C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!
FROM THE FLOW TO THE VIDEO Student rapper Owen DeMassi is profiled
The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - /0 $ 1 2 3 + 4 - 5 6 % , 7 - 8 9 4 - 9 : 8 8 - ; - <' 7 0 & $ - 8 9 = - > 1 1 0 $ - 9 ? - . - @ 0 % 7 , ( A ) ' ( 4 - <$ % & ' ( )
Presidential runnerup files complaint
DC turned cultural marketplace
Starfucker comes to Vermont
JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
Redstone getting blasted 10-12 ResLife announces new construction efforts SPECTACLE
An aerial view of campus
A sophisticated statement of disagreement
14-16 DISTRACT Rugged boy
MLB preview: the American League
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=*))(&-"(>%(0'(>0$(0'(0&"*6*20"%$EQ( !"%+%&'('0*$9 H4%(:&*+%5'*"3(*'(*&+%'"*,0"*&,( 60063-."+-+(%& -6& !"*& 7.+(-& %-.*2& 05%0'( *&( -"4%5( &%05>3( 5%'*$%&6%( 40))'("45-#,4-#"("4%(5%10*&$%5(-8( “I’m not happy about "4%('%1%'"%5E('4%('0*$9 :2-&( 6-12)%"*-&E( "4%( it. I don’t usually wake .%$'"-&%( ?-8"'( =*))( 25-+*$%( XTY( =*"4*&( UXX( #&*"'( *&( 0( 1*I( -8( up at 8, so I’m going >%$'( '"#$*-E(-&%CE("=-CE("45%%C(0&$(8-#5C to have to change my >%$5--1(0205"1%&"'E(066-5$*&,("-( sleeping habits.” "4%(%10*)9( .%'?*8%( =*))( >%( 4-)$*&,( "=-( -2%&(8-5#1'("-(0&'=%5(0&3('"#$%&"( #86.-& -9(& 16"%-3.1-+6"5& Nate Somerville 7.(%-+6"%& 066-5$*&,("-(0&(0&&-#&6%1%&"(-&( Sophomore "4%*5(=%>'*"%9( Z#%'"*-&'( -5( 6-&6%5&'( 0>-#"( OW4*)%( '"#$%&"'( 05%( 5*,4"8#))3( "4%(.%$'"-&%(?-8"'(25-B%6"('4-#)$( 0&I*-#'( 0>-#"( "4%( *12%&$*&,( >%( $*5%6"%$( "-( .%$'"-&%?-8"'[ 6-&'"5#6"*-&E( *"( *'( 4-2%8#)( "40"( *"( #+19%$#9 H%01(=*))($-("4%*5(>%'"("-(0))%+*0"%( 0&3(10B-5($*'5#2"*-&'(85-1(&-*'%E( (%0(1+#$$2&*.3+"4&!"#$%&'(()5&%#+*& D&&*%( !"%+%&'E( +*6%( 25%'*$%&"( -8( '"#$%&"(0&$(6012#'()*8%9(
Outdoor Springfest threatened by mud !"#,-$.+#(/0'' !"#$$%&'(")'
%I2%5*%&6*&,9(H4%(/\W(,5%%&(40'( "40"( *8( "4%( ,5-#&$( =%5%( "--( =%"E( &-"( 40$( %&-#,4( "*1%( "-( $%85-'"( "4%( 6-&6%5"( =-#)$( >%( 4%)$( *&'*$%( H4%( .--"'( 103( '--&( >%( '#&7( >%60#'%(=*&"%5(%&$%$('-()0"%E('4%( A0"5*67(^31E(^0>5*%)('0*$9 H4%($%6*'*-&("-(1-+%("4%('4-=( '0*$9 -&(/%&"50)(/012#'9 *&'*$%(=*))(>%(10$%(-&(D25*)(UY(>3( H4%( :&*+%5'*"3M'( 0&&#0)( !25*&,8%'"( 6-&6%5"( 103( >%( 4%)$( “It’s sort of not fair. :&*+%5'*"3(^5-#&$'E('4%('0*$9( H4%( $%6*'*-&( 1#'"( >%( 10$%( *&'*$%( $#%( "-( =%"( ,5-#&$( *''#%'( It would be made an "45%%( $03'( *&( 0$+0&6%( '-( "40"( "4%( -&("4%(/4*""%&$%&(\#67401(W*))'( 60&( &-"*83( +%&$-5'E( F/\WG( ,5%%&E( /-&6%5"'( \#5%0#( exclusive concert if it :&*+%5'*"3( '%6#5*"3( 0&$( 4-'2*"0)*"3E( ^0>5*%)( A5%'*$%&"(]%&&0(^0>5*%)('0*$9( OD)"4-#,4( "4%( ,5-#&$( 103( was inside.” '0*$9 H*67%"'(05%(0)'-(0&(*''#%($#%("-( '%%1($53("-(#'(_(=%($-&M"(40+%("4%( "4%( 