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Atlas; University College


Advanced Technology


Creative Technology


Electrical Engineering


European Public Administration


International Business Administration

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Introduction The University of Twente is a young, entrepreneurial research university with proven excellence in the field of new technologies and their impact on people and society. At the University of Twente, you can help us develop technologies that shape the future. Our researchers are among the world’s leaders in the fields of ICT, biotechnology and nanotechnology. One of our unique features is a drive to transcend boundaries and to link different disciplines in order to create fresh, comprehensive solutions to complex issues facing our world today. If you’re an inter-disciplinarian eager to bring knowledge from a variety of fields to bear on the challenges of our day, the University of Twente may well be the place for you.

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The University of Twente provides an internet connection of 1 gigabit per second and a campus-wide wifi network

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High tech, human touch Our key research areas include nanotechnology, biomedical technology, ICT, sustainable energy and governance. But we don’t view any of these technologies as stand-alone disciplines. Instead, we approach them in relation to behavioural, social, and management sciences, combining high tech with a human touch. At the University of Twente, science and technology, ultimately, are about people. A good name in the international academic world The University of Twente has a good name in the international academic world. We enjoy a consistently high ranking in the Leiden Ranking for Dutch research universities. The Times Higher Education Supplement places us among the world’s top 200 universities. According to a survey by i-graduate (the International Graduate Insight Group), the University of Twente can be counted among the global top ten for technology, IT support and internet access.

University of Twente Ranks First in the Netherlands (ISB, Fall 2011) • IT and System Support • Accommodation Quality • Accommodation Cost • Availability of financial Support • University Surroundings and Campus • (International) Student Associations

Strong ties with business and industry As a modern university with a strong network in the corporate world, our university is known for directing its outstanding engineering abilities towards support industry and commerce. We also have a name as take-off for innovative businesses. Because of this practical, real-world perspective, we come up with unexpected solutions in areas such as health, sustainable energy, water, learning and safety. In our 50-year history, the University of Twente has launched over 700 spin-off companies onto the market.

Rise above yourself with our Honours Programmes or at the ATLAS University College If you are eager to work hard and push yourself to the limit, we will gladly challenge you to discover your full potential. One of the ways in which we do this is our Honours Programme. It is an ideal opportunity for you to rise above the average – as well above yourself. If you are a top student, we also offer you the opportunity to become an ATLAS student. ATLAS offers a demanding, interdisciplinary programme in which you will learn to build bridges between social and engineering sciences. With an ATLAS honours degree, you will be eligible for entering the most prestigious Master’s programmes in the Netherlands and around the world. Our campus offers ideal conditions for your academic and social life The University of Twente is the only campus university in the Netherlands.

facTs and figures Students 9,313 International Students


Master’s students


Employees 3,190 (60% academic staff, 40% supporting staff) Promotions (yearly)


Academic Publications (referred)


Cultural Societies


Sports Societies


Surface Area

146 Hectare

Number of Student accommodations


Number of Alumni (total)


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Our beautiful park-like grounds offer 9,300 students and 3,200 employees the perfect setting for study, work and relaxation. Built on a country estate just outside the city of Enschede, the Twente campus provides the right academic and social atmosphere for an active and thriving student community. We can offer you state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research and an excellent library. Also, the cost of living and accommodation here is lower than in any other Dutch university city. Over 50 sports and cultural associations on campus The university offers a variety of ­ on-campus services. There is a wide range of sports facilities, a medical centre, counselling facilities, a hotel, worship facilities and more. Meet up with other students at one of our restaurants, cafés or bars for a good, affordable meal. Or join one or more of over 50 sports and cultural associations active on campus, giving you access to a wide range of leisure activities.

Enschede, a vibrant city The nearby city of Enschede is buzzing with student life and is also home to 20,000 students. Enschede is close to the German border and only a two-hour drive or train journey from Amsterdam. It is also within easy distance of major European capitals like Berlin, London and Paris. The city is modern and lively and has a rich industrial heritage, which you will notice in its many well-preserved historic buildings. Large-scale urban renewal has also given Enschede a new skyline, featuring eye-catching contemporary architecture.

