Vermont Cynic Issue 24

Page 1

C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!

The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883

Profile on Gary Derr


SPECTACLE Top Cats a cappella


How To: Accidentally have a crush on your professor



“Honest” photography draws attention



Adventures of Joel and Chris



Those who forget the past...

12-13 SPORTS MLB National League preview

Katy Perry borrows beats from Russian duo


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Japan’s quake shakes students Students stays despite danger !"#$%&'()"#*+,)-( ./011$2)+/#)

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Taking the next step Plans for Fogel’s resignation underway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

“He says he’s coming back to the English department so I have to believe it’s true, but he’s taking a year off so who knows what could happen during that year with somebody who’s got the profile he does. Tony Magistrale Head of the English Deptartment G['#(2:#$)% \3E#+0(% *,8.+)D% (,+,'D% *3'% &(8,+% D#,'% TJUS% ",(% $3)% O##$% &$,+2^#:% ,)% )"2(% )2<#9F% (,2:% _3O#')% Y23*&9% 8",2'% 3*% )"#% ]3,':%3*%H'.()##(C%G?%#`K#8)%)",)% !2++%O#%'#(3+4#:%,)%)"#%7,D%O3,':% +--2$#1?' ;"2' $2' .$))' #%2' ;-' 7$/' 8.''#$)%(,+,'D%,(%K'#(2:#$)CF%% C&-/$:-#2' E%1-)' .$))' 6%#2$#"-' 7$/' .%&0' .$27' %"2/$:-' K'3*#((23$,+% 3'E,$2^,)23$(9% *+%#1' %27-&' 27$#1/?' :"&$#1' 7$/' D#,'%3*%,O(#$8#9%"#%(,2:C%% G?% /$3!% )",)% "#% 2(% !3'/2$E% 3$% ,% K'3N#8)% !2)"% ,% $,)23$,+% ,((382,)23$% 3*% K.O+28% +,$:aE',$)%

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic


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Dean’s salary questioned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a

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Training the heart UVM professor co-authors new book !"#!%,-"#./"%+ !"#$$%&'(")' !"#$%&"'( ,&"%+%'"%$( ,&( 8,&6'8)&(-)/'(,"")$&()(#>)6,&+() ".%( '/1%( .%/+":+/"%( "+/,&,&-( ,&<*+1/",*&(/'(%C,"%(/".C%"%'(,&(/( 2**=()+,""%&(23(0+*<%''*+(K%6C/&( ?*&&*CC34(( BS%/+"( A/"%( G+/,&,&->F( /( &%)( 2**=( 0#2C,'.%$( ".,'( 0/'"( 9/+6.>()/'(6*:)+,""%&(23()*+C$: +%&*)&%$( +#&&,&-( 6*/6.( A*3( H%&'%&( /&$( 0+*<%''*+( ?*&&*CC3>( /66*+$,&-("*(".%(OT9()%2',"%4(( BG.,'(2**=(,'(/&(#&0/+/CC%C%$( -#,$%( "*( 1/W,1,b,&-( 3*#+( "+/,&,&-( #',&-( /( .%/+"( +/"%( 1*&,"*+>( 0+*8,$,&-( 2*".( ".%( .*)( /&$( ).3( <*+( %/6.( %C%1%&">( /&$( 0#"",&-( ,"( /CC( "*-%".%+( ,&( /&( /66%'',2C%( %/'3:"*:/00C3(

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Students buy into budget committee !"#(/$/6#7%252&8%$ !"#$$%&'(")'

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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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Who is Gary Derr? !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ !"#$$%&'(")'

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“A lot of what I do is provide support and respond to issues of the day for the president’s office.” Gary Derr Vice President for Executive Operations and Chief of Staff for President Daniel Mark Fogel 5<"%+( "/=,&-( '*1%( ",1%( *<<( /<"%+( -+/$#/",&-( <+*1( G.,%C( ?*CC%-%>( K%++( '/,$( .%( 2%-/&( )*+=,&-( ,&( /( 6*CC%-%( +%',$%&",/C( ./CC4 BD( +%/CC3( %&P*3%$( )*+=,&-( ),".(".%('"#$%&"'>F(.%('/,$4(BH#"( &') &) $,+'&%() ;#%('2) A) &@1@) /+,) /C/+1'(-*"(/(C,""C%(2*+,&-4F D&"%&"( *&( 1*8,&-( #0( ,&( /$1,&,'"+/",*&>( K%++( %/+&%$( /( 1/'"%+E'( $%-+%%( /&$( 2%-/&( 0#+',&-( .,'( $*6"*+/"%( /"( OT9( ).%&( .%( '/)( /&( *00*+"#&,"3( "*( >#+?)%()'8,),B,$3'%4,)#0/$,@) V.%&( /'=%$( /2*#"( .,'( <#"#+%>( K%++( '/,$( .%( +%6*-&,b%'( "./"( 6./&-%'( 1,-."( 2%( 1/$%( /'(( [+%',$%&"(;*-%C('"%0'($*)&4 S%(,&"%&$'("*('"/3(*&(/'(6.,%<( *<('"/<<(2#"(+%/C,b%'("./"(".%(&%W"( 0+%',$%&"( 1/3( ./8%( '*1%2*$3( .%c'.%( )*#C$( C,=%( "*( 2+,&-( ,&( "*( /66)'8&')+#6,@ K%++('/,$("./"(.%(./'(./$(/&( /1/b,&-( %W0%+,%&6%( )*+=,&-( ),".( [+%',$%&"( ;*-%C( /&$( "./"( 8,)8#;,")'#)/(-)&);#"%'%#()%()'8,) &%W"(/$1,&,'"+/",*&(/'()%CC4( BK*( D( .*0%( "./"( '*1%".,&-( %C'%( 6/&( 2%( 6/+8%$( *#"( <*+( 1%( .%+%XF( .%( '/,$4( BL%/.>( 2%6/#'%( D( C*8%(OT94F(

Students respond:

Who is Gary Derr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



University is getting smart Professors study power systems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

!"#$%& '() !"#!$%&"#'("$) !"#$$%&'(")'

Theft Two computers were stolen on March 24 from a Waterman office.

Vandalism A student broke a dorm room window in Hamilton Hall by throwing something at it. Graffiti was drawn on a bathroom sign in Millis Hall on March 22.

