New World Tortillas manager refutes rumors that vegan options contain lard
The University of Vermont’s independent voice since 1883
w w w . v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m | Tu e s d a y , O c t o b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 0 – Vo l u m e 1 2 7 I s s u e 8 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t
g n i e g g n n e l a l h a Ch ate C m i l C By Hillary Walton Assistant News Editor
“You know this all started in Vermont. We started this 350 movement that now covers the planet. It’s the biggest global movement we’ve seen.” Bill McKibben Founder of 350
The number 350 represents the maximum level of carbon dioxide that can be in the atmosphere before irreversible climate change — and we’re above it. “This number is a red line for the planet,” 350 team member Nathaly Agosto Filion said. “Today, we’re at 390 parts per million.” Founder of 350 Bill McKibben and his team threw their second annual party to be attended by most of the world, on Oct. 10. “Dear World,” the event invitation on 350.org stated. “It’s been a tough year: in North America, oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico; in Asia, some of the highest temperatures ever recorded; in the Arctic, the fastest melting of sea ice ever seen; in Latin America, record rainfalls washing away whole mountainsides — so we’re having a party.” This year, people at 7,347 events in 188 countries got
Hundreds gather in Burlington work parties, joining 188 countries around the globe
to work on the climate crisis, showing a visible increase in global participation since last year. “The goal of the day is not to solve the climate crisis one project at a time but to send a pointed political message: If we can get to work, you can get to work too — on the legislation and the treaties that will make all our work easier in the long run,” according to 350.org. The last 350 Day was the most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history, with 5,200 actions in 181 countries, according to CNN. “You know this all started in Vermont,” McKibben said. “We started this 350 movement that now covers the planet; it’s the biggest global movement we’ve seen.” Despite Vermont’s leadership role in the movement, many said they felt the amount of environmental damage existing in Burlington alone was a surprise. “The work was very hard and dirty, but more importantly
DAMIR ALISA | The Vermont Cynic
Students and residents from all over Vermont came together to participate in the worldwide organization 350.org.
the amount of trash we found on the banks of the beautiful Winooski River was disturbing,” Chair of the Chittenden County Progressives Megan Brook said. Following the kickoff in Burlington, more than 200 people gathered and created environmental change close to home through community service work parties. Brook organized the Salmon Hole Park cleanup, one of many work parties that took place in Burlington this year. “We found a TV, fan, bed, so many tires, metal wire, bottles and more,” Brook said. “All these things were dumped but they don’t disintegrate or break down. They were leaking terrible stuff into the river and were an awful eyesore as well.” Brook and the team collected 1,000 pounds of garbage at the salmon holes, plus tires and metal that were not on the truck when it was weighed, according to the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department. “The conversation we all kept returning to revolved around our culture of consumerism,” Brook said. “This project clearly showed that just because you get rid of stuff doesn’t mean it is gone.” “The day really backed up the idea behind power in numbers,” sophomore Elise Gloeckner said. “People were stopping and jumping off their bikes to help; they were staying well past the time of the event itself because they were so pumped up. We all came together on one day to prove to our politicians that we are getting to work while asking them, ‘What are you doing?’” Following the day’s work parties, many gathered back at Battery Park for live acoustic music, local food and the Celebration Rally. Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss, Vermont Democratic gubernatorial candidate Peter Shumlin, Rep. Peter Welch, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Sen. Bernie Sanders all spoke at the event, led by an audio message by Bill McKibben. See 350 on page 3
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Students raise $5,200 for dairy farmers Greeks halt the fat talk
Staff Report
New England dairy farmers C)6/"' -&$' "/%)9' 1(;;%"!' (' ;)"";%' fuller thanks to the $5,200, raised right in UVM dining halls. =/%' !"#$%&"?;%$' F9+69(C7' Keep Local Farms was launched in November of last year when milk prices dropped and students decided to keep paying the extra 10 cents for retail milk sold by Sodexo at the University. Dairy farmers in New England spend about $1.80 to produce a gallon of milk and they (9%'9%*%).)&6'+&;0'IDGEJ')&'9%"#9&7' University Communications stated. Students purchased more "/(&'EJ7KKK'DE?+#&*%'*+&"()&%9!' of milk at the elevated price 9()!)&6' C+9%' "/(&' IE7JKK' )&' "/%' F9+69(C5!'-9!"'0%(9G With additional fundraising, Keep Local Farms raised over $5,200, according to University Communications. Student Government Association (SGA) President L+-' M%&!(/' (&$' N%&%9(;' Manager of Sodexo Melissa Zelazny presented a check to Jane Clifford, President of the New England Family Dairy Farm Cooperative, a sponser of Keep Local Farms and Diane Bothfeld, deputy secretary of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, on Oct. 2. “I am excited to see the work done on the Keep Local Farms project by SGA senators and students,” Mensah said. “It shows that students are aware of the hard work of the dairy industry in Vermont and the need to ensure
By Chase Thomas Staff Writer
BAILEY CUMMINGS| The Vermont Cynic
Cows at UVM’s farm are used for milk production. Members of the studentled Keep Local Farms program paid an extra 10 cents for retail milk and raised $5,200 for dairy farmers. livable wages for all involved. SGA is excited for the prospects of the initiative.” SGA passed a bill authorizing the program in October 2009 after they surveyed 300 students and found that the majority were willing to pay the extra 10 cents, University Communications stated. “The Keep Local Farms Program is a model for consumers and farmers to connect and
work together throughout New England,” Bothfeld said. “Consumers want to connect to the farmers that are producing their food and the Keep Local Farms program is a mechanism to make that happen.” Sodexo is exploring creating similar programs at other New England schools where they are service providers. Currently, a total of eight colleges and universities in New
England are participating in Keep Local Farms, University Communications stated. “We’re happy and proud that students at UVM are so committed to the Keep Local Farms program,” said Zelazny. “We anticipate an even stronger fund raising effort in this coming year.”
Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delta) members are participating in Fat Talk Free Week — a program to promote positive body image. <("'=(;4'<9%%'>%%4')!'('-.%? day public awareness effort sponsored by Tri Delta and other organizations. According to the @%A%*")+&!7' =9)' B%;"(5!' :+$0' image awareness program’s website. “On Oct. 18 and 19 we will :%' "(:;)&6' ,9+C' D?E' FGCG' )&' "/%' Davis Center doing various programs that trash fat talk,” Tri Delta President Kelsey Collins said. The program does not focus on eating disorders. Instead, it emphasizes creating (&$' 9%(,-9C)&6' F+!)").%' (&$' healthy personal body image through discussion, activities (&$' %H%9*)!%!7' "/%' @%A%*")+&!' website stated. The 2010 campaign asks supporters to spread the message of Fat Talk Free Week by inviting their friends and family to share the message of %&$)&6' ,("' "(;4' "/9+#6/' !%;,? expression and social media, (**+9$)&6' "+' @%A%*")+&!' website. 2>%' -9C;0' :%;)%.%' "/("' by starting this program at UVM we can receive support from other organizations to start a movement that can be educational,” Collins said.
‘Reduce-Reuse-Respork’ The Davis Center encourages students to be environmentally aware with discount on meals By Becky Hayes Staff Writer
Using a spork is now not only environmentally friendly, but can save students money. The Davis Center Marketplace offers !"#$%&"!' (' $)!*+#&"' +,' -.%' *%&"!' ),' "/%0' !/+1' their University of Vermont sporks when purchasing food. “The SPORK program is sponsored by the Davis Center and Davis Eco reps,” Davis Center operations manager Cathleen Barrows said. “We are giving the discount to support the Davis [Center’s] program and are looking to expand possibly to Brennans.” “A number of sporks have been sold for $1 outside of the Marketplace, but it’s uncertain if that will continue,” Marketplace employee Lisa Newcomb said. 23'"/)&4')"5!'('6++$')$%(78'-9!"' year Minh Lam said. “Good for the environment and saving plastic, but who wants to carry around a dirty spork after they’re done?” Sophomore David Lenz said he believes sporks are a great idea, but it’s not .%90' :%&%-*)(;' ,+9' students who don’t use points and use metal silverware at the dining halls.
$4.26 million grows new lungs Grant allows UVM scientist to create transplant options By Maura Satti Staff Writer
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have given UVM physicianscientist Daniel Weiss a grant of $4.26 million to develop a new approach to grow lungs, according to University Communications. Weiss is working to create an alternative for patients whose treatments have failed and need a lung transplant.
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Manager claims rumor ‘is a bust’ New World Tortilla’s manager says vegan options do not contain animal products By Bridget Pollicino Staff Writer
Employee claims that lard is used in the New World Tortilla’s wraps is a bust, Manager Izora Sandler said. At the beginning of this semester, senior Amanda Marino said she heard that New World Tortilla used animal fat in their products and questioned an employee about the rumor. “I went to New World Tortilla and before I ordered my burrito I asked them if they had lard in their tortillas, and they said they did,” Marino said. Marino said she found out about this from a friend who she referred to as a “devoted vegan,” and who was outraged about the animal product’s presence in the tortillas.
