2016 Law School Manual

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© 2016 UTS Law Students’ Society This publication is copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this publication may form or by any means (electronic or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any process without specific written consent of the UTS Law Students’ Society. Enquiries are to be addressed to the publishers.

EDITORS Bianca Newton, Richard Heng Designed by Kimberly Luo WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO Richard Heng, Vice President (Education), and Bryce Craig, President of the UTS LSS, for their help and support throughout the publication process.

Disclaimer All expressions of opinion published in the LSM are not the official opinion of the UTS Law Students’ Society unless expressly stated. The UTS Law Students’ Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any opinions or information contained herein and readers should rely on their own enquiries to make decisions in their own interest.

WITH FURTHER THANKS TO Susie Mckenzie and co. Kwik Kopy Printing Centre Neutral Bay 121 Military Road, (cnr. Bydown Street), Neutral Bay, NSW 2089 Tel 02 9953 3077 Fax 9953 0530 www.neutralbay.kwikkopy.com.au Law School Manual (LSM) is published in Sydney annually by: UTS Law Students’ Society PO Box 123, Broadway NSW, 2007 Room CB05A.01.08, UTS Haymarket Campus Cnr of Quay Street & Ultimo Road Ph (02) 9514 3448 Fax (02) 9514 3427 www.utslss.com * Where unspecified, all photos and images have been contributed by the UTS Law Students’ Society.







Dean’s Address

President’s Welcome

Lace Up Your Boots Firsties!

Living the Postgrad Life





Distraction or Inspiration: The Ultimate Procrastination Guide

What is the UTS Law Students’ Society?

Meet the UTS LSS Council

Student Wellbeing






Peer Mentoring


Social Justice





Brennan Justice and Leadership Program









Law Student See, Law Student Do

Dear Firstie...

9 Tips to Being an HD Law Student


A very warm welcome to UTS : Law and congratulations on being offered a place at UTS. I hope 2016 will be a rewarding year for you and the start of a life-long connection with UTS:Law.

to find out more about the Brennan Program and to get involved with it as well as the other activities offered by the LSS. These activities can be as important as what happens within the formal classroom for your understanding of law and your future career.

As Dean of the Law Faculty I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the Faculty and its future direction, and I feel very privileged to be Dean of this Faculty. I am constantly amazed by the dedication of the academic and professional staff, and their ongoing commitment to your learning experience. It is a privilege also to know and work with the students in this Faculty. Their enthusiasm, energy, and commitment is infectious. I also work closely with the UTS Law Students’ Society (UTS LSS) and have been able to see at first hand the range of LSS activities. Many of the activities undertaken by the UTS LSS complement what we are trying to achieve in the Faculty: the competitions promote the skills which are embedded in each of our subjects through the Graduate Attributes; the social justice activities and events such as the Speaker Series encourage you to think beyond the technical law and to consider law in its broader social and political context; and, the social events are a good reminder that you need to take time away from study to relax.

One of my priorities as Dean is to reconnect with our alumni. I want to build a life-long partnership with our alumni, one which supports them and allows them to continue to engage with the Faculty as part of our community. I believe that UTS:Law offers an excellent legal education, one that is unique amongst law schools, and our alumni are enthusiastic champions for us. Alumni may seem remote to you, just commencing your legal studies, but a vibrant alumni community also offers benefits for current students through professional links and support. Our alumni already help us in many ways such as judging competitions, giving guest lectures, and mentoring students. There will be opportunities for you during your time at UTS to meet our talented alumni who are pursuing a diverse range of careers. I also think that as Dean it is important to find ways to connect with the student body and to hear from you. I try to attend as many Brennan Program and LSS events as possible. I am also on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I often talk about the Law Faculty as a community – faculty and students together. Since becoming Dean in 2013, I have valued the way in which staff and students here work together. One of the most important aspects of that partnership is the joint responsibility we have for the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program. This voluntary program is unique amongst law schools. It provides amazing opportunities for you. Each year, the Brennan Program Awards evening inspires us all as we hear from students about their volunteering activities. Through the Brennan Program, students have given service internationally and across Australia. One of the reasons I believe the Brennan Program has been so successful is because it is run through a true partnership of Faculty and student. I encourage you

Finally, I would like to commend the Law School Manual to you. Take the time to read it as it provides a wonderful introduction to the life of a law student – both the serious side and the fun. The Manual gives you an early insight into the professionalism and dedication of the UTS LSS Executive. I look forward to meeting many of you during the year and I wish you all the best for 2016 at UTS.

Lesley Hitchens (@lesleyhitchens) Dean, Faculty of Law



My name is Bryce Craig and I am the 2016 President of the UTS Law Students’ Society (UTS LSS). I would like to congratulate you on being accepted into UTS:Law and on behalf of the UTS LSS, extend a warm welcome into the student community. You’ve begun a journey that will expose you to a world of amazing opportunities and enable you to meet likeminded people, many of whom will become your lifelong friends and colleagues.

As President, I am responsible for the overall management and direction of the UTS LSS, as well as providing leadership and support to the brilliant UTS LSS Council. The outstanding 32 person Council volunteers countless hours every week to plan and administer initiatives across our 6 portfolios. My role also involves meeting and collaborating with external industry partners, the UTS:Law Faculty and Law Student Societies around Australia to improve the student experience. My team and I are here to help, so never hesitate to send us an email or drop by our office.

The law is present within every facet of our society, and studying the discipline enhances your ability to contribute and make change within it. The skills you gain as a law student prepare you for an active participation in a variety of legal and non-legal contexts, from a corporate law firm to a non-government organisation and everything in between. However, standing between you and your future vocation is a demanding and challenging degree. Law school can be a complex beast at the best of times, meaning you’ll have to be prepared for it. That’s where we come in.

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of engaging with the UTS LSS. Involving yourself can take a number of forms, whether it be participating in our Peer Mentoring or Buddy Programs, taking part in a Mooting competition or attending First Year Law Camp. You may even find yourself nominating for a position on UTS LSS Council in a future election, which is one of the most valuable extracurricular experiences of them all. Be a joiner and immerse yourself into UTS:Law.

The UTS LSS is the largest student society on campus and acts as your all-inclusive law school companion over the course of your degree. By being a member you’ll gain access to a vast array of events and initiatives, including the university’s best parties, inspiring speakers, incredible networking opportunities and fiercely competitive sporting competitions to name a few.

I hope you take the time to read this great publication, which has long been considered as essential reading for commencing students. The Law School Manual is full of essential information about the UTS LSS as well as tips and tricks for surviving in your law degree. Please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any questions, ideas or even just for a chat. You’ll find me around campus or can email me at president@utslss.com. I look forward to meeting you all around the university, and on behalf of the UTS LSS, wish you the very best of luck in your first year of law.

We’re not only here to compliment your legal education, but also to support your wellbeing. By acknowledging the importance of mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) we run a number of projects throughout the year focused on both physical and mental health. We pride ourselves on raising awareness surrounding mental health, starting positive conversations and offering support when it is needed.

Bryce Craig UTS LSS President 2016



When I was a Firstie I must have been told at least half a dozen times that studying law at university was “like a marathon, not a sprint”. At the time I thought it was overused clichéd advice, but they weren’t wrong. Law school is like a marathon. Similar to a marathon, you will experience highs and new personal bests. But there will also be times when the race becomes arduous and it feels like it’s NEVER going to end. At the moment you are probably feeling a little over eager to get started, maybe a little anxious or even feeling a little bit out of your depth. But fear not Firsties because we have tried and tested advice for you. help you adjust. These include seminars run by the library on essay writing and referencing. Even if you think you write perfect essays it’s a good idea to drop into these seminars to have a refresher and also to get your head around referencing for those law essays.

THE STARTING LINE The best possible place to start is of course, at the beginning. Turn to the person next to you in your first lecture/tutorial/ seminar and say the following; “Hi, my name is…” It’s not hard but it’s important. No one understands the plight of a Firstie like another Firstie. And who else are you going to call at 3am while struggling to footnote your first ever case note? You can also sign up for the mentoring program run by the UTS LSS to help you meet new people and get some guidance from older law students.

LET’S GET COMPETITIVE Don’t be afraid to test yourself, and those around you! The LSS runs a bunch of legal based competitions for law students to get involved with. They are not only great practical experience and a good time to make new friends, but they also build up your CV. Competitions include witness examination, client interviewing.

