Law School Manual 2023

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Law School Manual 2023


Alexander Chan, Education (Publications) Director

Ryan Little, Education (Publications) Director

Peter Markopoulos, UTS LSS Vice-President (Education)

Law School Manual (LSM) is published in Sydney annually by the UTS Law Students’ Society. UTS Central, Level 14, Room 104 61 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007

Ph (02) 9514 3448

Fax (02) 9514 3427

Where unspecified, all photos and images have been contributed by the UTS Law Students’ Society

© 2023 UTS Law Students’ Society

This publication is copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may form or by any means (electronic or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any process without specific written consent of the UTS Law Students’ Society. Enquiries are to be addressed to the publishers.


All expressions of opinion published in the LSM are not the official opinion of the UTS Law Students’ Society unless expressly stated. The UTS Law Students’ Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any opinions or information contained herein and readers should rely on their own enquiries to make decisions in their own interest.

The UTS Law Students’ Society acknowledges the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation, the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug Nation, the Bidiagal people and the Gamaygal people upon whose ancestral lands our university stands.

We would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present, acknowledging them as the traditional custodians of knowledge for these lands.

CONTENTS 3. Dean’s Address 5. President’s Welcome 7. Socials at UTS Law 9. What’s On in 2023 11. The Education Team 13. Bar Productions 14. Student Wellbeing 15. Sports at UTS Law 17. Mooting at UTS Law 19. Skills Competitions at UTS Law 20. Social Justice at UTS Law 23. Representatives 25. Equity at UTS Law

Dean’s Address

Congratulations for choosing to study law with us at the Faculty of Law UTS. We are delighted to warmly welcome you as ‘one of our own’ and hope to assist you to fulfil your goals. I am sure 2023 will be a rewarding year for you and the start of a life-long connection with the Faculty of Law at UTS.

The place of the UTS Law Faculty is on the unceded land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. In choosing UTS Law I welcome you to join with us in being an important contributor to a large and influential law school. We are proud of the quality of our legal education, our research and the real-world impact our students and academic and professional staff have on our local, national and global community through our commitment to social justice. Our vision is ‘To be, and to be acknowledged as, a leading law faculty recognised nationally and internationally for education, research and collaboration that brings positive social change, inspires a justice consciousness, and promotes leadership through service.’ We achieve this vision.

As Dean of the Faculty of Law I am responsible for the dayto-day running of the Faculty and its future direction. I am very proud of the fact that UTS Law has the highest graduate satisfaction of any law school in NSW and the highest graduate employment overall. During your time with us we aim to provide you with excellent skills you will need throughout your career and professional life.


I encourage each of you to be involved with the activities offered by the Law Students’ Society, the Law Faculty and the University. The activities on offer outside the formal classroom – particularly those of offer by the LSS - are equally important for your understanding of law, the development of your future career and importantly learning how to balance your ‘work’ and your ‘non-work’ activities. Exploring how to balance personal and professional needs will remain critical for well-being throughout life. So please get involved early and explore and take up opportunities as they arise.

I have always treasured working with the students of the Faculty. I am constantly in awe of student enthusiasm, energy and commitment – and indeed it is infectious. As Dean I will try to find ways to connect with you – activities such as the Brennan program offer opportunities for us to do so and I urge you to become involved with that and other events. Here the LSS is an important piece in the law student experience. Programs such as the Brennan program are run jointly with the LSS and the Faculty and the LSS runs activities which often complement the aims of the Faculty. For example, student competitions run by the LSS promote the skills embedded in our subjects through Graduate Attributes such as mooting and negotiation.

I look forward to meeting you throughout this year and over the course of your studies. I encourage you to make the most out of studying at UTS Law and wish you all the best for 2023.


President’s Welcome


and welcome to UTS Law for 2023!

Irrespective of the path that brought you into the great halls of UTS Building 2, joining UTS Law will take you on a journey of exciting opportunities, challenges and important lessons. UTS Law prides itself on its practical, wellrounded, and social justice focused approach to the study of the law, which aims to allow you to flourish in whatever career path you choose!

