Issue 11

Page 1


Rubblebucket rocks Club Metronome


The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883

w w w . v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m | Tu e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 1 0 – Vo l u m e 1 2 7 I s s u e 1 1 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t


Joe Biden visits UVM 1-3

Marijuana debate

Vice president speaks on campus in support of Democratic Party

page 2


N.E.R.D. album review


COMICS/ DISTRACT Crosswords and comics


SPECTACLE Rubblebucket concert



UVM students ‘come out’ in drag


Vice President Joe Biden (center) speaks at a rally supporting Peter Shumlin (left).

Provost search narrowed to two


Point/counter point

Open forums created to elicit campus questions


Club baseball wins NECBA in first season


DAMIR ALISA The Vermont Cynic

By Tyler Hastings Staff Writer JAMIE LENT The Vermont Cynic

Construction on Redstone Campus is causing too much noise.

Sleepless in Simpson By Becky Hayes Staff Writer After a long week of late night studying, waking up to the sounds of drills at 8 a.m. on Saturday isn’t just a nightmare but a reality for students living in Simpson Hall. Due to the renovation of Simpson dining hall, residents deal with the loud noises of what seems like constant construction right below their dorm rooms, sophomore Ally Gagnon said. The drilling starts every day at 8 a.m. and can sometimes go on

all day long, sophomore Katelyn Chafe said. “It’s so hard to concentrate on anything but that sound,” Gagnon said. All the residents of Simpson were told that there would only be construction on weekdays, yet there has been drilling for the past two weekends, she said. “It’s especially frustrating when you are trying to catch up on sleep,” sophomore Stephanie Parente said. See SLEEPLESS on page 2

Two candidates remain in the search for the next provost, Chair of the Provost Selection Committee Rex Forehand said in an e­mail addressed to the student body. Either Interim Provost Jane Knodell or Dean of Arts and Sciences Eleanor Miller will be the new provost. “Each candidate will participate in a daylong interview process involving various representatives of the University community,” Forehand said. In addition to the interviews, two separate open forums will be held for both candidates, he said. Following an address on “Opportunities and challenges facing UVM,” candidates will take questions from audience members, he said. Both forums will be held at the Admission Visitor Center located

at 184 South Prospect St. The forum for Jane Knodell was held on Monday, Nov. 8, and Eleanor Miller’s will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 4­5:30 p.m. “The provost has a pivotal role !"#$%&"!"'#()!*)#+,*-./0#123!/!2"3# (!..#4%#5%*5-!/%$#,"$#),3#/)%#&",.# say in the promotion and tenure process,” President Daniel Mark Fogel said. The position of provost is one of tremendous importance — as *)!%+#,*,$%6!*#2+&*%57#/)%#152823/# is heavily involved in determining the University’s academic priorities, President Fogel said. “We encourage all members of the community to attend the open forums if possible and participate in this important process,” Forehand said.




Biden brings a crowd By Natalie DiBlasio News Editor UVM College Democrats President Molly Campbell stood in the rain for over an hour, excited to get inside of Patrick Gymnasium for warmth — and to see Vice President Joe Biden. “It is freezing out and we have been standing here forever,” senior Ian Hochman Reid said, standing next to Campbell and in front of hundreds of others. “But it doesn’t matter how long it takes — it will be worth it to see Joe.” Biden appeared on behalf of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Peter Shumlin on Nov. 1 on the Patrick Gynmasium tennis courts, a news release stated. “This election is about competing visions for America,” Biden said. The advanced placement government class at Burlington High School, the National Education Association, politicians, students and many others waited in a line that wrapped around the gym until 10:40 a.m., when the earliest risers were let in. The Shumlin campaign said that audience members should expect to go through airport­type screening. “No sharp objects, signs, laptops, liquids, umbrellas,” a +"21)1-*6)(3.),.'"%-).#$%-6+)*()(/-) entrance stated. “I am all about the Biden,” senatorial candidate Phillip Baruth said, speaking to those in line. “I love him. Always have, always will.” Baruth said he hoped Biden’s presence would encourage students to get out and vote in

the elections that took place the next day. “I am very excited to see a vice president here,” candidate for state senate Sally Fox said. “He 1--!+) (.) $6-) &,) (/-) :-9.%6*(+) and the rest.” Aurua Brush, 13, of Woodbury sported more than 20 political campaign stickers walking into the rally. “I want to see him,” Brush said. “I want to tell people ‘I just saw Joe Biden.’”

“It is freezing out and we have been standing here forever. But it doesn’t matter how long it takes – it will be worth it to see Joe.” Ian Hochman Reid UVM senior Senior Marya Brookes, dripping with rain and huddling under the heater, said she was hopeful that Biden’s appearance would motivate people to get out and vote against Brian Dubie. “All of my friends’ Facebook statuses say they are at Joe Biden,” a girl covered in Leahy ’10, Peter Shumlin, Peter Welsh, Vote Pearson and “I vote green” stickers said. “Why would I go to class?” one student responded. “Joe Biden is here.” Smiling, Biden took the stage around 1:15 p.m. “You probably don’t know

how much I love Vermont,” Biden said, standing in front of +";)<9-6"%*1)5*2+)*1!)(3.)=-(-6) Shumlin signs. >?-61"-) 0@*1!-6+A) "+) (/-) conscience of the United States Senate,” Biden said. “This guy knows talent.” Biden assured the audience (/*() >:-9.%6*(+) 3"'') !.) $1-) tomorrow.” “I’m not being political; this is factual,” Biden said, listing off information about the mortgage crisis and job loss. “I don’t blame them for being angry,” Biden said. “I am angry too.” Democratic candidates for B*6".&+) .#$%-+) +,.C-) "1) +&,,.6() of the Democratic Party before they introduced Biden. “Turn the page on Jim Douglas and Brian Dubie,” candidate for State Auditor Doug Hoffer said. “Eight years of lost opportunity is enough.” However, not everyone in attendance was in support of the Democratic Party. Chris Bulla, an 11th grader at Champlain Valley Union High School, stood with a Brian Dubie sticker on his shirt and a ripped up Shumlin sign at his feet. >0:&D"-A) "+) 9*C"12) (/-) +(*(-) business­friendly,” Bulla said. “He is removing the burden on business and creating jobs.” UVM experienced only minor disturbances during Biden’s appearance, amounting (.) ,*6C"12) ,6.D'-9+) *1!) (6*#$%) around the gym. Several physical education classes also had to be rescheduled, but there were no major disruptions, Athletic Director Bob Corran said.

ALEX EDELMAN The Vermont Cynic UVM’s Army ROTC ranked second place in the Ranger Challenge.

ROTC takes Ranger Challenge by storm Green Mountain Battalion takes top spot in division and second place overall By Andrew McNichols Staff Writer Ten Cadets from UVM’s E-+-6B-)F#$%-6+G)H6*"1"12)I.6,+) (ROTC) program competed in a two­day competition known as the Ranger Challenge on Oct. 16­ 17. The Green Mountain Battalion took the top spot in their division and second place for the entire competition, according to University Communications. The purpose of the Ranger Challenge is to test team cohesion, leader development and physical and mental toughness of the participating Cadets. Some of the events in the competition include an army ,/4+"%*') $(1-++) (-+(J) $6+() *"!J) building and crossing a rope bridge, disassembling and assembling weapons and conducting military operations in urban terrain, a news release stated.