The University of Twente continuously ranks among the top 200 universities worldwide

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Our Bachelor of Science degree programmes The University of Twente offers Bachelor’s programmes in fields ranging from engineering and natural sciences to behavioural and management sciences. Each of our 6 English taught Bachelor’s degree programmes is accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO); on graduation, you are entitled to calling yourself Bachelor of Science

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(for more detailed information on the programmes, see ‘Bachelor of science degree programmes). The Netherlands enjoys international acclaim for its problem-based learning methods, for training students to analyze and solve practical problems independently, and for emphasizing self-study and self-discipline. By emphasizing these principles, we will give you the best possible preparation for a challenging and exciting career.

Our Master’s programmes Once you have acquired a Bachelor’s degree, you have the option of continuing with a Master of Science degree programme. The key research areas of our Master’s programmes include nanotechnology, biomedical technology, ICT, sustainable energy and governance. For an overview see utwente.nl/master.

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Internationally respected, people-centred research The University of Twente is a ­ state-funded research university. Our research is highly regarded both nationally and internationally. Join us in resetting the standards in the field of new technology and seeking to

stimulate change, renewal and progress in society. Our strength lies in our capacity to combine. We work with the technologies of the future – information technology, biotechnology, energy and high-tech systems, nanotechnology – while recognizing the vital role played by

behavioural and social science research. We firmly believe the most interesting and relevant innovation is always people-centred: it thrives where technology meets society.

research institutes CTIT The Centre for Telematics and Information Technology is one of the largest academic ICT research institutes in Europe. www.utwente.nl/ctit IGS The Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies performs multidisciplinary research and postgraduate research training in the field of the governance and management of technological and social innovation. www.utwente.nl/igs ITC As a centre of excellence at the forefront of knowledge discovery, ITC (the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) develops cutting-edge knowledge and innovative approaches in its field. www.utwente.nl/itc MESA+ MESA+ is one of the largest nanotechnology research institutes in the world, delivering competitive and successful high quality research. www.utwente.nl/mesaplus MIRA The Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine combines fundamental and applied research with clinical practice, stimulating the successful application of fundamental concepts and facilitating the rapid introduction of new treatments in healthcare. www.utwente.nl/mira

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We firmly believe the most interesting and relevant innovation is always peoplecentred: it thrives where technology meets society

Innovative education and a nose for business At the University of Twente, we offer you the opportunity to break through existing academic boundaries, combining technological and social disciplines. Our study programmes are highly innovative, with a strong emphasis on helping you to apply your knowledge to real, practical issues. In addition to that, we have a nose for business: our entrepreneurial spirit has helped many graduate students to channel their research into commercially viable enterprises. It may not surprise you that our university has become an international stage for talent, attracting students from all over the world.

issues. It is a great way of making sure you’ve acquired all the necessary knowledge related to that particular theme. The themes in our programmes usually touch on a range of different disciplines. The advantage of that is that you get a broad foundation and will be able to operate successfully in a lot of different fields later.

Project-based education Our so-called Twente Educational Model offers an innovative approach to academic training. It is all about challenging you to get the best out of yourself as a student. Our academic year is divided into modules of ten weeks each. In each module, all of your classes, practical assignments and projects are centred on a single theme. In your project team, you and your team members are challenged to use your knowledge for solving real problems, often related to current

• Researcher: an expert who critically judges existing scientific knowledge and adds to the development of new scientific knowledge; • Designer: an expert who integrates scientific knowledge with the systematic development of new solutions for complex problems; • Organizer: an expert who combines knowledge from various scientific fields with the aim of implementing new solutions in a complex societal environment.

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Three key profiles All of our programmes have been developed to match your specific strengths and preferences and are structured according to three profiles. In the course of your Bachelor’s programme, we will help you find out which of these three best suits you:

Study support Student life involves many different issues. You will find it helpful to know who you can talk to and where you can get the information, guidance and advice you really need. We can offer you support on learning how to study effectively, which courses to choose, how to deal with official and financial issues, and what to do if you fall behind with your studies. If you have personal problems that affect your studies, you can turn to our study guidance organization. We have a variety of specialists who can help you move forward: a study and career centre, study advisors and student psychologists.

