COLCHESTER CONFUSION Construction on Colchester Ave. will continue for the next two weeks
VERMONT’S POLITICAL GEM Columnist Zach Despart tells us why we should appreciate Vermont politics
COOL KIDS CONCERT Students chill out with rap group at Davis Center benefit concert
The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
w w w . v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m | Tu e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 0 – Vo l u m e 1 2 7 I s s u e 3 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t
Future of Centennial questioned UVM funds part of $50,000 study
By Hillary Walton Staff Writer
There were times when the Centennial Field stands were 4**'5# !"# ,'6&*"# :;<;;;# 36,/# +,# 6# season, when the paint was fresh 6,5#$%'#4'*5#$)(=>.6*+$"?# @%'#4'*5#+/#,)A#%)B'#$)#$%'# Vermont Lake Monsters minor league team, and has been since 1994. The permanency of this, however, is now being questioned as the Lake Monsters have been told that they cannot compete in the minor leagues with such a rundown stadium. According to the Burlington Free Press, studies for the Commissioner of Major League Baseball in recent years have shown serious defects with the park, including unsafe conditions for the players and fans. Engineering Ventures, a 0),/.*$+,9#4&B<#+/#/$.5"+,9#A%6$# improvements and associated 0)/$/#A).*5#!'#,''5'5#+3#$%'#4'*5# and stadium were to be used for minor league baseball for the next 25 plus years, Richard Cate, vice president for UVM Finance and Administration said. C&)!*'B/# A+$%# $%'# 4'*5# +,0*.5'# 6,# .,*'7'*# (*6"+,9# 4'*5<# poor lighting and substandard clubhouses, dugouts and bullpens. According to WCAX, this testing, estimated at $50,000, was paid for by UVM, the Lake Monsters, a private donor and the city of Burlington.
DAMIR ALISA | The Vermont Cynic
!"#$"##%&'()%"'*(+&,(,+-.#(,"/%-0,(*"1"2$,3(,02+(&,(0#,&1"(2-#*%$%-#,(1-/(4-$+(5'&6"/,(&#*(1&#,(&#*(0#"7"#(5'&6%#8(9"'*: D3# $%'# 4'*5# +/# ,)$# &',)76$'5<# the Vermont Lake Monsters will ,''5# $)# 4,5# 6# ,'A# %)B'# !6/'# if they wish to remain active in minor league baseball. “Nobody really wants it to leave. We don’t want to leave. And we need to do something about it to make sure it stays,” Nate Cloutier, general manager of
the Lake Monsters, told WCAX in an interview regarding the aging stadium. On the Lake Monster’s website, Centennial Field is referred to as one of the highest >.6*+$"# 4'*5/# 6&).,5<# %67+,9# been recognized for excellence by sources such as Beam Clay, the Sports Turf Manager’s
Association and Sports Turf Magazine. 1@%'#4'*5#+/#)86"#3)&#6#0)**'9'# !6/'!6**# 4'*5<E# /)(%)B)&'# 0*.!# baseball member Colby Morgan said. “However, it is not good 3)&# 6# (&)3'//+),6*# !6/'!6**# 4'*5# and the Lake Monsters should do something about that.” @%'# 4'*5# +/# 0.&&',$*"# ./'5#
by UVM for practices and club sports, but with last year’s abolishment of UVM’s baseball and softball teams, pricey renovations in order to bring the 4'*5#.(#$)#B+,)&#*'69.'#!6/'!6**# standards are highly unlikely. “Our school made the
see CENTENNIAL FIELD on page 3
Bomb squad called to Given Building Suspicious package destroyed, later announced harmless
ELLIOT DEBRUYN | The Vermont Cynic
The Vermont State Police Bomb Squad arrive on Central Campus after a suspiscious package was found in the Given Building on )/%*&6:
Want to work for The Cynic? No experience necessary. Contact
By Natalie DiBlasio News Editor When undergraduate student Lydia Rees tried to bike by Rowell Building to get to her room in Converse Hall, she was blocked !"# $%&''# (')(*'# +,# -.)&'/0',$# vests and talk about a bomb threat. “Stop. You can not go this way, there is an emergency in the building right now,” Facility Coordinator Sue Williams said to a cyclist trying to weave his way through the confusion. They were two of many that Williams turned away after a suspicious package was found between 22:30 p.m. on Friday afternoon in the animal care section of the Given Building. The package was deemed suspicious because of odd color
and placement, according to UVM Police Captain Tim Bilodeau. 12.&# )340'&/# /()$$'5# +$# $%'&'# 6,5# 7'&+4'5# $%6$# $%'# (60869'# indeed was suspicious, so we evacuated both the Given and the Health Science Research Facility and established a perimeter,” Bilodeau said. Steve Marriot of South Burlington, one of 20 standardized patients who medical students practice on, was waiting to begin a session, when they had to leave the building. “The alarms went off and we all had to run out in our skivvies!” Marriot said, clad in a blue hospital robe. Many people said they were unaware of why they had to evacuate.
“They just told us there was an emergency in the building, but I later found out there was a bomb scare,” medical student Shohei Ikoma said. The University called the State Police to evaluate the package, and the bomb squad arrived around 4:30 p.m. After the bomb squad arrived, they determined the package was not dangerous. “They ended up doing a scan of the package, and disrupting, essentially destroying the package. There were no explosives in the package,” Bilodeau said. “There was nothing in it at all.” “At this point, we don’t know exactly how it got there,” he said. “We will do an additional investigation to see what did happen, who placed it there.”
Pasta party for the pull
By Chase Thomas Staff Writer
In addition to recruitment, Greeks have their eyes on a shiny 5./1(4%"&.-)6%K%$)'-(1%/2J(%'%0&(% truck. Different chapters will form "('3$% ".% -8//% '% 0&(% "&8CJ% 8-% Church Street during Outright L(&3.4"#$%'448'/%0&(%"&8CJ%-8//A M)(% 0&(% "&8CJ% -8//% .4% N'"8&1'6;% N(-"A% OP% 2$% ".% @(4(0"% Outright Vermont, a program ")'"% $8--.&"$% QRSMT<% 6.8")% 24% Vermont. “I’m very proud of all the Greek leaders, and I am looking forward to seeing them win even more Fire Trucks this year,” graduate assistant for Greek life Kristin Lang said. In order to participate, each chapter or team needs to raise $125. In an attempt to help the chapters raise money, Greek life governing councils the Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council held a pasta dinner for $5 on Friday. “We really tried with this event to reach out to the UVM and Burlington community by working with Outright Vermont and advertising all around campus,” Vice President of Programming for the Panhellenic Council Megan Long said. So far, half of the chapters have fundraised all of the money for this event, but they have until the end of the week to raise money to participate. Phu Lam, senior Pi Beta Phi president, said that she thought that the dinner was a great event to raise money for a good cause
BOBBY SUDEKUM | The Vermont Cynic
2)(,'&345&6',7!#'6&*88!7&'.!&9-:#7&;:<8!&=:88-((0&$#&'.!&>:"$6& ?!#'!-&@(-&'.!&+,'$#%&?8,)A6&*-6'&0!!'$#%&(@&'.!&6B.((8&C!:-1
Students turn out for Outing Club meeting One of UVM’s largest clubs continues to gain members Staff Report
ALEXA ALGIOS | The Vermont Cynic
The Interfraternity Council held a pasta dinner for $5 on Friday !"!#$#%&'(&)!#!*'&+,'-$%.'&/!-0(#'1 and for Greek life as well. “I think the pasta dinner is a great way to get the entire community involved,” Lam said. “Campus wide Greek events are
on of the best ways to meet people, stay involved and have fun. I am so proud Pi Phi can participate in an event that contributes to the greater Burlington area.”