H/-) (-*9) (..C) $6+() ,'*%-) in the rope bridge competition and the 10K road march. Cadet Bradley Patnaude won the top score for male physical $(1-++J) *%%.6!"12) (.) K1"B-6+"(4) Communications. The 2010 UVM ROTC Ranger Challenge team is composed of senior captains Bradley Patnaude and Warner Clark. The rest of the team consists of senior Travis Gerbatsch, juniors Jill Bardon, Ryan Finnerty, Dallas Apotheker, Brian Hamel and =*(6"%C) L6"2/(J) $6+() 4-*6+) M*(() DeMenna and Ryan O’Leary and sophomore alternate Andrew Stillman. UVM ROTC is hosted at the University of Vermont and also includes participants from Saint Michael’s College, Champlain College, Middlebury College, Johnson State College, Castleton State College and SUNY Plattsburgh.

Dining hall renovation disrupts Redstone students

...continued from page 1 Director of Residential Life Stacey Miller said the reason construction has been occurring as early as 7:30 a.m. and on weekends is to ensure that the project will be completed on time. “Residential Life understands and truly empathizes with our residential students,” Miller said. “We understand that doing construction during the academic year is not ideal, but we also know that this was the only way for us to get this project complete.” When a number of students contacted Reslife about the situation, Reslife staff responded that there was nothing they could do, Chafe said. An e­mail sent from Miller addressed Simpson residents, “We appreciate your patience in regard to some of the more !"#$%&'() *+,-%(+) .#) (/-) 0.12."12) renovation and construction of Redstone Dining Hall].” Miller said that the main reason she decided to send out the e­mail was as a response to complaints from residents and to tell students that they would not receive compensation for inconveniences. “It’s very frustrating that the

school I pay $45,000 to attend can’t do a single thing for me even though there are jackhammers under my pillow every single morning,” Chafe said.

“The noise is a major issue with my and my roommate’s sleeping patterns.” Katelyn Cafe UVM sophomore “It affects everyone on Simpson,” Chafe said. “All the 3*4)&,)(.)(/-)$#(/)5..678 Students have continued to send complaints both to the .#$%-) 9*1*2-6) *1!) 6-+"!-1%-) director, Miller said. “Residential Life Staff have now forwarded these most recent concerns to Facilities Design and Construction for follow up with the contractor,” she said. “Our greatest hope is that the project will be complete soon, so that students can enjoy their brand new dining facility.”




Marijuana debate lights up at UVM Students turn out to see experts duke it out over drug policy By Andrew McNichols !".88(@-7"%When a Harvard professor and a Drug Policy Research Center researcher meet to discuss the legalization of marijuana, !"#$%!&'() Professor of economics at Harvard University Jeffery Miron argued in favor of legalization against Co­Director of the Research and Development Corporation (RAND) Drug Policy Research Center Rosalie Liccardo *#++,-#.& /0& 1/2)& 3& #4& 456& 7845& 90!4#--:604&/8&456&;#0,!&</$,:)& =>6-+/:6& 4/& 456& 7845& installment of the Janus Forum, a debate series intended to stimulate thought around some of the most controversial issues of the day,” debate moderator Emerson Lynn said at the beginning of the two­and­a­half­ 5/,$& ?6@#46)& =A/?#(& 9!& +6$4#90-(& 0/& 6B+6"49/0)& >6C$6& 8/$4,0#46& 4/& have two of the brightest minds 90&456&@,!906!!&56$6&4/09D54)E A5/!6& :90?!& #??6?& ?9886$604& perspectives to the overall :#$9F,#0#&?6@#46)&G9$/0&#??6?&#& 4H9!4&4/&59!&296H"/904) “I want to turn the tables,” G9$/0& !#9?)& =I& H#04& 4/& !#(& 45#4& the burden of proof should be on the people who want to prohibit :#$9F,#0#)& IC:& D/90D& 4/& +-#9:& that the only reasonable starting position for discussing this issue is with a strong presumption that :#$9F,#0#&!5/,-?&@6&-6D#-)E

KRUTI KANSARA The Vermont Cynic

!"#$%&"'()**%$("+%(,-.(/**%&(0+.1%*(2&(3245(6("2(*7'"%&("2("+%()8"+(7&'".**9%&"(28("+%(:.&#'(;2-#9(.<.2#"(9.-7=#.&.(*%>.*7?."72&5 A56& @#!9!& /8& G9$/0C!& argument was that there should be a compelling case for the illegalization of marijuana, and that in keeping it illegal, “whatever negative effects it might have need to outweigh the values of liberty and freedom that the United States claims to hold ?6#$)E “Such a case does not exist,” 56&!#9?) Paccula presented her side of the issue through the medium of a PowerPoint presentation titled “Why Not Legalize Marijuana?” She also emphasized that she was 90& 0/& H#(& $6'6+490D& 456& 9?6#!& /8& 456&JK1L&M/$"/$#49/0) “Why legalize something that has the potential of health risks and harm, particularly to youth, if right now we can buy ourselves

49:6&4/&7D,$6&/,4&H5#4&45/!6&+/!4!& it would be if marijuana were $6#--(&#$6NE&!56&!#9?) -6D#-) “Our estimates show that the price [of marijuana] would fall as “If we keep a doobie much as 80 percent if legalized,” *#++,-#&!#9?)&=>6C$6&4#-%90D&#@/,4& around, should we be 60/$:/,!&"$9+6&+5#0D6!)E She further argued that it spared time in would be irresponsible to permit widespread use of marijuana the joint?” while the health consequences are still unknown — especially in Emerson Lynn the cases of drugged driving and :604#-&56#-45) Debate moderator =A56&!+960+6&9!&0/4&456$6&(64.E& *#++,-#&!#9?) In contrast to legalization A56& !6049:604& 45#4& 6+5/6?& efforts around the country, like 45$/,D5/,4& *#++,-#C!& #$D,:604& the failed Proposition 19 in was that marijuana prohibition California, the debaters were keeps the price of acquiring the relatively optimistic for marijuana !,@!4#0+6&#$497+9#--(&59D5.&456$6@(& -6D#-9O#49/0) keeping consumption lower than =PA56&"$/!"6+4!&8/$&:#$9F,#0#&

legalization] are looking better and better each year,” Paccula !#9?)& =A56$6C!& !,""/$4& 8/$& #& !9D097+#04& +5#0D6& 90& 456& :#$9F,#0#&-#H!)E Jeffery Miron agreed, but was cautious to predict a speedy "$/+6!!) “Legalization is plausible in the next few decades, but it ?/6!0C4&!66:&-9%6-(&90&456&06B4&86H& (6#$!.E&56&!#9?)&=I&?/0C4&4590%&45#4& H6C$6&:#%90D&456&+#!6&90&456&@6!4& "/!!9@-6&H#()E =IC:& 0/4& #& !:/%6$& !/& I& ?/0C4& care either way,” sophomore L/,D& L#9D-6& !#9?)& =I& 4590%& everyone is going to have their own opinion, but people should !4/"&#$D,90D)E

