mesa magazine no 3

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Room for wild ideas Nano interface Super-fast analysis of blood Out of balance Italian study fanatic Manufacturer of thin layers Aquarian

volume 3 number 1 2014


preface I MESA+ MAGAZINE 03

MESA+ provides room for ideas. This is also apparent in this February 2014 - volume 3 - number 1

issue. The company Ostendum

MESA+ Magazine is published by MESA+,

is developing a lab-on-a-chip

Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente,

that enables paramedics to

PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

perform blood tests on the

Editors: Miriam Luizink, David Redeker, Annerie Heesink , Myrthe Swaak

spot. Researcher Enver Güler

Photography: Eric Brinkhorst Graphic design and realisation: WeCre8 creative communication, Enschede

is building a pilot plant that

MESA+ Magazine is published twice annually.

generates power from saltwater

Circulation: 1.000 copies

and freshwater. And the Italian

More information is obtainable from Annerie Heesink, tel.: +31 53 - 489 3803.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whatever form without the prior written permission of the publisher and other copyright owners.

This publication has been compiled with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, the publisher is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication or for the unforeseen

Content Room for wild ideas.................................................................................................................. 04

dr. Ine Segers-Nolten, NanoBio­Physics group Confocal fluorescence microscopy image of a cultured human breast cancer cell (SKBR3 cell line), showing the nucleus in blue, the actin cyto­

does not know exactly what she wants yet. But, she says, “In any

Schedule.......................................................................................................................................... 07

case, here in Twente you can go in

Nano interface............................................................................................................................. 08

all directions. Research, business

Super-fast analysis of blood................................................................................................ 12

world, everything is possible.” And

­consequences of any errors.


Master’s student Francesca Rivello

Out of balance............................................................................................................................... 14 Italian study fanatic................................................................................................................... 16 Manufacturer of thin layers................................................................................................. 18

skeleton in green and the microtubuli in red.

Aquarian........................................................................................................................................... 20

that’s exactly how it is. Ir. Miriam Luizink, technical commercial director Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank, scientific director



Alexander Brinkman examines how electrons interact with each other and

Research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 05

NAME: Alexander Brinkman (1975)

thus lead to new properties of materials. As professor within a larger research

POSITION: Professor of Quantum Transport in Matter

group, MESA+ gives him the room to focus entirely on research and teaching.

PREVIOUSLY: Studied Applied Physics in Twente and obtained his doctoral degree in 2003. Brinkman has been awarded three scholarships (Veni in 2004, Vidi in 2008 and a European ERC Consolidator Grant in 2013). He was UT lecturer of the year in 2010 and is a member of De Jonge Akademie of the KNAW MESA+... “gives me the opportunity to be involved with a small group of researchers within a larger research group”

Room for wild ideas A student stands in front of the desk of Alexander Brinkman, Professor of Quantum transport in matter. The students shows Brinkman a paper full of graphs. Brinkman is enthusiastic: “It seems that our wild idea has held firm up until now. Well done!” When the student leaves the room, Brinkman says: “This student is a wizard in mathematics. We are investigating a new idea for superconductivity at high temperatures. This kind of wild idea is perfect for graduating students. If the idea does not work, it is naturally disappointing, but the student can still get a degree with it. If you let research assistants do this, they have a problem for the remainder of the term of their project.” Brinkman’s career appears to have gone like clockwork: student, research assistant, postdoctoral fellow, lecturer, a few major scholarships and then professor. How did he manage that? Brinkman: “My dream is not ‘and now a Vici’. My dream is to achieve superconductivity at room temperature. My career has actually developed gradually. It already started when I was small. I then played with technical Lego and repaired televisions. I then started studying physics because it is such an interesting field of study. You’re solving puzzles, trying to understand how nature works. For me, it’s about the content. The rest, the scholarships, the appointments, follow on naturally.” So, the contents. Brinkman explains: “Look, an electron has a mass, a charge and a spin. At first sight, these appear to be fixed properties. But these properties change in matter. It’s just like a marble. Normally, a marble rolls nice and smoothly. But if you put it in syrup, its properties change. It’s just the same with electrons. Their properties change in matter and you get a particle with new properties. We