25(/(,-%,0%70%8E,,('4%$74$%*$+$2*8#% .(,#% (33$7(2,$% (3128,+% 60*% 0E*% $')(*0'3$',?I%#$%+2(7: "#$% *$+$2*8#$*+% 06% ,#$% ,$8#'0/04-% +2(7% ,#$-% #01$% ,0% E+$%10.$*%6*03%(7/$%#-5*(7%82*+?% 211/(2'8$+% ,#2,% 2*$% '0,% ('% E+$% 2'7% /(4#,+% ,#2,% 2*$% 2E,032,(82//-% ,E*'$7% 066% .#$'% 2% *003% (+% E'088E1($7?% ('% 0*7$*% ,0% *$7E8$% 10.$*%0E,24$+: "#$% 80+,% 06% +,2*,('4% ,#(+% ,$8#'0/04-% .(//% 5$% 250E,% PQRR% 5(//(0'?%"0**$+%+2(7:

“Smart Grid is an ongoing development that hopes to utilize digital technology to improve the reliability, security and efficiency of the American power grid.” Juan Torres Sandia Labs Energy Systems Manager 90% 62*?% ,#$% 1*04*23% #2+% *$8$()$7% PS% 5(//(0'% 6*03% ,#$% &:9:% =$12*,3$',% 06% >'$*4-% 2'7% ,2T12-$*+?%#$%+2(7: "0**$+% +2(7% #$% 5$/($)$+% ,#2,% '6"*&"."1'+*30*'6"*'",6.3#38(*0%!* 0E,.$(4#% ,#$% 230E',% 06% 6E'7+% +1$',%0'%,#$%1*0J$8,: F"#$% ,$8#'0/04-% .0E/7% *$7E8$% 80+,+% 5-% PSU% 5(//(0'% 1$*% -$2*% 2'7% .0E/7% 01,(3(G$% 10.$*% 8!$/*"01,$".,()9*:3!!"+*+%$/7

Disturbance A student woke up to find an unknown male sitting in her dorm room in Harris Hall. Four people — two UVM students — were criminally charged for causing a disturbance in Simpson Hall.

Drugs and alcohol Marijuana and drug-related objects were confiscated in Simpson and Wright halls. Alcohol was confiscated from three students in Wilks Hall. Two intoxicated students were caught pushing a grocery cart down the street on March 27.


New laboratory to be built 2011-2012 !"#*+,-)#.%/00 !"#$$%&'(")' "#$% ,$8#'0/04(82/% *$)0/E,(0'% ('% 3$7(8('$% 32-% +00'% 2**()$% 2,% &;<: K*$+(7$',% =2'($/% <2*Y% _04$/% 2'7% _/$,8#$*% H//$'% K*$+(7$',% 2'7% L>a% <$/('72% >+,$+% #2)$% 2''0E'8$7% 1/2'+% ,0% 80'+,*E8,% 2% '$.% L/('(82/% 9(3E/2,(0'% B25% ('% ,#$% X0.$//% AE(/7('4% 2,% &;<?% 2% &'()$*+(,-% L033E'(82,(0'+% 2*,(8/$%+,2,$7:% F@,%.(//%#2)$%2'%(3128,%0'%,#$% .2-% .$% 7$/()$*% 82*$% ,0% 12,($',+% 2'7%,#$(*%623(/($+%2'7%#$/1%E+%,0% 80',('E2//-% (31*0)$% ,#$% bE2/(,-%

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Scientists are seeing stars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Club Budgets

The Student Government Association has decided how much money each club is going to get for the next academic year. Here are the clubs that are receiving the most money and which are getting the least.

Volunteers in Action

$1,221,768.26 Crew

$70,248.65 SA Concerts


$ Band

$45.00 Student Dietetic Association


Pre-Medical Club





The man behind the name Julian Golfarini, more than just the SGA president !"#$%&'%#(%))* !""#"$%&$'()*"'+,#$-.

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Provost Jane Knodell spoke about how to improve international presence on campus. A bill calling for state-level funding for the next academic year passed. Claire Chevrier withdrew the motion to open the constitution up for possible changes to the number of senators that must live off-campus. The senatorial candidates that were late in handling in their elections packets received a sanction and can spend $25 on their campaign instead of the original $50. Senatorial elections are April 6-7, and students can vote on the Lynx. The Blood Ban Committee is working on a video about why the FDA should allow gay male students to give blood to the Red Cross.

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Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-

UVM’s all male a cappella group the Top Cats perform on the fourth floor of the Davis Center on Friday, March 25. Captured by Jamie Lent. (From left to right) Top left: Owen Rachampbel, Luke Neill, Philip Stetson. Top right: Leo Evancie, Colby Morgan, Adam Knight, David Travis. Middle: Owen Rachampbell, Philip Stetson, Russel McHenry, Max Krieger. Bottom: Owen Rachampbell, Tom Campbell, Leo Evancie, Luke Neill, Philip Stetson, Russel McHenry, Max Krieger






Burlington hails its civic leaders

Celebrate Burlington! honors community activists and developers !"#$%&'(#)*% !"#$%&$'()*$+,-."(/*

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“[Burlington] is probably the most diverse community in the state.”! Will Sawyer Center for Rural Studies Professor ALEXA ALIGOS The Vermont Cynic

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Doo-dads get you through spring time slump

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Bearded lady combats gender stigmas

Performer and activist spreads messages of social justice at Fleming "#!$%&'(!)'*('# 9/088$:6(/#6

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!"#$%"& Have a crush on your professor

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“Because I deal with body image so much, and having people look at me, I’ve realized everyone feels not normal and not centered.”! Jennifer Miller Artistic Director of Circus Amok 780"*+9+:#.+'-.%+&*%-)3$("3+ /-$2"#$O#/5>#>$&/>F.$2"#5#$1/-$/$ -#)-#$ 0B$ 5#&(#B$ /)>$ S$ 30,&>$ *501$ 2"50,*"$2"/2.L$+(&&#5$-/(>H !"#$-"01$#)>#>$1(2"$40-(2(N#$ 30''#)2-$ B50'$ /,>(#)3#$ '#'O#5-H I[0,$/5#$/$10)>#5B,&$10'/).L$ /$/,>(#)3#$'#'O#5$-/(>H

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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‘Honest’ photography draws attention

UVM senior displays photos of butchery and costumes in the Davis Center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

F$)%+$?+&/-#%B C"+&/!-#$<+??&?'6-!#'1&:$'.+%& !'& ;+& ;'!"& -& ;''1& -1%& -& 6)$/+& ('$& F$)%+$?+B& 2"#?+& #!& %#%1L!& :$'.+& !"+& 9'/!& #1!#9-!+& @-??+$3& /!3?+& /+!!#1@4& !"+& %$-<& '(& "#/& :"'!'@$-:"3& "-%& 9-13& N)/!& :-//#1@& !"$')@"& /!'::#1@& !'& -%9#$+4&'$&6$#!#6#O+4&"#/&<'$=B&&&

“I think the artistic part aside, photos give you an excuse and emotive to do anything you want to.”! Bobby Bruderle Senior