6-&'"50*&"'( -8( *&$--5( %+%&"'E( '01%(=%*,4"(0'(0('"0,%(=*"4()*,4"'( 0&$( '2%07%5'( 0&$( 012'EQ( ^0>5*%)( Greg Radi '4%('0*$9 OP8( "4%( '4-=( *'( -#"'*$%E( =%( '0*$9(OP8("4%(,5-#&$(*'("--(=%"("4%( '"0,%(60&('*&7(*&"-("4%(,5-#&$9Q First year 40+%( 0>-#"( UEKTT( 1-5%( "*67%"'( "-( '%))E( '-( )%"M'( 4-2%( 8-5( "4%( >%'"( 8-5( H4%(,5-#&$'(05%(=%"(-&(/%&"50)( W*"4( "4%( D25*)( UK( 6-&6%5"( 80'"( %+%53-&%M'('07%EQ(^0>5*%)('"0"%$9 /012#'(>%60#'%(-8("4%()0"%(=*&"%5( !-1%( '"#$%&"'( 40+%( '0*$( "40"( =%0"4%5("40"(\#5)*&,"-&(40'(>%%&( 0225-064*&,E( "4%( >#5%0#( $%6*$%$(
40+*&,("4%(%+%&"(*&'*$%(=-#)$(&-"( 0))-=( "4%( 10B-5*"3( -8( "4%( '"#$%&"( >-$3("-(205"*6*20"%(*&("4%(8%'"9 :;-/%& %63-& 6<& "6-& <#+35=& !3%-& 3%05(^5%,(.0$*('0*$9(OP"(=-#)$(>%( 10$%(0&(%I6)#'*+%(6-&6%5"(*8(*"(=0'( *&'*$%9Q `"4%5'(40+%('0*$("4%3(05%(1-5%( 6-&6%5&%$( "40"( 40+*&,( !25*&,8%'"( *&( "4%( ,31( =-#)$( *&"%58%5%( =*"4( "4%(*&"%,5*"3(-8("4%(%+%&"9 OP"( =-#)$( >%( 0( >#11%5( "-( >%( *&$--5'E(%'2%6*0))3('*&6%(!25*&,8%'"( +%& ,(#"-& -6& 8(& 6.-%+*(5=& !3%-& 2(#3& V3)0&(^-)$10&('0*$9 !"#$%&"'( 60&( )--7( 0"( !25*&,8%'"M'( L06%>--7( 20,%( 8-5( *&8-510"*-&( -&( "4%( ,5-#&$'( '*"#0"*-&E(^0>5*%)('0*$9
Embezzlement Long-term UVM employee allegedly steals $45,000 !"#*("+,-#.,/$) !"#$$%&'(")' "#$%& $'()*& +,& -./01$& /1231'*1*& '4/& $.#$#+4& #4231'*1*5& *$./14$*& 6#0%$& $%#4)& $%'$& 789& :+.(/& 4+$#21& $%1& /#*';;1'3'421& +,&6+31&$%'4&<=>5???@ A& (+40B$136& 16;(+C11& +,& 789&%'*&-114&2%'301/&:#$%&$%1& 16-1DD(1614$& +,& <=>5E??5& $%1& *+',(-."/-%0'))%1')22&31;+3$1/@ F1(#41& G134#135& '4& '/6#4#*$3'$#H1& '**#*$'4$& '$& $%1& !"#!$%&'$( ')*+!( &$( ,!-.'/#0( ;(1'/1/& 4+$& 0.#($C& +4& 2%'301*& +,& 16-1DD(1614$5& I#312$+3& +,& JK$14*#+4& I+.0('*& L'4$'401& *'#/@ MN+.& $14/& $+& %'H1& #6;(#2#$& $3.*$& #4& C+.3& (+40B$136& 16;(+C11*5O&L'4$'401&*'#/&$+&$%1& *+',(-."/-%0'))%1')22@ 12!(+3%!(-3%(*/%#(4/'562#(#'( ')*+&37%8( 3##!$#&'$( 73%#( %599!/( ',$13& G134#13& :'*& 31;+3$1/& ,+3& '$$16;$#40& $+& /1;+*#$& '& <P5=!>& 2%12)& :3#$$14& +.$& $+& 789& JK$14*#+4& #4$+& %13& ;13*+4'(& '22+.4$5& $%1& *+',(-."/-% 0'))% 1')22&31;+3$1/@ G134#13& %'/& -114& /1;+*#$#40& *.2%&2%12)*&#4$+&%13&'22+.4$&,+3& #2!(.3%#(*:!(;!3/%0(<3$#3$6!(%3&=> G134#13& 31'(#D1/& #$& :+.(/& -1& 1'*C& ,+3& %13& $+& M-+33+:O& 6+41C& -12'.*1&$%1&-'4)&/#/&4+$&Q.1*$#+4& 2!/(-2!$(%2!(*/%#(+3%2!=(3(?@A( +2!+B0(3++'/=&$6(#'(#2!(3)*=3:&#> R,& G134#13& #*& ,+.4/& $+& -1& 0.#($C5& $%1& ;.4#*%614$& 2+.(/& -1& 5.(#'(CD(;!3/%(')(E3&7(#&9!0(3(*$!(
!"#$%& '() !"#!$%&"#'("$) !"#$$%&'(")'
Disturbances Someone violated a trespass notice in MAT on April 2. A student was caught clinging to a moving UVM bus while riding a bicycle. A cat was caught in Simpson Hall and relased ouside.