“My dream is to achieve superconductivity at room temperature”



call this a quasi particle. If you put several

schedule I MESA+ MAGAZINE 07

MESA+ schedule 2014 group


David Vermaas


Kitty Nijmeijer


Wouter Maijenburg


André ten Elshof en Dave Blank


Sven Krabbenborg


Jurriaan Huskens


Bouwe Kuiper


Guus Rijnders


Enver Güler


Kitty Nijmeijer


Steven Nyabero

XUV Optics

Fred Bijkerk


MESA+ colloquium


MESA+ technical colloquium


Harmen Droogendijk


Gijs Krijnen

am able to focus entirely on the research


MESA+ colloquium

and do not have to spend much time on


Nishant Kumar


Stefan Luding

management issues. For me, that is ideal.


Stefan Luding

quasi particles together, they interact.



We try to manipulate quasi particles. In


MESA+ colloquium

this way we want to, for example, induce


superconductivity in a new class of materials known as topological insulators. This could form the basis for a new type of


topological quantum computation. Brinkman holds a rather special position at the University of Twente within MESA+. He is a professor within the Department


of Interfaces and Correlated Electron Systems of Hans Hilgenkamp. Brinkman: “I

With my own small club I am embedded in a larger whole, and I can work together with many colleagues.”






Olukayode Imole


MESA+ technical colloquium


Serkan Büyükköse


Wilfred van der Wiel


Vasilisa Veligura


Harold Zandvliet


Wojciech Ogieglo


Kitty Nijmeijer


Jolet de Ruiter


Frieder Mugele


Rielle de Ruiter


Frieder Mugele


Rogier Besselink


André ten Elshof


Shuo Kang


Serge Lemay


Shilpa Argarwal


Leon Lefferts


MESA+ colloquium


Arturo Susarrey Arce


Han Gardeniers en Leon Lefferts


MESA+ technical colloquium


Vitaliy Ogarko


Stefan Luding


MESA+ colloquium


Abhinendra Singh


Stefan Luding


Wei Chen


Arian Nijmeijer


Christina Kappel


Kitty Nijmeijer


MESA+ technical colloquium


Erik Garbacik


Jennifer Herek


Masoud Zabeti


K. Seshan


MESA+ colloquium


Peter Eerkes


Hans Hilgenkamp


MESA+ technical colloquium


Li Liu


Wim Briels


Hammad Qureshi


Arian Nijmeijer



Research I MESA+ MAGAZINE 09

Séverine Le Gac is programme director of the multidisciplinary NAME: Séverine Le Gac (1977)

Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine research programme.

POSITION: Programme director Nanotechnology for Innovative

In addition, she leads her own research group, Microfluidics for

Medicine and senior lecturer with the BIOS Lab-on-a-chip group

Nanomedicine. What is a Frenchwoman doing in Enschede? And how

PREVIOUSLY: Le Gac graduated in chemistry at the ESPCI in Paris.

does she bring together researchers from different disciplines?

She obtained her doctoral degree cum laude at the Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille. Her doctoral thesis on the development of a microfluidic system for protein analysis was awarded a prize from the French Association for Mass Spectrometry. She has been working in Twente since 2005, first as a postdoctoral fellow, then as a lecturer and now as a senior lecturer

Nano interface

MESA+... ‘has a really fantastic reputation’

