Sustainability Officers Project Management ToolkitOrganizational Tips for Long-Term Sanity
Mieko A. Ozeki The University of Vermont
UVM Office of Sustainability Projects Coordinator
since 2008 and 2nd full-time employee in UVM’s Office of Sustainability.
Charged with creating
a structure and implementing a system for managing projects and programs in our department.
Visionaries & Pioneers
Premise At conferences like AASHE, we gain knowledge of: Best practices Lessons Learned Core concepts of campus sustainability Becoming a change agent
But rarely do we hear about best practices on how to organize and manage the numerous projects we implement on our campuses.
Does managing campus sustainability projects look like this for you?
Paper Policy
Student Green Fund project
GHG inventory
Climate Action Plan
Or does the digital version look like this?
Sane Project Management
Source: Ebaum’s World
Principle #1: Look at your sustainability agenda from 30,000+ feet
Develop a work plan that captures the areas you’ll address during the academic year. Use AASHE STARS as a: a. Framework for your work plan, b. Metric to hold yourself, your department, and institution accountable.
From 30,000+ Feet From brain dump‌
To mind mapping
Work Plan Individual
Make your work plan public
Principle #2: Find tools that work for you (and your team)
When selecting a PM tool It should be: -Accessible -Web-based -Cloud-based
When selecting a PM tool It should not break the bank. Monthly or annual costs should be low, preferably free!
When selecting a PM tool - Function and makes sense to you and your team - Easy to use - Accommodates internal & external collaborators
Once you select the tool… Give your PM tool a test drive for at least a month. Customize the PM tool to your groups management
needs. Take the time to train collaborators and/or your
staff on how to use the tool. If the tool doesn’t work for your group, retool and
look for a system that works for you.
UVM’s Project Management System: 37 Signals Suite
Questions What systems do you have in place to manage your projects and programs? Is it well-organized and manageable? Are you able to collaborate with internal and external partners with the system you have set-up?
Thank you
Mieko A. Ozeki Sustainability Projects Coordinator