Vermont Cynic Issue 15

Page 1

C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!

Igloofest showcases DJs in frigid French Canada


The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883


! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - /0 $ 1 2 3 + 4 - 5 3 ( 0 3 % + - 6 7 4 - 6 8 9 8 - : - ;' < 0 & $ - 9 6 = - > 1 1 0 $ - 9 7 - . - ? 0 % < , ( @ ) ' ( 4 - ;$ % & ' ( )

UVM debate team excels



Students share their New Year’s resolutions


SPECTACLE A look through the lens: Igloofest



“Black Swan” reviewed


DISTRACT Check out this week’s comic



Tennis players get served



A winter break’s worth of sports


Sports legend to send off grads Billie Jean King chosen as commencement speaker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“I think Billie Jean King is a good choice for the commencement speaker.”! Kofi Mensah SGA President %-) 8&) (0'&2) @6-*%+) D//3+%*0%&2) @6-*%+6&*+-()-,)%.&)U&0*)$()TQVB5) 0,%&*)#06%3*$(1)&L&*7)F*0(2)@/0') +$(1/&+) %$%/&5) %.&) 6*&++) *&/&0+&) +%0%&2:) CA-+%) ,0'-3+/75) +.&) *-3%&2) ,-*'&*) #.0'6$-() <-887) W$11+) $() %.*&&) +%*0$1.%) +&%+5) 0) '&++01&) %-)0%./&%&+)0(2)+6&#%0%-*+)7-3(1) 0(2) -/25E) 0##-*2$(1) %-) %.&) 6*&++) *&/&0+&:)) J-*) O3&+%$-(+) -() %.&) BPTT) #-''&(#&'&(%5) L$+$%) %.&) #-''&(#&'&(%)4&8)+$%&)0%)444: 3L':&23X#-''&(#&'&(%:))


Dean Miller announces her resignation

Says decision was unrelated to the results of provost search %$'&)0+)2&0(:)) G()$(%&*$')2&0()-,)?G@)4$//)8&) 066-$(%&2)$()%.&)(&0*),3%3*&:);.&) <'%=#"$%(>)8%33)3.6'7/).)'.(%+'.3) +&0*#.),-*)%.&)2&0()6-+$%$-()-(#&) 0() $(%&*$') .0+) 8&&() 066-$(%&25) H*&+$2&(%)J-1&/)+0$2:))

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“I tendered my resignation last Friday, and President Fogel has accepted it. My current plan is to take a year’s administrative leave and return to the faculty in January 2012.”! Eleanor Miller Dean of CAS 1C)/.=#)#=#">)7+',&#'7#)(/.() _H*&+$2&(%) J-1&/`) 0(2) H*-L-+%) >(-2&//) 4$//) #.--+&) 4$+&/7) 0(2) %.0%) D) 4$//) 8&) 08/&) %-) ,&&/) %.0%) D) .0L&) /&,%) %.&) #-//&1&) $() 1--2) .0(2+5E)A$//&*M+)/&%%&*)+%0%&2:) A$//&*M+) /0+%) 207) 0+) 2&0() 4$//) 8&)=0(:)Ba5)BPTT5).&*)/&%%&*)+%0%&2:))




Waste reduction works Recycling efforts at Davis Center continue to increase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

Debate team goes global UVM reaches international elimination rounds

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ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic

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Davis Center hits 1 million people Foot traffic remains constant

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Bucks for books Educational foundation offers grant !"#455(#0$1( !"#$$%&'(")'

BOBBY SUDEKUM The Vermont Cynic

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Green to-go University dining services introduces eco-ware

ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic

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“There is obviously a strong demand for take-out dining here at UVM and Eco-Ware is a very important step towards reducing the environmental impact of to-go dining.” Jay Taylor Marketing Assistant for University Dining Services =0(#",* 1"7)* (51* (08%13(* 2%07'* 4%&* './117* 60)* %$%&)* 5%%8*0"6*3'#",*(51*6#'41'0A7%* 3(%"'#7*%0./*(#2%*5#77*066*34*(1* 0(*7%0'(*FGN*470(%'*1&*(1>,1*A1P%'* 0"6*(5#.%*0'*20")*3(%"'#7'*4%&* )%0&H*I0)71&*'0#6;** J:37(#47)* 077* 1@* (/0(* A)* (/%* 20")* (/13'0"6'* 1@* .3'(12%&'* 5%*'%&$%*0"6*)13*.0"*Q3#.87)*'%%* 5/)* (/#'* #'* '3./* 0"* #241&(0"(* #''3%HK*/%*'0#6;** R1&*40&(#.#40(#",*#"*(/%*=.1> ?0&%*O&1,&02*'(36%"('*5#77*,%(* ,%)3(4!(+$%5-#!"6+$%"&&%"&%$'(-*% 2%07H*I0)71&*'0#6; *