+,&.;&$+&<>??5&+3&-+$%5&'22+3/#40& $+&8136+4$&*$'$1&*$'$.$1*@ MS1413'((C& R& :+.(/& *'C& $%'$& $%1& *14$1421& :+.(/& -1& *+61& *+3$& +,& 31*$#$.$#+4& '(+40& :#$%& 6#4#6'(&T'#(&$#61&+3&*+61&*+3$&+,& ;3+-'$#+45O& I1$12$#H1& G3'4/+4& U#40&+,&789&V+(#21&*'#/@
“We are woking with the controllers office and the audit office to develop approaches to avoid this issue in the future.” Douglas Lantange Director of Extension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
Vandalism Graffiti was found in the first floor men’s room in the Davis Center. Someone threw a rock at a car and smashed the rear window on April 2.
Drugs and alcohol Alcohol was confiscated from underage students in MAT. A student was detoxed and sent to the Correctional Center on April 3. A student was criminally charged from possession of alcohol in Wing Hall. Four students were caught smoking marijuana outside MAT.
Hospital smokers step over to UVM Smoke-free policy moves employees to campus property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
-1(#1H1*&YAZF&'4/&789&*%+.(/&& -'/B(#'6!#2!/(#'(*"(#2!(&%%5!(45#( =&%36/!!%( -&#2( <5#J8%( '.&$&'$( #'( %'4/(1&$%1&*#$.'$#+4@& MR&/+&4+$&$%#4)&$%'$&;3+H#/#40& '&*6+)#40&'31'&+4&Y(1$2%13&A((14& 2'6;.*& #*& $%1& '4*:135O& X#)+3*)#& *'#/@
“I find it ironic that they turn a blind eye to a public health issue 30 feet from their doors.” Andrew Lutz Graduate student HIKL8%( #'43++'( +!%%3#&'$( ;3+03'6& ;3+H#/1*& '& 2+.4*1(#40& *13H#21& $+& ;1+;(1& :%+& :'4$& $+& Q.#$& *6+)#40@& R$& %'*& 6'/1& '& (+$& +,&;3+031**&#4&$%1&;'*$&,1:&C1'3*5& '22+3/#40&$+&$%1&YAZF&:1-*#$1@ S#H#40& :+3)13*& '& *1;'3'$1& '31'& :+.(/& -1& '& Q.#2)& *+(.$#+45& -.$& #$& :+.(/& #4$13,131& :#$%& $%1& :+3)&$%1&$31'$614$&;3+03'6&%'*& /+415&X#)+3*)#&*'#/& X%1& *'#/& $%'$& '($%+.0%& *%1& /+1*& 4+$& $%#4)& $%1& -1*$& *+(.$#+4& :+.(/&-1&$+&0#H1&%+*;#$'(&:+3)13*&
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Redefining sexual assault at UVM Sexual misconduct and assault policy changed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TRI spires inspire faculty UVM compost finds Grasso says, ‘UVM is a powerhouse in these areas’ !"#12/&#3)--%45 /(011*2#%(,#
Complex systems
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Senate rejects new constitution proposal for Senate seat ratio Number of on- and off-campus senators remain equal
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“Changing the constitution may encourage competition that may very well create senators that actually want to connect with students.” Shiren Chan Junior :6&-&* +-&* '&1* 2(($&(* ($76* +(* &.&<+#&%* -&'#* 5-27&(>* 60$(2'3* 70%&(>* .+'%.0-%* -&.+#20'(* +'%* #-+(6* 70..&7#20'* #6+#* 8+'E* 0'[ 7+85$(* (#$%&'#(* %0')#* 6+<&* #0* /+7&>* ",F* "&'+#0-* ^+#2&* _2/N&'* (+2%9* K;* /&&.* .2N&* #6&* 5-04.&8* 12#6* #6&* 505$.+-* <0#&* 10$.%* 4&* #6+#* 80(#*0/*#6&*(&'+#0-(*10$.%*4&*0'[ 7+85$(*12#6*.2##.&*-&5-&(&'#+#20'* /-08* 0//[7+85$(* (#$%&'#(>O* (056080-&*?-2&*:288*(+2%9
new, temporary home
