Construction Management & Engineering

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Table of contents | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


FOCUS AT THE THREE LOCATIONS THE CHALLENGE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING (3TU) Complex, innovative and multidisciplinary projects in a dynamic environment are calling for a new breed of manager able to competently combine engineering and organisation skills. Today's construction industry is changing fast. New techniques, shifting roles, complex logistics and globalization are only some of the factors affecting the character and management of projects.

FOCUS AT DELFT At TUD, the programme can focus on one of two aspects: 1) process and system innovation in the building industry in general or 2) the ‘Living Building Concept’, which has been developed within the Design and Construction Processes section within the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. There are six main research areas within the Living Building Concept: stakeholder participation, tendering and outsourcing, supply chain integration, value creation, dynamic life cycle support and instrumentation. Courses that are characteristic of TUD include the following: Dynamic control of projects, Financial Engineering, Probabilistic Design and Parametric Design.

FOCUS AT EINDHOVEN At TU/e, the specialisation in CME consists of ‘Construction Management & Urban Development’ (CMUD). The CMUD specialisation is scientifically oriented, focusing on the societal and scientific analysis of real-world problems that involve the combination of two scientific domains: urban development & management and innovation sciences. The CMUD specialisation is strongly related to the research activities of staff members and PhD candidates. Education and research are supported by two major departments: Built Environment & Planning, and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. Courses that are characteristic of TU/e include the following: Entrepreneurship, Research approaches for CMUD and Special Subjects for CMUD such as BIM and city modeling.

FOCUS AT TWENTE At UT, the 3TUMaster’s degree programme in CME focuses on the management of the design and construction process within the building industry. It produces graduates who have sound knowledge of both engineering and organisational aspects. This combination is essential to current practices of complex, innovative and multidisciplinary projects within a dynamic environment. The market environment and the attention that is paid to the organisation and management of the various stages of the building process are central elements in the UT approach. Keywords for UT include the following: cooperation through the whole life cycle, helicopter view, stakeholder approach and engaged scholarship. The emphasis is on designing, managing and organising the design and building process. Courses that are characteristic of UT include the following: Markets, Organisation & Innovation, Procurement Strategies and Tendering, Supply Chain Management and ICT and Industrialisation & Innovation in Construction.


Focus at the three locations | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

GRADUATION THEMES AT THE THREE LOCATIONS GRADUATION THEMES AT DELFT The central theme throughout the different research programmes is about the “process and innovating systems in the construction industry”. The thesis mainly focuses on the generic properties of research questions that are of relevance to practical problems. Examples of this are themes such as:  Stakeholder participation in the construction process  Forms of tendering and outsourcing  Transition management  Professional client ship  Policy and governance aspects  Supply chain integration and reversal  Dynamic life cycle support  Building Information Modelling (BIM)  Instrumentation (IT)

GRADUATION THEMES AT EINDHOVEN At TU/e, the specialization is supported by two major departments: Built Environment, and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences. The input from staff members for graduation projects can be recognized by the distinction of two graduation studios. Participation in one of the two studios is obligatory for all CME students at TU/e:  Graduation studio I: ‘Process engineering for urban development’ When cities, urban areas or industrial districts are developed or redeveloped complex decision making processes are started in order to bring shareholders and stakeholders together. Negotiation, shareholders’ and stakeholders’ strategic behaviour, simulation of expected results and process governance are the focus of the graduation projects in this studio.  Graduation studio II: ‘Business engineering for urban development’ Within this studio, cities and urban districts are considered and approached in terms of entrepreneurial entities: profit and non-profit companies. In the individual graduation projects, subjects are value features, exploitation possibilities, management and financing concepts. For both these two graduation studios relevant societal and engineering topics, regarding smart city development are in focus: - Energy management for urban districts - Smart cities - Implementation of smart mobility concepts - Information management

Graduation Themes at the three locations | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


GRADUATION THEMES AT TWENTE 1. Network approach: inner-city area development from network approach, stakeholders approach, process management. Also towards engineering and design processes: collaborative design. (Chair of Geert Dewulf) 2. Market research (Chair Andre DoreĂŠ). What does the construction market look like? Innovation, process technology: planning, and Risk Management (Joop Halman), sustainable building processes (how should the processes come together, and how to manage the life cycle). 3. Building processes: building processes and project management. Collaborative processes throughout the complete life cycle. Systems Engineering, as part of the design processes and applied in practice. 4. Asset Management in infrastructure and lifecycle approach.


Graduation Themes at the three locations | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


DIRECTOR OF E DUCATION AT E INDHOVEN Prof.dr. H.J.P. (Harry) Timmermans Room: VRT 8.18 Telephone: 040-247 2274 E-mail: DIRECTOR OF E DUCATION AT TWENTE C.M. (Marjolein) Dohmen-Janssen Room: Horst Z-219 Telephone: 053 489 4280 E-mail:

PROGRAMME DEVELOPER 3TU-CME Ir. S. (Sven) Laudy Telephone: 06-41035617 E-mail:

Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


STUDY ADVISORS AT THE THREE LOCATIONS STUDY ADVISORS AT DELFT K.O. (Karel) Karsen Room: 2.77.1 Telephone: 015 278 3337 e-mail: Drs. P. (Pascal) de Smidt Room: 2.79 Telephone: 015 278 1068 E-mail:

STUDY ADVISOR AT E INDHOVEN Drs. W.J. Buurke Room: VRT 2.12 Telephone: 040-2475981 (if no answer: 040-2473990) E-mail:

STUDY ADVISOR AT TWENTE Ir. J. (Judith) Roos-Krabbenbos Room: Horst Z-224 Telephone: 053-4892341 E-mail:


Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

EXAMINATION COMMITTEES AT THE THREE LOCATIONS E XAMINATION C OMMITTEE AT D ELFT Members of the Examination Committee at Delft:  Drs. M. Leijten  Mr. F.A.M. Hobma  Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan        

Chairman: T.J. Heimovaara (Applied Earth Sciences) Chairman: Ir. J.W. Welleman (Civil Engineering) Member: W. Daamen (Civil Engineering) Member: G.G. Drijkoningen (Applied Earth Sciences) Member: R.J. Labeur (Civil Engineering) Member: Mw. drs. M.M. van Tooren (Applied Earth Sciences) Member: P.J. Visser (Civil Engineering) Secretary: Mw. mr. L.M. Minnigh,, Tel: 015 278 5096.

