Law School Manual 2020

Page 12

By Cassy Reilly

Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing Director

Welcome first year UTS law students! My name is Cassy Reilly and I am the Wellbeing Director on the Law Students Society for 2020. My role on the council is to organise and run wellbeing and mental health focused initiatives to help keep my fellow law students sane during this challenging (yet rewarding) degree. Having been the only student from my grade at high school to commence study at UTS:Law, I completely appreciate the jitters and nerves that come with starting this degree. Whether you’re starting out alone or with friends from school, the beginning of uni is a new chapter that can be daunting.

At the LSS, our most well-known initiative is The Smile Project, a day that occurs once a semester which involves therapy dogs, free food and massages. Additionally, we run an R U OK Day stall and a Student Wellbeing Blog. All three of these initiatives aim to promote the importance of wellbeing, both during a law degree and in life in general.

So, I really hope that reading this passage, and the entire manual, will bring you some comfort in knowing that the LSS is here to help and support you through your time at UTS.

It can be intimidating to engage in a society at uni. However, putting yourself out there and trying new things has the potential to massively pay off. I know this firsthand. If nothing else, I hope that I can be a friendly face for you to reach out to, or to even ask for suggestions on where the best place to eat on campus is!

Taking care of your wellbeing is extremely important during this degree.


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