A huge part of what you will learn at law school is the way the law penetrates every aspect of our daily lives. You will also discover how critical the law is in responding to abuses of human rights and upholding the importance of social justice within our society. By choosing UTS Law, you have selected a degree that constantly encourages you to interrogate the systems and structures upon which our society is based, equipping you with the practical skills to contribute to real change.

One of the best things about UTS Law is its collaborative and supportive student culture. University is not just about gaining the education to equip you for your future careers; it’s also about making lifelong friends that can

support you through your educational journey. That’s where the UTS Law Students’ Society, or the UTS LSS, comes in!

The UTS LSS is the largest student-run organisation on the UTS campus, and is all about catering to the social, vocational and educational needs of UTS Law students. Whether you’re keen on socialising with your other first years at events like First Year Law Camp, First Year Drinks, Law Cruise and the Law Ball, or focusing on kicking your educational and career goals with events like the Buddy Project, First Year Peer Mentoring, the Breaking into Law Panel and Junior Gauntlet, the LSS aims to design a university environment that allows a diverse range of students to thrive.

The LSS also has a strong focus on supporting the well-being of all our students and runs mental health focused events such as the Smile Project (think therapy dogs on campus!) and R U Okay Day. If social justice is your passion, the LSS also has you covered. With the Brennan Program, a diverse range of equity schemes, and a variety of panels and conferences, the LSS is


proud to run initiatives that tackle the unique disadvantages that certain groups experience at the hands of the law.

As President, my role is to lead the fantastic team of 42 LSS councillors, who all volunteer their time to run the initiatives and events that improve the university experience for over 1000 LSS members. Joining the LSS in my first year (a Covid year - gross), is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Being involved in the LSS has allowed me to form lifelong friendships, connect with incredible academics and industry professionals, and learn invaluable skills. I know joining a university society can be daunting, but I cannot encourage you all enough to take the plunge, and join the LSS. You never know the experiences, people and lessons that may be waiting for you!

Make sure to check out the QR code on the back page of this manual to become a member of the LSS and access discounted tickets to our events, merchandise and opportunities to attend our wonderful range of events!

Please take the time to read the rest of this manual - it is your one-stop shop for everything LSS that you will be able to access as a first year, and throughout the rest of your degrees. If you ever have any questions, feel free to message me on Facebook or reach out at, my inbox is always open! I wish you all the best of luck as you enter this new chapter, and I cannot wait to (hopefully) meet you all around campus!


Socials @ UTS Law

Welcome to the UTS LSS! You have made an excellent decision in choosing UTS, as we are a Law School like no other. Unlike other Law Schools, the UTS LSS will help you maximise your time at university by hosting unmissable events that cater to any and all of your social interests.

What do we offer?

The Socials Portfolio organises exceptional events that provide students with invaluable opportunities to meet like-minded people, take a break from studying, and make lifelong memories.

2022 saw the return of our most-loved initiatives after two years of Covid-19, as well as the implementation of new events. The events which ran in 2022 included:

Law Ball

First Year Law Camp

What to expect in 2023?

Moving into 2023, the Socials Portfolio is looking to be bigger and better than ever. You can expect a return of our 2022 events in a new and improved style. Furthermore, there will be Interfaculty and even Intervarsity events to help you meet people from all sorts of degrees and universities. With something for everyone, the Socials Portfolio will be your one-stop-shop for keeping a work-life balance in 2023, whilst forming friendships along the way.

Where to find information about our events?

Karaoke Night

The Socials Portfolio always aims to host our events at some of Sydney’s most-loved venues. From Cargo Bar to Bungalow 8, and Scary Canary to Side Bar, a fantastic atmosphere is guaranteed. We also hire professional DJs and photographers to make your time all the more memorable.

Our events always sell out quickly, so it is vital that you keep up to date to avoid missing out. The best way to do so is by following our Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. Or, if social media isn’t for you, be sure to regularly check your emails for the UTS LSS fortnightly newsletter entitled ‘The Buzz’, or the UTS LSS website.

Tips and tricks for making the most of your degree

As much as people say it, your time at university really is what you make of it. I highly recommend you take every opportunity as it comes and put yourself out there. Make friends in your classes, go on coffee catch-ups, organise study groups and most importantly, attend our events! After all, the people you meet at university will be your peers for the next few years. I speak from experience when I say that the people you meet in your first year not only lighten the load of a Law degree, but also have the potential of becoming your lifelong friends.