!"#$% &'&(% ")'"% *+,% -(.-/(% 0//% the Grand Maple Ballroom in the Davis Center for one purpose — especially when there are only 500 chairs. The UVM Outing Club )'1% 2"#$% 0&$"% 3(("245% ")2$% -'$"% Thursday — a yearly event that has attracted an increasing number of students for the past 15 years. “The meeting went great, packed house, every seat was taken and there were people in the back standing. It’s gotten bigger every year,” senior and Outing Club leader Bobby Sudekum said. “My freshman 6('&% 7(% 7.8/1% 0//% 8-% )'/9% ")'"% room.” The majority of the 650 -(.-/(% '"% ")(% 0&$"% 3(("245% 7(&(% 0&$":6('&% $"81(4"$;% <$$2$"'4"% Director of Student Life for =8"1..&% >&.5&'3$% ?.)4% <@@."% said. “The momentum we have coming off of TREK, we have 250 freshmen out on trips, and if every one of them tells their roommates how much fun they had on a trip, it grows like that,” <@@."%$'21A%B!"%-&(""6%38C)%1.($% it’s own marketing.” B!%$'"%.4%")(%D..&;E%0&$"%6('&%
Kayla Hoffman said. </.45% 72")% 2"$% 0&$"% '448'/% meeting, the Outing Club has grown immensely. “When I came in ‘96, we had between 15 and 20 trips per $(3($"(&;E% <@@."% $'21A% BF(#&(% C8&&(4"/6%&844245%0G(%".%$2H%"&2-$% a weekend, so closer to 55 or 60 trips. We went from a community of 15 leaders, and now we have *+:I,AE The club is considering adding more hikes to their typical repertoire of day hikes, canoe trips, backcountry hiking trips, rock climbing trips, mountain @2J245%"&2-$;%<@@."%$'21A “[In a] typical fall, we put between 900 and 1000 students out on trips,” he said. </.45% 72")% @(245% .4(% .9% ")(% largest clubs at UVM, the Outing Club is a national leader. “The Outing Club currently is ")(% /'&5($"% C.4"248'//6% $"81(4": run outing club in the Northeast,” <@@."%$'21A </").85)% /('1(&$% '&(% concerned about the usual fall in attendance during the spring, ")(6% '&(% C.401(4"% '9"(&% ")2$% strong start. “We’ve got a pretty big fan base,” Sudekum said. “We’re really in a good place right now.”
$1 million left for student-athletes scholarship fund By Natalie DiBlasio News Editor N"81(4":'")/("($% 325)"% 5("% cut a break thanks to a $1 million gift and the creation of the NC).0(/1%<")/("2C%U841A R(.&5(% VA% NC).0(/1;% C/'$$% of ‘51, named UVM as the @(4(0C2'&6% .9% )2$% WO% 32//2.4% /29(% insurance policy after he died 24% X,,P% '"% '5(% IP;% 'CC.&1245% ".% University Communications. NC).0(/1% 7'$% C.:C'-"'24% .9% the football team while a student at UVM and moved on to become the retired president, chief (H(C8"2G(%.90C(&%'41%C)'2&3'4%.9% Zurn Industries of Erie, Pa. “The endowment will generate the equivalent of a full athletic scholarship for us (G(&6%6('&;E%Y2&(C".&%.9%<")/("2C$% Robert Corran said. “We’re very '--&(C2'"2G(% .9% ")2$% (HC(-"2.4'/% 529"A% !"#$% G(&6% $25420C'4"% 9.&% 8$;% as it reinforces our longstanding
C.332"3(4"% ".% (HC(//(4C(% 24% both athletic and academic performance.” M)(% NC).0(/1% <")/("2C% Scholarship Fund will support students of proven academic ability and need who are on at least one intercollegiate sports team, according to University Communications. Z(C2-2(4"$% 38$"% @(% .8":.9: state students that graduated in the top third of their high school class, must remain in the top 50 percent of their UVM class and be recommended by the director of athletics. First preference will be given to students from the state of New Jersey. The athletics department has not decided whether to use the funds for one full scholarship annually or to 12G21(%2"%'3.45%$(G(&'/%$"81(4": athletes, according to University Communications.
Construction on Colchester SGA to air on UVMtv
City seeks to improve safety by repaving road By Natalie DiBlasio News Editor Students will need to avoid parts of Colchester Avenue for the next two weeks due to construction. The city of Burlington is planning to repave and reline parts of the street to eliminate vehicle sideswipes due to swerving and weaving common on the street, according to an email from Director of UVM Transportation and Parking Services Jim Barr. “I’ve seen information on the website that indicates improvements for pedestrian crossing, bicycle lanes and wider vehicle lanes to hopefully eliminate vehicle sideswipes,” Barr said. The plan will involve grinding off three inches of pavement and applying new asphalt in several sections of Colchester Avenue. For about one month, from South Prospect Street to East Avenue, the street will be relined with one westbound lane, one eastbound lane and left turn lanes at key intersections, the email stated. !"#$%& #'$& ()*#'+& #%,"-.& $*/0*$$%1& 2033& 1#456& #%,"-.& 7)2+& #%,"-.& 84$40*/+& 1,"$#6& ,*5& intersection capacity to will evaluate the success of the new .)*-/4%,#0)*+& #'$& 94%30*/#)*& transportation website stated. The city will then decide whether or not to install permanent features. “I heard verbally from Nicole Losch, Burlington Public
By Christine Bennett Staff Writer
ALEXA ALGIOS | The Vermont Cynic
Parts of Colchester Avenue are undergoing construction in hopes of improving pedestrian crossing and bicycle lanes. Works Project Coordinator, that although the initial scope does not include sidewalk improvements, that those areas would be addressed once they decide what #'$& -*,3& #%,"-.& :,##$%*& 2033& ;$+<& Barr said. The Colchester Avenue Demonstration Project is part of the City’s enhanced Street Paving Program to determine if a =.)(:3$#$& 1#%$$#1<& .)*-/4%,#0)*& will increase safety for all users. According to the website, the Demonstration Project will address several distinct segments of Colchester Avenue: 1. Prospect Street to >,*1-$35& !?$*4$@& A$54.$& #'%)4/'& #%,"-.& #)& )*$& 3,*$& and add a left turn lane to >,*1-$35&!?$*4$B 2. >,*1-$35& !?$*4$& #)&
Karl A. Pfister passes away By Natalie DiBlasio News Editor Junior environmental science (,F)%&G,%3&!B&H-1#$%+&IJ+&:,11$5& away unexpectedly on Sept. 1 in Burlington. “Our deepest condolences are extended to his family,” Vice President for Student and Campus Life Thomas J. Gustafson said in an email to the UVM community. “His friends and faculty from within the University will miss Karl a great deal.”