Student wants clean energy for the future !"#!/&472'#89((&:&)9 7-/??&<($-)( I/0"8'*(1*<720*<&(%0,0H*(/%* %"%&,)*5%*3'%*#"*]N_N*.1376*A%* 0*71(*.7%0"%&; !9:*'(36%"(*<720*<&(%0,0* /%74%6* .&%0(%* 0* +%.70&0(#1"* @1&* b7%0"* ="%&,)* (/0(* 50'* 4&%'%"(%6* 0(* (/%* a"(%&"0(#1"07* b7#20(%*V%,1(#0(#1"'*1"*+%.;*GH* 0*4&%''*&%7%0'%*'(0(%6; <&(%0,0* 50'* 1"%* 1@* FGN* 0.(#$#'('* 1@* (/%* -(36%"('* @1&* 0* E3'(* 0"6* -(0A7%* R3(3&%H* 0"* 1&,0"#e0(#1"* 1@* 3"#$%&'#()* '(36%"('* 0.&1''* V%5* =",70"6H* 5/1* [1#"%6* /%06'* (1* 5&#(%* (/%* 6%.70&0(#1"H*'/%*'0#6;

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Students indifferent to Coke Vermont Student Opinion Poll results are in !"#1(23%)4/%#5%26(2/ !"#$%&!'(()*+'#,)#-T<* O3A7#.* Y%70(#1"'* b/0#&* V#.8* :1"(%@1&(%* '0#6* (/%* -T<* 50'* '/1.8%6* 5/%"* (/%* 9%&21"(* -(36%"(* d4#"#1"* O177* &%$%07%6* (/0(* 21'(* '(36%"('* 0&%* #"6#@@%&%"(* (1* b1.0>b170* 4&163.('; <721'(* _N* 4%&.%"(* 1@* '(36%"('* 51376* A%* #"6#@@%&%"(* #@* b1.0>b170* 4&163.('* 5%&%* "1(* '176* 1"* .0243'H* 0"6* 0A13(* ]N* 4%&.%"(* 51376* A%* 216%&0(%7)* 3"/044)H*(/%*&%'37('*'(0(%6; d3(* 1@* (/1'%* 4177%6H* S\;GN* 4%&.%"(* 1@* '(36%"('* 7#8%* /0$#",* b1.0>b170* 4&163.('* '176* 1"* .0243'H*5/#7%*SG;]F*4%&.%"(*0&%* #"6#@@%&%"(H*(/%*&%'37('*'(0(%6;* :1&%* (/0"* _N* 4%&.%"(* 1@* '(36%"('*.1"'32%*7%''*(/0"*1"%* b1.0>b170* 4&163.(* #"* 0* 5%%8H*

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Do you like having Coca Cola products on campus? 37.21%


Yes No


Do not care


Hit the wallet, shrink the waist Professor seeks tax on sweet beverages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`* (1* 1"%* A%(5%%"* ]N* 0"6* ]_`HK* 0..1&6#",* (1* (/%* 0((1&"%)* ,%"%&07D'* 4%&'1"07* "1(%* #"* (/%* &%41&(; E3"#1&*U0""0/*U#"'7%)*'0#6* '/%*#'*#"*@0$1&*1@*(/%*(0P;

BOBBY SUDEKUM The Vermont Cynic

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New year sparks changes


Some vow to stick by fresh resolutions in 2011 !"#$%&'())(#*%%'+() !"#$$%&'(")' "#$% &'()% *+#*,+-% $+.#,/01#(.% '$+% '% 2$+.3% .0'$0% 4% '% 5')% 0#% 63'(7+% .#&+031(7% 03'0%03+)%5+$+%(#0%3'**)%5103% 03+%)+'$%8+2#$+9% % :0% &')% .++&% ,1;+% +<+$)#(+% '$#/(=% )#/% 1.% 0',;1(7% '8#/0% 03+1$%$+.#,/01#(-%8/0%#(,)%'8#/0% !>%0#%!?%*+$6+(0%#2%@&+$16'(.% &';+% $+.#,/01#(.% +'63% )+'$-% '66#$=1(7% 0#% '% .0/=)% '0% 03+% A(1<+$.10)%#2%B6$'(0#(9%

