1 minute read
Tick bites carry the risk of Lyme’s disease, which is caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Around 20% of the ticks in the Netherlands are infected.
Ticks are black, dark brown or reddish and look like tiny spiders. They live in forests, bushes, trees and grass, including gardens.
To prevent Lyme’s disease:
• Wear protective clothes, long sleeves and long trouser-legs in forested/long grassland areas;
• Use insect repellent, containing DEET;
• Check your body (specifically behind your ears, the groin, arm pits, back of the knee and belly button).
If bitten by a tick:
• Remove directly, there are special tools available from drug stores or pharmacies;
• Don’t use alcohol to remove the tick;
• Clean/disinfect the area on your skin after removing the tick;
• Check if you have removed all parts of the tick.
After removing a tick:
• Keep checking the spot for a few weeks;
• If the skin changes (see picture), take a photo of the spot;
• In case of erythema migrans (occurs after 3 days - 3 weeks), consult your GP.
Symptoms of Lyme’s Disease:
Flu-like: headache, fever, muscle ache, tiredness, stiff neck.