Law Cruise
Start of Semester Parties
First Year Law Drinks Pub Golf


in 2023?

First Year Law Camp

When? 10-12 March

First Year Law Camp is a three-day weekend dedicated to meeting your fellow peers and having fun before the law school experience truly begins. Better yet, there is absolutely no studying at this camp!

There will be a line-up of activities and parties for everyone to enjoy, and soon enough, you will be finding your lifelong friends by getting to know them outside of the classroom. If you’re a first year, you cannot miss out on the opportunity to go to Camp!

Law Cruise

When? 28 April

Hop on board and get ready to cruise through Sydney Harbour by grabbing your friends, getting into costume and taking advantage of the bar and banging tunes. There’s no better way to enjoy yourself than dancing the night away at an exclusive boat party and enjoying the sight of our wonderful city all at the same time! Keep your eyes peeled for the ticket release.

First Year Law Drinks

When? 16 March

Head over to First Year Law Drinks to catch up with your fellow Firsties in a fun and relaxed environment. For those who missed out on going to Camp, don’t worry! This event is entirely for you to get involved and make new friends before getting stuck into uni life.

Start of Semester Party

When? 16 March

Law Ball

When? 23 September

Dress to the nines and prepare for the biggest event of the LSS’ social calendar - the annual Law Ball! Alongside the themed decor and the classiest outfits, there will be an unlimited bar tab, dance floor and three-course menu. Celebrate the year that has been and get your poses ready for the photographer to capture your best memories with friends, both new and old. This event absolutely cannot be missed!

Start the uni year off with a bang at the annual Start of Semester Party! Dress to theme and enjoy the bar tab, dance floor and DJ to keep you going all night. This is the perfect way to party the night away with students from all year groups, and get to know new people who you will be hanging out with over the many years to come.


The Education Team We’re Here To Help!

Starting law school is an amazing experience. Between studying, making new friends and starting a career, it is the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life. However, it can all become quite a juggling act. That is why the Education Portfolio is here to help. Our wide-ranging support focusing on academics, mentoring and well-being seeks to make your time at UTS Law a breeze.

Academic Support

Peer Mentoring

First Year Peer Mentoring is an absolute gamechanger for your study. Led by some of the LSS’ brightest students, you will be granted tips, examples and invaluable insights in the lead up to assessments for first-year subjects. This year, Peer Mentoring will be delivered in-person and online via the official Facebook page.

The program is a great way to ease any anxieties or uncertainties that may arise when commencing your studies. Whether you missed a concept in class, are struggling with legal skills or simply want to perfect your craft - Peer Mentoring is valuable for every student.

To get involved, look up @LSSPeerMentoring on Facebook and like the page to stay up to date and maximise your marks.

Subject Tutoring

Do you want to get ahead in your studies? The LSS facilitates a ‘Subject Tutoring Database’ of high-performing subject tutors, which can be found by searching ‘UTS LSS Subject Tutoring’ on Google. Signing up is as simple as contacting the tutor and organising a time, price and meeting arrangement.

Please note that the UTS LSS is not liable for any agreements made between the tutor and the student.


Non-Academic Support

Buddy Project

The Buddy Project pairs first-year students (Junior Buddies) with older students (Senior Buddies) based on degrees and mutual interests. It is one of the most fun and impactful programs the LSS offers. This year we will facilitate ‘Buddy Events’, opportunities for buddies to bond in individual and group settings.

Having been involved in the Project as both a Junior and Senior Buddy, I have personally witnessed the success of the Project and would love all new students to be immersed in the experience! Your buddy can be anything from a study buddy, coffee mate or best friend! The program is what you make of it.

Smile Project

The UTS LSS recognises the importance of mental well-being for all students. The Smile Project is a semesterly run event that aims to alleviate some stress that comes from law school and promote an inclusive and open dialogue around mental health. There are opportunities to have a BBQ lunch, therapy dog sessions and Wellbeing Packs filled with many exciting items. In 2023, we are expanding the project to further enhance its purpose in supporting all students!