In 2005, Séverine Le Gac came to Twente for both MESA+ and for

gether with, for example, the Max-Planck-Institut für molekuläre

the BIOS group of Albert van den Berg. Le Gac: “Both the group and

Biomedizin in Münster and the Centrum für Reproduktionsmedizin

MESA+ have a fantastic reputation. Of course, I do miss Paris. I’m a

und Andrology in the same German city as well as the Amsterdam

“culture animal” and Enschede is obviously not at all like Paris. But on

VU University Medical Center, on the development of lab-on-a-chip

other aspects, I also like nature very much and that can be found here

systems for growing embryos and monitoring their viability using

in abundance. A walk through the woods is good to refresh my mind.”

dedicated sensors. The goal is to propose new systems that can be used in the future for IVF treatments. For now, embryos are cultured


in a petri dish during the pre-implantation period, but lab-on-a-chip

Séverine Le Gac is programme director of the multidisciplinary

systems can better mimic the environment in which embryos would

Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine research programme.

grow in vivo.

About 35 researchers from different disciplines work together in that research progamme. It is one of the four Strategic Research

Unique research

Orientations (SROs) of MESA+ (see the box as well). Le Gac’s

Le Gac came to Twente because of its good reputation. She stayed

SRO brings together biologists, chemists, biophysicists, applied

in Twente because it offers her a unique research environment.

physicists and medical technologists. The SRO not only unites

“Researchers collaborate here and also look beyond their own

people from MESA+, but also includes researchers from MIRA, the

discipline. That is ideal for me because my research and interests

University of Twente’s research centre for biomedical technology

also lie at the interface between several disciplines.”

and technical medicine. The overarching research programme aims to develop new methods, techniques and instruments for diagnoses

Strategic Research Orientations

and treatments. It also aims to provide insight into the molecular

To encourage cooperation by the various disciplines, MESA+

processes with respect to diseases. Le Gac: “It is exciting to work at

has four Strategic Research Orientations (SROs). This involves

the interface of several research fields. The researchers have various

around 35 researchers from related disciplines working together

backgrounds. This interdisciplinary environment is really something

on a single theme. This way of working leads to groundbreaking

I like. We get together every month. I show the MESA+ researchers

interdisciplinary research, while strengthening the cohesion

that there is more than just nanotechnology, and MIRA researchers

between ongoing research and enabling completely new

see that there is more than just pharmaceuticals.”

fields of research to be developed. The four Strategic Research Orientations of MESA+:

Embryo on a chip

1. Applied NanoPhotonics

Besides the programme directorship, Le Gac has her own research

2. NanoMaterials for Energy

group. With two PhDs and two postgraduate researchers, she

3. Enabling Technologies

is developing microfluidics for nanomedicine. She is working to­

4. Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine


MESA+ MAGAZINE I MESA+ NanoLab in the Picture

sem Nano technologists build such small structures that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. In order to see whether the researcher has actually made what he had conceived, an electron microscope is required. The electron microscope in the photo is a scanning electron microscope. This microscope not only makes the shape of the nanoparticles visible, it also says something about the chemistry. The microscope scans a fine beam of electrons over the sample surface to be examined. The sample produces a variety of electrons and x-rays. The radiation emitted is analyzed. This creates a detailed picture of the shape of the sample, including height differences and chemical composition.

MESA+ NanoLab in the Picture I MESA+ MAGAZINE 11



spin-off I MESA+ MAGAZINE 13

“We want to shrink our unit so that the chip, laser and detector all fit in a bag”

The Twente company Ostendum is developing a lab-on-a-chip that will allow doctors and paramedics to quickly perform on-the-spot analyses of, for example, blood, urine or saliva. An interview with managing director Paul Nederkoorn about the technology, the market and society.

Super-fast analysis of blood The example “Suppose someone collapses on the street. The ambulance arrives and takes the patient to the hospital. It takes an hour for the analyses of the blood test to be known. It then becomes clear that the patient did not have a heart attack, and may not have to go to the hospital. With the portable lab-on-a-chip that Ostendum is developing, a doctor or paramedic would have been able to determine blood values upon which an informed treatment can start immediately​​

NAME: Paul Nederkoorn (1967)

whereby the patient would not have had to go to the hospital

POSITION: Managing director of Ostendum (www.ostendum.

in many instances. About a quarter of the people who are

com). This MESA+ spin-off is working on a lab-on-a-chip that

suspected of having a heart attack would not have had to go

his wife, who has a PhD in biomedical sciences, also works

The market

to hospital after all. And the opposite also occurs: people with

for the company.”