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would you like to have a buddy? University of Twente Buddy is an initiative to help international students adjust to their new home. Dutch students from various faculties can voluntarily be a buddy for new international students and give them a warm welcome. Why Buddy? • Broaden your horizon • Learn from other cultures • Improve language skills • Being active for the society • Having fun!!! Buddy will keep you updated with activities and meetings. We will organise events for the buddy couples. Check our activities posted on the website (buddy.utwente.nl) and join the facebook page (facebook.com/UniversityOfTwenteBuddy), so you won’t miss anything!

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ATLAS; UNIVERSITY COLLEGE a demanding, interdisciPlinary and tecHnology-driven liBeral arts & sciences Programme ATLAS is the Netherlands’ first technology-driven liberal arts & sciences programme. ATLAS stands for the Academy of Technology and Liberal Arts & Sciences. It is a highly demanding, interdisciplinary honours programme integrating social, technical, behavioural and design perspectives. At ATLAS, we help pre-selected international students get the best out of themselves and each other – and use it to contribute to a better world. Unlike other Liberal Arts colleges, ATLAS has a unique technological profile. Drawing from a diversity of academic fields – from psychology and politics to engineering and physics – our curriculums are centred on real-life themes and project-based education. Our aim at ATLAS is not just to deliver academic champions, but influencers, leaders, drivers of change – holistic problem solvers, who understand what society needs and can bring about the kind of change that will make the world a better place.

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Preparing ‘new engineers’ to tackle complex global issues with multi-dimensional solutions Leaders in both industry and education recognize that a new kind of education, one more aligned with humanities studies, is needed to prepare the engineers of 2030 for the complex, open-ended technical problems that lie ahead. ATLAS provides that education, preparing tomorrow’s scientists to apply multi-dimensional solutions to complex global challenges. ATLAS’ students develop a broad array of ‘soft’ skills, like inquisitiveness and interpersonal intelligence, and learn to fuse these skills with scientific knowledge and the agility to work across social science and technical disciplines. These so-called ‘new engineers’ are trained to invent and combine technological approaches for the problem at hand, but also to go further, designing solutions for implementation across a range of social, cultural and political contexts. This calls for qualities not usually associated with ‘old school’ engineering: creativity, flexibility and leadership, as well as good management and communication skills.

A new approach to problem-solving Andrea Sanchez Ramirez, Colombia, former UT Honours Student and current PhD student “The ATLAS programme embodies the UT’s vision for combining High Tech and a Human Touch at an early stage for graduates. Throughout my time here, I have witnessed the UT’s strong tradition of integrating social science, technology and engineering. With the creation of the ATLAS programme, this tradition has been transformed into a new approach to problem-solving that will encourage you to become a critical contributor to tomorrow’s world.”


Facing the great challenges of our time At ATLAS, it is all about placing academic excellence at the service of today’s world. Whether you find yourself programming contact lenses to (3D) print or designing a thermofluidics irrigation pump for smallholders in ­lowincome countries – as an ATLAS graduate, you will be a highly-trained academic all-rounder. Our graduates include systems and process thinkers, holistic problem solvers and opinion leaders – individuals capable of turning original solutions into real change that can make the world a better place to live in. The broad knowledge and skills you develop will prepare you for facing some of the great challenges of our time.

It is all part of the ATLAS challenge Wessel Wits ATLAS teacher

Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/atlas

“Developing the ATLAS programme has been a learning experience for us teachers as well. While none of us had all the knowledge and skills needed at first to design ATLAS, through close cooperation, we succeeded in designing the programme as it is now. It is all part of the ATLAS challenge. Working with colleagues from all faculties gives ATLAS a truly multidisciplinary and broad character.”


