C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!
UNCUT: INS AND OUTS OF THE BURLINGTON DRUG SCENE Marijuana and cocaine rest on a local drug dealer’s table
The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - /0 $ 1 2 3 + 4 - 5 3 % * 6 - 7 4 - 8 9 7 7 - : - ;' < 0 & $ - 7 8 = - > 1 1 0 $ - 8 9 - . - ? 0 % < , ( @ ) ' ( 4 - ;$ % & ' ( )
Mardi Gras clashes with spring break 1-3
Candidates run for SGA presidency
Magic Hat schedules parade during March recess
Hucking for Hicks rail jam
An inside look at the Burlington drug scene
The McLovins play Nectar’s
New caption contest continues
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
“We’re not all going to be able to fly out to New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras.” Leslie Groundwater Sophomore !+2*+1+/%( ;,73+/( H0Y#,-.-,( ',.$(*%(,8/%%'("*,"("*%(2,/,$%(.'(,( 5.8($%,3(4+/(UVM('"#$%&"'(,&$(4+/( "*%(?#/3.&8"+&(0+11#&."7: ET( 3+-%$( ."( 3,'"( 7%,/C( "*,"6'( )*7( T( ,1( $%0.$.&8( "+( '",7( "*.'( 7%,/CG(
!"#!+,-"#.%"+/ /$%00'1.#$).
ARCHIVE PHOTO The Vermont Cynic
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Mardi Gras parade attendence
Free stuff is never free
Men’s hockey recap
Did you attend the Magic Hat Mardi Gras Parade last year? Vermont Cynic poll
Seniors give the gift of power
Will you attend the Magic Hat Mardi Gras Parade this year?
If you are not attending, is it because the parade is during spring break?
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“The class of 2011 has set a goal of raising $5,000 toward this important effort.” Jeff Moreau Annual giving programs director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
Candidates gun ‘Greening the Bottom Line’ University of Vermont leads shift towards for the top spot energy efficiency financing at universities !"#456-)7#$&8%&'0*3 3$'44*5&-$1&
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Total Green Revolving Funds
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
24 number at public institutions 28 number at private institutions
From the “Greening the Bottom Line” report, 2011 MICHAEL CHAUCER-TORELLO The Vermont Cynic
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Canadian provinces represented
25 U.S. states represented
Greek community honored for service and philanthropy
!"#$%& '()
!"#90'5#2)--%&1 3$'44*5&-$1&
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UVM K-9 assisted the South Burlington Police Department on Feb. 20 for a drug violation. Two students were caught at McAuley Hall on Feb. 19 carrying a traffic sign. Marijuana was confiscated from a vehicle that was stopped for a red light violation on Spear Street. The police discovered loud music and underage alcohol consumption Feb. 21 from people in a parked car. M ar ijuana paraphernalia was confiscated from a room in Wills Hall on Feb. 20. The roof and wipers of a parked car were vandalized in the Converse parking lot on Feb. 21.
E-waste banned from landfills
New Vermont electronic waste law now encourages the safe disposal of e-waste !"#$%&'()"#*+,)-( (/1%6 /(011*2#%(,# N>#&.) :$,H) ;<) #3&) &,&*#.+'1*) Electronics that are 8/'$>/*#$.&.() 41,,) =/H) >+.) "#$%&'#() *+$,%) -&) -.&/01'2) 7&.8+'#9() &>>+.#() #+) *+,,&*#) /'%) considered to be #3&),/4)/'%)'+#)&5&')0'+4)1#6) .&*H*,&) &I4/(#&<) /**+.%1'2) #+) #3&) hazardous e-waste: 7&.8+'#9() &,&*#.+'1*) 4/(#&) 7&.8+'#)@+5&.'8&'#)4&-(1#&6 ,/4) 4/() &'/*#&%) :/'6) ;<) -/''1'2) 7&.8+'#) 1() #3&) O;(#) (#/#&) MATTHEW KUPERMAN The Vermont Cynic
Dorms to go wireless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Finance changes made in SGA election process Candidates must submit receipts daily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computers peripherals cell phones DVD players MP3 players computer monitors power cords and chargers
electronic game consoles digital converter boxes answering machines stereo equipment fax machines telephones printers TVs VCRs CRTs E'>+)>.+8)D31##&'%&')"+,1%)F/(#&)G1(#.1*#
ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic
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Under the electronic waste law, people who dispose these items into a landfills are considered to be breaking the law.