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UVM students get down at Snoe.down Rutland music festival motivates students to travel for music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`& !"+& 5-1"-!!-1& R$'N+6!B& C<#%%?+&<-/&-?/'&#16?)%+%&#1& !"+& ?#1+):4& ;)!& %#((+$+1!& !#6=+!/& <+$+&$+A)#$+%&!'&-!!+1%&!"+&/"'<4& ):/+!!#1@&9-13&C<#%%?+&(-1/B& D^+??+$& :?-3+%& ;+('$+& 5'+B& !"+& I$/!& 1#@"!& -1%& "+& <-/& $+-??3& -<+/'9+4E&H-<=#1/&/-#%B&DP'!)/& M&"-.+&1+.+$&/++1&;+('$+&-1%&!"+3& ;?+<&93&9#1%B&_??&'(&Y)!?-1%&<-/& !-=+1&'.+$&;3&5'+B&(-1/4&U)$!"+$& (-1/4&R"#/"&(-1/B&2+&9+!&-&?'!&'(&

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“There was a large UVM presence in the under 21 crowd. Everywhere I turned I could see someone I knew.”! Grace Hawkins Sophomore

DR+':?+&<+$+&?+-.#1@&;+6-)/+& !"+3& <+$+& /'& ):/+!& <#!"& !"+& /+-!#1@4E& I$/!& 3+-$& H-?+3& F?-#$& /-#%B& Da')& 6')?%& "+-$& -& ?'!& '(& 6'9:?-#1!/B& J.+$-??& !"+& (+/!#.-?& <-/&'1?3&@''%&;+6-)/+&5'+B&#/&/'& @''%BE J1& !"+& '!"+$& /#%+4& 9-13& /!)%+1!/& <"'& -66+:!+%& !"+& /+-!#1@&/-#%&!"+3&"-%&-&<'1%+$()?&

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Illustration by Andrew Becker




Cats croon a cappella for MEDlife

UVM Top Cats perform pop numbers for medicine, education and family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



Katy Perry borrows beats from Russian duo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“The closing song was really good and it helped focus everyone on why we were here, supporting MEDlife.” Hannah Lachance


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I actually kind of like “E.T.,” but I can’t help but want to go and listen to “All the Things She Said” every time I hear it — everyone knows the sequel is never as good as the original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

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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Write for the Vermont Cynic. !"#$%&'()%*+,.'()%/'01+.'()%123,4+-


Never underestimate the power of the written word. Write for the Vermont Cynic. It’s your pen. Your voice. Your way to make change.





‘Babel’ producer returns to Burlington Alum imparts wisdom to students on creating magic behind the screen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brought to you by

The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker

ACROSS 1- Capital city of Western Samoa 5- Low point 10- ___ breve 14- Fool 15- Put up with 16- Defeat 17- Switch ending 18- Where Columbus was born 19- Dynamic beginning 20- Mistaken 22- Penitentiary island 24- Came down to earth 27- Close 28- Candy 32- Angular indentation 36- 401(k) alternative 37- French market town 39- Jewelled crown worn by women 40- Hair untangler

!"#$%&'(!&'$)*$ Last week:

“Oh man, I hate it when Pac Man eats the cherries!” Travis Gervais Class of 2011

This week:

Submit a caption for this illustration to:

42- Descendant 44- Reformer Jacob 45- Two cents, so to speak 47- Bunk 49- Acquire 50- Puccini heroine 51- Apostate 53- Swiss painter Paul 56- 365 days 57- Riffraff 61- Moist 65- Bakery worker 66- Buenos ___ 69- Japanese soup 70- Emperor of Rome 54-68 71- Fortune-telling cards 72- Ballet bend 73- Corm of the taro 74- Ruhr city 75- Cravings

DOWN 1- Not many 2- Cat sound 3- Langston Hughes poem 4- Not divided into regions 5- Henpeck 6- Actor Vigoda 7- Actress Merrill 8- Icons 9- Arrive at 10- Slaughterhouse 11- Lecherous look 12- Zhivago’s love 13- The gamut 21- Smooth-talking 23- Em, e.g. 25- Wall St. debuts 26- Come into contact with 28- Lawful 29- Home of the Black Bears 30- Lanterns 31- Earlier 33- Coniferous evergreen forest 34- Wept 35- Speed 38- Viscid 41- Cowboy 43- Branta sandvicensis 46- Anklebones 48- Casual assent 52- Grouchy 54- Delight 55- Inventor Howe 57- Motion picture 58- Served perfectly 59- Dweeb 60- Goes astray 62- Track event 63- The doctor ___ 64- Evil is as evil ____. 67- Fair-hiring abbr. 68- RR stop





Sharma the savior?




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Those who forget the past...


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THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412





Inside and outside the classroom MAX KRIEGER

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Illustration by Andrew Becker

President Fogel gets it

Quick Opinions Max Krieger K(+%ZB"9">%/-%/,%A1&'(*4.2%-$"-%A(V*(% $"&'/&3%1)(*%-$(%9/,,/1&%/&%I/B+"%-1% h5FZ>%B.-%$",%"&+1&(%9(&-/1&('%-1% +1.%A$1%2("',%h5FZc%

Katy Petiford F$"&H,%-1%9+%'"+,%14%-$(%A((H% .&'(*A("*%"&'%Y(B(##"%b2"#H>%C%#"&% &1A%3(-%-$*1.3$%-$(%A((H% /&%1*'(*===

Zach Despart

5%B/22%/&%-$(%@"/&(%,-"-(%2(3/,2"-.*(% A1.2'%21A(*%-$(%,-"-(%9/&/9.9%A"3(% 4*19%id=jE%-1%",%2/--2(%",%ij=]j%<(*% $1.*%41*%A1*H(*,%A$1%"*(%.&'(*%]E>% "&'%-$(%#.**(&-%B.'3(-%<*1<1,"2%#"22,% 41*%"%jE%<(*#(&-%/&#19(%-";%#*('/-% 41*%#/-/N(&,%12'(*%-$"&%eE=%@"/&(%/,% "2*("'+%-$(%,()(&-$%12'(,-%,-"-(%/&%-$(% 7&/1&%X%A$"-V,%&(;->%"%B/22%-1%#$"&3(% -$(%,-"-(%91--1%-1%f@"/&(S%h.*,/&3% K19(%14%59(*/#"cg




The Cynic’s weekly power rankings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UVM athlete spotlight of the week "#!$%&'!()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Nika Ouellette —