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ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY creating relevant new tecHnologies By comBining disciPlines The Advanced Technology Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente is a programme in which you will learn to develop relevant new technologies by combining widely varying disciplines. You will become a technical expert capable of creating solutions for complex engineering and societal challenges. We live in a rapidly changing world that presents us with boundless possibilities as well as complex problems. Just think of the need for low-energy modes of transport or new sources of clean energy. As a student of Advanced Technology, you will learn to view these problems as challenges that can be conquered by thorough research, creativity and experimenting. Like the famous Leonardo da Vinci, who was not just an inventor and architect, but also an astronomer, philosopher and chemist, you will learn to work with fundamental theories and formulas, with the purpose of making new discoveries with practical implications for society.

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You will need knowledge of numerous disciplines to fulfil your practical assignments The Advanced Technology Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente is entirely English-taught. Throughout the programme you will not limit yourself to just one discipline, but get familiar with several – from mathematics to chemical technology, mechanical engineering, business administration and much more. The practical implications of what you are learning will always be at the forefront. That is one reason why our so-called project-based education is such an important part of our Bachelor’s programmes. In your project team, you and your fellow students will be challenged to tackle real, current problems. You will soon find you will need knowledge of numerous disciplines to fulfil these project assignments. In other words, you will learn to cope with problems that usually call for a physicist, a mechanical engineer and a business administrator. Meanwhile, you will also learn how to attune the knowledge and insights you are gaining to real needs in today’s society. The last year of the Bachelor’s programme Advanced Technology gives you the room to choose and focus on a specific Master’s degree programme or field of employment. Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/at

I’ve have benefited hugely from the lecturers’ approach Da Liang, China student advanced technology

“During high school in China, my favourite subjects were math, physics, chemistry and biology. I chose to do the BSc in Advanced Technology, because I didn’t want to specialize too early. In the AT programme, I was able to benefit from my broad background. Eventually, I did find out which Master’s programme I would like to do. The key factor influencing my choice to go to the University of Twente was the course itself combined with the prospective of studying at an attractive campus. I really enjoy campus life. I think living on campus makes you spend more time at the university. Here at Twente, university is not just a place where students take lectures, but also a place where they have fun. The lecturers at this university don’t always tell you everything you need to know. They believe that presenting students with a problem and letting them figure out the solution on their own is better than simply telling them how to solve it. I have benefited hugely from this approach. Fortunately, if you do get stuck, your lecturers are always willing to help out. In China it takes seven years to complete both a Bachelor´s and a Master´s programme; here you can do it in five. Of course, that does affect the work load – studying here is more intensive. But it also means you can start your career two years earlier. That is another reason why I took the plunge and came to study in the Netherlands.”

Da Liang

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CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY creating interactive aPPlications tHat make life easier and Better for users The Creative Technology Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente will challenge you to use the latest technologies to develop interactive applications aimed at users’ health, convenience and enjoyment. In this English-taught programme, you will learn how to adapt state-of-the-art technology and new media in original and appealing ways. The emphasis is on applications that actually interact with users, such as a staircase that is so much fun nobody will want to use the elevator or the escalator anymore, or a talking umbrella that can give you an Internet-based weather report or tell you if it is likely to rain before you leave home.

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Learn to combine different disciplines, from sensor technology to human behaviour Our project-based education is an important part of the Creative Technology Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente. In our highly practical and academic projects, you will be challenged to come up with smart new ways of applying technology and new media, together with other students. As you do so, you will learn to apply knowledge from many disciplines, ranging from sensor and media technology to human behaviour and communication. Commercial insights will come into play as well: after all, your design will never reach the production stage without a positive, adequately composed business plan. As a student of Creative Technology, you will gain technical knowledge and skills as well as expertise in the field of how technology affects human beings, design (how to convert a question or opportunity into an appealing prototype) and creative processes (daring to diverge, knowing how to converge).

Become a designer with technical expertise and a sensitivity to social developments The Creative Technology Bachelor’s programme will turn you into a designer with technical expertise and a sensitivity to social developments. You will work on the cutting edge of high technology, while keeping a keen eye on the human factor. As a graduate, you will have many career opportunities, as employers in the creative industry, new media, product design or the field of communication will be eager to recognize your added value. You may become the creative mind behind a technological breakthrough, an application or game designer or a robot developer. Creative Technology will take you beyond your imagination and help you to develop fascinating, high-tech applications, while keeping you focussed on user interaction.