First female editor at the Times draws crowd Gail Collins speaks at Ira Allen Chapel JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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Charity talent competition selects ‘idol’ !"#+&,-.#/-0.-" ./011$2)+/#)
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“We were lucky enough to have a generation of women leaders that were not afraid to be be laughed at — and they opened the door for everyone else.” ! Gail Collins New York Times Op-Ed columnist
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Illustration by Andrew Becker
Hucking persists despite snowfall
Skiers and snowboarders shred at rail jam !"#$%&'(#)*% >38%?9%+1@,%'A-31#,
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“It was really cool how they had the whole thing sponsored and gave out Jones soda to everyone.” ! Phil Morin Junior
ZACH WARNER The Vermont Cynic
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Crocheted mountains and bamboo building Artist’s dual-exhibit fills the Burlington City Arts Gallery !"#012/&/%+/#3%45*+ !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&
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Youthful band displays their developed talent
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The McLovins rock the crowd at Nectar’s
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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
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!"#$%&'(!&'$)*$ Last week:
Rugged Boy by Nick Carr
“This is Justin Bieber... before hitting puberty.” Brendan Wilson Class of 2014
This week:
types of flowers E O S R word jumble
Submit a caption for this illustration to: cynic.caption@gmail.com
Seniors get it right this time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
EDITORIAL BOARD !"#$%&'#(')*#+, !"#"$%&'(%)$"*%+ ,-.%,/0123&40
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Tell me what the hell Wiconsin is
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Wait a second — did I say spark a fire? I meant lit the end of the torch with which the Republicans are going to burn the heart of the American worker alive. D3%:(%:(&*('**1=(T,2(53#2C:( 2&'%<#'(%2'*-.+(,*,-%*)%+.(% %$8#!2(:,!3(.4'%:.#2%*&(5*,.1( .&7(%#,%+.(%'*-.+)%#2%C#'4(')5% D34(d3%*(-%..0(%)(8#::410(5*,.1( 4))4!2%;4.+(4&1(!*..4!2%;4( 0&'-&*,*,-%'*-.+)%2#'%)+&+(% 5*"64":(#&1("4:2"%!2(234("%'32:( #2%/#3&/%-#7(',<(,+%(<8/#1(()% +#%#,/1%+.(%<#)+%(/(<(,+&'1% 1%:!,::%*&:(*)(-#:%!(5#'4:=( \3#2C:($*"40(234(-%..(5*,.1( #.:*(1*(#5#+(5%23(8"4;%*,:.+( 4:2#-.%:341(.4'#.(8"*24!2%*&()*"( 5*"64":(4&24"41(%&(&4'*2%#2%*&0( )#%+.*,-)%/*4(%8'#.*0*+*#,)%#,% 3%"%&'(&45(5*"64":(1,"%&'(#( :2"%64(5*,.1(#..(-4!*$4()#%"( -&<(%2#'%(<8/#1(')5%
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OPERATIONS 45+&.$#%(30-.(./+& P$"%B&'("."H&B
— Attorney General Eric Holder, in a letter to Congress stating that the Department of Justice will no longer defend the constitutionslity of the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.
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Vermont doesn’t need lessons on being green )7&2)34$%%+&5,(-/.=*&(%*%,(3$& ".4$4+*+3&A,+.($4+A"2(,+.(B$ G#$%*%&,(%&0(/;$-&</.+*?&#$%*%& ,(%&*)<%&)7&-$%&0(/;$-%*-&</.+*& /.&-$%&1)(:+&-$,-&,(%&1/::/.;&-)& !&2@$!-(5$'#:;
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There is a reason why postcards of Burlington tend to show pictures of the beautiful scenery or rustic downtown in favor of an F-16 screaming over Main Street while distressed, sobbing elementary school kids huddle in fear on the playground below. L4,6>&-$,-=*&1).+%(79:?&M)& /7&-$%6&,(%&-$%&).%*&1/-$&NOP& 0/::/).&/.&,**%-*>&,.+&-$%6&,(%&-$%& ).%*&1/-$&G*)<%&)7&-$%&0(/;$-%*-& ,-.4#;$-.$(5+$!&234$".4$(5+6$ ,(%&-$%&).%*&1$)&,(%&:))4/.;& -)&3:%,.&9'&-$%/(&/<,;%&06& #("2(-./$+.*-2&.,+.("336$72-+.436$ -.-(-"(-*+#<$(5+.$!56<$A2"6$(+33<$4&$ -$%6&.%%+&-$%&3/-6&)7&89(:/.;-).=*& $%:'Q L7&3)9(*%>&-$%&3/-6=*& (%'9-,-/).&'%;*&/-&,*&,&
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
Egypt’s valuable lesson L*+2$(5+$A"#($4+9"4+$&2$#&<$ (5+$Q'#3-,#H".4H4+,&92"96H 4&.R(H,-C$(5+&26$5"#$9&,+$-.$"$ .',%+2$&7$F"*&2#:$G"436<$4'2-./$ -$%&'%,4&)7&-$%&@(,V&I,(>&<,.6& :/0%(,:*&1$)&A&(/;$-:6&A&)'')*%+& -$%&1,(&+/+&*)&06&A&1().;:6&A& N'+#(-&.-./$(5+$*+26$9"A"9-(6$ )7&5/++:%&U,*-%(.%(*&-)&,33%'-& +%<)3(,36?&@-&1,*&,&36./3,:&,.+& '..+9+##"26$,&*+:$ JUSTIN BALDASSARE
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
Finally, I hope, we can put to bed the ridiculous notion that Muslim countries don’t want — or can’t handle — democracy. I, for one, have had my fill of it and hope that it follows Mubarak into a peaceful and quiet retirement.