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

Women’s track and field Courtesy of Athletic Communications

Event: Throws javelin

Class: First year

Hometown: Brookline, Mass. High School: Brookline High School Accomplishments at UVM: N?1*,)D'(('(3)1%*)T+/*E'()+1)1%*)M'$O)2%*+) #0*()&()7+,$%):[<)#>*EE*11*)D+.)(+9*-)1%*) N9*,'$+)Q+.1)H'*E-)@*,?&,9*,)&?)1%*)K**OB) 2%*)1&00*-)+).*+.&()=*.1)=6)1%,**)9*1*,.<) 1%,&D'(3) ?&,) ":B[!9) P) +) 9+,O) 1%+1) =*+1.) 1%*) D'(('(3) 1%,&D) ?,&9) 1%*) :Z!Z) N9*,'$+) Q+.1) 5%+90'&(.%'0) =6) BZ!9B) I%'.) '.) %*,) .*$&(-) T+/*E'() D'() '() 1D&) 1,'*.) ->,'(3) 1%*) 5A66&(;'+((%&'%-@:&-"+&!$,+&2$-2("?&&

Previous accomplishments: #>*EE*11*) D+.) (+9*-) '(& '.$& B,,7<("4$%$"@$& L$-8& 4%(8& 5AAP75A6A3& $+00'(3)&??)%*,)%'3%).$%&&E) $+,**,) D'1%) 1%*) 1'1E*) &?) :Z!Z) 7+..+$%>.*11.) 21+1*) 5%+90'&() '() T+/*E'(<) D'1%) +)9+,O)&?)":B[:9B))

Sports in short Quote of the week

"#!$%&'!()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Boss of the week: Chad Ochocinco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

Mas given second straight AE Rookie of the Week honor N?1*,)E*+-'(3)1%*)5+1+9&>(1.) '(&'1(&1>"2&,-2'&1$$:3&!%2'&0$-%& 26-(*6) 7+.) *+,(*-) %*,) .*$&(-) 2'%->#.'& B8$%>@-& C-2'& )((:>$& &?) 1%*) K**O) 1'1E*) ?&,) D&9*(J.) E+$,&..*B)) 2%*) 1+EE'*-) .*/*() 3&+E.) +(-) !!) -,+D) $&(1,&E.) '() D'(.) &/*,) #,*3&() +(-) 21&(6) L,&&O<) %&E-'(3)%*,)1&0).0&1)'()N9*,'$+) Q+.1)?&,)3&+E.)1%'.).*+.&(B


You guys deserve


— Anthony Parker Cavaliers’ Guard/Forward

N--,*..'(3)5E*/*E+(-)?+(.) -4'$%&-&6A57DA&+$4$-'&(4&E$F%("& R+9*.)+(-)1%*)C*+1)&()7+,$%) :;B

Goat of the week: Lebron James K%*() 8*L,&() .+'-) 1%+1) 1%'.) .*$&(-),*1>,()1&)5E*/*E+(-)$+(J1) /$& -"0& 1(%2$& '.-"& '.$& !%2'3& .$& D+.) D,&(3B) M*+-) D,&(3B) N?1*,) %+/'(3) %'.) *(1&>,+3*) -*('*-) *(1,6)1&)1%*)+,*(+)+(-).O'00'(3) &>1) &() 0E+6*,) '(1,&->$1'&(.<) 8*L,&() D+.) %>9'E'+1*-) =6) 1%*) 5+/.)P)+(-)1%*',)?+(.B))!

Voelkel named to Firstyear All-American Team H',.1)6*+,)L,'+()A&*EO*E)D+.) ("$& (4& (",0& 56& !%2'70$-%& 8$"92& /-2:$'/-,,& 2';+$"'7-'.,$'$2& '() 1%*) (+1'&() 1&) =*) (+9*-) 1&) <(,,$#$="2>+$%?@(892& 5A66& B,,7 N9*,'$+)I*+9B)) C*) '.) 1%*) &(E6) 0E+6*,) ,*0,*.*(1'(3) =&1%) N9*,'$+) Q+.1) +(-) G*D) Q(3E+(-) &() 1%'.) 0,*.1'3'&>.)1*+9B)))




Major League Baseball preview 2011 AB#C177#%3(+*B92: !"#$%&'()*%#$

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Making sense of the madness


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Wednesday 3/30


Women’s lacrosse vs. Holy Cross W 10-9

Women’s lacrosse @ Binghamton L 14-13

AB*/&-( J+B/&'( b#**( >#*%( 2DX( *+( C+( B9( +"/;( +"&:( d1[X`D( b#**M$( \#/?&-*(A-+>"(*#&'(*%&(C.8&(.*(d1:( ?B*(8#$$&'(%#$($&@+"'(J-&&(*%-+>( ."'( AB*/&-M$( E.**( U+>.-'( C+*( J+B/&'( +"( *%&( -&?+B"'( ?;( 3.$#-( F+?#"$+":( $&"'#"C( AB*/&-M$( $*.-( *+( *%&( /#"&D( U&( $."7( *%&( >#""#"C( J-&&( *%-+>( ?&J+-&( #"*&"*#+".//;( 8#$$#"C(*%&($&@+"'(."'($&./#"C(.( AB*/&-(>#"D((

My question is, if VCU had won it all, would it have validated the NCAA’s decision to expand the field to 68 teams and create the First Four? Or did their run to the Final Four accomplish that already? ]+%"( 4./#9.-#( %.$( .( ?#*( +J( .( -&9B*.*#+"e( %&( -&@-B#*$( *%&( ?&$*( ;+B"C( +"&[."'['+"&( $*.-$( ."'( $&&8$( *+( ./>.;$( /&.,&( 9-+C-.8$( #88&'#.*&/;( ?&J+-&( *%&;( .-&( .@@B$&'(+J(-&@-B#*#"C(,#+/.*#+"$D(( <%#$( ;&.-M$( B9'.*&'( 8+'&/(


Men’s lacrosse @ Binghamton L 8-7 OT


MA%N.?.8A%O#?90 !"#$%&'()

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Men’s lacrosse vs. Holy Cross 4 p.m.


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Women’s lacrosse @ Albany 3 p.m.



Track and Field @ UNH Invitational 11 a.m. Women’s lacrosse vs. UMBC 11 a.m.

C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!

