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Studenten Pastoraat Enschede (SPE)

Monthly Taizé-service in the prayerroom Program in development


E: info@studentenpastoraatenschede.nl

W: www.studentenpastoraatenschede.nl



Location: SDA Building (Philadelphia Main Hall), Haaksbergerstraat 468, Enschede

Service: every Sunday at 10:30

E: amazinggracesanctuary_enschede@hotmail.com

T: +31(0)6 2845 5331 (English)


H. Jacobus de Meerdere

Location: Oude Markt, Enschede

Service: every Sunday at 09:30

W: www.katholiekenschede.nl/en


Islamic Association Enschede

Location: 2e Emmastraat 50, Enschede

T: +31 (0)53 435 1078


Synagogue of Enschede

Location: Prinsestraat 16, Enschede

T: +31 (0)53 432 3479

W: www.synagogeenschede.nl

F: www.facebook.com/SynagogeEnschede


Location: Varviksingel 139, Enschede

T: +31 (0)53 431 4464

E: info@pgenschede.nl

W: www.pgenschede.nl


The centrum of Enschede is an attractive place to shop. Various small and large store chains are located in Enschede. Make sure you have a delicious ice cream at the award-winning ice cream parlour, called ‘van der Poel’.


Monday 11.00 – 17.00

Tuesday 09.30 – 18.00

Wednesday 09.30 – 18.00

Thursday 09.30 – 21.00

Friday 09.30 – 18.00

Saturday 09.30 – 18.00

Sunday 12:00 – 17:00


Shopping Centre Twekkelerveld is close to Campus (Zonstraat, Enschede). There you find the discount supermarket ‘Lidl’, the traditional Dutch ‘Albert Heijn’ (AH) and the Ana Market. Also, drugstores, household goods, a postal service point, and other useful shops are located there.

Mon - Fri: 09.00 – 18.00/21.00

Saturday: 08.00 – 18.00/20.00

Sunday: 12:00 – 18:00/20.00 (Albert Heijn and Lidl)

In the city centre, you can find a broader variety of all kinds of shops. To find your way, the supermarket Albert Heijn is located at Van Heekplein 63, and the Jumbo supermarket at Noorderhagen 75.

Sales And Discount

The terms uitverkoop (sale), actie (deal) or korting (discount) mean there are special offers and price reductions available on various items. Bargaining is not customary in the Netherlands: you are expected to pay the marked price.

Open Air Market

The Enschede open air market (every Tuesday and Saturday between 08:00 and 17:00 at the Van Heekplein) offers fresh fruits, vegetables, and more. Bargaining is not possible when prices are displayed. The best prices can be obtained at the end of the day when traders try to sell the last of their stock. Bear in mind that you can't choose the fruit or vegetables; the trader does this. You should check that the quality is acceptable before paying. The best way to find the best prices is simply to shoparound. Apart from the approved market area, it is not customary to sell things in the street in the Netherlands.

Specialty Shops

Other national chains specialise in particular sectors. Prices in chain stores tend to be lower than those of their local competitors.

- Household goods: Blokker, Xenos

- Drugstores: Kruidvat, Etos (these stores sell cosmetics, toiletries, and health-care products);

- Electronics: Mediamarkt

- Bicycles: Halfords, Profile

Shopping Bags And Trolley

When shopping, remember to bring a shopping bag. In supermarkets you must pack your own groceries. The supermarket provides plastic shopping bags, but they are not free. Also remember to use the shopping trolley or basket provided in the supermarket. You must pay a deposit on the trolley (€ 0.50 - € 1), which is returned when you return the trolley.

If you do not use a trolley or basket, shop assistants and cashiers are entitled to check your bag for shoplifting. You are not allowed to take a shopping trolley or basket home.


Look for ‘tax-free for tourists’ logo on shop fronts. When you purchase goods during your stay in Holland, you are entitled to reclaim the value-added-tax (VAT, BTW in Dutch) of that item if you export the product within three months of the purchase date. Ask the store for the appropriate form and have it stamped by the Dutch customs upon leaving the Netherlands.

Take the cost of transport into account when buying things to take back to your home country. This could mean either postage, shipping costs, or excess weight charges at the airport.


Dutch postal services are integrated into shops all over the country. For stamps, sending parcels and other postal services, please visit one of the following stores in Enschede:

- Jumbo supermarket Nooderhagen 75

- Albert Heijn supermarket Van Heekplein 63

- Ako Stationsplein 33

Free Time

Ice Skating Rink

Enschede has an ice skating rink, which is opened from 1 October until 31 March. Ice skating is a favourite pastime of the Dutch; give it a try! You’ll get a discount on the entry fee with your UnionCard (see page 62). The rink is located near the UT Campus, close to the football stadium (de Grolsch Veste).


You can watch the latest popular movie at the Kinepolis theatre, the largest cinema in the region, or at Vue or the Cineast in the Enschede city centre. Alternative movies are played at cinema club Concordia, located at the Oude Markt square. For schedules and reservations, please see their websites.



Every Monday night, Irish Pub Molly Malone (Oude Markt Square) organises a Pub Quiz in English.

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