8$2"2+2$%'($,&2+$+C(2+,+$ 7)(<&3,<%&7()<&(,+/3,:&
,'3(-9'3('2-#(#$!5&$%+3-+*+$ -$,-&+%<)3(,36&/*&09-&).%& )7&<,.6&,33%'-,0:%&7)(<*&)7& /&*+2.,+.(:$>&2$(5&#+$&7$'#$!5&$ 1%(%&-)93$%+&06&-$%&7%%:/.;*& %3$)/.;&)9-&)7&#,$(/(&MV9,(%>& -$/*&(%*').*%&*%%<*&$)::)1&,.+& 3$%,'?& T)1>&)7&3)9(*%>&-$%(%&1,*& ':%.-6&)7&*-9'/+/-6&%<,.,-/.;& 72&,$(5+$9&.#+2*"(-*+$#-4+$"#$ 1%::?&#)&0%&7,/(>&-$%&.%)3).*&+/+& "3!"6#$%+3-+*+$(5"($(5+$Q-443+$ U,*-&1,*&3,',0:%&)7&$,.+:/.;& +%<)3(,36&A&-$,-&/*>&*)&:).;&,*& !+$/"*+$-($(&$(5+,$&.$(5+$A&-.(#$ )7&)9(&;9.*?& S5+6R*+$%++.$9&.#A-9'&'#36$ V9/%-&,0)9-&-$%&39((%.-& 9'(/*/.;&/.&-$%&(%;/).?&@&;9%**& 4+,&92"(-T"(-&.$-#$E'#($.&$7'.$ 9.:%**&6)9&;%-&-)&+()'&*)<%& %&,%#$)2#(:$ >&2$(5+$#".+$",&./#($ 9*&-$)9;$>&-$%&9'(/*/.;&/.& -$%&5/++:%&U,*-&$,*&0%%.& %.3)9(,;/.;?& 8.4<$!-(5$"$3-((3+$,&2+$3'9@<$ -$%&:%**).&1/::&0%&:%,(.%+&A& 59*:/<*&1,.-&+%<)3(,36>&3,.& $,.+:%&+%<)3(,36&,.+&3,.&-,4%& -($7&2$(5+,#+3*+#:$ !;*,)0$%&4<&**&'"$)*$&$7;0)2'$ :)*,2'.$6&72'8$$9"$:&*$(""0$ /'),)01$#2'$#$%&C6./3(&%"20( &:-%"#(455;.