A moment of silence was held )*&K%05,6+&L$:#B&MJ&,#&MN@IJ&:B(B& at the Howard Fountain on the Main Green. The family held private services at home in southern Vermont, the email stated. If you or someone you know is in need of additional support contact the Center for Health and Wellbeing’s Counseling ,*5& H16.'0,#%6& L$%?0.$1& ,#& OJNP QRQPIISJ& )%& T4(,*& A$1)4%.$1U& Employee Assistance Program at OJNPQRQPNMJJB
Stadium falls short of minor league baseball’s competition standards ...continued from page 1 84$1#0)*,;3$& 5$.010)*& #)& .4#& #'$& program and, therefore, there isn’t any worth in investing so much money into a larger stadium.” Morgan said. “If the reasoning of renovation is to maintain the professional team, than it should be up to #'$& :%)"$110)*,3& )%/,*0[,#0)*& [Washington Nationals] to do the renovating.” Cloutier said that he believes the Lake Monsters promote and bring money into the Vermont area. “Every time we go on the road we’re promoting Vermont and tourism and stuff like that. Never mind the money that stays in state through concessions,”
Weekly show features SGA senators and seeks to answer students questions
Cloutier told WCAX. “We employ )?$%&MJJ&:$):3$&0*&#'$&14(($%+& there’s going to be a lot to lose.” ]$1:0#$& #'$& ;$*$-#1& #',#& the Lake Monsters provide, the University will not be paying to %$*)?,#$& #'$& -$35& )%& 1#,504(& unless it determines at a later date that such improvements are needed to meet UVM purposes. =\'$& -$35& /$*$%,336& 1$%?$1& UVM’s purposes in its current condition, and we do not need a baseball stadium,” Cate said. !..)%50*/& ^C!_+& -*,*.0,3& responsibility for the project will now fall on the city of Burlington, which will still need help from private, local, state and federal resources in order to raise enough money to meet minor league baseball standards.
Fletcher Allen entrance: A$54.$&#'%)4/'&#%,"-.&#)&)*$& lane and add a multipurpose turn lane. 3. Fletcher Allen entrance to Fletcher Place: reduce #%,"-.& #)& )*$& 3,*$& 0*& $,.'& direction and add a left turn lane to Fletcher Place 4. Fletcher Place to East !?$*4$@& A$54.$& 2$1#& ;)4*5& travel to single lane. “Staff has reviewed this demonstration project with the CCTA, CATMA (representing UVM, Fletcher Allen Hospital ,*5& #'$& !($%0.,*& A$5& C%)11D& and the Burlington Police and Fire Departments,” the website stated. “We have registered their .)*.$%*1& ,*5& 2033& (,E$& ,& -*,3& recommendation with their input in mind.”
Whether you’re looking for some lunchhour entertainment or to learn more about what the Student Government Association VLW!D& 5)$1& )*& .,(:41+& XY>#?& has got you covered. UVMtv and the SGA have teamed up to present, “Wednesdays at Brennan’s,” a show at noon during which SGA senators talk about campus happenings and answer 84$1#0)*1&"%)(&1#45$*#1B LW!& H%$105$*#& G)-& >$*1,'& said that he hopes that starting the term off with the show will help students learn about what the SGA does on campus. “One of my main, central focuses this term is letting them know who we are, and increasing communication between SGA and the student body,” Mensah said. UVMtv President Alex Nenopoulos, Mensah and SGA H4;30.& A$3,#0)*1& C',0%& Z0.E& Monteforte said that they agree that this broadcast will be a good way to bridge the gap between students and the SGA. “We really want to get across what SGA does and what it is,” Monteforte said. “We have a meeting every week, manage )?$%&MRJ&)%/,*0[,#0)*1+&,*5&',?$& a ton of boards. I don’t know if students know about all we do.” On the technological side, UVMtv already has the setup to broadcast from Brennan’s,
Nenopoulos said. \'$&-%1#&;%),5.,1#&#))E&:3,.$& on Sept. 8 and will continue each week. “That was my goal,” Nenopoulos said. “I wanted to do it.” ]4%0*/& #'$& -%1#& 1$110)*+& Mensah and SGA Vice President ],?05& >,.0$20.[ discussed some of the current issues in the SGA and answered six or seven 1#45$*#&84$1#0)*1B& Various senators will rotate in each week, Mensah said. “The great part about it was that the students in Brennan’s were interested in what SGA had #)& 1,6& ,*5& #'$6& ',5& 84$1#0)*1& for them, concerns about the campus,” Nenopoulos said. “There are issues that want to be heard, and this is a step towards getting there.” First year Lisa Baldinger said that she likes the idea of the 1')2+&;4#&?0$20*/&0#&5)$1&*)#&-#& in with her class schedule. “I hope they can have it online to watch at other times, or ',?$&,&2,6&#)&:%):)1$&84$1#0)*1& in advance that will be answered on the show,” Baldinger said. The hope is that the show will become a resource for students, be wellattended at Brennan’s and viewed on television or streaming live on the Internet, Monteforte said. UVMtv is broadcasted on channel 12, as well as on UVMtv. net. “Keep watching!” Nenopoulos said.
Burning bridges THE VERMONT
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Haylley Johnson
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Ignorance and fear is a volatile combination. Florida pastor Terry Jones embodies the truth of that statement, as his fear of a religion he clearly does not understand led him to propose a Quran burning to commemorate the Sept. 11 tragedies. The holy book burning would have been just another tragedy added to the already infamous day. It would have +%&>(8#%#8(!7(.*#/.*"#8(?&%2(8:#!($-!1:# ignorant behavior that could have been irreversible on the world stage. The mere threat of such a despicable act may have caused harm to precarious international relations. When you’re balancing on a knife’s edge, any jolt can lead to freefall. Yes, Terry Jones is supported by the First Amendment and has the right to burn any books he feels like without breaking any laws. But his denouncement of a religion through gruesome spectacle and combustion would have broken the implicit, unwritten rules of tolerance and humanity. Actions like the one proposed by Jones recall images of cross burnings commonly used by the Ku Klux Klan in their terrorization of African Americans and other minorities — actions meant to make the victims feel unwanted and threatened. For many Muslim Americans, the Quran dictates a way of life. It is a spiritual guide as well as a set of rules for being a better person. If Jones took the time to read the book instead of dreaming 9?#@%)!#*"#8(!*&")#/*:#1(#+%)#-.8#+"&(# parallels between the values he holds dear and Muslim values than he would care to admit. The scar of Sept. 11 is deep and cuts across all elements of American society. The attacks rocked our sense of security and safety and opened our eyes to the destructive violence that can emerge from a deepseated hatred and from a radical religious group. What is Terry Jones if not a radical &($/'/"9!#-'9&(#@/*1#%#8((?6!(%*(8#1%*&(8A# How do his proposed actions make him any better, in an ideological sense, than the people who brought down the World Trade Center or attacked the Pentagon? They do not. Thankfully, when the pastor’s plans became common knowledge he was hit with an outpour of anger and his plans were almost universally denounced, causing him to cancel the Quran burnings. I’m proud that the rest of America was rational enough to realize a terrible idea when they saw one, rather than giving into misplaced anger and following Jones blindly. From the far right to the liberal left, Americans across the country have shown that they are ready to move forward by condemning Jones’ actions.
