MESA+ Annual report 2013

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MESA+ Annual Report 2013



Preface.................................................................................................. 5


About MESA+, in a nutshell.................................................................... 6 MESA+ Strategic Research Orientations........................................... 8

Commercialization.................................................................................. 17 The Nano-landscape.............................................................................. 19 International Networks......................................................................... 19

National NanoLab facilities................................................................. 21 Education.................................................................................................... 23

Awards, honours and appointments................................................ 24


Biomolecular Electronic Structure................................. 30 BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip............................................................... 31

Biomolecular NanoTechnology......................................... 32

About MESA+

Complex Photonic Systems................................................. 35

MESA+ Governance Structure...................................................... 76

Computational Materials Science..................................... 34 Catalytic Processes and Materials.................................. 36 Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems............... 37

Inorganic & Hybrid Nanomaterials Chemistry............ 38

Inorganic Membranes.......................................................... 39

Inorganic Materials Science............................................... 40 Integrated Optical MicroSystems...................................... 41

Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics.............................. 42 Mesoscale Chemical Systems........................................... 43 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation............................... 44

Molecular nanoFabrication................................................. 45 Multi Scale Mechanics......................................................... 46

Membrane Science and Technology............................... 47

Materials Science and Technology of Polymers............. 48 Mathematics of Computational Science............................. 49

NE NanoElectronics..................................................................... 51

NI NanoIonics................................................................................ 52 OS PSP PCF PCS PIN PNS PoF PGMF QTM SC SFI ST PS TST

MESA+ Scientific Publications 2013............................................ 70

Computational BioPhysics................................................... 33

NBP Nanobiophysics...................................................................... 50



Nanofluidics for Lab on a Chip Applications................... 53

Optical Sciences..................................................................... 54

Philosophy of Science in Practice................................... 55

Physics of Complex Fluids.................................................. 56 Photocatalytic Synthesis..................................................... 57

Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials..................... 58

Programmable NanoSystems............................................ 59 Physics of Fluids.................................................................... 60

Physics of Granular Matter and Interstitial Fluids..... 61

Quantum Transport in Matter............................................ 62

Semiconductor Components.............................................. 63 Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces................................ 64 Science, Technology and Policy Studies....................... 65

Transducers Science and Technology........................... 66

Contact details.................................................................................. 76



MESA+ at its best Still the impression sometimes persists that university research is a solitary practice, a bit like in an ancient fairy tale. How different reality is! MESA+ attracts a lot of visitors motivated to learn more about nanotechnology and eager to see the NanoLab cleanroom facilities. Guided around by young students, they become fascinated by both outlooks for future mind-boggling possibilities and applications usable in the short-term. That fascination is in a way similar to what moves researchers within the institute, exploring the world of nanotechnology, amazed at what they find, wishing to understand and to find new ways to apply their findings in inventions applicable in daily life. When people visit, they’re always surprised and impressed by the number and variety in collaborations. Collaborations between research groups, in scientific projects, resulting in joint publications. Collaborations in exploring new research themes, fading borders between disciplines. Collaborations in the lab. Collaborations with companies. This is so common for us that it’s difficult to remain aware that it actually is quite special. The eyes of visitors alert us to this fact once again. MESA+ team spirit is precious, and best experienced and enjoyed at events like the annual MESA+ meeting. This is not something you can catch in a performance indicator; it goes far beyond that, something to value and build upon. MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology provides an environment of excellent science for its researchers as well as a high level infrastructure supported by technicians. After all, new developments often depend on advances in science. Our strategic Research Orientations are an important instrument to directly respond to these new developments. Furthermore, they are important in bringing the researchers together, and stimulate interactions. Over 50 companies have had their start at the institute already. MESA+ stimulates its spin-off companies in developing towards high-volume production. High Tech Factory provides production facilities to SMEs, and provides access to an operational lease equipment fund. In 2013 the High Tech Factory celebrated its festive opening, giving the floor to the first twelve resident companies. In NanoLabNL, the Dutch facility for research and innovation in nanotechnology, we work on realizing a joint investment programme and opening the labs to others. In 2013 NanoLabNL drafted a large investment programme, focusing on quantum, materials and energy. Support for this plan would provide further scientific steps to be taken and will create opportunities for new applications and new businesses. In the near future our international collaborations, worldwide and within Europe, will become increasingly important. Existing partnerships will have to be strengthened, new collaborations will be established. Together our Horizon will be the grand challenges of 2020. Ir. Miriam Luizink, Technical Commercial Director,

Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank, Scientific Director,

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology


[RESEARCH] “MESA+ Institute for

Nanotechnology is one of the largest nanotechnology research institutes in the world”

About MESA+, in a nut shell MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology is one of the largest nanotechnology research institutes in the world, delivering competitive and successful high quality research. MESA+ is part of the University of Twente, and cooperates closely with various research groups within the university. The institute employs 525 people of whom 300 are PhD candidates or postdocs. With its NanoLab facilities the institute holds 1250 m2 of cleanroom space and state of the art research equipment. MESA+ has an integral turnover of approximately 50 million euros per year of which 60% is acquired in competition from external sources (National Science Foundation, European Union, industry, etc.). MESA+ supports and facilitates researchers and actively stimulates cooperation. MESA+ combines the disciplines of physics, electrical engineering, chemistry and mathematics. Currently 33 research groups participate in MESA+. MESA+ introduced Strategic Research Orientations, headed by a scientific researcher, that bridge the research topics of a number of research groups working in common interest fields. The SROs’ research topics are an addition to the research topics of the chairs. Their task is to develop these interdisciplinary research areas which could result in new independent chairs. Internationally attractive research is achieved through this multidisciplinary approach. MESA+ uses a unique structure, which unites scientific disciplines, and builds fruitful international cooperation to excel in science and education. MESA+ has been the breeding ground for more than 50 MESA+ high-tech start-ups to date. A targeted program for cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises has been specially created for start-ups. MESA+ offers the use of its extensive NanoLab facilities and cleanroom space under hospitable conditions. Start-ups and MESA+ work together intensively to promote the transfer of knowledge. MESA+ has created a perfect habitat for start-ups in the micro and nano-industry to establish and to mature. MESA+ is a Research School, designated by the Royal Dutch Academy of Science. All MESA+ PhD’s are member of the MESA+ School for Nanotechnology, part of the Twente Graduate School.


[RESEARCH] Mission and strategy MESA+ conducts research in the strongly multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology and nanoscience. The mission of MESA+ is: n to excel in its research field; n to explore (new) research themes; n to educate researchers and engineers in its field; n to commercialize research results; n to initiate and participate in fruitful (inter)national cooperation. MESA+ has defined the following key performance indicators for achieving its mission: n scientific papers in high ranked jounals like Science or Nature; n 1:1 balance between university funding and externally acquired funds; n sizable spin-off activities. MESA+ focuses on three issues to pursue its mission: n to create a top environment for international scientific talent; n to create strong multidisciplinary cohesion within the institute; n to be a national leader and international key player in nanotechnology.

Organizational structure University Board

Scientific Advisory Board

Governing Board

Scientific Director/ Technical Commercial Director Management Support


Advisory Board: • Strategic Research Orientations • Research Groups

MESA+ is an institute of the University of Twente and falls under the responsibility of the board of the university. The scientific advisory board assists the MESA+ management in matters concerning the research conducted at the institute and gives feedback on the scientific results of MESA+. The governing board advises the MESA+ management in organizational matters. The scientific director accepts responsibility for the institute and the scientific output. The managing director is responsible for commercialization, central laboratories, finance, communications and the internal organization. The participating research groups and SRO program directors form the MESA+ advisory board.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. Pepijn W.H. Pinkse:

NanoPhotonics: seeing tomorrow in a new light" "Applied

Applied NanoPhotonics Optics has revolutionized fields as various as data storage and long-distance communication. Optical systems have a chance to become even more ubiquitous in other areas, like today’s smart devices, but this step requires further miniaturization. The example of electronics shows us that miniaturization will sooner or later hit physical limitations. In the case of optics this will be in the nanodomain. Working with optics on this scale requires new concepts to be developed and many questions to be answered: How can we shrink the dimensions of optical structures to, or even below, the wavelength limit? To what extend can we nanostructure waveguides, beam splitters, antennas and resonators to make the optical equivalent of electronic integrated circuits? How can we miniaturize lasers and increase their yield? How can one make high-sensitivity optical detectors, e.g. for medical applications, and integrate them in low-cost labs on a chip? Can we use nanophotonics to study complex (molecular) systems and can we tailor light to efficiently steer their behavior? Can we improve existing imaging systems or construct entirely new ones by cleverly taking the scattering of light on nanometer sized scatterers into account? And on the more fundamental side: Can single emitters be controlled efficiently and embedded into nanophotonic structures? How can we exploit the quantum character of light for new functionality? The goal of our Strategic Research Orientation is to address these questions exploiting the expertise in MESA+ groups. Building adaptivity into nanophotonic systems is becoming a common paradigm in answering these questions. Adaptivity allows optimizing properties or processes with clever learning algorithms. Adaptive systems can react on an external stimulus, can compensate for fluctuations and inevitable randomness in nanophotonic structures. Adaptive Quantum Optics goes one step further and merges adaptive control with quantum optical tools such as single-photon detectors and non-classical light sources [1]. The example of a beam splitter made from a multiple scattering medium is illustrated in the figure on the right. We are currently exploring other intriguing applications in, e.g., cryptography [2].


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

Applied Nanophotonics (ANP) started in October 2009 and has become a very active Strategic Research Orientation. ANP fosters new research and develops new expertise in a few key areas. ANP scientists meet on monthly basis in ANP meetings to lively debate the latest nanophotonic developments. By means of these ANP group meetings, ANP colloquia and workshops, ANP stimulates cooperation between the research groups at MESA+ that have a strong optics focus including COPS, IOMS, LPNO, NBP, and OS. In 2013 the mathematics group MaCS joined ANP in the understanding that mathematics is indispensable for the understanding of optics and that at the same time optics offers an ideal testbed for new mathematical tools, in particular efficient and reliable numerical methods. The latest addition to ANP is the new industrial focus group XUV that specializes in multilayer mirrors for extreme ultraviolet light (“XUV”). These high-tech mirrors are true masterpieces of nanostructured optical elements delivering XUV light for the chip industry of tomorrow. Program director: Dr. P.W.H. Pinkse, phone +31 53 489 2537,,

Experimental false-color images of two foci (yellow spots) created behind an opaque screen by wavefront shaping. Two beams illuminate the screen’s front side. The optical phase of one of the input beams is varied, as indicated by the numbers that indicate the offset; A value of 255 corresponds to a phase shift of 2. The results shows the beam-splitter-like behavior of the multiple scattering medium.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] T.J. Huisman, S.R. Huisman, A.P. Mosk, P.W.H. Pinkse, Controlling single-photon Fock-state propagation through opaque scattering materials, Appl. Phys. B. Advanced online publication, Dec. 2013; DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5742-5; arXiv:1210.8388. [2] B. Škoric, ´ A.P. Mosk, P.W.H. Pinkse, Security of Quantum-Readout PUFs against quadrature based challenge estimation attacks, Int. J. Q. Inf. 11 (2013) 135401: 1-15.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. Peter M. Schön:

"What makes Nanotechnology possible? There are many important driving

forces to mention, but for sure one of the most influential was the development of scanning probe microscopies”

Enabling Technologies­ The Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) Enabling Technologies is a multidisciplinary program aiming at bundling the research activities of MESA+ in a very important enabling area in nanotechnology, that is Scanning Probe Microscopy. Mechanical Imaging at molecular resolution with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) In recent years there has grown a great interest to obtain mechanical property maps in concert with the correlated topography at nanoscale resolution at typical AFM imaging speeds. Despite the tremendous progress in AFM technology development this has remained a notoriously difficult task to obtain quantitative mechanical maps of biological systems, like lipid bilayers or protein membranes with high resolution. Tapping mode imaging was a pivotal development in AFM technology and became a routinely used imaging mode to study biological specimen, allowing gentle scanning with significantly reduced lateral forces. However, it does not provide quantitative mechanical maps because the phase signal is related to the energy dissipation of the tapping tip. There is an ongoing effort in academic research and industrial instrumental development aiming at improved or fundamentally new imaging modes enabling quantitative high resolution mechanical imaging by AFM. Lysozyme is a globular enzyme with a molecular mass of 14.4 kDa. It damages bacterial cell walls by hydrolyzing (14) glucosidic bonds in the peptidoglycan layer of bacteria. In our studies the enzyme was adsorbed from solution to a freshly cleaved mica surface due to electrostatic interaction. Mechanical maps of lysozyme monolayers were obtained in physiological buffered environment, both on (diluted) monolayers as well as single enzymes providing DMT modulus and deformation maps. Peak Force Tapping TM AFM was utilized to measure mechanical maps of lysozyme monolayers on mica at molecular resolution [2].


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

Microscopic fountain pen to be used as a chemical sensor The results obtained on a novel, in situ renewable mercury microelectrode integrated into an atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilever have been published in Analytical Chemistry and received remarkable public media attention (incl. Volkskrant). This is an ongoing collaboration between TST, MTP and SmartTip of the University of Twente. Program director: Dr. Peter M. Schön, phone +31 53 489 6228,, enablingtechnologies

The hollow cantilever of an AFM (tip is not shown now) is filled with mercury. The drop at the end is a chemical sensor (artwork: Nolux Media). Lysozyme molecules adsorbed to mica imaged by Peak Force Tapping


AFM at

molecular resolution in physiological buffer. (A): height (z-scale: 5 nm); (B): deformation (z-scale: 1.8 nm); (C): DMT modulus (z-scale: 1 GPa); scan size: 250x250 nm.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] P. Schön, J. Geerlings, N. Tas, E. Sarajlic, AFM Cantilever with in Situ Renewable Mercury Micro­ electrode, Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 8937-8942. [2] P. Schön, M. Gosa, G.J. Vancso, Nanoscale mechanical properties of single biomolecules by AFM, Rev. Roum. Chim. 58(7-8) (2013) 577-583.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. ir. Séverine Le Gac:

"Nanotechnology is to play a decisive role in this revolution in the field of medicine”

Nanomedicine While populations are generally ageing and life expectancy continues to increase in developed countries, healthcare is facing new challenges. New classes of diseases related to ageing must be addressed, and tissue/organ failure is becoming more recurrent. Subsequently, a new paradigm of “healthy ageing” has been identified as a priority by the EU. This paradigm includes the development of policies towards more effective disease prevention as well as fundamental studies to understand biological factors playing a key-role in disease onset. Next, novel approaches must be developed for early disease detection, personalized treatment, and tissue repair. Finally, the healthcare system must become more competitive, and drastically reduce its overall expenses. Nanotechnology is to play a decisive role in this revolution in the field of medicine. Nanoparticles and nanodrugs allow targeted and localized treatment and imaging. Nanosensors hold great promises for early disease detection and the development of pointof-care and home therapy monitoring devices. Nanostructured materials are drawing much interest for regenerative medicine. Finally, nanometer-sized tools are taking prominent places in the investigation of molecular processes, allowing for more insightful understanding of what causes a disease. The goal of the Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) Nanomedicine is to explore the potential of nanotechnology to develop innovative strategies to solve the aforementioned issues linked to ageing of the society. To foster multidisciplinary research, the SRO Nanomedicine further works to strengthen collaborations within MESA+, as well as with research groups at MIRA and IGS Institutes at the University of Twente, through the organization of monthly meetings. Microfluidic platform for the culture of mammalian pre-implantation embryos Researchers in the BIOS group, and in close collaboration with MPI for Molecular Biomedicine and CeRA (Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology) in Muenster (Germany), have developed a microfluidic platform for the pre-implantation culture of


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

mammalian embryos, in a highly controlled environment. Culture experiments performed on mouse embryos have revealed that nanoliter-sized culture chambers are highly advantageous for the growth of individual embryos, yielding normal morphology and normal birth rates when transferred to pseudo-pregnant mice. These promising results have been published in RSC Adv. in 2013. The same platform is tested at the VUMC on day 4 frozen donated embryos, showing that microfluidics can successfully support the in vitro pre-implantation development of human embryos. In a next step, sensors will be integrated to monitor the embryo development, assess their viability, and identify embryos with high developmental competency for their transfer. With this integrated microfluidic platform, we aim at enhancing the success rate in assisted reproductive technologies. Program director: Dr. ir. SĂŠverine Le Gac, phone +31 53 489 2722,,

Experimental design for testing of microdevices for the pre-implantation culture of

Individual mouse embryo grown in

mouse embryos: naturally fertilized embryos are cultured as groups or individually

a 30-nl chamber at 3.5 dpc (day post

in nl chambers and droplets (control), and assessed in terms of pre-implantation and


full-term development, after transfer in pseudo-pregnant mice (Sketch @ Nymus 3D).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: T. C. Esteves, F. van Rossem, V. Nordhoff, S.Schlatt, M. Boiani,S. Le Gac, Microfluidic system supports single mouse embryo culture leading to full-term development, RSC Adv. 3 (2013) 26451-26458.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. ir. Mark Huijben:

Breakthroughs in energy

applications can only be accomplished by creation of novel materials on the nano scale�

NanoMaterials for Energy The worldwide energy demand is continuously growing and it becomes clear that future energy supply can only be guaranteed through increased use of renewable energy sources. With energy recovery through renewable sources like sun, wind, water, tides, geothermal or biomass the global energy demand could be met many times over; currently however it is still inefficient and too expensive in many cases to take over significant parts of the energy supply. Innovation and increases in efficiency in conjunction with a general reduction of energy consumption are urgently needed. Nanotechnology exhibits the unique potential for decisive technological breakthroughs in the energy sector, thus making substantial contributions to sustainable energy supply. The goal of the Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) NanoMaterials for Energy is to exploit and expand the present expertise of the MESA+ groups in the field of nano-related energy research. Through multidisciplinary collaboration between various research groups new materials with novel advanced properties will be developed in which the functionality is controlled by the nanoscale structures leading to improved energy applications. The range of new research projects for nano-applications in the energy sector comprises gradual short and medium-term improvements for a more efficient use of conventional and renewable energy sources as well as completely new long-term approaches for energy recovery and utilization.

Magnetoelectric coupling for low power devices The ability to create atomically perfect, lattice-matched heterostructures of complex perovskite oxides using state-of-the-art thin film growth techniques has generated new physical phenomena at engineered interfaces. The emergence of interesting behavior at interfaces between materials with coupled spin and charge degrees of freedom is fascinating from a fundamental perspective as well as for applications. In particular, the control of ferromagnetism with an electric field could lead to new applications in magnetic data storage, spintronics, and high-frequency magnetic devices which do not require large currents and magnetic fields for operation. In turn, such modalities of operation may pave a pathway for lower power/energy devices and smaller feature sizes. Multiferroics, such as BiFeO3, which simultaneously exhibit multiple order parameters such as magnetism and ferroelectricity, offer an


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

exciting way of coupling phenomena by utilizing the intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling. Another pathway to magnetoelectric control is the combination of intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling in a multiferroic material for electrical control of antiferromagnetism, to足gether with extrinsic exchange coupling between this antiferromagnet and an adjacent ferro足magnetic material. Such exchange anisotropy, or bias, describes the phenomena associated with the exchange interactions at the interface and creates new functionalities We have used the concept of oxide heteroepitaxy for creating such artificially engineered interfaces to determine the critical limit of the individual multiferroic and ferromagnetic materials for generating interfacial exchange bias coupling. Aided by in situ monitoring of the growth, high-quality, atomically precise heterointerfaces have been produced with unit cell control of the respective multiferroic and ferromagnet layer thicknesses. Systematic analysis of the magnetic hysteresis loops allowed us to detect exchange bias coupling down to 5 unit cells (2.0 nm) in epitaxial BiFeO3 films. Program director: Dr. ir. Mark Huijben, phone +31 53 489 4710,, mesaplus/nme

Figure: (a) Schematic of a BFO/LSMO/STO(001) heterostructure. (b) In-plane and out-of- plane PFM images (top and bottom panel, respectively) showing the ferroelectric domain structure. (c) X-ray diffraction analysis of heterostructures with varying BFO thicknesses from 2 to 50 nm.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M. Huijben, P. Yu, L. W. Martin, H. J. A. Molegraaf, Y.-H. Chu, M. B. Holcomb, N. Balke, G. Rijnders, R. Ramesh, Ultrathin limit of exchange bias coupling at oxide multiferroic/ ferromagnetic interfaces, Advanced Materials 25 (2013) 4739-4745.


Impression of COMS 2013



Commercialization Nanotechnology offers chances for new business. Around knowledge institutions, stimulated by a dynamic entrepreneurial environment, nuclei of spin-off companies arise. The number of new businesses based on nanotechnology is growing rapidly. MESA+ plays an important role nationwide, being at the start of more than 50 spin-offs. Access to state-of-the-art nanotech infrastructure, shared facilities functioning in an open innovation model, is of crucial importance for both creation and further development of spin-off companies. These spin-off companies are important for the national and regional economy; SMEs will become increasingly important for employment and turnover. MESA+ intensifies and strengthens its commercialization activities to further increase the number of patents, the number and size of spin-offs and, consequently, its national and international reputation.

High Tech Factory MESA+ established High Tech Factory, a shared production facility for products based on micro- and nanotechnology. High Tech Factory is designed to ensure that companies involved can concentrate on business operations and focus their energies on growth rather than on realizing basic production infrastructure required for achieving that growth. In 2013 13 parties of which 12 companies are located here and use the production area of cleanrooms and labs, and offices.

High Tech Fund The technical infrastructure fund High Tech Fund offers an operational lease facility for companies in micro- and nanotechnology. Equipment is located in production facility High Tech Factory. The 9 Mâ‚Ź fund, supported by ministry of Economic Affairs, province of Overijssel and region of Twente, was launched successfully in June 2010. In 2013 investments have been realized for the companies Medimate and Medspray.

