2 minute read
Dear Student,
Welcome to the University of Twente! We are the ultimate people-first university of technology, empowering society through sustainable solutions.
As you leave home, friends and family, and commit to furthering your education at our university, we commit ourselves to giving you the best possible study experience. We are proud to welcome you.
While studying abroad is an eye-opening experience, and a life changing opportunity, it also means you embark on a journey of adapting to new surroundings. Moreover, it is a great chance to make new friends from around the world! With over 85 nationalities present at the UT, you will enter a truly international community and environment.
This handbook will give you the first essential information to help you adapt to your new environment. In addition, it contains information about the necessary formalities required before, upon and after your arrival.
We hope your stay in Enschede will be as pleasant as it is successful! But most importantly, we wish you a very enjoyable and fruitful study experience.
We look forward to seeing you at the University of Twente!
Kind regards,
Erik van Oenen
ITC Student Affairs Office
This handbook contains practical information for UT Bachelor, Master, Exchange and PhD students.
PhD candidates are also advised to visit www.utwente.nl/tgs
Specific information for campus students can be found in Chapter 2 and for ITC students in Chapter 3. The general chapters also include information that is relevant and important for both campus and ITC students.
Part-time jobs
International student associations
Global Lounge/ ITC lounge
Sports & Culture
Public transportation
UnionCard & Libraries
Childcare & Student support
Religion Shopping
Free time
About the Netherlands
Core values of Dutch society
Differences in culture and education
UT academic culture
Student housing etiquette
Prepare for your stay
Map of the UT Exploring the
Head, Scholarship Office and International Relations
Partnerships Centre for Educational Services
Personal circumstances
Entry Visa
As determined by Dutch law, students cannot apply for a visa themselves. All applications and extensions for (entry) visas and residence permits are coordinated by the University of Twente (Bachelor/Master/Exchange students), and ITC faculty (ITC students).
If you require an entry visa or residence permit for study or research purposes at the UT, we will contact you by e-mail. We will outline all necessary steps in the visa application procedure. Provided that you supply all the necessary documents in time, application procedures at the Dutch Immigration Service (IND) will take about 4 - 6 weeks.
Administration Fee
By Dutch law, the Immigration Service (IND) charges an administration fee of € 210 for entry visa/residence permit procedures.
- Most recipients of scholarship programmes must transfer the fee to the UT bank account. Some scholarship providers will reimburse this fee to you and a small number will pay it for you;
- Non-EU students must pay the visa administration fee by the visa deadline as published online on the UT webpages.
- Non-EU students must supply proof of financial means for living in the Netherlands submitted by way of a valid bank statement;
- ITC students requiring an entry visa/residence permit will receive an invoice from Student Finance Administration.
A multiple-entry Schengen visa allows travel and study-related trips to Schengen countries. For an overview of all Schengen countries visit: www.schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-visa-countries-list