2 minute read


The preferred way to cover short to medium distances in the Netherlands is by riding a bike. Bicycles are quite convenient in urban areas, are cheap, and you often reach your destination faster than when travelling by car or bus. You can find guarded parking facilities for your bike (rijwielstalling) at Enschede central station (paid) and rijwielstalling de Graaf (Brammelerstraat; free).

Locking Your Bike


Always attach your bike to a tree or other solid object with a decent lock (around € 20). Make sure your bicycle lights and reflectors are working (if not, you risk a € 55 fine) and obey the traffic rules (€ 50 fine or more). You are not allowed to ride your bike in certain areas, especially certain streets in the city centre.


Snellers Tweewielers BV

Location: Haaksbergerstraat 122

T: +31 (0)53 432 2223

Ten Tusscher Fietsenwinkel

Location: Oldenzaalsestraat 340

T: +31 (0)53 435 8219

Fietscity Landewé

Location: Broekheurnerweg 62

T: +31 (0)53 431 5952

Budget Bikes Hoeve

Location: Europalaan 23a

T: +31 (0) 6 19522045

Buying A Bike During The Introduction Period

You can buy a second-hand bike during the introduction days for international students. Alternatively, visit one of the second-hand bike stores in Enschede mentioned here. You can buy a second-hand bike for € 50 to € 150, less than half the price of a new bike. It is best to buy an inexpensive second-hand bike, as a new expensive-looking bicycle may get stolen.

Bicycle Subscription

For a fixed monthly fee you can hire a Swapfiets bicycle. They will make sure your Swapfiets always works, with service available at home, university or at their store in the centre of Enschede. As a student you pay € 17,90 per month (instead of € 19,90) for a hassle-free bicycle subscription. Keep an eye out for any discount deals you can get through the university or Kick-In. For more information visit: www.swapfiets.com or the store at Haverstraatpassage 90

General Road Rules For Cyclists

Dutch road rules are consistent with those in most European countries. These are the most important general traffic rules in the Netherlands:

- Drive on the right, overtake on the left;

- Unless indicated otherwise, give priority to traffic approaching from the right;

- As a rule, cars turning across your path are supposed to stop for you, but be careful just in case;

- Motorcycle drivers and passengers must wear crash helmets;

- Cyclists may ride two abreast;

- Pedestrians use pavements or footpaths; cyclists keep to cycle lanes. Cycling through pedestrian areas can result in a € 55 fine;

- Stop for pedestrians on pedestrian crossings;

Never buy a bike off the streets: if a stranger approaches you and offers to sell you a bicycle, don’t buy it. It’s probably stolen, and you too will be breaking the law if you accept it.

- Signal with your arm when turning;

- Your bicycle must have working head and tail lights as well as reflectors (€ 55 fine).

- While cycling it is not permitted to hold an electrical device, such as a mobile phone (€ 95 fine).

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