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Japan’s quake shakes students Students stays despite danger !"#$%&'()"#*+,)-( ./011$2)+/#)

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Taking the next step Plans for Fogel’s resignation underway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

“He says he’s coming back to the English department so I have to believe it’s true, but he’s taking a year off so who knows what could happen during that year with somebody who’s got the profile he does. Tony Magistrale Head of the English Deptartment G['#(2:#$)% \3E#+0(% *,8.+)D% (,+,'D% *3'% &(8,+% D#,'% TJUS% ",(% $3)% O##$% &$,+2^#:% ,)% )"2(% )2<#9F% (,2:% _3O#')% Y23*&9% 8",2'% 3*% )"#% ]3,':%3*%H'.()##(C%G?%#`K#8)%)",)% !2++%O#%'#(3+4#:%,)%)"#%7,D%O3,':% +--2$#1?' ;"2' $2' .$))' #%2' ;-' 7$/' 8.''#$)%(,+,'D%,(%K'#(2:#$)CF%% C&-/$:-#2' E%1-)' .$))' 6%#2$#"-' 7$/' .%&0' .$27' %"2/$:-' K'3*#((23$,+% 3'E,$2^,)23$(9% *+%#1' %27-&' 27$#1/?' :"&$#1' 7$/' D#,'%3*%,O(#$8#9%"#%(,2:C%% G?% /$3!% )",)% "#% 2(% !3'/2$E% 3$% ,% K'3N#8)% !2)"% ,% $,)23$,+% ,((382,)23$% 3*% K.O+28% +,$:aE',$)%

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic


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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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Who is Gary Derr? !"#!$%&'#()**%$+ !"#$$%&'(")'

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“A lot of what I do is provide support and respond to issues of the day for the president’s office.” Gary Derr Vice President for Executive Operations and Chief of Staff for President Daniel Mark Fogel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b%'( "./"( 6./&-%'( 1,-."( 2%( 1/$%( /'(( [+%',$%&"(;*-%C('"%0'($*)&4 S%(,&"%&$'("*('"/3(*&(/'(6.,%<( *<('"/<<(2#"(+%/C,b%'("./"(".%(&%W"( 0+%',$%&"( 1/3( ./8%( '*1%2*$3( .%c'.%( )*#C$( C,=%( "*( 2+,&-( ,&( "*( /66)'8&')+#6,@ K%++('/,$("./"(.%(./'(./$(/&( /1/b,&-( %W0%+,%&6%( )*+=,&-( ),".( [+%',$%&"( ;*-%C( /&$( "./"( 8,)8#;,")'#)/(-)&);#"%'%#()%()'8,) &%W"(/$1,&,'"+/",*&(/'()%CC4( BK*( D( .*0%( "./"( '*1%".,&-( %C'%( 6/&( 2%( 6/+8%$( *#"( <*+( 1%( .%+%XF( .%( '/,$4( BL%/.>( 2%6/#'%( D( C*8%(OT94F(

Students respond:

Who is Gary Derr? !"#$%&'&$%(#)%*$+&*% $,-./*%-0)'1%1#$% &$-2/3%&$4-21$&56 123(45'-(#6$''(7"6%8( 9$(":)$(%.);$3( 7+-*(.(<+)$(=-%$(%+;$( H42$*.&$+1%)?%'+.A$2*.13% )">>>6<+).="<'?&( *$$.+>%-*%I%-/(-3*%>$1% $,-./%?2),%#.,5%E$% 42)0-0/3%&)$*%A$23% %+@%$(7"5;(.<8(#$-'( 4-.&%-%/)1%1)%&)%.156 !E$%.*%1#$%8#.$?%)?% '-./(",(.8>+<+'-5.="<( #$2$%-1%9:;%-+&%-/*)% #$<*%1#$%)+$%(#)%($% >$1%.,4)21-+1%$,-./*% ,5">0(!"5($A.>B%$?( 1#$%$,-./%-0)'1%G)>$/% *1$44.+>%&)(+56 !7+%-81)256 !7%,31#.8-/%82$-1'2$% 1#-1%2'+*%9:;<*%&-./3% 0'*.+$**56 !=),$)+$%(.1#%-+% -,'*.+>%/-*1%+-,$56 !=),$%>'3%(#)%*$+&*% $,-./*%-0)'1%*-?$13%)2% *),$1#.+>56 !"#$%0$*1%>'35%@A$256 !B-23%C$22%.*%D2$*.&$+1% !"#$%&'()*+$,(",('-./0( E$%F+)(*%,)2$%-0)'1% G)>$/<*%8-/$+&-2%1#-+% -+3)+$%$/*$56



University is getting smart Professors study power systems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Theft Two computers were stolen on March 24 from a Waterman office.

Vandalism A student broke a dorm room window in Hamilton Hall by throwing something at it. Graffiti was drawn on a bathroom sign in Millis Hall on March 22.

25(/(,-%,0%70%8E,,('4%$74$%*$+$2*8#% .(,#% (33$7(2,$% (3128,+% 60*% 0E*% $')(*0'3$',?I%#$%+2(7: "#$% *$+$2*8#$*+% 06% ,#$% ,$8#'0/04-% +2(7% ,#$-% #01$% ,0% E+$%10.$*%6*03%(7/$%#-5*(7%82*+?% 211/(2'8$+% ,#2,% 2*$% '0,% ('% E+$% 2'7% /(4#,+% ,#2,% 2*$% 2E,032,(82//-% ,E*'$7% 066% .#$'% 2% *003% (+% E'088E1($7?% ('% 0*7$*% ,0% *$7E8$% 10.$*%0E,24$+: "#$% 80+,% 06% +,2*,('4% ,#(+% ,$8#'0/04-% .(//% 5$% 250E,% PQRR% 5(//(0'?%"0**$+%+2(7:

“Smart Grid is an ongoing development that hopes to utilize digital technology to improve the reliability, security and efficiency of the American power grid.” Juan Torres Sandia Labs Energy Systems Manager 90% 62*?% ,#$% 1*04*23% #2+% *$8$()$7% PS% 5(//(0'% 6*03% ,#$% &:9:% =$12*,3$',% 06% >'$*4-% 2'7% ,2T12-$*+?%#$%+2(7: "0**$+% +2(7% #$% 5$/($)$+% ,#2,% '6"*&"."1'+*30*'6"*'",6.3#38(*0%!* 0E,.$(4#% ,#$% 230E',% 06% 6E'7+% +1$',%0'%,#$%1*0J$8,: F"#$% ,$8#'0/04-% .0E/7% *$7E8$% 80+,+% 5-% PSU% 5(//(0'% 1$*% -$2*% 2'7% .0E/7% 01,(3(G$% 10.$*% 8!$/*"01,$".,()9*:3!!"+*+%$/7

Disturbance A student woke up to find an unknown male sitting in her dorm room in Harris Hall. Four people — two UVM students — were criminally charged for causing a disturbance in Simpson Hall.

Drugs and alcohol Marijuana and drug-related objects were confiscated in Simpson and Wright halls. Alcohol was confiscated from three students in Wilks Hall. Two intoxicated students were caught pushing a grocery cart down the street on March 27.