Speaker Series

Speaker Series is an exciting series of interactive legal seminars which explores pertinent issues faced by the legal profession. We invite esteemed guests to lead the dialogue and facilitate the discussion in a Q&A format. Past topics include COVID-19 and the Law, International Relations, Modern Slavery and Intellectual Property.


The LSS’ publications are a fantastic mechanism that bridges vital information to our members. In addition to the Law School Manual and the Camp Survival Guide, the UTS LSS offers The Full Bench, a law journal composed of articles written by peers and academics on topical legal issues. The UTS LSS also offers the Electives Guide which is a comprehensive breakdown of all the electives offered by UTS Law, containing student and staff testimonials.

Most notable has been the formation of ‘The Bar Productions’. The Bar involves a podcast and a light-hearted newspaper. Be sure to check it out @thebarproductions_ on Instagram.

Sign up to the Buddy Project using the QR Code!

The Bar Productions

The LSS and the Education Portfolio are extremely excited to introduce you to ‘The Bar Productions’ in 2023.

The Bar Productions is a small media project run by the Education Portfolio, on behalf of the LSS, to provide students with a handful of entertaining and insightful media productions. These include both The Bar Podcast and Newspaper.

The Podcast

The Bar Podcast is officially entering its 4th season! The podcast is hosted by fellow students who will be discussing recent events and student life, as well as interviewing unique guests. This year, the podcast will be a fortnightly production that you can access on Spotify and Apple Music.

The Bar Podcast is the perfect way to familarise yourself with the world of legal education and get an idea of what you have in store during your degree. You’ll also learn about legal news, hear valuable insights from a variety of guests and definitely have a few laughs.

The Newspaper

The Newspaper is a fun little publication run through our instagram page. It contains satirical ‘articles’ relating to recent events and student experiences; think law school Betoota Advocate. It’s the perfect way to distract yourself when you’re not paying attention in class!

Where to find us

The Bar Productions is primarily run through our instagram account: @thebar_productions. Be sure to check out the podcast as well on Spotify or Apple Music as well!

We are also excited to announce that we will be moving The Bar to Tiktok in 2023 - So keep your eyes peeled!

Your law school experience might feel a bit boring and monotonous at times, so we think it’s important to step away and consume some light hearted entertainment every now and then. We hope that the Bar Productions can provide some of that entertainment throughout the year and maybe even help you learn something new.


Student Wellbeing

After a few years due to COVID-19, it is more important than ever to look after your own personal wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of those around you. The first year of law school can involve late nights, difficult assignments and the challenge of meeting new people. In 2023, The UTS LSS will collaborate to deliver an innovative and accessible approach to meeting the wellbeing needs of all UTS Law Students. These activities will be delivered in a hybrid in person and online method attracting students in both larger and smaller gatherings, as well as in the comfort of our own homes! We are committed to ensuring that all UTS Law students feel at ease in a new and often challenging first year of university.

The UTS LSS aims to acknowledge that mental health issues are a critical issue among Australia’s youth. The goal of the LSS is not only to facilitate events which contribute to bettering the mental health of students but to foster an environment where members of the LSS support one another and empathise with those around them. Creating an LSS culture, where our law student community is not only vocal about the challenges that give rise to mental health struggles but is open to supporting any student in any way possible with overcoming adversity.

Wellbeing is something that needs to be well looked after by all and for all.

If at any time you have questions about your law school program, experience stress during your studies, or would simply like to chat to a friendly face, please reach out to me or a member of the UTS LSS. The UTS LSS office is located at Building 2, Level 14. We would love to meet you, and our door is always open!

In 2023, we are looking for eager applicants to join the Student Wellbeing Committee (SWC). These students will assist in the planning and running of Wellbeing events over the year and volunteering your time to support your fellow students. These volunteer hours will also go towards the completion of the prestigious Brennan Justice and Leadership Award. Being involved in a subcommittee is a great way to meet like-minded people, and create new friendships and connections!

Our main initiatives include the biannual Smile Project - a week of therapy dogs, BBQ, lollie stations, resources and many other initiatives to support your wellbeing in the lead up to exams. The SWC will also host a range of other Wellbeing events including Random Acts of Kindness Day and an R U OK Day event just to name a few!

