Vermont Cynic Issue 4

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Federal Work-Study programs have changed at the University of Vermont this year, and students and staff alike are noticing the difference. Questions are answered in this week’s Feature.



The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883


Vermont beats Cornell, University of New Hampshire and Presbyterian College in Nike Fall Tournament


w w w . v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m | Tu e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 – Vo l u m e 1 2 7 I s s u e 4 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t

!"#$%&'(!"#$%&'( Bystanders hit with pepper spray By Kelsey Smith Cynic Correspondent

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Police increase weekend presence By Hillary Walton Staff Writer !"#$%&' (%)' *(&+"%,' -",+.&' /--' .+$' &.#$$.&' 01' )02%.02%' 34#-"%,.0%' 0%' 5#")(6'(%)'!(.4#)(6'%",+.&7'(%)'.0'.+0&$' 2+0' .+"%8' ".9&' :0#$' ;0::0%' %02' .+(%' $<$#'='.+$6'(#$'(>&0-4.$-6'#",+.? @%' (%6' ,"<$%' 5#")(6' 0#' !(.4#)(6' %",+.7' .20' $A.#(' 34#-"%,.0%' B0-";$' 01/;$#&' (#$' 0%' )4.67' B-4&' (-;0+0-' .$(:' :$:>$#&' -008"%,' 10#' .+"%,&' -"8$' 0B$%' ;0%.("%$#&7' +04&$' B(#."$&' (%)' %0"&$' ;0:B-("%.&7' C$.$;."<$' D0:' E+$%$..$' 01' .+$'34#-"%,.0%'F0-";$'C$B(#.:$%.'&(")? GH' 8%02' B0-";$' (#$' 4&4(--6' :0#$' "%.$%&$' (.' .+$' >$,"%%"%,' 01' .+$' &;+00-' 6$(#' =' ;#4"&$#&' ;(%' >$' &$$%' "%' $<$#6' )"#$;."0%' 0%' (' 2$$8$%)' %",+.' =' >4.' ".' &$$:&' (&' "1' .+"%,&' +(<$' ;+(%,$)7I' &0B+0:0#$'J$%'K..",'&(")?'GH9<$'&$$%'.00' :(%6' 4%)$#;0<$#' ;0B&' 10#' ;0:10#.?' H9<$' $<$%' &$$%' .+$' B0-";$' "%' :"%"<(%&' (%)' 0-)' ;(#&' 2".+' ."%.$)' 2"%)02&?' H.9&' &;(#6' +02'&%$(86'.+$69#$'.#6"%,'.0'>$7'(%)'+02' :(%6'01'.+$:'.+$#$'(#$?I F0-";$'(#$'"&&4"%,'%0"&$'(%)')#"%8"%,' .";8$.&' (%)' -0;8"%,' )02%' +04&$&7' E+$%$..$'&(")? GH1' B$0B-$' #$14&$' .0' ;0:$' 04.' (%)' ;+00&$' .0' &.(6' "%&")$' .+$' +04&$7' .+$%' .+$6' 2"--' (;.4(--6' -0;8' .+$' +04&$' )02%' (%)' ,0' 10#' (' 2(##(%.7I' E+$%$..$' &(")?' GH1' :"%0#&' (#$' .+$%' 104%)' .0' +(<$' >$$%' )#"%8"%,'"%&")$7'.+$'02%$#&'01'.+$'+04&$' 2"--' >$' ;#":"%(--6' ;".$)' 10#' $%(>-"%,' :"%0#&'.0')#"%8?'@%'('L!.0B'D$$%'K-;0+0-' M"&8' D$(:' N!DKMDOP' %",+.7' .+$' +0&.' ;04-)' $%)' 4B' 2".+' QR' ;#4"&$#&' (.' .+$"#' +04&$' >$;(4&$' .+$6' 8%02' .+(.' 2+$%' .+$#$' "&' 0%$' 4%)$#(,$')#"%8$#7'.+$#$9&' (' B0.$%."(-' 01' QRR' :0#$?I





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See GRANT on page 2

Cop urinates on Tri Delta property, members claim By Chase Thomas Staff Writer

>4&67'E0--"%&'&(")? G[$' &(")' +$' 2(&' c-008"%,' 10#' &4>V$;.&79' %0.' B$$"%,7I' K%' 4%)$#;0<$#' B0-";$' 01/;$#' &0B+0:0#$'D#"'C$-.(':$:>$#'JJ' 4#"%(.$)' "%' >$.2$$%' .20' ;(#&' F(-8$#'&(")?'GD+$%'2+$%'L]$,(%' >$-0%,"%,' .0' C$-.(' C$-.(' C$-.(' 3#()6P' (&8$)' 10#' +"&' >(),$' ND#"' C$-.(O' :$:>$#&' >$.2$$%' %4:>$#7' +$' &(")' +$' )")%9.' +(<$' QQYZRaXB?:?' 0%' !$B.?' QQ7' .":$'(%)'2(-8$)'0<$#'.0'F"8$?I F#$&")$%.' 01' D#"' C$-.(' b$-&$6' D+$' 4%)$#;0<$#' B0-";$' ;(#' E0--"%&'&(")? 2(&' B(#8$)' "%' .+$' D#"' C$-.(' @%$'01'.+$'D#"'C$-.(':$:>$#&' B(#8"%,' -0.' >-0;8"%,' (--' .+$' (&8$)' .+$' 34#-"%,.0%' F0-";$' ;(#&7' (%)' +$' )")' %0.' &B$(8' .0' @1/;$#'10#'+"&'>(),$'%4:>$#'>4.' .+$' 20:$%' >$10#$' -$(<"%,' .+$"#' +$' #$14&$)7' &(6"%,' +$' 2(&' .00' B#0B$#.6' (%)' ,0"%,' (;#0&&' .+$'




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CAS to offer later advising hours Staff Report

KATE KROLL | The Vermont Cynic

Nineteen UVM students take thir pants off to protest BP’s offshore drilling plan in Alaska. The pantless protest took place last Wednesday in front of the Bailey/Howe Library.

For students with a packed schedule, making time to meet with an adviser just doesn’t compete with homework, extracurriculars, sports, eating and, on a lucky night, sleeping. The University is now offering later advising hours for students in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), Student Services Representative Dana Christianson said. “I think that it’s a long time coming that students need later hours sometimes, to get some things resolved if they have a later class,” Christianson said. “Advising closed at 4:30, and we thought it’d be helpful to be open

later a few days during the week.” On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, advising will be available until 7 p.m. for anyone with questions about CATS reports or graduating, Christianson said. Senior adviser Mark Hall and the assistant dean will work all three nights. In order to encourage use of the changes, an e­mail was sent to students in the College of Arts and Sciences. 789+.# :'.# /6%# ,%.(# :&&;<=# Christianson said. “It picked up by Thursday. There’s not too many students coming in, but I think as the semester goes on it will increase.”