Studying in an international environment like this one is all I hoped it would be Vesselin Vitanov, Bulgaria student creative technology

“After completing a private English-language school in Bulgaria, I signed up for the Bachelor’s programme Creative Technology at the University of Twente. I love the unique combination of design, engineering, computer science and business. The varying backgrounds of students makes CT a great experience, too. It can be challenging, but it really helps you improve your communication skills. The University of Twente is renowned for its entrepreneurial spirit, and rightly so. Its support of students start-ups and small businesses in the region actively bringing ideas to life is a huge advantage. Studying in an international environment like this one, far away from home, is an experience of a life-time. It is all I hoped it would be. I’m enjoying Dutch culture and the campus has all the facilities you need, from medical care to a supermarket and sports centre. I often stay on campus for weeks on end. It adds to the student experience and to my academic focus.”


Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/create

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ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING develoPing and imProving HigH-tecH systems The Electrical Engineering Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente is an Englishtaught programme that focuses on developing and improving electronics-based systems. As an EE student, you will work on high-tech applications, such as robot arms for surgery or sensor systems for application in the fields of environmental care, health care and communication. Throughout the programme you will learn how modern technology works and how you can use it to enhance, accelerate or scale down electronics-based systems. Your work and commitment will result in high-tech applications based on nanotechnology, robotics, electronics and communication technology. Specific fields we focus on at the University of Twente include the lab-on-a-chip, methods for building faster and better computers, chips that can be used to carry out pregnancy tests and sensors that can be used for various purposes, such as position-controlling robot arms.

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Acquire knowledge and skills you can apply widely and discover your own strengths The practical projects that are part of this programme will challenge you to improve high-tech systems, with an emphasis on themes like sustainability, health, safety and energy. You will apply knowledge from the fields of computer science, physics and mathematics and become acquainted with the full range of electronic components. The programme will help you develop your skills in research, design and organization, enabling you to discover where your own strengths lie. The Bachelor’s programme Electrical Engineering will provide you with knowledge and skills you will be able to apply in almost all technological areas. It is an innovative engineering discipline and you will develop new methods and technologies. Electrical Engineers are highly employable, largely because they aren’t trained for a specific vocation, but are qualified in a specific field of science. The Electrical Engineering Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente is firmly linked to nanotechnology, robotics, ICT and biomedical technology. Our research institutes associated with these disciplines are world­­ renowned. The Electrical Engineering programme has been rated as the best in its field by students. Also, you will enjoy our small scale and our personal approach to education. Electrical Engineering is a challenging programme. If you graduate from this programme, you will have every reason to be proud. Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/ee

When our prototype helicopter took off after three weeks, I thought, ‘Wow… Dirk-Jan van der Sanden, the Netherlands student Electrical Engineering

“As a child, I was fascinated by all kinds of electronics. I was always playing around with them: blinking lights, burglar alarm systems – simple kinds of applications. When I graduate, I will be able to be professionally occupied with designing and improving electronic systems, maybe for medical purposes or for issues related to sustainability. We get quite a lot of theory in this programme, including mathematics, but you really need it, too. I discovered that during my final project in the first year. We were allowed to submit a project of our own choice, as long as it required us to apply all the knowledge we gained in that year. My group stripped a toy helicopter of all the electronics and developed new electronics enabling remote control with a cell phone. When our prototype took off after three weeks, I thought, ´Wow, all that knowledge has really enabled us to do interesting things!´ I enjoy engaging in different disciplines, going beyond electronics. Eventually, I´d like to focus on robotics, a field in which electronics and mechanical engineering come together. I plan to specialize in that area during my Master´s programme. After that I´d like to go to work as an engineer in the corporate world. My goal is to solve tough issues with high-tech systems. It will take a lot of studying, but it´s worth it.”