MESA+ Technology Accelerator With the MESA+ Technology Accelerator, organized in UT international ventures (UTIV), MESA+ invests in early stage scouting of knowledge and expertise with a potential interest from the market. The first phase of technology and market development is organized in so-called stealth projects. A successful stealth project is continued as a spin-off or license. Through the initiative Kennispark, the UT is applying the UTIV model more widely at the University.

Kennispark Twente Commercialization of nanotechnology research is one of the very strong drivers of MESA+. As illustrated in the topics above, key aspects of the MESA+ agenda encompass business development, facility sharing, area development, and growth towards a production facility. With these key commercialization projects MESA+ contributes strongly to the Kennispark agenda and the provincial and regional innovation systems.


The Nano-landscape The Nano-landscape The Nano-landscape The Nano-landscape

The Nano-landscape

The Nano-landscape

The Nano-landscape

The Nano-landscape The


The Nano-landscape

The Nano-landscape

International Networks International Networks International Networks International Networks International Networks

International Networks

International Networks International

International Networks (18)


International Networks

[the nano-landscape]

The Nano-landscape Netherlands Nano Initiative The nanotechnology research area is comprehensive and still extending. The Netherlands continually makes choices based on existing strengths supplemented with arising opportunities, as is described in the NNI business plan ‘Towards a Sustainable Open InnovationEcosystem’ (2009) in micro and nanotechnology. Generic themes in which the Netherlands excel are beyond Moore and nanoelectronics, nanomaterials, bionanotechnology and instrumentation, while application lies within the areas of water, energy, food, and health and nanomedicine. These generic and application areas are, when applicable, covered by risk analyses and technology assessment of nanotechnology. NanoLabNL provides the infrastructure for the implementation of the NNI strategic research agenda.

Topsector High Tech Systems & Materials Since 2012 the Nanotechnology roadmap is hosted by the topsector HTSM, part of the innovation policy of the Dutch government. The roadmap, which is updated each year, forms the basis for additional grants based on cash industrial investments.

NanoNextNL NanoNextNL, the 250 M€ innovation program has started in 2011. NanoNextNL, a collaboration of 120 partners, proposes to apply micro- and nanotechnologies to strengthen both the technology base and competitiveness of the high tech and materials industry and to apply them in support of a variety of societal needs in food, energy, healthcare, clean water and the societal risk of certain nanotechnologies. The main economic and societal issues addressed in this initiative are: n the societal need for risk analysis of nanotechnology; n the need for new materials; n ageing society and healthcare cost; n more healthy foods; n need for clean tech to reduce energy consumption, waste production and provide clean water; n advanced equipment to process and manufacture products that address these issues. NanoNextNL covers all relevant generic, application and social themes.

International Networks (Inter)national position and collaborations MESA+ has a strong international position, several strategic collaborations and is active in international networks and platforms. There are many and intensive collaborations between MESA+ research groups and national and international partners, resulting in – among others – a high number of joint publications. MESA+ has strategic collaborations with: NINT (Canada), Ohio State, Materials Science Nano Lab (US), Stanford, Geballe Lab of Advanced Materials (US), Berkeley, Nanoscience lab Ramesh group (US), California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA (US), JNCASR (India), NIMS (Japan), University of Singapore, and the Chinese Academy of Science CAS, and in Europe with: Cambridge, IMEC, Karlsruhe, Muenster, Aarhus and Chalmers University. In 2013 MESA+ started a strategic collaboration with the University of Pécs, Hungary.


National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities

National NanoLab facilities

National NanoLab facilities National

National NanoLab facilities


NanoLab facilities

National NanoLab facilities

[national nanolab facilities]

National NanoLab facilities NanoLabNL NanoLabNL is listed on the ’The Netherlands’ Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities’ as one of 29 large-scale research facilities whose construction or operation is important for the robustness and innovativeness of the Dutch science system. NanoLabNL provides access to a coherent, high-level, state-of-the-art infrastructure for nanotechnology research and innovation in the Netherlands. The NanoLab facilities are open to researchers from universities as well as employees from companies. NanoLabNL seeks to bring about coherence in national infrastructure, access, and tariff structure. Since its establishment in 2004 the NanoLabNL partners invested about 110 M€ in nanotech facilities through their own funding and additional public funding. The partners in NanoLabNL are: n Twente: MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology at University of Twente; n Delft: Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology and TNO Science & Industry; n Groningen: Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at Groningen University; n Eindhoven, Technical University Eindhoven and Philips Research Laboratories (associate partner). Together, these four locations cover most of the country and offer the widest possible spectrum of nanotechnology facilities for researchers in the Netherlands to use.

MESA+ NanoLab MESA+ NanoLab has extensive laboratory facilities at its disposal, offering a wide spectrum of opportunities for researchers in the Netherlands and abroad: n a 1250 m2 fully equipped cleanroom, with a focus on microsystems technology, nanotechnology, CMOS and materials and process engineering; n a fully equipped central materials analysis laboratory; n a number of specialized laboratories for chemical synthesis and analysis, materials research and analysis, and device characterization. In 2013 MESA+ has invested largely in realizing its new BioNanoLab, part of the MESA+ NanoLab, for research in bionanotechnology, nanomedicine and risk analysis. The MESA+ NanoLab facilities play a crucial role in the research programs and in collaborations with industry. MESA+ has a strong relationship with industry, both through joint research projects with the larger multinational companies, and through a commercialization policy focused on small and medium sized enterprises. In 2013 MESA+ NanoLab welcomed 15 companies as new users of the facilities.


Impression of MESA+ meeting



Education Twente Graduate School/ MESA+ School for Nanotechnology MESA+ is a research school, designated by the Royal Dutch Academy of Science. All PhD students are member of the MESA+ School for Nanotechnology which is part of the University of Twente’s Twente Graduate School. The Graduate School is aiming to strengthen education and improve the skills of PhD students.

Master of Science Nanotechnology Access to the best research students worldwide is critical to the success of MESA+. In 2005 a master track nanotechnology was started as the first accredited master’s training at the University of Twente. MESA+ invests in information to students of appropriate bachelor’s courses, and brings the master’s nanotechnology to the attention of its international cooperation partners. The master Nanotechnology is incorporated into the MESA+ School for Nanotechnology.

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary research field, and requires expertise from the field of electrical engineering, applied physics, chemical technology and life sciences. The course ‘Fundamentals of Nanotechnology’ is annually organized by MESA+ and provides an initial introduction to the complete scope of what nanotechnology is about. The course is set up for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows that are starting to work or are currently working in the field of nanotechnology. The workshop is given in an intensive one-week format; participants attend about 20 lectures and labtours on different subfields of nanotechnology. Each year about 25 students participate.


Awards, honours and appointments European Consolidator Grant

of cells. This grant of up to K€ 800 is intended for talented

The ERC Consolidator Grants are awarded annually to

scientists to give them the opportunity to develop their own

scientists by the European Research Council. It is the third

line of research and to build a research team.

major individual European research grant from the ERC, in addition to the Starting Grant and the Advanced Grant. The

VENI grant

Consolidator Grant is intended for talented, outstanding

Two researchers of MESA+ have obtained a VENI grant of

researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience since the

NWO. Saskia Lindhoud with her project called Complex

completion of their PhD research.

Coacervates as Novel Molecular Crowding Agents and Loes Segerink for her research on sperm cells on a chip. With

Dr. Jacco Snoeijer

Three scientists from MESA+ have received a European

this prestigious grant of K€ 250 both can develop their research

Consolidator Grant of m€ 2 for their outstanding and fundamental

ideas for a further three years.

research. Prof.dr. Jeroen Cornelissen of the group Biomolecular NanoTechnology received the grant for his research into

Valorization Grant phase 2

protein cages as mimics of bacterial nano compartments,

Prof. Frieder Mugele of the Physics of Complex Fluids received Alexander Brinkman of the Quantum Transport in

a Valorization Grant – Phase 2 of max. K€ 200 from STW to

Matter group for his research on quantum mechanics and Dr.

develop the proprietary electrowetting-based technology for

Jacco Snoeijer of the Physics of Fluids group will examine at

the suppression of coffee stains further into a commercial

the molecular level how the surface tension of water droplets

product for improving MALDI-mass spectrometry for biological

affects soft materials and how this influences the fluid flow on

molecules. Scientific and technological developments will be

a macroscopic scale.

carried out in collaboration between the PCF group and eMALDI

VICI grant Dr. Pepijn Pinkse

Dr. Pepijn Pinkse, program director of the Strategic Research

Valorization Grants phase 1

Orientation Applied Nano Photonics is the recipient of a

Dr. David Fernandez Rivas and Dr. Bram Verhaagen of the

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO Ver­

Mesoscale Chemical Systems group are awarded an STW

nieuwings­impuls VICI grant of m€ 1,5 on a project ‘Quantum

Valorisation Grant Phase 1 of K€ 25 for their innovative ultra­

Credit Card’. Introducing “Adaptive Quantum Optics”, Pepijn

sonic cleaning technique BµBclean.

Pinkse wants to show that advanced optical methods can Wilfred van der Wiel of the NanoElectronics group

counteract disorder even at the level of single quantum particles.

and Guido Mul of the PhotoCatalytic Synthesis group

An elegant application is tentatively called the “Quantum Credit

received the grant for their project HydroSolix, concerning

Card”, featuring an unclonable nanophotonic material. Beyond

photocatalytic water splitting.

fundamental interest, the Quantum Credit Card has the potential to become the 2nd every-day-life application of quantum optics

Marina van Damme-grant

after the laser.

Dr. Susan Roelofs of the BIOS Lab-on-a-chip group has received

VIDI grant Dr. Pascal Jonkheijm


BV, the company found to commercialize the technology.

the Marina van Damme-grant. This grant for female top talent is worth € 9,000,-. Susan Roelofs will use the grant for her visit

Dr. Pascal Jonkheijm of the group Molecular NanoFabrication

to the MIT in Boston to broad her PhD research on desalination

received a VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organization for

of water on microscale. She will also research the possibilities

Scientific Research (NWO) for his research on the ‘fingerprints’

for a start-up.

Overijssel PhD Award

Matter FOM has awarded m€ 2,9 to the research program

During the University of Twente Dies Natalis celebrations, the

‘conducting interfaces in insolating oxides’ of Hans

Overijssel PhD Award for the best doctoral thesis of the last

Hilgenkamp. This programme is a national collaboration

year was presented to Dr. Menno Veldhorst of the Interfaces

with the following MESA+ researchers: Guus

and Correlated Electron Systems group for his thesis ‘Super­

Rijnders, Wilfred van der Wiel, Alexander

conducting and topological hybrids’. The Overijssel PhD Award

Brinkman, Dave Blank, Gertjan Koster and

is a prize of € 5,000 for a doctoral thesis of out­standing scientific Mark Huijben.

quality, which can be regarded as the start of a promising scientific career.

European Innovation prize Ostendum, a spin-off-company of MESA+ which was set up with

Rubicon-grant Saskia Lindhoud and Loes Segerink

venture capital from the UT International Ventures incubator

Elif Karatay, a graduated PhD student of the Soft Matter Fluidics

fund, has managed to win a prestigious Technology Innovation

and Interfaces group has obtained a STW Rubicon grant for

Leadership Award of Frost & Sullivan in the category Lab-

her project ‘chaotic movements in salts solutions’. If a current

on-a-Chip-Nanodevices. The American advice bureau, which

passes through salt solutions, ion polarisation occurs. At very

operates worldwide, awarded this best practice award because,

high current densities the polarisation behaves like a shock

among other things, the portable laboratories being developed

and that results in chaotic movements. It will be investigated

by Ostendum can make significant contributions to medical

why this polarisation influences movement in salt solutions

diagnostics. This is due to their speed, efficiency, low costs

and how this can be controlled. Karatay will do two years of

and ease of use.

research at Stanford University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

STW 'Demonstrator' project

Dr. Bram Verhaagen and Dr. David Fernandez Rivas Remco Wiegerink of the Transducers Science and

Twente Graduate School Award 2013

Technology Group has received an amount of K€ 100 for the

The TGS Research Honours PhD Award of € 2,500 for Twente's

STW project Power Sensor – Power Glove in which a miniature

graduate student Top Talent has been awarded for the first time

multi-axis force sensor has been realized to accurately measure

in 2013 and has gone to Rindia Putri, MSc student in Chemical

the forces at the interface of the hand.

Engineering (MESA+). She can spend the money on a doctoral course or research conference in her field.

NWO subsidy for MESA+ research into carbon-neutral fuels

Cum laude distinction In 2013 two PhD students of MESA+ received a cum laude distinction for their work. Hanneke Gelderblom for her PhD thesis ‘Fluid flow in drying drops’ and Joost Weijs for his thesis

Ostendum: Dr. Aurel Ymeti, Dr. Alma Dudia, Mr.dr.

Researchers of MESA+ have been granted a total of more

‘Nanobubbles and nanodrops’. Both were PhD students of the

Paul Nederkoorn

than 1 m€ in subsidy for research into the clean production of

group Physics of Fluids.

carbon-neutral fuels. Professors Han Gardeniers and Jurriaan Huskens have received a research subsidy of K€ 712 from the

MESA+ meeting 2013

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the

The MESA+ meeting 2013 was held in Cinestar on September 16.

Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and

The best scientific poster was won by dr. Benjamin Matt et al.

Shell. An amount of K€ 750 has been made available for a project

of the group Biomolecular NanoTechnology, the 2nd prize was

by Leon Lefferts, in cooperation with researchers of

for Xiao Renshaw Wang et al. of the Interfaces and Correlated

the FOM institute DIFFER.

Electron Systems group and the 3rd prize for Erwin Berenschot et al. of the Transducers Science and Technology group. During

FOM subsidy The







the annual meeting MESA+ scientists exchange their scientific Guido Mul and Wilfred van der

work by poster presentations and lectures.



Appointments Since March 20, 2013 dr. Nathalie Katsonis of the Biomolecular NanoTechnology group is a new member of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). It is an independent platform of leading young researchers that organises activities focusing on interdisciplinarity, science policy, and the interface between science and society. As of September 2013 prof.dr. Vinod Subramaniam of the NanoBiophysics group will fulfill the role of Scientific Director of the prestigious FOM Institute AMOLF. From January 1, 2014 Roy Kolkman, IP advisor at MESA+ will be the successor of ir. Miriam Luizink as director High Tech Facilities. In this function he will be responsible for the exploitation and organization of the production facility High Tech Factory.

. Roy Kolkman



MESA+ Annual Report 2013

[highlights] The Biomolecular Electronic Structure (BES) group is a computational group in the field of electronic structure theory and focuses on the methodological

Prof. dr. Claudia Filippi

development of novel and more effective approaches for investigating the

“Electronic-structure theory has dramatically

electronic properties of materials. Our current research centers on the problem

expanded the role of computational modeling,

of describing light-induced phenomena in biological systems, where available

enabling a detailed atomistic understanding of

compu­tational techniques have limited applicability. Deepening our physical

real materials. Our research focuses on the

understanding of the primary excitation processes in photo­biological systems

challenge to further enhance the predictive

is important both from a fundamental point of view and because of existing and

power of these approaches while bridging to the

potential applications in biology, biotechnology, and artificial photosynthetic

length-scales of complex (bio)systems.”


Rhodopsin absorption

Biomolecular Electronic Structure Rhodopsin Absorption from First Principles: The Right Answer for the Right Reason Structural model

Bovine rhodopsin is the most extensively studied retinal protein and is considered the prototype of this important class of photosensitive biosystems involved in the process of vision. Many theoretical investigations have attempted to elucidate the role of the protein matrix in modulating the absorption of retinal chromophore in rhodopsin but, while generally agreeing in predicting the correct location of the absorption maximum, they often reached contradicting conclusions on how the environment tunes the spectrum. To address this controversial issue, we combine a thorough structural and dynamical characterization of rhodopsin with a validation of its spectral properties via the use of a variety of state-of-the-art first-principle approaches. Through multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations, we obtain a comprehensive structural description of the chromophore-protein system and sample a large range of Temperature sampling

thermally accessible configurations. Using this realistic structural model, we show that the spectrum of rhodopsin can be accurately predicted if one adopts an enhanced quantum description of the protein environment to properly account for polarization effects on the chromophore.

Quantum environment

Figure: An enhanced theoretical description of rhodopsin.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: O. Valsson, P. Campomanes, I. Tavernelli, U. Rothlisberger, C. Filippi, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9 (2013) 2441.


[HIGHLIGHTS] In the BIOS/Lab on a Chip group fundamental and applied aspects of miniaturized laboratories

Prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg

are studied. With the use of advanced and newly developed micro- and nanotechnologies,

“We try to do do top-level research

applications as well as for sustainable energy are studied and realized, such as chips for

on micro- and nanofluidics, micro-

monitoring medication, counting and analyzing sperm cells, mimicking organs on chip,

analytical chemical systems and

discovery of new biomarkers and ultrasensitive detection thereof, and research on new

new nanosensing principles, and

catalyst materials using micro-chemical systems. To realize this, we work closely together

to integrate that into real-life Lab-

with colleagues within MESA+, physicists and chemists from UU and TU/e in the MCEC

on-Chip systems for biomedical

gravitation program, (bio)medical experts from our sister-institute MIRA, various academic

and sustainable applications.”

hospitals in the Netherlands and colleagues from the Wyss institute at Harvard.

enabled by our Nanolab facilities, micro- and nanodevices for biomedical and environmental

BIOS Lab-on-a-Chip




Atherosclerotic geometries spatially confine and exacerbate pathological thrombus formation in a vWF-dependent manner Atherosclerotic plaque rupture precipitates diseases such as acute myocardial infarction and stroke. In addition to the thrombogenic contents of ruptured plaques, the local hemodynamic environment plays a major role in thrombus formation. In this study, we show that atherosclerotic geometries provoke rheological conditions that promote spatially confined thrombus formation due to alterations in the blood and the vessel wall. In vitro studies using microfluidic channels with eccentric stenotic segments (A and B) showed exacerbated platelet aggregation over a range of input shear rates in the stenotic outlet regions of channels with 60% to 80% occlusion (C). The local thrombus formation was critically dependent on blood-borne von Willebrand factor (vWF) and autocrine platelet stimulation. In stenotic channels with cultured endothelial cells, the blood-borne response synergized with elevated vWF secretion by the endothelium in the stenosis outlet region, inducing robust local platelet aggregation (C, t=2 min). Together, these results demonstrate a major role of vWF

Figure: Wall shear rate patterns in microfluidic PDMS

in spatially confined pathological thrombus formation downstream of atherosclerotic geometries. These blood-borne and vascular

channels with a stenotic shape showing live platelet

consequences of hemodynamic shear alterations induced by atherosclerotic plaque progression increase the risk of thrombotic

aggregation. (A) Drawing of microchannel with width of 300

complications. This risk can be lowered by normalizing plaque geometries or by targeting their downstream effects on vWF. Moreover,

μm, eccentric circular stenotic indentation (600- or 1,000-μm

the reported microfluidic model offers a promising alternative for in vivo evaluation of anti-thrombotic treatments.

Ø), and lumen restriction of 20–80%. (B) Computational fluid dynamics analysis displaying the wall shear rate (WSR) near the channel bottom in a microchannel with 20–80% stenosis (600-μm Ø) at 1,000 s−1 inlet WSR (0.5 mL/h). (C) Whole blood perfusion through the HUVECs seeded microchannels (top 2 panels) leads to substantial platelet aggregation specifically in the stenosis deceleration region (bottom 2 panels, t=1min and t=2min. Scale bar 100 µm).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: E. Westein, A.D. van der Meer, M.J. Kuijpers, J.P. Frimat, A. van den Berg, J.W. Heemskerk, Atherosclerotic geometries exacerbate pathological thrombus formation poststenosis in a von Willebrand factor-dependent manner, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(4) (2013) 1357-62.


[highlights] The Biomolecular NanoTechnology (BNT) group is founded in 2009 by the appointment of it’s chair prof. Jeroen Cornelissen and acts on the interface of biology, physics and materials science coming from a strong chemical back ground. The research of the group centers around the use of biomolecules as building blocks for (functional) nanostructures, relying on principles from Supramolecular and Macromolecular

Prof. dr. Jeroen J.L.M. Cornelissen

Chemistry. Current research lines involve the use of well-defined nanometer-sized

“Using the building blocks from

the field of liquid crystalline materials are explored. The success of the multidisciplinary

Nature to make and understand

work of the group partly relies on intense interactions within MESA+ and with other

new technologies.”

(inter)national collaborators.

protein cages as reactors and as scaffolds for new materials, while new directions in

Biomolecular NanoTechnology Self-sorting proteins for nanotechnology Nature uses bottom-up approaches for the controlled assembly of highly-ordered hierarchical structures with defined functionality, such as organelles, molecular motors and transmembrane pumps. The field of bionanotechnology draws inspiration from nature by utilizing biomolecular building blocks such as DNA, proteins and lipids, for the (self-) assembly of new structures for applications in biomedicine, optics or electronics. Amongst the toolbox of available building blocks, proteins that form cage-like structures, such as viruses and virus-like particles, have been of particular interest since they form highly symmetrical assemblies and can be readily modified genetically or chemically both on the outer or inner surface. Bacterial encapsulins are an emerging class of non-viral protein cages that self assemble in vivo into stable icosahedral structures (see Fig.). Using teal fluorescent proteins (TFP) engineered with a specific native C-terminal docking sequence, we reported for the first time the molecular self-sorting and selective packaging of TFP cargo into bacterial encapsulins during in vivo assembly. Using native mass spectrometry techniques, we show that loading of either monomeric or dimeric TFP cargo occurs with unprecedented high fidelity and exceptional loading accuracy. Such self-assembling systems equipped with self-sorting capabilities would open up exciting opportunities in nanotechnology, as artificial organelles (for molecular storage or detoxification) or as artificial cell factories for in situ biocatalysis.