‘No pants, no drilling!’ First-year senators Students protest Alaskan oil drilling By Becky Hayes Staff Writer

While most people were bundling up for a chilly afternoon, 19 students were stripping down to their underwear outside of Bailey/Howe Library. The students were “pantlessly protesting” and making phone calls to Ken Salazar, Obama’s Secretary of Interior, about BP Amoco PLC’s newest oil drilling plans. “As we gather on the green to make our call, students will

go without pants to show that BP’s continued efforts to drill are as insane as not wearing pants,” junior Morgan Fisher said. The students were a part of the Greenpeace UVM group and have made more than 250 phone calls to Salazar protesting his support of BP’s offshore drilling plan in Alaska, sophomore Kate Kroll said. !"# $%&'(&)# '*# '%(+,$+'-# offshore island made of concrete called Liberty , so that the drilling platform could be considered land­based and therefore legal,

according to The New York Times. “It’s for a good cause,” junior Alec Morrison said. “These calls are entirely appropriate to stop the next catastrophe. It’s ridiculous that BP could start making the rules.” The Greenpeace student network had college students nationwide make constant phone $'--.# (/# 0'-'1'%2.# /3,$&# 4# 56(# UVM members were the only ones to do it without pants, Kroll said.

sworn into SGA Staff Report

>+?&# ,%.(@A&'%# .(6)&*(.# were sworn into the Student Government Association (SGA) at the weekly SGA meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 14. The new senators are Robert Benner with 141 votes, Connor Burns with 88 votes, Zed Ballas with 73 votes, Alyssa Ravech with 71 votes and Zachary Malloy with 69 votes.


All students were able to vote between Sept. 7­9, and those elected were announced shortly after, according to the SGA website. Voter participation numbers were down this year, with 310 voters and 13 candidates on the ballot as compared to last year, with 473 Voters and 20 candidates on the ballot, SGA Public Relations Chair Nick Monteforte said.

Cracking down on drinking

...continued from page 1 The Burlington Police Department receives a federal grant each year to address underage drinking. The money is used for the overtime pay /3# /3,$&%.# :9/# (9&*# B'(%/-# /*# weekend nights. It usually lasts 10­20 weekends, Chenette said. “We have an incredible number of tickets coming in here,” Executive Director of Chittenden County Court Diversion Andy Twite said. “Last year the START team got direction from state level regarding the use of their funding. They started going out every weekend and the amount

of tickets coming in was crazy. We dealt with 1,006 tickets last year, our largest number ever.” Twite explained that things slowed down over the summer, but now that the school year is back in session, the numbers have begun to pile up once again. “Somewhere from 35­50 tickets have been received in the past two days, they have not been put into the system yet, but they $/*(+*6&#(/#C/:#+*<=#9&#.'+)D As far as the impact that these changes have had on student­ police relations goes, Chenette said that they haven’t seen an impact in call rate. People are still calling if they need help.

PEPPER Police use pepper spray SPRAY on Church Street fight

be as simple as wind, she said. “Pepper spray should be used “Pepper spray is not a laser in dire situations and only when beam,” Morrison said. absolutely necessary, otherwise A main cause of pepper spray it doesn’t seem fair or safe,” hitting an unintended source can senior Erica Weinberg said.

...continued from page 1

TRI DELTA ...continued from page 1

Students to file complaint

disciplinary action will be taken. “Some instances require A formal complaint can be disciplinary action, which may made to any member of the include warnings, remedial Burlington Police Department. training, suspension, demotion, If the complaint is considered or dismissal. If a criminal act serious, then it is referred to occurred, the State’s Attorneys the Bureau of Internal Affairs, F3,$&# :+--# 5&# 5%/6G9(# +*(/# according to the Burlington the investigative process,” the Police Department website. website stated. According to the website if Burlington Police did not ./E&/*&#,*).#'#B/-+$&#&EB-/A&&# comment as of Sunday afternoon. to be acting inappropriately,




Library seeks to stop ‘insanity’

New rules enforced after increase in student complaints By Bridget Pollicino Staff Writer

DAVID DYKE | The Vermont Cynic

!"#$%&'(")#%*+,%-'*++*%.'/$+%012,3%'+%14$%0$)'+,%5''6%'7%14$% Bailey/Howe Library, which is now enforcing stricter policies.

If you happened to be studying in the Bailey/Howe Library last spring, you may have come across a girl heating !"#$%&#'(!"#()#*$%#*$+&,#-((&#(&# a guy skateboarding over your philosophy paper. .(&#*$%#/&'*#*+0%1#*$%#2+3&4&5# is initiating new policies to enforce peace and quiet, Dean of Library & Information Services Mara Saule said. “Two years ago was the climax of insanity,” Head of the Circulation Department Angus Robertson said. The library is looking to take a step away from the skateboarders, bike riders and delivery pizza orders of past years, Robertson said. 6$%# '%7(),# 4),# *$+&,# -((&'# are now designated for silent study, cell phones are allowed

in the café and lobby only, and food and drink are permitted everywhere, Saule said. To enforce these changes, current staff members will issue “walk­throughs” to amp up faculty presence, Assistant to Dean for External Relations Selene Colburn said. A survey taken in Spring 2009 sparked policy changes when some students admitted to not being able to work in the library because of the noise, Saule said. “Have you tried to work in there? It’s a zoo!” a note left in the survey read. Overall, students have been gracious and compliant when corrected, and many are happy to see library staff enforcing quiet, Saule said. “As long as you’re using your phone reasonably I don’t have a problem with it, but I 74)# ,%/)+*%25# '%%# 8$%&%# 947!2*5# may need to step in to encourage

silence,” senior Evan Salzberg said. Students deserve a quiet space, “a safe environment away from the big, noisy world,” Robertson said. The overall layout of the library is not ideal for a quiet atmosphere, as noise travels easily, so renovation is also being considered, Robertson said. The library at the University of Massachusetts is being considered as a possible model. The renovation would entail information commons, learning commons, a writing center and academic support services, Saule said. The change has just begun and faculty members are eager to hear back from students. If you have any complaints or suggestions, contact Selene Colburn, assistant to dean for External Relations, at

$24,000 raised to support LGBTQQ youth Two UVM Greek Life teams join others to pull fire truck up Church Street By Katy Petiford Staff Writer

fastest pull time, audience favorite and best costume. The Greek Life men’s team Twelve Lady Gagas attempted 8()# 4# =(2,%)# /&%# *&!7:# 9(&# *$%# *(# "!22# 4# /&%# *&!7:# ;<# 9%%*# !"# fastest pull time of 13.53 seconds, Church Street on Saturday at Trottier said. Outright Vermont’s 7th annual Fire Truck Pull. “Last year we made Team Gaga was one of ten teams raising money for $17,145 so it’s a Outright Vermont, a lesbian, huge jump,” gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth support center, Executive Director of Melissa Murray Outright Vermont Melissa Executive Director of Murray said. UVM’s Greek community Outright Vermont entered two teams in the pull and raised $1,700. “This is the second year Greek Team Gaga won the trophy Life has been involved. It’s one for most money raised, raking in of the many philanthropic events over $7,000, team member Kate we like to get involved in. We’ve Vanwagner said. won two years in a row and raised The community team quite a bit of money,” senior Queer Youth, walked away with member of Pi Kappa Alpha Ben audience choice. Trottier said. Murray said that she was Together, all ten teams raised pleased with the total amount $24,000 while competing for a raised. =(2,%)# /&%# *&!7:# *&("$5# +)# 9(!&# “Last year we made $17,145, categories: most money raised, so it’s a huge jump,” she said.