Barefoot and brokenhearted Dear editor, I like to walk around barefooted: something about the feel of grass, gravel or dirt between my toes has always given me a sense of connectedness with the ground upon which I’m walking. I know, I know — I should probably take the Phishphones out of my ears and invest in a nice pair of Birkenstocks right? Though I’d be hard pressed to call myself a textbook hippie, I’d be even harderpressed to say that it wasn’t this loose leftwing ideology that contributed !"#$%&'($)#*"#+)#%,-./*)#,"&# Vermont. Coming from a state where high school football leagues far exceed environmental groups and “going green” refers to the drunken shenanigans of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the progressive environmental practices of both Vermont and UVM were a big pulls for me in choosing where to rest my weary head — or rather, my unclad feet.
0/*1#-2(#344567(&*/-(8# buildings on campus ranging from silver to gold status, UVM clearly has its act together when it comes to setting big time environmental examples. However, it’s the little things that worry me. Walking home from campus the other day, barefooted as usual, I stepped on broken glass. Now, I understand the assumed risks that come with unprotected feet, but a smashed bottle of Absolut just outside the GreenHouse? Really? To make matters worse, upon collecting the carcass, I lifted my head to be met by a landscape void of visible receptacles. Alone without a student ID, I was left helpless with hands full of glass; stumbling around Athletic Campus for want of proper disposal. Now certainly I did (2(.*9%$$)#-.8#".(:#;9*#*1(# amount of time it took me to do so got me thinking: how is it that a school with such environmentally conscientious ethics could skimp on
something as simple as putting up a few more trash bins? The three to four different options for trash in the dining halls are impressive to say the least, but in a world where convenience is king it seems only logical to make desirable practices easier than their ignorant alternatives. Fewer students are going to take the time to pick up waste if they’ve got to keep it on them for half an hour before *1()#-.8#%#'%&;%'(#7%.< More and more frequently =#-.8#+)!($,#%&&/2/.'#*"#7$%!!(!# carrying cases worth of PBR cans found stamped in the ground from the night before. I understand the rush of college life with so many things to do, places to be, friends to meet, papers to right, etc., but a Snickers wrapper does not produce a tree no matter how it’s planted. Dispose of your trash, and please: do not water the plants with cigarette butts. Josh MacGregor Class of 2014
Advertising Managers Andrew Laird
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“THE DANGERS OF THIS DESPICABLE ACTION ARE CLEAR TO ALL. IT WILL IGNITE MASSIVE FIRES OF ANGER AND HATRED TOWARD AMERICA.” — Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Sadeghi Golpaygani, speaking about the proposed Quran burning.
ADVISER Faculty Adviser Chris Evans
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THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 phone 802.656.0337 fax 802.646.8482
ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412
Vermont is championed across the nation for its >.$%$.2-&9"#*"3*%K-'';&"B#* direct democracy in the form of C"B#*:$$&9#4*I-(6*/$'5*&/$*0.%&* Tuesday in March. But few focus on the Vermont General Assembly, a gem of simple, democratic government quite literally nestled in the Green Mountains. State government, in many places, is synonymous with corruption, evoking memories of political machines in Illinois and New York. Yet Vermont has a system that in many ways prevents corruption. The Vermont General Assembly — consisting of the House and Senate — meets from January until May. They are >-95*T=GG*-*B$$J6*"#'(*B/9'$*&/$* legislature is in session. Thus, Vermont legislators are public servants in the truest sense of the term. C/$(*-.$#?&*3,'';&9K$* politicians, a notion that the Founding Fathers rejected. Our legislators are also our farmers, lawyers and teachers. Legislators in Vermont don’t do it for the money, as there’s no way you can feed your family
Freedom, unity and democracy working only half of the year. They can’t just be complacent and collect a paycheck. The only incentive to become a state legislator in Vermont is a genuine one, to conduct the business of the state and serve its citizens.
Vermont legislators are public servants in the truest sense of the term. There seems to be a correlation between how much legislators are paid and how '-.4$*&/$9.*%&-&$?%*5$079&*9%)* California, the poster child of budget mismanagement, pays '$49%'-&".%*T<<U6GGG*>$.*($-.6* -#5*/-%*-*5$8&*"3*T<O*89''9"#* — to put this into perspective, Vermont’s total budget is just "2$.*T<*89''9"#)* It seems odd that the legislators who do the worst job get paid the most, huh? The starting salary for members of the United States House of V$>.$%$#&-&92$%*9%*T<FD6GGG)*H#* August Rasmussen poll found &/-&*W,%&*<=*>$.7$#&*"3*HK$.97-#%* describe the performance of Congress as “good.” Granted, the amount of business that Vermont
X*>">,'-&9"#*=Y<6GGG*X*9%* surely less than that of New +".J*Z*>">,'-&9"#*<E*K9''9"#)* Vermonters like to keep it simple. Our representatives do just that, representing the interests of Vermonters in Montpelier for half of the year, then returning to their lives as private citizens. [#*\$.K"#&6*$'$7&$5*"3079-'%* have fewer constituents and, thus, average citizens have greater access to government. Vermont and Texas have the same number of legislators, while the population of Texas is DG*&9K$%*&/-&*"3*\$.K"#&) Living in a small state means that when traveling abroad — or sadly, in other parts of the United States — people don’t know where you’re from. But when a state gets bigger, 5$K"7.-7(*%/.9#J%6*5$079&%*%"-.6* corruption breeds and disunity grows. Sure, our congressional delegation consists of only one person, but Vermont preserves Rousseauian democracy in a way that no other state has and represents the purest form of direct democracy that exists in America today. Zach Despart is a junior political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.
