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Official Introduction Period Of The University Of Twente
The Kick-In is the start of your life in Enschede. During the Kick-In you will be introduced to everything the University of Twente has to offer. You will explore the University, the City of Enschede, your studies, and above all, your fellow students. The full programme of the KickIn can be found on www.kick-in.nl
On the first day of the Kick-In you will choose your do-group; a group of students from your study programme or faculty, guided by senior students from your studies or faculty. Together with your do-group you will have amazing experiences prior to your study in Enschede. You will be able to get to know many other students and make new friends.
The Kick-In consists of a general programme and a study-related programme. We advise you to join both programmes, to get the full experience. It is advised to be present in Enschede during the entirety of the Kick-In. The general programme is all about your student life at the University of Twente. Here, you will be introduced to all aspects of the campus and the city of Enschede. During the study-related programme you will receive general information about your study programme, you will meet the
PLEASE NOTE: teaching staff and get to know your fellow students.
Attending the Facility Market during the Kick-In is highly recommended for all international students from EU and nonEU countries. In addition, it is essential to attend your formality appointments to prevent delays to the start of your studies.
At the Facility Market, you will get the opportunity to find out about everything you need to arrange when you arrive in Enschede. At the Facility Market representatives are present to help you in arranging formalities such as housing, insurance, public transport, medical services, language courses and support services.
The Kick-In is the biggest event organised by students of the UT every year, you do not want to miss it! It is the ultimate opportunity to explore everything the UT has to offer, get introduced to the university, make new friends and have the best possible start to your student life. If you have been (provisionally) admitted to a UT study programme you will be personally invited to the Kick-In. For more information, please visit the Kick-In website: www.kick-in.nl.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Before you are fully enrolled at the University of Twente, you need to finalise your enrolment.
Bachelor And Master Students
The University of Twente will provide you with additional information before your arrival. It is crucial for you to follow the steps as outlined in the emails.
Internet Access
For wireless internet connections, the UT uses eduroam: a secure, worldwide roaming service allowing wireless internet access across the UT campus. You can connect to eduroam in the education buildings, on-campus accommodation and most other areas on campus. Please visit the the Library, ICT Services & Archive serviceportal for step-by-step instructions on how to install eduroam on your wireless device: www.utwente. nl/eduroam
Campus Bachelor, Master, and Exchange students will receive their student number and password either prior to or during the Kick-In introduction days. If you did not attend the introduction days, you can request your student number and password at the Servicedesk ICT (LISA) in the Citadel building.
Exchange Students
Exchange students should follow the guidelines provided. Instructions regarding the Student Card (page 32) should be followed as well.
Campus location: Citadel (Building 9)
Entrance: O&O Plein
Opening hours: Mon-Fri (08:30 - 17:00)
T: +31 (0)53 489 5577 (Mon-Fri (8:0017:30))
E: servicedesk-ict@utwente.nl
W: www.utwente.nl/en/lisa
Campus location: Citadel (Building 9)
Entrance: O&O Plein
Opening hours: Mon-Fri (08:30 - 17:00)

T: +31 (0)53 489 5533
E: nsc@utwente.nl
W: www.utwente.nl/en/lisa/ict/nsc