DAMIR ALISA | The Vermont Cynic

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Hopping with music, visual arts Artists and residents enjoy the 18th annual South End Art Hop By Robbie Marcantonio Cynic Correspondent

For artist Moe O’Hara, the 18th annual South End Art Hop was more than an opportunity to show off her work, it was a chance for exposure and the opportunity to make money. “I can’t be a painter,” O’Hara said. “I can’t afford it.” She then went to sell a set of handcrafted Scooby Doo buttons made out of old books. The Art Hop, put on by The South End Arts and Business Association (SEABA), is an event that takes place in Burlington’s South End each fall, with studios and businesses being temporarily !"#$% &'% &!$% (&))"!*"'+% $,"% -./0/% website said. In keeping with SEABA’s entrepreneurial spirit of fusing culture with commerce, O’Hara #12'% 3)2% 4&''"$$"'+% 53667% 2*'8'% and books that she remakes into consumable art. The recycled nature of her work was mirrored in the repurposed warehouse characteristic of the South End where it was displayed. In the Firehouse Gallery on Church Street, Jonathon Harris returned to his hometown to hold $,"%#!'$%',39%&))%3:%,*'%391+%;11"!% Landscapes. Harris began taking a picture a day for a year, starting on his 30th birthday. Harris watched as “art hoppers” played with streaming photo galleries of his life. Attendees ducked carefully

through a room­turned­web by way of strings arranged in what Harris called “[a] network graph of experiential themes” that revealed themselves to him throughout the course of the project. -*<$""1%2*::"!"1$%$,"="'%#))"2% the room, each represented by a different color string that linked blog posts and photos from that year in Harris’s life. To encourage deeper examination, Harris won’t tell anyone what each color means. Down on Pine Street in the Soda Plant, artist Jake Rifken was content to let things be. Rifken said he can spend hundreds of hours creating one of his wire sculptures. His interest is in the 539% 3:% 4!"&$*31% &12% '$!>4$>!&)% integrity. “I don’t really care what they look like,” Rifken said. His laid­back approach to his art was evident in his mood as well. “I’m happy right now,” he said as he held a beer. For people and artists alike, the South End Art Hop is a chance for networking and community building. “[It’s a chance] for exposure more than sales,” Artist Dan Seigel, who makes and paints clay mugs that are used at Viva Espresso in the North End, said. In addition to visual art, this year’s Art Hop also featured music. The Burlington­based Bluegrass band Something With Strings held a crowd during their set outside Fresh Market on Friday night. Hungry hoppers

KATIE CASSIDY | The Vermont Cynic

Vermont native Jonathan Harris’ exhibit in the Firehouse Gallery uses technology to represent social ideas. Harris also has pieces in the New York Museum of Modern Art and Le Centre Pompidou in Paris. paused to watch and eat. “A lot of people come by and I’ve no idea who they are, but it’s cool that they stop and listen,” guitarist Adam Howard said. With artists showing their

work on the street or in a loud warehouse rather than a quiet gallery, the Art Hop creates a certain feeling that is especially attractive to some people. “The best thing is the

atmosphere. It’s very chill,” Andrea Boudreau, who visited the Art Hop, said. Fellow Art­ Hopper Megan Winward agreed. “It’s the best way to experience art,” she said.

Artist creates iPaintings Painter Corliss Blakely takes up the iPhone and iPad as medium for her By Madeline Gibson Staff Writer

Vermont artist Corliss Blakely accidentally discovered her iPhone could function as a 4&1?&'@% ,"!% #1("!% &% 131$3<*4% alternative to the oil and watercolor paints she has spent the past 35 years working with. Blakely has been featured in Mac Format and Digital Artist magazine in England, for her iPad and iPhone paintings of still lifes and organic forms found in nature. These “iPaintings” are being showcased in the Flynn’s Amy E. Tarrant Gallery from July 2 to Sept. 5 to coincide with the summer Flynn Garden Tour. Titled “Visions of Nature” these paintings have been created in a seemingly unnatural way, while portraying natural subject matter. Her website, www., displays some of her paintings, such as one of delectable red peppers, unrecognizable as anything created by a digital device. Blakely found her unusal medium at her studio one day. “I was at my studio waiting for a panel to arrive for a commission,” Blakely said. “I was sitting there with my iPhone and thought I would buy an app and see what it was like. That day changed everything for me.” The new medium Blakely

found that day proved to be a great thing for her. “Now I can paint anywhere at any time and I’m not dealing with toxic paints and mediums,” she said. Blakely thinks this sort of artistic use of readily available technology could have big effects for future generations of artists. “I think that we are at the cutting edge of this technology with the iPhone and iPad, she said. “The idea that you have a studio in your pocket is where I’m at … [this technology] will change the way artists create.” Though some may disagree with her marriage of technology and natural beauty, Blakely does not care, she said. Blakely may have only recently begun her endeavors in iPad and iPhone art, but she has been featured in art shows already and has many future plans. She participated in a summer show in Windsor, Conn. with what were said to be the 14 most accomplished iPhone artists in the world, and in October, she will be a featured speaker at the Mobile Digital Artist Convention in New York City. At 652 Main Street from Oct. 1­4 and 8­10, the paintings will be displayed with oil painting counterparts for viewers to see the difference.

Hypocrite! by Brittany Haynes

Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker COMICS



No Good Reason by R Valenti






Changes to the Federal Work-Study program impact UVM By Zach Despart Staff Writer

“Risky behavior” in work­study hiring practices “YOUR NEW/REVISED AWARD IS READY TO VIEW.” Students who apply for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the letter. N-*' #024",' ,-#,' STM' )*$*%+*.' 1)20' ,-*' 1*(*)#&' =2+*)"0*",' 12)' <2)?/.,4(8' -#.' "2,' $-#"=*(:' 52)' ,-*' &#.,' CE' 8*#).@' ,-*' 1*(*)#&' =2+*)"0*",' -#.' #&&2,,*(' UC:D' 0%&&%2"' ,2' ,-*' >)2=)#0@' #"(' STM' >)2+%(*.' #"2,-*)' UDEE@EEE@' F)%"=%"=' ,-*' #""4#&' ,2,#&' ,2' UG:G' 0%&&%2"@' J%)*$,2)' 21' 3,4(*",' 5%"#"$%#&' 3*)+%$*.'M#)%*'92-".2"'.#%(:''' 5*<*)'.,4(*",.'-#+*')*$*%+*(' 5*(*)#&' P2)?/3,4(8' ,-%.' 8*#)' F*$#4.*' &#.,' 8*#)' ,-*)*' <#.' A#'