Intervale Center no longer accepts compost from Chittenden County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“We have our foot in the door with composting, and we’d like to see it increase.” Paul Stabler Sourth Burlington District Chairman ="@A* 12..* 5+E* /0-* #6&* #-+'(50-#+#20'* 0/* YZ* #0'(* 0/* /00%* 1+(#&* &+76* 1&&N* #0* #6&* '&1* 70850(#2'3* /+72.2#2&(>* #6&* !"#$%&'()&* +#,,* -#,..* +-#27.&* (#+#&%9 K@&* %0')#* 1+'#* 5&05.&* #0* (#+-#* #62'N2'3* #62(* 1+(#&* 2(* !"#$!%&"%'(%)*$+,))(+-.%/*#+%0*1)% "#+4.&->*"0$#6*?$-.2'3#0'*%2(#-27#* 76+2-8+'9* K@&* 6+<&* 0$-* /00#* 2'* #6&* %00-* 12#6* 70850(#2'3>* +'%* 1&)%*.2N&*#0*(&&*2#*2'7-&+(&9O
General education questions answered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`:% (12% +'.#'.% 5(1"$% 6#% .(% -2#0#'.% .(% #4#23('#% 5/&.% ./+0% +0% &6(1.:% .(% 2#*&-% 5/#2#% 5#% &2#% &'$% ./#% (4#2&""% (1.*(,#0% &--2(&*/% &'$% 5/3%+.%+0%+,-(2.&'.:M%Y##$%0&+$@%% ]3% ./#% #'$% ()% ./#% ,##.+'I:% #4#23('#% 0/(1"$% /&4#% 0(,#% I2#&.#2% +$#&% &6(1.% I#'#2&"% #$1*&.+(':% /(5% +.% 5(1"$% .&C#% -"&*#% &'$% /(5% +.% 5(1"$% 6#% )1'$#$:%Y##$%0&+$@%%% 8&4+'% ;&0.#2:% &% 7.1$#'.% 8(4#2',#'.%900(*+&.+('%0#'&.(2:% 0&+$%/#%/&0%6##'%+'4("4#$%+'%./#%
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“The committee has approved outcomes, developed premises and a motion that they are going to be taking to curricular affairs and hopefully the full senate.” Brian Reed Administrative Co-Chair of the General Education Committee W/#%X&*1".3%7#'&.#%/&0%6##'% *2+.+*&":% 61.% ./&.L0% +,-(2.&'.% 6#*&10#%*2+.+*+0,%+0%'#*#00&23%)(2% +,-2(4#,#'.:%;&0.#2%0&+$@% W/#% X&*1".3% 7#'&.#% &'$% ./#% 8#'#2&"% <$1*&.+('% ;(,,+..##% 5+""% ,##.% &.% a% -@,@% +'% ./#% E#,(2+&"%A(1'I#%+'%K&.#2,&'@%%
JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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Loser cries foul, blames VP SGA presidential runner-up files complaint !"#$%"&'(#)'*+, !"#$$%&'(")' !"#$%&'()$*+',-.-&-&/0)+12-33' !"#$% &'% ()!*+&"% *(,-"&+'.% ./&.% +0% *122#'."3% 1'$#2% 2#4+#5% 63% ./#% 7.1$#'.%8(4#2',#'.%900(*+&.+(':% ./#%;#'.#2%)(2%7.1$#'.%<./+*0%&'$% =("+*#%7#24+*#0:%>#&'%()%7.1$#'.0% >&4+$%?#0.(2%0&+$@ A#$#2#2B="&0C#..%&**10#$%789% D+*#%=2#0+$#'.%>&4+$%E&*+#5+*F:% =2#0+$#'.% G(!% E#'0&/% &'$% =2#0+$#'.B<"#*.% H1"+&'% 8(")&2+'+% ()% $#'3+'I% ./#% 0.1$#'.0% &% )&+2%
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“What it is all about is making sure that students that run this race in the future don’t have to worry for their personal health and safety.” Aliza Lederer-Plaskett SGA Senator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There will be late-night dining next semester in the Marché from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jay Taylor, University Dining Services marketing assistant and Tom Oliver, University Dining Services operations director, went to the SGA meeting on April 5 and said that Eco-Ware has been the most successful launch of reusable containers thus far. Marlee Baron said that VSTEP has 600 student signatures in support of a bottled water student initiative and needs 1,300 for SGA to vote on the document as a resolution. The Senate voted and passed giving the freestyle ski team $2,700 to go to nationals in Colorado, the cycling team $6,000 for a new trailer and a bill that supports the expansion of Eco-Ware program. Vice President David Maciewicz, acting as president when President Kofi Mensah was away, vetoed the bill giving the cycling team $6,000 and said that the SGA has become too laid back when it comes to approving large allocations of money.
JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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Club budgets slashed, ski club funds halved
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“We will certainly have to be more strategic with the events we choose to hold next year, and will have to weigh the costs of the quantity versus quality of our events.” M.J. Anderson Vice President UVMSSC P-*% K()=*'% :$#:#&*)% K0% '-*% 345??A%,/&%K/&*)%#+%'-*7$%:/&'% K()=*'&%/+)%'-*%$/'*%/'%,-78-%'-*% 82(K%-/&%K**+%=$#,7+=<%&-*%&/7)> P-*% "7+/+8*% A#..7''**% '#2)% '-*% 82(K&% '-/'% '-*0% ,#(2)% $*'($+% '-*7$% /.*+)*)% 82(K% K()=*'&% K*1#$*% &:$7+=% K$*/N<% C+)*$&#+% &/7)> 345??A9&% :$#:#&*)% K()=*'%
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DC turned cultural marketplace Yoga, meditation bring Festival benefits Burlington community center
International student hosts yoga
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money for Japan relief
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“I am hoping to expand the circle of happiness through this event including those who are suffering from the earthquake in Japan.”! Kazuha Kurosu Junior
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
Oratorical contest calls for contestants !"#-).'%#/0) *($)+,)#"-').%/0("1'
V,#9-21%"20$ _)12"9-)$ -*$ %&'$ ('#+'3%$ #'39,*'>$ B%F*$ ,2.'#1#",2.c$-%F*$3"6/$)2.$&)*$ )$ *9-1&%9/$ )#3&)-3$ +''9$ %&)%$ -*$ 3'#%)-29/$)((#'3-)%'.>$ B$3)22"%$*(');$%"$9,23&0$7,%$ 7#');+)*%$8)*$7'/"2.$+)2%)*%-3>$ B$3)2F%$*%"($#)@-21>$E&'#'$)#'$*"$ <)2/$ 3&"-3'*c$ /",F99$ 7'$ &)#.X (#'**'.$-2$.'3-.-21$8&)%$%"$')%>$ E&'$ 7)2)2)$ 7#').$ !#'23&$ %")*%$ 8)*$ 7#-99-)2%$ )2.$ *"$ 8)*$ %&'$ +#'*&9/$ *:,''6'.$ "#)21'$ 4,-3'>$ B+$ /",$ ."2F%$ 1"$ +"#$ %&'$ !#'23&$%")*%0$%&'2$%#/$%&'$("%)%"$ "#$")%<')9$()23);'*>$P'#-",*9/0$ %&",1&0$1"$+"#$%&'$!#'23&$%")*%>$ P"<'%-<'*$ %&'$ 'C%#)$ '++"#%$ 3)2$ <);'$ "#$ 7#');$ )$ #'*%),#)2%$ 'C('#-'23'>$ !#"<$ %&'$ &"<'<).'$ ;'%3&,($
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The Sticky Brand sets up shop in Burlington Sticker company brings images ranging from snowboards to Charlie Sheen
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TUESDAY, APRIl 12, 2011
International debaters visit campus
Debate teams spark battles of ‘pros’ against ‘cons’ across UVM !"#$%&'(#)*+,, !"#$$%&'(")'
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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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O.D.: from the flow to the video UVM student rapper makes a name for himself on campus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“I take my raps seriously, but not myself seriously.” ! Owen DeMasi Sophomore and rap artist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
KELSEY WOOLEY The Vermont Cynic
23"#'4"5)/$6')7)'2848'9:%36'/()#1/'$#'*&%#('%*'(;"'<=&):')(')('(;"'>$?$#@A>")&#$#@',"#("&8'4"5)/$' /)$1'(;)(';"';)/'B""#'&".%&1$#@'#"3'<)("&$):'/$#."'(;"'/=."//'%*';$/'?$1"%'CD;"'!()@"/8E
Four finalists vie to be new painting prof
