By Mark Joseph-Samuels
Competitions At UTS:Law
Vice President Of Competitions
UTS LSS Competitions are invaluable to the Law Student Experience. Every year, the LSS runs a diverse range of competitions that enable you to strengthen your speaking skills and build on your legal knowledge. Not only are the UTS LSS Competitions a great addition to your CV, but will allow you to meet other law students, faculty members and external advocates both within the competition and through the awards evenings.
How to Get Involved As a Competitor
During the Autumn Session, the UTS LSS runs the Opens Competition for all students, regardless of experience. While in the Spring Session we run the Junior Competition; these are open to first and second year law students who have had no prior experience. Additionally, the Gauntlet Competition is open to all first year students during the Autumn session, which gives first year students a taste of the diverse competitions available to them.
As a Volunteer
Competition volunteers are integral to the success of UTS LSS Competitions. We encourage all students to get involved and volunteer as a witness or client as these are great opportunities to learn about the competition, learn the tips and tricks from the pros and network with other students.
What Competitions Are Offered? Client Interview
Learning about a client’s legal issue is an imperative skill and hinges on the quality of your working relationship with them. A client comes to you, a solicitor within a firm, and seeks legal advice for a problem they are facing. You must show your ability to engage with your client and build a strong working atmosphere.