E XAMINATION C OMMITTEE AT E INDHOVEN Members of the Examination Committee at Eindhoven:  Chairman: Prof. dr. ir. J.J.N. Lichtenberg  Member: Dr. Q.Han (CME)  Member: Ir. H.J.M. Janssen  Member: Ir. R.A. Rutgers  Member: Ir. G.I. Curulli (ABP)  Member: A.W.M. van Schijndel (ABP)  Member: E.E.M. van Berkum (Mathematics and Computer Science)  Student counselor: Drs. W.J. Buurke (CME)  Student counselor: J.H. Steetskamp, Bth (ABP)  Secretary: Mrs. G.L.C. Bruinewoud-Klaessen, Tel. 040 247 3298

E XAMINATION C OMMITTEE AT TWENTE Members of the Examination Committee at Twente:  Chairman: J.I.M. Halman (Construction Management and Engineering)  Secretary: D.C.M. Augustijn (Water Engineering and Management)  Member: E.C. van Berkum (Centre of Transport Studies)  Member: Dr. G.A.M. Jeurnink (faculty EWI, department AAMP)  Additional member for CME: Dr. J.T. Voordijk (Construction Management and Engineering)  Register: Ir. J.G de Kiewit

Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


EDUCATION COMMITTEES AT THE THREE LOCATIONS E DUCATION C OMMITTEE AT D ELFT Members of the Education Committee at Delft:  Chairman: W.S.J. Uijttewaal  Member: Mr. F.A.M. Hobma  Member: H.A.J. de Ridder  Member: P.J. Visser  Member: Ir. J.W. Welleman  Member: Ir. P.B.L. Wiggenraad  Member: E.C. Simons  Member: Ir. J.P. Oostveen  Member: Mw. M. Coenders  Student Member: K. Stoeten (tijd. verv. M. van den Hooge)  Student Member: R. Delbressine  Student Member: Mw. L. de Vos  Student Member: C. Tenthof van Noorden  Director of Education: F.M. Sanders  Advisor: A. Schols  Official secretary: Mw. M. Roodenburg  Secretary: vacancy

E DUCATION C OMMITTEE AT E INDHOVEN Members of the Education Committee at Eindhoven:  Chairman: A.D.A.M. Kemperman  Member: A. van der Zee (CME)  Member: Ir. C.C.J.M. Hak  Member: F.J.M. Luijten (ABP)  Student members: Ir. Uasimi Chaibi  Secretary: Drs. J. Blankestijn (VRT 2.12) tel no +31-40-2475275, e-mail


Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

E DUCATION C OMMITTEE AT TWENTE Members of the Education Committee at Twente:  Chairman: K.T. Geurs  Member: Ir. G.H. Snellink  Member: R.S. de Graaf  Member: P.C. Roos  Member: M.J. Booij  Student member: M.P. Horstman  Student member: D. van der Asdonk  Student member: P.C. Drenth  Student member: F. Speet  Student member: T. TeunissenAdvisor: C.M. Dohmen-Janssen  Advisor: Drs. L.A. Woud  Advisor: Ir. J. Roos-Krabbenbos  Secretary: Drs. E. Ruijgh

Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


STUDY ASSOCIATIONS AT THE THREE LOCATIONS STUDY ASSOCIATION AT DELFT Study association CME Dispuut Room 3.53 Postbus 5048 2600 GA Delft Location Stevinweg 1 Room 3.53 2628 CN Delft Phone: 015-2785012 E-mail: Website:

STUDY ASSOCIATION AT E INDHOVEN Study association of CoUrsE! Vertigo Vloer 8 Postbus 513 5600 MB Eindhoven E-mail: Website:

STUDY ASSOCIATION AT TWENTE Study association ConcepT Studievereniging ConcepT Postbus 217 7500AE Enschede Telephone: 053 489 3884 Location Horst(basement) C-016 C-018 Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede Opening hours: Monday - Friday 09:00-16:30 E-Mail: Website:


Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS AT THE THREE LOCATIONS ALUMNI A SSOCIATION AT D ELFT CME Dispuut TU Delft, Faculty CEG Room 3.53 Postbus 5048 2600 GA Delft Location Stevinweg 1 Room 3.53 2628 CN Delft Phone: 015-2785012 E-mail: Website: LinkedIn:

ALUMNI A SSOCIATION AT E INDHOVEN Study association of CoUrsE! Vertigo Vloer 8 Postbus 513 5600 MB Eindhoven Email: Website: LinkedIn:

ALUMNI A SSOCIATION AT TWENTE Alumni Association ConcreeT p/a Alumnibureau Universiteit Twente Postbus 217 7500 AE Enschede Email: Website: LinkedIn:

Organisation of the Programme in CME | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering





Responsible lecturer


Legal & Governance



SPM 8000 SPM 8001 CME 1200

Project Management Process Management Collaborative Design & Engineering

3 2 4

Mr. F.A.M. Hobma , M.A.B. Chao-Duivis Drs. M. Leijten Drs. M. Leijten Dr. R. Schoenmaker, Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan

7 8 7

C ORNERSTONES AT E INDHOVEN Course Code 7C800 1ZM65 / 7ZM65 7C510



Responsible lecturer


Legal & Governance Project Management (System Dynamics) Process Management

1 1

n.a. B. Walrave,

8 5+3




Collaborative Design & Engineering

2 W.F. Schaefer / Dr. Q. Han Dr. Q. Han


C ORNERSTONES AT TWENTE Course Code 195800100 195800200 195800300



Responsible lecturer


Legal & Governance Project Management Process Management

1 2 2

7,5 7,5 7,5


Collaborative Design & Engineering


Dr. P.J. Klok W. Tijhuis Dr. M. Smit, Prof.dr. G.P.M.R. Dewulf R.S. de Graaf


Cornerstone courses at the three locations | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


OVERVIEW OF THE COURSES AT DELFT SPECIALISATION COURSES AT DELFT Dynamic Control of Projects Responsible lecturer: M.J.C.M. Hertogh Course code: CME2200 Period: 1 ECTS: 4 Course description: The objective is to learn that value, budget, revenues, price and costs are variables during the different lifecycle phases of a project which can be optimized through the topics of the course.

