invested in your learning and development and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to learn from them. The work environment is refreshing and it’s somewhere I’m happy to walk into every morning.




Macquarie Asset Management Graduate // Veronica Price

What is your current role and how did you get your start in it? I am currently a graduate in listed equities in Macquarie Group’s asset management division. My first internship in finance was at a FinTech start-up, which built an interactive website allowing investors to compare all companies on the S&P500 based on various reported financial statement figures. My role in that was to help resolve mapping errors that occurred when transferring data over to the website. I then did a summer internship in asset management where my desire to work in equities was confirmed after working with the international equities team that held funds of funds. What experiences during your uni degree proved particularly useful in gaining your current role?

Tell us a bit about yourself, what uni you went to, and what did you study? My journey into finance is probably a bit unconventional. I took a gap year after high school and taught ice skaters, choreographing their routines. I then did a year of a double degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Business, where I got my first taste of finance. I then transferred to the University of Technology Sydney where I studied a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Finance), completing my studies in November 2017. What does a typical day as a graduate look like for you? I’m not sure there’s such a thing as a typical day in asset management, as different times of the year will result in different work. For example we’re in reporting season now and that means we’ll look what companies report and see if there were any surprises from expectations and why, because markets react to unexpected events.


Having a background in mathematics has helped me to think analytically in situations and having the ability to research and understand something you don’t initially understand (like studying at university) is also very useful, as I am constantly having to learn and understand new things, which is fantastic. What do you think are the most important skills for finance graduates to possess? Genuine interest and curiosity, good work ethic, and the ability to communicate clearly. What advice would you give to students who are wanting to pursue a career in finance? Make sure the jobs you apply and interview for are jobs you that you either have some experience in or knowledge about so you can be certain the work is something you find interesting and challenging.




Financial Markets & Treasury Graduate 2016

// Samuel Leak What did you study in university?

What does a typical day at Westpac Group as a Financial Markets & Treasury Graduate look like?

Bachelor of Business at UTS What attracted you to your Program at Westpac Group? Westpac has great company values that aligned with my key personal values. The Westpac graduate program is a reputable program with a very positive approach towards diversity and inclusion which is very refreshing and one of the key reasons I chose the Westpac graduate program. Why do you love coming into work each day? I get to do something that I love with likeminded individuals. In Financial markets every day is different, bringing new challenges and opportunities.


It’s an early start in markets. A typical day for me involves getting to work at around 7.30am, where the first thing I do is read our morning publication called “Morning Thoughts” which provides a market wrap for interest rates and currencies. We have a trading conference call at 7.40am with our New Zealand and New York offices to discuss risk events and thoughts on markets. Generally after this meeting I check the financial review and then conduct my rotation processes and work on any projects that I have in the pipeline. At 12.30 I break for lunch with any free markets grads and head down to Barangaroo. In the afternoon, I’ll have lunch with any free Markets Grads and head down to Barangaroo. I will then spend the rest of the afternoon with dealers and traders on my desk and then conduct my end of day processes such as funding and profit and loss reporting.

Commodities & Global Markets Intern // Matthew Buskariol at Macquarie

“Do not let anyone say you can’t be successful or try something you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid of failure and have a crack! Positive energy is everything.” What is your degree? My degree is the UTS Bachelor of Accounting Co-Op Scholarship where I am majoring in Accounting, Sub-Majoring in Finance, and attending San Diego State University from August-December 2018 for exchange. What does a typical day at Macquarie Group as a Commodities and Global Markets intern look like?

What motivated you to pursue your current line of work and what aspect of it do you find most rewarding?

My role is within Financial Management Group at Macquarie, aligned to the Fixed Income and Commodities trading desk. My average day consists of profit & loss statement analysis, looking at how the traders make money, what trades are hedged and what financial products are used. The range of products includes Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate Derivatives, Bond trading and securitised products. It gives me a great overview into how financial markets work and more specifically the different products that exist.

I have always been competitive with a love for financial markets, companies and the stock market. I was drawn to accounting and finance as it provides a great overview of what is going on in the business world. The most rewarding aspect is meeting senior people who can pass on great advice and wisdom, and learning about different finance/business concepts along the way. It is also rewarding to successfully pick a stock or business to do well based on personal research. Tips/advice for students seeking an internship or graduate role? My only tip is to back yourself. Go out there and do what you want to do. Do not let anyone say you can’t be successful or try something you are passionate about. Don’t be afraid of failure and have a crack! Positive energy is everything.


Thank you to UTS Business Society Committee The UTS Business Society (UTS Bsoc) is a dynamic student-run organisation that strives to enhance the university experience for our members through educational, vocational and social programs and events. Without our hardworking team, UTS Bsoc wouldn’t be what it is today—so a big thank you to our entire committee and all those that contributed to the guide. Thank you to UTS Business School & Activate A special thank you must go to Activate Clubs and UTS Business School for the sponsorship of the 2018 UTS Business Society Careers Guide and Launch, of which neither would have been possible without their assistance. The Society would like to extend our thanks to Professor Chris Earley, Dean of UTS Business School, as well as the Active Staff for their generosity and commitment to the society and the guide. We are certain the guide will incite our peers to explore dynamic business opportunities, and trust that they will find the guide a useful tool in their future career considerations. Sincerely, The UTS Business Society


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2018 careers guide.

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2018 careers guide.

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