“It helps a lot that major players like Achmea and De

vague symptoms who appear to actually have had a (mild)

Friesland Zorgverzekaar support us. Such institutional The logo


“Ostendum in Latin means ‘must be demonstrated’. And

pharmaceutical companies or companies that produce

The instrument

‘Ost’ of course also refers to Twente, the east of the

diagnostic medical equipment.”

“It started with Aurel Ymeti’s doctoral research at MESA+.

Netherlands. The striped pattern in the logo shows that our

He invented a chip with channels through which liquid can

device detects optical interference.”

heart attack. Our instrument provides a quick answer.”

flow. In such a channel, you can introduce a particular type








The social impact “In our industry it takes on average more than ten years

of antibody in advance. When your blood flows through the

The application

to go from idea to marketable product. We have now

channels, proteins from the blood bind to the antibodies.

“We currently have a table-top model that is being developed

been working for over five years, so we are about halfway.

With the aid of laser light, we can determine the amount

further. Our aim is to reduce the size and weight of our

Ultimately, the goal is to produce a portable analyzer and

of protein that bonds with the channels. In this way, we can

device so that it is truly portable; that the chip, laser and

an inexpensive disposable chip. A fast, accurate diagnosis

deduce the concentration of the protein in the blood and

detector all fit into a briefcase or bag. The calculations can

saves lives on-the-spot, promotes patient care and

obtain the blood values. Aurel is now technical director. And

be performed with a laptop, a tablet or a telephone.”

produces cost savings for society.”

will enable medics and paramedics to quickly perform on-thespot analyses of, for example, blood, urine or saliva. In 2013, Achmea and De Friesland Zorgverzekaar acquired a stake in the company that is located in the High Tech Factory on the University of Twente campus PREVIOUSLY: Nederkoorn graduated from the VU University Amsterdam in medicinal chemistry (with distinction), chemistry (with distinction) and business law. During his PhD in medicinal chemistry, he became research group leader and lecturer. He then took up employment with Shell. Since 2007, he co-founded and has participated in the development and investment firm UT International Ventures. The aim is to bring high-impact products from the academic setting to the market MESA+... ‘Ostendum builds on MESA+ doctoral research’




During the interview, the young

NAME: Sven Krabbenborg (1986)

researcher Sven Krabbenborg,

POSITION: PhD student in the Molecular

who has a wide range of interests,

Nanofabrication group led by Jurriaan

comes across as thoughtful and

Huskens. Krabbenborg makes chemical

balanced. Work, private life,

gradients on the microscale. He obtained

hobbies: everything in moderation

his doctoral degree in January.

and balanced. And that is in

PREVIOUSLY: Krabbenborg took a

contrast with his research about

Bachelor’s degree in Advanced

pushing systems out of balance.

Technology in Twente. He attained his

“We make things possible that

Master’s degree in Nanotechnology with

were initially impossible.”

distinction. With his dissertation he won the thesis prize from the University of Twente Faculty of Applied Sciences HOBBIES: Squash, go-carting, photography and diving MESA+... ‘brings together physics, chemistry and biology’

Out of balance

“Biologists and chemists can turn the knobs on a micro scale.”