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EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION connecting tHe role of euroPe to gloBal and local realities How is the rise of China´s economy affecting Europe´s role in the world? Are there connections to be made between Europe’s labour shortage and its immigration policies? How are EU climate change policies impacting business and transport? If questions like these intrigue you, the European Public Administration Bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente may be the right choice for you. Our three-year English-language Bachelor’s programme will familiarize you with Europe´s multilevel governance, equipping you to connect European policies with local as well as global realities. As you explore and discuss current European topics – from mobile phone tariff agreements and the fight against food fraud to the enlargement of the EU and the differences between national foreign policies and healthcare systems – you will develop a clear vision of Europe and the complex interactions of Brussels with individual countries as well as the world at large.

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The combined force of economics, politics, sociology and law Several characteristics distinguish the European Public Administration programme at the University of Twente from common European Studies programmes offered by other universities. One of these is its multidisciplinary nature. Linking four vital academic fields – economics, politics, sociology and law – our programme will thoroughly prepare you to play your part in the complex, fascinating setting of international policy. Another unique aspect of our programme is its international emphasis. Attracting students from many different countries to the University of Twente, it is taught entirely in English and students are required to have strong (English) communication skills. As English is the working language in most international organizations, this Bachelor’s programme will offer you a head start in your career aspirations. Your career options as a graduate will include working for the government, in the corporate sector or with international pressure organisations as a policy-maker or manager. Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/epa

The campus is one of the best things about this university Sophia Wolff, Germany student European Public Administration “Following my involvement with the European Youth Parliament, I was keen to develop a better understanding of the dynamics of non-partisan politics, with a view to someday being part of the process. That is why I chose the European Public Administration Bachelor’s programme. Its balance of disciplines is unique. Course choices available in a traditional curriculum are quite restricting, but in this programme you deal with many aspects of policy-making. For our Regional Innovation assignment, our project group had to analyze a region and describe how the European Union’s policies have impacted it. We decided to focus on the Twente region. We interviewed representatives of the Municipality, the Innovation Platform group, and Euregio, a regional cooperation platform supported by the EU. We saw how the EU’s policies have led to observable change in our surroundings. The fact that the UT often encourages students to bridge the gap between the university and neighbouring communities was essential to the success of the project. The main differences between studying in Germany and in the Netherlands have to do with communication and social life. Students in flats here do a lot more together, like eating and relaxing together. Professors and staff members communicate a lot more, and on the same level, so classes are more interactive. The campus is one of the best things about the UT. It is not just the social factor and the fact you always run into people you know on campus, but also the fact that the university offers facilities for almost every leisure time activity.”

Sophia UTWE13339 Magazine English taught.indd 17

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get ready for an international Business career If you are eager to make a career in the international business world, our International Business Administration programme may be the perfect choice for you. It is a 3-year Bachelor’s programme taught entirely in English – the working language in many large and medium-sized companies around the world. This means you will have a head start in your aspirations for an international career. Virtually every large and small corporation today operates across national borders. These enterprises are often powerful organizations with ambitious targets, strict management and a demanding corporate culture. Added to that is the constant challenge of balancing efficiencies of scale with niche markets, and global requirements with local codes of conduct. Covering key disciplines like finance, staffing, purchasing, development, strategy and marketing, our programme will equip you for success in this complex, international field.

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Gain hands-on, international experience from the start The IBA programme at the University of Twente is both multidisciplinary and multinational. It will familiarize you with business theories, while also helping you develop your business skills and analytical thinking. Uniquely, IBA students at Twente are set to work in the (international) business sector from the very beginning of the course, with hands-on assignments in the form of mini-internships. Working with students of many nationalities is another huge benefit. Our university also offers you the opportunity to visit countries all over the world for purposes of studying, doing an internship or writing a thesis for a corporation. As a graduate, you will enter the labour market with a healthy work ethos and excellent international career opportunities. Many graduates decide to enter our Master’s programme, opting for one of six high-profile domains. Other graduates find employment with commercial companies, non-profit organisations, governments or in the world of science. Interested? Visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/iba