“We had a great group of students last year, and many first years who wanted to return but were unable to because of FWS cuts.” Lisa Champagne Director of Athletic Communications

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Questioning the numbers

“[RAs] have tons of things on our plate, having to work extra hours at the front desk adds to our already hectic schedule. We’re students, too.” Rebecca Sandler Junior and RA

M#"8' 1#$,2).' $2",)%F4,*' ,2' <2)?/.,4(8' Z4$,4#,%2"@' F4,' $&#..' .,#"(%"=' %.' "2,' 2"*' 21' ,-*0@' 92-".2"'.#%(:'' Q"'#'.4)+*8'.*",'24,'2"'3*>,:' C]' ,2' ,-*' .,4(*",' F2(8' F8' The Cynic'#"(',-*'3^;@'_HY'.,4(*",.' responded. Of the students who answered ,-#,',-*8'-#('<2)?/.,4(8'12)',-*' GECE/CC' #$#(*0%$' 8*#)@' YC:_' >*)$*",' <*)*' !).,' 8*#).@' YG:]' >*)$*",' <*)*' .2>-202)*.@' CX:C' >*)$*",' <*)*' V4"%2).' #"(' C`:]' >*)$*",'<*)*'.*"%2).:'' 5%1,8/124)'>*)$*",'21')*,4)"%"=' .,4(*",.' .#%(' ,-*8' -#(' 5*(*)#&' P2)?/3,4(8' &#.,' 8*#)@' <-%&*' GY' >*)$*",' )*>2),*(' -#+%"=' <2)?/ .,4(8' ,-%.' 8*#)@' #$$2)(%"=' ,2' ,-*' .4)+*8:'' AQ' (%(' -#+*' 5*(*)#&' P2)?/ 3,4(8'08'!).,',<2'8*#).@'F4,'=2,' ,2&(' Q' <#.' 24,' 21' ,-*' >)2=)#0' F*$#4.*' Q' <#.' #' V4"%2):' P-#,' #' F4"$-' 21' F4&&@I' .*"%2)' a#,*&8"' b&#%)'.#%(:''

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Returning students who received work-study, 2009-10



Yes No

Returning students who received work-study, 2010-11 '(#"$


Yes No



An unexpected cost Many feel the changes in the Federal Work­Study program this year are taking a toll on students, staff and faculty at UVM. The decrease in students with work­study has given ResLife staff — particularly resident advisors — additional work, sophomore resident advisor Alee Graziano said. “We’ve been picking up the slack where Federal Work­Study '()*/.('! 234/.5(! 6//.! '(370.8! the front desk,” Graziano said. “[Resident advisors] have been working in between classes when work­study students are supposed to be working.” Students said they also feel frustrated about varying hours of the residence halls’ front desks.

“The hours at the front desk are so staggered; whenever I’m available, it’s not open — for information, packages, "23(/4/$9:! 0$'(! +/3$! ;3<2! Pion said. “It’s incredibly inconvenient.” Forty­three percent of The Cynic’s survey respondents described the availability of their front desk as “good” or “excellent,” while 30 percent described it as “poor” or “extremely poor.” As of Sept. 14, all 10 residence hall complex front desks were only partially staffed, according (#!#70</!=3.38/$'!3.*!$/'-*/.</! directors at the 10 complexes. “Usually by the end of week one, the desk is fully staffed. Here it is in week three and we’re '(-11! ($+-.8! (#! 011! '2-7('9:! >/3../! ?3.</! @$-.-(+! #70</! =3.38/$! Debbie Crosby said. A70</!=3.38/$'!'3-*!(23(!(2/+!

have been affected by students unexpectedly losing their Federal Work­Study award as well. “Normally I have 20 to 25 returners; this year I only have six,” University Heights North #70</! =3.38/$! B23$./1! ?3$(/11/! said. ResLife is not the only department to lose staff due to work­study cuts. The Athletic Communications Department suffers from work­study shortages as well, Athletic Communications Director Lisa Champagne said. “I have been hiring Federal Work­Study students for six years, and I was disappointed that I could not rehire the good workers we had,” Champagne said. “You expect juniors and seniors to lose their work­study, but not sophomores.” In the Athletic


(+"($ %*",$

[Campus Recreation] programs and services or increases in fees to support these programs,” he said. Departments have also had to spend additional time and resources training new employees. “It’s frustrating on our end 6/<3)'/! "/! 0.*! 8##*! "#$%/$'! and spend time training, then have to restart the process the next year,” Champagne said. The McAuley and Wright 0(./''! </.(/$'! 3$/! <)$$/.(1+! short­staffed, which may result in shortening the hours of operation in those facilities, Residence Director for Christie Wright Patterson Rafael Rodriguez said. “We haven’t been able to start hiring [for Wright] because we haven’t yet been approved to start hiring by SFS,” Rodriguez said.

How would you describe the availability of your front desk?

Distribution of work-study by class standing ()",$

Communications Department, CD! #7! CC! 0$'(! +/3$'! "2#! ,13../*! to return for the 2010­11 year had their work­study cut, Champagne said. Director of Campus Recreation Gregg Bates said the Federal Work­Study changes have stressed resources. “Less Federal Work­Study students put a greater strain on our operating budget, as we are forced to hire more non­Federal Work­Study students to maintain the same programs and services for the UVM student body,” Bates said. The strain on the department’s budget may force Campus Recreation to reduce its size or increase costs to students, he said. “Depending on how large the budget problem becomes, we may have to look at reductions in


!"+$ !"#$

First year Sophmore Junior Senior


%%"&$ %&"'$

Excellent Good Fair Poor Exremely Poor

Information graphics from a survey sent by The Cynic to the UVM student body with 853 respondents Putting on the administrative band­aid

By the numbers

52 percent

of students are projected by percent of students who planned SFS to accept to return to the Athletic Communications and utilize Department lost their work­study their work­ study award The annual Last year the work­study this year work­study program was over budget by budget is percent of students who planned to return to the students are Jeanne Mance expected to accept and utilize percent of students Trinity front their work­study award this who planned to return to the desk lost their year University Heights South front work­study desk lost their work­study

The University has created the Student Employment Task Force to respond to the fact that a smaller number of students have received Federal Work­Study this year compared to last, Johnson said. The organization has met once so far and was created at the end of last semester, according to Johnson. Chaired by SFS director Marie Johnson and including representatives from Career Services, the Human Resources Department, Student Affairs, Central Budgeting and other departments, its goal is to create more on­campus jobs for students 3.*! 0.*! '#)$</'! #7! 7).*-.8! 7#$! these positions, Johnson said.




