NECSC-The ABCs of Labs

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ABCs of Laboratory Challenges for Sustainability Ralph Stuart Env. Safety Manager

Environmental Aspects and Impacts of Laboratories !

Ventilation !  35-50% of energy for 15% of campus floor space at UVM. Larger proportions elsewhere, depending on campus building types.


Electricity Use !  Similar to ventilation impact relative to the rest of campus


Solid and Hazardous Wastes !  Low carbon impact, high regulatory impact


Regulation !  EPA’s Higher education enforcement initative


Teaching and Research !  Environmental awareness of science curriculum; green chemistry


Others: !  Water !  Transportation

Ventilation !

Campus wide impact: !  Between 4 and 8 times as much energy per sq foot relative to other campus spaces

!  !

Design Issues !  Ventilation rates range from 6 to 10 air changes per hour

!  !  !

Energy use associated with labs is high value – 10 times as much income as energy expense

Ventilation rates are speculative and primarily based on control of odors There are behavior changes opportunities with regard to ventilation, but facility design is the driving force in the environmental footprint

EPA Labs-21 program for lab design

Electricity Use !  Proliferation of

instrumentation drives electrical demand

!  Electrical equipment in the

laboratory creates a lot of waste heat, which can drive ventilation rates even in non-hazardous areas

!  Example: storage of

biological samples at cold temperatures or in freezer farms

!  Labs are not part of

the Energy Star universe (See the Labs-21 wiki at

Solid and Hazardous Waste !  Disposal of

trash from lab buildings creates the concern of potential contamination with chemical or biological materials.

!  Community perception can drive choices

rather than cost or greening opportunities

!  Chemical wastes are regulated by the

states and EPA very tightly, which creates significant practical challenges

!  Biowaste regulations are less organized but have practical challenges as well

Environmental Regulations !  RCRA and state variations for hazardous waste !  CERCLA for emergency planning !  CWA and local regulations for sewer disposal !  CAA and local regulations for fume hood exhaust !  HAZWOPER for spill clean up !  Whatever carbon rules come down !  Miscellaneous materials (asbestos, PCBs, Hg, pharmaceuticals, etc.)

!  Electronic virtual campus

Education and Research: Green Chemistry !  EPA / American Chemical Society

chemical studies research and education linked to environmental issues

!  Laboratory operations are not thought of as part of this aspect yet

!  MIT green alternatives web site: !

Sustainability Tools with Laboratory Potential !  Behavior change !  Facility design and LEED !  Connecting with regulatory considerations through an Environmental Management System

6th Annual Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium Conference

Track: Energy, Buildings & Transportation Session: The ABCs of Labs

Influencing Fume Hood Practices: Feedback and Behavior Change Steven M. Lanou Deputy Director - Sustainability Program Environmental Programs Office Massachusetts Institute of Technology 617-452-2907

Can You Spot the Labs?

MIT Building 18: Dept of Chemistry •  No. 2 energy consumer per sq. ft. on campus

…at 5PM

…and at 2AM Source:MIT, Amanti

Where does the energy go? Cost

$1.8 million

CO2 emissions

8500 metric tons

Emissions equal to over 300 SUVs driving 60 mph Source: MIT, Wesolowski

Where does the energy go? ! Electric use breakdown (approximate)

! Source: MIT, Amanti

Fume Hoods in Building 18 Exhaust fan

Outside air

Intake fan

Heat or Cool

Vented air

The “Engineered Solution� for Energy Conservation Variable Air Volume & Monitoring and Control Phoenix Control Valve

Sash Position Sensor

The “Behavioral Solution” for Energy Conservation: Information, Monitoring & Feedback ! Did we left out the human aspect? ! Can we make better use of the VAV by supplementing with behavior change? " Collaboration: EPO, LFEE, EHS, Chemistry, students, faculty and staff " New fume hood training module developed and delivered Nov. " E-mail from “The Boss” " Monitoring of avg. sash position ever since " Information feedback starting following July

Data Collection and Distribution 15 Min Sash Position Data Point

Grad Student/ EHS Charts and Email

Excel Spreadsheet Back to MIT

TAC Data Storage

Custom Data Conversion Program

Feedback Intervention: Average Sash Position

Current Before intervention

Impact 20% Average sash position

16% 14%











Baseline sash position Average sash position Post-implementation 320 Winter holiday season


300 Jun-08

4% 2% 0% Oct-06


Air flow / hood (CFM)



Impact ! Average sash height was lowered by 26% " 16% ± 0.85% open to 12% ± 0.39% open throughout the department " saving an estimated $41,000/yr. (Bldg18 $24,000/ yr) – about half the potential

! Sash position during inactive periods was lowered from 9% to 6% open. ! Half of all department savings occurred in four (of 25) labs.

Conclusions !  Feedback can influence positive behavior change !  Energy savings were less than original expectations because over estimation of open sashes; most installed fume hoods use combination sashes !  Pilot lab group was pretty efficient to begin with !  Labs with vertical sashes use the most energy, and saw the most savings from the intervention. !  More active labs can be penalized unfairly !  Design programs that are sustainable, e.g. not too complicated !  Impact of static feedback, e.g. stickers, may be limited

What Else Should We Do? ! Emphasize lower night time use ! Reduce face velocity requirements (100/80/60) ! Reduce air change rate requirements ! Install occupancy sensors in ventilation systems ! Retrofit older hoods to VAV ! Decommission unused hoods ! Social pressure – ambassadors program, signs ! Take your Industrial Hygienist to lunch ! Whole building HVAC cont. commissioning

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Michelle Smith Green Building Coordinator The University of Vermont NECSC Conference October 27, 2009

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21 Environmental Performance Criteria !  Considerations for early planning !  James M. Jeffords Hall as a case study

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21 EPC: a rating system to assess the environmental performance of laboratory facilities. !  Builds on the LEED® Green Building Rating System that was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. !  The EPC was produced by a series of working groups that included more than 40 architects, engineers, facility managers, and health and safety professionals.

!()*$34$"-5+'&-6"-0(!$/"'%&'6(-7"$7'+0"'+($ Co-sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) !  Voluntary partnership program dedicated to improving the environmental performance of U.S. laboratories. ! 

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Prerequisite 3: Laboratory Ventilation Intent Ensure that minimum requirements for IAQ and safety are met Requirements Prerequisite 3.0 Meet the minimum requirements of ANSI Z9.5 (latest version). Technologies & Strategies Provide monitoring and control of fume hoods and room pressure. Technologies include fume hood monitors and alarms, volume metering, and automated laboratory room pressure control.

7&-*+#"'(0+&-*$%&'$"('!8$/!(--+-,$ !  Ventilation/fume

hood rate discussions when planning lab and space use !  !  !

Occupancy sensors/ Motion detectors CO2 sensors Heat recovery

!  What

chemicals will be used? How frequently? !  Movable flammable materials cabinets instead of permanent !  Local materials: exterior as well as case-work !  Site/Landscaping: Academic partnership opportunities?

`(6"*$6Z$`"%%&'#*$9(!!$ !  Early

discussions re: “how low could the fume hood exchange go” !  Presentations from fume hood manufacturers to project team, including maintenance !  Final system integrated into comprehensive HVAC allows for greater energy savings !  Heat recovery from labs via convection transfer to liquid glycol loop !  Return-air system for administrative/classroom space !  Building dashboard?

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