Vermont Cynic Issue 2

Page 1


How the Deepwater Horizon oil spill looks from the Green Mountain state



Columnist Michael Farley shows support for rebuilding a baseball legacy

C YNIC !"#$%#&'()!

The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883


MEN’S SOCCER PREVIEW Key players are showing the UVM fans a glimmer of hope


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Central Campus construction completion date pushed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Effects of oil spill seep onto campus University reacts to the distaster in the Gulf of Mexico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

KESHA RAM | The Vermont Cynic

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“I remember the good people of the Gulf Coast and ask Vermonters to imagine this: All of our cows drop dead, our maple trees run dry and Lake Champlain turns black — and the country goes on with business as usual.” ! Kesha Ram

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Former SGA President and State Representative

Theatre professor to be ALANA studies interim director !"#$%&%'()#*(!'%+(, !"#$%&'()*+

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Greeks greet first years Greek life optimistic about recruitment 1&%22#3)4,.& 0$6'A4&1$3&( 3A12$',( 1%/( 2$(A)(+*'(=LM(-'$$U(94+$>( "#$( 3$K( %6%5$146( /$%'( #%,( 2'*A.#&( %3( 436'$%,$( 43( ,&A5$3&( 43&$'$,&( %&( &#$( *'.%34R%&4*3,( )'$D'$6'A4&1$3&( 43+*'1%&4*3%H( ,$,,4*3,F(J3&$'DE'%&$'34&/(6*A364H( 8*/"$4/%.(9#*$"(:.$2;/*("+$4< V:%&4*3%HH/( &#$( 3A12$',( +*'( )$*)H$(43&$'$,&$5(43(2$43.(%()%'&( *+(-'$$U(94+$(%'$(A)FW(Y4'$6&*'(*+( -'$$U( 94+$( ]41( M*3&$%AO( ,%45>( V8&( =S:F( 3A12$',( K$'$( A)( c[( )$'6$3&>( a$( %'$( #*)43.( &#%&( K$( #%;$( ,*1$( *+( &#%&( $3$'./( %35( 2ARR(*A'(K%/>W "#$(&K*(.*;$'343.(2*%'5,(*+( -'$$U(H4+$(\(P%3#$HH$346(I*A364H( %35( J3&$'+'%&$'34&/( I*A364H( 7JEI<( \( %'$( '$,)*3,42H$( +*'( &#$( *'.%34R%&4*3( *+( &#$( '$6'A4&1$3&( )'*6$,,>( =-*$%&(.#/(!*".(2/>(>//?"(12( 6%1)%4.343.F( 1$12$',( *+( 2*&#( +'%&$'34&4$,( %35( ,*'*'4&4$,( ,%45( &#$/( #%;$( 3*&46$5( $3&#A,4%,1( 2*1@( $%)1@$%&( !*".( 3/+*( ,&A5$3&,>

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Greek Life Recruitment Week Sept. 7: Fraternity 101: Recruitment Information Night. All 11 chapters will give five-minute presentations. 6-8 p.m., fourth floor, Davis Center Sept. 8: Fraternity’s hold their own recruitment events Sept. 13: Sorority 101: Recruitment Information Night. All 7 chapters will give five-minute presentations. 6-7 p.m., Billings North Lounge Sept. 20-25: Sorority Formal Recruitment/ National Hazing Prevention Week




Four professors named Debate sparks over SGA president’s summer stipend Fulbright Scholars "#$%&''()#$*('+,!"#$$%&'(")'

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ELLIOT DEBRUYN | The Vermont Cynic

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Let’s go clubbing !"#$%#&'()!


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Feeling a little crowded? Yeah, us too ZACH DESPART

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Shaking up Haiti Rebuild it and they will come all over again


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Students join in the race to midterms

Midterm elections heat up as students return to Burlington !"#$%&'(#)*% !"#$%&"'()*+$,&

@*'#,3'-%$ JE1918#$ :1901,.-$ ,-$ >PPQ; FR/)$ 1*'$ %&'$ .'-'*1%,/-$ %&1%$ JE191$ ,-#0,*'3$ %/$ .'%$ ,-B/+B'3$ ,-$0/+,%,:#$1-3$B/%'$,-$>PPQ5$1-3$ /-:'$7/)$.'%$,-B/+B'35$,%$,#$'1#,'*$ %/$#%17$,-B/+B'35H$G,'*K7#-L,$#1,3; G,'*K7-#L,$ 4/**,'#5$ &/4'B'*5$ %&1%$ %&'$ ,-B/+B'9'-%$ /6$ :/++'.'S 1.'$ B/%'*#$ #0)**'3$ ,-$ %&'$ >PPQ$ 0*'#,3'-%,1+$'+':%,/-$917$41-';$$