As a UTS student, you have access to a range of mental health and wellbeing services. These range from counselling services, sexual harassment support services, and opportunities to join mental health organisations at UTS to help your fellow students. If you recognise that a friend or fellow student may be struggling, or just isn’t themselves, remember to ask them if they are ok, listen, encourage them to take action, and check in to see how they are doing.

UTS Counselling Services:

Phone: (02) 9514 1177


Mental Health Services, including Lifeline 13 11 14:


Sports @ UTS Law

Whether you’re in it to win it, to have some fun, or looking to break the ice with other students, the UTS LSS Sports program is for YOU! There’s no better way to get involved at university than through sport. You don’t have to be an athlete, so come on and get involved!

Social Sport

Social Sport is one of the best ways to have fun, meet new people and keep active! Regardless of your previous sporting experiences or skill level, it’s a must for every student to get involved. Social Sport runs weekly at UTS in both Autumn and Spring semesters. You’ll be able to represent the UTS LSS in as many sports as you wish. With mixed netball, basketball and futsal available, there’s something for everyone!


Looking for a great deal on health and fitness? Look no further. Challenge yourself and your mates at the LSS Kickstart. Kickstart is a 10 week small-group exercise program led by qualified personal trainers. The program runs weekly on campus at the Elite Athlete and Performance Gym and is a fantastic opportunity to get fit and have fun.

Limited spots are available so register as soon as possible!


Maybe you’re a running fanatic, or maybe it’s just for the medal. Dust off your favourite dress-up gear or throw on your fave fitness getup to run, jog, or walk your way to Bondi. Join the UTS LSS team to be part of a great day topped with some post-race celebrations.

Bubble Soccer

Intervarsity Sports Day

Want to get involved representing the UTS LSS against other law schools? Look no further than the annual Intervarsity Sports Day! Channel your best team spirit for some friendly competition to help the UTS LSS’ strong sporting reputation! This event is a must for making new friends across different year groups and universities.

Don’t miss out on this inaugural event! Suit up in a bubble costume and get ready to enjoy the latest craze to hit the football world. It’s hilarious to watch, fun to play, and a great way to unwind during the busy university semester!


Mooting @ UTS Law

The Importance of Getting Involved with Mooting

Mooting offers students an insight into life as a barrister. These competitions are designed to provide participants with the opportunity to obtain and develop the skills required to successfully and zealously advocate your client’s position in a superior court, by either establishing an error from the court below or demonstrating no error in order to dismiss the appeal.

So why get involved? Mooting requires you to think analytically and critically while applying the law to a set of agreed facts. Sounds familiar right? That is because it is very much similar to what you are required to do for all your subjects. It bridges the gap between theory and practice by requiring you to prepare written submissions regarding your client’s position and then advocating it before a judge. Mooting can yield significant benefits for your studies on account of the requirement to view the application of the relevant law(s) from both sides of the coin.

Due to the skills that mooting provides to those who participate, it is viewed considerably well by prospective employers. However, the most important benefit that comes from getting involved is the opportunity to meet new people and create long-lasting friendships. The legal industry is quite small believe it or not, and the people you meet along the way may be your future employers or colleagues.


Transferable Skills

As previously mentioned, mooting involves critical analysis and thinking. These are two of the most important skills required in order to succeed in your studies and in the workforce. Mooting competitions often raise contemporary issues of law and require you to think outside the box. Originality and creativity are rewarded, as they are in your responses to your assignments and exam responses.

However, the nature of advocacy is exceptionally focused on communication skills, both oral and written. Mooting allows you to develop your ability

in both regards and will allow you to communicate more effectively. Communication is key. As a legal practitioner, you will be writing letters of advice, correspondence to external parties, as well as written submissions in litigious matters.

Above all else, mooting requires you to understand both sides of the issue. This can most definitely be used not just in practice but in life, as it shows that there can be more than one interpretation and the importance of understanding.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Further information on the types of competitions on offer can be located on the UTS LSS website under the mooting portfolio tab. Any questions can be directed to myself at

Outside of the above, the UTS LSS runs a Mooting Mentoring Program once each semester and serves as a catch-all guide on all things related to mooting, including tips and tricks on how to succeed.