Everybody freeze Students stop and stand still in Davis Center By Bridget Pollicino !".88(@-7"%-

is blown, you go back on your H#(.E&456&H6@!946&!4#46?)& Students gathered between Q0&A5,$!?#(.&1/2)&R.&#4&STUV3& the library and the Davis Center "):).& /0& 56$& H#(& 4/& *!(+5/-/D(& #$/,0?& STURV& "):)& #0?& 8$/O6& #4& WWS.& & 7$!4& (6#$& ;,-96& >/-8:#0& STUV3&"):)& froze in the middle of the Davis M6046$&8/$&"$6+9!6-(&/06&:90,46) A group of people organized “It was a fun way a “freeze” in the Davis Center, to remind everyone attempting to copy a freeze that occurred in Grand Central that timing isn’t Station in New York City last H9046$) everything.” =G9!!9/0U& <$/O60& 16H& X/$%E& +#0& @6& 296H6?& /0& X/,A,@6& #0?& Julie Wolfman 902/-26?& TWY& !4$#0D6$!& 8$66O90D& in place for a number of minutes UVM first year amidst the hustle and bustle of Grand Central Station to remind @,!(&4$#26-6$!&45#4&94C!&0626$&4//& Some were more creative -#46&4/&4#%6&#&:/:604&4/&$6-#B)& than others; frozen positions Students created a Facebook $#0D6?&8$/:&59D5Z7290D&#&8$960?& event to inform students when 4/&4#%90D&#&@946&/,4&/8&#&!#0?H9+5) to freeze and how long to stay “It was a fun way to remind 8$/O60)& 626$(/06& 45#4& 49:90D& 9!0C4& A56& H6@!946& 60+/,$#D6?& 626$(4590D.E&!#9?&>/-8:#0) students to join in and to A56& 90949#-& D/#-& H#!& 8/$& TWW& 29?6/4#"6&456&62604&/0&6#+5&'//$& students to participate, and /8&456&L#29!&M6046$)& more than 300 students froze, “You do not move at all for #++/$?90D&4/&456&H6@!946) one minute and when the whistle

ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic





Ensemble induces toe-tapping

Rubblebucket keeps crowd dancing for second night in a row By Will O’Donoghue Staff Writer For those who weren’t quite ready to bring their Halloween partying to an end, Rubblebucket Orchestra supplied a haven of dancing and grooving with their second consecutive night at Club Metronome on Nov. 1. R u b b l e b u c k e t ’ s preformance was preceded by two Burlington local bands: Swale and local funk favorites Bearaquarium. Swale played a set of drum­ heavy indie rock, with hints of new wave and melodic dual !"#$%&'()*+(#,"-./(&01%%(2%0+,134( in, reacted positively to a cover of singer/rapper M.I.A.’s “Paper Planes,” which was turned into a screaming power ballad. Bearaquarium — a seven­ piece ensemble consisting of horns, keyboard, drums, guitar, bass and two percussionists — had the crowd dancing, cheering and hopping up and down in a way an opening act rarely can. “[Bearaquarium] is about as funky as it gets,”

Champlain College senior Jill DelVecchio said. “I can’t help but dance my ass off.” After a short wait between acts, Rubblebucket Orchestra, an eight­piece ensemble led by Kalmia Traver on vocals and saxophone and the wildly energetic trumpeting of Alex Toth, headed onstage to wild cheers. Opening with the popular song “Bikes” from their self­ titled album, they had the crowd moving almost instantly -10*($3(5365$3012$7%+(7%+3.("8( jazz, rock and afrobeat. The psychedelic — and often strange — visuals for the show were provided by Hack Interactive. The visual entertainment ranged from hundreds of multi­colored %$&+,( %14*0&( 95#05$0134( $#,"&&( the stage to a backdrop of retro scenes of characters, including Pee Wee Herman and Hulk Hogan. Traver’s poppy melodic voice provided a perfect counterpoint to the nonstop intensity of the percussion and horns. “Bearaquarium has got a great new sound that’s always


Adam Dotson, trombone player and vocalist for Rubblebucket, performed at Club Metronome on Nov 1. fresh,” sophomore Beck Gregory said. “But [Traver] practically glows onstage. Her voice and presence just blew me away.” The crowd went wild during “Came Out of a Lady” when both Traver and Toth jumped offstage and marched through the crowd while performing a whaling trumpet­sax duet; one fan went so far as to run up to

)"0*( $3.( :%$30( $( 2,;( <1&&( "3( his cheek before retreating. After an hour and a half wild with energy, the band ;+;7+,&(2%+.("88(&0$4+(-10*"50( a word, leaving a resounding silence in their place. This silence was quickly replaced with wild stomping and clapping, as the crowd began chanting “Rubblebucket!” With just a few minutes

delay, The band returned to the stage fully uniformed in white jumpsuits for a half­hour long encore of songs from their new EP “Triangular Daisies.” “It’s not your last chance to dance in your life, but it is your last chance to dance here tonight,” trombonist Adam Dotson said to the crowd 7+8",+(0*+(23$%+' And dance they did.

N.E.R.D. makes ‘Nothing’ great By Naciim Benkreira Staff Writer Whether or not you are familiar with the multi­genre­ juggling sounds of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo, it is impossible to deny the duo’s 133"!$01"3( $3.( 1395+3#+( "3( popular music within the last decade. As their performing alter egos, N.E.R.D. — an acronym for No One Ever Really Dies — Williams and Hugo are joined by rapper Shae Haley for the awaited follow­up to their last album release of “Seeing Sounds” in 2008. “Nothing” is the fourth ='>'?'@'($%75;($3.(0*+(2,&0(0"( feel altogether detached from their previous “party anthem” sounds and surroundings. @,$-134( "3( 1395+3#+&( from the ’60s and ’70s like The Doors and Moody Blues, the album perpetuates a synth­ pop, soulful R&B sound, 2%0+,+.( 0*,"54*( $( 85&1"3( "8( N.E.R.D.’s early hip­hop rock style. The album opens with “Party People,” a synthed­up club jam that sounds more commercial than past N.E.R.D. songs. Interestingly, Williams

is able to pull the track off with a modern take on ’70s funk. After that, “Nothing” turns hot and heavy with “Help Me,” which takes Williams’ solo R&B vocals to a more experimental aggressive rock cut. If that isn’t enough, “Hypnotize U,” produced by the French house megastars Daft Punk, features a billowy, soft­electronic vibe. A0(10&(7+&0/(='>'?'@'(85%2%%&( its lofty ambition of fusing disparate strands of sounds into something of its own. The lofty suite “I’ve Seen the Light/ Inside of Clouds” matches its celestial purpose, coordinating hip­hop drums with brass fanfare and Williams’ svelte voice. One of the group’s best songs on the album, it serves as proof that Williams and Hugo are still experimenting and forward thinking as producers and musicians. Yet some tracks such as “Perfect Derfect” feel desperate 0"( 2%%( &%"0&'( B"31#$%%C/( 0*+( album is not as expansive as their other musical projects, 750(10(1&(0*+(4,"5:D&(2,&0(+88",0( to put out a complete pop album and proves you can 23.( %18+( 13( 0*+( ;"&0( 71E$,,+( "8( musical corners.



brought to you by

!"#$%& The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker

No Good Reason by R. Valenti

write. edit. design. illustrate. photograph.