Figure: Bacterial encapsulins are an emerging class of non-viral protein cages that self assemble in vivo into stable icosahedral structures.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: W.F. Rurup, J. Snijder, M.S.T. Koay, A.J.R. Heck, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, Self-sorting of foreign proteins in a bacterial nanocompartment, J. Am. Chem.


Soc., 136 (2014) 3828-3832.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Computational BioPhysics (CBP) group investigates how the thermo­ dynamic and rheological properties of a complex fluid emerge from its molecular constitution. Our computational studies focus on the mesoscopic level, i.e. the time and length scales of the macro-molecules determining the macroscopic behaviour, while the atomic details of these molecules are reduced to their bare essentials. By developing equations of motions and force fields that capture only the crucial molecular features, a complex molecule like a polymer or a protein can be modeled as a single particle.

Prof. dr. Wim J. Briels

This approach proves very successful in studying the emerging macroscopic

“There's plenty of room in the middle.�

properties of biological and non-biological soft condensed matter.

Computational BioPhysics Gelation of photovoltaic polymer solutions Organic photo-voltaic cells have the advantage over conventional solid state solar cells that they can potentially be mass-produced by standard roll-to-roll printing techniques, thereby drastically reducing the production costs. Understanding the thermodynamic and rheological behavior of the printing solution, with semi-rigid polymers and buckyballs as the active ingredients, is a prerequisite for the reliable production of efficient solar cells. Interestingly, the nanoscopic process of polymer aggregation gives rise to large changes on the macroscopic scale when the solution traverses the gelation temperature. We have developed a coarse-grained model that captures the basis aspects of this phenomenon, using just one energetic parameter. The polymers are represented as slender laths, with interactions that depend on their distances and relative orientations. In Brownian Dynamics simulations below the critical temperature, the laths self-assemble into the long 'whiskers' that transport the current in operational solar cells, see figure. Simultaneously, the rheology of the solution evolves from liquid-like to visco-elastic, in good agreement with experiments.

Figure: The growth of whiskers from an initially homogenous solution of lath-shaped polymers below the gelation transition. Free laths are coloured blue, other colours mark the whiskers.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: G. Villalobos, W. den Otter,W. Briels, Simulated gel transition in stiff pi-stacking polymers, to be submitted.


[highlights] Understanding the magnetic, optical, electrical and structural properties of solids in terms of their chemical composition and atomic structure by numerically solving the quantum mechanical equations describing the motion of the electrons is the central research activity of the group Computational Materials Science. These first-principles equations contain no input from experiment other than the fundamental physical constants, making it possible


Prof. dr. Paul J. Kelly

to analyze the properties of systems which are difficult to characterize

”Computational Materials Science:

experimentally or to predict the physical properties of materials which have

taking the guesswork out of

not yet been made. This is especially important when experimentalists attempt

NanoScience and Technology.”

to make hybrid structures approaching the nanoscale.

Computational Materials Science Pinning the energy levels at organic interfaces Organic electronic devices like light emitting diodes or photovoltaic cells comprise multiple thin layers of organic molecules or polymers with interfaces that facilitate different functionalities such as charge injection, transport, or charge separation/recombination. It then comes as no surprise that interface properties have been the subject of extensive research, with the alignment of energy levels at all-organic and organic-inorganic interfaces being the most prominent topic. In recent years we have developed a model for the formation of interface potential steps based upon electron transfer across interfaces between donors and acceptors and global charge equilibration across a multilayer. The model explains hitherto puzzling observations, such as why a potential step at a particular


organic-organic interface sometimes seem to depend on the order of the individual layers in the multilayer, or why it depends on the substrate on which the multilayer is deposited. The parameters in the model are obtained from first-principles calculations and the calculated potential profiles are in quantitative agreement with the results obtained from photo-electron spectroscopy. At metal-organic interfaces, two regimes can generally be distinguished. In the absence of electron transfer across the interface, the vacuum levels line up which yields the Schottky-Mott limit.

Figure 1 caption: (a) Work function ORG|SUB of NTCDA (yellow)

If electron transfer occurs, the Fermi level is pinned by the organic layer at energy levels for holes or electrons that are characteristic

and Alq3 (bluegreen) layers as a function of the work function

of the particular organic material. Computational modeling provides a microscopic understanding of these regimes. For instance,

of the substrate SUB. The pinning levels for electrons in NTCDA

ordering of molecules and their corresponding dipoles at the interface gives a displacement with respect to the Schottky-Mott limit.

(E ICT−) and for holes in Alq3 (E ICT+) are indicated. The dashed line gives the Schottky-Mott limit of vacuum level alignment. The displacement  of the Alq3 line with respect to this limit is interpreted in terms of an ordering of Alq3 molecules at the interface, leading to a dipole layer and a potential step, as shown schematically in (b).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: L. Lindell, D. Çakır, G. Brocks, M. Fahman, S. Braun, Role of intrinsic molecular dipole in energy level alignment at organic interfaces, Applied


Physics Letters 102 (2013) 223301.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Complex Photonic Systems (COPS) group studies light propagation in ordered and disordered nanophotonic materials. We investigate photonic bandgap materials, random lasers, diffusion and Anderson localization of light. We have recently

Prof. dr. Willem L. Vos

pioneered the control of spontaneous emission in photonic bandgaps and the active

“COPS strives to catch light with

control of the propagation of light in disordered photonic materials. Novel photonic

nanostructures. But beware dear

nanostructures are fabricated and characterized in the MESA+ cleanroom. Optical

colleagues, since Shakespeare once

experiments are an essential aspect of our research, which COPS combines with a

said: ‘Light, seeking light, doth light of

theoretical understanding of the properties of light. Our curiosity driven research

light beguile’. In other words: the eye in

is of interest to various industrial partners, and to applications in medical and

seeking truth deprives itself of vision.”

biophysical imaging.

Complex Photonic Systems Switching a cavity at the fastest clock rate in the universe Switches are omnipresent in information technology to manipulate data. Scientists from COPS with colleagues from France (CEA/INAC) have succeeded to repeatedly and reproducibly switch-on and switch-off an optical cavity at a world-record clock rate of 1.4 THz, or 350 times faster than an electronic switch operating at 4 GHz. Switching at a THz clock rate is achieved by avoiding absorption that leads to record-low energy loss per switch event. Microcavities allow to selectively transmit or store certain colors of light and are therefore widely used in optical communication systems. To route or steer information in optical pulses, it is essential to have light-steering devices whose properties can be changed in time, that is: switched. To date, the properties of a microcavity were switched by electrical current in the semiconductor materials. These processes are relatively slow and therefore do not take full advantage of the unrivalled speed of light. The new method works

Figure: (Upper panel): Cartoon of ultrafast all-optical modulation

as follows. A signal pulse is sent to a nanofabricated semiconductor microcavity. A trigger laser pulse instantaneously changes its

with a cavity. The beam shown in blue enters the modulator

properties by using the so-called electronic Kerr effect. This avoids loss and takes advantage of the extremely fast motion of electrons

carrying no information at first (left port). The information

that literally dance to the beat of the laser light. Therefore, the new switch brings within reach on-chip beyond-terahertz switching

carried by the red beam, responsible for switching, is encoded

rates for data communication [1].

on the blue beam and transferred (right port). In this way information can be transferred from one color to another. (Lower panel): A scanning electron microscope image of the optical cavity and the schematic of the experimental setup. The probe beam (at telecom frequency) is shown in blue and trigger beam in red. Similar to the upper panel, by switching the cavity with the trigger pulse we can modulate the probe light, which is stored in the cavity.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] E. Yüce, G. Ctistis, J. Claudon, E. Dupuy, R. D. Buijs, B. de Ronde, A. P. Mosk, J. M. Gérard, W. L. Vos, All-optical switching of a microcavity repeated at terahertz rates, Opt. Lett. 38 (2013) 374-376. [2] B. Gjonaj, J. Aulbach, P. M. Johnson, A. P. Mosk, L. Kuipers, A. Lagendijk, Focusing and scanning microscopy with propagating surface plasmons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 266804: 1-5. [3] W. L. Vos, T. W. Tukker, A. P. Mosk, A. Lagendijk, W. L. IJzerman, Broadband mean free path of diffuse light in polydisperse ensembles of scatterers for white LED lighting, Appl. Opt. 52 (2013) 2602-2609.


[highlights] Prof. dr. ir. Leon Lefferts

The aim of the Catalytic Processes and Materials group is to understand heterogeneous catalysis

“One of the most valuable

by investigation of catalytic reactions and materials on a fundamental level in combination with

applications of nanotechnology

their application in practical processes. Our research focuses on three themes:

is in the area of heterogeneous

1. Sustainable processes for fuels and chemicals, like catalytic conversion of biomass to fuels.

catalysis. The challenges are to

2. Heterogeneous catalysis in liquid phase.

improve the level of control over the

3. High yield selective oxidation.

active nanoparticles as well as the

The fundamental study of surface reactions in liquid phase requires the development of new

local conditions at those particles,

analysis techniques for which CPM is in the forefront of leading catalysis groups in the world.

and to understand the molecular

Moreover, we explore preparation and application of new highly porous, micro-structured support

mechanism at the surface.�

materials as well as micro-reactors and micro-fluidic devices, using the information obtained from in-situ spectroscopy studies.

Catalytic Processes and Materials Shape of ceria nanocrystals does matter Ceria nanoshapes (octahedra, wires, and cubes) were investigated for CO adsorption and subsequent reaction with water. Surprisingly, the reactivity of specific -OH groups was explicitly determined by the ceria nanoshape, based on IR and Raman spectroscopy studies. The nanoshapes showed different levels of carbonates and formates after exposure to CO, the amount of carbonates increasing from octahedral<wires<cubes. Subsequent reaction with water at 200oC was also found to be shape dependent. Furthermore, identification of the exposed surfaces in these nanoshaped partocles was revisited and adjusted. The molecular insight in the interaction of CeO2 surfaces is important in order to understand and optimize activation of water in CeO2-supported reforming and WGS catalyst.

Figure: TEM and HRSEM (inset; scale bars=100 nm) images of the CeO2 a) nanooctahedra, b) nanowires, and c) nanocubes.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] S. Agarwal, L. Lefferts, B.L. Mojet, Ceria Nanocatalysts: Shape Dependent Reactivity and Formation of OH. ChemCatChem, 5 (2) (2013) 479-489. ISSN 1867-3880. [2] S. Agarwal, L. Lefferts, B.L. Mojet, D.A.J. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, D.R.G. Mitchell, W.J. Erasmus, B.G. Anderson, E.J. Olivier, J.H. Neethling, A.K. Datye, Exposed Surfaces on Shape-Controlled Ceria Nanoparticles Revealed through AC-TEM and Water-Gas Shift Reactivity, ChemSusChem, 6 (10) (2013) 1898-


1906. ISSN 1864-5631.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. ir. Hans Hilgenkamp

Materials with exceptional, well-tailored properties are at the heart of many new applica-

"Electronic correlations and aspects of

nano­structuring, as well as the use of compounds in which the intrinsic physics involves

topology add rich phenomenology to the

‘special effects’. These can arise from intricate interactions of the mobile charge carriers

properties of materials and interfaces.

mutually (‘electronic correlations’) and/or with the crystal lattice.

Advanced control - down to the atomic

In the ICE group, the fabrication and basic properties of such nano-structured novel mate-

level - in materials fabrication creates

rials are studied, and their potential for applications is explored. Current research involves

exciting possibilities for the further

superconductors, p- and n-doped Mott compounds, topological insulators, electronically

exploration of these phenomena and

active interfaces between oxide insulators and novel electronic materials and device con-

their use in practical applications."

cepts for low power electronics and neuromorphic circuitry.

tions. In the electronic/magnetic domains, powerful means to create such properties are

Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems (Superconducting) field effect transistors based on top-gated all-oxide 2-dimensional electron gasses Interfaces between certain combinations of insulating oxides can show conductivity, with a remarkably rich phenomenology [1]. The most prominent example is the 2-dimensional electron gas that forms between the perovskite oxides SrTiO3 and LaAlO3. These interfaces are not only conducting, they can also exhibit magnetism and become superconducting at low temperatures. It is of great interest for fundamental studies and for device applications to controllably modify the electronic properties of these interfaces locally by the application of an electric field, in a field-effect-transistor configuration. We have succeeded in achieving this in a top-gated geometry. Both the conductivity at room temperature as well as the superconductivity at ultra-low temperatures (35mK) could be

Figure 1: (left) Artist’ impression of the interface between

completely switched on/off at will underneath a structured Au-gate electrode. Within the scope of a new FOM program, granted in

SrTiO 3 and LaAlO 3. (right) The different orbital states that can

2013 with the UT as the coordinating university, a national consortium of research groups will now further explore the device potential

be occupied by the mobile electrons residing at the interface.

of these promising oxide interface systems.

Figure courtesy of X. Renshaw Wang (from [1]).

Figure 2: Superconducting field effect transistor (SuFET) based on a top-gated 2-dimensional electron gas between the insulating oxides SrTiO 3 and LaAlO 3. (from [2]).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] H. Hilgenkamp, Novel transport phenomena at complex oxide interfaces, MRS Bulletin 38 (2013) 1026. [2] P.D. Eerkes, W.G. van der Wiel, H. Hilgenkamp, Modulation of the conductance and superconductivity by top-gating in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 two-dimensional electron systems, Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 201603.


[highlights] Research in the Inorganic & Hybrid Nanomaterials Chemistry (IHNC) group focuses on the development and understanding of novel processing routes for hybrid and inorganic nanomaterials, with emphasis on micro/nanopatterns and low-

Prof. dr. ir. André ten Elshof

dimensional nanostructures for energy, electronic and biomedical applications.

“Development of new

sheets, new functional nano­materials are assembled. The use of low temperature,

functional materials is key

energy and environmentally friendly resource efficient processing routes is central

to solving many of the

to our strategy.

Starting from colloidal solutions of nanoparticles, complexes, nanowires or nano­

technological challenges of the 21st century.”

Inorganic & Hybrid Nanomaterials Chemistry Large area micropatterning of graphene Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon material with superior electrical, optical and mechanical properties. Many interesting Figure 1: Examples of patterned graphene films.

applications, including electrodes for transparent electronics, transistors, sensors, energy harvesters, wide band dipole antennas and

Top: microarray of hexagonal cells on Cu substrate;

electrodes for organic electronics have been demonstrated using graphene. However, to enable development of practical graphene-

Middle: Microarray of squares on silicon substrate;

based devices and interconnects, there is a need for controlled, cost effective patterning of large areas of graphene while retaining

Bottom: Complex line pattern on silicon substrate.

the beneficial electronic properties. We developed a soft lithography-based approach to micropattern graphene. First, a graphene film was grown on Cu foils using the chemical vapor deposition method. This method provides good control over film quality and the number of graphene layers. Then a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamp with protruding micrometer scale features was brought into conformal contact with the film. We used PDMS stamps with 3-5 µm wide features, but smaller feature sizes should also be possible. Finally, all regions on the film that were not protected by the protruding parts of the PDMS stamp were removed in an oxygen plasma chamber. This method is simple, cost effective and scalable to large areas and can be employed on any arbitrary substrate. Besides Cu, we also patterned graphene films after transfer to silicon and polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) substrates.

Figure 2: Variation of electrical resistance of patterned

Since the method is resist free, it avoids the damage and contaminations caused by resist patterning and removal when conventional

graphene ribbons at 2–50 K as a function of magnetic field H

lithographic methods are used. The estimated charged impurity concentration was estimated to be only ~1013 cm-2, which corresponds

applied perpendicular to the graphene plane. The derivative of

with an electron scattering length of ~1000 nm.

the resistance with respect to H is shown in the inset; B) Weak localization fit of patterned graphene magnetoconductivity Δ (B ) =  (H ) −  (H = 0). The elastic and inelastic scattering lengths estimated from the data fitting at various temperatures are given in the inset.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: A. George, S. Mathew, R. van Gastel, M. Nijland, K. Gopinadhan, P. Brinks, T. Venkatesan, J.E. ten Elshof, Large Area Resist-Free Soft


Lithographic Patterning of Graphene, Small 9 (2013) 711-715.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Activities of the Inorganic Membranes (IM) group evolve around

Prof. dr. ir. Arian Nijmeijer

energy efficient molecular separations under extreme conditions,

“Material science on the Ångstrom

demanding environments, using hybrid and inorganic membranes.

scale to make hybrid and inorganic

The group combines Materials Science in the Ångstrom range length

membranes that can be applied

scale with Process Technology on macroscopic scale. Particular

under demanding conditions, in

topics include hyper-cross-linked nanoscale-hybrid membranes,

large-scale industrial separation

sol-gel derived nano-porous membranes, dense ion conducting


membranes, inorganic porous hollow fiber membranes and inorganic

for instance high temperature, elevated pressure, and chemically

porous scaffolds.

Inorganic Membranes Sieving of Hot Gases by Hyper-Cross-Linked Nanoscale-Hybrid Membranes Separation of hot gases by membranes is a potential key enabling technique for many large-scale chemical processes and advanced energy production technologies. At present, there are no commercially produced membranes that can separate hot small gas molecules on a large scale. Effective molecular sieving requires that the chains of organic polymer membranes are sufficiently rigid. At elevated temperatures the macromolecular dynamics of state-of-the-art organic polymers increase and the sieving abilities of these materials break down. For inorganic membranes tremendous efforts are required to allow defect-free processing at the scale of industrially relevant applications. Recently, in a collaborative effort of our group and the group Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (MTP), we have presented a method for the facile synthesis of novel hyper-cross-linked organic-inorganic hybrid membranes. The method is based on the

Figure 1: Schematic presentation of two-step synthesis

interfacial polymerization reaction between amine functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes and aromatic dianhydrides,

method of Hyper-Cross-Linked Nanoscale-Hybrid

followed by thermal imidization (Fig. 1).


The resulting ultrathin membranes consist of giant molecular networks of alternating inorganic cages and aromatic imide bridges. The hybrid characteristics of these membrane are manifested in excellent gas separation performance at elevated temperatures; selective sieving of small hydrogen molecules from a mixture with nitrogen molecules persists up to 300 °C. Unlike the syntheses of other nano-engineered materials for high-temperature separations, the simple and reliable two-step synthetic process for generating the hybrid films is suitable for large-scale and defect-free production. The presented method is versatile and allows the use of a large variety of cross-linkers, to synthesis a large variety of hybrid materials. Current and future activities are aimed further exploring this versatility, to further broaden the application landscape of these hybrid membranes.

Figure 2: Artist impression of a thin hybrid membrane on a ceramic support with molecular selectivity persisting at temperatures up to 300 °C.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M.J.T. Raaijmakers, M.A. Hempenius, P.M. Schön, G.J. Vancso, A. Nijmeijer, M. Wessling, N.E. Benes, Sieving of Hot Gases by Hyper-Cross-Linked Nanoscale-Hybrid Membranes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131216134951006 (2013). doi:10.1021/ja410047u (featured in JACS Spotlights).



Figure 1: Quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis, performed at the EMAT facilities, University of Antwerp, of the atomic stacking sequences in

Prof. dr. ing. Guus Rijnders

The Inorganic Materials Science (IMS) group works at the international forefront

“Recent developments in controlled

of materials science research on complex metal oxides and hybrids, and

synthesis and characterization tools has

provides an environment where young researchers and students are stimulated

increased the applicability of inorganic

to excel. The research is focused on establishing a fundamental understanding

nanoscale materials enormously.

of the relationship between composition, structure and solid-state physical and

This holds especially for complex and

chemical properties of inorganic materials, especially oxides. Insights into these

functional oxide materials, enabling the

relationships enable us to design new materials with improved and yet unknown

development of new materials and devices

properties that are of interest for fundamental studies as well as for industrial

with novel functionalities. Our aim is to

applications. With the possibility to design and construct artificial materials on

consolidate our leading role in this field.”

demand, new opportunities become available for novel device concepts.

Inorganic Materials Science

SrTiO 3–SrCuO2–LaAlO 3–SrTiO 3(001) heterostructures. a) HAADF-STEM image of the heterostructure along the [001]

Defect Engineering in Oxide Heterostructures by Enhanced Oxygen Surface Exchange

zone axis, together with the schematic representation of the individual layers. b) EELS analysis of the conducting LaAlO 3– SrTiO 3(001) interface within the heterostructure showing normalized core-loss signals for La M4,5 (red), Ti L2,3 (green),

The synthesis of materials with well-controlled composition and structure improves our understanding of their intrinsic electrical

and O K (black) edges.

transport properties. Recent developments in atomically controlled growth have been shown to be crucial in enabling the study of new physical phenomena in epitaxial oxide heterostructures. Nevertheless, these phenomena can be influenced by the presence of defects that act as extrinsic sources of both doping and impurity scattering. Control over the nature and density of such defects is therefore necessary to fully understand the intrinsic materials properties and exploit them in future device technologies. Within a close collaboration with several group within MESA+, we have shown that incorporation of a strontium copper oxidenano-layer (see Fig. 1), strongly reduces the impurity scattering at conducting interfaces in oxide LaAlO3 –SrTiO3(001) heterostructures, opening the door to high carrier mobility materials (see Fig. 2). It is proposed that this remote cuprate layer facilitates enhanced suppression of oxygen defects by reducing the kinetic barrier for oxygen exchange in the hetero-interfacial film system. This design concept of controlled defect engineering can be of significant importance in applications in which enhanced oxygen surface exchange plays a crucial role.

