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master’s degree


Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology! When choosing a Master’s programme, it is wise to look one step ahead. What would you like to do after completing your degree? Are you thinking about a job in industry, consultancy, teaching or research? All of these options are open to you once you have obtained your Master of Science degree from the Faculty Science and Technology at the University of Twente. However, the question remains of how to make the right choice among these options, and how best to prepare yourself for the future. Prof. dr. Gerard van der Steenhoven, dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology At the Faculty of Science and Technology we help students making this choice. Some Master’s specializations are more oriented towards science, whereas engineering plays a more dominant role in others. Moreover, by suggesting additional elective courses in business administration or innovation, for example, or by arranging projects with one of our industrial partners, our students become much more familiar with the range of possibilities open to them. In addition to helping you shape your own future, our Master’s programmes are very topical, incorporating the latest developments in applied physics, nanotechnology, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering or technical medicine. Master’s projects can either be more scientific in nature, or more closely related to

applications in domains such as sustainable energy or health technology. Most projects will be carried out at the MESA+ institute for nanotechnology, or the MIRA institute for biomedical technology, both of which provide an excellent research environment. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our programmes. Students rank our programmes very highly, and most obtain their degree in the nominal two years. Be assured that you will have a thoroughly enjoyable and productive time at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Twente.



programme Nanotechnology focuses on the design and creation of functional materials, structures, devices and systems by directly controlling matter on the nanometre scale. The interdisciplinary Master’s programme reflects this in its emphasis on integration. Nanotechnology has major implications for the world around us: from new solar cells and energy innovations to breakthroughs in medical diagnosis. Nanomaterials offer an inexpensive and readily available resource with the potential to improve all our lives. This is the only nanotechnology Master’s programme in the Netherlands. It offers you access to world-class labs and state-of-the-art facilities. You will receive personal guidance throughout the programme and benefit from a thorough academic training that covers everything from research skills to setting up a business. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field specializing in structures ranging from 1 to 100 nanometres in size, a world where the physical and chemical properties of materials undergo quantitative and qualitative changes. Nanomaterials and their specific properties can be used for a wide range of applications and incorporated into larger assemblies, systems and architectures. This exciting new field brings together traditional disciplines such as applied physics, chemical engineering, biology and electrical engineering.

This programme has no specializations

A world where the physical and chemical properties of materials undergo quantitative and qualitative changes

Admission requirements Dutch HBO students

Dutch university students

Students with a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study of a Dutch HBO may be considered for admission. In most cases students need to complete a bridging course first.

Students with relevant Bachelor’s degrees from a Dutch university will be considered for admission.

International students

International students with a Bachelor of Science degree in (Applied) Physics, Chemical Engineering or Students holding a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and a CGPA of at least 75% of the maximum score are invited to apply for admission. Chemical Engineering or Applied Physics from the In addition international students need to pass an University of Twente qualify for direct admission, English language test. conditions may apply. Students with other relevant Bachelor’s degrees will be considered for admission. More detailed admission requirements are available at

University of Twente students



Career OPPORTUNITIES A Master’s degree in Nanotechnology gives you a wide range of career options. You will be making a very smart move by broadening your Bachelor’s studies in Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering or Electrical Engineering with a Master’s in the cutting-edge field of nanotechnology. PhD programme Many graduates go on to study for a PhD, with opportunities here at the MESA+ research institute and throughout the world. You will conduct independent research for a number of years under the supervision of a senior researcher within a research group, culminating in the public defence of your PhD dissertation.

Commercial research and development Nanotechnology has only come to fruition in the academic world within the past 15 years. More recently, it has spawned high-tech companies that create novel materials and devices for a range of applications in fields such as energy, water, healthcare and electronics.

A Master’s degree in Nanotechnology gives you a wide range of career options

You could find yourself working in the R&D division of a major high-tech company such as Philips, ASML, DSM or Shell. Alternatively, you could become part of a small spin-off company developing new materials, technologies or products in the field of nanotechnology. A number of such companies have their roots in MESA+.



Student’s Touch ‘I chose Nanotechnology because of the broad view on science that it provides’

NAME Anne Leenstra

Although this leaflet was compiled with the utmost care, no rights can be derived from its contents.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN the Netherlands

Anne studied for his Bachelor’s degree in Advanced Technology at the University of Twente and chose to do his Master’s in Nanotechnology at the same university. He opted for the Nanoelectronics specialization. He’s still in doubt about what he wants to do when he finishes his studies. “I chose Nanotechnology because of the broad view on science that it provides. The multidisciplinary character of the study fits seamlessly with my prior degree. I hasten to add, though, that in addition to this broad context, it’s the specialization courses that really make the programme worthwhile. The Master’s programme is unique because it provides a lot of information on current research during the interactive lectures. There is plenty of hands-on activity in the lab together with the professors and research staff. And that’s great, because you learn the most from people who are doing research themselves. This really brings the theoretical side of things to life, making science all the more interesting.

CONTACT For general information about the Master’s programme or the University of Twente, as well as for questions about the application form of your enrolment status, please contact:

University of Twente Study Information Desk Phone: +31 (0)53 489 5489

During the nanodevices course, we had to design a nanotechnology-based device. My assignment was to improve the design of a silicon quantum dot. This device is used to trap single electrons. Since the dimensions of the device really push the envelope of accuracy on the lithography machine, aligning different layers is very challenging. The goal of the assignment was to create a design which was less dependent on the alignment of the layers. In my Master’s assignment I will work on the same project, so we can really build the devices and see if they work as well as the original quantum dots.”

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