Skills Competitions @ UTS Law

Why New Law Students Should Compete

Skills Competitions allow law students to engage in practical a pplications of their academic studies through real-life problem scenarios. Participating in c ompetitions adds invaluable experience to your CV, and provides networking opportunities with other students, faculty members and external advocates.

The Skills Competitions

Client Interview: Building positive working relationships with clients is an essential legal skill. Competitors conduct a 30-minute interview with a hypothetical client that addresses a unique legal issue. They are required to extract all relevant facts through carefully posed questions, raise ethical dilemmas, and provide preliminary legal and non-legal advice.

Negotiation: Negotiation provides students with an opportunity to master important alternative dispute resolution skills. Teams are provided with hypothetical common and secret facts which they must utilise to come to a mutually beneficial outcome that balances their client’s objectives with the other parties’ interests.

Witness Examination: Witness examination is an individual competition where students develop their advocacy skills by examining and cross-examining witnesses. Competitors work to construct a convincing case while simultaneously discrediting their opposing counsel’s case.

Intervarsity Skills Competitions: The UTS LSS hosts and participates in numerous intervarsity skills competitions. These competitions provide opportunities for experienced competitors to represent the LSS at a local, state or national level in any of the above competitions.

Written Skills: Students also have an opportunity to compete in various written skills competitions, including Advice Writing, Paper Presentation and Affidavit Drafting. These practical competitions provide students with invaluable legal skills heavily relied on in practice. Participation in these competitions is always favourably perceived by employers.

When Can New Students Compete

The UTS LSS runs the Junior Skills Competitions in the Spring Session for first and second-year students who have not previously competed. We run the Open Skills Competitions in Autumn for all students, regardless of experience, but encourage all new law students to attempt the Junior Competitions first, as judges provide more detailed feedback in these competitions.

While waiting for the Junior Competitions in the Spring Session, students can get involved as a volunteer client in Client Interview or a volunteer witness in Witness Examination. Here, you will pick up valuable skills from experienced competitors along the way! Volunteering can also work towards other initiatives, including the Brennan Program and the UTS SOUL Awards.

The Gauntlet Competition is another great opportunity to kickstart involvement in competitions. This weekend includes workshops on how to compete and the opportunity to put these new skills into practice.


page for
the UTS LSS Competitions Forum and the UTS LSS Facebook
all the latest competition updates!

Social Justice @ UTS Law

Social Justice Portfolio Overview

UTS and the UTS Law Students’ Society prides itself on the torch it holds to the various social justice issues plaguing the law. The Social Justice Portfolio offers a multitude of ways for law students to engage with the principles of justice, and consider the impact of barriers that face minority communities. The intersectionality of social justice and law is a core element of reflection and action throughout the law school experience and beyond.

The Social Justice Conference is a highlight of the Spring Semester. Panellists and Keynote speakers from legal, political and social justice backgrounds address contemporary issues, with discussions driven by student engagement.

Following a successful launch in 2022, Words on Justice: A UTS LSS Social Justice Blog continues into 2023! Social-justice minded and passionate law students stimulate meaning conversations through their well-crafted articles and written contributions. This is the perfect opportunity to voice your concerns and bring a fresh perspective to social justice issues!

The inaugural Juvenile Justice Mentoring Program begins in 2023, and will allow students mentors and young offenders to foster relationships and learn from one another, beyond stereotypical labels. Advocacy is the crux of fostering strong legal skills. If you are interested in connecting with a young person in incarceration and gaining insight into the impact of the justice system, I highly encourage your application to be a Student Mentor in 2023.



The Justice Action Committee (JAC) applications open in March 2023. This official UTS LSS subcommittee meets fortnightly and is dedicated to assisting the Brennan and Equity Directors and our new Representative positions in the organisation and execution of all the initiatives that fall within the portfolio. The JAC also runs their own initiative, Social Justice Awareness Week.

Brennan Program

The Brennan Justice and Leadership Program runs jointly between the UTS LSS and the UTS Faculty of Law, honouring the central role of social justice at UTS Law.

