UTS BSoc Business Majors Guide

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Contents Page President's Top Tips....................................................3 How to structure your course.......................................4 Things to remember....................................................6 Accounting..................................................................7 Advertising and Marketing Communications..................9 Business Law............................................................11 Economics................................................................13 Finance.....................................................................15 Human Resource Management..................................17 Information Technology.............................................19 International Business...............................................21 Management.............................................................23 Marketing..................................................................25 Where can your degree take you?..............................27 UTS Careers are here to help you..............................28 Special Thanks..........................................................29

President's Top Tips Nina Frost Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Engineering (3rd Year) Majors: Finance & Civil Engineering

Tip #1: do your research There’s no surprises awaiting you that you can’t manage if you are making an informed choice. Reading up in the UTS Handbook, talking to students already studying your prospective major and accessing resources such as this guide are great ways to inform your decision making and direct your learning in the ways that suit you.

Tip #2: own your choice No matter what major/s you chose make sure the decision is your own. Don’t let the choices of your friends or the expectations of your family sway your final decision. This way you get to own your inevitable successes and failures, making the end result so much more fulfilling and rewarding. Remember, it’s going to be you who has to pull late nights studying, submit those group assignments and sit exams so make sure you’re at least going to be engaged and motivated.

Tip #3: don't be afraid to change your mind There’s no shame in changing your mind. You may start the first few units of your major and realise it really isn’t for you. If this epiphany happens for you before the census date, congratulations! If not it’s not the end of the world. It’s much better to lose the credits and add time to your degree than pass your way through a major you don’t really enjoy, leading you to job options that are not for you. 3

How to structure your course

First Year Core Subjects 8 core subjects

Major 7 subjects 1 capstone subject

Second Major



7 subjects 1 capstone subject

4 subjects

4 subjects



4 subjects

24 credit points


How to structure your course cont'd

First Year Core Subjects 8 core subjects

Extended Major 11 subjects 1 capstone subject



4 subjects

24 credit points


Things to remember! Some majors will have a different number of elective and core subjects. For example, Accounting is made up solely of core subjects with no electives. Electives or structure elective sequences (totalling 24 credit points) can be taken from any faculty in the university, or from another university or its equivalent, with UTS Business School's approval. Structures will differ slightly between majors and for those completing combined degrees. For example, Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Law students will only have the option of one business major.

Important Links Familiarise with your course handbook that details your course progression. UTS Business School offers many different majors. Take a look at this link to see what they have on offer. There are also many sub-majors which can be found at this link.

UTS Business School offers some extended majors.


Accounting Dion Riotto Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence & Innovation (3rd Year) Majors: Accounting & Finance

Your challenges What I find most challenging are the mathematical components and financial theories. The practicality of this major is also quite difficult as you have to apply what you have read and listened in lectures to real life examples. Sometimes the concepts do not correlate to what you have learnt.

Your rewards I think that the challenging nature actually is what makes it very rewarding. The opportunities and career pathways also enable you to apply what you have learnt in your work experiences.

Things you didn't expect The major is much more diverse than what you experience in Accounting A and B. The major covers a variety of areas and is definitely practical and tailored towards you obtaining the most in your career.


Accounting Things you would've done differently No I wouldn’t have because after completing the 8 core subjects, this was actually quite an easy choice.

Plans after graduating I see myself working in Finance, potentially within the property market.

Accounting at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Advertising & Marketing Communications Mackenzie Cowan Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (5th Year) Major: Advertising & Marketing Communications and Spain Sub-Majors: Accounting & Finance

Your challenges I think the main challenge is having to manage your time effectively. Sometimes the assignment workload can feel like a lot, so making sure you are prepared in advanced makes everything easier. The FASS advertising subjects are also quite challenging.

Your rewards Being able to interact with likeminded people and use your creative skills is exciting. You can apply these skills to the very practical assessments and assignments in the major.

Things you didn't expect There are going to be a lot of group projects encountered along the way. Making sure you work well in a team and can communicate to group members is key.


Advertising & Marketing Communications Things you would've done differently I honestly would’ve probably chosen the Marketing major. I feel like this major is too specific for me and would’ve gone for something broader.

Plans after graduating I see myself working in media, which is the smaller facet of marketing communications.

Advertising & Marketing Communications at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Business Law Kate Taylor Course: Bachelor of Business (2nd Year) Major: Management Sub-Majors: Business Law & Event Management

Your challenges Business Law has many mandatory readings and without the willingness to do the work, there is the potential of falling behind. The content may not be hard but making sure you don’t slack off early on will mean greater success later.