C31,+% &';1(7% '% $+.#,/01#(% &')% .++&% ,1;+% '% 7##=% 1=+'% #(% D+69% EF-% .#&+% &')% 5';+% /*% G'(9% F% 5#(=+$1(7% 12% 03+)% 6'(% '60/',,)%6#&&10%0#%=#1(7%53'0% 03+)%$+.#,<+=%0#%=#9 @66#$=1(7% 0#% 03+% .'&+% $+.+'$63%=#(+%'0%03+%A(1<+$.10)% #2% B6$'(0#(-% '20+$% 03+% 21$.0% 5++;% #2% &';1(7% '% $+.#,/01#(-% H?% *+$6+(0% #2% *+#*,+% '$+% .01,,% 2#,,#51(7% 03+1$.9% % I31.% &')% .++&% ,1;+% '% ,'$7+% '&#/(0-% 8/0% 12%#(+%1(%2#/$%*+#*,+%#(,)%;++*% 03+1$% $+.#,/01#(% '20+$% '% 5++;-%

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3'**)-%.'<+%&#(+)-%2',,%1(%,#<+-% $+'=% &#$+% '(=% P/10% .&#;1(7-% '66#$=1(7%0#%3/8*'7+.96#& @0% 03+% A(1<+$.10)% #2% Q+$&#(0-% .0/=+(0.% =1=% (#0% &';+% 03+% R0)*16',S% $+.#,/01#(.% 2#$% N>FF9% C31,+% &'()% *+#*,+% <#5% 0#% 7#% 0#% 03+% 7)&% &#$+-% .*+(=% &#$+% 01&+% 5103% 2$1+(=.% '(=% 2'&1,)% '(=% 0#% P/10% 8'=% 3'810.-% .0/=+(0.-% 2#$% 03+% &#.0% *'$0-% 3'=% .#&+031(7% =122+$+(0% 0#%.')9

Ten UVM students’ resolutions... 1) “To read the newspaper at least four times a week.” — Isaac Geltzer, junior 2) “To be more active and eat healthier.” — Marley Donaldson, junior 3) “Not to make a resolution so that I can’t break it.” — Paige Gallivan, senior 4) “To read more books not for school.” — Jeff Ulsh, junior 5) “To go to the gym at least twice a week.” — Sam Golden, first year 6) “To get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.” — Samantha Burns, junior 7) “To be more like Tom Brady.” — Sam Wells, senior 8) “To actually do things I say I will and have been wanting to do.” — Hannah Tannebring, junior 9) “To not change a thing, and to improve those around me.” — Evan Perry, junior 10) “To be more spontaneous.” — Alyssa Bucci, junior


No Bake Cookies


This is one of the best recipes around, and I personally have been enjoying it since about the age of 2. My grandmother’s No Bake Cookies recipe. Whether for a party or just a quick snack, this recipe is perfect and the best part? It’s wicked easy! Ingredients: 2 cups of sugar ¼ a cup of cocoa ½ a cup of milk 1 stick of margarine ½ a cup of peanut butter 3 cups of quick cooking oats 1 tsp of vanilla Step 1: Mix the first four ingredients in saucepan. Put the heat on medium. Cook until your mixture begins to boil. Remove and allow to cool for approximately two minutes. Step 2: Add the remaining three ingredients. Stir well. Drop by teaspoons onto waxed paper. This can either be eaten immediately or cooled to harden. Best stored in an airtight container! Enjoy!


Keep warm, stay in style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


Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,Hundreds of people braved the cold on Friday, Jan. 21 to attend Montreal’s annual electronic music festival, Igloofest. The crowd danced — and took breaks to roast marshmallows — as DJs spun techno beats, all surrounded by neon-lit ice walls and below-zero tempertures. Photographed by Julia Wejchert