Krabbenborg is a fourth year PhD student. He makes

One hundred tests on a small plate

chemical gradients on the microscale. Scientists have

Krabbenborg: “It is particularly at these scales that you

already been making gradients for a hundred years. For

can conduct interesting research. For example, you can

example, in a tank of water in which the pH on one side

see how a reaction behaves under different conditions.

can turn the knobs and create dynamic systems on a micro

really fantastic that researchers can now, for example, perform

of the container is higher than on the other. In Twente,

We introduce different conditions on one small plate with


chemical reactions on a lipid membrane from the field of biology

the researchers do not use a container of water, but

scores of the same gradients and therefore do not have

rather a chip, a small plate that is a few centimetres wide

to perform lots of separate tests. We have, for example,

Chemistry, biology, physics

with which gradients of between ten and five hundred

succeeded in creating a catalyst gradient. This has

Krabbenborg had a wide range of interests at secondary

micrometres are made. Why does everything have to be

enabled us to study the so-called click reaction in a high-

school. His profiles included both Nature & Technology


so small? Why do we want to create gradients of a fraction

throughput manner. We have also created a pH gradient.

and Nature & Health. In Twente, he was able to maintain

For nine years Krabbenborg’s life and work were in balance. And

of a millimetre, and why do we want to control gradients in

And we have created cell membranes with different

a broad focus with the Bachelor’s degree in Advanced

now? Krabbenborg: I am ready for something new. I would like to

fractions of seconds?

concentrations of lipids. With our technique, scientists

Technology. And now during his doctoral research he

move towards the business world. For example, to Philips, ASML

combines chemistry, biology and physics. Krabbenborg:

or DSM. Multinationals, yes, but a small spin-off is also possible.

“I find the multidisciplinary approach very appealing. It is

As long as I can keep working in a multidisciplinary manner.”

in a device based on physics. We make things possible that were initially impossible.”


MESA+ MAGAZINE I Master’s degree in Nanotechnology

Master’s degree in Nanotechnology I MESA+ MAGAZINE 17

NAME: Francesca Rivello (1992) POSITION: Master’s student in Nanotechnology. Started her Master’s degree in Twente in September 2013 PREVIOUSLY: attained her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Engineering at the Technical University of Turin in Italy HOBBY: Rivello played golf at a pretty high level (handicap: 3). She now plays tennis for fun and for the social contacts MESA+... ‘has a special coordinator for international students. It is very nice that there is someone who is there for you and who helps you’

The Italian student Francesca Rivello sent admission letters to five universities. All five accepted her. She chose Twente and MESA+. “Here you can already

“At school I hesitated between physics and medicine. At Twente it comes together”

specialize in the first year and in the second year you can conduct your own research.”

Italian study fanatic You just started. Have you already received your

can already introduce a focus in the first year, and

first marks?

can then specialize. At secondary school I already

how you should address the lecturers. In Italy, you

What are your plans for the future?

“Yes, we’ve already had the first three examinations.

hesitated between physics and medicine. At

refer to the professor by his title and his surname.

“I’m not exactly sure yet. I want to do something

I got a 9 for Nanoscience, an 8 for Characterization

Twente, these come together. That’s because MIRA,

Here you can use first names. The lecturers also

in the field of diagnosis and treatment of various

of Nano-structures and an 8 for Molecular and

the research institute for biomedical technology, is

know you by name.”

diseases with the aid of nanotechnology. I will

Biomolecular Chemistry. I found the last subject the

also situated here.”

soon have my first progress interview with my Do you miss Italy?

coordinator. Maybe I can help with the development

And, do you like it?

“Not really, Turin is only an hour away by plane. There

of medical equipment. In any case, here in Twente

“Yes. It is very nice and compact as well as being

are, of course, no mountains here, but the scenery is

you can go in all directions. Research, business

Why did Twente attract your attention?

well-organized. In that respect, it’s quite like Turin

beautiful and varied. I am now also working hard to

world, everything is possible.”

“During my Bachelor’s degree in Italy I started

where I was an undergraduate. I also find the

learn Dutch so that I can integrate properly.”

thinking about what I wanted. In Italy I had to travel

international aspect very appealing. For example, I

around for my Master’s. I would prefer to do it all at

spend a lot of time with a Chinese girl and a Brazilian

You played golf quite well; why did you not want to

one location. I then discussed the possibilities with

boy. When we arrived here, there were workshops

continue playing?