"#$%&'$()*+,-.%/-$0/0)+1%,/-$ '201-3#$ 4,%&$ #%)3'-%#5$ %&'$ 0/0)+1%,/-$ &'13'3$ %/$ %&'$ 0/++#$ 6/*$ %&,#$ 7'1*8#$ 9,3%'*9$ '+':%,/-$ '201-3#$1#$4'++; "6%'*$ %&'$ *'#)+%#$ /6$ %&'$ <'9/:*1%,:$0*,91*7$/-$=)'#3175$ ").;$ >?5$ @'%'*$ A&)9+,-$ 4/-$ %&'$ *1:'$6/*$%&'$<'9/:*1%,:$:1-3,31%'$ “Though people may 6/*$ ./B'*-/*5$ 1::/*3,-.$ %/$ %&'$ not think there is an =,9'#$ "*.)#;$ $ C,%&$ '2:'0%,/-$ %/$ %&'$ /::)**'-:'$ /6$ 1$ *':/)-%5$ &'$ impact in voting in the 4,++$ 61:'$ /66$ 1.1,-#%$ D'0)E+,:1-$ midterm elections, it :1-3,31%'$(*,1-$<)E,';$ F=&'$ ./B'*-/*8#$ *1:'$ ,#$ makes a significant .'-'*1++7$ '2:,%,-.5$ E)%$ 4,%&$ influence for the next G/B'*-/*$ </).+1#$ -/%$ *)--,-.$ 6/*$ 1-/%&'*$ %'*95$ %&,#$ ,#$ ./,-.$ two years in regards %/$ E'$ 1$ +/-.$ 1-3$ :&1++'-.,-.$ to national legislation *1:'5H$ D'.,/-1+$ I,'+3$ <,*':%/*$ /6$ J*.1-,K,-.$ 6/*$ "9'*,:15$ 1$ and a buildup for the .*1##*//%#$ /*.1-,K1%,/-$ 4/*L,-.$ general election.” 4,%&$ %&'$ M'*9/-%$ <'9/:*1%,:$ @1*%75$"*,'+$C'-.*/66$#1,3; Ariel Wengroff NMO$ 0*/6'##/*$ /6$ 0/+,%,:1+$ #:,'-:'$ "-%&/-7$ Regional Field Director of G,'*K7-#L,$ 1%%*,E)%'#$ %&'$ Organizing for America '2:,%'9'-%$ #)**/)-3,-.$ %&,#$ 9,3%'*9$ '+':%,/-$ %/$ -/%$ /-+7$ %&'$ :/90'%,%,/-$ E'%4''-$ FT6$ %&'7$ U:/++'.'$ #%)3'-%#V$ .)E'*-1%/*,1+$ :1-3,31%'#5$ E)%$ 3*/0$/)%$U/6$0/+,%,:1+$,-B/+B'9'-%V$ 1+#/$ %&'$ 0/+,%,:1+$ ,-B/+B'9'-%$ -/45$4&1%$%&'7$4/*L'3$6/*$:/)+3$ /6$ 7/)-.$ 0'/0+'$ E/+#%'*'3$ E7$ E'$ #%/00'3$ 1-3$ 'B'-$ *'B'*#'35H$


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“You are the generation that Obama inspired to get involved in politics and vote in 2008, and once you get involved it is easier to stay involved.” ! Anthony Gierzynski UVM professor D'0)E+,:1-$ M'*9/-%$ A%1%'$ A'-1%'$ :1-3,31%'$ "--'%%'$ D'-1)3$ #1,3$ %&1%$ #&'$ 1+#/$ 6''+#$ %&1%$ :/90/-'-%#$ /6$ &'*$ :1901,.-5$ #):&$ 1#$ :*'1%,-.$ Y/E#$ 1-3$ ,-%'++,.'-%$ '-B,*/-9'-%1+$ 0+1-#5$ 01*%,:)+1*+7$ *'#/-1%'$ 4,%&$ #%)3'-%#;

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Sequel uses grit, fire to hold audience !"#$%&'(#)*+,-*./ !"#$%&'(#)"

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KATIE CASSIDY | The Vermont Cynic

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Cynical Inquisitions !


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JAMES LENT | The Vermont Cynic

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brought to you by


ACROSS 1- Beginning 5- Bellowing 10- Back talk 14- Edible corm 15- Slow, musically 16- Busy as ___ 17- A wedding cake may have three of these 18- In all places 20- Freud contemporary 22- Actress Balin 23- Like Cheerios 24- Walked back and forth 26- Sheet music abbr. 27- Disown 30- Wears away 34- Dinner course 35- Forever’s partner 36- AOL, e.g. 37- Internet writing system that popularized “pwn3d” and “n00b” 38- Treegum 40- Organization to promote theater 41- Song syllable 42- Decree 43- Short swordlike weapon


Soap on a Rope by Ashley Frisoli



45- In any case 47- Pink-flowered, “canid” climber with thorns 48- It may be picked 49- Where Columbus was born 50- Severe 53- Pound sound 54- Wine fruit 58- Holder of public office 61- Bakery worker 62- Camaro model 63- Move rhythmically 64- “So be it” 65- Taboo 66- Summed 67- Emperor of Rome 54-68 DOWN 1- ___ boy! 2- Aforementioned 3- Pitcher Hershiser 4- The north half of a northbound horse, e.g. 5- Bass, e.g. 6- Critique 7- Upright 8- Gillette brand 9- Siegfried’s partner 10- North African desert 11- Assist, often in a criminal act

12- Shrivelled, without moisture 13- Observed 19- Fret 21- Pan’s opposite 25- Get along peacefully 26- Forsake 27- 4th letter of the Greek alphabet 28- Inactive 29- Pilfer 30- Nabokov novel 31- Wild dog of Australia 32- Adlai’s running mate 33- Surplus 35- Cockpit abbr. 39- Sun ___-sen 40- Agricultural 42- Lacking brightness 44- Awestruck 46- Physicist Fermi 47- Disfigure 49- 9 to 5 50- Whirl 51- Bull 52- North Carolina college 53- Mil. school 55- Apex, pinnacle 56- Juror 57- Cube creator Rubik 59- Agency of the United Nations 60- Actor Beatty;




NFL 2010-2011 season preview :3+D%..+4)$"#3&-8 *+,-./$01(.,-

Illustrations by Dana Ortiz

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Super Bowl XLV

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SGA President Kofi Mensah speaking at Brennan’s at 12pm on Wednesday, September 12.




BOBBY SUDEKUM | The Vermont Cynic

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BOBBY SUDEKUM | The Vermont Cynic


Men’s soccer on the rise

Team looks to “stun” fans and opponents alike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