UTS Business Society First Year Guide 2019

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E D U C A T I O N @ B S O C . A C T I V A T E U T S . C O M . A U

PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Congratulations, all your hard work has paid off and you have deservingly earned your place at Australia's #1 Young University! I hope you’re ready for what will arguably be the best next few years of your life. University is a whole different beast to high school, attendance is often not compulsory and no one is chasing you for homework or nagging you to study. Your learning is now self-directed, you get to choose to study areas that interest you. This is what should spur you on to enjoy, be committed to and excel at completing your studies here at UTS.

Undoubtedly, university is a chance to explore who you are and better understand your place in the world we live in. I implore you to wholeheartedly take the numerous opportunities that undergraduate study at UTS will present you with.

Whilst your study in the classroom is key, make sure to surround yourself with a diverse range of extra curricular activities. Get involved in clubs and societies, take internship opportunities and if you have the chance, go on an Exchange semester abroad. The opportunities are here and it is up to you to take them.

This guide aims to give you all the UTS tips and tricks that only a UTS student knows! I encourage you to read it cover to cover. And, if you ever need someone to eat dodgy dumplings with, just let me know!

I wish you all the very best for your studies here at UTS! Nina Frost 2019 BSoc President Bachelor of Engineering & Bachelor of Business 3


Whilst the transition into university can be daunting, fear not, you’re not alone. This is what the UTS Business Society (BSoc) is for. Our team of 40 passionate undergraduate business students are here to ensure your university experience presents you with chances for personal and professional growth, to meet new people and truly discover where your degree can take you within the current business landscape.

During orientation, you may hear many metaphors and anecdotes about what your university experience holds. I’m here to tell you it's near impossible to sum up university in a few clever sentences. However, here are a few useful tips to guide you through the first few weeks of uni:

1. Get lost: there's no better way to truly understand the campus than walking around it for 3 hours! 2. Come to O'Day and join a society 3. Don't purchase textbooks full price! the BSoc Textbook Exchange on Facebook to find plenty of discounted books that'll save you $$$ 4. Come to BSoc Camp: have some fun before uni starts to get hectic and meet new friends while you're at it 5. Say hi to people in your classes! Everyone is just as nervous and keen to meet new friends as you are


CONTENTS PAGE 2019 BSOC TEAM.............................................. 6 TRICKS TO SURVIVE UNI.................................. 7 FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCES.............................. 9 GETTING AROUND CAMPUS............................. 11 WHERE TO FIND IT........................................... 12 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES.................................15 BSOC'S TOP COFFEE PICKS............................. 17 BSOC'S TOP FOOD PICKS................................. 18 THE BUSINESS COURSES................................. 19 BUYING TEXTBOOKS........................................ 21 SLAYING THE CORE SUBJECTS........................ 22 MASTER YOUR REFERENCING......................... 25 AWARDS & STUDENT PROGRAMS.................... 26 WHERE CAN YOUR DEGREE TAKE YOU........... 27 2019 BSOC CAMP: SHIPWRECKED................... 28 SPONSORS & SPECIAL THANKS....................... 29



SECRETARY Shannon King



SPONSORSHIPS Director: Sierra Collender Sam Byrne Bianca Cruz Joanna Drewe Hanna McDonald

SOCIALS Director: Nic Everett John Bilsel Grace Mulqueeny Flynn Peacock Tiana Thambipillai Phoebe Whitfield

SOCIAL JUSTICE Director: Michaela Curry Alexandra Streeton Nicky Simond Catherine Young EDUCATION Director: Caster Calma Brayden Gossling James Roworth Kate Taylor

MARKETING Director: Jamie Latham Zac Cowan Safiyya Fazal Bawa Hughie Flannery Sarah Harvey

SPORTS Director: Tyler Noble Sarah Cullen Alex Jacob Jay Russell Matt Wedlock IT/INNOVATION Director: Brendan Rong Alexander Chu Jaylene Ilagan


LEARN HOW TO SOCIALISE Starting uni is a daunting experience, however, starting uni means meeting new people and expanding your social circle. Simple things like participating in class or saying hi to someone new in your lecture is a great strategy to overcome this. Getting involved on non-academic levels, like joining a society, is another great opportunity to grow your professional network. (Caster, 3rd year)

THE PERFECT TIMETABLE I recommend breaking up your timetable so that they're not big endless blocks of classes. From my experience, the gaps between my classes gave me time to study because I could quickly revise my notes before class. The more time you have to study while you're at uni, the more free days you have to spend doing other things like working and partying! (James, 2nd year)