$2.2 million 1,600

0!"#$%&'()*+!,#'-(-#.'!"/$/!011/*!-.!(2/! Film Department equipment room


0 of 10 complex front

desks were fully staffed and operational as of 9/14





ACROSS 1- Latin I word 5- Rascal 10- Temperate 14- Coarse file 15- Nearby 16- Bhutan’s continent 17- ___ Little Tenderness 18- Cave 19- Greek temple 20- Verse form 23- Japanese syllabic script 24- Narc’s org. 25- Hoops 28- Bleat of a sheep 31- Legend maker 35- Break 37- Lotion letters 39- Bro or sis 40- High-speed separator 44- ___-mo 45- “___ had it!”


brought to you by


46- Sharon’s land 47- Groups of animals 50- Hesitant sounds 52- Silk fabric 53- AOL, e.g. 55- Anklebones 57- State in the NE United States 63- Aromatic fragrance 64- Highways, e.g. 65- Coloured part of the eye; 67- Gymnast Korbut 68- Glossy fabric 69- Belonging to us 70- Clock face 71- Group character 72- Depilatory brand DOWN 1- Illustrative craft 2- Sportscaster Albert 3- ___ sow, so shall...


4- Diamond 5- Killed 6- Chat 7- Broadway opening 8- Painter Chagall 9- Beg 10- Lunatic 11- Golfer Aoki 12- Hero 13- ___ Kapital 21- Chip dip 22- Beverage commonly drunk in England 25- Groomer 26- Pretty girl 27- Bogie, e.g. 29- “Lou Grant” star 30- Appropriate 32- Customary 33- Star in Orion 34- White poplar tree 36- Biol., e.g. 38- Calendar abbr. 41- Holiday start 42- Cordage fiber

43- Realization 48- Sunless 49- Draft org. 51- Workroom 54- Analyze a sentence 56- Orgs. 57- Former French colony of northwestern Africa 58- Pond organism 59- Cover 60- Biblical verb 61- Authentic 62- Beget 63- Person, slangily 66- Concorde, e.g.






Turn the other cheek



EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Haylley Johnson

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The library steps seem to be a popular place to speak your mind. We hear a student talking about a terrible class, a new club promoting their organization with loud — and often hilarious — slogans and a Christian man preaching ,/0(!$"01$1#+2#$,33$40%&4$!0$"#335 Wait, that does not sound like typical UVM — hyper­conservative, acutely religious ideology being preached in front of !"#$3%/2,2-6$*7,28%&4$,$9#2-$:#/,!#$/#!1##&$ the Christian man and 50 or more students. In actuality, it does sound like UVM, and academia in general. A heated argument over the philosophical elements behind one of the 1023:+*$;0*!$)0&!20<#2*%,3$!07%)*$%*$,3;0*!$ )0;;0&73,)#$0&$,$3%/#2,3$),;7(*$933#:$1%!"$ young, idealistic thinkers. However, following the debate on the library steps, which took place Thursday, Sept. 16, we heard many students complaining about how someone like that could be allowed on campus. This complaint is contradictory in two ways. First, if we embrace the idea of free *7##)"6$1#$),&&0!$93!#2$0(!$,3!#2&,!%<#$02$ highly controversial viewpoints. This man was completely within his legal rights to be at UVM and got exactly what he wanted — an audience. Second, if you so strongly disagree with this man and believe that he should not be standing in the center of what some people consider the most liberal place in the country, why give him the audience? =>$1#$:0&+!$720<%:#$"%;$!"#$#,26$"%*$ speech becomes obsolete. He started by standing in front of the library discussing his volatile ideas with a few passers­by, when one philosophical *!(:#&!$,*8#:6$?=*&+!$!"#$%&9&%!#$2#&:#2#:$%&$ !"#$9&%!#@A The Christian man reveled in this comment and used it as a jumping­off point >02$,&$,24(;#&!$!",!$3,*!#:$&#,23-$9<#$"0(2*$ and grew exponentially in size. B<#&!(,33-6$,$CDE$703%)#$0>9)#2$1,*$ ),33#:$%&$!0$;,8#$*(2#$"#$1,*&+!$:%*2(7!%&4$ students in the library — and the man was forced to stand in the rain with only a few listeners — but his mission to be heard had /##&$>(3933#:5 Ultimately, if we disagree with this sort 0>$,)!%0&$%!$*"01*$!",!$1#$:0&+!$,772#)%,!#$ the notion of free speech. Without accepting the core values of academia that allow us to debate in open forum, we may as well revert to a society in which opinions get lost among the popular consensus. =>$1#$:%*3%8#$!"%*$;,&+*$72#*#&)#6$1#$ should not provide him with the satisfaction of argument. He is not looking for people to agree with "%;5$F#$%*$3008%&4$>02$)0&'%)!5 Eventually, logical response to combative actions will prevail. As the saying goes, “turn !"#$0!"#2$)"##85A

Claire Danaher

Advertising Manager Andrew Laird

Distribution Manager Kyle DeVivo

ADVISER Faculty Adviser Chris Evans


Experiments outside the classroom


Experimentation with drugs and alcohol happens on every college campus no matter where you go to school. The problem starts when those experiments change from being on the outskirts of academic society to becoming a part of everyday life. At UVM, there is a large percentage of the population that consumes alcohol and smokes cannabis on a regular basis, and they are considered normal and functioning members of society. However, it seems that a growing percentage of students are also trying drugs for which the penalties are greater. Students who try drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, Psilocybin (mushrooms) and several other prescription and harder

recreational drugs not only face the peril of side effects and lasting mental damage, but also felony charges and expulsion. Yet, somehow, these drugs also seem to be becoming commonplace among students. Taking the drug Adderall for its power to enhance focus, has become so widespread that many students say they need the drug to write a paper or study for a test.

We must grow up to realize that college is not just about partying and getting through the classes to get to the weekends. In reality, Adderall and stimulants like it are really just brand­name amphetamines that are still considered illegal narcotics by the law. Unfortunately, being above !"#$%&'(#&)#$%*&+!$,*$#,*-$,*$.(*!$ saying no. The more students are exposed to this sort of behavior, the more they feel it appropriate and do not speak

out against it. This culture of looking the other way tells students that their actions are acceptable. This, in turn, leads to increased use. At some point, we must grow up to realize that college is not just about partying and getting through the classes to get to the weekends. How can you risk an investment of thousands of dollars a year for a night or two of being out of your head? I hate to be a downer, and I love sticking it to the man as much as the next guy, but when I see someone doing something outright dangerous, I let them know that they are in danger. If you see a friend dangling off the side of a building for fun, would you just sit back and laugh? Of course not. Ultimately, if you see someone doing something that you know can have serious repercussions, it is your responsibility as their friend to speak up and at least let them know how you feel. Max Krieger is a sophomore political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.


“MY FEAR IS THAT THE WHOLE ISLAND WILL BECOME SO OVERLY POPULATED THAT IT WILL TIP OVER AND CAPSIZE.” — Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., speaking to Adm. Robert Willard in front of Congress regarding the proposal to place 8,000 additional service members and their families on Guam.