THE FIRST FEW STEPS Everyone knows the first few steps are the hardest, but they can also be the most rewarding. As a previous Firstie, my first few steps were LSS events like the law camp. Go on law camp and meet some of your fellow Firsties in your first few weeks of Uni. Nights of mingling and partying and getting to know one another will help you make friendships that will last you through your next four or five years of law. But if you can’t make it to law camp fear not, you can join the LSS and get involved in events. If you are keen on justice then signing up to the Brennan Program is the perfect way to meet new people while serving the community and learning more about justice.

WINNING ISN’T EVERYTHING The primary goal of a marathon is to do your personal best so don’t get hung up on who won, or who lost. Your mental health is important too. Late night study sessions, exam periods, readings, essays and assessments can get the better of all of us. Luckily there are services to help when you are feeling overwhelmed. The UTS counselling services offer private confidential support students studying at UTS. And look out for the UTS LSS Smile Project that runs throughout the year, the smile project includes seminars on mental health and stress, and often involves visits from puppies and petting zoos (Yes seriously, baby goats at Uni).


In taking note of these, the Firstie finish line is in sight and before you know it, you will be ready for the second year marathon. So with that…

In high school, like most law students, you were probably the best of the best. You had your essay style all worked out but now you are at university and things are a little different. But, don’t be afraid to stumble! UTS law school has a bunch of services to

on your marks, get set, GO! Have a great first year!


LIVING THE POSTGRAD LIFE Written by Zach McLoughlin

As the 2016 Postgraduate Representative on the UTS Law Student’s Society (colloquially referred to as the UTS LSS), let me welcome you, our new postgraduate students to UTS, and into the fantastic community of law students that study here. No matter the circumstances of our entry, choosing to study the law is a great undertaking, and being brave enough to commit to a law degree shows a great deal of dedication, fortitude, and determination. For the returning students, welcome back and congratulations on completing your last semester’s studies. As your representative, it is my responsibility to run postgraduate-specific events, to raise your concerns to the greater council, and to ensure your time spent studying law at UTS is positive despite the, sometimes overwhelming, challenges of balancing university with other commitments. In this final regard, here are six lessons I learnt the hard way in 2015 which I would hope to impart upon you to ensure a flying start to the year.

Be Informed - Read the subject outline. While this may seem intuitive, neglecting the outline has been the source of a great deal of pain and suffering on the part of postgrads last year. The subject outline will give you all the due dates for your assignments, lay out the weekly structure, advise you of the expectations of the course, and in most cases will have the requirements of the first class. These outlines are available on each subject’s blackboard site. Go to UTS Online, log in, and click on the name of your subject to find these.

Be Involved! - The UTS LSS runs a wide variety of extracurricular and social events. While there will be postgraduate-specific events during the year, do not limit your social circle to other postgraduates! The seminars, Brennan Program, and especially the competitions have formed the most enjoyable parts of my law school experience. They not only serve to develop the skills you will need as an effective graduate, but create engaging forums for you to test your legal knowledge and are a great way for you to expand your network at Uni.

Be Organised - Start your assignments early. While they may seem distant, the more substantive assignments will take much more reading, research and editing than you might otherwise be used to if you want a good mark. I do NOT recommend that you pull any all-nighters, but if you do have to, I would remind you that the computer lab located under the library - the green room - (enter via building 5B) is a 24 hour study space accessible with your student card.

Be Aware - UTS offers a wide range of support services. One of the most important support services to be aware of are the mental health services. To name a few, the university offers support through its mental health services by way of individual counselling, group work counselling, referrals to specialists and services, and ‘Don’t Drop Out Drop In’ services for those thinking of leaving Uni. If you are going through a tough time, it is important to seek help from the relevant sources that the university offers. Note that all records are kept strictly confidential.

Be Open - Talk to strangers! The first few weeks of class can be especially daunting, but are considerably less so with a few acquaintances around. Take a moment in your group work to find common interests, or just common opinions about an assignment or law in general. UTS :Law is a surprisingly close-knit community. In my experience, I have not met a single person who I haven’t found engaging, friendly, and helpful for both my sanity and my studies.

Be Updated - Make sure you join the UTS LSS Postgraduate Law Facebook Group, and ‘like’ the ‘UTS Law Students’ Society’ Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the upcoming events and general news. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me, your 2016 Postgrad Representative Zach McLoughlin at postgrad@ utslss.com. I hope to see you around campus soon!



Written by Kizzy Bagga You are now starting a new chapter of your life by securing your spot as a law student in 2016 at UTS. You have shiny new textbooks ready to go. You’ve even sussed out the best coffee on campus. You must be feeling pretty good, right? Wait for the horrible realisation that all of your assignments are due in the same week, and closely coincide with mid-semester exams. Oh, and you only have about six weeks to learn everything. If you weren’t freaking out already, you should definitely start to! In such circumstances do you:



Write the dates in your diary in neon pink highlighter, with doodles around it?


Hope that somehow your brain will transform into Mike Ross’ overnight?


Go purchase a ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ mug?

Do all of the above.

I will be the first to admit that I am completely guilty of all of the above. There is something so satisfyingly productive about highlighters. If this sounds like you, then there is a good chance that you might also suffer from the deadly disease that is procrastination. The reality is that having five or six week’s notice on an assignment is almost pointless when you suffer from this particular disease. It is long-term, malignant, and incurable. Yet don’t feel too disheartened, for you are definitely not alone! Law students have long been acknowledging – and embracing – their unique ability to self-distract and delay. After all, who’s to say that your chosen method of procrastination isn’t equally distracting and inspiring? Watching Suits, for example, might not turn you into Mike Ross, but it can inspire you to work harder so that you might join the well-groomed corps of Corporate Law one day. I would even argue that without procrastinating, I wouldn’t have been able to ramble my way through a ‘Foundations of Law’ exam essay, using Judge Judy as my star witness – take that law faculty! So as you find your determination starting to stray in the face of a mammoth workload, don’t start trolling YouTube for last year’s funniest stacks. You’re a law student now. Follow this ultimate guide to procrastination, with my top fivers on how to waste your time wisely.




If you need a break from studying the law, at least learn to walk the walk from TV’s best-loved lawyers. But be careful not to get sucked into a vortex of back-to-back viewing!

Some of these websites provide short, sweet comic relief. Others are seriously useful. As for social media, it’s time to stop stalking Instagram, and read some inspired law related discussions:

1. Rake – Cleaver Greene reaches new highs and lows with every episode. If you’re thinking of becoming a barrister, then here is a compilation of the things that you should probably not do. 2. Suits – Welcome to the corporate law scene in Manhattan, where original thinking trumps dusty old legal education, and even the need for a law degree. This show reveals where inspiration might just take you, and how hard (or awesome) life can be once you get there. 3. Crownies – If you want to know what life is like in the office of the DPP then this is the show for you. 4. Silk – This UK show takes you higher up the legal ladder, and reveals just what a barrister might do to ‘take silk’. If you don’t yet know what QC (now SC) stands for, I’d recommend this for you.

1. Law School Memes – They are relatable and just downright hilarious. For other law-related funnies, be sure to check out ‘Look Mum I’m a Lawyer’ and ‘#whatshouldwecallme’. 2. Oats and Sugar – This blog is by one of our very own ex-UTS students. Check it out if you need some inspiration on how to format your own amazing notes (he provides his own too)! 3. Survive Law – A must-read for all law students, it has articles from everything to study, careers, to procrastination (hint hint). 4. @MsLods is the Twitter account of Australian Lawyer Leanne O’Donnell who blogs about a variety of legal issues.

5. How to Get Away With Murder – Professor Annalise Keating and her band of four brilliant law students combine their uncanny problem solving abilities to fight criminal law cases. Little do the students know that they will have to apply what they learn to their own lives... dun dun dun!

5. If you follow the above accounts, you can reward yourself and stray to @ShitJudgesSay for some quirky High Court quotes. @garyslapper is a lawyer and columnist who keeps a similarly interesting account of bizarre cases and funny courtroom quotes.



Each of us has probably felt inspired by at least one of these movies. In the face of a bleak reality, turn to fiction.

From fiction to reality, at least reading will make your procrastination more study-like.

1. Legally Blonde – If Elle Woods can do it, so can you.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee)

2. The Lincoln Lawyer - Matthew McConaughey discovers the nasty truth about his client and gets stuck in a crisis of conscience. A lesson in legal ethics? I’ll let you decide.