ATTEND YOUR CLASSES It is very tempting to just roll over and go back to sleep but this causes some bad habits! Even though you have the freedom of not going to class, attendance will make all the difference in understanding what you're learning or even getting the high distinction. Don't timetable your lectures at 8am if you normally wake up at 11am! (Brayden, 2nd year)

GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK You'll find that when you start uni, there are extremely different expectations. You may be accustomed to getting high marks in high school or having your teachers spoon feed you, so don't be too hard on yourself if you feel like you're not getting the marks you want in uni. Just remember to give yourself time adjusting to a new learning and social environment! (Kate, 2nd year)



I started my first year knowing only one person in my course, but despite this, I had an absolute blast and made heaps of friends in the process! I wasn't sure what to expect rocking up to my first lecture and to say it was nerve-racking would be an understatement. I was overwhelmed at the extensiveness of UTS systems and found it challenging finding my classes. I was really shocked at the amount of free time and independence uni students have and the freedom of going to class as I pleased. Throughout the year, I found that if you worked hard in the beginning of semester mastering the foundations of a subject, towards the end of semester the really complex content becomes considerably easier to understand! UTS also has many free services such as HELPs, to assist you in your studies as well. (James, 2nd year)

Keep your wallets from being empty by learning to make and bring your own food to uni! The student lifestyle is hard to maintain! Going to uni for the first time is definitely a scary experience but you soon learn that most people are in the same boat! When I started, I didn't know many people and there are times when you can feel very lonely. Simply introducing yourself in lectures and tutorials can be the very beginning of a friendship and I for one found it very fun to get to know people! The first year is a really great opportunity to figure out which direction you want to go in. For those students doing the Bachelor of Business, for example, you're able to dip your toes into the different business majors and get a taste of what your interests are. (Kate, 2nd year)



You always hear about other students getting nervous in their first year, however, I was not one of them! I had a really positive experience as I took it as an opportunity to start fresh, meet new faces and forget about high school. Of course, I was a little resistant at putting myself out there in fear of judgement or showing too much excitement, but I knew that what I put in was what I was going to get out. Participating in class discussions or just talking to the person next to you really helps your social skills and confidence. I later joined the Business Society and from there my social circle expanded. I am now a director on the same society and high school me would have never imagined I would achieve such an accomplishment! (Caster, 3rd year)

If you feel lonely in your classes, just remember that there is a reason you've chosen your course! Chances are that there is someone in your lecture or tutorial that shares the same interests as you! Transitioning into uni is one of the biggest lifestyle changes - you go from a strict regime at high school where everything is decided for you to not even having your name marked off in uni classes. It will of course take a few weeks to settle in and feel comfortable but it really will be one of the most enjoyable things you'll ever do. However, I did feel a bit lonely and lacked motivation to make friends and decided to change this when I attended O'Day! When you start making a friend you have a lot more fun on campus, hangouts with friends or even getting lunch/drinks between class. Don't neglect your social life! Branch out and meet new people! (Brayden, 2nd year)



CB01 (Tower Building) - Admin, Activate UTS CB02 (UTS Central) - under construction CB03 (Bon Marche Building) - FASS CB04 - Science, Fitness & University Hall CB05 (Haymarket Campus) - Library, Green Room CB06 (Peter Johnson Building) - DAB CB07 - Science and Health CB08 (Dr Chau Chak Wing Building) - Business School CB09 - The Loft Bar CB10 - Aerial UTS Function Centre CB11 - FEIT 11




You'll need to login into My Student Admin to apply for this and then link this to your Opal account. Make sure always carry your UTS ID with you when using your concession opal card to avoid being fined.

There is an ATM located in Building 1 near the Underground Food Court and another located in Building 5B inside The Hub.



In case of emergency, please dial 6 on any phone or call 1800 249 559 from mobiles. Broadway Security is located in Building 1 Level 4 and Haymarket Security in Building 5 Level 2.


You can get a ton of perks for being a student! Many retail or even local shops offer discounts to UTS students. A popular site for locating these discounts is UniDays.




Tired of running out of breath climbing the stairs in the library? You can sign up for the gym with ActivateFit on Harris! We have state of the art fitness equipment and expert staff to help you get the figure you want.