Leadership through Service (LTS) Hours, and Reflections on Justice (ROJ) Points are achieved through student volunteering, and deep reflection on wide-reaching areas of justice. The program offers initiatives to gain LTS and ROJ such as Justice Talks, Discussion Groups, RASA Week, and the Westmead Arts and Crafts Drive . In 2023, we welcome Brennanite of the Month, which will highlight outstanding student engagement with the program, and the Public Speaking Society x Brennan Program Public Speaking Competition.

Students who take out the award will have this recognised on their AHEG Statement. The program is the only one of its kind across all Australian law schools, and shows UTS Law’s commitment to social justice.

Equity Subsidies and Equitable Schemes

There are a number of equity schemes run by the UTS LSS to assist students experiencing financial difficulty. The Textbook Equity Scheme loans textbooks to students upon proof of financial hardship, and the University Essentials Scheme offers support to students in obtaining resources. This year, we are offering students the opportunity to donate their relevant textbooks to the Textbook Equity Scheme. Equity Subsidies are offered to eligible students for First Year Law Camp, Law Cruise and Law Ball. Applications for these initiatives are shared via UTS LSS social media channels throughout the year!

Equity x Wellbeing Panel

The ALSA award-winning UTS LSS Equity x Wellbeing Panel emphasises the importance of finding a balance and reflecting on your own personal well-being and mental health, especially as a law student. Industry professionals discuss the challenges pertinent to our student community and beyond.


Queer Intervarsity Pride Moot

UTS brought home the UTS LSS x SULS x UNSW

LS Intervarsity Pride Moot in 2022, as honourable Justice Micheal Kirby sat on the bench. This moot provides the opportunity for LGBTQIA+ identifying students to compete in a moot focussed on issues which face their community.

Queer Issues in the Law Panel and Networking Program

Queer Issues in the Law Panel involves discussions and Q&A sessions with industry professionals. The inaugural Queer Networking Program will provide students with the opportunity to connect on a fortnightly basis, and gain insight from industry professionals.


Women’s Mentoring Program

The Women’s Networking Program expanding to unprecedented levels in 2022. The WMP embraces the representation of women in the legal profession, regardless of race, cultural background, sexual identity or age. The WMP pairs female-identifying students with mentors from a diverse range of corporate and non-corporate legal careers. These mentors provide invaluable insight and advice in navigating barriers as a woman in the legal profession.

Intervarsity Women in Law Panel

The Intervarsity Women in Law Conference is a trilateral conference run by the UTS LSS, SULS, and UNSW LAW SOC. It involves panel discussions and Q&A sessions with female leaders in the legal profession, discussing topics such as barriers to female representation, and the unique experiences of diverse female law students and lawyers.


Diverse-ability in Practice

Diverse-ability in Practice is a new monthly blog that will display well-crafted written contributions from law students, and professional practitioners about their experience with diverse-ability.

First Nations NAIDOC Week

Each year in Spring Session, the UTS LSS runs a week of initiatives to observe NAIDOC Week. This initiative provides an opportunity for students to reflect on issues of Indigenous justice.

Disabilities in the Law Panel and Networking event TOPIC: Navigating your legal career with diverse-ability

The Disabilities in the Law Panel involves discussions and Q&A sessions with leaders in the legal profession that have first-hand experience of practising with diverse-ability. Topics in 2023 will centre around navigating these issues and unique experiences as law students and law students.


Hi there! My name is Eliza Lo Russo, the Wom*ns Representative to the LSS - which means I’m dedicated to striving to connect and engage female-identifying law students at UTS with opportunities to thrive during their degree and beyond. There are a number of programs and existing resources that might be useful to you.

The Womens Mentoring Program (WMP) pairs female-identifying law students with inspirational female mentors from the legal profession, aiming to foster meaningful connections between women at different stages of their careers. It is the perfect opportunity to ask career-related questions and obtain guidance and direction. You can also join the UTS Gender Equity Ambassador program and contribute to social change through UTS programs by providing input to strategic initiatives, facilitating school outreach workshops and acting as event representatives developing relationships with industry partners. Another great program is the Multicultural Women’s Network at UTS. The Multicultural Women’s Network (MWN) welcomes UTS staff members who identify as a woman and as culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) or who are indigenous (although there is now a separate Indigenous Women’s Network). Also, read up on the UTS Women in Leadership Initiative or watch the UTS panel discussion from 2021 with a panel of leading businesswomen to discuss the ongoing issue of gender equity. Another great place to get involved is the UTS LSS Wom*ns Collective Facebook Group . This will be the place where I’ll share programs and opportunities in UTS and beyond, as well as where you can share resources/ quotes/recommendations.