Art department includes students in search for new professor !"#$%&'(')*'#+),-.* !"#$%&'!()**'+&$("& #$%&%'()*+,,%-.&-%/+0&$%1$%-.+% 2&334% 5(-% 6+'&(-7+$-% 8)771--++% 7+7/+(,% 9-+:+% ;<=1$0-)$4% >13=(+=% ;+3-(+4% ?&-.3++$% 9*.$+1=+(%&$=%@+=%AB7&$%&(+%1$% !"#$ %&'($ )!#*)$ +,$ -#.+//#&01&2$ &%$+C%'&1$-1$0%'()2+,,)(4%/<-%$)-% C1-.)<-%*)$,<3-1$0%-.+1(%,-<=+$-,% %-)!3 D:+(% -.+% '&,-% 7)$-.4% 2)<(% %&'(1)!)$ *1.4#0$ ,-+/$ '$ *++($ +,$ &37),-%E""%&''31*&$-,%.&:+%01:+$% (#.!5-#)$1&$61((1'/)$7'((3$$ #$% -.+% .)'+,% )2% 1$-(10<1$0% -.+% ,-<=+$-,% &$=% -+&*.+(,% 1$% &--+$=&$*+4%+&*.%&(-1,-%=1,*<,,+=% !"#1-$8+-49$#05.'!1+&9$'**-+'."#)$ !+$'-!$'&0$!#'."1&23
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Crowd gets starstruck, starfucked
Starfucker brings high energy to Burlington, gets mixed reviews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
“High energy makes any show amazing, and Starfucker definitely falls under that category.” ! Anneke Beard Sophomore KRUTI KANSARA The Vermont Cynic
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5637, $8$T1/2D, $/9, "#$%&'()*%, 0(%1/!(&2# 3)&&+# 410(-# !')!# ($#*23%:B=37*F*%D, 3#6*%, 563723*%5, 6$9, $, F*%:, 91&&*%*/#, 341/13/, 3/, "#$%&'()*%?5,4*%&3%8$/(*B !C6*:,7*%*,)1/9,3&,'/3%121/$0, $/9, 53'00*55D-, 5346383%*, E3001/,
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Band bangs on buckets
Percussion act wows at Ira Allen
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They played songs ranging from pop, to classical, to jazz and played them all exceptionally well.
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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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Up close with Thievery Corporation Springfest artist talks music and their upcoming album 3*(4+55(678%&%9:;"( *#'(+,$*-.//$0,(-#, #$%&'$( )*+,%-.( $/0( 1**-( !"#$%&'()*&()+&'%,)*%-&)*(+&+.-(/01& '%& ",/& ,$$& *2.%& 32-& ,& 45)*(",$& ',-4&+6//5&7,5&32-&8.-(/03%+)&2/& 8,)6-7,51&9.-($&:;<&=/&,/)("(.,)(2/& 23&)*%&46+("&)2&"24%1&!"#$%&'()( +.2#%& '()*& >?& @2A& B,-C,& 23& D*(%E%-5& F2-.2-,)(2/1& '*2& '($$& A%& *%,7$(/(/0& )*%& %E%/)1& ,$2/0& '()*&D*%&@22)+<
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Write for the Vermont Cynic. !"#$%&'()%*+,.'()%/'01+.'()%123,4+-
Never underestimate the power of the written word. Write for the Vermont Cynic. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your pen. Your voice. Your way to make change. www.vermontcynic.com !"#$%&'(#)*'+,$-.$/#)0-&+1*$'&2#3#&2#&+$(-'4#$*'&4#$5667
Spectacle !"#$$%"&'($)*'"&'+"#+,-
UVM, Burlington and beyond as seen throug Kite Aerial Photography (KAP) and Balloon Aerial Photography (BAP). Captured by Cynic photographer Jamie Lent.
Vermont, Torturer of Souls
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!"#$%&'()*+*'&*,-.'*',&/01*1$(-'2(,'$-3(+/&1&-3&'*,(0-4'1#&'5%()&6' 777'4,05'1,*22$38&,.'*-4'1&,,(,$.1.'.&&8'1('&9/%($1'(0,'-&5%$5&-3&7:' — A political ad, paid for by the political action committee “One Million People to Defeat Barack Obama,” that ran in several battleground states last week.
Unsigned editorials officially reflect the views of The Cynic and its staff. All signed opinion pieces and columns do not necessarily do so. The Cynic accepts letters in response to anything you see printed as well as any issues of interest in the community. Please limit letters to 350 words. Send letters to vcoped@uvm.edu.