Dear Mr. President, it’s about time You let the whole point of the health care bill, the public option, fall by the wayside. You haven’t introduced any major legislation regarding environmental issues or alternative fuels and you haven’t even gone anywhere near Social Security. MAX KRIEGER
Alright Obama, it is about time we had a little chat. I know you have been busy dealing with two wars, the oil spill, tea parties and the general economic turmoil around the world, but have you failed to notice your huge majority in Congress? !"#$%&'()*+",*-.$*&/$*0.%&* Democratic president in years to have such a powerful force and you have wasted it completely. Clinton had nothing close to a majority in Congress for the second half of his presidency and still managed to get more done than you. I loved your campaign. I loved your message of hope, change, peace, love and puppies for everyone. I also know that people often promise things that they cannot follow through on. Alas Mr. President, you have no excuse. You have the power and the support, but clearly not the will to get the job done.
You (Obama) have the power and the support, but clearly not the will to get the job done. I understand that introducing these issues may be unpopular, but Mr. President you are not in a campaign any longer. Now is not the time to win votes and stay in the moderates’ good graces. Now is the time to enact the change you promised and actually do something meaningful with your presidency. The way things are going, you damn well better realize that this Democratic majority will not last much longer. Come November, you can call yourself a lame duck for the next two years. The only way to avoid this is to introduce the change that you said you would.
1".*&/$*'"2$*"3*4"56*0#5*-* way to close Guantanamo. Come out and say once and for all that being gay or straight does not -33$7&*(",.*-89'9&(*&"*0.$*-#*:;<=)* Build wind turbines to create jobs instead of giving banks cash to replace that which &/$(*'"%&*9#*&/$*0.%&*>'-7$*-#5*5"* so with the grace and dignity that we know you have. At some point, Mr. President, you have to look in the mirror and say “I am the most powerful man on earth. I have the ability to move mountains.” Then, you have to use that power as best you can. Even if the Republicans 0'98,%&$.*".*(",*5"#?&*/-2$*&/$* votes, at least we know you tried. You can stand up with dignity and say that whatever happens in the end, it wasn’t for lack of effort or getting muddled up in petty politics. A president should be the most model citizen, a man that stays true to his word and sincerely tries to help his country. Mr. Obama, I believe that you can be that man, so please use the power we gave you already, before it is too late. Max Krieger is a sophomore political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.
Quick opinions
For the love of all that is holy in this world, please please please bring the Crispy Baja Chicken Sandwich back to the Simpson Store. I think I am going into withdrawal.
Terry Jones, pastor of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., wanted to burn Qurans to protest the Sept. <<*&$..".9%&%*-&&-7J%)*]",'5*/9%*K$%%-4$* really have been about making a statement to terrorists? Or provoking an already radicalized group into more violence? Thankfully, we’ll never know.
A new study published in Time magazine found that moderate drinkers live longer &/-#*#"#;5.9#J$.%)*^$%&*#$B%*[?2$*/$-.5* since Cook Commons got dinosaur crunch ice cream.
The death of equality
All Jefferson Thomas wanted was his own frog in biology class. @"*-&*<A*($-.%*"'56*/$*-#5* eight other black students $#&$.$5*&/$*%$4.$4-&$56*B/9&$; dominated Little Rock school system to do just that. C/$*5-&$*B-%*@$>&)*D6*<EAF) Thomas and his eight peers, now known as the Little Rock Nine, were stopped from entering Little Rock Central High School that day by the Arkansas National Guard. It would another two weeks until the Little Rock Nine, with the assistance of the <G<*H9.8".#$*I929%9"#*7-''$5* up by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, could enter the %7/""'*-#5*B-'J*&/$*/-''%*%$K9; safely. L-K$;7-''9#4*B-%*7"KK"#M* beatings were frequent because the black students were not welcome there. Thomas was knocked unconscious several times while getting books from his locker. To deal with the overwhelming amount of racial 29"'$#7$6*&/$#;4"2$.#".*N.2-'* Faubus closed all Little Rock %7/""'%*5,.9#4*&/$*<EAO;<EAE* school year to prevent any black students from entering. There would be no frogs for them that year. When the schools reopened 9#*3-''*"3*<EAE6*"#'(*C/"K-%*-#5* one other member of the Little Rock Nine returned to graduate. P-%&*B$$J6*-&*=F6*Q$33$.%"#* C/"K-%*B-%*&/$*0.%&*"3*&/$* Little Rock Nine to die — a stark reminder that those who suffered and endured through the racial equality civil rights movements are still a living part of history, and how our now
“equal” society isn’t so far away from the times when segregation was as commonplace as a Facebook update. But is our society really as $R,-'*-%*&/$*K-%%;3$5*K$59-*-#5* history books tell us? Take Constance McMillen’s story: Like most girls, Constance wanted to attend her high school prom. Only difference: Constance wanted to bring her girlfriend to the prom instead of a boy. The rules in her school district, which has a policy against sexual orientation discrimination, strictly >."/989&$5*%-K$;%$S*7",>'$%* from attending the prom.
Name calling was common; beatings were frequent because the black students were not welcome there. The school board even went as far as to cancel the prom so Constance and her girlfriend could not attend. What about Amy Sorrel’s story? Ms. Sorrel taught journalism at an Indiana high school, and was forced to quit her job after one of her students wrote an article for the school’s paper in support of gay equality. The school newspaper, 8$7-,%$*"3*-*<EOO*@,>.$K$* Court ruling, does not have First Amendment rights, so school "3079-'%*7-#*5$795$*B/-&*7-#*-#5* can’t be published as well as who can and can’t be employed. Ring any bells? So I ask you readers: Will we change, or will we let the dream of equality die with those who fought for it? Michael Farley is a senior education major. He has been writing for The Cynic since spring 2008.
Grand Maple Ballroom keeps it cool with Kids and charity By !"#$%$&'$()&*+,' Staff Writer It seems that every event that has ever been held in the Grand Maple Ballroom has either been a dry, academic event or felt far too small for the space. The Cool Kids show on Saturday, Sept. 4 broke both of those conventions. From the time that opener DJ cRAIG mITCHELL came onstage on Saturday, the crowd of students attending the Cool Kids concert in the Grand Maple Ballroom was energetic. The soldout crowd didn’t $)-2%$47' ,44' :+' -/$' %!!01' ":-' everyone pushed together in an attempt to get as close to the stage as possible, giving the concert the feeling of being packed. A part of UVM’s Week of Welcome, the event was put on by Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) and Student Life. The two groups started planning the concert last April, working together throughout the process, SigEp Vice President of Programming Brennan Keeler said. “SigEp and Student Life had a great partnership doing this,” Keeler said. “I had Jimmy Doan acting as an advisor for the concert and overseeing the entire process making sure that everything went off without a
hitch.” “Having Jimmy, who has many concerts and other large events under his belt, made my life so much easier,” he said. In addition to being a good concert that was a fun way to start off the school year, the Cool Kids show was also a charity event. One dollar from each ticket went toward YouthAIDS, the advertisement for the show said. ;<-' =(#' +4())$*' (#' (' "$)$,-' concert from the very beginning, and Student Life was very excited for that,” Keeler said. “We are donating the money to YouthAIDS because it is SigEp’s national philanthropy.” The concert raised $760 for YouthAIDS. With the money to donate all collected, there was still the show to enjoy. After a bit of lag time between mITCHELL and The Cool Kids — to which the crowd responded with chants of encouragement — rappers Antoine “Mikey Rocks” Reed and Evan “Chuck Inglish” Ingersoll took the stage. Reed and Ingersoll both performed songs off of their 2008 album “The Bake Sale,” such as “Gold and a Pager” and “A Little Bit Cooler,” and debuted a number of new songs. The crowd of mostly UVM students danced as much as
KRUTI KANSARA | The Vermont Cynic The Cool Kids show took place on Saturday, Sept. 4 in the Davis Center as part of UVM’s Week of Welcome.