Nanotechnology master is top-class

my professor. Of the five suggestions, Twente’s

for international students. For example, we learned

“If I wanted to continue with golf, I would have to

In the Dutch Keuzegids (study guide) Masters for 2014, the University of

MESA+ was my first choice. Partly because you

about the education system in the Netherlands and

devote all my time to it. And then I wonder whether I

Twente Nanotechnology programme has the highest rating. The program-

could also make it my work. I’m just more interested

me may use the ‘Top course’ quality seal for a whole year.

most difficult, because I didn’t have much chemistry during my Bachelor course.”

in science.”


spin-off I MESA+ MAGAZINE 19


NAME: Cas Damen (1968)

TSST has already existed for fifteen years. It is one of the most successful

POSITION: Technical director and manager

spin-offs of what is now called MESA+. Twente Solid State Technology designs

of TSST, Twente Solid State Technology BV

and manufactures equipment with which universities and institutes can create

( A company that since 1998

and examine thin layers. The equipment is used all over the world.

has been designing and building equipment that enables universities and institutes to create thin layers and thus develop new materials PREVIOUSLY: Damen attained his doctorate at the University of Twente in 1997. He performed research with a piece of equipment to create thin layers. After taking his doctoral degree he became director of the then new spin-off TSST MESA+... “we regularly make use of the expertise and facilities of MESA+”

Manufacturer of thin layers Cas Damen, the director of TSST points to a metal machine

students came to the West. They are now professors in

measuring two by two by one metre with tubes, spheres and

China and want to work with Western equipment.”

cylinders. “This machine is going to Switzerland soon.” From a distance it has some similarities with an iron squid or an

Turning to all knobs

old-fashioned one-man submarine. The device is a so-called

Each TSST machine is tailor-made. The time between

PLD system, which stands for pulsed laser deposition.

the first discussion and the delivery of the equipment takes about eight months. The first two months of this

The only one of its kind

are devoted to consultation, design and adjustment. The

TSST started in 1998. A few years earlier, the Twente

TSST staff (intermediate and higher vocational students

research group of Dave Blank, Guus Rijnders and Horst

and university graduates) then spends six months building,

Rogalla had succeeded in applying thin layers on a surface

testing and installing. Damen: “Our customers are always

of a ceramic substrate very accurately by means of a

pushing the limits of what is technically possible. If we

self-built PLD. Researchers from all over the world asked

guarantee that you can heat our machine to 1000 degrees,

the Twente researchers where they could also get hold of

then they want to go to 1100 degrees. Even if it means that

such a machine, but it was the only one of its kind. Rijnders,

they have to replace a part twice a year. With our machines,

Blank and Rogalla founded a spin-off and Cas Damen, who

you can turn all the knobs. That is our strength. That is why

had just completed his PhD research and had meanwhile

universities and institutes come to us.”

become an expert in the field of thin layers, became the first employee. The company now employs twelve people,

Course for customers

sells about eight units a year and has a turnover of three

Once the machine has been delivered, this does not mean

million euros.

that the customer then has to figure it out for himself. TSST has, for example, set up a course for the company’s

“TSST employs 12 people and has a turnover of three million euros per year”

China is emerging

customers together with MESA+. Damen: “We teach them

Universities and institutes all over the world make use of

the capabilities of the machine and the MESA+ researchers

the knowledge and skills of TSST. The demand is especially

show them the science they can get from it and how to

increasing in China. In 2013, TSST sold three of its eight

interpret the results. This is important for our customers

machines to China. For 2014, two more orders are already

and therefore for us too. A good research result works

scheduled for China. Damen: “Ten years ago, many Chinese

better than a glossy brochure.”



Water forms the common thread in Enver Güler’s research. In Turkey, he extracted heavy metals from water. In Israel, he worked on the production of drinking water from seawater (reverse osmosis technology). And in Twente, he generated energy from seawater and river water.