Figure 2: Mobility enhancement by defect engineering over a

This work was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and by the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental

wide oxygen pressure regime. Temperature dependence of

Research on Matter (FOM) through the InterPhase program.

a) −1/ RHe, indicating the carrier density, and b) Hall mobility μH for SrTiO 3–(SrCuO2)–LaAlO 3–SrTiO 3(001) heterostructures with (group I: closed symbols) and without (group II: open symbols) a SrCuO2 layer for various oxygen growth pressures. The corresponding Hall resistance versus magnetic field exhibits linear dependence for the complete temperature range (2–300 K), indicating the presence of a single type of carrier.

Highlighted publications: [1] M. Huijben, G. Koster, M.K. Kruize, S. Wenderich, J. Verbeeck, S. Bals, E. Slooten, Bo Shi, H.J.A. Molegraaf, J.E. Kleibeuker, S. van Aert, J.B. Goedkoop, A. Brinkman, D.H.A. Blank, M.S. Golden, G. van Tendeloo, H. Hilgenkamp, G. Rijnders, Defect Engineering in Oxide Heterostructures by Enhanced Oxygen Surface Exchange, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23 (2013) 5240-5248 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201203355. [2] F. Miletto Granozio, G. Koster, G. Rijnders, Functional oxide interfaces, MRS Bulletin 38


(2013) 1017-1023.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Integrated Optical MicroSystems (IOMS) group performs research on highly compact, potentially low-cost and mass-producible optical waveguide devices with novel functionalities. After careful design using dedicated computational tools, optical chips are realized in the MESA+ clean-room facilities by standard lithographic tools as well as high-resolution techniques for nano-structuring, such as focused ion beam milling and laser interference lithography. From January 2014, most of the activities in integrated optics joined the Optical

Prof. dr. Markus Pollnau

Sciences group, forming the Integrated Optical Systems (IOS) subgroup. The integration of

“Guiding light into the

photonic platforms, plasmonic waveguides and integrated optical sensors based on field


enhancement by metallic nanostructures are the main research interests of the new subgroup.

novel active devices (i.e., amplifiers and lasers) with advanced functionalities onto passive

Integrated Optical MicroSystems Thulium channel waveguide laser with 1.6 W of output power and ~80% slope efficiency Potassium double tungstates doped with rare-earth ions are materials largely utilized in the realization of bulk solid state lasers that present high performance characteristics such as high output power, high efficiency and very narrow linewidth. Doping the

Figure 1: Calculated 2-D mode profiles for the quasi-TE mode

host material with Tm

(showing the real part of the dominant electrical field component)


ions, permits the realization of amplifiers and lasers around 2 μm wavelength, which find very interesting

applications in trace gas analysis, environmental monitoring, laser ranging and medical applications. By codoping with the

at  = 1.55 µm, R = 6 µm for the non-metallic structures (top) with

optically inert Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions, the refractive index of the material can be engineered on thin waveguide layers lattice matched

the parameters of wridge = 2 µm, hridge = 2 µm and for the metallic

with the undoped-KY(WO 4)2 substrate. A very efficient (>80%) waveguide laser exhibiting a high output power of 1.6 W at 1.84 μm

structures (bottom) with the parameters of wridge = 2 µm, hridge = 2

has been recently demonstrated. This represents the most efficient 2 μm laser reported to date.

µm, and thickness of metal is 100 nm.

Low-loss sharp bends in polymer waveguides enabled by the introduction of thin metal layers Plasmonic waveguides are very promising candidates for the very-high-scale integration of photonic devices owing to the high light confinement that they can provide. However, high propagation losses hinder their mainstream use in real applications. In this work, we have found that the introduction of thin metal layers underneath the core of a polymer waveguide, not only does not increase but actually reduces the total losses of sharp bends. When a gold layer was placed underneath the core of a SU8 waveguide, a total loss as low as ~0.02 dB/90° for the quasi-TE modes was calculated for radii between 6 and 13 μm at the telecommunication wavelength. The radii range exhibiting such low loss can be tuned by appropriately selecting the waveguide parameters.

Figure 2: Comparison of total losses (in dB/90°) for the plasmonic and non-plasmonic bends. For radii below 30 µm, a large reduction of the total losses is observed for the plasmonic structures.

Highlighted publications: [1] S. Aravazhi, D. Geskus, K. van Dalfsen, S. A. Vázquez-Córdova, C. Grivas, U. Griebner, S. M. García-Blanco, M, Pollnau, Engineering lattice matching, doping level, and optical properties of KY(WO4)2:Gd, Lu, Yb layers for a cladding-side-pumped channel waveguide laser, Appl. Phys. B (111) (2013) 433-446. [2] M. A. Sefunc, M. Pollnau, S. M. García-Blanco, Low-loss sharp bends in polymer waveguides enabled by the introduction of a thin metal layer, Opt. Express (21) 29808-29817 (2013).


[highlights] The Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO) group explores the generation and manipulation of coherent light in improved and novel ways. This includes new concepts for lasers and nonlinear optical interactions. Research comprises wide ranges of intensities, time scales and light frequencies.

Prof. dr. Klaus J. Boller

Regarding laser concepts we investigate novel types of laser such as based on slow light in photonic

"Light displays the

bandwidth is investigated, as required for sensitive and specific detection of molecules. We devise

beauty of nature.

methods to implement such nonlinear generation in waveguides for use in integrated photonics.

We put light to work,

Nonlinear generation at extreme intensities is investigated, which generates ultra-short pulses in

for knowledge and

the XUV wavelength range. Such radiation in combination with nano-structured optics can enable


improved spectral control, microscopy and XUV lithography on the nano-scale.

structures or based on phase-locked diode arrays. Nonlinear generation of light with large spectral

Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics Spectral analysis of spatiotemporal and chemical dynamics in transient laser plasmas The generation of coherent light pulses over wide spectral ranges, especially through nonlinear frequency conversion into to the UV, can provide powerful diagnostics for transient plasmas. In particular, these methods are suited to follow the propagation of multiple plasma constituents on the nanosecond time scale and with micrometer resolution, while simultaneously unraveling chemical processes. After excitation with at characteristic wavelengths, the plasma particles show fluorescence at other characteristic wavelengths. Thereby this detection method, called Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF), provides a highly specific way to identify and quantify the concentrations of the present species. In addition, the method allows measuring absolute particle densities as well as particle velocity and temperature. As an application, we demonstrate for the first time the spatiotemporal mapping of chemical reactions that govern the composition of complex transient plasmas on which Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is based upon. The latter allows the growth of thin films of complex, functional materials in stoichiometric composition and with atomic precision. However, a sufficient understanding of the corresponding plasmas is still lacking, specifically, why only certain deposition parameters yield the desired crystalline structure. We have developed a LIF spectroscopic setup that allows us to perform a spatiotemporal mapping of plasma species in the propagating towards the substrate. This enables relating the plasma composition to the growth of thin films. One example is the mapping of the oxidation state of Al in LaAlO3 (LAO) plasmas. Here it is known empirically that a highly conductive two dimensional electron gas can be formed by deposition on atomically flat SrTiO3, however, this occurs only within a certain window of conditions. For the first time, we show that despite the presence of oxygen in the plasma from the target material, no oxidized Al reaches the sample, when ablating in an Ar background gas. Figure: Cross-section of a laser produced plasma from

Only with a suitable O2 background we clearly observe oxidation of Al to AlO (singly oxidized), and that this occurs only at the edges of

a LaAlO 3 target, in (A) 0.1 mbar Ar and (B) 0.1 mbar O2 ,

the plasma plume where there is a direct contact with the background gas. Such observations help to understand whether stoichiometric

recorded with LIF, 10Âľs after target irradiation. During

growth of LaAlO3 requires certain stages of oxidation near the sample, and why this occurs only in the presence of an appropriate gas

propagating from the target (left) to the sample (right,) atomic

background. Using LIF, we investigate also other relevant systems, such as Pb[ZrxTi1-x]O3, La1-xSrxMnO3, with the goal to understand, monitor

Al (green) reacts into AlO (red) if oxygen is present .

and control the growth of high-quality thin films.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: K. Orsel, H.M.J. Bastiaens, R. Groenen, G. Koster, A.J.H.M. Rijnders, K.-J. Boller, Temporal and spatial mapping of oxidized species in pulsed


laser deposition plasmas, Journal of Instrumentation 8 (2013) C10021.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. Han J.G.E. Gardeniers

The research focuses on two main themes:

"Research on electricity-driven activation

n Alternative activation mechanisms for chemical process

mechanisms, using electricity from

control and process intensification. Examples are: electrostatic

renewable energy sources, is a core activity.

control of surface processes and reactions in liquids, photo­

Combined with downscaling and integration

chemical microreactors for solar-to-fuel conversion, sono­­

of unit chemical operations, enhanced yield

chemical microreactors and microreactors with integrated work-

and selectivity of chemical reactions and

up functionality;

product purification, and improved analysis

n Miniaturization of chemical analysis systems. Examples

of mass-limited (bio)chemical samples is

are: liquid chromatography on a chip, microscale NMR, nano­


structured gas sensors, micro optical absorption cells (UV, IR).

Mesoscale Chemical Systems Micromachined columns for liquid chromatography Two major events in the year 2013 have been the PhD graduations of Sertan Sukas and Selm De Bruyne. Within a long-term collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels, both students have performed research on micromachining of high-aspect-ratio structures in single-crystal silicon and fused silica, and applying these structures as a stationary phase support in analytical separations by highperformance liquid chromatography. To sustain the high electric fields that are needed in the electrokinetic method studied by Sukas

Figure 1: SEM pictures of a thermally oxidized porous silicon

in his thesis "Microchip capillary electrochromatography with pillar columns", good insulating materials are needed to surround the

layer. (b) is a zoom-in of (a). From thesis Sukas.

microfluidic channels. For that purpose a new fabrication procedure was developed, based on anodization of silicon followed by thermal oxidation of the resulting porous silicon. Depending on the original pore size, a completely solid layer, or a mesoporous glass with pores of few nm's wide is obtained. These pores are relevant for the separation process, because they increase the surface area of the column, and therefore the loading capacity. This work was published in the RSC journal Lab on a Chip. The porous glass will be used in future projects related to solar water splitting. In an attempt to push the limit of chromatographic channel miniaturization to the limit, in De Bruyne's thesis "Design and characterization of microfabricated on-chip HPLC columns" shear-driven nanochannels with a depth of only 40nm and 80nm were produced, with novel micro-structured spacers to enhance the mechanical stability and an ultrathin uniform mesoporous silicon layer to enhance the chromatographic retention and selectivity. Experiments with these nanochannels demonstrated that due to the extremely fast mass transfer kinetics the C-term contribution to band broadening could be completely eliminated up to the highest attainable mobile phase velocity of 7mm/s, leading to an unprecedented separation performance of 50.000 to 100.000 theoretical plates within 1 to 1.5 seconds,

Figure 2: Stitched CCD-camera images of the dispersion of

more than 2 orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art commercial UHPLC-systems. This work was published in The Analyst.

a fluorescent zone of an uncaged dye, in (a) an ordered pillar bed (pillar diameter 73 μm, porosity 40 %, 40 X magnification), and (b) a disordered bed (pillar diameter 81 μm, porosity 40 %, 20 X magnification). From thesis De Bruyne.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] S. Sukas, R. Tiggelaar, G. Desmet, H.J.G.E. Gardeniers, Fabrication of integrated porous glass for microfluidic applications, Lab on a Chip 13 (2013) 3061-3069; DOI: 10.1039/C3LC41311J. [2]. S. De Bruyne, W. De Malsche, V. Fekete, H. Thienpont, H. Ottevaere, H. Gardeniers, G. Desmet, Exploring The Speed Limits of Liquid Chromatography Using Shear-driven Flows Through 45 and 85 nm Deep Nano-Channels, Analyst 138 (2013) 6127-6133; DOI: 10.1039/C3AN01325A.


[highlights] The Multiscale Modeling and Simulation group (MMS) focuses on the

Prof. dr. ir. Bernard J. Geurts

mathematical development and application of computational models

"Mathematical analysis,

We develop numerical methods and compatible model reduction tech足

physics and numerical

ni足q ues for partial differential equations from a fundamental and an

methods come together to

applied perspective. Main application areas are in (a) multi-phase flows

build consistent multiscale

and phase transitions, (b) biomedical flows and tissue engineering, (c)

simulation models for the

self-organizing nano systems, supported by research in (i) space-time

key problems in science and

parallel simulation, (ii) immersed boundary methods, (iii) compatible


finite volume and spectral element discretization.

for complex physics acting simultaneously at micro- and macro scales.

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Flow of blood in small aneurysms in the human brainsurfaces in space and time There is a growing medical interest in the prediction of flow and forces inside milimeter-scale cerebral aneurysms with the ultimate goal of supporting medical procedures and decisions by presenting viable scenarios for intervention. These days, with the development of high-precision medical imaging techniques, the geometry and structure of blood vessels and possible aneurysms that have formed, can be determined for individual patients. An example is shown in Fig. 1. We focus on the role of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Figure 1: Segmented geometry of an actual cerebral aneurysm

for identifying and classifying therapeutic options in the treatment of aneurysms. This allows to add qualitative and quantitative

obtained from 3D rotational angiography. The aneurysm

characteristics of blood flow inside the aneurysm to the complex process of medical decision making. We contribute to this by

bulge is about 1 cm in length, while the vessel diameters are

developing an immersed boundary method for computing the precise patient-specific pulsatile flow in all spatial and temporal details.

approximately 5 mm.

We predict high and low stress regions, indicative of possible growth of an aneurysm in the course of time. We also visualize the structure of the flow indicating the quality of local blood circulation as illustrated in Fig. 2. As the size of the aneurysm increases, qualitative changes in the flow behavior can arise, which express themselves as high-frequency variations in the flow and shear stresses. These rapid variations could be used to quantify the level of risk associated with the growing aneurysm. Such computational modeling may lead to a better understanding of the progressive weakening of the vessel wall and its possible rupture.

Figure 2: Velocity streamlines inside the aneurysm geometry obtained using a grid resolution of 128 x 64 x 128.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: J. Mikhal, B.J. Geurts, Development and application of a volume penalization immersed boundary method for the computation of blood flow


and shear stresses in cerebral vessels and aneurysms, Journal of mathematical biology, 1-29 (2012).

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Molecular nanoFabrication (MnF) group, headed by Prof. Jurriaan Huskens, focuses on nano足 chemis足try and self-assembly. Key research elements are: supramolecular and monolayer chemistry at interfaces, multivalency, supramolecular materials, biomolecule assembly and cell patterning, nanoparticle assembly, soft and imprint lithography, chemistry in microfluidic devices, and multistep

Prof. dr. ir. Jurriaan Huskens

integrated nanofabrication schemes. Application areas are: chemical and biosensing, tissue engineering,


electronic devices. The group has several collaborations within MESA+, e.g. on the assembly of proteins


and cells on patterned surfaces (with the DBE group) and on nanoelectronic and spintronic devices (with

assembling the future of

the NE group). Furthermore, the group actively participates in the Twente Graduate School program

molecular matter!"

Novel NanoMaterials, and in the national programs NanoNext, BMM and Towards BioSolar Cells.

heavy metal waste handling, catalysis and synthesis, solar-2-fuel devices, and nano-, spin- and flexible

Molecular nanoFabrication Reactivity mapping with electrochemical gradients for monitoring reactivity at surfaces in space and time

Figure 1: Device layout (top) and electrochemical click method (bottom) to create micron-sized surface gradients.

In many chemical and biological reactions, it is important to know how readily and rapidly the substances involved react with one another. For instance, it is vital to have a detailed understanding of the ideal conditions for reactions used in industrial processes. However, measuring this reactivity can often pose considerable challenges. We have now developed a system that allows to easily measure the reaction kinetics of reactions that take place on surfaces. The system consists of a reaction surface on a small glass plate, above which (in the liquid phase) the reaction can take place. The small glass plate is fitted with two electrodes, one hundred micrometres apart (Fig. 1). By setting up an electrical potential difference (voltage) between these electrodes, a chemical gradient (such as a pH gradient) can be created above the surface. Gradients are gradual transitions in specific properties, such as acidity. The tiny chip makes it easy to create micrometre scale gradients. One can then determine the reaction kinetics of the reaction by measuring the speed of the reaction at various points between the electrodes (Fig. 2). This kinetic data can be conveniently visualized in a reactivity map. In the past, it was necessary to perform a reaction many times, under a variety of conditions. This chip allows you to test a wide range of conditions all at once. This newly developed system can be used to efficiently measure the reaction kinetics of various chemical or biological reactions. Figure 2: Example of a surface gradient made with the method shown in Figure 1 (top left), fluorescence intensity profiles along the gradient as a function of reaction time (top right), and reactivity map showing the rate constants as a function of position along the surface (bottom).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S. O. Krabbenborg, C. Nicosia, P. Chen, J. Huskens, Reactivity Mapping: Electrochemical Gradients for Monitoring Reactivity at Surfaces in Space and Time, Nature Communications 4 [2013] 1667 (1-7).


[highlights] The group Multi Scale Mechanics (MSM) studies fluids and solids, as well as granular systems, where various physical phenomena with different characteristic time- and length-scales are taking place simultaneously. At each length scale, the question arises how the mechanics and physics at that level are determined by the properties of the underlying level, and how, in turn, the current level affects the next level. Micro-Macro theory is one way to predict and describe this hierarchy, and advanced

Figure 1: Simulation of polydisperse particulate flow and segregation in a rotating drum, with every particle of a different size (colored with red the smallest and blue the

Prof. dr. Stefan Luding

numerical simulations supported by experiments and theory help us understand the

“How does contact mechanics at the

various levels and their couplings and solve many application problems in industry

nano-scale determine macroscopic flow

and environment, as e.g. related to segregation and mixing in the presence of strongly

properties of granular matter?�

different sized particles.

Multi Scale Mechanics

largest, with size ratio 1 to 10. A strong segregation pattern can be observed with the small particles located at the centre of the drum.

Multiscale Mechanics with strongly different particle sizes

The figure comes from this paper: Shaping Segregation: Convexity versus concavity,

How many state-variables are needed to predict the equation of state and the jamming density of highly polydisperse mixtures in

S. Gonzalez, S. Luding, and A.R. Thornton, Publication

colloidoal, granular, or glassy, non-equilibrium compressed states? We propose to define equivalent and maximally equivalent systems

under Review.

as those that match three and five moments of a given polydisperse size distribution, respectively. Fluids can be represented well by an equivalent system with only s = 2 components (bidisperse). As little as s = 3 components (tridisperse) are found to be enough to achieve a maximally equivalent system. Those match macroscopic properties in solid-like, high-density glassy states, but also the volume fraction of rattlers, suggesting strong microstructural equivalency too. For many soft and granular systems, tridisperse, maximally equivalent systems allow for a closed analytical treatment and well-controlled industrial applications. Our proposal waits for experimental validation, e.g. from colloidal systems or other soft matter, also including shear deformations.

Figure 2: Polydisperse, periodic, 3-dimensional particle system in a cube, where colors blue (large), green (medium) and red (small) indicate the various particle sizes. In order to understand the system, it is sufficient to know the first five moments of the size distribution on the macro-scale, instead of having to specify all different particles and their sizes on the micro-scale.


HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: V. Ogarko, S. Luding, Prediction of polydisperse hard-sphere mixture behavior using tridisperse systems, Soft Matter 9 (2013) 9530.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The research group Membrane Science & Technology (MST) focuses on the multidisciplinary topic of membrane science and technology for the separation of molecular mixtures and selective mass transport. We aim at designing polymer membrane chemistry, morphology and structure on a molecular level to control mass transport phenomena in macroscopic applications. We consider our expertise as a multidisciplinary knowledge chain ranging from molecule to process. The research program is divided into three application clusters: Energy, Water and Life Sciences.

Prof. dr. ir. Kitty Nijmeijer

The group consists of two separate entities: the academic research group Membrane

“Molecular membrane design to

Science and Technology (MST) and the European Membrane Institute Twente (EMI),

control mass transport.”

which performs confidential contract research directly with the industry.

Membrane Science and Technology



A solvent-shrinkage method for producing polymeric microsieves with sub-­micron size pores This paper presents a thorough investigation of a simple method to decrease the dimensions of polymeric microsieves. Microsieves are membranes that are characterized by straight-through, uniform and well-ordered pores between 0.5 µm and 10 µm in diameter.

Figure 1: SEM images of microsieves fabricated with a relative

These characteristics lead to a high flux and excellent separation behavior. Pore sizes of microsieves are usually in the micrometer

humidity of  20% (A) and 83% (B), magnifications x 2500.

scale, but need to be reduced to below 1 µm to make the microsieves attractive for aqueous filtration applications. In this work polyethersulfone/polyvinylpyrrolidone microsieves were prepared using solution casting on a microstructured mold resulting in polymeric microsieves with perforated pores with diameters in the range of 2-8 µm and a very open internal structure containing many voids. Subsequently, size reduction in terms of pore size and periodicity of the perforated pores was performed by immersing microsieves in mixtures of acetone and N-methylpyrrolidone. Microsieves shrunk because of swelling and weakening of the polymers, and subsequent collapse of the open internal structure. Shrinking typically occurred in two stages: first, a stage where both the perforated pores and periodicity shrink, and second, a stage where the perforated pores continue to shrink while the periodicity remains constant. Microsieves with initial pore diameters of 2.6 µm were reduced down to only 0.2 µm. The maximum isotropic shrinkage was ~35%, which was determined by the amount of voids in the polymer matrix (Fig. 2). In order to come to higher (nearly) isotropic shrinkage, the amount of voids should be further increased.