“Its just the most ludicrous thing that they have an animal product in a vegan item,” Marino said. Sandler claims, however, that whoever spoke to Marino was new to the job and simply replied on impulse. “We do not now, and never did, use lard in our tortillas,” Sandler said. “The employee who stated otherwise was new to the job and didn’t know about our ingredients.” The New World tortillas !"#$%&#' ()&$*' +",-.' (%$*-.' soy and other vegetable oils, shortening, baking powder, inactive dry yeast, salt, corn syrup and a few other ingredients dependent upon what type of tortilla you order, according to the list of tortilla ingredients posted at New World.
Weekly apple sales benefit UVM’s horticulture farm Staff Report
The UVM Horticulture Research Center is selling apples at their farm every Friday in October from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weekly apple sales, which started in late August, have been a tradition of the Horticulture Research Center for more than 50 years, the center’s website stated. Different kinds of apples will be available each weekend, depending on where the variety is in its ripening cycle, according to University Communications.
“We grow about 40 varieties of apples at the farm,” the website stated. The organic apples, products of a project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and led by plant and soil science professor Lorraine Beckett, will be available only while limited supplies last, the website stated. Apples are $1 per pound and bulk orders are welcome, according to University Communications. Proceeds help fund research and education programs at the horticulture farm.
“This grant brings out some of the best collaborative opportunities UVM has to offer,” he said. The threeyear award will support three new positions at UVM, as well as the purchase of new equipment, University Communications stated. Researchers at UVM will work with Boston University, University of Connecticut, Tufts University and Arizona State University.
...continued from page 1
JAIME LENT| The Vermont Cynic
Many patients needing a lung transplant have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), a deadly combination of common bronchitis and emphysema — the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., according to University Communications. Weiss plans to take lungs from human cadavers and use the stem cells from the patients to bring the lungs “back to life,” according to University Communications.
“We know we can stand up and speak for the environmentalists because Vermonters actually care,” Leahy said. “It’s in our blood, whether you’re born here or you move here.” Each speaker discussed Vermont’s role in the movement and expectations for Vermont in the continuation of this global movement. “We in Vermont have the opportunity not just to do the right thing but the opportunity to lead the nation in a very different direction,” Sanders said. “We spend $350 billion a year importing oil from other countries. Think of what we could do with that money.” The end of fossil fuel use was a common note amongst the political representatives. “In the U.S., the average miles from farm to table is 1,500 miles of polluting travel, as opposed to buying locally,” Welch said. “We can get things done in Vermont and continue to lead the way.”
Politicians also said that with the end of fossil fuel use, local *!"#"/&*0'(",12'+",-&0)3 “Vermont will help lead the nation and the rest of the world out of this mess or the planet will soon be unlivable for organisms like us,” Shumlin said. “We have an obligation to future generations of Vermont. We need to get off oil, put money into Vermonter’s pockets and move towards a sane and environmentally cautious future … As we get off oil, huge opportunities will expand our notion of local.” According to 350.org, in Auckland, New Zealand, 4%-$&!&4%#$0')%2'%'5&%#$'6&7*'89: up day,to get every bicycle in the city back on the road. In the Maldives, they put up solar panels on the president’s ";8!*3''''''''''''' In Kampala, Uganda, they planted thousands of trees, and in Bolivia they installed solar stoves for a massive carbon neutral picnic. “As you can see, this movement is born out of science:
It is powered by the grassroots energy of all of you here and people like you all over the world and it feeds political action across the globe,” Filion said. “What they need to see from us is that this isn’t a oneday thing. This isn’t about a single day with a catchy ring to it — we’re ready to get to work today, but we’re also rolling up our sleeves tomorrow and reaching for those hammers, shovels and caulking guns for many days to come.” Social Media Coordinator for 350.org, Joe Solomon said that the next step is to send in your 350 Day photos and help to get them into the hands of your politicians. Negotiators are meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark next /"#$)' $"' 8#%1&<*' $)*' 51"6%1' climate treaty that is in line with what science and justice demand. “By helping leaders see and feel the 350 message, we stand a chance to get the kind of treaty that can turn the tide on global warming and ultimately save our planet and humanity,” he said.
Students turn profit on shredding New student-run ski company plans on moving mountains this winter By Sara Cravatts Staff Writer
While most people keep cars in their garage, three UVM seniors have converted their garage into a skimaking machine. In the midst of spray painted walls and piles of sawdust, Harrison Goldberg, Ryan Folin and Connor Gaeta have started a ski business that is about to take off. HG Skis, named after Goldberg, became a reality when the three met through a common major in mechanical engineering and a shared love of skiing. “I could ski before I could walk,” Folin said. Goldberg and Folin had both constructed skis separately for their senior projects in high school. Once in Burlington, their high school projects developed into a company.
