ENVS 187/Sp2013- Drinking Water Campaign

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Drinking Water Campaign Ben Plotzker


Hope Zabronsky

Bottled Water Sales at UVM ’07-’10

Who was involved: VSTEP, Eco-Reps, SGA, the administration, and many others


Purpose: a successful campaign was launched to create a sustainable beverage system at UVM 300,000

Opportunity: a ten year contract with Coca-Cola came to an end, UVM put their vending beverage options up for bid, deciding not to renew their corporate contract.

200,000 More than 75 bottle refillers have been installed on existing drinking fountains

Literature: Two main documents created

1. Upgrade fountains with water refillers

- outlined VSTEP’s objectives for moving forward with the beverage campaign

-some facilities lack sufficient water fountain infrastructure


-Resolution in Support of a Sustainable Beverage System -1500 students signatures received to support resolution -resolution passed shortly after in SGA

End Result:On January 1, 2013 the sale of plastic bottled water was officially banned at UVM

Next Steps


-Student Vision for a Sustainable Beverage System

2. Write a formal university operating procedure -summarize Drinking Water Campaign

3. Develop exceptions for bottled water purchases -emergencies, travels, sporting events, etc.

4. Compile literature summarizing the ban.


-distribute information to University Dining Services

Fillers and chillers must be installed:


-residence hall upgrades, disparity among access to adequate refill and chill stations -some offices utilize water coolers

1. Share policy work with state legislature 2. Utilize local sources of drinking water 3. Organize event at UVM to share mission of

Financial Impact: -$482,000 annually for the ten-year contract that UVM did not renew Critics/ Negative Feedback-

Bottled Water Ban

-why the ban was put in place and why it was necessary -public education issue

Key Actors

-water quality in question

Outcomes -healthy choices as 33% of beverages in vending machines -installation of refill stations -signs titled “Bye-Bye Bottled Water”

Staff Council Members, UVM SGA,VP of Finance and Administration, Sodexo, UVM Office of Sustainability, VSTEP, Eco-Reps, Coca-Cola, UVM Environmental Program, UVM Physical Plant, UVM Risk Management

Exceptions to Bottled Water Ban When traveling: Faculty and staff may buy bottled water on a departmental budget when traveling outside Vermont.


-Water Fountain/Refill Station Request Form created Departments that do not have access to drinking water may be granted exceptions while they await installation of new filling stations. A portable filling station is also being considered for outdoor events where bottled water may -media coverage of the ban be necessary

2008 Eco-Reps Taste Tests


2010 Bottled Water Consumption Deterrence Act Passed

First Bring Your Own Bottle Day Friday, May 3, 13

Works Cited

-Where Can I get a Free Drink of Water?. Retrieved from http://www.uvm.edu/sustain/fountain-map -FAQs on Bottled Water. Retrieved from http://www.uvm.edu/sustain/bottled-water-ban-faqs -UVM Bottled Water Story. Retrieved from http://www.uvm.edu/sustain/uvm-bottled-water-story -Baron, M. (2011). Creating a Sustainable Beverage System at UVM. University of Vermont. -Olson, E. D. (2000, August 25). Bottled Water. Retrieved from Natural Resource Defense Council : http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/bw/exesum.asp -Reidel, J. (2011). The One Less Bottle Campaign. Retrieved from UVM Eco-Reps Program: http:// www.uvm.edu/ecoreps/news-and-events/campaigns/one-less-bottle



Sustainable Beverage Social Networking: Lynx, Tumbler, and Facebook Building a Campaign: A Sustainable Beverage System


UVM Coca-Cola Contract Not Renewed

Resolution in Support of a Sustainable Beverage System Passed

End Of Bottled Water

Bottled Water Retirement Party

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