Across 1- Mid-month times 5- Corpulent 10- Open ___ night 14- Manner of walking 15- Immerse 16- Expel gas or odor 17- Decorative 19- Actress Turner 20- Outer coat of a seed 21- Eyeglass having two portions 23- Application 25- 1961 Heston role 26- Tempo 29- Winglike parts 31- Pale purple 35- Competitor of Tide and Cheer 36- Horse’s gait 37- Spanish inn 38- Attains 40- Fortified place 41- Bit of progress 42- After the bell 43- Heston’s org. 44- Capital of South Korea 45- Curse 46- Back part of the foot 47- Honda model 49- Feel bad about 51- Antiquated 54- Floating platforms 58- Graph prefix 59- Brawl 63- Collar type 64- Uneven 65- Authentic 66- Denomination 67- Available 68- Cattle group Down 1- ___ Rhythm 2- Challenge 3- Half of zwei

Soap on a Rope by Ashley Frisoli


4- Carved image 5- Compass dir. 6- Freight weight 7- Escape 8- Good, in a way 9- Tending to a definite end 10- Sondheim or Simon 11- Apple product 12- Basic currency of Papua New Guinea 13- Bibliography abbr. 18- Barker and Bell 22- Threadlike 24- Having auricular protuberances 25- Chow down 26- Seine spot 27- Coeur d’___ 28- Mild cigar 30- Acapulco article 32- Singer Cleo 33- Be gaga over 34- Artificial waterway 36- Muse of comedy 37- Mum’s mate 39- Lying down with head raised (heraldry) 40- Outlaw 42- Resinous deposit 45- Having two horns 46- Fireside 48- Home movie medium 50- Metro area 51- Gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans 52- Appraise, charge per unit 53- Gator’s cousin 55- Golfer’s “watch out!” 56- Travel from place to place 57- Timetable, for short 60- “As if!” 61- Code-breaking org. 62- “Sure thing”




!"#$%&$'# a look through the lens Rubblebucket performed at Club Metronome on Nov 1. The group is an eight-piece ensemble that includes trumpet players, saxophonists, and vocalists. Top left: Adam Dotson, trombone/vocals Top right: Alex Toth, trumpet/vocals Middle: Kalmia Traver, lead vocals/saxophone Bottom: Adam Dotson, trombone/vocals

Photos by Max Landerman




UVM students ‘come out’ in drag By Aimee Lacaden Staff Writer


Keeping it chic, UVM style R*,&%# C!5)# )2%.(5# 5%%.# 12!8.(# )*%# <=># 71C$85# ,.7&8(%# ^%1.59# 5;%1)5*,2)5# 1.(# 5.%1O%259#)*%2%#12%#5!C%# )2%.(5#)*1)#(%5%2-%#)!#A%# 2%7!/.,c%(J# R*1)# 71.# C1O%# 1# /,2&#"%%&#C!2%#/&1C!2!85# )*1.# A%,./# (%7O%(# !8)# ,.# ^%;%&5d# X21.)%(9# (,1C!.(5# "2!C# *%1(# )!# )!%# 12%# "1A8&!859# A8)# )*%:# 12%# 1# A,)# C87*# "!2# 7!&&%/%J# V.5)%1(9# !$)# "!2# 1# A,A# .%7O&17%J# W&)*!8/*# A,A# .%7O&17%5# 12%#/2!;,./#,.72%15,./&:# $!$8&12# !.# )*%# 28.;1:# 1.(# !.# C1..%e8,.5# ,.# (2!!&`;!2)*:# 5)!2%5# &,O%# F%,C1.# >12785# 1.(# @1O59# )*%:# *1-%# 1&5!# A%%.# 5$!))%(# !.# 5!C%# 5):&,5*#<=>#&1(,%5J#H*%:# 71.# 21./%# ,.# $2,7%# "2!C# fKN# 1)# W.)*2!$!&!/,%# )!# f]9gNN# 1)# D%2/(!2"# X!!(C1.J# R*%.# )*%# ;%1)*%2# /%)5#7*,&&:9#)*%#'25)#)*,./# ;%#(!#,5#2%17*#"!2#1#^17O%)J# B1)*%2# )*1.# 2%17*,./# "!2# )*%# %\$%7)%(# F!2)*# 617%#h%%7%9#)2:#1#&%1)*%2# ^17O%)J#6!2#1#7&155,7#$,%7%# /!#"!2#)*%#5$&82/%9#A8)#"!2# )*%#A8:%2#;,)*#1#A8(/%)9# 51-%#1.(#/!#"!2#)*%#"18\# !$),!.J V"# &%1)*%2# ,5.4)# "!2# :!89# )2:# 1# ^17O%)# !2# -%5)# A:#D12A!82J#T!8#/%)#;*1)# :!8# $1:# "!2# ;*%.# :!8# A8:# 1# A21.(# )*1)# $2,(%5# ,)5%&"# !.# e81&,):J# G2,7%5# !"# )*%5%# &8\82:# ^17O%)5# 21./%# 1.:;*%2%# "2!C# fiNN#)!#fjNNJ# R*!# (!%5.4)# &,O%# )!# A%# 7!C":d# 6!2# &1:%2,./# 8.(%2.%1)*# 1# 5;%1)%2# !2# 1# A&1c%29# !$)# "!2# 1# '))%(# $&1,(# 5*,2)# !2# 1.# !-%25,c%(#C%.45`,.5$,2%(# !\"!2(J#R*%.#;%12,./#1.# !-%25,c%(#)!$9#A%#582%#)!# ;%12#5!C%)*,./#'))%(#!.# )*%# A!))!C# *1&"# !"# :!82# A!(:#)!#O%%$#$2!$!2),!.5# ,.# 7*%7OJ# R%12,./# 1# )!$# 1.(# 1# A!))!C# )*1)# 12%# !-%25,c%(# &!!O5# /28./:# 1.(#5&!$$:9#A8)#;%12,./#1# )!$#1.(#1#A!))!C#)*1)#12%# )!!# ),/*)# &!!O5# 5O,C$:# 1.(#,.1$$2!$2,1)%J##

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More needed than ‘freeze’ and hope




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UVM students are encouraged to participate in a “consumer freeze” and to not buy any food or material goods for the entire day of Nov. 15. The day’s mission is to foster a community that supports anti­materialism, according to the movement’s Facebook event page. “If we stop consuming for a day, I believe that people would come to realize how dependent they really are on consumer goods,” sophomore Elise Gloeckner, one of the students involved in the event, said. This “freeze” is a movement that has good intentions, but is shortsighted. Yes, the average citizen is highly dependent on consumer goods for their day­to­day lives. We buy clothes from large chains, not the seamstress down the street, hurting local businesses. The goal of raising awareness about the negative effects is a good one. However, our country depends on us buying goods. We live in a place where tax dollars fund civil service and contracts with large corporations help fund universities. Large companies generate sales tax revenue that small local businesses could never dream of. Those taxes go to pay your &.*4'.+)1"&'."8,/(4.1"*$%"#+.7.$9"" Get rid of Sodexo entirely and UVM would have to spend more money on making its own food, or getting it locally, and less on education. We’d eat better and be dumber. So stop buying consumer goods from big businesses, build your own house and #//"(&":(&'"5,;+"',7.7*%."6,,%)",+"/,4*/" 6,,%)1"*$%":'.$"(&"4*&4'.)"#+."%,$3&":*(&",$" &'."#+.7.$9""<'.5"4*$3&"8*5"=,+"6*)9"" The freeze is in response to the ridiculous display that ensues on Black Friday every year — when grandmas get trampled by housewives racing for the 4'.*8.)&">*&:*+.9"" Black Friday is materialist America at its worst. People behave like animals to get 20 percent off the newest version of the iPod. However, consumerism drives the country. It makes the proverbial wheels on the bus go ‘round. ?'(/."&'*&"=*4&"7*5"+.>.4&"8,,+/5",$" our image around the world — see trampled grandmas above — it has lead to us being one of the richest and most powerful nations in the world and having some of the highest standards of living. 34"$5.0)6 understands that the people running the freeze are frustrated with people’s dependency on consumer goods controlled by large corporations that seem to be able to charge whatever they damn well please. But in this country, it is the buying and selling of goods that makes everything work. Changing the framework of America is a near impossible task but to undertake it would mean more than a “freeze” on consumer goods.


