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Financial Administration
Student Financial Administration
Regardless of the source of funding, after arrival at ITC, the financial matters for students are handled by the Financial Student Administration.
Financial Student Administration
For any specific question about financial matters,please contact us.
Room 2220
Monday - Friday 10:00-12:30
E: fsasecretariat-itc@utwente.nl
Students who will live in the Netherlands for a longer period of time are advised to open a Dutch bank account for the following reasons:
- Scholarships administered by ITC/ UT will only be transferred to a European bank account with IBAN (preferably Dutch);
- With a Dutch debit card you will be able to pay small amounts (“PIN payments”);
- You can purchase train tickets at the NS vending machines located at the railway station rather than using the office there (which is more expensive and not always open.)
Opening A Bank Account
To open a bank account in the Netherlands, you first need a BSN number (which you receive once you have registered with the municipality.) Once you have your BSN, you can contact a bank an make an appointment to open a bank account.
If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask fsasecretariat-itc@utwente.nl
- As soon as you receive your bank account number please email it to fsasecretariatitc@utwente.nl.
- Since many students apply for a bank account in the summer, it can take one or two working days longer than usual.
- Some banks offer insurance products as well, but please ignore these as you will be insured via Aon Insurance (non EEA students.) EEA students will be offered an Aon insurance for non-medical matters such as liability, travel, home contents etc.
- Often you can use a ‘student package’. In this case you need to show the bank you are a student in order to be eligible. You can use your student card as proof of enrolment.
- If you receive your allowance through ITC and you are in need of financial assistance, email fsasecretariat-itc@utwente.nl and we will try to help you as soon as possible.
Student Assistance Fund
Itc Student Assistance Fund
It may happen that ITC course participants run into financial problems for reasons beyond their control (think of serious illnesses, deaths or theft). Should the insurance or the student’s employer not cover the costs of a claim, course participants with serious financial problems may apply for a financial contribution from the ITC Student Assistance Fund. This Fund operates completely independent of ITC and financial problems should first be discussed with an ITC Student Affairs Officer. The board of the Fund decides whether financial assistance will be provided or not and, if so, in what way. The decision will be based on the regulations and statutes of the Fund.
Please note that the financial resources of the Fund are rather limited. Usually, when it has been decided to provide financial assistance, it can only be to cover part of the costs. Written applications for financial support (with motivation and cost specification) should be submitted to the secretary of the Student Assistance Fund.
Student Assistance Fund
Secretary: Ms Iris van Duren,
E: i.c.vanduren@utwente.nl
More information:
W: www.itc.nl/intranet/education/ITCstudent-affairs-and-support/usefulstudent-information/student-assistancefund/