Unsigned editorials officially reflect the views of The Cynic and its staff. All signed opinion pieces and columns do not necessarily do so. The Cynic accepts letters in response to anything you see printed as well as any issues of interest in the community. Please limit letters to 350 words. Send letters to

THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401 phone 802.656.0337 fax 802.656.8482

ADVERTISING — 802.656.4412





Hands off my burqa, Big Bro.

an act banning the wearing of burqas, a garment worn by women which covers the entire body, head and face, by a vote of UUVRW0 6&!(3)"(T(;&4/&(*&!(@,!"/&( X!")*!(2)--!?(YZ[RW(T(;4..(%#( into effect soon, at which time the wearing of burqas in any MICHAEL FARLEY 2$3.4/(2.)/!(4"(@,)"/!(;4..(,!-$.*( In Burlington, you can step 4"()(\W]^(+"!()"?()(/#$,-!(4"( outside of your house completely @,!"/&(/4*4_!"-&42'()-(;!..()-()( ")J!?(;4*&#$*()(&)--.!0 \W]'^^^(+"!()"?($2(*#()(:!),( Q>!"(4"(@,)"/!'(:#$(/)"(;).J( in prison for any man caught outside of your house in the buff forcing his wife to wear such )"?(3!(-/#*R1,!!(4"(*&!(.);(3##J-F( /#>!,4"%-0 getting off, no pun intended, with a mere slap on the wrist if When is it right to ban you enter a public building or if you inadvertently cause a public clothing? "$4-)"/!(;4*&(:#$,(")J!?"!--0 But throw a burqa on that bare­boned body of yours and M22,!--4>!(#.?R;#,.?(8-.)94/( head down to see the Eiffel law, forcing women to wear 6#;!,(;4*&(:#$,(#*&!,(/#>!,!?( burqas, has met 21st­century law /#&#,*-()"?(:#$(;#$.?(1)/!()(+"!( deeming such a law is, in fact, or some jail time for that little #22,!--4>!0 ;).J(#1(:#$,-0 I"(#22,!--4>!(.);()**!92*4"%( S!-'(@,)"/!(T(*&!(/#$"*,:( to counter another oppressive with the most fashionable and law? pretentious population in the N#;'(*&!(*,#$3.!(;4*&(.);(T( ;#,.?(T(4-(9)J4"%(9#>!-(4"( )":(.);(T(4-(*&!(2$,!()934%$4*:( the social equality pool, and #1(*&!9(4"(%!"!,).0( the ripples are about to be felt 6&!(.);(-492.:(-*)*!-(*&)*( ;#,.?;4?!0 all body and head coverings are In a landslide decision, the A4..!%).05 @,!"/&(.#;!,(&#$-!(2)--!?( Illegal for whom? Just

;#9!"L(G&)*()3#$*(9!"L(M,( *#$,4-*-L(M,(9!"R*#$,4-*-L` Why the question about tourists and men in burqas? G!..'(4"(I2,4.(#1(*&4-(:!),'( after Belgium passed a similar .);'()"(8*).4)"(*#$,4-*(;)-(+"!?( \[V^(1#,(;!),4"%()(3$,D)0( Since there is no Italian law against them, the woman in question stepped on a plane in Italy a righteous person and stepped off in Belgium as a /,494").0 N#;'(*&!(D$!-*4#"(*&4-(.);( begs the asking of is simple: When is it right to ban clothing? I*(;&)*(2#4"*(4-(4*(a$-*()-( oppressive to ban burqas as it is to force the wearing of one? Is the world doomed to ,!-!93.!(b#4-(b#;,:7-(A6&!( Giver,” where a Big Brother­type forces us to live in a black­ and­white clothed world of similarity to ensure fairness, non­discrimination and non­ offensiveness for all? M,(4-(4*()3#$*(*49!(*&!( world collectively drops our 2,$?4-&"!--(T()"?(2)"*-(T()"?( we just let it all hang out? I think I’ll stick with the latter #"(*&4-(#"!'(*&)"J-0 Michael Farley is a senior education major. He has been writing for 6&!(K:"4/ since spring 2008.

End of combat phase does not end problems


Start making the welcome banners, prepare the victory parade and start baking those red, white and blue cookies 3!/)$-!'()-(#1(I$%0(UW'(*&!( /#93)*(2&)-!(4"(8,)D(4-(#>!,`( 6&!,!7-(#".:(#"!(/)*/&h(M$,( troops won’t be coming home until 2011’s end, meaning they won’t be safely back in the states for an additional year after A#2!,)*4#"-(&)>!(!"?!?05( 6&!(>4/*#,:(/##J4!-(9):(3!( %!**4"%(/#.?(3:(*&!"0( Yet all of these truths lie hidden under more congratulatory handshaking and back­patting than one might see from the winning team at the end of your average baseball %)9!0( G&!*&!,(4*(4-(M3)9)( claiming that “we have met #$,(,!-2#"-434.4*:5(#,(i!"0( c):(M?4!,"#7-(D$42(*&)*(A&#2!( has replaced despair” upon leaving his Iraqi command post, it is clear that both the military and the government are trying to play up this supposed “transition,” which in effect only means that our guys can’t shoot +,-*()":9#,!0( 6&!(#1+/4).(/&)"%!(9!)"-( that instead of undertaking

combat operations, troops will be limited to defense posts and security patrols, all while training an Iraqi security force, which by most accounts seems to be more than a year away from 3!4"%()3.!(*#(*)J!(1$..(/#"*,#.0( 6&)*(-!!9-(.4J!()(?!+"4*!( improvement to me, but these claims of success and “met responsibility” are most ?!+"4*!.:(2,!9)*$,!'("#*(*#( mention misleading to the I9!,4/)"(2$3.4/0(

These claims of success and “met responsibility” are most definitely premature 6&!(D$!-*4#"(8(&)>!(4-h(G&)*( happens if we are ready to leave once and for all and the Iraqi security force is not ready? Unreasonable deadlines only .!)?(*#(9#,!(?!.43!,)*4#"0 8*()22!),-(*&!(M3)9)( administration is simply trying to create a good aura around the 2,!-!"*()"?(1$*$,!(I9!,4/)"( 4">#.>!9!"*(4"(8,)D0( G&4.!(4*(4-("#*(M3)9)7-( ;),'(8(+"?(9:-!.1(,!-!"*4"%( his audacity to claim that he is 9)J4"%()(?411!,!"/!(4"()(/#"g4/*( that has more or less been a stagnant drain on our economy, not to mention a steady loss #1(I9!,4/)"(.41!'(1#,("!),.:()( ?!/)?!0( M"(X!2*0(j'(KNN(,!2#,*!?( *&)*(*;#(k0X0(-#.?4!,-(;!,!(J4..!?(

in Iraq, not two weeks removed 1,#9(*&!(A!"?(#1(/#93)*05( In this light, it seems ludicrous to conclude that our responsibilities have been met when our soldiers are still dying for this confused cause and the goal of training the Iraqi military 4-(1),(1,#9(/#92.!*!0( 6#(9!'(*&4-(&!),J!"-(3)/J(*#( the capture of Saddam Hussein, *#(;&4/&(i!#,%!(G0(O$-&( declared with his trademark -94,Jh(A<4--4#"()//#92.4-&!?05( M".:(*&4-(*49!'("#*&4"%()/*$)..:( happened to feel accomplished about, and 50,000 soldiers are still stuck in Iraq doing more or less the same thing they have been doing since Hussein’s /)2*$,!0( 81(*&!(M3)9)()?94"4-*,)*4#"( and the military are so convinced that we’ve won, then why not remove more troops immediately? How many soldiers does it take to teach another army &#;(*#(2,#*!/*(*&!9-!.>!-L(M,'( if more action need be taken despite these claims of success, ;&:("#*(+"4-&(*&!(a#3L( Either way, some sort of measurable action is better than this mire of futility our soldiers &)>!(3!!"(-*$/J(4"(1#,(:!),-("#;0 While we are back home eating our victory cookies with M3)9)'(*&!:(),!(*&!(#"!-(-*4..( #$*(*&!,!(T(+%&*4"%()"?(?:4"%( a$-*()-(3!1#,!0 !"##$$%&'()"')$$)*$&$+'*,$-"&'$ English major. He has been writing for 6&!(K:"4/ since fall 2010.