A study best left unpublished According to a study published recently in the British medical journal The Lancet, alcohol is a more harmful drug than heroin or crack cocaine based on how much it affects people and society in general. In other news, sewer rats also have a larger effect on today’s society than saber­ toothed tigers do. However, all ridicule aside, the fact remains that the only reason alcohol has the most widely reaching effect on today’s society is because it’s legal and much more widely used. The study focused on 20 drugs, judging them on a scale of 1 to 100 using 16 criteria of personal and societal harms that drugs can cause. Alcohol scored the highest — 72 out of 100 — with heroin and crack cocaine rounding out the podium with distant scores of 55 and 54, respectively. When asked about the study, Dr. Jeffrey Parsons of Hunter College went so far as to say that “the negative health consequences of alcohol are greater than with many illegal drugs.” !"#$%"&'()"'*+%"&,"-./(.0.1"

considering the nature of these “illegal drugs” in question. Alcohol is legal for people over the age of 21, meaning a lot of stupid people can get their hands on it and subsequently do stupid things. That does not mean that alcohol is more harmful to a responsible user. Drink responsibly. Good advice to follow, and it is very possible to drink alcohol responsibly, as many people exhibit on a daily basis. On the other hand, one cannot smoke crack responsibly. By that same &,2.$1"(&3)")4(.$&(#4*//5"*"/,&" easier to get addicted to illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin, hence their illegal status. The main problem I have with studies like this is that their big headline­getting results are misleading to people who look at such headlines and say “damn, maybe these other drugs aren’t so bad after all.” I’m sure the creators of this study would agree that if cocaine or heroin were practiced on the scale that alcohol consumption is today, the social and personal repercussions would be much greater. Then the only purpose this


study serves is to tell us that because so many dumb people do dumb things with alcohol, while hardcore drug use is less rampant, alcohol has a more widespread effect on society. The only new strain of thought they are fueling is the one of those irresponsible alcohol users, who may look *&"&'.(+"#$%($6)"*$%"-."7,+." inclined to go ahead and try these “less dangerous” drugs. Alcohol is legal for a reason, and its legality undoubtedly leads to a greater strain on our society; but to say that it is more dangerous than cocaine or heroin is just dangerously misleading. !"##$$%&'()"')$$)*$&$+'*,-."&'$ English major. He has been /'),)01$#2'$The Cynic since fall 2010.


“PAT [LEAHY] WAS UP BY 20 POINTS WHEN I CAME TO CAMPAIGN FOR HIM IN BURLINGTON IN 1974. IN THE END HE JUST BARELY WON.” — Joe Biden speaking on Nov. 11 at the rally at UVM for Gov. Shumlin.

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Blame the drinker or the drink? Four Loko, the alcoholic energy drink, has caused a stir across the nation — especially on college campuses, where the beverage is popular. After consuming it, nine Central Washington University students were hospitalized for alcohol poisoning last month. Drinking alcohol mixed with caffeine is dangerous because caffeine masks the effects of alcohol, such as lethargy and mental confusion. In short, you’re more drunk than your body thinks you are. A study at Wake Forest University found that people who consume alcohol mixed with caffeine are twice as likely to be injured, require medical attention or be in a car with an impaired driver than people who just consume alcohol. States and universities have acted to regulate or ban alcoholic energy drinks. The New York

Legislature is seeking to ban the beverage. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is investigating whether or not caffeinated alcoholic beverages are safe, and if they should be legal. Phusion, the maker of Four Loko, maintains on its website that “combining caffeine and alcohol is safe — a practice that is by no means new or novel.” This, for the sake of brevity, is bullocks. “The combination of alcohol and caffeine is dangerous,” Dr. Jon Porter, director of the Center for Health and Wellbeing, said. Porter strongly discourages the consumption of these beverages. Should Four Loko be banned? I don’t think so — but consumers should be acutely aware of the effects of drinking such a beverage. On every container of alcohol, the federal government

requires a warning from the Surgeon General that reads, in part: “Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery,

People who consume alcohol mixed with caffeine are twice as likely to be injured. and may cause health problems.” Because of the well­ researched dangers of mixing caffeine and alcohol, there should be a similar warning on alcoholic energy drinks. In the recent piece in The New York Times*9:/,-&(&*/(!* Alcohol is a Dangerous Mix for Young,” Abby Goodnough sums up why Four Loko appeals to

young people — it’s cheap, potent and doesn’t taste like alchohol. One Four Loko contains the alcohol equivalent of six Bud Lights. What is more dangerous is that those who choose to drink Four Loko are often inexperienced drinkers, who aren’t even cognizant of the effect of alcohol on their bodies — even when it is not mixed with caffeine. I think the only way alcoholic energy drinks should remain on the market is if consumers are warned on the label about what exactly they are drinking, and its effect on the body. These beverages can’t be marketed in such a way that '4&6*/2&*"(!"#'"()%"#4/50&*/'*-2#'* glance from non­alcoholic energy drinks. If you choose to consume a beverage that is the equivalent of a six­pack of light beer, doesn’t


taste like booze and masks the body’s natural response to alcohol, it’s your prerogative. But it’s the responsibility of '4&*#'/'&;*#7&."-./006*'4&*<%2)&+(* General and the FDA, to make sure you’re aware of the danger you’re putting your body in when you do so. It’s Loko not to.

Zach Despart is a junior political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.

Too much drunken Quick Opinions fuss on the magic bus Max Krieger Drinkers, grab your broomsticks: The witching hour bus rounds from B­town and back may soon be extinct, making a Nimbus 2000 your last suitable alternative to walking. Affectionately and colloquially known as the Drunk Bus, UVM’s safe, reliable system of late­night transportation provides students with protection en route back to campus. A veritable magic school bus sans Ms. Frizzle and her affectionate pet reptile, off­ campus busing is a great way for students to stay safe and for the University to show that they care. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, the wheels on the bus roll ‘round and ‘round, schlepping students all through town and campus as late as midnight. Thursdays through Saturdays one may count on campus­ sponsored busing as late as 3 a.m. with the last off­campus bus departing from the Cherry Street Rite Aid at a quarter to three. However, concerns have been raised recently in light of some excessive displays of unruliness from students — particularly the drunks. To be clear, I am not insinuating that all riders of the late­night shuttle are intoxicated, nor that intoxication necessarily renders one impetuous. I only intend to illustrate to readers that the contentious behavior !"#$%"&'"()*+,-."/0#*#'&1#*,2+1*/* very small portion of the student body.

Again, the actions of few are giving way to a stereotype being 2&3&.'&!*+(*'4&*#'%!&('*5+!6* and putting yet another student privilege in jeopardy.

As the old adage goes: You can’t have your cake and puke on it, too.