Legal Services provides students with free legal advice and referrals when necessary. This is funded by your student fees (SSAF) and should be utilised when needed.



UTS Counselling offers confidential service which can help with a wide range of personal, psychological and study-related difficulties. Most services are free or can be bulk-billed to Medicare or a private insurance.


UTS also offers friendly and confidential medical service to students, staff, alumni and their families. The Health Service is open Mon-Fri in Building 1 Level 6.




To get this going, all you'll need is to top up your ID card with some credit by logging into MyMonitor. The main student print centre is in Building 10 Level 2 and there are also printers located throughout UTS buildings and the library. See this link for more details.

STUDENT CENTRE This is the go-to place for any questions! If you have any queries regarding enrolment, ID cards, study plan and general advice please visit a centre. There is one located in Building 5C and 10.


If you have a disability or health condition that can impede on your studies, please contact UTS Accessibility. By talking to a consultant, we can provide you with a learning experience that maximises your participation and minimises the impact of your disability.


U:PASS They provide additional assistance with subjects that are deemed as difficult or have historically high failure rates. U:PASS provides students with small semi-formal groups where they can receive help from leaders or other students to improve their study skills. Sessions run for most first year business subjects but their availability is subject to demand throughout the semesters. Visit the U:PASS website for more information.

UTS HELPS This is a program that provides non-credited English language and literacy support for individuals and groups. They help improve your writing and control of the English language to achieve your study and career goals. Services include assignment writing assistance and English practice sessions, which are helpful for English as a second language students. Find out more at the HELPS website.

Tutoring Services If you'd prefer one-on-one help, there are a range of websites and even university tutors to help you connect with the content. You can visit sites such as Student VIP for more information. The UTS Students Association also run peer tutoring services and so you can visit their website for details.



Mathematics & Science Study Centre This study centre offers free assistance with maths, statistics and basic computing to students from all faculties. They run examination preparation workshops for specific maths and finance subjects.

Library Resources Getting to know the library is the most important thing to ensure you survive the duration of your course! It offers regular help to help learn essential skills and contains a research centre where you can get help to find the resources you need. There is also printing services, access to textbooks and other literature for your studies. The library website provides extensive access to numerous databases, referencing information and much more that can be accessed from uni and home.

Getting Additional Help When in doubt, you are more than welcome to email your tutors and subject coordinators for assistance! Most will reply to you within a couple of days or may even schedule consultation hours with you to help with your studies. Always check subject discussion boards (on UTSOnline) to see if students have asked similar questions to you as these threads are regularly answered.




Located directly across the road from the library, Chambers Fine Coffee offers a smooth quality for a relatively cheap price and convenient location!


If you're on the other side of campus, this is a great alternative! It's located at the end of Building 7, so it's a great option if you're on Broadway. A regular coffee starts at $3!


Not exactly a coffee place but everyone loves a good bubble tea right? There's one located in Central Park and Market City.


Coffee made with freshly ground beans for only $1! A great option if you're not willing to spend big on a caffeine boost. A 7-Eleven is located near the UTS Library.


If you're on a budget, don't panic! There's plenty of kitchen facilities located through UTS, including microwaves and hot water! 17



A must go for sushi lovers! It's always busy, fresh and tasty! Mention the student discount and enjoy your dose of omega 3! There is one located in Railway Square.


Most dumpling places are located near UTS Library and give you a great authentic experience for a relatively cheap price. Pork & chives are a must try!


If you want a meal that is going to fill you up and taste amazing then this is the perfect place! If you make it to their lunch special, most dishes can be bought for under $10!


If you're looking for some delicious Asian street food classics, then this is where to go! A large number of dishes are under $10 and there are many options to choose from.


This laneway punches above its weight with a mix of emerging fashion and lifestyle retailers! Located just past Building 5D. 18


Bachelor of Management This is a highly creative and innovative course. There are four majors, Events, Tourism, Sport and Digital Creative Enterprise and please note that you'll need to pick your major at enrolment. In your first year, you'll learn how to lead yourself and others and regularly comment on how to effectively handle contemporary business situations. This degree is very practical and the skills taught will enable you to understand the rise of globalisation and the interdependence of the experience-based industries. (B/Management, 3rd year)

Bachelor of Business This a great course that encapsulates and integrates all the business disciplines. The mix of the 8 core subjects in first year and choosing your major after completion is a true testament to the flexibility of this course. The hands-on nature of the course is what truly differentiates the UTS experience and the emphasis on soft skills allows students to develop both personally and professionally. (B/Business, 2nd year)