Open Design and Construction Management – An Operations Research Approach Responsible lecturer: Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan Course code: CME2210 Period: 3 ECTS: 4 Course description: This lecture is about a new perspective on the application of Operations Research (Decision Making Engineering) in Design & Construct Management. This perspective is that technical optimisation and social optimisation should not be carried out separately, but be integrated into one design & construct process. This process is labelled as open design & construct because of its characteristic feature of openness in how decisions come about.

Financial Engineering Responsible lecturer: Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan Course code: CME2300 Period: 1 ECTS: 4 Course description: This course deals with the finance issues related to the implementation of civil engineering projects. It introduces economic engineering concepts and finance-related topics such as project financing and financial accounting.

Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Methodology for Scientific Research Responsible lecturer: K. van Breugel Course code: CIE4030 Period: 4 ECTS: 3 Course description: After the course the student is able to design a research project, apply the proper statistical testing theory and to examine critically the literature on his field of study and the proper research methodology. Also, the student is aware of some theories concerning project management.

Infrastructure Projects; Assessment and Planning Responsible lecturer: R.J. Verhaeghe Course code: CIE4760 Period: 2 ECTS: 6 Course description: The main goal of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge, - insights and analytical tools to assess and plan infrastructure projects. After passing the course the participant will be able to prepare his/her own assessment and plan, or make a critical review of existing ones. Based on the many worked examples the course will further provide the participant with a sense (combination of technical/financial/economical insight) for optimization of infrastructure projects/plans.

Cross-cultural Management Responsible lecturer: H.J.G. Warmelink Course code: EPA1431 Period: 1 ECTS: 6 Course description: Students will learn to understand how cultural differences between people from different regions in the world impact their organisational and problem-solving behaviour. Students will subsequently learn how these differences in behaviour affect communication and collaboration across cultures.


Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Philosophy, Technology Assessment and Ethics Responsible lecturer: P.A. Kroes I.R. van de Poel Course code: WM0312CT Period: 4 ECTS: 4 Course description: This is a course that provides the student more knowledge on philosophy and ethics within the construction world.

Integration & Orientation Responsible lecturer: Dr. R. Schoenmaker Course code: CME1210 Period: 2 ECTS: 7 Course description: The course has two purposes. The first purpose is to integrate newly acquired and previously acquired methods, techniques, aspects and tools for multidisciplinary design, engineering and management. The second purpose is to orientate on different viewpoints by critically looking at multidisciplinary design, engineering and management problems from those various viewpoints.

Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


ELECTIVE COURSES AT DELFT Real Estate Valuation Responsible lecturer:

Dr. A.C. Hordijk Drs. P.W. Koppels AR0880 1 7

Course code: Period: ECTS: Course description: The objective of the course is to make students familiar with the background and methods that can be used for appraising Real Estate, with the writing of a valuation report, and with state of the art analytical methods to interpret valuation issues.

Real Estate Economics, Finance and Planning Responsible lecturer: Drs. J.P. Soeter Course code: AR1R050 Period: 1 ECTS: 4 Course description: Real Estate Economics, Finance and Planning deals with the development of buildings, urban areas and infrastructure from the viewpoint of market demand, government regulation, programming, financial feasibility and project planning. The application of economic, financial and planning principles is exercised in an intensive course with lectures and computer practicals.

Internship Responsible lecturer: Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan Course code: CME2100 Period: 1 ECTS: 10 Course description: Practical work experience in day-to-day practice of civil engineering companies or institutes

Economics Responsible lecturer: R.J. Verhaeghe Course code: CIE4010 Period: 2 ECTS: 4 Course description: Provides insight into the economic background of engineering projects with the objective to contribute to a complete and efficient decision making in planning and design.


Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Multidisciplinary Project Responsible lecturer: M. van Eijck Course code: CIE4061 Period: 1 ECTS: 10 Course description: Solve an actual and recent civil engineering problem in a multidisciplinary team. Integrate several studies and designs into a coherent entity, based on knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in the preceding years. Attention will be on quality control and the evaluation of the design process. Knowledge and skills obtained during the BSc projects will be used in this project.

Probabilistic Design Responsible lecturer: P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder Course code: CIE4130 Period: 2 ECTS: 4 Course description: After the course, the student has to be able to do Level I, II and III calculations, risk-based optimisations and system probability calculations.

Environmental Impact Assessment Responsible lecturer: Ir. P.B.L. Wiggenraad Course code: CIE5720 Period: 4 ECTS: 4 Course description: The course contains 1. Introduction to environmental policy, planning and engineering, 2. Environmental Impact Assessment and 3. Environmental Impact Assessment exercise.

Functional Design Responsible lecturer: G.A. van Nederveen Course code: CIE5910 Period: 3 ECTS: 4 Course description: This is an introductory course of Design and Construction Engineering theories, methods and techniques.

Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Conflict Management Responsible lecturer: J. den Hartog Course code: MOT9563 Period: 2 ECTS: 1 Course description: In this course basic elements of the negotiation process are practiced and discussed. Negotiation is seen as a way of handling conflicts in productive ways. Students get acquainted with some aspects of negotiation, learn to recognize characteristics of the negotiation process and make a start with the conscious application of some of the discussed techniques in role plays and other exercises.

System Dynamics Responsible lecturer: G.A. van Nederveen Course code: CIE5930 Period: Self-study ECTS: 4 Course description: System Dynamics deals with dynamic non-linear feedback systems on a high level of aggregation in order to develop hypotheses and conceptual models for complex (civil engineering) systems. This course requires students to study in detail:  The meaning and position of system dynamics models.  The making of non-linear dynamics systems.  Backgrounds of system dynamics techniques.  The problem oriented analysis and simulation of processes in complex systems on a high aggregation level with time dependent feedback loops.  Formulating a hypothese and testing the hypothese by simulating.  Making casual-loop diagrams, feedback loops, reinforcing and balancing loops, computer simulation with Vensim.

Forms of Collaboration in Civil Engineering Responsible lecturer: M.J.C.M. Hertogh Course code: CIE5981 Period: 1 ECTS: 4 Course description: In course CIE5981 a review is given of the most common forms of collaboration in realising a project in civil engineering.


Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Inter-organizational Decision making Responsible lecturer: B. Broekhans Course code: EPA1422 Period: 4 ECTS: 6 Course description: This course will go into more detail on the subject of decision making. At the end of this part we hope that you can answer at least the following questions: What is decision making? What are the empirical and conceptual problems with a rational decision making process? What are the differences between decision making in organizations and between organizations? The course will introduce you to models that describe how decisions in practice are frequently made, i.e. what managers and other decision-makers really do.

Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems Responsible lecturer: B. Enserink Course code: EPA1123 Period: 3 ECTS: 5 Course description: In this course students learn how to deal with complex problems in multi-actor environments. They learn about the role of policy analysts in politicized situations; about policy styles, stakeholder analysis techniques and the role of information in policy processes.

Economics of Infrastructures Responsible lecturer: Prof.dr. R.W. Kunneke Course code: EPA1232 Period: 3 ECTS: 6 Course description: Introduction into economic theories providing insights into various aspects of the economic allocation, sectorial organization and public management of different infrastructures including transport, ICT and energy.

Public Private Partnership Responsible lecturer: Dr. W.M. de Jong Course code: SPM9431 Period: 4 ECTS: 6 Course description: An international overview of good and bad practices is given and a list of dos and dont's in PPP application in various countries and cases

Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Advisory Skills for Consultants Responsible lecturer: J. den Hartog Course code: MOT9561 Period: 3 ECTS: 1 Course description: In this course skills are trained that are useful to consultants and advisors in professional settings. During the course students cover a complete advisory process, from gathering data through interviews to reporting back to clients (organization) in face to face meetings.

Convincing Presentations Responsible lecturer: J. den Hartog Course code: MOT9562 Period: 2 ECTS: 1 Course description: In this course we will discover how we can use non-verbal signals to strengthen the message we want to send and how we can communicate with an audience in an effective way. The goal of the course is to learn how to present in a convincing manner and how to address an audience effectively.

Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects Responsible lecturer: Dr. W.W. Veeneman Course code: SPM4416 Period: 3 ECTS: 6 Course description: The course is split up into three parts, first introducing the role of project management in large engineering projects, second reintroducing process management and its role in these projects, and finally a focus on the integration of both perspectives.

Designing Multi-actor systems Responsible lecturer: Dr. S.G. Lukosch Course code: SPM4110 Period: 1 ECTS: 6 Course description: In this course, students learn about designing complex, technological, large scale systems in multi-actor environments (in short, multi-actor systems). Different perspectives on systems design are discussed to provide students with a background for working with designers from different disciplines.


Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Introduction Risk Management Responsible lecturer: Dr. J.L.M. Vrancken Course code: SPM6300 Period: 1 ECTS: 3 Course description: Managing risks in projects.

Planning: Policy, Methods and Institutions Responsible lecturer: F.M. Sanders Course code: CIE5750 Period: 4 ECTS: 4 Course description: This course focuses on the interaction between networks and spatial patterns on the metropolitan level of scale. The objective of this course is practical: to learn to design on a regional level. The approach is: learning by doing.

Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


GRADUATION AT DELFT Master Thesis Preparation Responsible lecturer: Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan Course code: CME2001 Period: 1, 2, 3, 4 ECTS: 4 Course description: Preparation for the MSc Thesis

Master Thesis Responsible lecturer: Ir.drs. J.G. Verlaan Course code: CME2000 Period: 1, 2, 3, 4 ECTS: 32 Course description: Students have to carry out an individual project to round off the CME programme. The subject for the research project may be chosen in respect to, or independent from, a specific area of technology and possible elective profile, though students are stimulated to find some connectivity in their choices.


Overview of the courses at Delft | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

OVERVIEW OF THE COURSES AT EINDHOVEN SPECIALISATION COURSES AT EINDHOVEN Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Development Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.M.A.H. Cloodt Course code: 1ZS01 Period: 1 ECTS: 3 Course description: Entrepreneurship is a vital source of change in all facets of society. This course is about technology entrepreneurship, the creation and exploitation of technology-intensive business opportunities. This course introduces students to the literature on technology entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Development Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.M.A.H. Cloodt J.P.M. Wouters Course code: 1ZS02 Period: 1, 2 ECTS: 3 Course description: This course is about technology entrepreneurship, the discovery and exploitation of technologyintensive business opportunities. This course introduces you to the literature on technology entrepreneurship as well as provides an opportunity to enlarge your practical skills by an actionoriented approach to the subject through the development of a business plan for a high-tech start-up company. When developing a commercial and financially feasible business plan for a high tech start-up company, all key aspects of a venture are dealt with: strategy, business modelling, networking, organisational structure, intellectual property rights, business liabilities, market survey, team building and human resource management, road mapping, financial plan and control instruments, and the exit strategy.

Entrepreneurship: Business Plan Development Responsible lecturer: I.M.M.J. Reymen Course code: 1ZS03 Period: 1, 2 ECTS: 3 Course description: In a group, students will work on a research assignment related to the topic of entrepreneurship. In an introductory meeting, the assignments and related research methodologies are discussed. At the end of the course, the results of the groups will be presented in a reflective plenary meeting.

Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Essay Integration & Orientation, Electives I&O package Responsible lecturer: Dr. Q. Han Course code: 7CM01 Period: 2, 3, 4 ECTS: 1 + 10 Course description: In general the I&O course provides the student during the 2-year CME MSc. program an opportunity to widen his / her development, in addition to the scientific and subject-specific competences of Construction Management and Engineering. Moreover, the student can do some preparation for his / her personal profile and may further shape themselves for professional careers individually. Each student therefore composes a list of courses, chosen out of the list of these selected core- mastercourses for I&O at the TU/e. Once completed the package with individually selected courses of 11 sp, the student needs to write a short individual essay (5 pages A4) in which the student presents:  Which elective courses has been chosen for the package  How these chosen courses contributed to the achievement of the learning objectives listed under item 1 and  How he / she appreciates these contributions and  What matters in terms of his / her personal and professional development still further study in the final graduation project.

Research Approaches for Construction Management & Urban Development Responsible lecturer: Dr. Q. Han Course code: 7CS15 Period: 3, 4 ECTS: 14 Course description: Students will work in teams on applying research methods which are important to apply in graduation projects. Several research methods will be introduced by staff members. Based upon the methods, students will make clear analysis of problem definitions and elaborate conceptual research models.


Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Special Subjects for Construction Management & Urban Development Responsible lecturer: W.F. Schaefer B. de Vries Dr. Q. Han B. Glumac Course code: 7CS25 Period: 5, 6 ECTS: 14 Course description: The context that we will use in the simulation part of this course is that of household energy use. In the last three decades, the topic of household energy use and savings has attracted a lot of attention in the scientific society. With better insights into the energy use of a household, we could determine how much certain behavioural and physical changes could impact the household energy demand.

Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


ELECTIVE COURSES AT EINDHOVEN Technical & Organisational Structures for Urban Areas Responsible lecturer: W.F. Schaefer Course code: 7C600 Period: 3, 4 ECTS: 6 Course description: Students learn about the technical and organizational processes and systems of urban areas. Different types of urban areas will be analyzed. The students learn to differentiate between systems and processes within technical and organizational structures of urban areas.

Career development Responsible lecturer: Course code: 7CM40 Period: ECTS: 3 Course description: Participants will become more aware of their own strengths and learning points where it is their personality and skills concerned. They will gain more insight in their own wishes where it is jobs and companies concerned and will know how to use sources to orientate themselves on the job market more efficiently. Finally they will know how to present themselves both written and face to face and are in charge of organizing their own career event.

Decision Support for Planning and Design Responsible lecturer: Dr. T.A. Arentze Course code: 7M840 Period: 3 ECTS: 3 Course description: 1. methods of structuring complex planning and design decision problems; 2. techniques to evaluate and rank decision alternatives on a set of criteria; 3. techniques to simulate pedestrians/users; 4. techniques to deal adequately with uncertainties regarding the consequences of decisions; 5. existing systems for planning and design support that combine several of these techniques in a single system; 6. in assignments, students apply existing tools with regard to each of the methods, techniques and systems to realistic problems in planning and design.


Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Fundamentals in Building Information Modelling Responsible lecturer: Ir. J. Dijkstra Course code: 7M900 Period: 2, 3 ECTS: 5 Course description: Dit college is van belang voor iedereen die in zijn werk te maken heeft met bouwinformatie en die mee kan werken aan ontwikkelingen in BIM en/of fundamenten van BIM. BIM wordt langzamerhand gemeengoed in de bouwwereld, maar ook de civiele techniek en de installatietechniek adopteren BIM. Daarmee ligt de nadruk niet meer op het gebouw zelf maar op het bouwen en dat kan ook liggen op stedenbouwkundig gebied. Er is daarom behoefte aan een universele database: het Bouw Informatie Model (BIM). Hierbij kunnen een breed scala aan applicaties zoals CAD, besteksoftware, calculatiesoftware en dergelijke hun informatie uit dit bouw informatiemodel halen. De student leert modelleren met behulp van de visuele modelleertaal UML (Unified Modelling Language). UML vormt de 'kapstok' voor het maken van datamodellen waarbij modellen die met andere schematechnieken zijn aangemaakt kunnen worden omgezet naar UML. Dit is van belang omdat standaarden in de uitwisseling van informatie een grote rol spelen. Aan de orde komen o.a. Express en Express-G een schematechniek die gebruikt wordt om IFC klassen te beschrijven, XML en XML-schema, GML en CityGML voor de representatie van geografische informatie. Ook leert de student enkele modellen aangemaakt met gedateerde schematechnieken te lezen omdat die een basis kunnen zijn voor voortschrijdend inzicht. Daarnaast worden er actuele BIM ontwikkelingen behandeld.

Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsible lecturer: B. Walrave Course code: 1ZS20 Period: 3 ECTS: 3 Course description: The course examines entrepreneurial behavior within the context of established organizations. It will discuss the two major forms of corporate entrepreneurship: corporate venturing (the adding of new businesses to the company) and strategic entrepreneurship (with a focus on innovations that are adopted in the firm's pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage). Whereas the first part of the course sets the foundations and provides a general overview of corporate entrepreneurship, the second part moves into selected topics, such as corporate venture capital, corporate incubators, and corporate entrepreneurship through acquisitions and strategic alliances.

Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Construction Law for MSc Responsible lecturer: E.P. Mol Course code: OE501 Period: 3, 4 ECTS: 6 Course description: Het privaatrechtelijk bouwrecht belicht de relatie tussen de (burger) participanten in het bouwproces. De wet- en regelgeving is beperkt en in hoofdzaak niet dwingendrechtelijk. Aan de orde komen met name de relaties tussen opdrachtgevers, aannemers en architecten. Daartoe worden in de colleges onder meer behandeld de volgende onderwerpen: grondexploitatie, zakelijke rechten, burenrecht, bouwfinanciering, de architectenovereenkomst, positie en werkzaamheden van de architect, aanbesteding, aannemingsovereenkomst aansprakelijkheid in de bouw, verzekering in de bouw, bouwrechtspraak en internationaal bouwrecht. In semester B wordt een vervolg gegeven op de stof van 0E500 aan de hand van extra literatuur etc. Aan de hand hiervan moeten studenten een werkstuk maken en presenteren. In uitzonderlijke gevallen kunnen studenten vrijstelling krijgen van het gedeelte 0E500.

Urban Strategies and Finance Responsible lecturer: Course code: Period: ECTS: Course description: -

Dr. J.J.A.M. Smeets 7U995 3, 4 3

Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility Responsible lecturer: Dr. J.A. Carter Course code: 0ZS01 Period: ECTS: 4 Course description: De inhoud bestaat uit twee delen. Het eerste deel maakt duidelijk hoe bedrijfsschandalen ontstaan en hoe het antwoord op deze schandalen gevonden kan worden in het 'bedrijfsgeweten' (corporate conscience). Daarbij spelen (individuele) reflectie en de bedrijfscultuur een grote rol. Het tweede deel heeft als focus de toepassing van het begrip 'bedrijfsgeweten' aan de hand van casuĂŻstiek. Een bedrijfsleider zal voor het creĂŤren van een 'bedrijfsgeweten' een drietal fasen moeten doorlopen: het geven van richting; het aanpassen van de bedrijfswaarden; en het motiveren. Speciale aandacht bij deze casus zal worden gegeven aan leiderschap, duurzaamheid en globalisering.


Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Entrepreneurial Marketing Responsible lecturer: J.P.M. Wouters Course code: 1ZM75 Period: 1 ECTS: 3 Course description: To provide students with knowledge of how to bridge the marketing discipline and the entrepreneurial field. To provide guidelines and tools to deal with entrepreneurial side of marketing:  conjoining and coping with market and technology uncertainty  network effects  assuming calculated risk  being proactive  offering attractive innovations relative to competitors To provide guidelines and tools to deal with the marketing side of entrepreneurship:  lack of economies of scale  limited resources  limited market presence and brand image decision making with limited information

Business Law Responsible lecturer: J.M. Smits Course code: 0AM05 Period: 3 ECTS: 3 Course description: In a business environment, there are roughly speaking two forms of making money either by exploiting intellectual property rights or by building up value in a firm. It is therefore of utmost importance that our students learn and know about these two earners. Intellectual Property Rights have been taught in the Bachelors phase of the Minor Entrepreneurship and could therefore be considered as a subject of which students have/need prior knowledge. Here prior knowledge needs to be understood in a different manner, it is essential prior knowledge when wanting to become an entrepreneur. The legal knowledge taught in the IPR course contains no legal subjects and explanations necessary for participating in this course. Business Law as understood in this course deals with the essential (fiscal and legal) subjects that together form a firm, i.e. Selection of Business Organisational Form, Types of Corporations; Formation, Corporate Purpose, Distribution of Powers; Management of Business Affairs concluding different types of contracts, Commercial Register; Public Filings, and Taxation issues. Understanding the systematic place of Corporate law in the overall legal system is also important, this issue however will be addressed in an indirect way by continuously explaining and placing the subject at hand in the legal system.  the course will give students a basic understanding of the role played by the legal form/entity of a firm  the module will consider the different legal and tax duties and obligations that play a role in (start-up) firms.  the contractual forms available to (start-up) firms. fiscal and ethical Reporting obligations for (start-up) firms.

Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Entrepreneurial Finance; Introduction Responsible lecturer: Prof.dr. R.J. Mahieu Course code: 1ZS21 Period: 3 ECTS: 3 Course description: Entrepreneurial firms are confronted with financial issues that are fundamentally different from the financial issues that conventional firms need to tackle. The focus of this course is on developing and discussing a set of financial methods and skills that can be applied to (technology) venture firms. Specific topics include: start-up ventures; technology and company valuation; financial management of rapidly growing firms; deal structuring; private equity; and the decisions related to exit strategies and harvesting. In the course we discuss the various sources of capital that are available for venture firms, including venture capital, angel investor capital, and bank capital. The financial decisions of firms at various phases of their life cycle will be examined and the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of financing will be compared. Throughout the course analytical tools will be introduced and applied to relevant cases. Financial analysis, various valuation methods, and deal structuring will be examined in the context of entrepreneurial firms.

Urban systems: Analyses & Modeling Responsible lecturer: Ir. A.W.J. Borgers Course code: 7M860 Period: 2 ECTS: 5 Course description: This course introduces the principles and assumptions underlying models and methods used in the field of land use planning and transportation planning. Examples in a simplified spatial setting will be used to demonstrate how to apply the models/techniques. Forecasting population provides information to assess future demand for housing and services. Land use suitabilities help planners to find the best locations for land uses and to generate different plans for spatial development in an area. The selection of a plan can be supported by means of evaluation techniques. The traffic network affects the accessibility of residential, work, and service locations and also influences the traffic flows between these (and other) locations. Discrete choice models will be introduced to explain choice behavior of people in a spatial context, both in existing (real world) situations and possible future or experimental situations. Location/allocation models will be introduced to determine the best locations for specific facilities in a plan area, like shopping centres or schools. Land use models integrate these (and other) models into a system for planning future urban development.


Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

New Media, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Responsible lecturer: Dr. U. Konus Course code: 1ZM80 Period: 4 ECTS: 3 Course description: Due to technological developments, new e-media, like the Internet, virtual communities, and social networks become increasingly important to entrepreneurship and innovation success. Recent literature emphasizes, for instance, the role of virtual customer communities and employee communities as a novel ways to contribute to the innovation process. Moreover, technological developments have resulted in more effective inter-firm cooperation when it comes to the development of new products. This course aims to focus on the role of new media in entrepreneurship and innovation processes. Topics include:  crowd-sourcing and the use of new media in product idea generation and product design  the use of new media (like virtual communities) in sales and marketing activities  social networks as marketing instrument for start-up firms  the combination of multiple channels (online, offline channels as well as new media) and their effective use in entrepreneurship and innovation  start-ups in information systems and new media  new media adoption by employees and customers.

Social Entrepreneurship Responsible lecturer: Prof.dr. C.C.P. Snijders Course code: 0A150 Period: 1, 2 ECTS: 3 Course description: In this course we consider the theory and empirics of entrepreneurship and innovation from a network perspective. In what kind of networks are entrepreneurs more likely to see opportunities to create value? Which networks help entrepreneurs exploit opportunities and be successful? The course considers how theoretical and practical aspects of networking. The theoretical part largely overlaps with the Msc course "Innovation in Networks and Alliance Management". In this part, general theories concerning networks and their application to innovation and alliance management are discussed. In the second part, the focus is on practical applications of general network theories to entrepreneurship. What are good positions in a network? How should one evaluate a given network? How should one build a network? Students are invited to examine their own social network for entrepreneurial possibilities.

Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


GRADUATION AT EINDHOVEN Research Proposal Responsible lecturer: W.F. Schaefer B. De Vries 7CC10 1 10

Course code: Period: ECTS: Course description: The student will learn how to prepare and how to plan his/her complex final graduation study assignment: the individual research based graduation project.

Graduation Project CME Responsible lecturer: B. de Vries Ton de Kok Dr. Q. Han I.M.M.J. Reymen E.P. Mol Dr.Ir Brano Glumac Dr. M.M.A.H. Cloodt Ing. J. Dijkstra Course code: 7CC30 Period: 3, 4 ECTS: 30 Course description: At the TU/e the graduation specialization of CME consists of `Construction Management & Urban Development' (CMUD). This final graduation project has a clear profile of scientific signature and has a strong involvement with research activities of staff members and PhD. researchers. CMUD is focused on the societal and scientific analysis of real world problems, in which domains of science meeting: science concerning (urban) technical and organizational systems and management and innovation sciences.