Techno beats heat up an icy village Thousands brave winter weather to attend electronic music festival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`[E'%//17=,&:'61'60*' V:5118*-6';7*--'7*5*%-*? >5=' Q1&67*%5' ,-' 67%&-817<*=' ,&61' 60*' 2*&9*' 817' 60*' 8*-6,2,6,*-E' $,60',/*F451/)'$%55-'*&/%-,&:'60*' +./2#$/*;$'/++-?#$;/*4#$5((03 Q17*' ,/3' $%55-' <%)*' 9;' %' -*;%7%6*' %7*%' 817' 7*5%W,&:' %&=' 71%-6,&:' /1<;5,<*&6%73' <%7-0<%551$-? S7,=%3E' ]%&?' Z`E' $%-' -<%/)' ,&' 60*' <,==5*' 18' 60,-' 3*%7N-' V:5118*-6' %&=' 8*%697*=' K]-' 871<' I%&%=%E'60*'a&,6*='R,&:=1<'%&=' #$,6Y*75%&=? S71<' *&6*7,&:' 60*' :%6*-' 61' =%&/,&:' ,&' 60*' <,==5*' 18' ,6' %55E' V:5118*-6' $%-' /1517895E' 87,*&=53'

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JULIA WEJCHERT | The Vermont Cynic

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Black Swan director skillfully navigates character’s psyche Film follows the mind of a transforming ballerina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

Photo illustration by Ashley Drake

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brought to you by

ACROSS 1- Attack a fly 5- Hog fat 9- ___ Rica 14- Soviet news service 15- Calculus calculation 16- Bogie, e.g. 17- Indispensable 19- Purchaser 20- Hot time in Paris 21- Up and ___! 22- Angered 23- Venerates 25- ___ cava 26- Whence Ikea 27- Republic in W Africa 30- Female horses 31- Catlike Asian carnivore 32- “The Matrix” hero 34- ___ impasse 35- Humorous 36- Achy 37- After taxes 38- Celtic priest 39- Spanish Mister 40- Withdraw

42- Informal British address 43- Cleanse 44- Balloon car 48- Femoral region 50- Expose oneself to warmth 51- Battery size 52- Thick-skinned charger 53- Extremely beautiful 55- Money paid 56- Minnesota’s St. ___ College 57- A single time 58- Ruhr city 59- Greasy 60- Not e’en once DOWN 1- Helmsman 2- Sewage 3- Declare earnestly 4- Half a fly 5- Tin plate 6- Sign of spring 7- Quantity of paper 8- Indian dish 9- Storage cupboard 10- Pertaining to the eyes

Comics The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker

11- Eye sore 12- Nailed obliquely 13- Sheet music abbr. 18- Nostrils 22- Renaissance fiddle 24- Biblical garden 25- Brilliant 27- Boundary 28- A party to 29- Dynamic beginning 31- Lounge 33- Not ‘neath 35- Collide 36- Golfer Ballesteros 38- Coerce 39- Uses a straw 41- Sharp pain 42- Convert into a gas 44- Maritime 45- Singer Cleo 46- Cavalry weapon 47- Enthusiastic 48- In this way 49- Strikes 50- Indonesian holiday resort 52- Fish eggs 53- Aussie hopper 54- Darlin’






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Shooting stirs gun control debate 47*)2)0,-*#02*&#')#.)N*+,) 21,'51,'*M-O)#0&(&'2$) 1,2'&'(;A) C+&-)&-)%+,0,)B)%#7$5) $&=,)*#)20(7,;))C+,)>,8#'5) ?1,'51,'*)-*2*,-6)@?)%,$$) 0,(7$2*,5)I&$&*&26)4,&'() ',8,--209)*#)*+,)-,870&*9)#.) 2).0,,)>*2*,6)*+,)0&(+*)#.)*+,) H,#H$,)*#)=,,H)2'5)4,20)?01-6) -+2$$)'#*)4,)&'.0&'(,5;A) JOSEPHINE MILLER

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

Simple as it may seem, for me the grey matter lies in the wording, “the people.”

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!"#$%&'"()"()%*+,%-.-/.'(0%+,#1%&'"()"()%2%/.3,%4"*+%*4.%1*'24105 — Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., on sitting with Republican colleague Mark Kirk at the State of the Union.