2. How Law Works (Gary Slapper) – Firsties, this is one for you!

3. To Kill a Mockingbird – No question, this is a movie about legal ethics, and it’s a classic. If you’ve neither seen it, nor read the book, do so before anybody finds out. 4. Erin Brockovich – This film is great because it is biographical, and it shows us what we can actually achieve with the law if we have a little bit of gumption. Ladies, I’m talking to you especially. 5. Philadelphia – Tom Hanks is a senior associate at a Major US corporate law firm, until the firm discovers that he has AIDS. Unfortunately inspired by true events, watching this film is a must.

3. Appealing to the Future: Michael Kirby and His Legacy (Michael Kirby) – This is a collection of essays that track the contributions of Justice Kirby to the Australian legal system. A good read because it traverses a number of subject areas, including constitutional law, law reform and judicial values. 4. Eugenia (Mark Tedeschi QC) – What can’t this man do? In this book, Tedeschi gives a captivating true account of the 1920’s murder trail of Harry Crawford (or Eugenia), in Sydney. Time spent reading this book is certainly not time wasted. 5. The Baby Farmers (Anna Cossins) – Another Sydneybased book, ‘The Baby Farmers’ details one of Australia’s most notorious murder trials, set against the cultural background that facilitated the baby trade.

Finally, it is important to note that procrastination can only be inspiring and useful when you are in the right frame of mind. So change up your routine, get off your butt and go for a run, go to the shop to restock your study supplies (wine inclusive), or even just walk to the fridge (snack break every 5 minutes? No one is judging you here). Exercise is scientifically proven to be a useful form of procrastination, and you will be amazed what happens when oxygen starts flowing to your brain.


The UTS Law Students’ Society, more commonly known as the ‘UTS LSS’, is the largest society at UTS and has been improving the law school experience for over 35 years As a non-profit organisation designed to cater to the needs of law students, the UTS LSS provides a plethora of initiatives that operate primarily for your benefit. From Peer Mentoring to Boot Camp, smashing social events to the Speaker Series, fun legal competitions to large-scale events like City2Surf and the Colour Run, there is something to appeal to everyone. And that’s not even half of it. The UTS LSS Council is made up of six portfolios, being Activities, Competitions, Education, Marketing, Sponsorship & Careers, and Social Justice. Thirty-two students ranging from first year to fifth year will make up the 2016 Council.


If you are a commencing law student, membership to the UTS LSS is free. Simply approach one of our Councillors at our stall during Orientation and we will take down your details to be loaded into the system. You will then be emailed a validation link to confirm and that’s it - you’re a member for the life of your degree!

Signing up to the UTS LSS means you’ll be able to attend all UTS LSS events at a discounted price, including Law Cruise and Law Ball, as well as be eligible to participate in internal competitions. You will also be given access to all communications and e-newsletters distributed by the UTS LSS (namely ‘The Buzz’). This fortnightly distribution keeps you up to date with UTS LSS initiatives, programs, and information regarding competitions, careers and educational opportunities and other activities.

If you miss Orientation, please email secretary@utslss. com for further directions, or keep an eye out for the first edition of the faculty newsletter InBrief, which will detail how to redeem your free membership.

It is highly recommended that you sign up for UTS LSS Membership, so that you can benefit from initiatives, including those explained within this manual, throughout your degree.


To stay in the loop about all career opportunities, social events, competitions, publications, seminars and programs: 1. Become a member 2. ‘Like’ our Facebook Page - “UTS Law Students’ Society”; and 3. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat – search “utslss” 11


President Bryce Craig

Treasurer Jason Corbett

Secretary Imogen Bailey

Vice-President (Activities) Sophie Ray

Client Interviewing Director Janelle Thomy

Mooting Director Jake Bailey

Subject Mooting Director Laura Bernhardt

Negotiation Director Rachael Millanta

Education (Internal Engagement) Director Katherine Shliapnikoff

Student Wellbeing Officer Sonali Malhotra

Careers (Publications) Director Breanna Nobbs

Vice-President (Social Justice) Brigida Johns

Publications Director Bianca Newton

Brennan Program Director Alice Zhang


Vice-President (Marketing) Christina Knezevich

Equity Director Sarah Maynard

Socials Director Josh Singh

Socials Director Amanda Ceruti

Sports Director Christian Bablanian

Vice-President (Competitions) James McGrath

Witness Examination Director Bridget Phillips

Intervarsity Competitions Director India Bennett

Vice-President (Education) Richard Heng

Education (External Engagement) Director Nicholas Ruff

Marketing Director Aisyah Salim Ali Farrar

Vice-President (Sponsorship & Careers) Sharni Nichols

Information Technology Director Janet Pham

Postgraduate Representative Zach McLoughlin

First Year Representative First Year Representative 1, to be elected

First Year Representative First Year Representative 2, to be elected


Careers (Activities) Director Mathew Velcic

First Year Representatives are elected at First Year Law Camp, so apply to secure your spot today! For more information about what it is like to be on the UTS LSS, come and speak to one of our friendly council members at Orientation Day or on Camp, or email student.liaison.officer@ utslss.com with your inquiries.


My name is Sonali Malhotra, this year’s Student Wellbeing Director on the UTS LSS and I would like to extend a big smile and warm welcome to you all. Our aim this year is to ensure your health and happiness are balanced by fostering a community environment, in which you are aware of the numerous support services and amenities available to maintain your wellbeing. If you start having uncontrollable surges of procrastination, unusually excessive food cravings or an overwhelming moment, and find yourself hiding under the covers listening to Rebecca Black; have no fear, Sonali’s Super Survival Strategies are here!

1. REASSURANCE - Take a couple of deep breaths, drink

4. KEEP FIT - A healthy body helps support a happy mind.

2. BALANCE YOUR PRIORITIES - University life is exc-

5. REACH OUT - Support is available at your fingertips so

some water and do something that makes you feel happy. Maybe play some good music or watch a good comedy show (a little FRIENDS goes a long way). Studies have shown that engaging with animals and people are also helpful, so walk your dog or call a friend for a chat. Remind yourself that we all have moments like these and you WILL get through them.

iting because you are exposed to many new opportunities! It is great to seize the day and widely participate but not to the detriment of your wellbeing. If you become overwhelmed with commitments and plans you cannot fulfil, it can be beneficial to write a list and prioritise the activities you must complete and ensure you allocate time for yourself to relax and unwind.

3. IMMERSE YOURSELF - UTS has many clubs and

societies which offer unique opportunities, initiatives and events that provide you with the chance to make new friendships and develop skills in different areas. Take some time to figure out which one may suit you and perhaps make you feel more excited about coming to uni if the going gets tough.

Exercise is proven to lower stress levels and naturally energise your body throughout the day. Whether you participate in social sports at uni, hit the gym regularly or play recreational games with friends, make the time to burn off some steam. It’s also great to revitalise your senses through practising meditation & yoga.

don’t hesitate to ask for advice or assistance.

UTS Counselling Services are available on campus, free of charge, confidential and provide guidance on various issues including, financial problems, mental health or general queries. Contact them at +61 2 9514 1177 or visit them at Building 1, Lvl 6. Keep your eyes and ears open for the UTS LSS Smile Project and inaugural Random Act of Kindness Day. These initiatives are designed to look after law students by promoting balance, gratitude, mindfulness and keeping healthy through law school. Also, feel free to send me an email at ‘student.wellbeing.direc tor@utslss.com’. Big love and look forward to meeting you all!