Figure 2: Shrinking of periodicity as function of shrinkage of pore diameter. The dotted diagonal line represents ideal isotropic shrinkage.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: E. Vriezekolk, A. Kemperman, W. de Vos, K. Nijmeijer, Downscaling dimensions of polymeric microsieves by solvent-shrinking, Journal of Membrane Science 446 (2013) 10-18.


[highlights] Prof. dr. G. Julius Vancso

Current efforts in the Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (MTP) group revolve around

“Natural polymers, such as DNA,

platform level research in macromolecular nanotechnology and polymer materials chemistry.

proteins and polysaccharides enable

The applications are realized in collaborations with specialized teams. Ongoing projects aim at

life. Without synthetic polymers

controlled synthesis of stimulus responsive, “smart” polymers and novel organometallic poly­

industrialized societies could not

mers, as well as fabrication of complex macromolecular architectures in combination with nano­

exist. Soft matter nanoscience

particles, and semiconductor nanocrystals. Smart, designer surfaces are obtained by surface

and materials chemistry form the

initiated polymerizations and by electrostatic assembly. The structures obtained are used in tissue

scientific basis for these fields,

engineering scaffolds for regenerative medicine, at interfaces that exhibit low protein adhesion to

and provide exiting research

prevent marine biofouling, in fluidic devices as pumps, valves, sensors, and in catalysis. Sensing

opportunities for our group.”

and delivery of molecules are pursued by intelligent nano-hydrogels. The development of enabling tools such as scanning probe microscopes, complement this effort.

Materials Science and Technology of Polymers Smart soft matter: The next generation of polymers Responding to stimuli drives adoptive biological organisms. When looking at such biological systems, it becomes clear that science and technology of man-made smart materials are in its infancy. Focus in research of smart polymers has been traditionally placed on studying the effects of one stimulus, such as temperature or variation of the chemical environment. Smart soft matter has been used for drug release, sensing or actuation. If however progress is to be made in biomimetic smart materials, then design, synthesis, characterization and applications of complex, integrated materials systems that respond to multiple stimuli must be pursued. Additionally, with growing demand for miniaturization, nanotechnology-compatible physical stimuli must receive a lot more attention. For example, addressing a polymeric material at the nanoscale is impossible by variation of the ensemble temperature, but it is very well possible by using nanoscale wires as electrodes and changing the oxidation state of redox responsive macromolecules. A focal area in the research of the MTP group is to utilize electrochemically responsive polymers, design structures which are responsive to a multitude of stimuli, and integrate these molecules in functional devices. Dr. Xiaofeng Sui [1] defended his PhD Thesis in 2012 in this area with a “cum laude” distinction. In his Thesis Dr. Sui described for example a novel polymer gel, which shows a dualresponsive behavior. The hydrogels are composed of thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and redox-responsive poly(ferrocenylsilane) (PFS) macromolecules (Fig. 1.). While at room temperature PNIPAM is water soluble, above body temperature it precipitates and becomes insoluble. And by changing the oxidation state of Fe in PFS, this component changes color, charge and polarity in a reversible fashion. Such hydrogels can be used for example to load a certain molecule by varying one stimulus and release the molecular payload by varying the other. Additionally, due to the redox activity of PFS, when the hydrogels are put in Ag salt solutions, Ag metallic nanoparticles form, which exhibit antibacterial activity. Figure: Schematic representation of the PNIPAM-PFS hydrogel formation by photopolymerization and photographs of the gels formed.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: X. Sui, X. Feng, A. Di Luca, C.A. Van Blitterswijk, L. Moroni, M.A. Hempenius, G.J. Vancso, Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-poly(ferrocenylsilane)


dual-responsive hydrogels: Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial applications, Polymer Chemistry 4 (2), (2013) 337-342.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Mathematics of Computational Science (MACS) group focuses on the mathe­ matical aspects of advanced scientific computing. The two main research areas are the development, analysis and application of numerical algorithms for the (adaptive)


solution of partial differential equations and the mathematical modeling of multi-

Prof. dr. ir. Jaap J.W. van der Vegt

scale problems making these accessible for computation. Special emphasis is put

“Mathematical analysis of

and efficient (parallel) solution algorithms for large algebraic systems. Important

multigrid algorithms is the key

applications are in the fields of computational electromagnetics (nanophotonics), free

to obtain excellent convergence

surface flows (water waves, inkjet printing), (dispersed) two-phase flows and phase


transition, and granular flows.

on the development and analysis of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods

Mathematics of Computational Science

Strain 


Novel local Discontinuous Galerkin method for the accurate computation of phase transitions Velocity .

The propagation of phase transition in solids and fluids is important in many physics applications. Examples are solid–solid transformations in elastic materials and a homogeneous compressible fluid with liquid and vapor phases with a van der Waals

Figure 1: Phase transitions and shocks in an elastic solid

equation of state. These models contain a rich mathematical structure since the strain-stress relation can have both a positive and

model with trilinear stress–strain relation, Number of

negative slope. This results in a mixed type hyperbolic-elliptic system of partial differential equations, which require additional

elements 800, 1,600 and 3,200.

conditions to ensure a unique solution. We have considered therefore the viscosity-capillarity model, which adds dissipative and dispersive terms to obtain meaningful solutions. The resulting system of partial differential equations also admits non-classical shock waves next to phase transitions. We have developed a novel local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) finite element discretization to solve this model numerically, which is non-trivial due to the mixed-type behavior of the partial differential equations. A nice feature of the LDG method is that it exactly satisfies a discrete energy relation, which we used to obtain a detailed a priori error analysis of the discrete equations. In order to obtain accurate reference solutions for the testing of the numerical algorithms also exact solutions of a Riemann problem for a tri-linear strain-stress relation, in combination with a kinetic relation to select the unique admissible solution, were derived. An important feature of these solutions is that they exhibit oscillations around discontinuities at phase boundaries. Extensive numerical tests of several Riemann problems, resulting in shock waves and phase transitions, show that the LDG results compare well with the analytical solutions. They also highlight that the solution in the elliptic regime are physically unstable and rapidly move to the hyperbolic region. Figure 2: Trace of the numerical solution in phase space for phase transitions in an elastic solid model with trilinear strain-stress relation.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: L. Tian, Y. Xu, J.G.M. Kuerten, J.J.W. van der Vegt, A local discontinuous Galerkin method for the propagation of phase transition in solid and fluids, Journal of Scientific Computing, DOI 10.1007/s10915-013-9778-9 (2013).


[highlights] Prof. dr. M.M.A.E. Claessens

The Nanobiophysics group (NBP) aims at understanding the physical principles underlying

“Understanding the physical

does not only give us insight into disease mechanisms, it also inspires the design of bio-

principles underlying the organization,

based materials. Our current research focuses on the self-assembly of proteins into fibrils and

dynamics and physicochemical

networks. We are intrigued by the use of amyloid fibrils in biological materials and by the role

properties of complex biological

of amyloids in neurodegenerative diseases. To get insight into functional and disease related

materials will give us insight into

protein aggregation we develop cutting-edge technologies that enable us to visualize and

disease mechanisms, and inspire

manipulate molecules at the nanoscale. We use the toolbox of nanophotonics to manipulate

the rational design of bio-based

biological fluorophores. Functional imaging, involving quantitative measurements of dynamic


processes at high resolution is an integral part of our work.

the organization and dynamics of complex biological materials such as cells. This approach

Nanobiophysics Figure 1: Continuous excitation of a single quantum dot results

Quantum dot blinking is independent of excitation wavelength

in blinking; in time the quantum dot switches between emitting and non-emitting states. It had been suggested that blinking

Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy techniques have facilitated quantitative research in the life sciences. The recent

depends on the excitation wavelengths used.

development of fluorescence based super-resolution microscopies has opened a new window to study the architecture and dynamics of subcellular structures at the nanoscale. With the increasing complexity of the applications of fluorophores, a detailed understanding of their photophysical properties has become necessary. To obtain this insight we are studying the photophysics of various classes of emitters at the single molecule level. When single emitters are studied they are observed to blink; they switch between emitting and non-emitting states. In imaging applications blinking is an ambiguous phenomenon. Although unwanted in quantitative imaging, blinking is essential for single molecule localization based super-resolution microscopy techniques. Quantum dots are popular fluorophores in the life sciences. There have been indications that the duration of the emitting state in blinking quantum dots strongly depends on the excitation wavelength. Such wavelength dependent blinking would have considerable consequences even for conventional imaging. We recorded single quantum dot intensity traces for different excitation wavelengths and determined for each excitation wavelength the probability to find short- and long-lasting emitting states. We were able to quantitatively show that blinking does not change with excitation wavelength and that the effect of blinking as a function of excitation wavelength is not a salient parameter in imaging applications.

Figure 2: We analyzed the blinking of single quantum dots using 14 different excitation wavelengths. Our results show that the excitation wavelengths neither have an significant effect on the occurrence of short emitting state periods between 20ms and 0.5s (pshort, black) nor on the occurrence of long emitting state periods between 0.5s and 3s (plong, red).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M. H. W. Stopel, J. C. Prangsma, C. Blum, V. Subramaniam, Blinking statistics of colloidal quantum dots at different excitation wavelengths,


RSC Advances 3 (38) (2013) 17440-17445.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. ir. Wilfred G. van der Wiel

The Chair NanoElectronics (NE) performs research and provides education in the field of nano­


synergetically combining aspects of Electrical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, and

is where electrical

Nanotechnology. NE consists of more than 30 group members and is actively looking for people to join.


The field of nanoelectronics comprises a mix of intriguing physical phenomena and revolutionary

physics, chemistry,

novel concepts for devices and systems with improved performance and/or entirely new functionality.

Figure 1: Experimental Setup. A conducting-probe atomic force

materials science

NE has some dedicated infrastructure including MBE deposition, scanning tunneling microscopy,

microscope (CP-AFM) measures the electrical conduction

and nanotechnology

cryogenic measurement systems down to temperatures of 10 mK in combination with magnetic fields

of aromatic molecules, DXP, aligned within the channels of a

inevitably meet.”

up to 10 tesla.

zeolite crystal on top of a conducting substrate. The channels

electronics. Our research involves hybrid inorganic-organic electronics, spin electronics and quantum electronics. The research goes above and beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines,

have a maximum diameter of 1.26 nm and an entrance diameter of only 0.71 nm; the DXP molecules have the same width as


the channel entrances and a length of 2.2 nm. Therefore, the entrapped molecules are all aligned along the zeolite channel axis, forming perfectly one-dimensional molecular wires. The zoom-in shows a DXP molecule confined in a zeolite channel.

Ultrahigh Magnetoresistance at Room Temperature in Molecular Wires We have created 1D molecular wires of which the electrical conductivity can almost entirely be suppressed by a weak magnetic field at room temperature. The underlying mechanism is possibly closely related to the biological compass used by some birds. This discovery may lead to radically new magnetic field sensors. We have made use of DXP, the organic molecule which is a red dye of the same type as once used by Ferrari for their famous Testarossa. In order to thread the molecules so that they form 1D chains of 30 to 100 nm in length, we locked the molecules in zeolite

Figure 2: Zeolite with DXP molecules (top view). Zeolite L is

crystals. Zeolites are porous minerals composed of silicon, aluminum and oxygen atoms with narrow channels. The diameter of the

an electrically insulating aluminosilicate crystalline system,

channels in the zeolites is only 1 nm, just a little wider than the molecule’s diameter. This enabled us to create chains of aligned

which consists of many channels running through the whole

molecules inside the zeolite channel, which are only 1 molecule wide.

crystal and oriented parallel to the cylinder axis. The geo­ metrical constraints of the zeolite host structure allow for

The zeolites containing the molecular wires were then placed on a conductive substrate. By placing the tip of an atomic force

the formation of one-dimensional chains of highly uniaxially

microscope (AFM), on top of a zeolite crystal, we were able to measure the conductivity in the wires. Measuring the electrical

oriented molecules.

conductivity is a unique result in itself, but the behavior of these wires is simply spectacular when applying a magnetic field. This is because electrical conductivity nearly completely breaks down in a magnetic field of just a few milliteslas. The change in electrical resistance through a magnetic field is called magnetoresistance and is very important in technology. Usually, magnetic materials are indispensable for creating magnetoresistance. However, the ultrahigh magnetoresistance here was achieved without any magnetic materials. This is ascribed to the interaction between the electrons carrying electricity and the magnetic

Figure 3: Zeolite with DXP molecules (side view). The zeolite

field which is generated by the surrounding atomic nuclei in the organic molecules. Current suppression in a small magnetic field

channels are almost completely filled with DXP molecules.

can ultimately be traced back to the Pauli exclusion principle, the quantum mechanical principle that states that no two electrons

Each molecule occupies three unit cells of the zeolite channel.

(fermions) may have identical quantum numbers. Since the electric wires are essentially 1D, the effect of the Pauli exclusion principle

Electrons hop from molecule to molecule, giving rise to

is dramatic. This interpretation is supported by calculations.

electrical current.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: R.N. Mahato, H. Lülf, M.H. Siekman, S.P. Kersten, P.A. Bobbert, M.P. de Jong, L. De Cola, W.G. van der Wiel, Ultrahigh Magnetoresistance at Room Temperature in Molecular Wires, Science 341 (2013) 257.


[highlights] Prof. dr. Serge J.G. Lemay

The goals of the group NanoIonics (NI) are to add to the fundamental under­

"The physics of ions in liquid are directly

standing of electrostatics and electron transfer in liquid, and to explore concepts

relevant to a surprisingly wide array of

for new fluidic devices based on this understanding. Our experimental tools,

research areas of current scientific and

which are largely dictated by the intrinsic nanometer scale of the systems that

societal interest. These include nanoscience

we study, include scanning probes, sensitive electronics, and lithography-based

(the ‘natural’ length scale for ions), energy

microfabrication. Through its focus on nanoscience and its multidisciplinary

(fuel cells, supercapacitors), neuroscience

nature, this research is a natural fit for MESA+.

(signal transduction, new experimental tools), and health and environment monitoring (new and better sensors)."

NanoIonics The ultimate limit of electrochemical detection Electrochemical detection of individual molecular tags in nanochannels may enable cost effective, massively parallel analysis and diagnostics platforms. We demonstrated for the first time single-molecule detection of prototypical analytes in aqueous solution at physiological salt concentrations. Our technique is based on redox cycling, in which target molecules repeatedly react at two closely spaced electrodes imbedded in a nanochannel so as to yield a measurable current. The nanofluidic devices are fabricated using standard microfabrication techniques combined with a self-aligned approach that minimizes gap size and dead volume. Figure 1: Optical microscope image (top view) of a selfaligned nanogap device consisting of a nanochannel whose floor and ceiling are two separately addressable electrodes.

Figure 2: Current-time traces simultaneously obtained at the top (blue) and bottom (red) electrodes. Discrete, anticorrelated current steps with amplitude ~7 femtoamperes are generated each time that an individual analyte molecule enters and subsequently exits the nanogap. Here two events are observed during a 120 s period.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S. Kang, A. F. Nieuwenhuis, K. Mathwig, D. Mampallil, S. G. Lemay, Electrochemical Single-Molecule Detection in Aqueous Solution using Self-


Aligned Nanogap Transducers, ACS Nano 7 (2013) 10931-10937.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Fluid flow on the nanoscale is fundamentally different from fluid flow on the microscale because the extreme confinement causes another set of forces to become dominant. In the Nanofluidics for Lab on a Chip Applications group we explore

Prof. dr. Jan Eijkel

the fundamentals of nanoscale fluid behaviour and apply the

"The Nanofluidics for Lab on a Chip Applications

knowledge gained to subjects ranging from green energy

Figure 1: (A) Schematic of the droplet generator. Silicone oil

group aims to perform innovative fluidic research for

generation to single-molecule research and from innovative

(orange) and enzyme and substrate solution (green) are loaded

biomedical and energy applications."

separation methods to point of care diagnostics.

into microchannels at 1 and 2, and the input flows split at 3 and 4. (B) Zoom-in view. At the T-junction, femtoliter droplets of aqueous solution are formed. Droplets are stored in the outlet

Nanofluidics for Lab on a Chip Applications

microchannel where time-resolved fluorescent measurements are performed. Arrows indicate the direction of fluid flow. Microchannel and nanochannel depths were 3μm and 500 nm. A

In search of limits: single enzyme studies in femtoliter droplets With increasing system downscaling, volumes finally become so small that they only contain single molecules of analyte. In the study of enzymes, such small volumes will enable us to investigate single enzyme molecules, finding information on molecular heterogeneity and on changes in enzyme activity over time for a single molecule. In a recent study extreme confinement enabled us to determine the kinetic activity of individual enzyme molecules. A suspension of highly monodisperse and stable aqueous droplets of 2.5–3 μm diameter in oil was generated in a glass system by the use of a microand nanochannel structure (Fig. 1). Droplets were filled with a solution of the enzyme -glucosidase and its substrate fluorescein-


b-D-glucopyranoside. The fluorescent enzyme product fluorescein remained contained in the femtoliter droplet volumes, locally generating high concentrations with low background noise. Figure 1 shows the chip layout used and figure 2 the increase in fluorescence as observed in parallel in hundreds of droplets. The chip contained an outlet channel that allowed us to observe the development of fluorescence large numbers of individual droplets in parallel over time. The microchip device is very suited for practical applications, since the instrumental requirements are modest. The low background noise due to the small droplet size allows the use of a standard microscope and standard Pyrex glass chips. Furthermore the ultrasmall droplet size allows the use of relatively high enzyme concentrations (nM range) while still obtaining single molecule encapsulation.

Figure 2: The increase of fluorescent product in single droplets at enzyme concentrations of 0.1 nM (A) and 0.2 nM (B). The observed distribution peaks were found to obey a Poisson distribution and are interpreted as indicating droplet occupancy by 0, 1, 2 or 3 enzyme molecules. The continuous phase was silicone oil with 4% Span80 and the aqueous phase was FDGlu (enzyme substrate, 200 mM) and -glucosidase (0.1 nM)in PBS solution.

Highlighted publication: R. Arayanarakool, L. Shui, S.W. M. Kengen, A. van den Berg, J.C. T. Eijkel, Single-enzyme analysis in a droplet-based micro- and nanofluidic system, Lab Chip 13 (2013) 1955-1962.


[highlights] Optical Sciences (OS) is a dynamic and multidisciplinary research group, whose infrastructure and expertise ranges from near-field probing of (single) molecules and materials through nonlinear spectroscopy and imaging to nanostructure fabrication and ultrafast laser spectroscopy. The addition of integrated optics

Prof. dr. Jennifer L. Herek

research extends fundamental science to new techniques and devices for health,

“Fundamental research in

photovoltaic and photocatalytic devices, chemically-selective imaging in biololgy,

spectroscopy and imaging

medicine and pharmacology, and novel optical antennas based on strongly

shines light on innovation and

coupled plasmonic nanostructures.

energy, and water. Applications include improving the efficiency of solar-driven


Optical Sciences CARS microscopy driving the future of pharmaceutical imaging Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is a powerful nonlinear imaging technique providing rapid chemically selective images for a wide range of applications. CARS microscopy provides chemical selectivity by imaging light scattered from molecular vibrations. Our recent development in the area of hyperspectral CARS has further extended the imaging capabilities [1]. Traditional CARS microscopy images only one molecular vibration while hyperspectral CARS employs rapid spectral scanning to Figure 1: Hyperspectral CARS projection of a mixture of

enable imaging from a number of molecular vibrations. Figure 1 shows a hyperspectral CARS image of a complex heterogeneous

seven amino acids (A), and color-coded regions of interest

mixture of seven amino acids, distinguished by their unique vibrational spectral signatures.

selected for CARS spectra extraction (B).

CARS imaging can play an important role in pharmaceutical development. Dissolution testing is a critical aspect of the pharmaceutical development process with strict regulations governing the rate at which tablets and capsules must dissolve. There is considerable interest in the pharmaceutical industry for a more in-depth understanding of the dissolution process. Our group designed and implemented in situ dissolution imaging by combining CARS and hyperspectral CARS analysis with flow-through UV absorption spectroscopy [2]. Combining these two techniques allowed chemically specific monitoring of the surface of a dissolving tablet while simultaneously recording the dissolution rate. It was found that in the case of the model drug theophylline, a crystalline conversion from anhydrous to hydrous form occurs during dissolution (Fig. 2) and that this conversion process leads to a significant reduction in dissolution rate of the drug. In situ dissolution imaging using CARS has the potential to greatly aid in the pharmaceutical development process, providing insight in situations where tablets fail traditional dissolution tests.

Figure 2: Frames of a real-time CARS video show needles of theophylline hydrate crystals growing like starbursts on the surface of a theophylline anhydrate tablet as it undergoes dissolution by water.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] E.T. Garbacik, J.L. Herek, C. Otto, H.L. Offerhaus, Rapid identification of heterogeneous mixture components with hyperspectral coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering imaging, Journal of Raman spectroscopy 43 (2012) 651-655. [2] A.L. Fussell, E.T. Garbacik, H.L Offerhaus, P. Kleinebudde, C. Strachan, In situ dissolution analysis using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and hyperspectral CARS microscopy, European Journal of Pharmaceutics


and Biopharmaceutics 85 (2013) 1141-1147.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The group Philosophy of Science in Practice aims at an integrated and workable account of how techno-scientific research produces technology and scientific knowledge that facilitates critical reflection on methodological issues. Textbooks by scientists usually repeat

Prof. dr. ir. Mieke Boon

an inappropriate traditional picture of science that concurs with a

"Understanding the role of measurements in the

traditional philosophical view of science. A more refined philosophical

production of scientific knowledge of physical

understanding is crucial for dealing with methodological difficulties

properties and phenomena holds the key to

that result from increasing scientific fragmentation and technological

understanding how scientific research enables

complexity, and for coping with the societal importance of techno-

technological design."

scientific research.