the densely packed atmosphere would allow, putting their hands up at appropriate times, such as in response to the lyrics of “Bassment Party:” “So if you ugly keep your hands by your side / But if you not then put them in the sky.” After leaving the stage, The Cool Kids returned, in response
to a bit of encouragement from the crowd, to play a short encore. “Setting up a concert is a lot of work,” Keeler said. “However, the night of the show, it is the best feeling seeing everyone in the crowd enjoying the music that you helped bring about.” “My only expectation for the event in the beginning was
that we would raise a pretty substantial amount to donate, so going by that everything was met,” he said. “Adding on all of the experience I gained and the people I made happy, I could not have even fathomed we would have had this outcome.”
Burlingtonians gather for local Art Market By Julia Wejchert Arts Editor It was a Saturday in City Hall Park and, unlike other days that week, the weather was not pushing Caribbean temperatures. The Champlain winds were blowing steady, and Burlington families pushed around babies in strollers, their dogs tagging along leashless beside them. The combined effort of the Burlington Council of Art (BCA) and an array of local artists was showcased on Sept. 4 as part of the foundation’s summerlong Artist’s Market. The market features 33 artists, listed on the BCA website, whom after paying a fee, display their work in the hopes of acquiring faithful !"#$%&$%#'()*'('+%!,-. “The market features /()*0(*$1' !%232)(4' ,)$' (%-' 5' values innovation, creativity and experimentation in 6!)-$0+!%(%7' 6%(8-' 5' ()*' 2#' constantly evolving,” the BCA’s mission says. For Claudia Venon, this is /$%',8-/'7$(%'2)'-/$'0(%9$-+4(6$' and the extra spirit, creativity and devotion to local crafts has drawn her back again. “[It is a place to] showcase my work, have a face to it, to see what works and what doesn’t,” Venon said. Venon determines the demand for her embellished clothing, Japanese silk bags and other nature
inspired accessories by what marketgoers purchase and ogle at, she said. By putting a person’s face to their craft, the market encourages local investment in a cause that people can identify with. UVM English and studio art alum Jennifer Kahn sells at the market and has found it to be a growing opportunity to explore what jewelry appeals to the locals who frequent her table. “I price at what people would spend, not what I need,” Kahn said. The fall is an excellent time to sell, she added, with tourists and returning college students who have not yet emptied their bank accounts. Her intricately cut copper +2$6$#1',%$*'-!'*(%9'()*'0$-(4426' hues of reds, are displayed alongside her experimentation with popular metal clay. “[A lot ] of people come for the farmers market, “ she said. “Eventually I’ll do a higher priced line in galleries and stores. [For now] I price as to what I’d pay.” Beyond the artwork, Kahn spoke of the market fondly. “This is my social life [every Saturday]; the food, the babies and the dogs.” From May 22 to Oct. 23, downtown Burlington welcomes locals, college students and visitors to see what the community’s strong relationship with art has helped support.
BOBBY BRUDERLE | The Vermont Cynic
BOBBY BRUDERLE | The Vermont Cynic
‘‘I’M PARTYING” Tshirts come in a variety of styles and colors. Company owners also plan to add new designs in the near future.
Caleb Atwood, Brad Opsahl, Brady Lee and John Daley (not pictured) started the “I’m Partying” Tshirt company in the spring of 2010.
Students mean business with partying
T-shirt company finds popularity on UVM campus By Katie Ida Life Editor While most partygoers are content to just attend the party, in the spring of 2010, three UVM 1,0.*&,1(.*/%.*.(,9(,02&("(-29),( on their partying. Juniors Caleb Atwood and Brad Opsahl, alum Brady Lee and University of Connecticut student John Daley began a Tshirt com pany — I’m Partying — with the mission to bring out the party in everyone. The Tshirt company “came out of nowhere,” Lee said. With the idea to start up a T shirt company to make some ex tra money, Lee called Opsahl and suggested, “We should just make
a shirt that says ‘partying’ on it,” Lee said. Lee’s idea transformed into I’m Partying, LLC. @AB(C"2,>%&'()21,(-2%&,*.(DEE( Tshirts that read I’M PARTY ING in block letters across the front and began selling them at last year’s SpringFest held on the CBW Green. Since then, Atwood has been selling Tshirts at other campus events as well. Last Friday, I’m Partying sold the shirts and stick ers at the Ski and Snowboard F#0+A1()21,('*&*2"#(B**,%&'6 “Now we have thousands [of Tshirts],” Atwood said. The group chose an accepting market for their startup. “It was such a good idea to start this on
a college campus. I feel like this is somewhere where you get kids who are ready to party all the time and that’s unique to college cam puses,” junior Xana Raymond said.
for, according to their Facebook page. “All of our friends have been pretty supportive,” Atwood said. While college students are their target market at the mo ment, Opsahl said that he thinks “It’s ‘I’m Partying’ no the Tshirts have a relatable mes matter who you are sage. “It’s ‘I’m Partying’ no mat ter who you are and how you do and how you do it ... it,” Opsahl said. “My little brother even has a Tshirt.” The three said that they are My little brother even impressed with the Tshirt com has a T-shirt.” pany’s quick success. “Its kind of cool when you just see some ran Brad Opsahl dom person with our shirt on,” Opsahl said. The group tried the idea out “I’ve seen [the Tshirts] on 9&(,4*%2(52%*&.1()21,("&.(2*/*%G*.( people all over campus,” junior the response they were looking Gianna Vannelli said.
The Tshirt company’s suc cess is not limited to UVM’s campus, however. “I’ll go visit a school and bring Tshirts,” At wood said. “I sold some at the Kid Cudi concert in Middlebury [in May].” Atwood said he plans to visit the Princeton University campus later this semester. Atwood said that they are looking to add new designs and possibly sweatshirts and pint glasses into the mix, but for now they are trying to get their name out there before they expand. As of now, the Tshirts are available on the company’s web site,, which goes live this week.