Bachelor of Economics A degree in economics opens your eyes to financial systems work on a larger scale and the impacts of various strategies on an economy. The degree has equipped me with the knowledge necessary to advise on policy making, regarding the allocation of scarce resources in the community. The most challenging aspect is familiarising yourself with the foreign concepts, however, economics is a changing field with many opportunities. The skills taught in this course are transferrable as well. (B/Economics, 1st year)

Bachelor of Accounting Making the decision to apply for this course was possibly the greatest decision I could have made after high school. This degree truly gave me an invaluable start to my business career and I have especially valued the flexibility, comradeship and fun this degree has given me. Under this degree, I had the opportunity in an international business competition and look forward to going on exchange in the future. (B/Accounting, 3rd year)


BUYING TEXTBOOKS Most business subjects require you to purchase textbooks. There is no doubt that textbooks are pricey, especially for students living on a budget! You'll find that some subject's textbooks aren't actually compulsory but some subjects take homework out of textbooks or allow you to bring it in an exam. You will need to refer to your subject outline to determine if a textbook is required of just speak to your tutor about it.



Most students opt to purchase at a Co-op bookstore. The closest one would be on Phillip Street in the Sydney CBD but they also have an online store. Co-op is generally more expensive, however, some retailers also offer renting and price matching. Just make sure to shop around and research before purchasing any book.

Many students sell their old textbooks and this is a really cheap way of buying textbooks. They are often snapped quickly so don't miss out! BSoc has their very own Textbook Exchange on Facebook but there are more on sites like Gumtree. Just make sure the book doesn't have notes in them as you may need to bring it into the exam.

CAN'T AFFORD? Not being able to buy textbooks should not affect your ability to complete your degree. UTS offers a variety of scholarships to disadvantaged students. Most textbooks are also available in the library and can be loaned for a certain period of time. 21

SLAYING THE COURSE SUBJECTS Accounting for Business Decisions A This subject provides a fundamental overview of the roles of accounts and financial and managerial information of a business. As with most students who take this subject and don't have an accounting background, I struggled with grasping the core concepts and definitely recommend taking U:PASS sessions for the extra help. I recommend taking the homework option as it forces you to keep upto-date with your work and means less cramming before final exam. The 10% is also helpful as it contributes to your final grade. If you're a creative person (or even if you're not), do the screencast! This is really handy to boost your marks and I know of people who actually regret not doing it!

Integrating Business Perspectives IBP provides students with an understanding of the business landscape through a direct focus on entrepreneurship and business structures. In your assessments, you will be required to focus on a social issue and must formulate an innovative business solution. IBP is a great subject that combines most of the key business functions and you experience how they all work together holistically. This is usually the first subject in first semester that requires you to write an essay. Make sure you're academic writing skills are on par with that of UTS!

Marketing Foundations This subject gives an overview to the principles and processes of marketing and teaches you that marketing is beyond just advertising. You explore the different influences on the marketing environment and how businesses adapt to changing consumer needs. The subject is one of the more straightforward ones to study for as there is a required textbook, so make sure to buy yourself an online or physical copy. Each week a topic will correspond to a full chapter and weekly lecture slides and homework are posted before class. I recommend having a look at this before class as it'll give you an idea of what you'll be learning that week. 22

SLAYING THE COURSE SUBJECTS Accounting for Business Decisions B This subject builds upon Accounting A, so make sure you don't throw your homework or sell your textbooks straight away! I definitely recommend starting the MYOB assignment early and buying the MYOB textbook - don't underestimate how long it takes to finish! The online quizzes are not too difficult but you do only get one chance to do to them. Unlike Accounting A, the final exam is closed book and it is very challenging to memorise everything. Most questions are in the style of the tutorial homework, so if you can solve these you should be able to ace the exam!

Managing People & Organisations This subject is a student's first real taste of the world of management. It provides an insight into the history and evolution of leadership, managing employees and organisational practices because of human development. MPO is heavily structured around weekly group and individual tasks (like readings and quizzes) that are expected to be completed and discussed in tutorials. I urge you to do your readings (which are examinable!) and make thorough notes from lectures as MPO is very content heavy.