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The CN(END) Tennis players get served of journalism MAX HARWOOD

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Quick Opinions Jeff Barbieri

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Josh MacGregor

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While the idea of a whole month off sounded too good to be true during finals week, having returned now from that same break, I see now that I was right — it really was too good to be true; or rather, it was too true to be good. =))>&$1'-))$%#C$*/+-$ .(!$*$%'8"%=$&'"'&$/),#$'0.,5#' 0#$(2$1'0#>0#8<$6/$,/#8)-$B)-)$ &+.'$*-))C/(&$)#;/2)C4$3+1$ -%1')-$"$-)%,0R)C$1')$1)--03,)$ &1%1)$/*$()#1%,$,)1'%-82$"$'%C$ &,077)C$0#1/<$H,))70#8$)#10-),2$ 1'-/+8'$(/-#0#8&$%#C$0#1/$ %*1)-#//#&4$1')$./#1)#1&$/*$1')$ *-0C8)$%3+&)C$)Z.)&&09),2$/+1$/*$ 3/-)C/(4$*-0)#C&$1%>0#8$1-07&$1/$ &))$*%(0,2$/-$B/->4$%*1)-#//#&$ &7)#1$C-090#8$1/B%-C$#/B')-)$ 0#$7%-10.+,%-$F$1'0&$B%&$#/$

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!"#$%#&"'%()*#+,#$-%./#&.(#$%%'#0"'(1+%2#$,#0"33%4%#5"")$.33#$"63#(%.("'*#)&%#789#:3.,"55(*#)&%#;-()#&.35#"5#)&%#7<=#(%.("'#.'2#)&%# )*/-99-9/!#5!'#44*/*!),+2*$),440!15!?#&!3*6*!86*#''&8-*.;!$(*+*!,6*!$(*!$#8!DO!+8#6$+!%#%*9$+!#5!3-9$*6!)6*,2;!+*:*6*4?!,55*'$*.!)?!%?!#39! 8*6+#9,4!)-,+0

!"#$%&&#'()*+",-. !"#$%&'()*%#$


Insight Bowl:

Missouri vs. Iowa

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


Rose Bowl:

Wisconsin vs. TCU


Pinstripe Bowl:

Kansas State vs. Syracuse

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


NCAA Basketball:

Kemba Walker’s insane run

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`E#(%0"'2(#3%5)#)"#4@I%#XB"''#.#3%.2# $(,$! 3#&4.9B$! )*! 6*4-9S&-+(*.! ,/,-9+$! "#0! C! P-'(-/,9! N).)%G "#:0! C<Z! J,42*6! +'#6*+! CE! 8#-9$+! ,9.! ',8+! #55! (-+! )&-%%L2.,#)%.-#$,#2%5%.)@'4#7"G#P#M%')10/,G [*'0!QZ!J,42*6!6*'#6.+!,!$6-84*!.#&)4*!!M!C<!8#-9$+;!DQ! -%$"1'2(*#WR#.((@()(#>#.4.@'()#XA<BG F,90!=Z!J,42*6!%,2*+!-9'6*.-)4*!84,?+!4,$*!-9!$(*!/,%*! ># a?'0-%2@$3%b# +%.'@'4# 4"# V"1!1$%# aM%+$.# [.3/%-# =+.H@'4#C#:"@')%-#@'#U!*#XB"''#!%T.(b#>#0.JJ%2#$,#.# /,%*!3-99-9/!DY!5##$*6!3-$(!Y!+*'#9.+!4*5$!-9!#:*6$-%*! ,/,-9+$! ,! S&,4-$?! >*H,+! $*,%0! 15! $(,$! 3,+9B$! *9#&/(;! +*:*9! #5! (-+! CC! 8#-9$+! ',%*! -9! $(*! #:*6$-%*! 8*6-#.0! >,42!,)#&$!'4&$'(0 ! F,90DRZ! J,42*6! +'#6*+! C<! 8#-9$+! ,/,-9+$! "#0! c#d@33.'"I.#@'0312@'4#.#WR#5"")#K".)%-#6@)&#EG`# (%0"'2(# 3%5)# )"# 4@I%# XB"''# .# OWL`]# I@0)"-,# #:*6!$(*!J-4.',$+0 # A"-.3# "5# )&%# ()"-,Q# M%+$.# [.3/%-# @(# 6*,44?;!6*,44?!/##.0



NFL Week 15:

Philadelphia Eagles vs. New York Giants

>(*!%-6,'4*!,$!$(*!"*3!P*,.#34,9.+!3,+!N&+$!#9*!#5! $(#+*!#''&66*9'*+!-9!+8#6$+!3(*6*!?#&!+-$!$(*6*!,9.!4##2!,$! $(*!8*6+#9!9*H$!$#!?#&!3-$(#&$!+8*,2-9/;!%#&$(!(,9/-9/! #8*9;!+-4*9$4?!,+2-9/!V[-.!$(,$!N&+$!56*,2-9/!(,88*9]W! h%N%.'# Z.0/("'# 4.I%# )&%# D@.')(# "'%# "5# )&%# +"()# (*,6$)6*,2-9/! 4#++*+! -9! $(*! (-+$#6?! #5! $(*-6! 56,9'(-+*;! 0.JJ@'4# "55# .# -%+.-/.$3%# 0"+%$.0/# 5"-# )&%# ^.43%(G# !&%# /,%*!),+-',44?!.*'-.*.!$(*!.-:-+-#9!,9.!$(*!T-,9$+!)4*3! ,! CD78#-9$! +*'#9.7(,45! 4*,.0! 1! ,%! ,! "*3! L#627! 6*+-.-9/! T-,9$+7(,$*6;! +#! $(-+! 3,+! /6*,$! 5#6! %*;! )&$! -$! ',&+*.! %?! 5,$(*6;! ,! T-,9$+! 5,9;! $#! )*'#%*! %#6*! 6,$$4*.! $(,9! >#%! <-.2,#.4.@'()#)&%#7%6#V"-/#Z%)(#2%5%'(%G#CPLCW#^.43%(G

BCS National Championship Game: Oregon vs. Auburn

!!"#$!%&'(!$#!)*!+,-.!,)#&$!$(-+!/,%*0!1$!$##2!,!3(-4*! 5#6!)#$(!(-/(78#3*6*.!#55*9+*+!$#!3,2*!&8!,5$*6!%#6*!$(,9! ,!%#9$(4#9/!)6*,2!56#%!'#%8*$-$-:*!,'$-#9;!)&$!$(*!*9.! 6*+&4$!3,+!,!'4,++-'!$-$4*!/,%*!$(,$!$##2!,44!<=!%-9&$*+!5#6!,! 3-99*6!$#!)*!.*'-.*.0!>(*!#94?!9*/,$-:*!3,+!$(,$!$(*6*!3,+! 9#!#:*6$-%*0!>(*!@6*/#9!$#&'(.#39!.6-:*!,$!$(*!*9.!#5! $(*!/,%*!,9.!$(*!*9+&-9/!$3#78#-9$!'#9:*6+-#9;!5#44#3*.! )?!A&)&69B+!/,%*!3-99-9/!.6-:*;!-+!3(?!3*!3,$'(!+8#6$+0! CC7DE!A&)&690



Sugar Bowl:

Ohio State vs. Arkansas

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


NFL Playoffs:

New Orleans Saints vs. Seattle Seahawks

!A5$*6!3,$'(-9/!3(,$!1!+$-44!)*4-*:*!3,+!#9*!#5!$(*!3#6+$! 4.+%(#?YI%#%I%-#(.)#)&-"14&#>#)&%#6%%/#Wc#N1'2.,#'@4&)# 4.+%# $%)6%%'# )&%# e.+(# .'2# N%.&.6/(# ># ?# )&"14&)# )&%# N.@')(# 6"132# -@J# .J.-)# )&%# N%.&.6/(G# ?# 2@2'Y)# 0.-%# )&.)# A.))# f.((%3$%0/# 6.(# 0"+@'4# $.0/g# ?# 4.I%# )&%# N%.&.6/(# H%-"# 0&.'0%G# ='2# @5# A.-(&.6'# 9,'0&# 2@2'Y)# )1-'# @')"# .# %#9+$*6!5#6!#9*!84,?;!1!3#&4.!(,:*!)**9!6-/($0! !&%# N.@')(# 6%-%# @'# )&%# J-"0%((# "5# -%0"I%-@'4# 5-"+# .# WFLJ"@')#2%;0@)#@'#)&%#5"1-)&#S1.-)%-#.'2#&.2#_1()#(0"-%2# $#!'&$!$(*!4*,.!$#!+*:*90!1!3,+!+-$$-9/!#9!%?!'#&'(!$(-92-9/;! a)&%-%#@(#'"#6.,#N%.))3%#@(#4"@'4#)"#&"32#)&@(#3%.2Gb#!&.)#6.(# $%5"-%# 9,'0&# 3@)%-.33,# +.'&.'23%2# (@T# N.@')(# 2%5%'2%-(# ,9.! '#%84*$*.! $(*! /6*,$*+$! \R7?,6.! 6&+(! ?#&! 3-44! *:*6! +**!,9.!,6/&,)4?!#9*!#5!$(*!/6*,$*+$!84,?+!-9!8#+$7+*,+#9! (-+$#6?!/-:*9!$(*!'-6'&%+$,9'*+0!U,.!X?9'(!)**9!+$#88*.;! $(*6*! -+! 9#! .#&)$! -9! %?! %-9.! $(,$! "*3! @64*,9+! .6-:*+! 2"6'#)&%#;%32#.'2#$%.)#)&%#N%.&.6/(G#FWLCO#N%.&.6/(G