The late­night transit provides students with a wealth +,*#&2"+%#*5&(&-'#*+(*'+7*+,*/* reliable, sober ride and deserves protection. Busing students reduces the amount of noise on the streets as well as chaos on the road, putting less strain on residents and granting parents sound sleep knowing their children are safe from the belligerent noise of the plastered patrol on their trek back to campus. I concluded last week with a call to action: Students need to prove that we can have fun conscientiously, that we have earned the right the run a bit wild but can do so without taxing others. UVM students should not have to be thought of as thorns in Burlington’s side or university liabilities. Rather, we should be seen as assets, helping local businesses thrive and "('&00&.'%/0"#1*3+%2"#4*8"'4"(* the community.

The Democrats need a Tea Party. Maybe they can call it the Organic­Honduran Coffee Group. They just need something to get excited or riled up about. I’ve had it with all of this “moderateness.”


I’m not saying that that means shaking hands with every person on Church Street or helping every man, woman, child and puppy cross downtown streets — though they certainly would be nice gestures. But vomiting on the late­ night shuttle is no way to prove your maturity, nor is it very respectful to the institution providing it so you don’t have to stumble up Main Street at two in the morning when it’s 15 degrees out and sleeting. As the old adage goes: You can’t have your cake and puke on it too. Amenities such as the late­ night bus transit are privileges; privileges we run the risk of losing if changes in behavior aren’t made. Those who choose to use the shuttle as a designated system of sober transport need to clean up or walk up if it is to continue providing students with safe transportation from downtown back to campus.

!"#$%&'()*+,"*%-#%'%.*#/01+'*% 23,4-#$%'35%6$-4"#"6$1%7'8"*9%% He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2010.

Jeff Barbieri Last week, a glitch affecting iPhone alarms had users across Europe waking up one hour late as the alarm failed to recognize the change to daylight savings time. Don’t count on seeing that in Apple’s next string of arrogant, annoying commercials.

Zach Despart CBS News reported that 9 percent of eligible voters under 30 voted last week. I have no words.

Josh MacGregor Hold the cheese please. Dairy Management, a marketing creation of our own Department of Agriculture, has been partnering with corporations like Dominos to increase cheese on pizzas by up to 40 percent. That means that all that saturated milk fat you’ve been avoiding in your whole milk at the USDA’s urging is coming back to clot your arteries in that 2 a.m. extra cheese pizza. Nice.





Faculty juggling too much

Specialize to survive

UVM aims to become a premier research school: good move or bad move?

Illustration by Andrew Becker

good at lots of things. This would put us in an even better position to lure in those $45,000 out­of­ state students to weather to the recession, and it would all work out if the University weren’t already at its carrying capacity. The University is pursuing two opposing courses of action: attempting to keep a minimum number of faculty and bring in high tuition revenues from large JOSEPHINE MILLER incoming classes, while shifting the focus Of the $146 million of external funding of the faculty to research instead of the raked in by our hardworking faculty 3,206 extra students that have been added this year, 83 percent of it will go toward to our numbers since 2002. research. While President Fogel is glad to report that his dream of UVM “becoming one of the nation’s premier small research The University is pursuing universities is eminently achievable,” it two opposing courses of is time to take a step back from the sweet promise of prestige and consider what that action. really means. At the Day to Defend Public Education event in October, professor Nancy Welch These two strategies are irreconcilable. presented some distressing statistics. Shifting the focus toward research From 2001­2008, there was a 34 rather than toward teaching will percent increase in student enrollment 8&,'82!#,(3$ 2#&#.!$ !"#$ )0+,8+!#$ but only a 15 percent increase in long­ programs at the cost of a high­quality term faculty. Introductory classes of 160 undergraduate program. students are now commonplace. This conversation always turns into a In a United Academics Faculty Poll, 45 debate about how to maximize sales and percent of professors reported that they minimize business expenses, and I am have begun to give fewer, shorter writing left with the gloomy reality that when a assignments, 36 percent have fewer one­ university is run as a business, students are on­one time with their students and 61 treated as customers and the faculty and percent feel that because of the increase staff begin to seem like annoying hidden in students, their teaching and advising fees. ,#4+&,-$4+9#$*!$,*7.%8(!$!'$4##!$0#-#+0%"$ Let the teachers teach, let the students obligations. learn. We can graduate from a school that :!*((;$ !"#$ /0#-*,#&!<-$ '7.%#$ *-$ /8-"*&)$ is not recognized as the greatest “complex forward with the Transdisciplinary systems” research institution in the Research Initiative and the Spires of country and still get a great education. Excellence, putting even more pressure on an already spread­too­thin faculty to do more research. The concept behind these undertakings Josephine Miller is a sophmore is fairly rational: develop several specialties global studies major. She has as a research institution rather than falling been writing for The Cynic since fall 2010. into the liberal arts trap of being sort of

crossroads. It can either continue on its path to becoming a large liberal arts school with a general focus. Or it can swing to the path of higher focus and research in a smaller setting. This new focus will bring more out­ of­state students who in turn pay a higher tuition, which can help fund the research that needs to be done. MAX KRIEGER In addition, it will help reduce class sizes It is impossible to be great at everything 23$-!#44*&)$!"#$'1#05'6$'7$-!8,#&!-$&'!$ you do. *&!#0#-!#,$*&$!"#$4'0#$-/#%*.%$,*-%*/(*&#-$ Very few people have the ability to and allow UVM to hire more professors devote the time and energy needed to excel due to increased tuition revenue. at every task they take on. This is why we specialize and pick one career to go into. Why, then, does the University of Vermont try and focus its limited resources This new focus will bring on so many different topics? Of course, it may seem great that UVM more out-of-state students offers so many options for undergrads, but who in turn pay a higher what good are they if they are mediocre? To help center the disciplines taught tuition, which can help fund and advanced at UVM, the school will be the research that needs to be funneling much of its external funding done. toward research. Many may argue that this will hinder UVM’s proud liberal arts tradition and favor some subjects over others. However, perhaps we should be looking at the The question of turning UVM into problem from a larger perspective. a major research university may seem For a century, the United States was counter to the all­accepting­vibe that !"#$ !#%"&'(')*%+($ +&,$ -%*#&!*.%$ #/*%#&!#0$ emanates from its campus, but in order to of the world. Unfortunately, in the past survive, tough decisions must be made. few decades we have been falling behind The point of the research initiative is several countries, such as Germany not to make money or create prestige but to and Japan, in making new industrial advance the cause of the country and give +&,$ -%*#&!*.%$ ,*-%'1#0*#-$ !"+!$ -"+/#$ !"#$ !"#$ -!8,#&!-$ +$ !0#4#&,'8-$ +&,$ -/#%*.#,$ market. education, as opposed to the educational The blame for this slippage can be blob they are given now. placed upon the mass appeal and lack of exclusivity of our colleges. Because many universities are pressured to focus on all aspects of knowledge and the professors are expected to only teach and not research, Max Krieger is a sophomore the innovation­producing systems of our political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since country are crippled. fall 2009. The University of Vermont is at a




Previewing the NBA season By Rory Leland Staff Writer How ‘bout that offseason? The most exciting offseason in NBA history has led to the most anticipated NBA season in ages. The opening night matchup of the Celtics and Heat is being reported as the most watched regular season game in the history of the NBA. Needless to say, people are excited. And with my introduction out of the way, let’s get to the rankings!


89&:23&4+,(-(3&:.$(13 ;9&<".="&>(.0 ?9&@2302+&A(-0"#3 These are the serious title contenders. While the main storyline of the season will be the coalition of Lebron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami, it is still yet to be seen if they can handle the two -#'4*% &$'@*% ".% 4'*&% 5$'(9% A"&+% the Celtics and Lakers match up favorably with the Heat, and they both have major advantages in the size department. And as my grandmother always told me, size matters. Shaquille O’Neal and Nate Robinson spent the offseason playing leapfrog and the Celtics chemistry looks better than ever.