“ Kreiger


Quick Opinions 6&!(c!2$3.4/)"-(#1(C!.);),!(),!(*,:4"%( *#(;4"()(X!")*!(-!)*(4"(N#>!93!,(;4*&( )(X),)&(B).4"(/.#"!(;&#().-#(4-(1)9#$-( 1#,(&!,()"*4R9)-*$,3)*4#"()?(/)92)4%"0( I guess if you have a winning formula, -*4/J(;4*&(4*000(L

6&!(&)-&*)%(-:93#.(def(4-(D$4/J.:(3!­ coming an Internet and college campus *!P*4"%(2&!"#9!"#"0(G&:L(O!/)$-!(4*( apparently is new text­speak for denot­ 4"%(-),/)-9(#,(;4*0(6&)*'(#,(4*7-(3!/)$-!( 4*(&)-(*&!(;#,?(A&)-&5(4"(4*0(Q4*&!,(;):'( watch your inboxes and status updates T(*&!:7,!()3#$*(*#(%!*(g##?!?(;4*&(&)-&0 8(9!)"(&)-&*)%-0


In the wake of the recent underground %)-(.4"!(!P2.#-4#"(4"(X)"(O,$"#'(K).410'(4*( has come to light that up to 60 per­ cent of the nation’s gas lines are in the same “unsafe” grouping as the one that /)$-!?(*&!(/)*)-*,#2&!0(8"(*&)*(.4%&*'(*&!( construction work on Central Campus replacing old piping doesn’t seem that 3)?()1*!,()..0


Insanity still rocking Haiti Dear editor, Max Krieger’s article admonishing Wyclef Jean from running for the Haitian presidency seems reasonable !"#$%&'()*(+,-*(%.)"/!0( “What I am attacking,” he writes, “is the fact that celebrities of any kind have the audacity to ,$"(1#,(2$3.4/(#1+/!05(6&)*7-(1)4,( !"#$%&0(8()%,!!(/#92.!*!.:(;4*&( <,0(=,4!%!,(*&)*(/!.!3,4*4!-(&)>!( no place in governing a country, $"?!,("#,9).(/4,/$9-*)"/!-0( However, what Haiti is experiencing, and has experienced for most of the last century, are not normal /4,/$9-*)"/!-0(@#,(9#-*(#1(4*-( history, Haiti has been governed by despots, sadists, kleptocrats )"?(9$,?!,!,-0( @#,(*&,!!(?!/)?!-'(*&!( country suffered under the hereditary dictatorship of @,)"/#4-(AB)2)(C#/5(C$>).4!,( and his son, Jean­Claude “Baby Doc,” who maintained power through rigged elections, /!"-#,-&42()"?(?!)*&(-D$)?-0( In the 1990s, the regime of Raoul Cedras, which came to power in a military coup, was estimated to have killed 3,000 E)4*4)"-0(C4/*)*#,-(&)>!(.##*!?( billions from the public treasury *#(!",4/&(*&!9-!.>!-0( <,0(=,4!%!,(-):-(&!(;#$.?( ,)*&!,(-!!(-#9!#"!(;4*&()(B&0(C0( 4"(#1+/!(*&)"()(/!.!3,4*:F(*&)*7-( nice, but there aren’t many of *&#-!(4"(E)4*40(<#-*(#1(*&!(#"!-( who haven’t left already are members of the corrupt ruling­ !.4*!0( It’s a nice idea, but ultimately *&!(/&#4/!(4-()(1).-!(#"!0(8"(9:( opinion, Haiti could do worse *&)"(G:/.!1(H!)"0( It very plainly has done ;#,-!(*&)"(G:/.!1(H!)"0(I-4?!( from that, I would imagine that, as president, Wyclef Jean would

make Haiti much harder to 4%"#,!0( Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, and #"!(#1(*&!(2##,!-*(4"(*&!(;#,.?0( Eighty percent of the population was estimated to be living in 2#>!,*:(3!1#,!(*&!(!),*&D$)J!0( It stays that way in part 3!/)$-!(4*7-(!)-:(*#(4%"#,!0(K)"( you remember the last time you heard about Haiti before the H)"$),:(D$)J!L(<!("!4*&!,0( 6&!(9!?4)(4%"#,!-(4*'()"?( 9#-*(I9!,4/)"-(?#"7*(/),!()3#$*( 4*0(M$*(#1(-4%&*'(#$*(#1(94"?0( I(E)4*4(;4*&()"(I9!,4/)"( rapper at the helm might grab a larger share of our attention, and maybe, just maybe, make it harder to ignore the almost primeval human suffering that ?!+"!-(E)4*40 Increased attention might also force upon Haiti’s politics )(&4%&!,(?!%,!!(#1(&#"!-*:0(K)"( you name the current Haitian B,!-4?!"*L(N!4*&!,(/)"(80( Corruption goes unnoticed in such an environment, and increased international scrutiny might cause Haitian rulers to conduct themselves a little more !*&4/)..:0 (8()%,!!(;4*&(<,0(=,4!%!,(*&)*( it would be wonderful if Haiti should produce a Washington or )(H!11!,-#"0(O$*(*&)*7-("#*(%#4"%( to happen, at least not any time -##"0( (6&!(/&#4/!(*&)*(/#$"*,:(&)-'( in the real world, is between choosing amongst the same oligarchs who have spent the past decades robbing Haiti blind, )"?(!.!/*4"%(-#9!3#?:("!;0( 6&!(?!+"4*4#"(#1(4"-)"4*:'( the saying goes, is doing the same thing over and over and !P2!/*4"%(?411!,!"*(,!-$.*-0 Sincerely, Ben Donovan Class of 2013




At home, men’s soccer sweeps Nike Fall Classic using a ‘team-first’ mentality Staff Report The men’s soccer team continued their early season success by winning the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Nike Fall Classic the weekend of Sept. 10. The Classic, hosted by the Catamounts at Centennial Field, was a three­day event that was comprised of Vermont, University of New Hampshire, Cornell University and Presbyterian College. Vermon beat Presbyterian 4­0 on Friday, Sept. 10 and defeated Cornell 2­1 on Sunday, Sept. 12. “Our team is just more of a team,” junior defenseman !"##$%&'()*$+'+"$,-'./)'01+2'3452' for each other.” 65)' .2)"7839+2:' 7)#2";$2<' of the Catamounts was evident over the weekend as the team put together an impressive 4­0 barrage against Presbyterian and a comeback win against Cornell. On Friday, Vermont used ball control and a relentless offensive attack as they rained down 17 shots on Presbyterian and got goals from senior Connor =>?9$)#@' 39+2' <)"9' A%B22' C$+;$#4' and two goals from junior Nick O’Neill. Sunday’s game saw an intense 2­1 come­from­behind victory DB9' E)97B#2' "4"$#+2' "' ,$D3%1;2' Cornell team. In the 21st minute, Cornell’s Franck Onambele cleaned up a loose ball in front of the UVM net for 1­0 Cornell lead.