Your rewards The major provides a rounded understanding of the legal context in which businesses operate. Being able to analyse different challenges in both a business and legal mindset will improve your critical thinking skills and ability to solve business problems.

Things you didn't expect The way assessments are structured can differ as tutors introduce new writing styles that differ from the usual essay form. Seminars are also a new type of learning experience that are longer than tutorials and encourage an interactive discussion of the topics.

*This major can only be completed as a second major. 11

Business Law Things you would've done differently I wish I had focused more on writing notes throughout the subject rather than cramming the large amount of theory in before exams. Also spending time doing the readings every week will help you a lot by the end of the subject.

Plans after graduating Without knowing for sure what I wish to pursue when I leave uni, I feel like Business Law will provide me the background I need to have my choice of general opportunities when I enter the workforce.

Business Law at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Economics Mehmet Musa Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws (4th Year) Major: Economics

Your challenges I find the large focus on mathematics quite challenging. Some of the maths concepts require you to do your own study to reinforce them in your mind. This is definitely more time consuming as the extra practice requires extra time.

Your rewards The technical knowledge you receive about markets and world economies is very rewarding. You get to understand and learn a lot about how foreign countries work and apply how they are different to Australia.

Things you didn't expect The difficulty of maths did shock me a little bit. The jump from first year economics to the major was difficult in terms of workload and understanding more complex topics. However, everything is still manageable.


Economics Things you would've done differently I would’ve brushed up on my maths knowledge and also studied more regularly. Doing these would have benefited me from overcoming the challenging maths concepts.

Plans after graduating It really depends. I expect economics to help me on a subsidiary/secondary level rather than being my entire career. It is a very flexible major.

Economics at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.


Finance Nicholas Walker Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence & Innovation and Diploma of Languages (3rd Year) Majors: Finance & Chinese Sub-Majors: International Business & Management Consulting

Your challenges Finance is definitely one of the most challenging majors available. The maths side of it is definitely challenging as well as knowing what the marker wants. Synthesising views between what a calculation is telling you and what this means for a company is also difficult.

Your rewards The hard skills as well as solving difficult problems are definitely rewarding. Understanding how different variables interact to create the financial and economic conditions enables you to get the most out of this major.

Things you didn't expect I didn’t realise how much theory you need to know! However, the decent amount of theoritical knowledge allowed me to understand financial aspects in more detail.


Finance Things you would've done differently I wish I’d have known the pairings for sub-majors a little bit better. I also wish I had better planned my other degree (Diploma of Languages) and exchange around my study plan.

Plans after graduating It’s hard to say! I plan to go into sales or accounting management in finance. Likely FinTech, trading or hedging.

Finance at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Human Resource Managemet Kiana Heniedi Course: Bachelor of Business (2nd Year) Major: Human Resource Management Sub-Majors: Business Law & Marketing

Your challenges It’s time consuming. Trying to keep on top of things every week consistently, making sure that all work is up to date and time is given to each subject sufficiently to complete tasks up to the required standard

Your rewards Understanding the role of the employees and employers play within business and using this to establish a healthy work environment. Also getting through the subjects and finally receiving the degree.

Things you didn't expect The focus on psychological theories surprised me and the topics that focus more on aspects of human behaviour and its origins.


Human Resource Management Things you would've done differently I wish I was mentally ready for university and knowing how much time and effort was put into it in order to receive the ideal mark. In terms of information on the major I’ve chosen, I believe there was an adequate amount of information before making my decision.

Plans after graduating Yes, hoping to be a HR manager, but not sure for what kind of company yet.

Human Resource Management at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Information Technology Jaylene Ilagan Course: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in IT (3rd Year) Major: Management & Business Information Systems Management

Your challenges Coming into my degree with very basic IT knowledge and skills - learning how to code was difficult at first.

Your rewards Learning new technical skills was both the most rewarding. The ability to finally get that one line of code working is so satisfying! I value the skills that I have earned now.

Things you didn't expect I personally did not have a strong passion for technology prior to uni. Now, I have grown to love technology and critical thinking. Tutors are very supportive and willing to help if you don’t understand certain concepts

*This major can only be completed as a second major. 19

Information Technology Things you would've done differently I don't think I would have done anything differently. Speaking to other students who take this major can give great perspective.

Plans after graduating I hope to find a job with both Business and the IT aspects - maybe as a Business Analyst or as a consultant specialising in technology

Information Technology at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.