Undergrad Gourmet
Clafoutis made easy
With the summer well behind us, and the cold weather just starting to set in, the days of picnics on the beach are quickly dwindling. For those who are looking for a way to bring back memories of fresh summer days, or maybe just celebrate a birthday, keep reading. Clafoutis, pronounced “clah footee”, is a French dessert !"#$%&'( "( )&*( #%&*( +*,!**&( -%*( "&.(/01,"2.3()##*.(!%,4(520%,6 7( 7( 7( 7( 7(
To serve 8 you’ll need: 8(/0-(95(:902 3 eggs ½ cup of sugar ¾ cup of milk ½ stick of melted butter
7( 7( 7( 7(
1 pinch of salt 2 tbsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp spiced rum (optional) 3 servings of fruit (i.e. 34 apples/pears/plums, 3 cups cherries with pits/berries) OR 3 cups of chocolate chips 1 bowl 1 whisk 1 medium cake/pie tin
;92( ,4*( )##%&'3( ,2".%,%9&"##>( cherries, pears, apples or berries have been used, but bananas, plums, apricot and almost any fruit will work. Chocolate or carob chips can also be used. For larger fruits slice into small hors d’oeuvre sized pieces, 7( peeling them before hand if 7( necessary. 7( With any remaining butter, grease the tin until its entire Preheat the oven to 350 surface, including the sides. For .*'2**1( ;"42*&4*%,6( <%=( :9023( a delicious sugary crust, you can sugar and salt in the bowl, then sprinkle a dusting of sugar then crack the eggs, pour the over the butter and shake the tin milk, butter, vanilla and rum in to distribute it. with them. Stir with the whisk Gently pour the batter into steadily until the dry and wet the tin and let it settle for a few ingredients have fully mixed 1*/9&.16( ?"$*( >902( )##%&'( 95( and there are no clumps. choice and add them into the
batter, once again making sure it is well distributed. If you wish, you can decorate the clafoutis by placing the fruit or chips in patterns on the surface of the batter. Using an oven mitt, place the tin in the 350degree oven and let it bake for roughly 30 minutes. When it is ready, the clafoutis will be a light golden brown that is solid but still mushy, like bread pudding or a casserole. Remove the desert from the oven and let it cool for about 20 minutes before eating, can be eaten warm, cold or reheated with maple syrup, frosting, or whipped cream.
The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker
SGA President Kofi Mensah speaking at Brennan’s at 12pm on Wednesday, September 15. No Good Reason by R. Valenti
ACROSS 1- Ingrid’s “Casablanca” role 5- Enclose 9- Maxim 14- Flows 15- Dynamic beginning 16- Muslim teacher 17- Exclamation to express sorrow 18- Boring into wood 20- Majestic 22- Cheer for Manolete 23- Sugar source 24- Author Silverstein 26- Swedish auto 28- Mosaic pieces 32- Long narrow excavation 36- Cockpit abbr. 37- Of Nordic stock 39- Mild cigar
brought to you by
40- Narrow ledge 42- Approvals 44- Watch 45- Broadcasting 47- Arrive at 49- East Lansing sch. 50- Saw for cutting wood with the grain 52- Philosophy of Zeno 54- “____ the night before Christmas ...” 56- Air France destination 57- ___ breve 60- DC bigwig 62- Small mug 66- Built to withstand an earthquake 69- Appoint 70- Stomach woe
71- Knee 72- Forearm bone 73- Coeur d’___ 74- Airline to Tel Aviv 75- Swill DOWN 1- Some nest eggs 2- Corker 3- Break, card game 4- Evaluate 5- Snowberry 6- Actor Fernando 7- He sang about Alice 8- Swimming holes 9- Latin 101 word 10- Hand weight for exercising 11- Drug-yielding plant 12- Adhesive 13- 3:00 19- Milk source 21- Greek fertility goddess, flightless bird 25- Stratum 27- Circle segment 28- Small drum 29- Nicholas Gage book 30- Leash 31- Alleviates 33- Model Campbell 34- Crucifix 35- Bunkum 38- Cool! 41- Wrong 43- Derisive 46- Uncooked 48- Hawaiian city 51- Flying stinger 53- Swan constellation 55- Suit fabric 57- Water, abroad 58- Soothe 59- Ornamental fabric 61- Christmas 63- Audacity 64- ___ expert, but... 65- Tides that attain the least height 67- Before 68- ___ roll
Men’s hockey team adds eight players for the upcoming season By Diana Giunta Senior Staff Writer
The men’s hockey team roster will have some new faces this upcoming year. Connor Brickley, Nick Bruneteau, Anthony DeCenzo, Arthur Griem, Brooks Herrington, H.T. Lenz, Alex Vazzano and Matt White comprise the newcomers. !"#$% #&'(% )*''% $+,-,% .&,% studentathletes help our program to continue to move forward on the national scene, but equally important, they will be great ambassadors for our university with contributions in the classroom as well as in the community,” Sneddon said. The team’s captain, senior defenseman Kevan Miller, also said that the new players bring positive things to the team. “I feel the newcomers are a talented group that bring a range of strengths. First, they all have great attitudes and are already adding to the culture we have here at Vermont,” Miller said. “It is clear that each one of them has spent the summer preparing for the season as they all came here in great shape.” Brickley posted 22 goals for USHL Des Moines Buccaneers last season — the highest on the team. He also won a gold medal with the U.S. National Under18 team at the 2010 International
Ice Hockey Federation World Men’s U18 Championship. “Connor had an incredible season playing for Des Moines, as well as representing team USA in four different international venues,” Sneddon said. “He brings size, speed, scoring and grit to our roster and will have an immediate impact for us.” Bruneteau did not spend time in junior hockey but comes straight from ShattuckSt. Mary’s where he was the leading defensemen in scoring.
“These fine studentathletes will help our program to continue to move forward on the national scene.” Kevin Sneddon Head Coach
Sneddon said that despite Bruneteau’s lack of junior hockey experience, he is ready to become a skilled defenseman in the tough Hockey East Conference. Griem is another defensemen who Sneddon and Miller say will have a shot at making an impact with playing time this season. “Defensively, the two newcomers will add to our depth
Sports shorts By Will Andreycak Sports Editor
Pilypaitis named to Canadian national team, signs professionally over seas Former women’s basketball star Courtnay Pilypaitis has been named to the Canadian National women’s basketball team. Pilypaitis went through a monthlong training camp with Team Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia in July and another camp in Waterloo, Ontario last week before being one of 12 players selected to the team. This will be Pilypaitis’ fourth international tournament representing /0&0102% 34$% +,5% .5-$% #&% $+,% senior squad. Team Canada left for Europe on Monday for its .&0'% 65,6050$*#&-% ',01*&7% up to the 2010 FIBA World Championship for Women taking place Sept. 23 – Oct. 3 in the Czech Republic. In addition to being selected to the Canadain National team, just a few days earlier Pilypaitis was signed to a professional contract with VICI Kaunas in Kaunas, Lithuania.
O’Neill named America East Player of the Week Junior forward Nick O’Neill has been named America East men’s soccer player of the week for the week ending Sept. 7. 89",*''% *-% *&% +*-% .5-$% season with Vermont, having transferred into the program from Creighton University. Thus far, O’Neill has recorded .:,%6#*&$-%#&%$)#%7#0'-%0&1%0&% 0--*-$% *&% +*-% .5-$% $+5,,% 70;,-% with the team. The two goals have both been gamewinners, with the .5-$% <#;*&7% 070*&-$% "#=% >?% Stanford, and the second a diving header with 20 seconds left in the second overtime to beat Wisconsin Milwaukee.