EDUCATION Written by Richard Heng

The UTS LSS offers a wide range of educational resources that aim to supplement your classroom learning. The Education Por tfolio is extremely diverse and covers many aspects of law school including academic, networking and mentoring needs. The forecast for the Portfolio in 2016 is extensive, with initiatives that will provide you with opportunities to interact with professionals; expose you to greater issues faced by the community; and engage you in practical experiences that further your skills and education. Initiatives put forth by the Education Por tfolio will support all your academic and practical learning needs. The UTS LSS will help streamline your university experience as much as possible, whether you require assistance with your studies, need avenues for de-stressing, want to immerse yourself in real-world legal issues, desire a mentor to show you the ins and outs of the profession, or simply a shoulder to lean on. CONTACTS We’re always happy to have a chat or answer any questions you have. Richard Heng – Vice President (Education): vpe@utslss.com Katya Shliapnikoff – Education (Internal) Director: edu.internal@utslss.com Nicholas Ruff – Education (External) Director: edu.external@utslss.com

FIRST YEAR PEER MENTORING PROGRAM The First Year Peer Mentoring Program is a joint initiative run by the UTS LSS in conjunction with the UTS: Law faculty. The Program mirrors first year law subjects (Foundations of Law and Ethics, Law and Justice) and helps students grasp key legal skills and concepts. Classes are led by high-achieving law students, with 7 different classes running weekly between Weeks 3 and 8 of Autumn and Spring. The atmosphere is meant to be relaxed, friendly and supportive. No registration is required and you may attend any session you’d like. Find more information by flipping to Page 18 or visiting http://www. utslss.com/education/first-year-peermentoring/.

Bianca Newton – Publications Director: publications@utslss.com Sonali Malhotra – Student Wellbeing Director: student.wellbeing.director@ utslss.com

BUDDY PROJECT New to law school? New to university? Don’t fear. The UTS LSS Buddy Project will help you settle into UTS: Law by pairing you with a student who has two, three or even four years of experience under their belt. Meet up for coffee, have cute dumpling dates, or conduct study sessions – it is entirely up to you! Use your Buddy as much or as little as you want. They’re meant to be someone you can lean on or learn from, and having a Buddy means that you have at least one friend at uni! Email Katya at edu.internal@utslss.com if you’re interested in registering.


SPEAKER SERIES The Speaker Series consists of a number of educational seminars that run throughout the year. They focus on topical and often controversial legal issues. Esteemed panelists are locked into every seminar and in 2015, they dealt with topics such as freedom of speech, international relations and clemency, and environmental law. All UTS:Law students are encouraged to attend as each Speaker Series seminar consists of scrumptious canapés, networking opportunities and vigorous debates. Attendance at the event will attract ROJ points for the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program (see Page 24 of this manual). For more information, visit http://www.utslss.com/ education/speaker-series/.



Who doesn’t love a good read ? As well as the Law School Manual and the Camp Survival Guide, the UTS LSS also publishes a triannual law journal titled The Full Bench. The Full Bench delves into topical legal themes and garners contribution from the student body, PhD students, legal academics and professionals. You can also gain some ROJ points for the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program by contributing articles to The Full Bench. Flick a ‘like’ on The Full Bench Facebook page and peruse the UTS LSS website at http://www.utslss. com/publicatons/the-full-bench/.

The UTS LSS offers two professional programs to assist students in networking with professionals, who will help guide them through the ropes of the legal profession. In both programs, students are paired with professionals who are esteemed in a particular field.


Advocate Mentoring Program The Advocates Mentoring Program is a fantastic oppor tunity for high achieving students interested in advocacy to be paired with a leading member of the legal profession. Pairings are made based on interests and experience, and having a mentor will be an invaluable resource. For more info, visit http:// www.utslss.com/education/advocates-mentoring-program.

Minter Ellison Talent Pathway The Minter Ellison Talent Pathway is ideal for high achieving students who wish to pursue a career in commercial law. Students will be paired with a lawyer from Minter Ellison, one of the Asia Pacific’s leading law firms. Pairings are made based on interests and experience, and will undoubtedly provide insight into the world of commercial law. For more information, visit http://www .utslss.com/education/minter-ellison-talent-pathway/.


U:PASS (UTS Peer Assisted Study Success) is a series of weekly voluntary group study sessions run by high-achieving students who have attained If you ever find yourself struggling to U:PASS (UTS Peer Assisted Study either a distinction or high distinction in their respective subjects. It is a great understand a concept (or an entire Success) is a series of weekly resource to help you grasp key concepts and meet other like-minded subject), the Subject Tutoring Database voluntary group study sessions run students. Currently, there are U:PASS sessions for Criminal Law and Real is a resource to hook you up with a by high-achieving students who Property. It is recommended that you sign up for a particular time slot, but high-achieving student who can help have attained either a distinction or you can usually rock up unregistered as spots go unfilled. you get through it all. Simply email one high distinction in their respective of the people listed and from there, subjects. It is a great resource to you negotiate times and fees. To find help you grasp key concepts and the database, visit: http://www.utslss.com/ meet other like-minded students. education/subject-tutoring/. Currently, there are U:PASS sessions for Criminal Law and Real Property. It is recommended that you sign up for a particular time slot,ALSA but you can usually rock up SMILE PROJECT unregistered as spots go unfilled. The Australian Law Students’ Association The sad truth is that law school will likely get you down. But don’t worry too (ALSA) is the national representative body much – the Smile Project is a weeklong initiative consisting of all things smilefor the law students. Be sure to check out inducing. Be it a free smoothie breakfast, a bag of goodies, a puppy (or two, or all the services and opportunities offered three) to cuddle, a sugar high or an endless supply of highlighters, the Smile by ALSA at www.alsa.net.au or on Page 30 Project will definitely have you cheering. It’s good vibes from here on out. of this manual.




Peer Mentoring is a joint initiative of the UTS LSS and the UTS:Law Faculty. It provides first year undergraduate law and Juris Doctor students with the knowledge, insight and skills necessary to kick-start their law degrees. Classes are run by student mentors who have excelled in first year subjects and allow students the chance to supplement their learning.

The Program is a great way to ease any anxieties that may arise as a result of commencing your legal studies. Classes cover areas including how to conduct legal research, writing case notes, answering problem questions and exam preparation. Most importantly, Peer Mentoring facilitates a friendly and casual learning environment where there are absolutely no stupid questions – everyone is in the same boat. Needless to say, it is highly recommended.

“Peer Mentoring is the best way to put at ease all your fears about your first year law subjects. Having senior students and your peers as a support network means that you can ask those questions that you were too afraid to ask in your tutorials.” – Imogen Bailey, 2015 Mentor

“Rest assured in your first semester of university everyone is feeling a tad legally blonde! Bring that fluffy pink pen to Peer Mentoring and make friends, learn from older students who have walked in your shoes, see your marks fly and feel your nerves decrease!”

“Peer Mentoring was a hugely positive experience. It was both helpful and reassuring to have regular sessions with mentors in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The sessions were both affirmative and motivating, enabling me to successfully complete my first year law subjects!” – Stephanie Cincotta, 2015 Mentee

– Ashleigh Barnes, 2014 Mentor



Weeks 3 – 8 of Autumn and Spring, depending on when you commence your first year law subjects. There is no registration required – simply rock up, listen, learn, and of course, have fun.

• How to read and analyse legal authorities • Legal research – strengths and weaknesses of databases and when to use them • IRAC method for problem questions • Time management skills • Study skills and note taking

Looking for more information? Visit: http://www.utslss.com/education/first-year-peer-mentoring/ or contact Katya Shliapnikoff, UTS LSS Education (Internal Engagement) Director.




Needing a wise mentor? Looking for some friendly guidance or a person to ask all your questions concerning university life? Perhaps someone to help with the transition into UTS:Law? Then the Buddy Project is the right program for you! Whether a newbie straight out of high school or a more experienced student entering law school, this initiative will smoothen the transition into UTS:Law and give you insider tips and tricks for getting through law school.

Looking for some extra help in your subjects? Having trouble wrapping your mind around Crim? Contracts and Tor ts not your cup of tea? Does Equity have your mind going round in circles? Perhaps subject tutoring is what you might need to help get you back on the right track!

The Buddy Project is an initiative established by the UTS LSS that involves first year students (the Junior Buddies) being paired with second year or older students (Senior Buddies) with the hope of creating new connections for students. The program aims to promote greater unity within the UTS law community and give Junior Buddies access to valuable insights about university life, study, LSS initiatives and other information that can only be provided to older law students. The dates for the launches of the Buddy Project will be confirmed, but before you know it you and your buddy could be meeting up for some delicious dumplings and coffee during semester! Send us an email at edu.internal@utslss.com with your name and contact details to let us know if you’re interested to become a Junior Buddy or a Senior Buddy.

Subject Tutoring is a great UTS LSS initiative that aims to provide peer support within the community. This service lets law students who have achieved a distinction grade or higher in a completed law subject/s offer their time to tutor other law students. To find the fabulous and talented tutors and their respective subjects just head online and access this link http://www.utslss.com/education/subject-tutoring/. There is a list of readily available tutors with their contact details. These tutors are all happy to share their insights and knowledge with you about these core law subjects and before you know it you’ll be answering exam questions in your sleep! Additionally if you’ve done well in a subject and would like to become a tutor just email edu.internal @utslss.com with your details and include a copy of your academic transcript!