Overview of the courses at Eindhoven | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

OVERVIEW OF THE COURSES AT TWENTE SPECIALISATION COURSES AT TWENTE Markets, Organizations & Innovation Responsible lecturer: A.G. Doree Course code: 195810100 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course focuses on the issue of changes in procurement, and the effects on organization strategies and innovation. It explains the relationships between market regulation, competition, market dynamics and innovation in the building sector at the level of the sector and the company. It also addresses the issue of business paradigms and strategic management for firms in the construction industry.

Supply Chain Management & ICT Responsible lecturer: Dr. J.T. Voordijk Course code: 195810200 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The focus is on the opportunities for the application of supply chain and purchasing management concepts from other industries to construction for the improvement of construction supply chain management and materials transport and distribution between manufacturers and construction sites.

Industrialization & Innovation in Construction Responsible lecturer: J.I.M. Halman Course code: 195810310 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course addresses the following three themes: - industrialization and innovation processes in general and in construction in specific - mass customization versus tailor made solutions in general and in construction in specific - new to be expected developments in industrialization and innovation in construction

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Sustainable building Responsible lecturer: Ir. A.G. Entrop Course code: 195810400 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The content of the course is based on three pillars, namely sustainable building process management, sustainable building technology and sustainable building physics.

Project control & Risk Management Responsible lecturer: Dr. S.H.S. Al-Jibouri Course code: 195810600 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: Course content: - overview of project planning techniques - resource planning and scheduling - control process - risk management & techniques

Procurement Strategies & Tendering Responsible lecturer: Drs. ir. J. Boes, A.G. Doree Course code: 201000095 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course focuses on an important trend in the Dutch construction industry: the increased use of integrated procurement routes by clients, in particular by large public clients like Rijkswaterstaat, Prorail and Rijksgebouwendienst.

Integrated Global Project Management Responsible lecturer: Ir. T. Hartmann Course code: 195820600 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This class will, teach how information from different project management aspects can be integrated to enable multi-cultural dispersed project teams to work together.


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Research Methodology & Academic Skills* Responsible lecturer: Dr. A. Hartmann, Prof.dr. A. Doree Prof.dr. G. Dewulf Course code: 195820400 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The main aim of the course is to prepare the students for tasks/jobs where (research) reports need to be assessed or produced (in a wider sense). It is all about arguments, data, theory and proof, requires skills and competences in reasoning, research, data gathering, analysis and formulation of problems and account of results.

* The course in Research Methodology and Academic Skills (195820400) is mandatory (unless this course was part of the pre-master's programme of the student). Besides, students have to choose at least 30 EC in specialisation courses (from table b.3).

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


ELECTIVE COURSES AT TWENTE Hydraulic Engineering Responsible lecturer: Dr. J.J. Warmink Course code: 195410300 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course focuses on the hydraulic engineering of water works. Hydraulic engineering contains the knowledge on the design, construction and maintenance of works and systems that are designed in answer to community needs for infrastructure that has to deal with water in all kind of ways.

Integrated Assessment Responsible lecturer: Prof.dr. A. van der Veen Course code: 195460600 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: Integrated Assessment is defined as a multi, or interdisciplinary process to acquire knowledge and to structure knowledge out of different disciplines. Relevant aspects of social problems are taken into account. Objective is to learn the methodology of Integrated Assessment as a new paradigm for multidisciplinary research.

Infrastructure Management Responsible lecturer: Dr. A. Hartmann Course code: 195820500 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The focus of this course is on the management of infrastructure facilities and the maintenance and rehabilitation process in particular. The course provides the basic concepts and tools to procure and preserve infrastructure systems most cost-effectively. It shows how to prevent costly deterioration of infrastructure and to ensure an acceptable performance level of the infrastructural asset.


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Courses of the programme Civil Engineering and Management. After approval of the Examination Committee students can choose one of these courses instead of one of the official Electives. Sustainable Transport Responsible lecturer: M.H.P. Zuidgeest Course code: 195420800 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course discusses (1) problems and solutions of sustainability in the (urban) transport sector in a national and international context; (2) scientific methods and techniques for applying sustainable development theory in the planning and assessment of sustainable transport systems and; (3) specific topics and dilemmas in sustainable transport theory and practice.

Public Transport Responsible lecturer: Ir. K.M. van Zuilekom Course code: 195421200 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: Included in this course are topic related to the demand for public transport (spatial impact of public transport, data collection, demand modeling, price elasticity), the supply side of public transport (the organization of public transport, time tables, legal issues [Wet Personenvervoer], overview of public transport systems, accessibility, sustainability, reliability, tendering) and modeling of public transport (multi-modal networks, path building and assignment).

Land Use and Transport Interactions Responsible lecturer: K.T. Geurs Course code: 201000025 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course contains three parts: 1) it treats theories and empirical evidence on land use and (passenger) transport interactions 2) the course deals with Land-Use and Transport Interaction (LUTI) models 3) the course deals with the practice of integrated land-use and transport planning.

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Traffic Operations Responsible lecturer: E.C. van Berkum Course code: 201100005 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course is about the description and measurement of traffic operations. The theory of traffic flows deals with basic variables as intensity, velocity and density and concepts as jam density, optimal velocity, capacity, car following behavior and shock waves. Further the estimation of capacity and the monitoring and dynamic modeling of traffic operations, including the statistical properties of the several variables are studied.

Traffic Management Responsible lecturer: E.C. van Berkum Course code: 201100006 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course is about traffic modeling and traffic management. Topics: concept of regional traffic monitoring, qualities of the transport system, traffic control and its properties, important measures as Ramp Metering, Motorway Traffic Management system and Traffic Information and Pricing measures and a framework on how to design a regional traffic management plan.

Transport Policy Responsible lecturer: K.T. Geurs Course code: 201100007 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course Transport policy and planning aims to provide an overview of the role, contents and implications of transport policy and planning on different levels of scale. The course can be regarded as an “umbrella course� for the other courses in the field of traffic and transport.