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Kevin Durant is the odds­on favorite to win MVP. The Magic were the second best regular season team last year, and once Dwight Howard learns how to do a simple jump hook, he’ll be )#*&"BB'C4$9% D+$% A)44*% -#'445% added a post threat in Carlos Boozer, and the Trailblazers will be a threat once they’re healthy. But what keeps these teams away from title contention? They’re too likable. Notice how everyone in the world hates all the Tier One teams? Not a coincidence. They are hard­ nosed, tough and do not yield to any team in the league. If the Tier Two teams want to contend for a title, they need to be tough.


M9&N.--.3&<.O(1"#$3 P9&<"-).G$((&@G#$3 8Q9&N(+O(1&'G,,(03 889&40-.+0.&>.)$3 8;9&R.+&4+02+"2&RSG13 8?9&>2G302+&T2#$(03 A bunch of nice teams. If Melo gets traded, Denver drops into Tier Four or Tier Five, but as long as he stays they’ll be a staple in the top 10. Rockets general manager Daryl Morey continues to build his team based on his high­tech secret stats, and if the NBA was run on a spreadsheet the Rockets would break the ’96 Bulls record. These are all teams that will average anywhere from 42­52 wins, and won’t make it past the second round unless they make a midseason deal — see: Pau Gasol — or an unproven player

steps up and surprises everyone — see: Rodrigue Beaubois.


8B9&!D2(+"U&RG+3 8H9&'()&C1-(.+3&>21+(03 8I9&V0.D&W.LL 8J9&<(=SD"3&71"LL-"(3 These are the teams that will be clawing for a playoff spot, and accordingly will be some of the most fun teams to follow in the league. Not to mention we can all watch as the “does Amare need Nash or does Nash need E@'($FG% 3*% -#'445% *$&&4$69% D+$% Grizzlies are one of the teams that could easily move up in this list. O.J. Mayo is one of the best players no one talks about in the league, Rudy Gay gets a bad rap for being overpaid but is still a viable No. 2 option and Zach Randolph is the best offensive black hole in the league. If you want to see what’s holding them back, search YouTube for “Zach Randolph — Where Will Amazing Happen This Year?”


8M9&X+/".+.&!.#(13 8P9&'()&621$&Y+"#$3 ;Q9&72-/(+&R0.0(&Z.11"213 ;89&'()&W(13(E&'(03 This is my favorite tier. H+34$% &+$5% @3!+&% -!+&% ."(% '% playoff spot, none are expected to make much noise in the grand scheme of things. But given how awful it was for them last year, their fans should be delighted with the teams they have currently. Even though the

Knicks and Nets both missed out on the temptress Lebron, &+$5% C"&+% *+")46% *3!#3-;'#&45% improve this year. The Warriors might end up with the No. 1 offense and the No. 30 defense in the league. They’re that great/ horrible.


;;9&:23&4+,(-(3&A-"SS(13 ;?9&AD.1-200(&@2K#.03 ;B9&N(012"0&!"302+3 ;H9&R.#1.=(+02&Y"+,3 ;I9&!D"-./(-SD".&JI(13 The sweet, sweet smell of mediocrity. While the Clippers, Kings and 76ers have exciting 5")#!% &'4$#&% I% A4'1$% J(3.-#/% Tyreke Evans and DeMarcus Cousins, Evan Turner and Jrue Holiday — the Pistons and Bobcats are just hovering in “OK.” Unless they think they can contend for the title with a Stephen Jackson/Gerald Wallace nucleus, which is unlikely, it’s time for MJ to shake things up and get some fresh young talent.


have left isn’t as horrible as the media has made it out to be. Mo Williams and Antawn Jamison are both capable players, and J.J. Hickson will turn heads this year. They could crack 30 wins if everything goes their way. The Timberwolves are ripe with high risk/high reward talent, and it’s hard to predict that they’ll all come through — I’m looking at you Darko.

Awards Most Valuable Player: Kevin Durant Most Improved Player: J.J. Hickson 6th Man of the Year: Manu Ginobili Defensive Player of the Year: Josh Smith Rookie of the Year: Blake J(3.-# Coach of the Year: Doc Rivers

All-NBA Teams 830&F(.=

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Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Lebron James, Kevin Durant, Dwight Howard

The heartbroken teams. You have to feel for Cleveland and Toronto, especially Toronto, which actually has a great fanbase that loves basketball but is continuously screwed over by their superstars. Cleveland lost Lebron, but the team they

Brandon Roy, Dwyane Wade, Dirk Nowitzki, Carmelo Anthony, Pau Gasol



Rajon Rondo, Monta Ellis, Danny Granger, Tim Duncan, Andrew Bogut

NFL PICKS WEEK 10 By Jeremy Karpf Staff Writer

Dallas Cowboys @ New York Giants Dallas looks done, there’s no doubt about it. Jerry Jones can only keep head coach Wade Phillips around for so long. The Giants have the NFL’s best total defense, so Jon Kitna will have his work cut out for him. Offensive weapons Miles Austin, Dez Bryant and Jason Witten all look to have big games. Overall, since Romo’s injury, Dallas has !"#$% &"% '% ()*+,-(*&% "..$#*$/% saving Kitna sacks. But with 24 sacks on the year so far, New 0"(1%2344%&(5%'#6%7)*&$(%83&#'9%% Offensively for New York, Ahmad Bradshaw has excelled as the feature back and Brandon Jacobs has more or less accepted his role as backup and third down back since his helmet­throwing incident in Indianapolis. Eli has looked fantastic this year having thrown 14 touchdowns and 1,700 yards thus far. He will try to pick apart the 11th­ranked total defense this year, which is giving up more than 300 yards per game and a defense that has struggled with discipline and penalties all year.


Illustration by Dana Ortiz

New England Patriots @ Pittsburgh Steelers Since Big Ben Roethlisberger’s return following his suspension, he has thrown for more than 750 5'(6*% '#6% -:$% &");+6"2#*9% The explosive Pittsburgh offense will see a young but dangerous New England defense. With Jerod Mayo and Vince Wilfork plugging the

middle, Devin McCourty has had a stellar rookie season so far at cornerback. They are the 31st­ranked passing defense so Roethlisberger will look to utilize receivers Hines Ward and Mike Wallace. Tom Brady has had another excellent season at quarterback for the Patriots. Without Kevin Faulk, New England’s rushing hopes lie with the “Law Firm” Ben­Jarvis Green­Ellis and the surprise breakout Danny Woodhead. They go against the fourth­ranked total defense in Pittsburgh, who is giving up just 300 yards of total offense per game and a miniscule 58.9 yards rushing. Brady will need to keep safety Troy Polamalu guessing similar to what Drew Brees did in Pittsburgh’s week eight matchup with New Orleans.


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Baltimore Ravens @ Atlanta Falcons Our Thursday night matchup pits Matt Ryan and his 11th­ranked offense against Ray Lewis and Baltimore’s eighth­ ranked defense. With Lewis running the middle, it will force &+$% <=>?*% -.&+,('#1$6% ()##3#!% offense to work for their yards. It

may force Ryan to look to Tony Gonzalez and Roddy White more. So far this year, Ryan has seemed to bounce back from his struggles last year and has thrown 12 touchdowns to 5 interceptions. Joe Flacco will be looked on to carry the Baltimore offense in Atlanta against a defense giving up less than 100 yards per game. The Atlanta passing

defense is at best suspect and Flacco will look to integrate receivers Anquan Boldin and T.J. Houshmandzadeh as well as running back Ray Rice, especially if the running game struggles. With both teams beginning to look to the playoffs, this looks to be a stellar game.