For further information, feel free to contact: Katya Shliapnikoff, UTS LSS Education (Internal Engagement) Director at edu.internal@utslss.com

CAREERS Written by the Careers Portfolio

While there’s no denying that your time at UTS:Law will be jam packed with extra-curricular delights, the ultimate reason we are all here is to land a job. Between internships, paralegal positions and clerkships, it can seem overwhelming. Your Careers team is here to help. Our role on the LSS Council is to help you digest the enormous amount of information available, break down those career pathways and open doors for you. Our events and publications are designed to be relevant to you, no matter what stage of your studies you are in. Life is buffeted by opportunity but that isn’t to say it’s pointless to start considering your career options at an early stage in your degree. Take your career into your own hands, utilise the tools available to you and make the most of your experience at law school. This is particularly crucial to you, our newest members, as the legal profession is only becoming more competitive. This is not only in terms of your grades, but in terms of what you can offer your employer as an individual with unique experiences and a specific skill set. Sign up for LSS competitions, engage with the Brennan Program, contribute to The Full Bench, participate in the Buddy Program or be a Peer Mentor. Additionally, you can attend our social events to make connections with your peers and faculty members. The people beside you in your tutorials could well be your colleagues (or rivals) in ten years’ time. One of the Careers Portfolio’s most popular services is our facilitation of networking. You might find yourself in a situation at some point in your legal career where it’s not what you know, but who you know. Do yourself a favour and attend our Clerkship Seminar Series, Clerkship Networking Evening, and Careers Skills Workshops. Here, you have the chance to strike up a conversation with our special guests and put your name out there. Keep an eye out for new and exciting events throughout the year!


CLERKSHIPS Clerkships run over the summer period in your penultimate year and are traditionally offered by a number of mid-tier and top-tier firms. Clerkship placements are highly competitive, largely because they provide one of the surest ways of securing a graduate position. Over the month of May, we run Clerkship Seminars to help you get a feel for each of the firms offering clerkships, which are concluded with a Clerkship Networking Evening to provide networking opportunities before applications officially open in June.

GRADUATE POSITIONS Keep in mind that a clerkship may not be the best option for you, and your decision about whether or not to apply for one often boils down to factors such as the size of firm you want to work in and the field you want to practice in. Smaller or more boutique firms that don’t run clerkship programs often offer graduate positions, so if you don’t want to apply for a clerkship or if you miss out – there is absolutely no need to worry.

A CAREER IN ADVOCACY If you would prefer to be amongst the excitement of a courtroom, then you could consider becoming a barrister. Any solicitor can become a barrister by passing the Bar Exams. Barristers are sole-traders in that they work for themselves and not a firm – so once you are admitted, you need to network with firms to secure clients.

MAKING YOUR LAW DEGREE WORK FOR YOU When considering career prospects, think outside the square! Becoming a barrister or working for a commercial law firm represent a tiny percentage of the options available to you. You might prefer to work in the government sector (where you could help government departments draft policy), or volunteer at a Community Legal Centre, or work as an in-house lawyer for a company such as Google. The world is your oyster and a considerable number of students actually decide not to practice law at all. The analytical and communication skills you acquire in your law degree are applicable to essentially every field of professional life and are highly valued by employers in all industries, all over the world.

Vice President (Sponsorship & Careers): Sharni Nichols Careers (Activities) Director: Mat Velcic Careers (Activities) Director: Breanna Nobbs Email careers@utslss.com with any questions.


Publications • The Clerkship Guide • The Careers Guide Part 1 • The Careers Guide Part 2

Workshops • CV and Cover Letter • Interview Skills • Networking and Commercial Awareness • Personal Branding

Activities • Clerkship Seminar Series • Clerkship Networking Evening • Careers Panel Event

SOCIAL JUSTICE Written by Brigida Johns

UTS believes that social justice and law are integrally linked. Here is a taste of some of the UTS LSS initiatives that will put you well on your way towards connecting with your community and helping others in a fun-filled and supportive environment.

JUSTICE ACTION COMMITTEE AND TRIVIA NIGHTS The Justice Action Committee (JAC) is an official sub-committee of the UTS LSS Social Justice Portfolio. The committee help run a number of fundraising, advocacy and awareness campaigns. There have been two primary tasks completed by the committee last year. First, one group of the committee wrote a submission to the NSW Legislative Council advocating against funding cuts to the Aboriginal Legal Service. Second, the committee organised a fundraising trivia night which donated all proceeds to the Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre.

TEXTBOOK EQUITY SCHEME Love is eternal. Money is not. Our bank accounts run dry. Especially during birthday season. It’s tough being a student. Especially if you have added responsibilities or worries on your plate. The Textbook Equity Scheme and Summer School Textbook Equity Scheme provide semester long textbook loans for students on Centrelink benefits, or who qualify under other criteria. All information remains private and confidential.

JUSTICE JOURNEY: VILLAWOOD DETENTION UTS LSS takes a selected number of students to the Villawood Family Detention Centre as a way to expose students to the inmates about their experiences at the facility and their perception of the Australian government. This opportunity is an absolute eye opener to see the world through the eyes of people who experience the world and the Australian legal system very differently from most Australians.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES 1 in 3 Australians will need blood one day. 1 in 30 donate. You don’t need to be Einstein to realise the maths is bad. Donate your tasty and much needed blood with UTS and the Red Cross. A free way to help save a life.


BRENNAN JUSTICE AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Do popcorn movie nights, invigorating lunchtime debates, inspirational evening seminars and a 100km trek over 48 hours interest you? If so, then the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program is the missing part of your life. To qualify for the Brennan Justice and Leadership Program Award, you must accrue 100 Reflections on Justice (ROJ) points and complete 200 Leadership Through Service hours throughout your degree. Volunteer work you already participate in outside of uni, such as coaching the local soccer team, baking for fundraisers or helping out at a Legal Centre may be credited towards the hours you complete – not everything must be done on campus! See page 24 of this manual for more info.

WESTMEAD HOSPITAL VISITS Do you enjoy dressing up in onesies, fairy costumes and singing Frozen’s infamous ‘Let It Go’ to little kids? Then you should apply for the Westmead Children’s hospital to bring some happiness and laughter to some children that could really be in need of a laugh and to get silly!

CLOTHES DONATION SCHEME Donate your so-last-season and too-small-they-no-longer-fit clothes to the UTS LSS Clothes Drive. All used clothing is passed on to Clothes Line Inc, an organisation that distributes your donation direct to Sydney’s homeless and disadvantaged.

SOCIAL JUSTICE CONFERENCE The Social Justice Conference is an all-day event running from 10am to 4pm. The aim of the event is to promote knowledge sharing and discussion on a number of social justice and human rights issue, and facilitate positive discussion on issue particularly prevalent to law students.

WOMEN IN LAW Gender and the law is not just a women’s issue, it’s a human issue and one that affects everyone. Three prevalent women in the legal profession spoke about their experiences in the legal profession and the various equality issues they have dealt with as being females in a traditionally male dominated profession.



The Brennan Justice and Leadership Program is a unique initiative, the only of its kind, and is available only to UTS:Law students. This voluntary program seeks to fire student idealism and lay the foundations for future professional leadership. With over 1,300 students registered (almost half of the law student cohort at UTS), the Program is indicative of UTS:Law students’ interest in social justice and their desire to go beyond the academic curriculum. It is an opportunity to develop intellectual, volunteer and leadership capabilities. The two main components of the program are:

1. Reflections on Justice

2. Leadership through

in which students engage with the themes of justice and its social contexts through events, personal and reflection and discussion groups.

Service where students contribute voluntary service (both legal and non-legal in nature) over the course of their studies.

The Brennan Program was introduced in 2011 as a joint initiative of the UTS Faculty of Law and the UTS Law Students’ Society. It is named for Sir Gerard Brennan AC KBE, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and Former UTS Chancellor (1999-2005). Last year Sir Gerard Brennan presented 12 outstanding UTS:Law students with their Brennan Award. So join up today and stand out from the crowd with this altruistic accolade to your name.