International Business Louise Rogers Course: Bachelor of Business Diploma of Languages (3rd Year) Major: International Business, Economics and Spanish

Your challenges The diversity of the major is quite challenging. You need to be well rounded, be creative, able to present, strong technical skills and ability to use data well.

Your rewards It's practical and employers’ definitely rate it. Also, despite the challenging nature of the major diversity, I think this itself makes it a reward. You get to interact with many people from different backgrounds and cultures and it enables you to get a better understanding of management on a global scale.

Things you didn't expect You do a lot of group work and case studies which include a lot of real life application which is great.


International Business Things you would've done diffferently I wish I knew more about the difference between sub majors and normal majors. Knowing more information about the course structure would’ve enabled me to make better choices when picking my majors

Plans after graduating I want to work in an international business for sure, I already am working for two international organisations.

International Business at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Management Kate Taylor Course: Bachelor of Business (2nd Year) Major: Management Sub-Majors: Business Law & Event Management

Your challenges Management involves a lot of group work that can be challenging if you don't find the best people to work with. As a goal, try finding groups with similar goals and be open in communicating team strengths and weaknesses

Your rewards Management lets you explore so many aspects of business and the different ways that employees and employers interact, giving you a new sense of understanding about the way businesses operate.

Things you didn't expect The focus on the psychology of employees surprised me but it is an element I found interesting throughout my major.


Management Things you would've done diffferently No I personally enjoy the management major, although I can understand why it wouldn’t appeal to everybody. This is a major is very open-ended

Plans after graduating I see myself working my way up toward a managerial role but using broader business skills to find entry level work.

Management at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams Item 9 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Marketing Hughie Flannery Course: Bachelor of Business (2nd Year) Major: Marketing Sub-Majors: Advanced Advertising & International Management

Your challenges I find that every subject requires multiple assessments that are progress type assessments rather than one big report. Also, the large volume of content and case studies to interpret can also be overwhelming. When exam period comes, recapping the concepts, terminology and case studies intense.

Your rewards I think that learning a whole new concepts about Marketing that you know is used but have never understood is very rewarding. You also get to develop a range of skills and get to apply your knowledge to real case studies

Things you didn't expect I didn’t realise that a lot of the subjects cross over in content. There is also a large analytical side to marketing, for example, Marketing Research, which uses statistical analysis and software.


Marketing Things you would've done diffferently I wish I had talked to more marketing students who would’ve given me a better insight into exams, preparation and assignments.

Plans after graduating I plan on working in advertising. The skills you learn in marketing are transferrable and allow you to be creative in solving problems.

Marketing at a glance* Mathematical analysis Difficulty of maths Essays & reflective writing Group work Readings & theoretical content Critical & independent thinking In-class participation Importance of exams 0




*Please note that all at a glance graphs are based on one student's experiences and opinions.



Where can your degree take you? Bianca Azzopardi Course: Bachelor of Business Majors: Human Resource Management & Business Law Position: General Manager, The Sam Prince Group “The Capstone subject in the Human Resource Management Major was nothing short of a life changing experience. I was able to put into practice not only the theories and practices I’d learnt within the subject but moreover the knowledge I had gained through the entirety of my degree. Upon completion, I was approached by the Human Resource Manager of Zambrero for an internship. This four week internship then resulted in a full-time position within the company."

Melissa Irwin Course: Bachelor of Business Majors: Marketing Position: Partnerships Manager, Australian Football League "The Lecturers and Tutors at UTS were a standout to me. They are industry experts & specialists in their fields, which means you get the best possible teachers that provide you with challenges, opportunities and actual scenarios that are happening in the workplace. This definitely helped me transition from university study to work.”


UTS Careers are here to help you! UTS Careers offers many programs and events that equip students with employability skills as well as knowledge and confidence for success. Soms services include: Resume checks. Mock interviews. LinkedIn labs. CareerHub access for all job opportunities. General career advice. For more information, please visit Careers Service webpage.

UTS Careers are a free service for all UTS students! Their open hours are weekdays, 10am to 4pm in CB01.04.13 (entrance near the Harris St. Bridge).

If you had any further questions about your major selection and career path, UTS Careers has a drop-in centre where you can chat with a careers advisor.


Special Thanks! To the Education & Innovation Portfolio for their hard work in producing this guide. To various other members of the UTS Business Society who have contributed and shared their thoughts. To the UTS Business School, UTS Careers and ActivateUTS for their continued support of the UTS Business Society.


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