Figure 2: Close-up of National Prototype Meter Bar, made in 1889 by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and given to the United States, which served as the standard for

Philosophy of Science in Practice

defining all units of length in the US from 1893 to 1960. Since 1983, the meter has been defined as "the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.�

A Pragmatic Perspective on Measurements in the Engineering Sciences When looking at the earliest uses of measurements, their well-known role was in trade, where the ability of using rudimentary measures of weight enabled bartering food and raw materials, but also in manufacturing. Already the plain ability to measure the length of things by means of specific units, together with some elementary arithmetic and geometry enabled craftsmen to design and construct things, such as cathedrals, churches, castles, bridges, houses, musical instruments, furniture, tools, and cloths. When reflecting upon this situation, it occurs to us that the ability of humans to measure and apply basic mathematics firstly makes designing possible. Designers can find out on paper or by means of computer simulations how to build something that does not exist as yet: how to make a construction such as a building or a ship of which the sizes agree to our needs, and which is stable and strong enough, but also meets esthetic ideals. Furthermore, our ability to measure and calculate makes possible the subsequent epistemic uses of a design. In the actual fabrication, epistemic uses of a design are, for instance, calculating the quantity of materials and the dimensions of the pieces, and finding out how parts are to be prepared and fitted together. This perspective on the role of measurements and mathematics in the design of artifacts is generalized to the design of more advanced technologies,

Figure 3: Replica of the National Prototype Kilogram standard no.

such as those developed in chemical engineering, biomedical engineering and nanotechnology.

K20 kept by the US government National Institute of Standards and

Base Quantity Name

Technology (NIST), shown as it is normally stored, inside two glass

Base Unit Symbol



Figure 1: What is measured in a measurement? Supposedly, we measure physical properties

bell jars. This is the primary standard defining all units of mass and weight in the US. It is a polished cylinder made of 90% platinum





and phenomena. However, most of these properties and phenomena are not somehow





observed in a measurement. Instead, they only become known to us by means of measurement

- 10% iridium alloy, 39 mm (1.5 inches) in diameter and 39 mm





Electric current

I, i



procedures that eventually lead back to the measurement of the seven SI base quantities,

high. After the International Prototype Kilogram had been found to





which are cast in base units. These quantities and base units result from conventions. The

vary in mass over time, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) recommended in 2005 that the kilogram be redefined in terms of a fundamental constant of nature.

Amount of substance




meter and the kilogram are examples of such conventions. So, do we really understand what is

Luminous intensity




measured in a measurement?

Highlighted publication: M. Boon, A Pragmatic Perspective on Measurements in the Engineering Sciences. Presented at the conference Dimensions of Measurement (ZIF, Bielefeld, 2013), and to be published in: The Epistemology of Measurements. Alfred Nordmann et al. (eds.) (2013).


[highlights] Manipulating fluids and interfaces from the nano- to the microscale The goal of the Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF) group is to understand and control

Prof. dr. Frieder Mugele

the physical properties of liquids and solid-liquid interfaces from molecular scales

“Nanoscience and -technology are

up to the micrometer range. We are particularly interested in i) (electro)wetting

characterized by large surface-to-volume

& microfluidics, ii) nanoscale properties of confined fluids, and iii) soft matter

ratios. At PCF, we develop strategies to

mechanics. Our research connects fundamental physical and physico-chemical

understand and manipulate complex fluid

phenomena in interface science, nanofluidics, microfluidic two-phase flow, static

flows on the micro- and nanometer scale

and dynamic wetting, superhydrophobicity, drop impact, and drop evaporation to

using various controls of wetting behavior

practically relevant applications including enhanced oil recovery, lab-on-a-chip

including in particular electrowetting.”

systems, optofluidics, inkjet printing, and immersion lithography.

Physics of Complex Fluids Figure 1: Drop trapping at an electrically tunable wetting defect on an inclined plane. (A) Top view of sliding drop. For

Trapping of drops by tunable wetting defects

voltages below a critical threshold value drops pass the defect (dashed line in top graph), while for larger voltages

Controlling the motion of drops on solid surfaces is crucial in many natural phenomena and technological processes including the

the drop gets trapped (bottom). (B) Schematic of the setup.

collection and removal of rain drops (for example from plants or car windows), cleaning technology, heat exchangers, and microfluidic

(C) Potential energy landscape versus drop position for zero

devices. Wetting defects such as topographic patterns and chemical patches of variable wettability give rise to pinning forces that

voltage (red line) and a finite voltage (black).

can capture and steer drops in certain directions. To study the physical principles controlling whether or not a wetting defect is strong enough to capture a passing drop we introduce wetting defects with an electrically tunable strength based on electrowetting. This flexible tool allows us to study the trapping process in detail. We find that drop trapping is not only controlled by the trapping strength (relative of the driving force), but also by the balance between inertia and viscous dissipation. A rather generic model identifies conditions of trapping in a multidimensional parameter space involving all relevant parameters and is validated for various driving forces (gravity, viscous oil drag, air drag) and defects (electrical, topographic, chemical), see figure 1. The concept of electrically tunable wetting defects can be readily implemented into microfluidic systems. We demonstrated that the approach can be used to sort drops, steer them in desired directions in a microfluidic channel and trap and release them on demand as illustrated in figure 2. This technology is currently being incorporated into a complex microfluidic device for the detection and analysis of circulating tumor cells in collaboration with Prof. L. Terstappen (MCBP – MIRA institute).

Figure 2: Electrostatic potential wells can also be used for precise control of individual drops in microfluidic channels, for on-demand drop trapping and release, guiding, and highspeed sorting [2].

Highlighted publications: [1] D.J.C.M. 't Mannetje, A.G. Banpurkar, H. Koppelman, M.H.G. Duits, D. Van Den Ende, F. Mugele, Electrically tunable wetting defects characterized by a simple capillary force sensor, Langmuir 29 (2013) 9944–9949. [2] R. de Ruiter, A.M. Pit, V. Martins de Oliveira, M.H.G. Duits, H.T.M. van den Ende, F. Mugele, Electrostatic potential wells for on-demand drop manipulation in microchannels, Lab on a Chip 15 (2014) 883-891. [3] D.J.C.M. ‘t Mannetje, S. Ghosh, R. Lagraauw, S. Otten,


A.M. Pit, C. Berendsen, J. Zeegers, H.T.M. van den Ende, F. Mugele, Trapping of drops by wetting defects, Nature Communications 5:3559, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4559 (2014).

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. Guido Mul

The Photocatalytic synthesis group develops materials, devices, and processes for light and/

“We strive to significantly

or electricity induced chemical conversion. We specialize among others in: i) in silico design

contribute to energy and

of innovative semiconductor compositions, ii) (hydrothermal) solution based synthesis of

environmental science

semiconductors contacting conductive surfaces, as well as their functionalization with (plasmonic)

and engineering, making

metal nanoparticles, iii) Transient (ATR) Infrared spectroscopy to study kinetically relevant steps in

use of the expertise and

photo- and/or electrocatalytic transformations, iv) high temperature, high pressure electrochemistry,

outstanding facilities of the

and v) development of dedicated reactors and devices connected to micro GC methodology to study

MESA+ institute to construct

photocatalytic activity. Fields of application we target are: i) solar energy storage by overall water

nanostructured catalysts

splitting (producing hydrogen and oxygen), ii) conversion of CO2 and H2O producing hydrocarbons, iii)

and devices.“

methane activation, and iv) purification or utilization of waste streams (contaminated air and water).

Photocatalytic Synthesis

Figure 1: Overview of the aimed device under construction to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. Yellow dots

Creation of Photoelectrochemically Effective Pt/WO3 Interfaces

represent WO 3 crystals, catalyzing water oxidation, and gray dots crystals of a hydrogen evolution catalyst such as Rh-doped SrTiO 3. Both catalytic materials need to be grown

Photocatalytic splitting of H2O into hydrogen and oxygen is an ideal reaction to store solar energy in the form of chemical energy.

on opposite sides of a thin film of electron conducting metal,

The PCS and NE groups of the institute have joined forces to develop a device (the ‘Hydrosolix’ concept) which would allow to store a

such as Pt.

significant amount of the UV/visible part of the solar spectrum in the form of hydrogen. This concept is based on the use of two light sensitive catalysts, one which is active in water oxidation and the other in the reduction of protons (Fig. 1). To sustain the activity of the device, electron transfer between the two catalysts is necessary, established by immobilizing these on opposite sides of an ultrathin metallic devider. In a recent publication we have focused on the immobilization of the water oxidation catalyst (WO3) on (patterned) Pt surfaces supported on Si, and evaluated its potential for water oxidation. WO3 growth is highly selective for Pt when present on silicon in a patterned arrangement (Fig. 2). Moreover, Pt/WO3 interfaces obtained by our synthesis method yield high photo-currents of 1.1 mA/cm2 in photoelectrochemical water splitting when illuminated by a solar simulator. The photo-currents are significantly higher than most previously reported values for hydrothermally grown layers on indium-tin oxide and fluorine-tin oxide glasses. The selective growth method thus provides new options to effectively implement WO3 in photoelectrochemical devices.

Figure 2: Illustration of the selective growth of WO 3 on Pt dots, as analyzed by SEM combined with elemental mapping by EDX. (a)SEM images of 50-μm-diameter Pt/WO 3 dots and (b) the corresponding EDX map of Si, Pt, W, and O. (c) SEM images of 10-μm-diameter Pt/WO 3 dots and (d) the corresponding EDX map of Si, Pt, W, and O.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M.G.C. Zoontjes, M. Huijben, J. Baltrusaitis, W.G. van der Wiel, G. Mul, Selective Hydrothermal Method To Create Patterned and Photoelectrochemically Effective Pt/WO3 Interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, volume 5(24) (2013) 13050-13054.


[highlights] The research field of the Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials (PIN) group involves controlled preparation and understanding of interfaces, low-dimensional (nano)structures and nanomaterials. We focus on systems that (1) rely on stateof-the art applications or (2) can potentially lead to future applications. Our

Prof. dr. ir. Harold J.W. Zandvliet

research interest is driven by the fact that on a nanometer length scale the

"The properties of electron systems

our research activities is to obtain control over the properties in such a way that

become increasingly exotic as one

we are able to tailor the properties for (device) applications, ranging from nano/

progresses from the three-dimensional

micro-electronics, nano-electromechanical systems and wettability to sustainable

case into lower dimensions."

energy related issues.

material properties depend on size, shape and dimensionality. A key challenge of

Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials Figure 1: Spatial variation of the differential conductivity (dI/dV) at the Fermi level for a Ir nanowire with a length of 4.8 nm (A) and 9.6 nm (B). r=0 refers to one of the ends of

Electronically stabilized nanowire growth

the nanowire. The solid line serves as a guide to the eye. Scanning tunneling microscopy images of the Ir nanowires

Metallic nanowires show unique physical properties owing to their one-dimensional nature. Many of these unique properties are

are shown at the top of both graphs.

intimately related to electron–electron interactions, which have a much more prominent role in one dimension than in two or three dimensions. We have directly visualization quantum size effects that are responsible for preferred lengths of self-assembled metallic iridium nanowires grown on a germanium (001) surface. The nanowire length distribution shows a strong preference for nanowire lengths that are an integer multiple of half of the Fermi wavelength (i.e. 4.8 nm). Spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopic measurements reveal the presence of electron standing waves patterns in the nanowires [1]. These standing waves are caused by conduction electrons, that is the electrons near the Fermi level, which are scattered at the ends of the nanowire.

The instability of silicene on Ag(111) Low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) has been used to directly visualize the formation and stability of silicene layers on a silver Figure 2: Series of LEEM images of the growth of silicene on

(Ag) (111) substrate [2]. Theoretical calculations call into question the stability of this graphene-like analog of silicon. We find that

Ag(111). (a) clean Ag(111) substrate (b) 0.5 monolayer silicene

silicene layers are intrinsically unstable against the formation of an “sp3-like" hybridized, bulk-like silicon structure. The irreversible

(c) 0.75 monolayer silicene (d) 0.9 monolayer of silicene (e) 1.0

formation of this bulk-like structure is triggered by thermal Si adatoms that are created by the silicene layer itself. To add injury to

monolayer of silicene and (f) 1.3 monolayer of silicene. Field

insult, this same instability prevents the formation of a fully closed silicene layer or a thicker bilayer, rendering the future large-scale

of view (a) 6.7 μm (b)-(f) 1.3 μm. Black/dark areas: silicene/

fabrication of silicene layers on Ag substrates unlikely.

silicon nanocrystals and bright areas: bare Ag(111). (e)-(f) the first layer of silicene is consumed by the second layer of silicon that is deposited. The black features in image (f) are sp 3 hybridized silicon nanocrystals.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] T.F. Mocking, P. Bampoulis, N. Oncel, B. Poelsema, H.J.W. Zandvliet, Electronically stabilized nanowire growth, Nature Communications


4 (2013) 2387. [2] A. Acun, B. Poelsema, H.J.W. Zandvliet, R. van Gastel, The instability of silicene on Ag(111), Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 263119.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. ir. Hajo Broersma

Using a top-down approach, ever tinier transistors have

"We are turning the world

quantities. This production method will face its limits soon,

upside down. Starting with

and we have to prepare ourselves for the future by looking

self-assembled nanosystems

at different concepts.

we try to evolve them

One alternative is a bottom-up method offered and inspired

into functional units. We

by nature itself. Within PNS we explore the theoretical and

already managed to do this

experimental possibilities of mimicking evolution in order to

successfully for universal

(re)configure the computational properties of different nano-

logic gates."

materials. First results look very promising.

been designed, built and integrated on chips in ever larger

Programmable NanoSystems Figure 1: The logo of the NASCENCE project (

NASCENCE In the FP7 project "NASCENCE: Nanoscale Engineering for Novel Computation using Evolution" that started on November 1, 2012, the aim is to model, understand and exploit the behaviour of evolving nanosystems (e.g. networks of nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes or films of graphene) with the long term goal to build information processing devices exploiting these architectures without reproducing individual components. With an interface to a conventional digital computer we will use computer controlled manipulation of physical systems to evolve them towards doing useful computation. See for more details on progress.

Figure 2: A sample with thin films of carbon nanotubes produced at Durham.

During the project our target is to lay the technological and theoretical foundations for this new kind of information processing technology, inspired by the success of natural evolution and the advancement of nanotechnology, and the expectation that we soon reach the limits of miniaturisation in digital circuitry (Moore's Law). The mathematical modelling of the configuration of networks of nanoscale particles combined with the embodied realisation of such systems through computer controlled stochastic search can strengthen the theoretical foundations of the field while keeping a strong focus on their potential application in future devices. Members of the consortium have already demonstrated proof of principle by the evolution of liquid crystal computational processors for simple tasks, but these earlier studies have only scraped the surface of what such systems may be capable of achieving. With this project we want to develop alternative approaches for situations or problems that are challenging or impossible to solve with conventional methods and models of computation. Achieving our objectives fully would provide not only a major disruptive technology for the electronics industry but probably the foundations of the next industrial revolution. Overall, we consider that this is to be a highly adventurous, high risk project with an enormous potential impact on society and the quality of life in general. Apart from the Programmable NanoSystems group, other UT groups involved are NanoElectronics, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, Formal Methods and Tools, and Computer Architectures for Embedded Systems. The other EU consortium

Figure 3: The experimental setup at York with the interface

partners involved in the NASCENCE project are located in Durham, Lugano, Trondheim and York.

hardware and the sample.


[highlights] Prof. dr. Detlef Lohse

The Physics of Fluids (PoF) group is studying various flow phenomenona,

“The physics of fluids

numerical techniques and we do both fundamental and applied research.

is very different on the

Our main research areas are n Turbulence and Two-Phase Flow n Granular

nano- and micro-scale

Flow n Biomedical Application of Bubbles n Micro- and Nanofluidics.

as compared to the

In the context of micro- and nanofluidics, present main subjects are surface

macro-scale and offers

nanobubbles, wetting and impact phenomena, chemical microreactors, and

various challenges of both

inkjet printing. We closely collaborate with various other Mesa+ groups, in

fundamental and applied

particular with the Zandvliet, Lefferts, Garderniers, Lammertink, Wessling,


and van der Berg groups.

both on a micro- and macro-scale. We use both experimental, theoretical, and

Physics of Fluids Stability of surface nanobubbles Surface nanobubbles are nanoscopic gaseous domains on immersed substrates which can survive for days. They were discovered about 15 years ago through atomic force microscopy (AFM). While in the early years it was speculated that they may be an artefact caused by the AFM, meanwhile their existence has been confirmed with various other methods. Their existence seems to be paradoxical, Figure 1: AFM image of surface nanobubbles, taken by

as a simple classical estimate suggests that they should dissolved in microseconds, due to the large Laplace pressure inside these

Xuehua Zhang.

nanoscopic objects. Yet, they are known to survive for days. Surface nanobubbles have attracted major attention from the scientific and even general media, as they are not only interesting from 4


3 2 1 0 0


a fundamental point of view, but as they have major application potential, e.g. in (photo)catalysis, in surface cleaning, in providing

x 10

4 x 10









10 00

3 1 10



enhanced slippage in nanochannels, and in flotation. We succeeded to develop a theoretical model for the exceptionally long lifetime of surface nanobubbles. The key ideas are that the limited gas diffusion through the water in the far field, the cooperative effect of nanobubble clusters, and the pinned contact line of the nanobubbles lead to the slow dissolution rate [see reference [1]].


Figure 2: Results of our theoretical model: (a) Snapshots of the concentration profile at 1 h intervals. Because the bubbles are pinned, the radius of the curvature increases as the bubble drains, lowering the concentration at the bubble side. (b) Evolution of the number N of molecules inside the nanobubble (black curve) and the radius of curvature of the liquid-gas interface R [red curve] as a function of time.

Why surface nanobubbles live for hours, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 054501; see also: Editor’s Suggestion of that issue, Physics Synopsis: Can’t burst this bubble, by Matteo Rini, 31.1.2013, RSC Chemistry World: Why don’t nano bubbles go pop?, by Philip Ball, 8.2.2013, Physics World: Hamish Johnston: Why tiny bubbles don’t burst, 20.2.2013 [2] S.G. Huisman, S. Scharnowski, C. Cierpka, C.J. Kaehler, D. Lohse, C. Sun,
 Logarithmic boundary layers in highly turbulent Taylor-Couette flow,
 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 264501 [5 pages]. [3] H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, A. Prosperetti, D. Lohse, Drop impact onto immiscible liquid,
 Phys. Rev.


Lett. 110 (2013) 264503 [5 pages]. [4] R. Lakkaraju, R.J.A.M. Stevens, P. Oresta, R. Verzicco, D. Lohse,A. Prosperetti, Heat transport in bubbling turbulent convection,
 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110, No. 23 (2013) 9237-9242.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Granular materials, like sand, flour or iron ore, are among the most frequent materials in nature and are the most processed substance in industry, second only to water. Their often-counterintuitive behavior however is distinctly

Prof. dr. Devaraj van der Meer

different from that of molecular matter and remains far from understood. The

"In nature, granular materials are

of experiments, analysis and numerical techniques to attain to a profound

seldomly found in isolation. The

understanding of the physics of granular flow. Special attention is given to

combination of grains and interstitial

unraveling the intricate role of the interstitial fluid, the gas or liquid that

fluid pose many fascinating questions

resides within the pores between the grains. The group is embedded into the

that remain largely unexplored."

Physics of Fluids group.

Physics of Granular Matter and Interstitial Fluids group employs a combination

Physics of Granular Matter and Interstitial Fluids Bubbles in a supersaturated liquid Carbonated beverages, such as soft drinks, beer or champagne are examples of supersaturated liquids. At the moment you open a bottle of champagne, for example, the pressure in the bottle drops and the liquid changes from saturated to supersaturated. The dissolved carbon dioxide gas escapes and forms bubbles that move to the surface. If you open the bottle carelessly then so many bubbles form that the champagne bursts out of the bottle. Supersaturated liquids occur in nature if a saturated liquid moves to a location with a lower pressure, for example magma that escapes during a volcanic eruption or crude oil during the exploitation of an oilfield. Crude oil is often located in porous rock or sand. Whether or not it is feasible to extract the crude oil from the ground partly depends on how bubble growth takes place in rock. We use a high-tech soda machine to study bubble growth under such conditions. In this machine we produce a saturated carbon dioxide solution at a pressure of ten bars and subsequently apply the solution to a silicon chip in which miniscule holes have been etched. These holes have been made water-repellent. Consequently, as soon as the pressure decreases bubbles will develop from inside these holes. With this setup we can study how bubbles in the vicinity of walls grow and how growing bubbles influence each other. We compare, for example, the growth rate of a bubble in three situations: Above the chip the bubble grows fastest, due to natural

Figure: [top] The setup with the mixing vessel in the background

convection caused by the depletion of CO2 in the liquid around the bubble. Below the chip, convection is partly hindered so the bubble

and the measuring vessel in the foreground. [center] A bubble that

grows less quickly. By letting the bubble grow between two different chips, the convection can be completely suppressed. In that

grows above the chip clearly grows faster due to convection than

case the bubble grows the slowest.

a bubble on the underside or between two chips. [bottom] Three

The behaviour of three bubbles in a row strongly depends on the distance between them. If this is small enough then two bubbles

bubbles in a row just before they merge. Their reflections in the

will merge, creating enough space for the third bubble to carry on growing. Conversely, bubbles at a larger distance from each other

chip as well as the water repelling holes from which the bubbles

have the tendency to synchronize their growth.

grow are also clearly visible.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] O.R. EnrĂ­quez, C. Sun, D. Lohse, A. Prosperetti, D. van der Meer, The quasi-static growth of a CO2 bubble, J. Fluid Mech. 741 (2014) R1. [2] O.R. EnrĂ­quez, C. Hummelink, G. Bruggert, D. Lohse, A. Prosperetti, D. van der Meer, C. Sun, Growing bubbles in a slightly supersaturated liquid solution, Rev. Sci. Instr. 84 (2013) 065111.