Further information and social media: www.law.uts.edu.au/brennan/

www.facebook.com/UTSBrennanProgram/ www.twitter.com/BrennanProgram/ Photo by Anna Zhu Photography Photography by Anna Zhu


Written by Christian Bablanian

The UTS LSS offers law students the opportunity to participate and be actively involved in competitive sporting events as well as social gatherings where participants can get fit and have fun at the same time!



In both Autumn and Spring, Boot Camp runs two mornings a week on Monday and Wednesday, and is a fantastic way to get fit and make friends along the way. This event involves access to a personal trainer and breakfast after each training session.

This will be another new initiative where we are hoping to bring a large group of UTS LSS students together to watch major sporting events such as State of Origin. We are also hoping to organize group trips to the NRL, AFL, A-League and Cricket matches.

INTER-FACULTY SPORTS COMPETITION Let’s get ready to rumble! This is an amazing opportunity to show the other faculties what law is really made of! Every semester, the faculties come together and compete against one another in sporting competitions including mixed netball and indoor soccer. Get involved and show your support for your fellow law students!




Feeling the pinch already? Yoga sessions will be an exciting new initiative that the UTS LSS is hoping to kick start at the beginning of Semester Two. We will be hiring a professional to run sessions on either a Tuesday or Thursday morning. Stay tuned throughout the year for further updates.

A fun and energetic initiative where the war paint comes out, friendships are put aside and teams go head to head pelting balls at one another (all in the name of charity of course!).

This year we will continue to enter the UTS LSS in external events such as City2Surf and Tough Mudder.

LAW ‘N’ BOWLS A one off event where friends can come together, socialise, enjoy a few beers and show off their incredible lawn bowls skills (or attempt to do so anyway).

INTERVARSITY SPORTS DAY For those who are competitive and love representing the UTS LSS and UTS as a whole, this day provides an amazing opportunity for students to play Mixed Netball, Soccer and Touch Football against teams from other Universities. It is also an opportunity to make new friends along the way.

Sign-Ups for most competitions will commence in either Week 2 or 3 of each Semester or roughly a month out from its scheduled date. Be sure to like the UTS LSS Facebook page as well as visit ustlss.com to keep updated on events so you don’t miss out! For more information about playing sport with the LSS, at UTS in general, about going to Uni Games or about the UTS gym, feel free to contact Christian at sports@utslss.com.


Written by the Activities Portfolio

FIRST YEAR LAW DRINKS First Year Law Drinks is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your first few weeks as a law student whilst getting to know your peers over a few drinks and snacks. What’s even better? It’s FREE! If that’s not enough, complimentary buses will also be available to take you to the Start of Semester Party! Here you can continue the celebrations with students from all years and keep the good times rolling! When? 1 April!

FIRST YEAR LAW CAMP Want the best start possible to your university experience as a UTS law student? Don’t miss out on the First Year Law Camp! The first few weeks of uni can be both daunting and overwhelming, but fear not! Attending our “Survivor” orientation camp is a great way to not only meet the rest of your peers, but build lasting relationships by spending a weekend away packed with fun activities, great tips for surviving law school and, of course, a bit of partying too! When? 8-10 April!

INTERVARSITY PUB CRAWL Are you ready for the biggest pub crawl of the year? The UTS LSS inaugural intervarsity pub crawl aims to bring law students together to celebrate the ups and downs of being a law student over a few drinks and challenges. When? TBA

START & END OF SEMESTER PARTIES Kick-start and send off each semester with a bang (and a bev or two)! Rock up to one of our raging parties and you’ll be pulling out all sorts of fabulous moves. Most Start and End of Semester Parties are themed so why not get your costume ready, show everyone your wild side and party until the bar tab runs out? When? The title says it all!


VALEDICTORY DINNER Valedictory Dinner is a special night for our graduating class to celebrate the end of their university careers at UTS and usher in the next chapter of their lives with their fellow classmates. Graduates are treated to a beautiful black tie event where they can reminisce with friends over a formal dinner, champagne and congratulatory speeches from both the dean and valedictorian. When? 27 May!

LAW CRUISE Seas the day at the UTS LSS Law Cruise! One of the most outrageous nights of the law school calendar jam-packed with hilarious costumes, breathtaking harbour views and copious amounts of food and drinks! Don’t forget your floaties for the biggest boat bash of the year! When? Mid May!

LAW BALL Without a doubt, the most anticipated night of the year where students from all year groups are invited to put on their best and most beautiful attire to party in style! With a three-course dinner, live band and DJ and celebratory drinks, Law Ball is an exquisite black tie event not to be missed! When? Late September!

MOVIE NIGHTS Every semester the UTS LSS runs informal movie nights, some of which are open-air and held in our Law Courtyard! Spend a relaxing night with good friends, good flicks and good food. When? Stay updated on our Facebook for upcoming Movie Nights.

Flick the UTS Law Students’ Society Facebook a like and stay updated on all the social events throughout the year. If you have any questions or need costume ideas, shoot the Socials Team an email at socials@utslss.com!

COMPETITIONS Written by James McGrath

Why get involved in Competitions?


UTS Competitions are where your studies meet the courtroom. Whether standing before a judge as an advocate or negotiating on behalf of a client, students are able to draw upon their legal knowledge and develop speaking, reasoning and research skills.

Your ability to effectively represent a client depends on the quality of your working relationship and the first meeting will set the tone. So why not master client interviewing at law school? A client comes to you with a problem and seeks advice. But in order to help them, you need to learn the client’s story and tease out the legal issues. This competition requires little preparation and only a basic understanding of the law. Rather, the task is to make a nervous client feel at ease and confident in your ability as a solicitor.

From first year to final year, all students are encouraged to participate in competitions. They are a fantastic way to build upon CV qualifications, meet other law students and faculty members, progress to intervarsity competitions and engage with practitioners and firms. Additionally, competitions are really fun!

When are the UTS LSS Internal Competitions? Junior competitions are directed at students with no previous experience and are held in the Spring Semester. Senior competitions are then held in the Autumn semester. There are also various subject-specific moots, a paper presentation competition, an advice writing competition and intervarsity-level tournaments throughout the year. See the UTS LSS website for further details and registration: http:// www.utslss.com/competitions

NEGOTIATION Negotiation involves a simulated legal dispute in which teams of two represent opposing parties in the matter. The aim is to reach an outcome that satisfies the goals of their individual client, but that also reflects consideration for the interests of the other side. Of course, each side’s desires may conflict, but subtle persuasion and strategy can go a long way in finding a mutually acceptable solution. Clients of law firms increasingly want to settle disputes without the time and expense involved in proceeding to court litigation. Skills in negotiation and dispute resolution are therefore essential for lawyers in all practice areas.

WITNESS EXAMINATION (WIT-EX) If you loved Law and Order and you’re brave enough to stand before a judge, then Wit-Ex is your competition. Acting as either the Prosecution or Defense barrister in a criminal matter, competitors must lead their witness in an examination in chief, followed by a brutal (yet polite) cross-examination of the opponent witness. The overall objective is to adduce to either establish a factual scenario beyond reasonable doubt.



Mooting is the beating heart of UTS LSS competitions. In teams of 2-3, students make use of broad legal knowledge and then engage in research, compose a written argument and argue their case in a courtroom. Advocates will be faced with an opposing team arguing the alternative to their case and will be subject to questioning from the judge. Fortunately, the Mooting Mentoring Program runs during the Junior competition to assist first-time competitors. Aside from the Junior and Senior competitions, there are seven subject-specific moots throughout the year and many opportunities for intervarsity moots at the local, national and international level.

After competing internally, our best and brightest go on to represent UTS in the intervarsity competitions. Opportunities exist for Negotiation, Witness Examination, Paper Presentation and Mooting (see the website for further information on specific competitions: http://www.utslss.com/competitions/intervarsity-competitions).

PAPER PRESENTATION Paper Presentation involves the submission of a 3000-5000 word essay relating to any legal subject or issue. Competitors then present the paper orally to a panel of judges, who will also engage with the topic and ask questions. The competition aims to promote legal scholarship and oratory skills. It is a chance to present controversial or interesting issues in an informative manner, while showcasing your writing skills. The top competitor in the competition will also win the right to represent UTS at the ALSA Conference, and may even have their paper published.