THE VERMONT CYNIC www.vermontcynic.com 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, phone 802.656.0337 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 ADVERTISING vcads@uvm.edu — 802.656.4412
Successfully moderating the Gulf oil crisis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Mary Jane to take the pain away
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The fact that Vermont, a state relatively well-known for being accepting of alternative healing, has not already endorsed dispensaries seems ludicrous. P)4%=%03'6/&(':/+,%&+2'5)' &)+'$/=%'+$%';/05%&,&;'%D:%0+,2%' &%1%22/0('+)';0)4'+$%':</&+2' )0'+$%'4$%0%4,+$/<'+)'/1Q*,0%' 2%%52'+)'%=%&'2+/0+?'E$*23'+$%(' /0%'0%<%;/+%5'+)'2+,1-,&;'4,+$' :0%210,:+,)&'50*;23')0'4,+$' :*01$/2,&;'.0)6'/&',<<%;/<' 2)*01%?
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Quick Opinions
Illustration by Andrew Becker
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Jeff Barbieri L'5)&G+'-&)4'4$/+'/<<'+$%'.*22',2'/>)*+'=,%4,&;' %6,'./-.,%'("#='%6,'E*22*4=.'$",',.14!,:'A6,' )+$%0'5/('L'4%&+'*:'+$%0%'/0)*&5'f':?6?'/&5' <))-%5'.)0',+3'>*+'/<<'L'1)*<5'2%%'4/2'+$%'0)).').' a&;%<<'J%1+*0%'P/<<'/&5'@<%+1$%0'a<<%&',&'+$%' 5,2+/&1%???
Matthew Kuperman
T<%&&'R%1-'4,<<'&)'<)&;%0'$/=%'/'2$)4')&' @)D'['$))0/(g'E))'>/5'$%'4,<<'2+,<<';%+'+)' :,1-'+$%':0);0/66,&;?'
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UVM makes right call by tabling divestment proposition U%/0'%5,+)03
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The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker
Ruggedboy by Nick Carr
brought to you by bestcrosswords.com
This week:
We will feature the winner in our next issue.
Submit a caption for this illustration to: cynic.caption@gmail.com
ACROSS 1- Coup ___ 6- Long stories 11- Actor Erwin 14- In play 15- Factory 16- Male sheep 17- Larva of a butterfly 19- Form of poem, often used to praise something 20- Immensity 21- Widespread 23- Bruce ___ was a famous kungfu movie star 24- Slender dagger 25- Trouble 29- Number game of chance 30- Pains 31- E-mail command 32- “Treasure Island” monogram 35- At the same time
39- High mountain, as found in central Europe 40- ___ Domini 41- Imply 42- Composition 44- Furrow or groove 45- Previous monetary unit of Greece 48- Gal of song 49- Sucking fish 50- Woman who hunts 55- Gasteyer of “Saturday Night Live” 56- Lack of toleration 58- “Holy cow!” 59- Capital of Belarus 60- Excessive 61- According to 62- Little pie 63- Thin fogs
DOWN 1- Fresh-water fish 2- Brio 3- Bandleader Puente 4- Affirm solemnly 5- Unconditional 6- Ill will 7- Associate 8- Guy’s partner 9- South American boa 10- Powerful 11- Mouthlike opening 12- English royal house 13- Flip over 18- Pillar 22- O Sole ___ 24- Mottled mount 25- Tailless rodent 26- Earth Day subj. 27- Vessel 28- 1980’s movie starring Bo Derek and Dudley Moore 29- Amphetamine tablet 31- Capital city of Yemen 32- Campus mil. group 33- Hawaiian outdoor feast 34- Grounded fleet 36- Island S of mainland Australia 37- Monetary unit of Bhutan 38- Conger 42- Author Umberto 43- Small crustacean 44- All there 45- Stage play 46- Kidney-related 47- Appliance brand 48- Sullen 50- Party-thrower 51- Hindu princess 52- Finishes 53- Short tail 54- Goes out with 57- Big bang cause