Studying in the Netherlands is a unique experience Usman Salim, United Kingdom & Pakistan: student International Business Administration “What interested me most about the International Business Administration programme is its balance of theory and practice. I like the mix of essential theoretical knowledge with a focus on its practical implications. IBA is a truly unique programme. When exploring possibilities for specializing in Supply Chain Management, I learned that the University of Twente is among the top institutions in Europe offering this specialization at the Bachelor’s level. It was an easy choice. For me, studying in the Netherlands is a unique experience. Self-study is a key aspect here. Students are expected to teach themselves to a certain extent, with the lecturers providing assistance and guidance. This is an important aspect; it contributes to your personal development as a student and enhances your capabilities. This university is constantly trying to improve its standards and assistance is always provided to students in need of it. The staff are very helpful and accessible, which makes it easier for students when a problem occurs. Living and studying on campus is quite peaceful and can be a lot of fun, too. The atmosphere is relaxed, yet stimulating. It allows students to remain focused on their study programmes, while pursuing other interests at the same time. Additionally, the city of Enschede may seem like a small city, but actually, it has a lot to offer students. The city grows on you and with time, it even begins to feel like home.”


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admission admission requirements The table below shows you the general admission requirements for our various programmes. Please note that if you’re a non-native English speaker, we will require proof of your proficiency in English.




ATLAS University College

• • • •

VWO profile 7.5 or higher for Mathematics B 7.5 or higher for English 7.5 or higher for at least one other Science subject

• •

Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) High final marks in English, Mathematics and one other Science subject For non-native English speakers: proof of proficiency in English (IELTS 7.0, TOEFL 100 iBT or Cambridge CPE)

For more information, please contact our Study Information Centre, at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/atlas

Advanced Technology

• • • • •

VWO-diploma ‘Nature & Technology’ or ‘Nature & Health’ subject cluster Mathematics B Physics English

• • • • •

Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) Mathematics English (CEFR, B2/C1 level; IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80 or Cambridge CAE) Physics Chemistry (if possible)

For more information, please contact our Study Information Centre, at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/at

Creative Technology

• •

VWO-diploma Any subject cluster

• •

Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) English (CEFR, B2/C1 level; IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80 or Cambridge CAE)

For more information, contact our Study Information Centre at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/create

Electrical Engineering

• • • • •

VWO-diploma Nature & Technology’ or ‘Nature & Health’ subject cluster Mathematics B Physics English

• • • •

Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) Mathematics English (CEFR, B2/C1 level; IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80 or Cambridge CAE) Physics

For more information, contact our Study Information Centre at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/ee

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European Public Administration • •

VWO-diploma Any subject cluster


Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) Mathematics English (CEFR, B2/C1 level; IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80 or equivalent)

For more information, contact our Study Information Centre at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/epa

International Business Administration

• • •

VWO-diploma ‘Nature & Technology’, ‘Economics & Society’ or ‘Nature & Health’ subject cluster Culture & Society’ subject cluster including Mathematics A or B and English

• • •

Certificate equivalent to Dutch VWO (e.g. British A-levels, International Baccalaureate) Mathematics English (CEFR, B2/C1 level; IELTS minimum 6.0 TOEFL 80 or equivalent)

For more information, contact our Study Information Centre at study@utwente.nl or visit www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/bachelor or www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en/iba

Deadlines Below is an overview of the deadlines for admission to our programmes.

Start academic year 1 September



1 April

Creative Technology

15 April

Other programmes

1 May

For the latest information on admission deadlines, please check www.utwente.nl/admissionoffice/Bachelor

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Tuition fees If you are a citizen of the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA), you will pay a lower fee at Dutch universities than if you are from outside Europe (Non-EU/EEA). EU citizens pay a lower fee due to the fact that they already pay taxes in the EU. Check the table below for an overview of current tuition fees.

Start academic year 1 September

Study programme

Tuition fee per year

EU/EEA nationalities

All (except ATLAS)

€ 1,835

Non EU/EEA nationalities


€ 7,233

Non EU/EEA nationalities


€ 8,266

atlas; Start academic year 1 September

Study programme

EU/EEA nationalities

€ 3,670

non-EU/EEA nationalities

€ 10,101

The fees for 2014–2015 will be published in the first quarter of 2014. For the latest news on fees, please check our website at www.utwente.nl/so/studentservices/en

