1 minute read


At UT we highly value sustainability! Now, when you are a part of our community, we would love you to share this attitude with us! In Shaping2030, the mission, vision, strategy and goals of the UT for the coming years are established to ensure that by 2030 the University of Twente becomes a sustainable organisation. The entire campus works towards reaching these goals. To achieve 2030 ambitions, there are numerous green initiatives launched in the university and here are a few of them outlined. Green Hub Twente is the central point where all knowledge and initiatives related to sustainability within the university converge and reinforce each other. It aims at creating a bottom-up movement for sustainability within the UT community. Green Hub acts as a source of inspiration and knowledge accessible to everyone, a channel for a network of (young) sustainability professionals and entrepreneurs. For any help (e.g. to implement your sustainability ideas) contact Green Hub by email (greenhub@ utwente.nl ) or drop by their office in Bastille 304.


In UT we are extremely cautious about waste separation, which sometimes might be challenging to do properly! For the clarification of the waste separation rules for the campus bins see https://www.utwente.nl/en/serviceportal/facility-services/maintenance/sortingwaste-materials#other-waste-streams

If you would like to become a member of one of the student associations that are highly sustainability-oriented, check out these: Electrical Sper Bike, Green Team Twente, Solar Boat Twente, Solar Team Twente, Sustain, WOT.

There are many more green projects and initiatives running in UT. The general information on sustainability on campus can be found on https://www.utwente.nl/en/sustainability/ . To keep up a more sustainable life in Enschede more easily, you should check the green Enschede guide and recycling guidelines outside of the campus..

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