New laboratory to be built 2011-2012 !"#*+,-)#.%/00 !"#$$%&'(")' "#$% ,$8#'0/04(82/% *$)0/E,(0'% ('% 3$7(8('$% 32-% +00'% 2**()$% 2,% &;<: K*$+(7$',% =2'($/% <2*Y% _04$/% 2'7% _/$,8#$*% H//$'% K*$+(7$',% 2'7% L>a% <$/('72% >+,$+% #2)$% 2''0E'8$7% 1/2'+% ,0% 80'+,*E8,% 2% '$.% L/('(82/% 9(3E/2,(0'% B25% ('% ,#$% X0.$//% AE(/7('4% 2,% &;<?% 2% &'()$*+(,-% L033E'(82,(0'+% 2*,(8/$%+,2,$7:% F@,%.(//%#2)$%2'%(3128,%0'%,#$% .2-% .$% 7$/()$*% 82*$% ,0% 12,($',+% 2'7%,#$(*%623(/($+%2'7%#$/1%E+%,0% 80',('E2//-% (31*0)$% ,#$% bE2/(,-%

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Scientists are seeing stars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Club Budgets

The Student Government Association has decided how much money each club is going to get for the next academic year. Here are the clubs that are receiving the most money and which are getting the least.

Volunteers in Action

$1,221,768.26 Crew

$70,248.65 SA Concerts


$ Band

$45.00 Student Dietetic Association


Pre-Medical Club





The man behind the name Julian Golfarini, more than just the SGA president !"#$%&'%#(%))* !""#"$%&$'()*"'+,#$-.

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Provost Jane Knodell spoke about how to improve international presence on campus. A bill calling for state-level funding for the next academic year passed. Claire Chevrier withdrew the motion to open the constitution up for possible changes to the number of senators that must live off-campus. The senatorial candidates that were late in handling in their elections packets received a sanction and can spend $25 on their campaign instead of the original $50. Senatorial elections are April 6-7, and students can vote on the Lynx. The Blood Ban Committee is working on a video about why the FDA should allow gay male students to give blood to the Red Cross.

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Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-

UVM’s all male a cappella group the Top Cats perform on the fourth floor of the Davis Center on Friday, March 25. Captured by Jamie Lent. (From left to right) Top left: Owen Rachampbel, Luke Neill, Philip Stetson. Top right: Leo Evancie, Colby Morgan, Adam Knight, David Travis. Middle: Owen Rachampbell, Philip Stetson, Russel McHenry, Max Krieger. Bottom: Owen Rachampbell, Tom Campbell, Leo Evancie, Luke Neill, Philip Stetson, Russel McHenry, Max Krieger






Burlington hails its civic leaders

Celebrate Burlington! honors community activists and developers !"#$%&'(#)*% !"#$%&$'()*$+,-."(/*

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“[Burlington] is probably the most diverse community in the state.”! Will Sawyer Center for Rural Studies Professor ALEXA ALIGOS The Vermont Cynic

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Doo-dads get you through spring time slump

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Bearded lady combats gender stigmas

Performer and activist spreads messages of social justice at Fleming "#!$%&'(!)'*('# 9/088$:6(/#6

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!"#$%"& Have a crush on your professor

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“Because I deal with body image so much, and having people look at me, I’ve realized everyone feels not normal and not centered.”! Jennifer Miller Artistic Director of Circus Amok 780"*+9+:#.+'-.%+&*%-)3$("3+ /-$2"#$O#/5>#>$&/>F.$2"#5#$1/-$/$ -#)-#$ 0B$ 5#&(#B$ /)>$ S$ 30,&>$ *501$ 2"50,*"$2"/2.L$+(&&#5$-/(>H !"#$-"01$#)>#>$1(2"$40-(2(N#$ 30''#)2-$ B50'$ /,>(#)3#$ '#'O#5-H I[0,$/5#$/$10)>#5B,&$10'/).L$ /$/,>(#)3#$'#'O#5$-/(>H

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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‘Honest’ photography draws attention

UVM senior displays photos of butchery and costumes in the Davis Center !"#$%&&#'()*+*,-./ !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("& "#$%& '()*+%,& -.$/& 012& !"#$%&!'&(')$!"&*''$&'(&!"+&,-.#/& 0+1!+$&'1&2+%1+/%-34&5-$6"&784& 9-13&:-//+$/;3&<+$+&/!'::+%&#1& !"+#$& !$-6=/& ;3& -& /+$#+/& '(& ;-6=> ?#!& ;?'<1>):& :"'!'/& '(& ;)!6"+$/& -1%& !"+#$& 9'$+>!"-1>/?#@"!?3& @$'!+/A)+&<'$=B&& C"+& :"'!'& /+$#+/& D5+-!E& <-/& %#/:?-3+%& ;3& :"'!'@$-:"+$& -1%& /+1#'$& F';;3& F$)%+$?+4& -?'1@&<#!"&!"+&/+$#+/&D0'/!)9+4E& !'@+!"+$& 9-=#1@& ):& "#/& !<'& %-3& +G"#;#!4&DH'1+/!BE C"+& D5+-!E& /+$#+/& +G"#;#!+%& -& /)$:$#/#1@& %+?#6-63& '1& <"-!& 9-13& <')?%& 1'$9-??3& I1%& $+:)?/#.+B& J1+& :#6!)$+& %#/:?-3+%& !"+& /6-$$+%& -1%& %#$!#+%& "-1%& '(& -&;)!6"+$4&-1'!"+$&-1&"'1+/!&;)!& #1!#9#%-!#1@& #9-@+& '(& -& ;)!6"+$& /9'=#1@&-&6#@-$+!!+B H'<+.+$4& -??& -!!+1!#'1& '(!+1& /++9+%& !'& ;+& ('6)/+%& '1& !"+& 6+1!+$& #9-@+4& <"#6"& %$+<& !"+& /!$'1@+/!& $+-6!#'1/& ($'9& :-//+$/;3K& -& :#6!)$+& '(& -& :#@L/& "+-%& "-1@#1@& '1& -& "''=& -@-#1/!& !"+&/-9+&/!-$=&<"#!+&;-6=@$')1%& -/&-??&!"+&#9-@+/&#1&!"+&/+$#+/B DJ"& 93& @'%4& !"+/+& -$+& -<+/'9+4E& '1+& <'9-1& /-#%& -/& /"+&/!'::+%&!'&/!-$+&-!&!"+&D5+-!E& %#/:?-3B& DC"-!& #/& %#/@)/!#1@4E& -1'!"+$& /-#%&/"'$!?3&-(!+$4&A)#6=?3&:-//#1@& !"+&+G"#;#!&;3B DM!L/& N)/!& $+-??3& #1!+$+/!#1@& !'& "+-$& :+':?+L/& $+/:'1/+/4E&