Please get in touch - my email is which I check daily. Or if you ever want to chat or get coffee, I’m around for that as well - just shoot me a message via socials!


Congratulations and an ultra warm welcome to our 2023 Postgraduate Law students!

After a couple of exceptionally challenging years, I hope you are all as excited as we are to start a new year fresh, and to capitalise on all of the opportunities being a UTS Law student has to offer!

I’m Aleksandra (Aleks) Chojnacki , your Postgraduate Representative for 2023. As the Postgraduate Representative, my role is to engage and act as the first point of contact for any concerns, complaints or questions from UTS Postgraduate Law Students.

I’m also in the final year of my Juris Doctor at UTS. What I have found during my time at UTS is that the more connected I was with other students and the more I put myself forward for extracurricular activities, the

better my marks got, the closer I felt to the community and the happier I ultimately was. I, therefore, want to use this final year and this representative position meaningfully. I want to assist you all to get involved, to increase accessibility for PG students, and to create even more wonderful opportunities.

As such, I want this welcome to be my first open call for feedback, suggestions and thoughts. Please always feel free to contact me and stay tuned!


Representatives Disability

Supporting your studies: UTS Accessibility


Hey! I’m Casey Chieu, your Disability Representative to UTS LSS for 2023! UTS Accessibility Services is available for UTS law students who identify as having any kind of disability. This is inclusive of, but not limited to, physical, psychological and/or neurodivergent conditions.

Their services offer individualised support to registered students, with ongoing one-on-one consultations with an allocated caseworker. In assisting your course progression, they can advocate on your behalf and liaise with tutors and subject coordinators; implement study, exam and access accommodations to minimise the impact of your condition(s); and provide guidance and support in developing strategies to further engage in your studies.

As a third-year student who has been registered with UTS Accessibility Services since the start of my degree, their services have assisted me tremendously. I have been able to fully enjoy and engage in my studies whilst managing my condition and believe this would not have been as feasible to achieve without their support and assistance.

I highly encourage you to reach out to them if you believe this may assist you, especially if you had received accommodations in secondary school and/or at your last educational institution. For more information about eligibility and registration with this service, visit the UTS Website or contact to arrange a consultation.

Supporting you in the LSS:

Disability Representative Portfolio

The disability representative portfolio runs and promotes initiatives that are specifically relevant and aimed at UTS law students who identify with a disability. Various initiatives run throughout the year and are intended to provide further opportunities for disabilityidentifying students to network and feel empowered during their time at UTS – so I highly encourage you to get involved when they arise!

As the disability representative, my role is to guide and advise the Student Council on ways to further represent and consider disability-identifying students in the Society’s decisions. In advocating for better representation and inclusion of students who identify with a disability, your input, feedback and voice matters. Therefore, I am available as your first point of contact should you have any questions, complaints or queries regarding disability and the initiatives, services and policies of the Society at All correspondence will be kept confidential unless you specify otherwise.


Equity @ UTS Law

Law Equity Scholarships

There are three equity scholarships available to undergraduate domestic law students who can demonstrate financial hardship.




Ezekiel Solomon Scholarship | value of $5,000

Eric Dreikurs Scholarship | value of $6,000

Faculty of Law Equity Scholarship | value of $20,000


The application process is done online with the exception of the Faculty of Law Equity Scholarship, which may require an in-person interview. You can read more about each scholarship via the UTS scholarship search tool.

Financial Services

UTS offers an array of financial assistance to students, notably the Financial Assistance Program which offers help to students experiencing financial hardship and UTS Short-Term Student Loans. Read more via the UTS website.

UTS LSS Subsidies

The UTS Law Students’ Society offers a range of subsidies to assist students who are experiencing financial hardship. The following schemes are available for eligible students:

- Financial subsidy for tickets to attend the UTS Law Ball

- Financial subsidy for tickets to attend the First Year Law Camp

- The Equity Textbook Scheme

- The University Essentials Scheme



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