Cutting varsity team can’t slow down baseball in Vermont

Club team wins NECBA championship in first season By Will Andreycak Sports Editor In 2009, the University of Vermont athletic department 4&#($%/($#,F-796%$#(7,5,3+$%3$79%$ the varsity baseball and softball teams. But less than two years since the last game played by the varsity baseball team, baseball prominence has found its way back to Burlington. In its inaugural season playing in the New England Club Baseball Association (NECBA), the UVM club team outscored their opponents 112­22, posted a record of 12­0 and defeated Boston University 9­6, winning the league championship on Oct. 24. The NECBA is made up of 16 schools in the New England area, including some large Division I athletic programs that do not have varsity baseball teams such as the University of New Hampshire and Boston University. Unlike conventional baseball seasons, the NECBA plays their primary schedule in the fall and &$6(55$,4G3*%&+%$H$9+3F-7,&6$H$ season in the spring. While most of the former varsity athletes who played for %/($ %(&4$ /&#$ %3$ -+#$ &$ %(&4$ elsewhere — or not play at all — three former varsity baseball players were on the team and were at the heart of this season’s success. Owen Ozanich, Tom Jackson and Tom Kelly were all members of the varsity team who decided to continue playing baseball at Vermont despite the cutting of the varsity team.

Ozanich acknowledged that the transition from varsity to club wasn’t an easy one but was extremely proud of what the club team was able to accomplish. “While club baseball is great, it’s not varsity baseball,” Ozanich said. “That being said, club baseball allows guys who love the game to continue playing at a completive level with players who would never be able to play Division I baseball but have the passion for the game. We meshed so well. We had a big group of guys who just loved to play baseball.” When looking at the statistics, the success of the team so early in their existence is due in large part to the three former Division I athletes. Ozanich — a pitcher and a shortstop — pitched 35.1 innings, tallying a 6­0 record with a 0.39 ERA. Kelly H$ &+$ 39%-(6#(*$ &+#$ G,%7/(*$ H$ batted .545 with two homeruns and led the team in runs batted in with 20. He amassed a 6­0 record on the mound striking out 35 batters in only 23 innings posting an era of 1.56. Jackson H$&$7&%7/(*$&+#$39%-(6#(*$H$6(#$ the team in hitting with a .600 batting average. “We were facing good competition every game,” Kelly said. “It wasn’t like we were up against terrible pitching. Each lineup we faced was strong one through nine and the pitchers were solid.” Team treasurer Dan Maldonado, one of the seven Vermonters on the team, knew that they had a chance to be a championship team early in the season.

Photo courtesy of Barry Chamberland

Coaches and players of the club baseball team after defeating Boston University 9­6 to win the NECBA championship I:F%(*$ %/($ -*5%$ 5,E$ .&4(5C$ we had 10­run ruled every team <0$%/($-F%/$,++,+.CJ$K&6#3+&#3$ said. “It was always in the back of our minds that we could go undefeated. If we played to our potential we knew we could beat anyone.” 1/($ %(&4$ -+,5/(#$ 9G$ %/(,*$ perfect season by beating Boston University 9­6 in the NECBA championship game. The title left the former Division I players feeling bittersweet about the season and circumstances surrounding the club team. “It’s obviously great to win a

title in club baseball with a great group of guys on the team and great head coaches,” Kelly said. “It’s just going from Division I to club, it’s a huge change.” The club team accomplished something that both the former Division I athletes and the newcomers to baseball at the University can appreciate and celebrate together. “I was pleased to see how well the Division I guys meshed with guys who were playing baseball at this school for the -*5%$ %,4(CJ$ K&6#3+&#3$ 5&,#>$ “I hope the administration

recognizes the success of our team. Being a Vermonter I am proud to represent my state and university as a championship baseball team.” “Certainly our team, this school and these former Division I guys miss the varsity team. I hope for the time being, the club %(&4$ 7&+$ -66$ %/($ =3,#$ &5$ <(5%$ ,%$ can. Vermont needs a team to represent itself and, other than the Lake Monsters, we represent Vermont baseball at its highest level.”

The Cynic sports shorts of the week Staff Report

Boss of the week: John Wall In his home debut for the Washington Wizards, the number one pick in last summer’s draft was a steal away from a triple­double leading the Wizards to an overtime victory against the Philadelphia 76ers. Wall scored 29 points, dished out 13 assists and snagged nine steals.


Goat of the week: Charlie Villanueva


Last week Villanueva accused Kevin Garnett of calling him a cancer patient, using Twitter as the forum for doing so. The allegations have been enthusiastically denied by both Garnett and Celtics head coach Doc Rivers. Whether Villanueva did this out of anger, frustration or jealousy, it is unacceptable. Villanueva went on to say he wants to get in the ring with Garnett and expose him. Well, !"#$ %&'($ )&*+(%%$ ,+$ &$ -./%$ &+0$ day of the week. Moreover, Villanueva just tried to lie and stain the legacy of one of the greatest power forwards in the history of the sport.


Men’s hockey vs. Boston College Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:05 p.m.

Women’s hockey @ Boston University Boston 3 p.m.

Quote of the week “What the [expletive]? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn’t feed this to my dog.” — Randy Moss ranting about a postgame buffet spread according to Yahoo Sports.

Field hockey falls in season finale 1/($ 234(+"5$ -(6#$ /37'(0$ ended the season with a loss to Dartmouth. Dartmouth began the game with a 2­0 lead 16 minutes into the game. Vermont sophomore Callie Bellimer then rallied two goals, bringing the game to a 2­2



The tie didn’t hold for long. Dartmouth took the lead right before the halftime horn. Dartmouth had a 4­2 lead until 89+,3*$:6&+&$!;;3$573*(#$/(*$-*5%$ career goal for Vermont at the 45­minute mark. Dartmouth widened the gap and took the 6(&#$ <0$ -=(>$ ?(*43+%$ 2&5$ &<6($ %3$ 573*($ 3+($ -+&6$ .3&6$ 2,%/$ &$ minute remaining. This goal was scored by junior Lauren )3*&70>$ 1/,5$ 2&5$ )3*&70"5$ -*5%$ career goal for the Catamounts as well. This game wraps up the 2010 season for the women’s -(6#$/37'(0$%(&4>$

First year Douville receives high honors @+$A3=>$BC$-*5%$0(&*$D3E&++($ Douville, the goaltender on the women’s hockey team, was named the Pro Ambitions Hockey East Rookie of the Week. Douville made a whopping 43 saves in the Catamounts’ 1­1 tie against Northeastern. Douville has been a starter for four games so far this season. Douville’s goals against average is 2.16 and she has a 93.6 save percentage, which ranks her ninth in the nation. The women’s hockey team is now 1­3­4 on the 2010 season.


Men’s hockey vs. Boston College Gutterson Fieldhouse 7:05 p.m.

Women’s hockey @ Boston University Boston 3 p.m.

Women’s basketball @ Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. TBA

Men’s basketball @ Siena Albany, N.Y. 7 p.m.

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