F$)%+$?+&/-#%B C"+&/!-#$<+??&?'6-!#'1&:$'.+%& !'& ;+& ;'!"& -& ;''1& -1%& -& 6)$/+& ('$& F$)%+$?+B& 2"#?+& #!& %#%1L!& :$'.+& !"+& 9'/!& #1!#9-!+& @-??+$3& /!3?+& /+!!#1@4& !"+& %$-<& '(& "#/& :"'!'@$-:"3& "-%& 9-13& N)/!& :-//#1@& !"$')@"& /!'::#1@& !'& -%9#$+4&'$&6$#!#6#O+4&"#/&<'$=B&&&

“I think the artistic part aside, photos give you an excuse and emotive to do anything you want to.”! Bobby Bruderle Senior


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UVM students get down at Snoe.down Rutland music festival motivates students to travel for music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`& !"+& 5-1"-!!-1& R$'N+6!B& C<#%%?+&<-/&-?/'&#16?)%+%&#1& !"+& ?#1+):4& ;)!& %#((+$+1!& !#6=+!/& <+$+&$+A)#$+%&!'&-!!+1%&!"+&/"'<4& ):/+!!#1@&9-13&C<#%%?+&(-1/B& D^+??+$& :?-3+%& ;+('$+& 5'+B& !"+& I$/!& 1#@"!& -1%& "+& <-/& $+-??3& -<+/'9+4E&H-<=#1/&/-#%B&DP'!)/& M&"-.+&1+.+$&/++1&;+('$+&-1%&!"+3& ;?+<&93&9#1%B&_??&'(&Y)!?-1%&<-/& !-=+1&'.+$&;3&5'+B&(-1/4&U)$!"+$& (-1/4&R"#/"&(-1/B&2+&9+!&-&?'!&'(&

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“There was a large UVM presence in the under 21 crowd. Everywhere I turned I could see someone I knew.”! Grace Hawkins Sophomore

DR+':?+&<+$+&?+-.#1@&;+6-)/+& !"+3& <+$+& /'& ):/+!& <#!"& !"+& /+-!#1@4E& I$/!& 3+-$& H-?+3& F?-#$& /-#%B& Da')& 6')?%& "+-$& -& ?'!& '(& 6'9:?-#1!/B& J.+$-??& !"+& (+/!#.-?& <-/&'1?3&@''%&;+6-)/+&5'+B&#/&/'& @''%BE J1& !"+& '!"+$& /#%+4& 9-13& /!)%+1!/& <"'& -66+:!+%& !"+& /+-!#1@&/-#%&!"+3&"-%&-&<'1%+$()?&

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Illustration by Andrew Becker




Cats croon a cappella for MEDlife

UVM Top Cats perform pop numbers for medicine, education and family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



Katy Perry borrows beats from Russian duo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“The closing song was really good and it helped focus everyone on why we were here, supporting MEDlife.” Hannah Lachance


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I actually kind of like “E.T.,” but I can’t help but want to go and listen to “All the Things She Said” every time I hear it — everyone knows the sequel is never as good as the original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

JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

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Write for the Vermont Cynic. !"#$%&'()%*+,.'()%/'01+.'()%123,4+-


Never underestimate the power of the written word. Write for the Vermont Cynic. It’s your pen. Your voice. Your way to make change.





‘Babel’ producer returns to Burlington Alum imparts wisdom to students on creating magic behind the screen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brought to you by

The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker

ACROSS 1- Capital city of Western Samoa 5- Low point 10- ___ breve 14- Fool 15- Put up with 16- Defeat 17- Switch ending 18- Where Columbus was born 19- Dynamic beginning 20- Mistaken 22- Penitentiary island 24- Came down to earth 27- Close 28- Candy 32- Angular indentation 36- 401(k) alternative 37- French market town 39- Jewelled crown worn by women 40- Hair untangler

!"#$%&'(!&'$)*$ Last week:

“Oh man, I hate it when Pac Man eats the cherries!” Travis Gervais Class of 2011

This week:

Submit a caption for this illustration to:

42- Descendant 44- Reformer Jacob 45- Two cents, so to speak 47- Bunk 49- Acquire 50- Puccini heroine 51- Apostate 53- Swiss painter Paul 56- 365 days 57- Riffraff 61- Moist 65- Bakery worker 66- Buenos ___ 69- Japanese soup 70- Emperor of Rome 54-68 71- Fortune-telling cards 72- Ballet bend 73- Corm of the taro 74- Ruhr city 75- Cravings

DOWN 1- Not many 2- Cat sound 3- Langston Hughes poem 4- Not divided into regions 5- Henpeck 6- Actor Vigoda 7- Actress Merrill 8- Icons 9- Arrive at 10- Slaughterhouse 11- Lecherous look 12- Zhivago’s love 13- The gamut 21- Smooth-talking 23- Em, e.g. 25- Wall St. debuts 26- Come into contact with 28- Lawful 29- Home of the Black Bears 30- Lanterns 31- Earlier 33- Coniferous evergreen forest 34- Wept 35- Speed 38- Viscid 41- Cowboy 43- Branta sandvicensis 46- Anklebones 48- Casual assent 52- Grouchy 54- Delight 55- Inventor Howe 57- Motion picture 58- Served perfectly 59- Dweeb 60- Goes astray 62- Track event 63- The doctor ___ 64- Evil is as evil ____. 67- Fair-hiring abbr. 68- RR stop





Sharma the savior?




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Those who forget the past...


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THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412





Inside and outside the classroom MAX KRIEGER

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Illustration by Andrew Becker

President Fogel gets it

Quick Opinions Max Krieger K(+%ZB"9">%/-%/,%A1&'(*4.2%-$"-%A(V*(% $"&'/&3%1)(*%-$(%9/,,/1&%/&%I/B+"%-1% h5FZ>%B.-%$",%"&+1&(%9(&-/1&('%-1% +1.%A$1%2("',%h5FZc%

Katy Petiford F$"&H,%-1%9+%'"+,%14%-$(%A((H% .&'(*A("*%"&'%Y(B(##"%b2"#H>%C%#"&% &1A%3(-%-$*1.3$%-$(%A((H% /&%1*'(*===

Zach Despart

5%B/22%/&%-$(%@"/&(%,-"-(%2(3/,2"-.*(% A1.2'%21A(*%-$(%,-"-(%9/&/9.9%A"3(% 4*19%id=jE%-1%",%2/--2(%",%ij=]j%<(*% $1.*%41*%A1*H(*,%A$1%"*(%.&'(*%]E>% "&'%-$(%#.**(&-%B.'3(-%<*1<1,"2%#"22,% 41*%"%jE%<(*#(&-%/&#19(%-";%#*('/-% 41*%#/-/N(&,%12'(*%-$"&%eE=%@"/&(%/,% "2*("'+%-$(%,()(&-$%12'(,-%,-"-(%/&%-$(% 7&/1&%X%A$"-V,%&(;->%"%B/22%-1%#$"&3(% -$(%,-"-(%91--1%-1%f@"/&(S%h.*,/&3% K19(%14%59(*/#"cg




