1 minute read
Once an accurate mesh has been established, import the .stl file into Partworks 3D for preparation for routing.
Formaldehyde-free MDF
CNC Routing
1/4” straight wood bit Wood glue Sand paper
Partworks 3D ShopBot
Tools and Materials
We chose to use a 1/4” straight bit set to the specifications noted in the wiki. The molds themselves were cut on two laminates 1/2” thick formaldehyde-free MDF to achieve an overall thickness of 1” per cut. 11
Laminate Glue (2) pieces of 1/2” thick, formaldehyde free MDF together.
Using the 1/4” straight bit and appropriate Shopbot settings, CNC object layers accordingly.
Cut After the route has finished, cut around the perimeter of the object, freeing the layers.
Glue & Sand Once individual layers have been freed, glue and sand layers accordingly.