“Partly as a result of my research, a pilot plant is being built on the Afsluitdijk causeway where we can test my membranes on an industrial scale”

Aquarian Güler already knew

Blue energy

what he wanted to do

Many MESA+ staff and students can’t keep out of the cleanrooms, but not Güler:

while at secondary

“I make membranes that have an active area of approximately ten centimetres

school: solve problems

by ten centimetres. We work with polymers. An ordinary chemistry laboratory

for humanity. And

is quite suitable for this. Luckily we have one here too.” Güler then stacks the

that had to be, he

membranes on top of one another. First a membrane that only lets through

thought, by means

positively charged particles, then a membrane that only lets through negatively

of chemistry and

charged particles, then positive, then negative, and so on. Finally a stack of

physics. “While I was

membranes is created along which researchers pump salt water and fresh

working on my master’s

water. The scientists generate energy by means of the principle of reverse

degree in Israel on the

electrodialysis: energy from water. It is sometimes also referred to as blue

desalination of sea


water, my supervisor recommended that I

Afsluitdijk pilot plant

continue with this type

Membranes that extract energy from water already exist, but they are expen­

of research, and that the

sive and do not work well for Güler’s application. The researcher there­fore

Netherlands was the

developed a membrane that is more effective and can be made in one step,

best place to do this.”

making it less expensive than the membranes that are currently available

Güler subsequently

commercially. “Partly as a result of my research, a pilot plant is being built on the

performed his PhD

Afsluitdijk causeway where we can test my membranes on an industrial scale.

NAME: Enver Güler (1984)

research with the

It is the first time that the membranes from Twente are undergoing large-scale

POSITION: postdoctoral researcher at Wetsus, Centre of

MESA+ Membrane


Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology. Güler obtained his PhD in January 2014 in Twente at the MESA+ Membrane

Technology group at the University of Twente

Collaboration with industry

from 2009 to 2013.

Güler’s research is being conducted in close cooperation with Wetsus. This is

generate energy from the mixing of seawater and river water

the top technological institute for water technology where researchers from

PREVIOUSLY: Güler completed his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical

Science and Technology group. He designed membranes that

universities, institutes and the business community collaborate. Güler: “With

Engineering at Ege University in Izmir on the Turkish west coast in

the pilot plant, we can study how our process works outside the laboratory. We

2007. In 2009, he obtained his Master’s degree at the same university.

also gain more insight into the costs and revenues.” The researchers initially

Among other things he performed research in Israel and completed

hope to generate a modest fifty kilowatts of electricity. They then want to build

traineeships at Bayer Crop Science and Unilever

a plant that produces two hundred megawatts. This is comparable with a small

HOBBY: Güler enjoys freshwater fishing and photography

coal plant. And Güler? He is now busy on removing sodium ion selectivity from

MESA+... ‘brings together fundamental research and applications’

irrigation water so that it can be used for agriculture. And so he continues with his common thread: water.


MESA+ MAGAZINE I MESA+ NanoLab in the Picture

High Troughput Cell Analysis systeem One of the showpieces of the BioNanoLab is the High Throughput Cell Analysis system. With a type of robotic line, researchers can perform several measurements in succession and simultaneously. They can, for example, determine whether newly created nanoparticles are toxic to humans or animals. The research is performed with cells. The cells are located in scores of little holes on so-called multi-well plates. The robotic arm transports the plates between the system’s various measuring instruments. The absorption, luminescence and the fluorescence of the cells can be measured in this way. In addition, there is a special imager that makes 3D images of the cells in different fluorescent colours. In between the measurements, the plates with cells are placed in a 37°C incubator in order to keep the cells alive.

MESA+ NanoLab in the Picture I MESA+ MAGAZINE 23

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology I P.O. Box 217 I 7500 AE Enschede I the Netherlands I I

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