Intervarsity competitions offer students an opportunity to meet (and beat) students from other top law schools and to learn from some of the sharpest legal minds in the industry. Participation in these competitions is assessed and based on merit and success in internal UTS competitions.

COMPETITION VOLUNTEERS Not ready to compete yet? Want to learn the tips and tricks prior to competing? Students can assist and also learn the ins and outs of LSS competitions by signing up to the Student Volunteer Committee. The Witness Examination Director and the Client Interviewing Director will be sourcing clients and witness volunteers for their respective competitions from this committee. Follow the UTS Law Students’ Society Facebook page and watch out for the call for volunteers in early 2016.



This competition presents students the opportunity to submit written advice for a client to a legal problem. The ability to write an advice is a skill all lawyers require - the earlier students learn how to write an advice, the better they become. Answering legal problem questions is also an element of nearly all law subjects, and practice makes perfect! This competition is one of the most practical on offer, and all students seeking employment within the legal fraternity are encouraged to take part.

Junior Competitions are open to students who have never competed before. The playing ground is fair and the trophy is yours for the taking. If you’re still worried about lacking experience, the Junior Competitions Workshops are run jointly by the Education and Competitions Portfolio in May to help you with the basics. Each Workshop is run by an experienced competitor and is filled with a breakdown of the rules, tips and tricks to acing each competition and even a comprehensive demonstration!


Greetings UTS Law Students, Did you know that you are all members of The Australian Law Students’ Society (ALSA)? All Australian Law Students are automatically members of ALSA, and we are here to enhance your experience as a law student. As the commencement of your law degree can be challenging, getting involved with your Law Students’ Society and ALSA can be a great way to find resources, discover unknown opportunities and make friends with those going through the same experiences you are. ALSA is the peak national representative body for law students as we; • advocate on issues affecting law students nationally, • run the Australian national competitions (Championship Moot, International Humanitarian Law Moot, Client Interview, Negotiations, Witness Examination and Paper Presentation), • provide services to the Law Student Societies to help benefit their members, • provide services direct to law students, in particular our publications, and • hold ALSA Councils three times a year where LSS representatives come together to discuss issues affecting law students and take back resources to their society’s. I wish you all the best for a successful 2016, the UTS LSS and ALSA are here to support you and enhance your law student experience, get involved and good luck with your studies!

CONFERENCE HOBART 4-10 JULY 2016 Every year ALSA holds its national conference incorporating the national competitions, ALSA Council and lots of career, educational and social events for general delegates. The Conference brings together laws students from all around Australia and International guests from Asia and New Zealand. This year’s focus is on providing a quality program of educational and career events as well as social occasions. So grab your law buddies and head to Hobart during the semester break!

PUBLICATIONS Check out our website and like us on Facebook for all of the latest Publications and news. In 2015 we published our ALSA Wellbeing Guide, Global Scholarships Guide and the Public Interest and Public Sector Careers Guide. This year we will be publishing the International Careers Guide and Comprehensive Mental Health Services Guide.

Paul Melican President | Australian Law Students’ Association Email: president@alsa.asn.au

Web: www.alsa.net.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/ALSAonline


LAW STUDENT SEE, LAW STUDENT DO Written by Bianca Newton

Atticus Finch taught the town a lesson, Daniel Kaffee put the bad guy away and Erin Brokovich uncovered an ugly truth. The question is how did they get to that point? Each successful lawyer, even the fictional ones, made it by knuckling down and persevering through the mountains of reading and assignments that you will soon be facing. So, like Gandalf through Middle Earth, allow me to be your guide to ensure your transition into the treacherous waters that are Law School be made as smooth as possible.

BE ORGANISED! When your tutor asks you for the answer to a question regarding that obscure case you were supposed to look at for homework, you will want to pull an Erin Brokovich and recite each fact like you have them burned on your brain. Believe it or not, this can be achieved. Like Erin, you need to be proactive and ensure you arm yourself with the knowledge that will get you the mark you want. This means jumping online to https://studentvip.com.au/textbooks or visiting the UTS Union Second Hand Bookstore in the Tower Building to secure your textbooks before class starts. With cheaper alternatives to buying brand new textbooks, there is no excuse for failing to have the required text. If you want or need a brand new text, the Co-op bookshop offers membership to students for deals on textbooks. Without taking her own samples and investigating the water situation, Erin would never have realised the severity of the situation in Hinkley. The lesson: gather intel. Research the subject or speak to students who have previously studied the subject for information on the course work and potential must-have’s. This can be invaluable as there are ‘hornbooks’ or ‘essentials’ that are available for certain subjects that are excellent in aiding the required texts and for helping to make notes. Remember, these supplementary materials are not a substitute for the textbook or your own study notes. Now that you have your tools, it’s time to attend the class. The days that Erin couldn’t make it to work were the days when she was most needed. Tutorials are the place where you put everything you have read from the texts and heard from the lectures into practice. Missing your tutorials can often mean the difference between a fantastic mark and an average mark, as these sessions are both a requirement and an opportunity to ask questions and consolidate your learning. The lectures are often recorded but the tutorials are not. So, unless you are deathly ill or out of action, it is best not to rely on any recordings and get to your classes.



Unless you have a photographic memory, you will need to follow Kaffee’s lead and do the work. Good notes are essential for both closed and open book exams. The term ‘open book’ often lulls people into a false sense of security regarding the challenges of an exam, but don’t be fooled! This means that the expectations placed upon you are greater and the time constraints are often crippling so it is important not to waste time flipping through your textbook.

My go-to when initially putting notes together is sourcing notes from a previous student to get an idea of structure and the amount of content needed. This is in no way a substitute for my own work as a failure to do the work can result in a lack of understanding and complacency. After all, it wasn’t until Kaffee was embarrassed in court after learning key pieces of the case he hadn’t investigated himself that he decided it was important to study. Don’t do that to yourself. If it hadn’t been for Galloway and Weinberg, Kaffee would never have been able to defend his clients to the best of his abilities.Taking a page from his book, my favourite thing about exams (if there is any) is the putting together of a study group. This should be done early in the semester to maximise your time by dividing the topics amongst yourselves. I would recommend creating a Facebook group so you can easily share notes. This has worked well for me throughout my years of studying law as everyone has contributed equally and distributed his or her content on the days it had been agreed upon. In ‘A Few Good Men’, possibly one of the most stressful parts of the film was watching Kaffee and his team race around at the last minute for the most valuable witnesses. Don’t do it to yourself. If you choose to make your own notes, procrastinating on completing them can only lead to bloodshed and tears. This is why it is absolutely worth getting into the habit of compiling notes at the end of each week to edit and add to later on. If you are anything like me, you are going to need to organise your notes. This means colours, sticky notes, mind maps and even some not-so-good stick figures literally illustrating the point. Using these can be the difference between finding a section easily in your exam and flipping through masses of pages, costing you precious time. Create problem scaffolds and a mind map for each section of your notes so you can be thorough in your understanding of each topic. You will thank me later.


In a town at a time when equality was a fairytale, Atticus Finch did the unthinkable. He defended a black man against a white man and proved to the town that prejudice and racism will get you nowhere. Justice is for everyone regardless of colour. Now, like Atticus, it is your turn to prove to your friends and family that you will ace that exam, that you will conquer that subject.

Practice makes perfect. You think that Atticus improvised that closing statement? No way. Begin your exam preparation early so that you can familiarise yourself with certain concepts and key cases. Additionally, to avoid last minute print jobs at the library only minutes before an exam, completing your notes before your exams means earlier printing and colourful mind maps. If you haven’t been told already, the secret to many law exams is practicing problem questions. Whether this be re-doing tutorial problem questions or scouring the Internet for new ones to devour. These are useful to complete on your own as well as tackle with a study group but as the exam draws nearer, it is best to do some on your own in exam conditions. Even in my third year, I still reach out for additional resources like Peer Mentoring and U:PASS classes because, why not? Scout may not have known a lot about her father’s job, but her innocence and beliefs in right and wrong helped strengthen his convictions about defending the weak and the innocent. Everybody has a different strength and both Peer Mentoring and U:PASS enable students to learn from one another and get in some additional practice. U:PASS classes are usually available for Real Property and Criminal Law.