Illustrations by Dana Ortiz

NFL Divisional Playoffs: Trash Talk

1! ,%! $,42-9/! F*$+7G,$+! #):-#&+4?0! 1! ',9B$! 6*%*%)*6! ,! 3**2!4*,.-9/!&8!$#!,!/,%*!3(*6*!+#!%&'(!),'27,9.75#&6$(! 3,+! *H'(,9/*.! )*$3**9! $(*! $*,%+! ,9.! $(*! 5,9+! #5! $(#+*! $*,%+!,4-2*0!I*H!I?,9;!J*+!J*42*6;!K,6+$##4!"*3!L#62;! K,6+$##4!K#+$#9;!$,42!6,.-#!56#%!)#$(!'-$-*+;!G,$+!5,9+;!F*$+! 5,9+!M!*:*6?#9*!N&+$!(,$*.!*,'(!#$(*60!1$!%,.*!$(*!/,%*! $#!'#%*!#9*!#5!$(*!%#+$!,9$-'-8,$*.!-9!6*'*9$!%*%#6?!,9.! ,44#3*.!5#6!$(*!9&%)*6!#9*!%#%*9$!#5!3-9$*6!)6*,2

NFL Divisional Playoffs:

New York Jets vs. New England Patriots

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Sports shorts, highlights and updates !"#$%&&#'()*+",-. !"#$%&'()*%#$

Ski team ranked No. 1 in Ski Racing Magazine Power Rankings

Men’s basketball rebounds against New Hampshire

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Goat of the week: New England Patriots

Women’s basketball wins second in a row

Men’s basketball adds Gonzaga transfer Keegan Hyland

(%0#' 0,' ?5#%2' 40' 0,' ),-' F%0/' 6%&/;' ?-0' 03#' U#0/' 84.0,5)' 8%*4+%0#+' 03#' 05%/3L0%*24&$' /05%0#$)' ,6' 03#' U#0/' %&+' V#Q' V)%&>' J,-' .,-*+' 3%8#' #&+#+' 40' 6,5#8#5;' 6,5' X#1' \&$*%&+' %&+' 03#'5#/0',6'03#'XP]>'X,1;'40'14**' 0%2#' :-*04@*#' @*%),66' +#6#%0/' ,8#5' 03#' U#0/' 4&' 03#45' ?-4*+4&$' 0,' .5-/3' 03#' V#QLV)%&L*#+L /1%$$#5L*%+#&'U#0/>

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Illustration by Dana Ortiz

Quote of the week


Boss of the week: Rex Ryan

He [Brady] looked scared straight, and you can quote that. —James Ihedigbo


New York Jets’ safety

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Men’s hockey improves over break !"#$%&'&#(%)'*& !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&

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`565( a+'-"#+*( `#-?&02-',( -#( .&4(-(I&*=/-1(:$8*JA!*:$*Y&4>*"E>

BRYANT HUGHES | The Vermont Cynic

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UVM men’s basketball takes one on the chin

Maine ends Catamounts’ home winning streak with convincing victory !"#+%,,#-'./0"1&2 !C%&(-';7$(%&

JAMIE LENT | The Vermont Cynic


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Men’s basketball vs. Hartford University Patrick Gymnasium, 7 p.m.

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“I thought they really exposed our weaknesses.” ! Mike Lonergan UVM head coach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



Women’s hockey vs. Northeastern University Gutterson Fieldhouse, 7 p.m.

Men’s hockey @ Merrimack College North Andover, Mass. 7:30 p.m.

Women’s hockey vs. Providence College Gutterson Fieldhouse, 4 p.m.

Men’s hockey @ Merrimack College North Andover, Mass. 7 p.m.

Men’s basketball @ University of Albany Albany, N.Y. 7 p.m.

Women’s basketball @ University of Albany Albany, N.Y. 3 p.m.

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



Men’s basketball vs. University of New Hampshire Patrick Gymnasium, 7:30 p.m.

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