Six minutes later, Nick O’Neill sent a corner kick through the Big Red defense and found the foot of Yannick Lewis, who was able to 3#,'25)'F"%&'BD'25)'#)2'2B'2$)'25)' game 1­1. The game remained tied until the 65th minute when Connor O’Brien scored the winning goal off a rebound from a shot by senior Patrick Alonis. O’Brien was named offensive MVP for the tournament. “Connor O’Brien always seems to be in the right place at the right time,” Vermont head coach Jesse Cormier said after the game. “He really gave us that breathing room and the light at the end of the tunnel, and we fought to the end to get the result.” The end result for Vermont is one of mental toughness. A %B7)F"%&' *$#' "4"$#+2' "' ,$D3%1;2' opponent is something that may not have been possible last year. “I don’t know if this would have happened a year ago,” Cormier said. “I think we are a little tougher, more mentally tough. I think we went against a gritty opponent and we provided some grit, so that was good.” Yannick Lewis was the BOBBY SUDEKUM | The Vermont Cynic defensive MVP of the tournament Senior Pat Alonis (right) and junior Zach Paul battle for possesion against Presbyterian College. and he knows that, at this point in The Catamounts defeated Presbyterian 4­0. the season, consistency is crucial. “We just have to continue this,” he said. “Our energy has tournament. Now we are just way we’ve been playing these tournament and get another been good throughout this trying to be consistent, play the past few days, bring it to the next tournament win.”




NFL PICKS WEEK THREE By Will Andreycak Sports Editor

After a mind­boggling beginning to the NFL season, we have a nice slate of games for week three. This week’s guest predictor is photography editor Kruti Kansara. Do you think you’re up to the challenge? Become a guest picker by e­mailing This week, the picks are made by:

Illustrations by Dana Ortiz


WA: Will Andreycak DG: Diana Giunta EZ: Eli Zink KK: Kruti Kansara


The Falcons have been on the precipice of success in the division ever since they drafted Matt Ryan as their franchise quarterback. But the only way they can secure themselves as legitimate playoff contenders is by beating the Saints. A great matchup of quarterbacks will headline this game: The future quarterback of the division, Ryan, against the quarterback of the present, Brees. Based on that explanation alone, it’s pretty obvious who will win this one. One day the Falcons will be the NFC South’s best team, but not yet. That title belongs to the champs.

With the Colts’ early loss to the Texans, the AFC South has more of a completive feel to it. Similarly, the loss of the Cowboys to the Redskins makes the NFC East a division that could be won by three teams, sorry Philadelphia. That makes this early season matchup a somewhat intriguing one. I will be watching the matchup between the running game of the Titans vs. the defensive front of the Giants. !"#$%& '(")%()& %*++,,-%& .,+/*%,& ",& .#,/0%& 1",& 2#%1& tackle and gets into the secondary. The Giants, while down at the linebacker position this season compared to past seasons, have a brilliant front four that have the /.$3$14& 1(& 5/0,& 1",& 2#%1& 1/+03,& ()& '(")%()& 1"/1& 5(%1& teams fail to do. The turnover differential will determine this one. Both Vince Young and Eli Manning are prone to interceptions, so this game will be interesting. In the end a quarterback’s miscue will decide the game. Sorry Eli. Prediction: (WA) Tennessee Titans (DG) Tennessee Titans (EZ) New York Giants (KK) Tennessee Titans

Does anyone else have a strong dislike for Jay Cutler as a quarterback? I know at least 75 percent of you just nodded your head to that question. Cutler "/%& 1",& 6(1,)1$/3& 1(& .,& /& 1(6& 27,& 8*/#1,#./+0& $)& 1",& 9:;<& .*1& =(#& >"/1,7,#& reason he can’t push himself out of the ditch of underachievement and disappointment. The Packers need an answer at the running back position after Ryan Grant was lost for the season. But let us be honest. It’s all about Aaron Rodgers and the passing game for the Pack. The Bears are far from the defensive juggernaut that they used to be, and this Monday night matchup has lost a little luster compared to previous seasons. That being said, the Bears’ running back Matt Forte is a stud, and if Cutler can have a game he’s capable of, the Bears have a shot. ?",&@/+0,#%&"/7,&$)+#,-$.3,&(==,)%$7,&2#,&6(>,#A&:(#&1"/1&#,/%()<&/)-&)(1& because of my bias against Cutler, I’m picking the Packers here.



Men’s soccer @ Massachusetts 3:30 p.m. Amherst, Mass.



Prediction: (WA) Green Bay Packers (DG) Green Bay Packers (EZ) Chicago Bears (KK) Green Bay Packers

At the beginning of this season, who would have thought that this game would be a compelling one? In fact, if you asked me before week one, I’d have said that this is one of the top battles of ultimate mediocrity in the NFL. But the Chiefs stunned the Chargers in week one, and the 49ers are on the cusp of being a playoff contender due to the lack of competition in the NFC West. A win for either team elevates their long­shot playoff status. ?",#,&$%&%(5,1"$)B&+"/#5$)B&/.(*1&1",&!"$,=%A&C(5,1"$)B&1"/1<&=(#&%(5,&%1#/)B,&#,/%()&1"/1&D&+/))(1&6*1&54&2)B,#&()<&5/0,%&5,&>/)1& them to continue winning. The division is up for grabs. The Raiders are an utter disaster, the Broncos are offensively challenged to the point where Tim Tebow might start in a few weeks and the Chargers were just beaten by the Chiefs. Prediction: (WA) Kansas City Chiefs (DG) Kansas City Chiefs (EZ) San Francisco 49ers (KK) Kansas City Chiefs



Prediction: (WA) New Orleans Saints (DG) New Orleans Saints (EZ) Atlanta Falcons (KK) New Orleans Saints



Field hockey @ Massachusetts 6 p.m. Amherst, Mass. Women’s soccer @ American 4 p.m. Washington, D.C.


Men’s soccer vs. Brown 1 p.m. Centennial Field



Women’s soccer vs. UMBC 12 p.m. Centennial Field Field hockey vs. Monmouth 12 p.m. Moulton Winder Field

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