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Accommodation and living expenses At the University of Twente, we have various forms of accommodation available on campus for international students. Our International Office will gladly assist you in finding furnished accommodation. The International Office coordinates supply and demand between international students and local housing providers, offering both on and off campus accommodation. Prices range from approximately €300 to €600 per month for furnished housing, including wireless internet. As a single student, you should count on needing an average of €800 to €900 per month for accommodation, study materials and general living expenses. The cost of living and accommodation here is lower than in any other Dutch university city. For more practical information about living and studying at the University of Twente, please visit www.utwente.nl/ internationaloffice Code of Conduct The University of Twente is a cosignatory of the Code of Conduct International students in Dutch Higher Education. For information about the code (and the complaints procedure), check www.internationalstudy.nl

International student associations Each university in the Netherlands has a network of associations that bring students together for academic activities, sports and recreation. All of these associations are run by students. Some are geared especially towards international students. Three of the larger international student associations – AIESEC, AEGEE and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) – are active at the University of Twente. • The AIESEC network is the largest student-run organization in the world. It operates in over 2,400 universities across the globe. Its main goal is to provide students with leadership training and internship opportunities. The network includes over 86,000 members in 113 countries and territories. For more information, check www.aeisec.nl • AEGEE-Enschede is part of Europe’s largest student network. It organizes many activities in Enschede and members have the opportunity to travel abroad and visit conferences, parties and cultural events throughout Europe. For more information, check www.aegee.org • The Erasmus Student Network provides opportunities for cultural

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understanding and selfdevelopment, operating on the principle of students helping students. For more information, check www.esn.org UniTe, the student platform for internationalization and integration Other associations focus on students from specific countries or regions. UniTe is the student platform for internationalization and integration at the University of Twente. It consists of all associations and organizations involved in internationalization (e.g. study, sports and cultural). UniTe acts as an advisory council, with a focus on Twente’s policy on internationalization and integration. The platform brings together international student associations from Turkey, India, Indonesia, Latin America, China and Pakistan. Together, they do all they can to help you feel at home, to assist you in everyday situations and to promote the integration of Dutch and international students. Introduction Days: an ideal occasion for ‘kicking in’ and making final arrangements At the beginning of each academic year, we organize our Introduction Days for international students, also known as the Kick-In Days. This introductory programme offers you an ideal opportunity for getting to know other students, joining study, sports and cultural associations and making whatever final arrangements you still have to make. As an international student, you will be hooked up through the Erasmus Student Network (ESN, a non-profit international student organization operating across Europe) with a personal buddy for the duration of the Kick-In Days. Buddies are students of the University of Twente who have volunteered to mentor international students like yourself. Throughout the year, the various international organisations at our university put on a range of social activities, such as day trips and parties. For more information, check www.esntwente.nl

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LIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS Studying the Dutch way Studying in the Netherlands can help foreign students develop an open mind and a more international perspective. The Dutch educational system is very interactive; it focuses on teamwork, independence and a proactive approach. People from many different cultures and religions live, work and study in the Netherlands. The result is a colourful, multicultural society, in which different ideas are valued and respected. Students at the University of Twente typically meet up and hang out in the many cafes, restaurants and other meeting places on and off campus. Generally speaking, the Dutch higher education community seeks to be a part of society, rather than isolating itself.

About the Netherlands The Netherlands is situated in Western Europe. It borders on Germany to the east, Belgium to the south and the North Sea to the north and west. Many European capitals are within easy reach: Brussels is only two hours away by train, and a short flight from Amsterdam will take you to London, Paris, Madrid or Berlin. The Netherlands is a relatively small country of just over 41,000 square kilometres, but it is home to over 16.7 million people. The Netherlands is a safe country by international standards.

Transportation You don’t really need a car to get around in the Netherlands. It is not only a small country, but it also boasts a well-organized and safe public transport network that will take you almost anywhere you want to go. Of course, nothing quite beats travelling by bicycle, the country’s number one mode of transport. During the introduction days for international students we will help you buy your very own bike if you like.

Would you like to find out more? For more information about out English taught Bachelor of Science degree programmes, visit www.utwente.nl/bachelor/en

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Nothing beats travelling by bike, the Netherlands’ number one mode of transport

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