Welcome to our new students and to those who are continuing their education at UTS:Law. This is an exciting time of your life and one that provides you with unique opportunities. It is often tempting when commencing a degree to want to finish as soon as possible, to focus on the destination, rather than the journey. However, the journey frequently provides the most rewards. Some of these “rewards” may not seem like rewards at the time but the challenges of demanding readings, learning to juggle studies, work and family life and for first years, being free of the constraints of high school, make the journey all the more interesting. The most important piece of advice is to give everything a go – give it the best that you can. This includes turning up to class, managing your time so you are prepared for class and submitting assignments by the due date. It also means being aware that you can contribute to the UTS:Law community and have fun while making a difference. Consider joining the Law Students’ Society, the Brennan Program, and becoming involved in Peer Mentoring. The Law Students’ Society provides opportunities to socialise, to meet other students and to build life-long contacts and friendships. Also don’t forget your health, both physical and mental. Continue doing those things you enjoy and if you find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Student Services at UTS provides a range of assistance including advocacy, career advice, counselling, and support for illness or misadventure. Above all, take advantage of everything on offer, and while engaging in your studies, remember that you can also enjoy your time at UTS. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Sophie Riley, Director of Students.


To the advice-craving law student,

Dear First Year Student,

Hi, my name is Jonathan, I’m a JD student and loving every minute of it! Hopefully when you finish reading this letter you will come away with insights that will foster your curiosity and aid you in your years future studies. I have set out a couple of steps to succeed in law school that I wish someone had told me before my first year.

My name is Josh, and I’m currently undertaking an undergraduate, straight-law degree at UTS. I hope that my hindsight can help you to make informed decisions about your academic life, and inspire you to remain positive in a very new and exciting environment. First and foremost: Always stay one step ahead The most important lesson I have learnt is how crucial it is to prepare for every lecture and tutorial in advance. There is a lot of material that is unfamiliar at first-glance, so use your own time to make sense of it. Your mind and body will thank you when the exam period looms.

1. GET ORGANISED Try to organise different topics within a subject in a separate folder and write weekly notes. That way, when it comes time to do a little midnight cramming before an exam, you can be cool, calm and collected. Having a calendar with the due dates of your assignments and exams is also beneficial when you are trying to balance your other commitments, and extracurricular activities.

Get involved There are so many opportunities for both social and academic development outside the classroom. Consider Client Interviewing, Witness Examination, Negotiation and Mooting competitions to challenge yourself and to develop practical legal skills. There are also heaps of UTS LSS events and parties where you can meet other enthusiastic students.

2. GET FOUND A great idea is to download the ‘Lost on Campus’ app for your smart phone, which gives students directions to their desired lecture halls. It’s also a good idea to sign up to the campus tour offered during the orientation period.

You’re never a nerd at law school Enjoy the prospect of studying with your friends! Everyone learns differently, and you will find that your friend’s “hypothetical” scenario can suddenly make a frustrating concept a whole lot easier to understand.

3. IF YOU WANT TO PASS GET TO U:PASS Certain subjects can be difficult from the start of the course and I recommend that you establish good study habits. Attending U:PASS sessions is a great way to do this. They give you an opportunity to discuss problems from class with peers, and to ask your U:PASS leader, who has only recently been in your place, those awkward questions (that you don’t want to ask your Tutor).

Enjoy the ride Law school is, truly, an amazing time. You will feel stressed, relieved and accomplished. The trick is to tackle the experience head-on. Implement the valuable study tips that the tutor drills into you. Write notes that make sense to you. Keep pro-active. Finally, take a well-deserved break now and then. That beer is going to taste sweet.

From, Jonathan Koukoumas

From, Josh Sukkar


9 TIPS TO BEING AN HD LAW STUDENT Written by Emily Meller

In the world of obsessive Type A personality law students, getting top marks on paper is not enough. You have to be what we colloquially refer to as “an all around HD-er.” As in “Tom is just such an HD” and “on a scale of Lionel Hutz to Justice Kirby, how HD am I?” Luckily, with the help of the nine tips below, you will be well on your way to entering this elusive and coveted category. Socially, I mean. I have no idea about how to get an HD in, like, law or anything.



All HD law students are quick to give you their opinion on everything. Totally uninformed opinions are usually the most popular, and often made with sweeping hand gestures and a lot of yelling. The golden rule of argument is simple: you are always right, even if blatantly wrong. The aim is not intellectual conversation and a mutual widening of perspectives; it is to make sure your opponent knows you are right. This can be done in a number of ways.You can, for instance,` simply continue talking at them long after their eyes glaze over and they begin texting their friend about the weirdo they just met in the law cafe. If they start nodding out of boredom, you win. If they walk away first, you win. If they punch you in the face after you follow them down the hall, still yelling that Abbott’s immigration policy was basically written by the United Nations you win and get a chance to sue them in real court. Double win.

This is especially important in first year. Most of your non law friends doing their hippie Communications and Science degrees with a major in ‘future unemployment’ will try and complain about their workload. Laugh in their face. You just did Perspectives on Law at the same time as Legal Method and Research. That is no joke. Last night, you had to read fifty pages. Actually it was more like a hundred. Actually it was like, a thousand pages, and you have to read that much every night and if you don’t your tutor literally breathes fire in your face and you get burned and your skin falls off in a puddle at your feet. That’s the price you pay for a real degree, after all.

3. TALK ABOUT HOW YOU NEVER DO ANY WORK. The flipside to being an all around great law guy or gal is to never actually let anyone see you doing any work. Go to the library and talk to everyone you see. Lounge around after class for hours over a strong cappuccino because you can. When people ask you how you manage to pass, let alone do well in, any subject, simply talk about how you are naturally gifted. Don’t let them know that you have not actually slept for three months. The point is to make it all look effortless, just like real lawyers. May as well stay for a second coffee, you’ll be up all night.



4. KEEP ON TOP OF CURRENT AFFAIRS. Like who got with WHO at law cruise? Law students love to gossip. The more info you collect about people who are likely to be successful, the more leverage you will have in the future. How likely is a judge to rule against you when you have photographic evidence of them doing a nudie run at law camp? Of course, that will just be the tip of the ‘law school experience’ iceberg. Law students work hard and play harder. So, make sure you always bring a camera.

It’s not that you are replacing your ‘old’ friends. It’s just that between study, mooting, coffee dates and schmoozing partners at the Big Three (law firms, that is), you really don’t have any time left. Plus, really, what are you actually getting out of their friendship? Laughter? Companionship? A warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach that is kind of like love, but you can’t be sure because since exams you’ve just kind of been numb to emotions? Exactly. Future lawyers don’t need any of those things. Plus your new law friends are super nice. And really smart. They just kind of, get you, you know? You can discuss things like the future without the lame “I don’t really know what I want to do yet, maybe I’ll just wait and see/ pursue my dreams.” Pathetic. You have already picked out your future office chair. Your late teens and early twenties are the time to really focus on your career, after all. But even you have only planned out the next ten years. What about the next thirty? Or the next fifty? Once that is all worked out, then, maybe, you will have spare time for a “catch up” drink.

6. BUDDY UP WITH THE LECTURERS, WHETHER THEY WANT YOUR FRIENDSHIP OR NOT. Lingering at the end of every lecture to “ask a question” is a great segue into what topics will be in the exam. If the usual friendly banter doesn’t do the trick, baked goods often work a charm. Especially if they contain subliminal messages. Like baking a giant cake in the shape of an HD with your face on it. You sly Freudian dog.


8. NEVER STOP BEING YOURSELF. Even if people tell you to your face that you are a bad person. Haters gonna hate. And there are a lot of law student haters, trust me. Well, to them I say: enjoy your Jenga Block tower. Meanwhile, we will be busy pretending to frolick in the lawn and/or have invaded a new green planet in our special law building. Jealous, much? We get TVs down here too.

Because no one else has seen it yet. You are the first one. If anyone asks what you are singing, just say it’s a “personal joke.” This is despite the fact that How I Met Your Mother quite possibly has the broadest humour on paid television. You are right, remember? They probably wouldn’t understand. Don’t even bother saying anything to non-law students. This is way above their intellectual capacity.

9. ...UNLESS IT’S TO GET A GOOD INTERNSHIP, OF COURSE. Being an all-round HD-er means that your GPA, no matter what the score, will just not be enough to secure you a job as the future Harvey Specter or Jessica Pearson. A good internship is the key to your success, so if the powers that be don’t like you...change. Hate sports? You are now in training to run a marathon. Never played golf? It’s time to upgrade from putput and break that green ceiling.


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