Transport Modelling Responsible lecturer: Ir. K.M. van Zuilekom Course code: 201100008 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course outlines Discrete choice modeling, Stated preference / revealed choice modeling, Aggregated models, Calibration, Recent literature on modeling Transport modeling, Design, application and analyses of a survey


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Transport Research Project Responsible lecturer: Ir. K.M. van Zuilekom Course code: 201100009 Period: 1, 2, 3, 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The goal of this course is to develop research skills in research on behave of and supervised by a PhD student of the Centre for Transport Studies.

Intelligent Transport Systems Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.H. Martens Course code: 201100010 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course provides basic fundamental theories and tools that can be used to design, develop, and assess the ITS system. These include the analysis on user aspects, analysis on traffic and transport impact, behavioral changes and risk analysis.

Intelligent Transport Systems Project Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.H. Martens Course code: 201100011 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course consists of a group assignment where each group addresses a specific real world ITS problem as their course project. The task is to solve the problem, by applying available ITS tools/theory and by developing new ones.

Rail Transport Responsible lecturer: Ir. K.M. van Zuilekom Course code: 201100013 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: This course contains the transportation chain, characteristics of rail vehicles, the characteristics of the rail infrastructure, the switch, the safety systems, Energy supply, Track concepts, Stations, Influence on the environment

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Mathematical Optimization in Transport Responsible lecturer: E.C. van Berkum Course code: 201100012 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: Basic concepts of graph theory, routing problems, characteristics of graphs, optimization problems with and without boundary conditions, linear programming, Langrangian and KarushKuhn-Tucker conditions, unicity, multi-variate optimization methods, convex combination method, heuristic equilibration techniques, system optimum, user optimum

Hydrology Responsible lecturer: M.J. Booij Course code: 195400100 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The hydrological cycle from precipitation to river discharge is considered, in particular links which are important for the civil engineer

River Systems Responsible lecturer: Dr. J.J. Warmink Course code: 195400210 Period: 1 ECTS: 2,5 Course description: Discussed will be river meandering, braiding, anabranching, alternating bars, fluvial bed forms, flow in river bends, sediment sorting processes, influence of tide upon the lower river course, field measurements, and human interventions in the river system.

Water Quality Responsible lecturer: D.C.M. Augustijn Course code: 195400230 Period: 1 ECTS: 2,5 Course description: The objective of the course is to get insight in the origin, fate, transport and effects of pollutants in surface water and measures to improve water quality.


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Integrated Water Management Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.F. Brugnach Course code: 195400300 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The central goal of the course is to learn and grasp the integrated complexity of water resources management problems. An integrated understanding of the problems explicitly include the three elements of complexity of the couplings in the physical water system, policy considerations from various institutional layers and an insight in a process design that suits the governance setting of parties involved.

Marine Systems Responsible lecturer: Dr. T.A.G.P. van Dijk Course code: 195400240 Period: 1 ECTS: 2,5 Course description: The overall aim of this course is to be able to describe and explain physical processes of marine and coastal systems in a qualitative way. Marine systems is an introductory course in the Master's programme. Gaining knowledge and understanding is an important aspect in the objectives.

River Dynamics Responsible lecturer: J.S. Ribberink Course code: 195400400 Period: 4 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The objective of the module is to learn basic knowledge about fluid flow, transport processes and morphological phenomena in surface waters (such as rivers, estuaries and seas), playing an important role in water management problems.

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


Design Project Water II Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.S. Krol Course code: 195400500 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The central goal of the course is, to learn and perform a design process for an integrated water management problem. This involves a sound problem diagnosis involving physical insight in the system and policy insight in functional demands, a creative search for solutions, and an appropriate evaluation and selection of a preferred design.

Tools for Water Policy Analysis Responsible lecturer: Dr. M.F. Brugnach Course code: 195400600 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The main objective of this course is to teach how to handle models critically. Particular attention is given to: 1. the identification of the type of modelling approach needed in different managing situations, 2. the acknowledgement of bottlenecks in the design and application of quantitative and qualitative models to support integrated water management.

River Basin & Coastal Zone Management Responsible lecturer: A.Y. Hoekstra Course code: 195400700 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The course on River Basin and Coastal Zone Management aims to get the student acquainted with the functioning of river basins and coastal zones from both a natural and social scientific point of view and to give insight into the process of planning and policy formulation.


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

Data analysis in Water Engineering & Management Responsible lecturer: Dr. K.M. Wijnberg Course code: 195410100 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: To extract information from data, a wide variety of analysis techniques and tools are available, each with its own merits and drawbacks. This course treats a selection of techniques commonly used in the field of water engineering and management.

Morphology Responsible lecturer: Prof.dr. S.J.M.H. Hulscher Course code: 195410200 Period: 2 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: In the course Morphology five topics are discussed that have a relation with morphology of rivers, estuaries, coasts and seas. Physics play an important role in this.

Marine Dynamics Responsible lecturer: P.C. Roos Course code: 195400800 Period: 1 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The objectives is to be able to quantitatively describe and explain hydrodynamic and morphodynamic phenomena in the marine environment (and to know how these topics are dealt with in a more practical engineering environment).

Mathematical Physics of Water Systems Responsible lecturer: P.C. Roos Course code: 195400900 Period: 3 ECTS: 7,5 Course description: The general objective is to be able to deal with differential problems that appear in water engineering and management. This can be divided into: 1) become acquainted with the physical background of differential problems (derivation, dimensions, scales, initial and boundary conditions), 2) apply analytical solution techniques, and gain insight in the fundamental behaviour of solutions, 3) apply elementary numerical solution techniques and understand their properties.

Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


GRADUATION AT TWENTE CME Master Thesis Responsible lecturer: R.S. de Graaf Course code: 195899999 Period: ECTS: 30 Course description: The student will have to prove that he/she meets the objective of the programme which means academic knowledge, understanding and skills in the domain of civil engineering and certain sub-domains of business administration and public administration at a level which qualifies the graduate for independent professional practice and research in civil engineering.

Preparation Master Thesis Responsible lecturer: C.M. Dohmen-Janssen Course code: 195889000 Period: ECTS: 7,5 Course description: Based on a meeting with the thesis supervisor, the student will make a plan that contains the following information: outline of the thesis subject, knowledge to be gained (literature, software, methodology), examination mode(s) and planning. Based on this plan the student will deliver the following products: - Research plan - Proof of sufficient prior knowledge based on examination mode(s)


Overview of the courses at Twente | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering


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Notes | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering



Notes | 3TU Construction Management & Engineering

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