[highlights] Prof. dr. ir. Alexander Brinkman

The Quantum Transport in Matter group (QTM) is founded in 2011 by the appointment

“It is fascinating to exploit quantum

electronic transport effects of quantum phenomena in materials and electronic

interactions in order to engineer new

devices. The research in the group builds on recent nanotechnological and thin film

materials having quasiparticles with

technological developments within MESA+ and with advanced electronic transport

unprecedented properties such as

experiments a quantum mechanical dimension is given to the research.

of its chair prof. dr. ir. Alexander Brinkman. It is the aim of the group to explore the

non-Abelian statistics for topological computation or macroscopic quantum states for dissipationless transport.”

Figure 1: (a) When two bosons are interchanged the joint wave function for these particles stays unchanged. (b) For

Quantum Transport in Matter

two fermions, the wave function picks up a minus sign since fermions have anti-symmetric wave functions upon exchange of two particles. (c) When two anyons are interchanged the

Induced superconductivity in Bi based topological insulators

joint wave function picks up any phase 0    , depending on the system used. Hence the name anyons.

The fundamental difference between fermions and bosons underlies many physical phenomena. Surprisingly, in two-dimensional systems quasi-particles may exist that are neither fermions nor bosons. When these particles are interchanged, their joint quantum mechanical wave function is predicted to pick up any phase in between 0 (as for bosons) and π (as for fermions), hence the name

anyons, see figure 1. Even more intriguing is the class of non-Abelian anyons where interchange of particles completely changes the ground state of the system, see figure 2. At the interface between a topological insulator material and a superconductor [1] quasiparticles are predicted with special ‘non-Abelian’ properties. Topological insulators and superconductors are two very special electronic materials. Topological insulators are electrical insulators in the bulk but conduct at the surface. The surfaces conduction has the special property that the spin of the electrons is coupled to the direction in which they move. A superconductor conducts electricity without resistance. The Quantum Transport in Matter group is at the forefront of experimental developments in the field of induced superconductivity in Bi based three-dimensional topological materials. The current state of the art is summarized in our 2013 review [2]. In 2013 the Overijssel PhD award was given to Menno Veldhorst for his achievements in this field and an ERC consolidator grant was given to Figure 2: Operator U1 interchanges anyon particles 1 and 2

Alexander Brinkman in order to continue to explore the intriguing properties of non-Abelian anyons. These properties underlay new

whereas U2 interchanges particles 2 and 3. When the order

concepts of topological quantum computation.

of interchanging provides different final states, then the anyon exchange is non-Abelian. The implication is that the wave function cannot any longer be described by a phase change but the state has changed completely. Ground state manipulation by interchanging particles is called topological quantum computation.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] M. Snelder, M. Veldhorst, A.A. Golubov, A. Brinkman, Andreev bound states and current-phase periodicity in three-dimensional topological insulators, Phys. Rev. B 87 (2013) 104507. [2] M. Veldhorst, M. Snelder, M. Hoek, C.G. Molenaar, D.P. Leusink, A.A. Golubov, H. Hilgenkamp, A. Brinkman,


Magnetotransport and induced superconductivity in Bi based three-dimensional topological insulators, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 7 (2013) 26.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The group of Semiconductor Components (SC) deals with silicon-based technology and integrated-circuit devices, in other words: the making of a microchip. The Nanolab provides an excellent facility to experiment with new materials and concepts for transistors, diodes and metallization; a close cooperation with semi足

Prof. dr. Jurriaan Schmitz

conductor industry paves the way to application. With a focus on new materials for

"Miniaturization of transistors is

integrated circuits, we study a variety of devices,spanning from steep-subthreshold

reaching an end point; we therefore

switches and RF MEMS switches to GaN and silicon power transistors.

study new ways to improve the transistor performance for the advancement of integrated electronics."

Semiconductor Components Growing thin films with atomary precision at low temperatures Atomic Layer Deposition has rapidly become the industry standard for thin film depositions, especially when thickness control and conformal deposition are important. In a modern integrated circuit, several critical layers are formed with this technique, including the gate insulator, gate metal and copper barrier layers. Lower deposition temperatures are pursued in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), as well as process recipes for a wider range

Figure 1: Technical drawing of a part of the home-built ALD

of materials than currently available. In our group we contribute to this research with home-built ALD equipment as well as a

system, featuring the hot wire on the left, and the wafer

versatile commercial single-wafer ALD system, commissioned in early 2013.

position (dark blue) to the right.

In the home-built system we can freely experiment with new ideas. One is to employ a hot filament, or hot wire, to crack gaseous molecules. The reaction products of this cracking are then transported to the sample surface, and due to their intrinsic reactivity, can bind with the sample at relatively low temperature. The method can be compared to plasma-enhanced ALD, but has particular advantages over this existing method, such as a reduced directionality and better control over the formation of radicals. This technique has been patented together with ASM and applied in atomic-hydrogen ALD, with envisaged applications in metal and metal-nitride deposition.

Figure 2: Photograph of the hot-wire extension before mounting on the ALD system.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONs: [1] H. Van Bui, A.Y. Kovalgin, A.A.I. Aarnink, R.A.M. Wolters, Hot-Wire Generated Atomic Hydrogen and its Impact on Thermal ALD in TiCl4/NH3 System, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. Vol. 2, Issue 4 (2013) 149-155. [2] A.Y. Kovalgin, A.A.I. Aarnink, Semiconductor processing apparatus with compact free radical source, US patent application 2013/0337653 (19 Dec. 2013).


[highlights] The Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces group (SFI) is addressing soft matter science utilizing fluidics and interfaces. Careful interfacial design and fabrication will allow manipulating transport on a (sub)

Prof. dr. ir. Rob G.H. Lammertink

micrometer level. The microscale level is crucial as it contains the boundary layers for transport.

“Many transport phenomena are very rich at the microscale, offering great opportunities to exploit them.�

Soft matter, Fluidics and Interfaces Bubbles and interfacial transport A classical soft interface is found when gas bubbles are contacted with liquids by means of a stabilizing porous membrane (Fig. 1). Many processes make use of such gas-liquid contacting, including oxygenation of blood and carbonation of soft drinks. At the microscale, the interface between a gas bubble and liquid presents some interesting characteristics. The low viscosity of the gas Figure 1: Illustration of the gas-liquid contacting interface,

compared to the liquid results in a practically shear free interface, that allows the liquid to slip along the gas-liquid interface. The

represented by a bubble array. The bubbles influence the

exact shape, defined by size and curvature of the bubble interface, controls the near interface fluid dynamics significantly. Depending

near interface dynamics and hence the mass transport for

on the protrusion angle of the bubble, i.e. the extent to which the bubble is pushed into the liquid phase, the interface can provide

gas dissolution.

reduced or increased friction towards the liquid flow. The occurrence of local slip at a gas-liquid bubble interface affects the fluid dynamics near this interface. As such, also the mass transport is influenced. Classical transport descriptions normally assume homogeneous interfacial characteristics in terms of fluid flow. At the microscale, the interface is actually far from homogeneous. Depending on the bubble size and protrusion, gas uptake can be accelerated or decelerated (Fig. 2). The microscopic investigation therefore provides relevant control parameters that also affect large-scale processes. A further detailed experimental study showed that the equilibrium conditions regarding the interfacial concentration of gas may not be met when liquid flows along an array of small gas bubbles. In situ measurements gave insight in the local gas concentration near such a gas-liquid interface. The detailed understanding of transport phenomena at this microscale indicates the opportunity one has to exploit this.

Figure 2: Mass uptake enhancement as a function of bubble size and protrusion angle.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: E. Karatay, A.S. Haase, C.W. Visser, C. Sun, D. Lohse, P.A. Tsai, R.G.H. Lammertink, Control of slippage with tunable bubble mattresses, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (21) (2013) 8422-8426. [2] A.S. Haase, E. Karatay, P.A. Tsai, P. A., R.G.H. Lammertink, Momentum and mass transport over a bubble mattress: The influence of interface geometry, Soft Matter 9 (37) (2013) 8949-8957. [3] E. Karatay, P.A. Tsai, R.G.H. Lammertink, Rate of gas absorption on a


slippery bubble mattress, Soft Matter 9 (46) (2013) 11098.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The department Science, Technology and Policy Studies (ST PS) investigates the dynamics and governance of science, technology and innovation from an

Prof. dr. Stefan Kuhlmann

interdisciplinary social science perspective. Our research covers ongoing dynamics,

“For nanotechnologies to move out of

historical developments and future-oriented studies. Studying such dynamics is

the laboratories, they have to become

a goal in itself, but also an important prerequisite for policy recommendations and

embedded into society -in business,

exploring strategic implications for innovation actors. In the area of nanotechnologies,

consumer and policy contexts. We

we investigate current innovation dynamics in various domains, such as graphene,

follow processes of embedding and

sensors for food and water applications. We study practices and conditions of

anticipate on possible (responsible)

responsible innovation, the role of promises and concerns, sectoral implications and

ways of embedding.”

collaboration in science.

Science, Technology and Policy Studies

Figure 1: Position of nano-enabled drug delivery systems on the Hype Cycle. Source: Te Kulve & Rip (2013)

Economic and societal implications of nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery systems Nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery systems (NDDS) are expected to have significant impact for health care, but what the exact impact will be is yet unclear. High expectations fuel investments in R&D, but their indeterminate character may, and occasionally does, make actors such as pharmaceutical companies reluctant to be the first to innovate in a domain where performance and user requirements are unclear. Disappointment may set in when expectations do not materialize. This is not unique for NDDS. There actually is a recurring pattern, a hype-disappointment cycle. This pattern was originally introduced by Gartner Inc. as a tool to locate different technologies and for advising strategies, and is applied in our paper to NDDS. Examining future implications of emerging drug delivery systems clearly is important. However, this will often be speculative as there are few products on the market yet. Our review shows that actors’ assessments of the current and future economic and societal value of NDDS are still inconclusive, but there is preliminary sorting of which drug delivery systems have a higher chance to be introduced in the clinic. There is little attention to issues of reliability and liability, and to patient perspectives toward the use of NDDS. Some actors are concerned about economic and societal implications and want to do better through initiatives promoting translational research, or ‘bench to bedside’ research. To turn promising nanotechnology-enabled delivery systems into products, more work needs to be done. We suggest that further development of NDDS should be done in interaction with users and with stakeholders such as health insurers and regulatory agencies. We recommend that these activities should be augmented with analysis of societal embedding, including scenario analysis of which a first example is offered in the paper. This allows for including societal and economic considerations at an early stage of technology development.

Figure 2: Nanolipogel administering immunotherapy cargo. Credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science Foundation

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: Te Kulve, H. & A. Rip, Economic and societal dimensions of nanotechnology-enabled drug delivery. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 10 (5) (2013) 611-622.


[highlights] At Transducers Science and Technology we specialize in MEMS/NEMS devices


and systems. We invent fabrication processes and acquire fundamental

Prof. dr. ir. Gijs Krijnen

understanding of the underlying device physics. We demonstrate the techniques

“The fabrication of complex 3D micro-

on various devices and develop the science of working principles and design,

and nano-systems is a main challenge

with the aim to ultimately transfer this knowledge to industry. We use traditional

for the near future. Combinations of

and bio-inspired transduction principles and exploit nonlinear, parametric and

various techniques, e.g. self-assembly,

stochastic effects. We consider systems aspects and implement these where

photo-lithography based technologies

essential to show proof of principle of the devices.

and 3D printing, may form potential solutions to this challenge.”


Transducers Science and Technology (C)

Uncovering signals from measurement noise by Electro Mechanical Amplitude Modulation (EMAM) Figure 1: (A) Biomimetic hair-based flow-sensor.

We presented an electromechanical parametric scheme to improve the low-frequency signal-to-noise ratio of sensors based on energy

(B) para­metric electrostatic spring softening scheme applied

buffering type transduction. The method is based on periodic modulation of the mechanical stiffness in the sensory system, which

to obtain EMAM with frequency up-conversion (C).

produces up-converted replicas of the signals of interest at frequencies where measurement is less troubled by noise or other detrimental effects. This principle was demonstrated by means of capacitive biomimetic hair flow sensors, where the rotational spring stiffness was modulated by periodic electrostatic spring softening, producing replicas of the original signal around the modulation frequency. Using this replica 25-fold improvement of the low-frequency signal-to-noise ratio and sensing threshold were obtained. Also for transient measurements it was demonstrated that tiny signals, which are below the noise-levels in the base-band, are revealed well when up-converted to higher frequencies. The parametric scheme was theoretically supported by a model based on the Harmonic Balancing Method, producing accurate results, even for large pump-powers and gains.

Figure 2: Experimental observation of the advantage of EMAM for low-frequency flow measurements. The actual signal (redline, reconstructed from EMAM signal) is well below the noise floor of the measurement setup. Application of EMAM with a pump frequency of 400 Hz, leads to an up-converted spectrum around 800Hz. At these frequencies the signal to noise ratio is large enough for the transient air-flow to be clearly detected.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] H. Droogendijk, R.G.P. Sanders, G.J.M. Krijnen, Uncovering signals from measurement noise by electro mechanical amplitude modulation, New journal of physics, 15 (2013) 053029. ISSN 1367-2630. ( [2] N. Burouni, J.W. Berenschot, M.C. Elwenspoek, E. Sarajlic, P.J. Leussink, N.R. Tas, Wafer-scale fabrication of nanoapertures using corner lithography, Nanotechnology, 24 (2013) 285303. ISSN 0957-4484. ( [3] B.F. Porter, L. Abelmann, H. Bhaskaran, Design parameters for voltage-


controllable directed assembly of single nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 24 (2013) 405304. ISSN 0957-4484. (

MESA+ Annual Report 2013


MESA+ Scientific Publications 2013 PHD THESES

Driessen, T.W. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, December 20). Drop formation from axisymmetric fluid jets. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse, Federico Toschi

Acar, H. (Optical Sciences (OS)) (2013, April 25). Fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures with

& ir. R.J.M. Jeurissen.

electron beam induced deposition. University of Twente. Prom.: prof dr. L. Kuipers. Gelderblom, H. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, April 19). Fluid flow in drying drops. University Akbulut, D. (Complex Photonic Systems (CoPS)) (2013, September 05). Measurements of strong

of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse & J.H. Snoeijer.

correlations in the transport of light through strongly scattering materials. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. A.P. Mosk & prof.dr. W.L. Vos.

Gonzalez Briones, J.S.L. (Multiscale Mechanics (MSM)) (2013, April 19). An investigation into clustering and segregation in granular materials. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.

Aulbach, J. (Complex Photonic Systems (CoPS)) (2013, September 20). Spatiotemporal control

dr. S. Luding & dr. A.R. Thornton.

of light in turbid media. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. A. Lagendijk & A. Tourin. Groot, G.W. de (Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (MTP)) (2013, December 12). Bokdam, M. (Computational Materials Science (CMS)) (2013, November 15). Charge transfer

Smart polymer brushes in nanopores: towards controlled molecular transport through pore-

and redistribution at interfaces between metals and 2D materials. University of Twente. Prom./

spanning biomembranes. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. G. Julius Vancso & dr.

coprom.: prof.dr. P.J. Kelly & dr. G. Brocks.

M. Santonicola.

Bosgra, J. (Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO)) (2013, July 04). Interlayer thermo­

Hartkamp, R.M. (Multiscale Mechanics (MSM)) (2013, May 15). A molecular dynamics study of

dynamics in nanoscale layered structures for reflection of EUV radiation. University of

non-Newtonian flows of simple fluids in confined and unconfined geometries. University of

Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. F. Bijkerk & A. Yakshin.

Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. S. Luding & B.D. Todd.

Brasch, M. (Biomolecular Nanotechnology (BNT)) (2013, August 30). Confining functional

Hemert, T. van (Semiconductor Components (SC)) (2013, December 6). Tailoring Strain in

materials in protein-based assemblies. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. J.J.L.M.

Microelectronic Devices. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. J. Schmitz & R.

Cornelissen & dr. M.S.T. Koay.


Bruyne, S. de (Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS)) (2013, October 25). Design and

Homan, T.A.M. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, September 25). Fine sand in motion: the

characterization of microfabricated on-chip HPLC columns. University of Twente. Prom./

influence of interstitial air. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. R.M. van der Meer

coprom.: prof.dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers & G. Desmet.

& prof.dr. D. Lohse.

Cabanas DanĂŠs, J. (Molecular Nanofabrication (MNF)) (2013, January 31). Reversibly tethering

Huisman, S.R. (Optical Sciences (OS) + Complex Photonic Systems (CoPS)) (2013, September

growth factors to surfaces: guiding cell function at the cell-material interface. University of

11). Light control with ordered and disordered nanophotonic media. University of Twente.

Twente. Prom./coprom.: J. Huskens & P. Jonkheijm.

Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. J.L. Herek, prof.dr. W.L. Vos & dr. P.W.H. Pinkse.

Colak, A. (Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials (PIN)) (2013, June 28). Measuring adhesion

Kaleli, B. (Semiconductor Components (SC) (2013, November 20). Characterization of strained

forces between hydrophilic surfaces with atomic force microscopy using flat tips. University

silicon FinFETs and the integration of a piezoelectric layer. University of Twente. Prom./

of Twente. Prom./coprom.: B. Poelsema, H.J.W. Zandvliet & H.

coprom.: R.A.M. Wolters & R. Hueting.

Wormeester. Karatay, E. (Soft Matter, Fluidics and Interfaces (SFI)) (2013, September 27). Microfluidic studies


De, A. (BIOS Lab-on-a-chip (BIOS)) (2013, August 30). Electronic DNA detection and diagnostics.

of interfacial transport. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: R.G.H. Lammertink &

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: A. van den Berg & dr. E. Carlen.

dr. P.A. Tsai.

[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] Kattan Readi, O.M. (Membrane Science and Technology (MST)) (2013, March 22). Membranes

Nicosia, C. (Molecular Nanofabrication (MNF)) (2013, September 19). Reactive monolayers

in the biobased economy : electrodialysis of amino acids for the production of biochemicals.

for surface gradients and biomolecular patterned interfaces. University of Twente. Prom./

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: D.C. Nijmeijer.

coprom.: J. Huskens.

Kemna, E.W.M. (BIOS Lab-on-a-chip (BIOS)) (2013, November 15). Electrofusion of cells on chip.

Nikishkin, N. (Molecular Nanofabrication (MNF)) (2013, Januari 24). Functionalized pyrazines

From a static, parallel approach to a high-throughput, serial, microdroplet platform. University

as ligands for minor actinide extraction and catalysis. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.:

of Twente. Prom.: A. van den Berg. J. Huskens & dr. W. Verboom.

Kumar, A. (Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials (PIN)) (2013, September 26). The art

Oldenbeuving, R.M. (Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO)) (2013, February 01). Spectral

of catching and probing single molecules. University of Twente. Prom.: H.J.W.

control of diode lasers using external waveguide circuits. University of Twente. Prom./


coprom.: prof.dr. K.J. Boller & H.L. Offerhaus.

Kuznetsov, A.S. (Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO)) (2013, October 18). Hydrogen

Pinheiro de Melo, A.F. (Inorganic Membranes (IM)) (2013, March 15). Development and

particle and plasma interactions with heterogeneous structures. University of Twente. Prom.:

Characterization of Polymer-grafted Ceramic Membranes for Solvent Nanofiltration.

prof.dr. F. Bijkerk.

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: A. Nijmeijer & prof.dr. A.J.A. Winnubst.

Lakkaraju, R. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, January 11). Boiling turbulent Rayleigh-

Ploegmakers, Jeroen (Membrane Science and Technology (MST)) (2013, December 13).

BĂŠnard convection. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse & prof.dr. A.

Mem­branes for ethylene/ethane separation. University of Twente. Prom.: D.C.



Makhotkin, I.A. (Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO)) (2013, October 31). Structural

Rangarajan, B. (Semiconductor Components (SC)) (2013, November 8). Materials for monolithic

and reflective characteristics of multilayers for 6.x nm wavelength. University of Twente.

integration of optical functions on CMOS. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. J.

Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. F. Bijkerk & dr. E. Louis.

Schmitz & dr. A.Y. Kovalgin.

Mannetje, D.J.C.M. 't (Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF)) (2013, September 05). Drops, contact

Rurup, W.F. (Biomolecular Nanotechnology (BNT)) (2013, September 20). Controlling

lines, and electrowetting. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. F. Mugele & dr. H.T.M.

the loading of protein nanocages. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. J.J.L.M.

van den Ende.

Cornelissen & dr. M.S.T. Koay.

Meer, R. van der (Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics (LPNO)) (2013, March 22). Single-order

Stricker, L. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, January 16). Acoustic cavitation and sonochemistry.

lamellar multilayer gratings. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. F. Bijkerk & prof.

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse & prof.dr. A. Prosperetti.

dr. K.J. Boller. Sukas, S. (Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS)) (2013, February 15). Microchip capillary Megen, M.J.J. van (Biomedical and Environmental Sensorssystems (BIOS)) (2013, July 12).

electrochromatography with pillar columns. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr.

Redox cycling at nanospaced electrodes. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: A.