Economics for Business This is definitely an easy subject to do well in, if you're applying yourself each week! Every fortnight or so, you'll need to complete online quizzes (yes online!) so it is really essential to regularly do homework and catch up on content. Acing these quizzes with a bunch of friends will definitely help give you some relief when it gets to the exam period. The exam is not too difficult, however, you are not allowed to take in a formula sheet. Throughout the semester I made palm cards that had formulas and some theory that made it easier to memorise.


SLAYING THE COURSE SUBJECTS Business Statistics This is all about analysing data, identifying trends and applying interpretations to business situations. Many people are overwhelmed by the new terminology and formulas, especially if maths isn't your strong suit. However, do not lose motivation! Both exams in this subject are open book - so you can focus on understanding the content rather than memorising difficult formulas. It is easy to fall behind in the subject since the content builds on previous weeks. Attend all lectures because they're not recorded but know that there is so much help available! Many students take U:PASS classes which is a great way to understand concepts and get more resources. Make sure to practice questions and to organise and label your notes before your exams.

Fundamentals of Business Finance This is one of the core subjects many first year students struggle with. I remember in the first lecture, the subject coordinator said the subject had a 30% failure rate! These words resonated with me and I made sure I didn't fall into this statistic. As this is a very practical and involved subject, it is essential that you regularly practice questions. Each week, the FBF team have homework questions and in-class tutorial questions. These are really great tools in practising your skills and reinforcing the content taught. Tutorials are not compulsory, but this is not a reason to slack off as the weeks build upon each other!


MASTER YOUR REFERENCING Throughout your studies, you’ll find that most of your subjects have a research component. Whether that will be individual or in a group, submitted in essay format or as a presentation to your tutor, you will need to know how to research information effectively and how to cite correctly to avoid plagiarism. CAREFUL: Plagiarism is the theft of research and information. It carries heavy penalties throughout your degree, whether or not it has been committed with intent. Make sure you reference correctly! THE LIBRARY: YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND UTS Library is a heck of a lot more than just a room full of books! It houses some of the most valuable resources to assist you with your research and writing. These include: Academic writing guides – you can find these on the library website along with other guides to giving oral presentations and grammar for your essays Access to large databases – using your UTS login you can access thousands of academic journals and published works to use in your research Of course, it also has a lot of physical books to read!

One of the most valuable skills that the library can help you with is how to cite properly. All assessments in the Business School require the UTS Harvard referencing style, unless stated otherwise. The library has a very useful interactive guide to teach you what the correct styling is. If you follow this guide down to the letter, you won’t lose any marks due to incorrect referencing!




A year-long program designed to enhance your employability success by helping you to identify your skills, knowledge and experience in an appropriate and professional way.

A leadership volunteer program for UTS students to support their venture beyond their degree into the community. You apply your skills and knowledge learnt at UTS to the real world and make real change!



A program to harness leadership potential and develop skills and competencies as a global leader. There are three components; leadership, abroad and community connections. Participation and engagement in workshops and seminars help equip you to create a better world.

UTS is proud to award scholarships to students every year. We endeavour to reward achievement and recognise motivation to succeed. UTS provides support to students experiencing financial hardship or educational disadvantages



Melissa Irwin (Bachelor of Business, 2012) She didn’t know it at the time, but the business case studies and realworld industry challenges that characterised her degree were the foundation for Melissa’s future career. Since graduating, Melissa has worked as a Marketing Manager for Telstra, leading the Social and Digital Marketing partnerships for the company’s sports portfolio. One of her highlights was contributing to a world-class marketing campaign for the 2018 AFL and NRL Finals Series and Grand Finals. Even now, when it comes to advertising or marketing campaigns, she still uses a briefing template from her UTS degree.

"Now, 5 years+ down the track, I've managed to blend both my passion and my skillset to work in my ideal role." Melissa recently relocated to Melbourne for her dream job, as the Partnerships Manager within the Sponsorship and Partnership team for the AFL. The role calls on her skills in end-to-end partnerships management, including leveraging sponsorships opportunities, public relations, marketing, media execution and promotional activations.



Looking to make new friends? BSoc's annual first year camp is back and it's better than ever! It is definitely one of our most anticipated events of the year, so you don't want to miss out on this!

Date: 29 March to 31 March Where: Broken Bay Sport & Recreation Centre Tickets: get them here through QPay

Check out more details at our event page on Facebook!



Special Thanks To the Education Team (Caster Calma, Brayden Gossling, James Roworth & Kate Taylor) for their hard work in producing this guide! To the UTS Business School and ActivateUTS for their continued support of the UTS Business Society!


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