The Cynic’s weekly power rankings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UVM athlete spotlight of the week "#!$%&'!()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Nika Ouellette —


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

Women’s track and field Courtesy of Athletic Communications

Event: Throws javelin

Class: First year

Hometown: Brookline, Mass. High School: Brookline High School Accomplishments at UVM: N?1*,)D'(('(3)1%*)T+/*E'()+1)1%*)M'$O)2%*+) #0*()&()7+,$%):[<)#>*EE*11*)D+.)(+9*-)1%*) N9*,'$+)Q+.1)H'*E-)@*,?&,9*,)&?)1%*)K**OB) 2%*)1&00*-)+).*+.&()=*.1)=6)1%,**)9*1*,.<) 1%,&D'(3) ?&,) ":B[!9) P) +) 9+,O) 1%+1) =*+1.) 1%*) D'(('(3) 1%,&D) ?,&9) 1%*) :Z!Z) N9*,'$+) Q+.1) 5%+90'&(.%'0) =6) BZ!9B) I%'.) '.) %*,) .*$&(-) T+/*E'() D'() '() 1D&) 1,'*.) ->,'(3) 1%*) 5A66&(;'+((%&'%-@:&-"+&!$,+&2$-2("?&&

Previous accomplishments: #>*EE*11*) D+.) (+9*-) '(& '.$& B,,7<("4$%$"@$& L$-8& 4%(8& 5AAP75A6A3& $+00'(3)&??)%*,)%'3%).$%&&E) $+,**,) D'1%) 1%*) 1'1E*) &?) :Z!Z) 7+..+$%>.*11.) 21+1*) 5%+90'&() '() T+/*E'(<) D'1%) +)9+,O)&?)":B[:9B))

Sports in short Quote of the week

"#!$%&'!()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'

Boss of the week: Chad Ochocinco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

Mas given second straight AE Rookie of the Week honor N?1*,)E*+-'(3)1%*)5+1+9&>(1.) '(&'1(&1>"2&,-2'&1$$:3&!%2'&0$-%& 26-(*6) 7+.) *+,(*-) %*,) .*$&(-) 2'%->#.'& B8$%>@-& C-2'& )((:>$& &?) 1%*) K**O) 1'1E*) ?&,) D&9*(J.) E+$,&..*B)) 2%*) 1+EE'*-) .*/*() 3&+E.) +(-) !!) -,+D) $&(1,&E.) '() D'(.) &/*,) #,*3&() +(-) 21&(6) L,&&O<) %&E-'(3)%*,)1&0).0&1)'()N9*,'$+) Q+.1)?&,)3&+E.)1%'.).*+.&(B


You guys deserve


— Anthony Parker Cavaliers’ Guard/Forward

N--,*..'(3)5E*/*E+(-)?+(.) -4'$%&-&6A57DA&+$4$-'&(4&E$F%("& R+9*.)+(-)1%*)C*+1)&()7+,$%) :;B

Goat of the week: Lebron James K%*() 8*L,&() .+'-) 1%+1) 1%'.) .*$&(-),*1>,()1&)5E*/*E+(-)$+(J1) /$& -"0& 1(%2$& '.-"& '.$& !%2'3& .$& D+.) D,&(3B) M*+-) D,&(3B) N?1*,) %+/'(3) %'.) *(1&>,+3*) -*('*-) *(1,6)1&)1%*)+,*(+)+(-).O'00'(3) &>1) &() 0E+6*,) '(1,&->$1'&(.<) 8*L,&() D+.) %>9'E'+1*-) =6) 1%*) 5+/.)P)+(-)1%*',)?+(.B))!

Voelkel named to Firstyear All-American Team H',.1)6*+,)L,'+()A&*EO*E)D+.) ("$& (4& (",0& 56& !%2'70$-%& 8$"92& /-2:$'/-,,& 2';+$"'7-'.,$'$2& '() 1%*) (+1'&() 1&) =*) (+9*-) 1&) <(,,$#$="2>+$%?@(892& 5A66& B,,7 N9*,'$+)I*+9B)) C*) '.) 1%*) &(E6) 0E+6*,) ,*0,*.*(1'(3) =&1%) N9*,'$+) Q+.1) +(-) G*D) Q(3E+(-) &() 1%'.) 0,*.1'3'&>.)1*+9B)))




Major League Baseball preview 2011 AB#C177#%3(+*B92: !"#$%&'()*%#$

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Making sense of the madness


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Wednesday 3/30


Women’s lacrosse vs. Holy Cross W 10-9

Women’s lacrosse @ Binghamton L 14-13

AB*/&-( J+B/&'( b#**( >#*%( 2DX( *+( C+( B9( +"/;( +"&:( d1[X`D( b#**M$( \#/?&-*(A-+>"(*#&'(*%&(C.8&(.*(d1:( ?B*(8#$$&'(%#$($&@+"'(J-&&(*%-+>( ."'( AB*/&-M$( E.**( U+>.-'( C+*( J+B/&'( +"( *%&( -&?+B"'( ?;( 3.$#-( F+?#"$+":( $&"'#"C( AB*/&-M$( $*.-( *+( *%&( /#"&D( U&( $."7( *%&( >#""#"C( J-&&( *%-+>( ?&J+-&( #"*&"*#+".//;( 8#$$#"C(*%&($&@+"'(."'($&./#"C(.( AB*/&-(>#"D((

My question is, if VCU had won it all, would it have validated the NCAA’s decision to expand the field to 68 teams and create the First Four? Or did their run to the Final Four accomplish that already? ]+%"( 4./#9.-#( %.$( .( ?#*( +J( .( -&9B*.*#+"e( %&( -&@-B#*$( *%&( ?&$*( ;+B"C( +"&[."'['+"&( $*.-$( ."'( $&&8$( *+( ./>.;$( /&.,&( 9-+C-.8$( #88&'#.*&/;( ?&J+-&( *%&;( .-&( .@@B$&'(+J(-&@-B#*#"C(,#+/.*#+"$D(( <%#$( ;&.-M$( B9'.*&'( 8+'&/(


Men’s lacrosse @ Binghamton L 8-7 OT


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Men’s lacrosse vs. Holy Cross 4 p.m.


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Women’s lacrosse @ Albany 3 p.m.



Track and Field @ UNH Invitational 11 a.m. Women’s lacrosse vs. UMBC 11 a.m.

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