Free stuff is never free MAX KRIEGER
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
-)&<,4/.;&)9(&3)::%;%&%+93,-/).& 0%--%(>&)(&,-&:%,*-&3$%,'%(?& M,+:6>&RJ5&*%%<*&-)&-$/.4& -$,-&/.&)(+%(&-)&0%3)<%&0%--%(>& -($5"#$(&$#"92-)9+:$P.#(+"4$&7$ #"92-)9-./$(5+$G',,+2$O$ *9.;:,**%*>&-$%6&,(%&:%--/.;&-$%& #('4+.(#<$".4$#&,+(-,+#$E'#($(5+$ *-9+%.-*=&',(%.-*=&1,::%-*>&-,4%& 3,(%&)7&-$/.;*?& I%::>&@=<&$%(%&-)&*,6&-$%& *'%.+/.;&$,*&-)&*-)'&*)<%1$%(%?& T)&).%&1/::&(%,::6&</**& -$%&*/::6&$,-*>&0%.+6&*-(,1*&)(& 3,.+/%*?&#$%6&3%(-,/.:6&1).=-& 0%&+/*,'')/.-%+&/7&-$%(%&,(%&.)& ,&2+$^`H-.95$F"($#92++.#$%&'/5($ (&$4-#A3"6$93'%$F-+2#$-.$(5+$ 5,(3$[?&&
Now, I’m all for President Fogel providing a free legal buzz but where should we draw the line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
Quick Opinions Max Krieger #$%6&*$)9:+&(%.,<%&*'(/.;&0(%,4&-)& 1/.-%(&0(%,4&',(-&-1)?&@-&*9(%&1).=-&0%& *'(/.;&9'&$%(%?&
Zach Despart #$,.4&6)9>&3$,/.&,3()**&S%+*-).%& 8A"2(,+.(#$2&"4!"6<$7&2$,"@-./$-($ ,&2+$+*+.$,&2+$&7$"$5"##3+$(&$."*-/"(+$ -$()9;$&-$/*&;)+7)(*,4%.&3,<'9*?&#,4%& *)<%&)7&-$%&,..9,:&NOO"&-/-$%&@&',6&-)& )C$(5+$+.(26K+C-(#$#&$6&'$9".$"9('"336$ %.-%(&,.+&%H/-&-$()9;$&-$%<?
Talking trades
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Goat of the week: Derek Jeter T'*=$$(@% 6,K6#')/5'*% X'*=% G.$)*>/$**$/% 6,55$*.$0% ,*% .#$)/%1,((%.,%"$N'(%)*%.#$%45$/)6'*% U$'+8$% E6#'5&),*(#)&% 1'(.% ($'(,*A%('7)*+%.#'.%(,5$%T'*=$$(% &1'7$/(% B$/$% .,,% >8(7% >8)10)*+% 5'*(),*(% '-.$/% .#$% I\\`% O,/10% G$/)$(% .,% -,68(% ,*% B)**)*+% '*,.#$/%,*$9% C#% (B$$.A% Y$.$/@(% *$B% 581.)K5)11),*% 0,11'/% 5'*(),*% "!) %$"!-(/?) @(,(.A) B) '&,6'00=) 0"8() 7,8% ;% ,*$% ,-% .#$% -$B% T'*=$$(% F% 6'*% (.'*09% 38.% .,% +$.% >'(#$0% >7% G.$)*>/$**$/%a%>855$/%080$9%%
Illustration by Dana Ortiz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
Quote of the week
If it means the game being shut down for the sake of bringing sanity to it … I’m all for it.
— Ken Williams White Sox General Manager F*%/$(&,*($%.,%.'1=(%,-%gf\% 5)11),*%'%7$'/%6,*./'6.(%.,% &1'7$/(%(86#%'(%41>$/.%c8V,1(%;% (8++$(.)*+%'%.$5&,/'/7%#)'.8(%,-% ?'V,/%U$'+8$%3'($>'119
Men’s lacrosse opens season with a win "#$% 5$*@(% 1'6/,(($% .$'5% ,&$*$0%I\!!%B).#%'%`Kb%B)*%,D$/% E,1+'.$% :$>9% I\9% G,&#,5,/$% Q/$B% c#)1)$% 1$0% .#$% .$'5% B).#% ()N% &,)*.(% ;% -,8/% +,'1(% '*0% .B,% '(()(.(% ;% '(% (,&#,5,/$% "#,5'(%
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This week’s sports in short !"#$%&'#()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'
Cynic power rankings !9%3,(.,*%E$1.)6(%hbIK!]ij
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R'1D)*% .'11)$0% '*% '00).),*'1% -,8/% &,)*.(%-,/%.#$%E'.(9% Y8*),/% +,'1)$% Q'D)0% 3'/.,*% ('D$0% $)+#.% +,'1(% -,/% de?A% '(% e$/5,*.%,8.(#,.%E,1+'.$%f\KI!9