Cross country team names captains The UVM women’s cross country head coach Matt @,'.,'1% +0-% &0;,1% -,&*#5% Sam Leach and juniors Alexa Mazur and Morgan Powers as captains for the 2010 season. For the men’s team, coach Joe Gingras announced that senior Charlie Schaefer, junior Connor Jennings and sophomore Ethan McBrien will serve as tricaptains.
back on defense and create positive competition for playing time,” Miller said. DeCenzo brings offensive scoring power, having tallied 14 goals and 16 assists for the Tri City Storm last season. Lenz, also a forward was a teammate of Brickley in Des Moines. There, his 21 goals were tied for secondmost on the team. White scored 36 goals with 42 assists for the Pittsburgh Viper Stars and also spent time playing for Des Moines. “Matt has had an interesting path to college hockey but we are extremely fortunate to have him join us at UVM,” Sneddon said As for Herrington and Vazzano, they will be joining their older siblings who are already on the Catamount’s roster. Herrington is the younger brother of junior defensemen Lance Herrington and Vazzano is the younger brother of junior goaltender John Vazanno. The younger Herrington played for the New Hampshire Monarchs of the EJHL, scoring 108 points over his two years with BRYANT HUGHES | The Vermont Cynic the team. UVM men’s hockey playing a game last year in Gutterson Field Vazzano, like his older House. The team added eight players this year. brother, is a goaltender. He comes to the team straight from prep school and coach Sneddon “[Goaltending coach] said. “Alex makes our trio of thinks that he will continue to Lovelette will be perfect for his goaltenders as solid as any team develop nicely as a member of the continued development as a in the NCAA.” Catamounts. college goaltender,” Sneddon
NFL picks week two <0"0*3$*3#*=*$10*!"#$*6007*&/*>?@*+347#:*#&"".*3$A#*6007*BC*D-41* week three of the Cynic staff members, plus a guest, will select their +"0)34$3&(#* /&"* $10* 50#$* !E0* 9-F0#* &/* $10* 60078* G13#* 6007A#* 9'0#$* is Cynic Opinion Editor Jeff Ayers. If you would like to be a guest +"0)34$&"*3(*(0H$*6007A#*3##'0:*0%F-3,*E4#+&"$#I'EF80)'8 Writers: WA — Will Andreycak, Sports Editor; DG — Diana Giunta, Senior Staff Writer; EZ — Eli Zink, Senior Staff Writer
New England Patriots @ New York Jets Last year the Jets established themselves in the AFC East early in the season with an enormous victory over New England. They have an opportunity to do the same this year as they are pitted in an early season matchup against their archrivals. Tom Brady’s “I hate the Jets” comment this past offseason will be locker room material for the Jets who will, of course, bring relentless pressure on Brady and the Pats. The Patriots look to bounce back after a !"#$%"&'()* +,-.&//* ,&##* $&* the Ravens last year and win the division yet again. If the Patriots are going to win this game, they have to match the +"0##'"0*&/*$10*20$#*-()*!()* a way to pick apart the Jets blitz schemes, which is much easier said than done. The key for the Jets, in this game and the season, 3#* $10* +,-.* &/* #04&()%.0-"* quarterback Mark Sanchez. Sanchez has been ripped in $10*+"0%#0-#&(*504-'#0*&/*13#* inconsistent performance, but all he has to do is make easy throws against the Pats and the Jets will win. The running game can, and will, carry the Jets in most games, and the special teams, coached by wiz Mark Westhoff, are phenomenal. The Jets’ defense is going to make an example out of Brady and a statement to the rest of the AFC and the NFL.
WA - Will Andreycak
DG - Diana Giunta
EZ - Eli Zink
(WA) New York Jets (DG) New England Patriots (EZ) New England Patriots (JA) New England Patriots
Chicago Bears @ Dallas Cowboys Tony Romo and the Cowboys are expecting big things entering this season and an early stumble is simply not acceptable.
JA - Jeff Ayers
Wednesday Women’s soccer vs. Sienna @ Centennial Field 4 p.m.
illustration by Dana Ortiz
The Bears are extremely inconsistent, mostly because their quarterback, Jay Cutler, is arguably the most talented quarterback in the league but cannot use that talent &(* -* 6007%$&%6007* 5-#3#8* The Cowboys are going to pressure Cutler into throwing multiple interceptions, and the Cowboys’ offense will roll.
(WA) Dallas Cowboys (DG) Dallas Cowboys (EZ) Chicago Bears (JA) Dallas Cowboys
Pittsburgh Steelers @ Tennessee Titans If Mike Tomlin is truly -* 9"0-$* 4&-41:* 60* 63,,* !()* &'$* 3(* $10* !"#$* /&'"* 6007#* of the season. Without Ben Roethlisberger, Dennis Dixon will take the role of starting quarterback. Dixon 6-#* -* #$-()&'$* )'-,%$1"0-$* quarterback for the Oregon Ducks a few years back and can make a lot of plays that most NFL quarterbacks cannot. Its hard to see the Titans dropping a game like this after all the momentum they had at the end of last season. But don’t be s u r p r i s e d if Vince Y o u n g takes a s t e p
Saturday Women’s field hockey @ William & Mary
Baltimore Ravens @ Cincinnati Bengals
New York Giants @ Indianapolis Colts Prediction The battle of brothers Manning will be the headline in this game. Besides the sibling rivalry, not much else will be interesting. Colts roll
(WA) Baltimore Ravens (DG) Baltimore Ravens (EZ) Baltimore Ravens (JA) Baltimore Ravens
(WA) Indianapolis Colts (DG) Indianapolis Colts (EZ) Indianapolis Colts (JA) Indianapolis Colts
illustration by Dana Ortiz
Women’s soccer vs. Temple @ Centennial Field 4 p.m.
back early in the season. Chris Johnson will get his yards but Young will throw a few interceptions, which will cause the Titan offense to sputter. In a surprise outcome, the running game and defense of the Steelers Besides New England will edge out Chris Johnson @ New York, this is the and the Titans. best game of the weekend. The Bengals are thirsty to prove themselves within the division after going Prediction undefeated in the AFC (WA) Pittsburg Steelers North last year. The Ravens (DG) Tennesse Titans are improved, as are the Bengals. Expect this game (EZ) Tennesse Titans to be extremely physical (JA) Tennesse Titans with the Ravens edging out ;3(43((-$3*5.*-*!0,)*9&-,8
Men’s soccer @ Colgate
Men’s & women’s cross country @ UMass Amherst w/ Maine, Colgate and UConn
Women’s field Men’s soccer @ hockey @ Virginia Lafayette (hosted Commonwealth by Colgate in Hamilton, N.Y.)
Women’s soccer vs.Colgate @ Centennial Field 1 p.m.