Vermont Cynic Issue 27

Page 1

C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!

SEND SILENCE PACKING UVM’s chapter of Active Minds holds the suicide awareness event.


The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883


! ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + ( , * " * ' & - . - /0 $ 1 2 3 + 4 - 5 6 % , 7 - 8 9 4 - 8 : ; ; - < - =' 7 0 & $ - ; 8 > - ? 1 1 0 $ - 8 > - . - @ 0 % 7 , ( A ) ' ( 4 - =$ % & ' ( )

Students warned about downtown behavior

Downtown smoking ban proposed



Burlington Bombers

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6-8 ARTS

Life is not like the movies


Adventures of Joel and Chris



Bangkok scandalous

12-13 SPORTS

Sports pop culture grid


MARY DONOVAN The Vermont Cynic

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SGA will not fund Blirpit Senate suggests IRA fund the electronic bus schedule program starting Fall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see BLIRPIT on page 3

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“We have coordinated these efforts for a number of years now. We are confident that these problems are significantly reduced by this initiative.” David Nestor Dean of Students >*%(Z#,5-"9C+.C[-.%(-&-"-,"-7%( -&<5#$%'( -&</%,'%$( E+5-<%( E/%'%&<%F(/+7-&8(.++"(E,"/+5'(,&$( %7%&"'( "+( <5%,&( #E( $+)&"+)&( ,."%/()%%M%&$'F(,<<+/$-&8("+("*%( %:,-5= KO%( *,7%( <++/$-&,"%$( "*%'%( %..+/"'( .+/( ,( &#:3%/( +.( =$"(%& ;)0,-& >$";& ).& /+41$;+%& >"?81& @$%+)(& %"816& AB$& "($& 2);*1$;+& +9"+& +9$%$& '()53$!%& "($&%8:;8*2";+3=&($142$1&5=&+98%& 8;8+8"+8?$6>*%(%G"/,(E+5-<%(E/%'%&<%(,&$(

see NOISE on page 3

STARTing to combat underage drinking 450 contacted in downtown raid on St. Patrick’s Day Results of the March !"#!+/0"#1%"+. !"#$$%&'(")' @( &%)( 5,)( %&.+/<%:%&"( "%,:( <+&'-'"-&8( +.( N*-""%&$%&( N+#&"9( ')382$& ).*2$(%,& 38C4)(& 2);+()3& ";1& +9$& >DE& 2);142+$1& "& ("81& ).& $+)&"+)&( 6#/5-&8"+&( +&( 2,/<*( A\F(,<<+/$-&8("+("*%(E/%''(/%5%,'%= >*%( !"+E( >%%&( @5<+*+5( Q-'M( >%,:( ]!>@Q>^( E,"/+5( /%'#5"%$( -&( UST( <+&",<"'F( U\( <*,/8%'( .+/( ')%%$%%8);,& %8F& ."#$& 81$;+8*2"+8);&

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17 raid

450 contacts 47 charges for possession Six fake identification confiscations

Two citations for disorderly conduct One arrest for a DUI

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