Boss of the week: New York Knicks F*% '% >1,6=>8(.$/% ./'0$A% .#$% <*)6=(% ,>.')*$0% E'/5$1,% 4*.#,*7% -/,5% .#$% 28++$.(% ;% 6,5&1)5$*.)*+% 45'/@$% G.,80$5)/$@(% 411KG.'/% *85>$/(% B).#%'*%'D$/'+$%,-%I]%&,)*.(%'*0% ()N%/$>,8*0(%'%+'5$9% G)..)*+% V8(.% '>,D$% 9]\\A% .#$% <*)6=(%*$$0%'%1)..1$%=)6=(.'/.A%'*0% 4*.#,*7%5'7%V8(.%>$%.#$%411KG.'/% -,/B'/0%.,%0,%(,9%^"#$%<*)6=(%'/$% >'6=A_%G.,80$5)/$%(')09%4*0%$D$*% U$>/,*%#'0%.,%'+/$$%B).#%.#'.%;% )*%#)(%,B*%(*,..7K*,($0%B'79%
Track and field competes for AE championship "#$%5$*@(%'*0%B,5$*@(%./'6=% '$/)%(0/)70'&(/)!(C($,-)'$/)%+,-) /$(&$6.)D$17%)*%.#$%I\!!%45$/)6'% M'(.%F*0,,/%E#'5&),*(#)&(9%"#$% 41>'*7% R/$'.% Q'*$(% .,,=% >,.#% .#$% 5$*@(% '*0% B,5$*@(% .).1$(% '.% .#$% 3,(.,*% d*)D$/().7K#,(.$0% $D$*.%,*%G'.8/0'7A%:$>9%!`9%%
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Cats rebound after decisive loss against UNH !"#$%&'&#(%)'*& !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("&
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
ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic
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UVM athlete spotlight of the week !"#+%,-#.&*/' !()**'+&$("&
Illustration by Dana Ortiz
Kailey Gardner —
Women’s swimming and diving Accomplishments at UVM:
Events: Freestyle Class: Sophomore Hometown: Ithaca, N.Y. High school: Ithaca High School Friday
Men’s hockey @ Boston University Tie 3-3
Men’s hockey @ Boston University Loss 3-0
Men’s lacrosse @ Air Force Win 9-6
Women’s basketball @ Boston University Loss 75-52
Men’s basketball vs. Boston University Loss 66-64 Women’s lacrosse @ Colgate Loss 20-14
Courtesy of Athletic Communications
K&19*#1$ C1(3#$ !>($ +:"((@$ 1#:(19+$ /*$ !"#$ 0*&@$ 521( %3( )$*( "S!!( [+*46/2( a2.)( F$2+>6%,.$6>=( @#&9/*?$!"#$%&!+$!($&$B()1!"$A@&:#$0*/+"$L#C<$MN<$ O#1$ +#:(*9$ A@&:#$ 0*/+"$ /*$ !"#$ .5,PN$ B1##+!6@#$ C1(3#$C(!"$QE2R+$0*&@$!/'#$1#:(19$&+$>#@@$&+$!"#$ )6+*(4*/%45(2)()$*(!=SSS(34**.)18*(+240(96)$()6+*.( %3(!QTYS;VV(2,5(!ST!";SV(4*.>*/)6@*81;( N245,*4( 92.( ,2+*5( [+*46/2( a2.)( H96++*4( %3( )$*( C**0( )96/*( )$6.( .*2.%,( 6,( 2556)6%,( )%( )$*( G#&'$%(&:"R+$F>&19$"#1$01+!$6#&1$+#&+(*<$ F+$ &$ 01+!$ 6#&15$ K&19*#1$ 0*/+"#9$ 01+!$ /*$ !"#$ !=SSS(34**.)18*(*6'$)(%&)(%3(,6,*()6+*.=(.$2))*46,'( +:"((@$&*9$01+!$6#&1$1#:(19+$&@(*?$!"#$>&6<$$$$$
Previous accomplishments:
N245,*4( 92.( $*4( P)$2/2( .96+( )*2+( /2>)26,( 6,( "SS<=( $*8>6,'( )$*+( 96,( )$*( .)2)*( /$2+>6%,.$6>( 34%+("SSY()%("SS<;( H$*(.*)(2(./$%%8(4*/%45(6,()$*(YSS(34**.)18*(2,5( 92.(>24)(%3(2(>%%8(4*/%45(3%4()$*(WSS(34**.)18*(4*821( b(2,(2//%+>86.$+*,)()$2)(*24,*5($*4([88D[+*46/2,( .)2)&.(3%4()$2)(*@*,);
Women’s lacrosse vs Dartmouth Burlington 3 p.m.
Men’s hockey vs UMass Lowell Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:05 p.m.
Men’s hockey vs UMass Lowell Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:05 p.m.
March 4-12 Men’s and women’s basketball America East Conference Tournament