The Cynic’s weekly power rankings +G#$%:&.#H,9I !"#$$%&'(")'
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Sports in short +G#J&89#K(>*= !"#$$%&'(")'
Quote of the week
It’s all good. I liked
Boss of the week: Texas A&M Women #$%&H+38&DEE/%*&%+,0%3&1$%/,& -&!'$ 5677$ 6,%28*(+!,*8$ '*'4"$ 50&D4,/)&X:&;$%0&1$%8&G%+1&Q51,%& @+6%&YZ-Y2C& @+0/%))%& D3+6*& )%3& #%T+*& D[<&;/1$&\2&45/01*:&1%+,/0E&(4& 1$%&/0*/3%&)+0%&15&E/?%&$%,&1%+6& 1$%& ;/0C& P1& ;+*& +& A)5*%& 95(,1$& ](+,1%,:&,/E$1&(4&(01/)&1$%&)+*1&.^& *%A503*C& '(1& /0& 1$%& %03:& 1$%& DEE/%*& A+4/1+)/V%3& +03& 1$%& P,/*$& _(*1& 9(.4#+:'$;""8$-1,'*+1/
Goat of the week: Grant Hill M,+01& `/))& $+3& +& $+,3& 1/6%& (0G(0A$/0E& $/*& 4+01/%*& +91%,& +& ^Y-^a&)5**&15&1$%&'())*&50&D4,/)& XC&F)+/6/0E&1$+1&+&9+0&*;5,%&+03& *4/1& +1& $/6& +91%,& 1$%& E+6%:& 1$%& \"-8%+,-5)3& I(0*& E(+,3& $+3& 15& G%&,%*1,+/0%3&G8&*%A(,/18C& b5(&)5*1:&E%1&5?%,&/1C&b5(&A+0& ;/4%& +;+8& 1$+1& *4/1& ;/1$& 50%& 59& 1$5*%& ca& 6/))/50& 1$+1& 85(J,%& 6+7/0E&95,&G%/0E&+G)%&15&1$,5;& +&G+))&1$,5(E$&+&,/0E&;/1$&6/)3& *(AA%**C
— Manny Ramirez Cavaliers’ guard/forward
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Kailey Gardner named swim team’s Athlete of the Year #$%& O=<& *;/66/0E& +03& 3/?/0E& 1%+6& $505,%3& L+/)%8& M+,30%,& +*& 1$%/,& D1$)%1%& 59& 1$%& <"%&$(+$78&*4$=/$>,"$-+*!,"#$-&!'$ /0&1$%&!:222&9,%%*18)%&*%?%0&5(1&59& %/E$1&1/6%*&1$/*&*%+*50:&,+07/0E& /0&1$%&154&*451*&/0&D6%,/A+&d+*1& )50E-3/*1+0A%&*;/66/0EC
Men’s lacrosse still perfect at home #$%& 6%0J*& )+A,5**%& 1%+6& %03%3& +& 1;5& E+6%& )5*/0E& *7/3& +E+/0*1&`5)8&F,5**&50&D4,/)&X&15& ,%6+/0&4%,9%A1&+1&$56%&+03&%?%0& (4&1$%/,&,%A5,3&X-XC&@,%;&>$/)/%& A501/0(%3&$/*&356/0+01&*%+*50:& 1+))8/0E&95(,&E5+)*&+03&+0&+**/*1& /0&1$%&!X-X&;/0C&
Major League Baseball preview 2011 F<#3%==#D&@8'<1+C !"#$%&'()*%#$
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Cats continue to feel comfortable at home Victory over Holy Cross brings men’s lacrosse record to 5-5 !"#-'.'/"#0).12 !"#$$%&'(")'
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JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic
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UVM athlete spotlight of the week Illustration by Dana Ortiz
# 23 Adison Rounds — Women’s Lacrosse
!"#$%&'#()*+, !"#$$%&'(")'
Position: Midfielder Height: 5’10” Class: Junior Hometown: Centennial, Colo. High School: Arapahoe High School
Men’s lacrosse vs. Holy Cross W 15-5
Previous accomplishments:
]2%.D&'$)&')0*-)D?')0,2&4'D2%30-D'$-*':29.4' 4)00?' (*2,' 0)&4' &-)&2.' 9.' 4$9&' 4$9*D' ?-)*' 2(' $-*' 1200-=9)4-'1)*--*6'^-)D9.='4$-'@)4&'9.')&&9&4&'594$' A"').D'4$9*D'2.'4$-'4-),'9.'424)0':29.4&'594$'!A+' &$-' $)&' 9,:*2E-D' 9,,-.&-0?' &9.1-' $-*' 9.W%*?< @8(A'),%!"#$%9)("B
K.' $9=$' &1$220+' ]2%.D&' 5)&' )' 4$*--<49,-' @2.49.-.4)0' ^-)=%-' 700<R4)*' ).D' )' _6R6' >9=$' R1$220' 700<7,-*91).' 9.' !""H+' 5$90-' *)1P9.=' %:' !NB':29.4&'2.'A;N'=2)0&').D'X!')&&9&4&'D%*9.='$-*' (2%*<?-)*'E)*&94?'1)*--*6
Wednesday Women’s lacrosse @ Albany L 19-3
Saturday Women’s lacrosse vs. UMBC L 14-13
Men’s lacrosse vs. Albany W 11-6
Courtesy of Athletic Communications
Accomplishments at UVM:
Thursday Track and Field vs. SAC Relays Beach Track and Field Invitational
Men’s lacrosse vs. Hartford 1 p.m.