J.G.E. Gardeniers.

van den Berg & W. Olthuis. Syed Nawazuddin, M.B. (Transducer Systems Technology (TST)) (2013, November 22). Mocking, T.F. (Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials (PIN)) (2013, September 19). Properties

Micromachined parallel plate structures for Casimir force measurement and optical

of 1D metal-induced structures on semiconductor surfaces. University of Twente. Prom.: prof.

modulation. University of Twente. Prom.: prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek. H.J.W. Zandvliet. Tijs, E.H.G. (Transducers Science and Technology (TST) (2013, April 19). Study and development Nagendra Prakash, V. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, September 26). Light particles in

of an in situ acoustic absorption measurement method. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.:

turbulence. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse & dr. C. Sun. G.J.M. Krijnen & prof W.F. Druyvesteyn.


[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] Tran, T.L.A. (NanoElectronics (NE)) (2013, December 4). Spintronics using C60 fullerenes:

A. Brinkman, OXIDE INTERFACES Streaks of conduction, Nature Materials 12, 1085-1086

Interfaces and devices. University of Twente. Prom.: W.G. van der Wiel.


Van Hao, B. (Semiconductor Components (SC)) (2013, January 16). Atomic layer deposition of

S. Qu, E.P. Kolodziej, S.A. Long, J.B. Gloer, E.V. Patterson, J. Baltrusaitis, G.D. Jones, P.V.

TiN films : growth and electrical behavior down to sub-nanometer scale. University of Twente.

Benchetler, E.A. Cole, K.C. Kimbrough, M.D. Tarnoff and D.M. Cwiertny, Product-to-Parent

Prom./coprom.: R.A.M. Wolters & dr. A.Y. Kovalgin.

Reversion of Trenbolone: Unrecognized Risks for Endocrine Disruption, Science 342, 347351 (2013).

Vlieger, D.J.M. de (Catalytic Processes and Materials (CPM)) (2013, February 08). Design of efficient catalysts for gasification of biomass-derived waste streams in hot compressed water.

R.N. Mahato, H. Lulf, M.H. Siekman, S.P. Kersten, P.A. Bobbert, M.P. de Jong, L. DeCola and W.G.

Towards industrial applicability. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. K. Seshan & prof.

van der Wiel, Ultrahigh Magnetoresistance at Room Temperature in Molecular Wires, Science L. Lefferts.

341, 257-260 (2013).

Vries, J. de (Transducers Science and Technology (TST)) (2013, October 10). Titel ontbreekt nog.

S.G. Lemay, S. Kang, K. Mathwig and P.S. Singh, Single-Molecule Electrochemistry: Present

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: dr. L. Abelmann.

Status and Outlook, Accounts Of Chemical Research 46, 369-377 (2013).

Wan, X. (Inorganic Materials Science (IMS)) (2013, May 17). Tailored piezoelectric thin films for

M. Huijben, P. Yu, L.W. Martin, H.J.A. Molegraaf, Y.H. Chu, M.B. Holcomb, N. Balke, G. Rijnders

energy harvester. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: A.J.H.M. Rijnders & G.

and R. Ramesh, Ultrathin Limit of Exchange Bias Coupling at Oxide Multiferroic/Ferromagnetic


Interfaces, Advanced Materials 25, 4739-4745 (2013).

Weijs, J.H. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, September 25). Nanobubbles and nanodrops.

S.H. Hsu, M.D. Yilmaz, D.N. Reinhoudt, A.H. Velders and J. Huskens, Nonlinear Amplification

University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. D. Lohse & J.H. Snoeijer.

of a Supramolecular Complex at a Multivalent Interface, Angewandte Chemie-international Edition 52, 714-719 (2013).

Winkels, K.G. (Physics of Fluids (POF)) (2013, February 14). Fast contact line motion: fundamentals and applications. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: Prof.dr. D. Lohse & ir. J.H. Snoeijer.

J.H. Snoeijer, B. Andreotti, S.H. Davis and P. Moin, Moving Contact Lines: Scales, Regimes, and Dynamical Transitions, Annual Review Of Fluid Mechanics 45, 269-292 (2013).

Xie, Y. (BIOS Lab-on-a-chip (BIOS)) (2013, September 26). Microfluidic energy conversion by application of two phase flow. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: A. van den Berg

S. Kang, A. Nieuwenhuis, K. Mathwig, D. Mampallil and S.G. Lemay, Electrochemical Single-

& prof.dr. J.C.T. Eijkel.

Molecule Detection in Aqueous Solution Using Self-Aligned Nanogap Transducers, Acs Nano 7, 10931-10937 (2013).

Yagubizade, H. (Transducer Science and Technology (TST)) (2013, December 13). PZT-onsilicon RF-mems lamb wave resonators and filters. University of Twente. Prom.: prof.dr. M.C.

S. Mathew, A. Annadi, T.K. Chan, T.C. Asmara, D. Zhan, X.R. Wang, S. Azimi, Z.X. Shen, A.


Rusydi, Ariando, M.B.H. Breese and T. Venkatesan, Tuning the Interface Conductivity of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Using Ion Beams: Implications for Patterning, Acs Nano 7, 10572-10581 (2013).

Yuce, E. (Complex Photonic Systems (CoPS)) (2013, September 04). Ultimate-fast all-optical switching of a microcavity. University of Twente. Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. W.L. Vos & dr. G. Ctistis.

L.L.T. Ngoc, M.L. Jin, J. Wiedemair, A. van den Berg and E.T. Carlen, Large Area Metal Nanowire Arrays with Tunable Sub-20 nm Nanogaps, Acs Nano 7, 5223-5234 (2013).



X.X. Duan, N.K. Rajan, D.A. Routenberg, J. Huskens and M.A. Reed, Regenerative Electronic Biosensors Using Supramolecular Approaches, Acs Nano 7, 4014-4021 (2013).

F.A. Zwanenburg, A.S. Dzurak, A. Morello, M.Y. Simmons, L.C.L. Hollenberg, G. Klimeck, S. Rogge,

E.V. Kondratenko, G. Mul, J. Baltrusaitis, G.O. Larrazabal and J. Perez-Ramirez, Status and

S.N. Coppersmith and M.A. Eriksson, Silicon quantum electronics, Reviews Of Modern Physics

perspectives of CO2 conversion into fuels and chemicals by catalytic, photocatalytic and

85, 961-1019 (2013).

electrocatalytic processes, Energy & Environmental Science 6, 3112-3135 (2013).

[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] E. Katelhon, K.J. Krause, P.S. Singh, S.G. Lemay and B. Wolfrum, Noise Characteristics of

S.O. Krabbenborg, J.G.E. Wilbers, J. Huskens and W.G. van der Wiel, Symmetric Large-Area

Nanoscaled Redox-Cycling Sensors: Investigations Based on Random Walks, Journal Of The

Metal-Molecular Monolayer-Metal Junctions by Wedging Transfer, Advanced Functional

American Chemical Society 135, 8874-8881 (2013).

Materials 23, 770-776 (2013).

M.M.J. Smulders, S. Zarra and J.R. Nitschke, Quantitative Understanding of Guest Binding Enables

R. Lakkaraju, R.J.A.M. Stevens, P. Oresta, R. Verzicco, D. Lohse and A. Prosperetti, Heat

the Design of Complex Host-Guest Behavior, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 135,

transport in bubbling turbulent convection, Proceedings Of The National Academy Of

7039-7046 (2013).

Sciences Of The United States Of America 110, 9237-9242 (2013).

D. Wasserberg, C. Nicosia, E.E. Tromp, V. Subramaniam, J. Huskens and P. Jonkheijm, Oriented

E. Karatay, A.S. Haase, C.W. Visser, C. Sun, D. Lohse, P.A. Tsai and R.G.H. Lammertink, Control

Protein Immobilization using Covalent and Noncovalent Chemistry on a Thiol-Reactive Self-

of slippage with tunable bubble mattresses, Proceedings Of The National Academy Of

Reporting Surface, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 135, 3104-3111 (2013).

Sciences Of The United States Of America 110, 8422-8426 (2013).

T.F. Mocking, P. Bampoulis, N. Oncel, B. Poelsema and H.J.W. Zandvliet, Electronically stabilized

E. Westein, A.D. van der Meer, M.J.E. Kuijpers, J.P. Frimat, A. van den Berg and J.W.M.

nanowire growth, Nature Communications 4, 2387- (2013).

Heemskerk, Atherosclerotic geometries exacerbate pathological thrombus formation poststenosis in a von Willebrand factor-dependent manner, Proceedings Of The National

A. Annadi, Q. Zhang, X.R. Wang, N. Tuzla, K. Gopinadhan, W.M. Lu, A.R. Barman, Z.Q. Liu, A.

Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 110, 1357-1362 (2013).

Srivastava, S. Saha, Y.L. Zhao, S.W. Zeng, S. Dhar, E. Olsson, B. Gu, S. Yunoki, S. Maekawa, H. Hilgenkamp, T. Venkatesan and Ariando, Anisotropic two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/

M. Arjaans, T.H.O. Munnink, S.F. Oosting, A.G.T.T. van Scheltinga, J.A. Gietema, E.T. Garbacik,

SrTiO3 (110) interface, Nature Communications 4, 1838- (2013).

H. Timmer-Bosscha, M.N. Lub-deHooge, C.P. Schroder and E.G.E. de Vries, BevacizumabInduced Normalization of Blood Vessels in Tumors Hampers Antibody Uptake, Cancer

S.O. Krabbenborg, C. Nicosia, P.K. Chen and J. Huskens, Reactivity mapping with electrochemical

Research 73, 3347-3355 (2013).

gradients for monitoring reactivity at surfaces in space and time, Nature Communications 4, 1667- (2013).

J.K. Clegg, J. Cremers, A.J. Hogben, B. Breiner, M.M.J. Smulders, J.D. Thoburn and J.R. Nitschke, A stimuli responsive system of self-assembled anion-binding Fe 4L68+ cages, Chemical Science

K. van den Dries, M.B.M. Meddens, S. de Keijzer, S. Shekhar, V. Subramaniam, C.G. Figdor

4, 68-76 (2013).

and A. Cambi, Interplay between myosin IIA-mediated contractility and actin network integrity orchestrates podosome composition and oscillations, Nature Communications 4,

E.H. Bernhardi, K.O. van der Werf, A.J.F. Hollink, K. Worhoff, R.M. de Ridder, V. Subramaniam

1412- (2013).

and M. Pollnau, Intra-laser-cavity microparticle sensing with a dual-wavelength distributedfeedback laser, Laser & Photonics Reviews 7, 589-595 (2013).

M. Huijben, G. Koster, M.K. Kruize, S. Wenderich, J. Verbeeck, S. Bals, E. Slooten, B. Shi, H.J.A. Molegraaf, J.E. Kleibeuker, S. van Aert, J.B. Goedkoop, A. Brinkman, D.H.A. Blank,

L. Gerhard, R.J.H. Wesselink, S. Ostanin, A. Ernst and W. Wulfhekel, Dynamics of Electrically

M.S. Golden, G. van Tendeloo, H. Hilgenkamp and G. Rijnders, Defect Engineering in Oxide

Driven Martensitic Phase Transitions in Fe Nanoislands, Physical Review Letters 111, 167601

Heterostructures by Enhanced Oxygen Surface Exchange, Advanced Functional Materials


23, 5240-5248 (2013). A. Eddi, K.G. Winkels and J.H. Snoeijer, Influence of Droplet Geometry on the Coalescence of P.K.J. Wong, E. van Geijn, W. Zhang, A.A. Starikov, T.L.A. Tran, J.G.M. Sanderink, M.H. Siekman,

Low Viscosity Drops, Physical Review Letters 111, 144502- (2013).

G. Brocks, P.J. Kelly, W.G. van der Wiel and M.P. de Jong, Crystalline CoFeB/Graphite Interfaces for Carbon Spintronics Fabricated by Solid Phase Epitaxy, Advanced Functional Materials 23,

M. Eschrig, A.A. Golubov, I.I. Mazin, B. Nadgorny, Y. Tanaka, O.T. Valls and I. Zutic, Comment

4933-4940 (2013).

on "Unified Formalism of Andreev Reflection at a Ferromagnet/Superconductor Interface", Physical Review Letters 111, 139703 (2013).

P.J. Glazer, J. Leuven, H. An, S.G. Lemay and E. Mendes, Multi-Stimuli Responsive Hydrogel Cilia, Advanced Functional Materials 23, 2964-2970 (2013).


[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] D. Samal, H.Y. Tan, H. Molegraaf, B. Kuiper, W. Siemons, S. Bals, J. Verbeeck, G. Van Tendeloo,

S. Agarwal, L. Lefferts, B.L. Mojet, D.A.J.M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, D.R.G. Mitchell, W.J.

Y. Takamura, E. Arenholz, C.A. Jenkins, G. Rijnders and G. Koster, Experimental Evidence

Erasmus, B.G. Anderson, E.J. Olivier, J.H. Neethling and A.K. Datye, Exposed Surfaces on

for Oxygen Sublattice Control in Polar Infinite Layer SrCuO2, Physical Review Letters 111,

Shape-Controlled Ceria Nanoparticles Revealed through AC-TEM and Water-Gas Shift

96102 (2013).

Reactivity, Chemsuschem 6, 1898-1906 (2013).

C.R.K. Windows-Yule, N. Rivas and D.J. Parker, Thermal Convection and Temperature

T.M.C. Hoang, L. Lefferts and K. Seshan, Valorization of Humin-Based Byproducts from

Inhomogeneity in a Vibrofluidized Granular Bed: The Influence of Sidewall Dissipation,

Biomass Processing-A Route to Sustainable Hydrogen, Chemsuschem 6, 1651-1658 (2013).

Physical Review Letters 111, 38001 (2013). K. Koichumanova, A.K.K. Vikla, D.J.M. de Vlieger, K. Seshan, B.L. Mojet and L. Lefferts, H. Lhuissier, C. Sun, A. Prosperetti and D. Lohse, Drop Fragmentation at Impact onto a Bath

Towards Stable Catalysts for Aqueous Phase Conversion of Ethylene Glycol for Renewable

of an Immiscible Liquid, Physical Review Letters 110, 264503 (2013).

Hydrogen, Chemsuschem 6, 1717-1723 (2013).

B. Gjonaj, J. Aulbach, P.M. Johnson, A.P. Mosk, L. Kuipers and A. Lagendijk, Focusing and

S.J. Asshoff, S. Iamsaard, A. Bosco, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, B.L. Feringa and N. Katsonis, Time-

Scanning Microscopy with Propagating Surface Plasmons, Physical Review Letters 110,

programmed helix inversion in phototunable liquid crystals, Chemical Communications 49,

266804 (2013).

4256-4258 (2013).

D. Schwarz, R. van Gastel, H.J.W. Zandvliet and B. Poelsema, Growth Anomalies in

P. Neirynck, J. Brinkmann, Q. An, D.W.J. van der Schaft, L.G. Milroy, P. Jonkheijm and L.

Supramolecular Networks: 4,4 '-Biphenyldicarboxylic Acid on Cu(001), Physical Review

Brunsveld, Supramolecular control of cell adhesion via ferrocene-cucurbit[7]uril host-guest

Letters 110, 76101 (2013).

binding on gold surfaces, Chemical Communications 49, 3679-3681 (2013).

J.H. Weijs and D. Lohse, Why Surface Nanobubbles Live for Hours, Physical Review Letters

G. Signore, G. Abbandonato, B. Storti, M. Stockl, V. Subramaniam and R. Bizzarri, Imaging

110, 54501 (2013).

the static dielectric constant in vitro and in living cells by a bioconjugable GFP chromophore analog, Chemical Communications 49, 1723-1725 (2013).

V.C. Stimberg, J.G. Bomer, I. van Uitert, A. van den Berg and S. LeGac, High Yield, Reproducible and Quasi-Automated Bilayer Formation in a Microfluidic Format, Small 9,

C. Stoffelen and J. Huskens, Size-tunable supramolecular nanoparticles mediated by ternary

1076-1085 (2013).

cucurbit[8]uril host-guest interactions, Chemical Communications 49, 6740-6742 (2013).

A. George, S. Mathew, R. van Gastel, M. Nijland, K. Gopinadhan, P. Brinks, T. Venkatesan and

J. Song, D. Janczewski, Y.Y. Guo, J.W. Xu and G.J. Vancso, Redox responsive nanotubes from

J.E. ten Elshof, Large Area Resist-Free Soft Lithographic Patterning of Graphene, Small 9,

organometallic polymers by template assisted layer by layer fabrication, Nanoscale 5,

711-715 (2013).

11692-11698 (2013).

R.M. Oldenbeuving, E.J. Klein, H.L. Offerhaus, C.J. Lee, H. Song and K.J. Boller, 25 kHz narrow

N. Tomczak, R.R. Liu and J.G. Vancso, Polymer-coated quantum dots, Nanoscale 5, 12018-

spectral bandwidth of a wavelength tunable diode laser with a short waveguide-based

12032 (2013).

external cavity, Laser Physics Letters 10, 15804 (2013). M. Balaguer, C.Y. Yoo, H.J.M. Bouwmeester and J.M. Serra, Bulk transport and oxygen surface M.S.L. Tijink, M. Wester, G. Glorieux, K.G.F. Gerritsen, J.F. Sun, P.C. Swart, Z. Borneman, M.

exchange of the mixed ionic-electronic conductor Ce1-xTbxO2-delta (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.5), Journal

Wessling, R. Vanholder, J.A. Joles and D. Stamatialis, Mixed matrix hollow fiber membranes

Of Materials Chemistry A 1, 10234-10242 (2013).

for removal of protein-bound toxins from human plasma, Biomaterials

34, 7819-7828


J. Cabanas-Danes, C. Nicosia, E. Landman, M. Karperien, J. Huskens and P. Jonkheijm, A fluorogenic monolayer to detect the co-immobilization of peptides that combine cartilage

L. Prodanov, E. Lamers, M. Domanski, R. Luttge, J.A. Jansen and X.F. Walboomers, The effect of nanometric surface texture on bone contact to titanium implants in rabbit tibia, Biomaterials 34, 2920-2927 (2013).


targeting and regeneration, Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 1903-1908 (2013).

[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] C. Nicosia, S.O. Krabbenborg, P. Chen and J. Huskens, Shape-controlled fabrication of micron-


scale surface chemical gradients via electrochemically activated copper(I) "click" chemistry, Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 5417-5428 (2013).

P.M. Schรถn, J. Geerlings, E. Sarajlic, N.R. Tas, AFM probe integrated dropping and hanging mercury electrode, EP13154988, 12 Feb. 2013.

K.M. Pondman, A.W. Maijenburg, F.B. Celikkol, A.A. Pathan, U. Kishore, B. ten Haken and J.E. ten Elshof, Au coated Ni nanowires with tuneable dimensions for biomedical applications,

J. van Weerd, H.B.J. Karperien, P. Jonkheijm, Process for the preparation of an object

Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 6129-6136 (2013).

supporting a lipid bilayer, EP13168108, 16 May 2013.

I.C. Reynhout, G. Delaittre, H.C. Kim, R.J.M. Nolte and J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, Nanoscale

E. Karabudak, J.G.E. Gardeniers, Method and apparatus for performing a photooxidation and

organization of proteins via block copolymer lithography and non-covalent bioconjugation,

photoreduction reaction, EP13178323, 29 July 2013.

Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 3026-3030 (2013). M.J.T. Raaijmakers, N.E. Benes, Highly crosslinked hybrid membranes, EP13182591, 2 Sept. J. Song, D. Janczewski, Y.J. Ma, M. Hempenius, J.W. Xu and G.J. Vancso, Redox-controlled


release of molecular payloads from multilayered organometallic polyelectrolyte films, Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 828-834 (2013).

Jurriaan Huskens, Superselectivity in Multivalent Ligand-receptor Binding, US-provisional US61/875180, 9 Sept. 2013.

X.F. Sui, X.L. Feng, M.A. Hempenius and G.J. Vancso, Redox active gels: synthesis, structures and applications, Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 1, 1658-1672 (2013).

M. Spreitzer, R. Egoavil, J. Verbeeck, D.H.A. Blank and G. Rijnders, Pulsed laser deposition of SrTiO3 on a H-terminated Si substrate, Journal Of Materials Chemistry C 1, 5216-5222 (2013).

P.K.J. Wong, W. Zhang, K. Wang, G. van der Laan, Y.B. Xu, W.G. van der Wiel and M.P. de Jong, Electronic and magnetic structure of C60/Fe3O4(001): a hybrid interface for organic spintronics, Journal Of Materials Chemistry C 1, 1197-1202 (2013).

J.W. Kim, S.Y. Choi, D.I. Yeom, S. Aravazhi, M. Pollnau, U. Griebner, V. Petrov and F. Rotermund, Yb:KYW planar waveguide laser Q-switched by evanescent-field interaction with carbon nanotubes, Optics Letters 38, 5090-5093 (2013).

B. Rangarajan, A.Y. Kovalgin, K. Worhoff and J. Schmitz, Low-temperature deposition of highquality silicon oxynitride films for CMOS-integrated optics, Optics Letters 38, 941-943 (2013).

E. Yuce, G. Ctistis, J. Claudon, E. Dupuy, R.D. Buijs, B. de Ronde, A.P. Mosk, J.M. Gerard and W.L. Vos, All-optical switching of a microcavity repeated at terahertz rates, Optics Letters 38, 374-376 (2013).

P.K.J. Wong, T.L.A. Tran, P. Brinks, W.G. van der Wiel, M. Huijben and M.P. de Jong, Highly ordered C60 films on epitaxial Fe/MgO(001) surfaces for organic spintronics, Organic Electronics 14, 451-456 (2013).

Visit our website for the complete publication list.



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Contact details

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology

University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, the Netherlands

+ 31 53 489 2715,,

Colophon Editing: MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Miriam Luizink, Annerie van Steijn-Heesink I Design: WeCre8 Creatieve Communicatie [], the Netherlands I Photography: Eric Brinkhorst [] I Printed by: Zalsman, Zwolle, the Netherlands.



MESA+ Annual Report 2013


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