“Serious skiers are really picky about their gear, but I would definitely ride these” Sam Peck UVM first year “I moved all my equipment up here and started renting space at the Vermont Woodworking School,” Goldberg said. While the time spent working on each ski is well worth the effort, it is no easy feat to juggle the creation of a new company and being a fulltime student. “It takes around 3040 man hours per ski,” Goldberg said. Skis are made through a process called “sandwich
construction,” in which layers of multiple materials are stacked together. Once they have been stacked and arranged properly, they are then set into a mold and pressed overnight. This technical side of ski making comes naturally to a group of mechanical engineering majors, but artistic ability also plays a lead role in the process. “The artistic aspect of the ski is as important as the ski itself,” Goldberg said. “We want our skis to be loud and attention grabbing.” Detail and style are vital components to the company, and HG Skis plans on translating their interest for design into an apparel line in the future. They currently produce Tshirts and stickers only, but HG Skis wants to take their business to the next level. “I intend to have a full outerwear line,” Goldberg said. HG Skis plans on producing and selling 20 new pairs of skis this winter. “This season will be !"#$ %#&'$ ()*#$ !+$ *,'"*-$ &*-)&./$ Goldberg said. Although this is only the beginning of sales for the company, it is already attracting the interest of skiloving students on campus. “Serious skiers are really picky about their gear, but I 0!"-1$1)%23')-($#31)$'4)&)./$%#&'$ year Sam Peck said. The company aims to include their personal style, as well as the interest of their buyers in the skis they make. “We are focused on what we are interested in and what the people around us want to ski on,” Goldberg said.
BOBBY SUDEKUM | The Vermont Cynic
UVM senior Harrison Goldberg of HG Skis started a business making skis with two friends. Goldberg !"#$%&'(&)#"%*$+&%,""$%&-./(0&1#+&("2,%&/'.&%'((!"$%&1.&1&3/4,.15!$&"#&*"%&61416$&-5$!/307&
Food and freedom, a recipe for gaining the ‘freshman 15’ By Dacota PrattPariseau Food Columnist
We’ve left home and we’re ready to have more freedom: the freedom to stay up to all hours of the night, the freedom to go to class or not and the freedom to eat whatever we please. Freedom, however, comes with a hefty price. The “freshman 15” is dreaded by most and could potentially make any student cringe. Surprisingly enough, not everyone is packing on the pounds. Six percent of college sophomores reported gaining 15 !#$5!#)$6!"21&$1"#327$'4)3#$%#&'$ ()*#.$*21$89$6)#,)2'$!+$%#&'$()*#&$ 5*($ 7*32$ :)'0))2$ '0!$ '!$ %;)$ pounds, according to Daphne Oz, author of “The Dorm Room Diet”. College is a huge adjustment, and no one wants to gain weight on top, even if it’s only a couple of pounds. Where does the weight essentially come from?
At college, access to food is just plain easy. You’re hungry? Walk straight down to the dining hall and there is more than a wide array of food from salad to pizza. It’s no shocker that most students will go toward the chicken patties and french fries. Not everyone makes bad food choices. Some take the salad, or the sandwiches. Eating in a dining hall makes it challenging, especially since it’s unlimited. “Eating in the dining hall is like eating out for every single meal, and when we eat out we ')21$ '!$ !;)#1!$ 3'./$ %#&'$ ()*#$ Elisabeth McDonald. The worst part of the dining hall is the dessert table. Just because you get a salad for dinner doesn’t mean that you are balancing it out by eating three brownies topped off with candy ice cream and chocolate sauce. Unfortunately, eating healthily doesn’t work that way. Multiply the brownies by seven
days a week, and it’s easy to see why the gym is such a popular place. Another problem is the late nights. It’s 2 a.m. and you’re studying or doing whatever else and you get hungry. Where to go? Dining halls are out. The Marché closes by 10 p.m. Unless your roommate has a stockpile of fruit and trail mix, your options become limited. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to plan ahead, for when you know you’ll be munching at all hours of the night. If weight gain does occur, it isn’t necessarily a reason to go off of the deep end. Think about cutting certain things out of your diet, but in a healthy way, like treating yourself to dessert once a week instead of once a day. When it comes down to it, a balanced diet is important to your overall wellness. Regular exercise and plenty of sleep can’t hurt either.
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UVM club hits the mat with Brazilian combat Jiu-Jitsu group strikes students with increasing popularity By Caitlin Chapman Cynic Correspondent
If you’re looking to get in shape and want to try something new or have a yearning for a new challenge, the UVM Brazilian JiuJitsu Club just might be the place for you. “Brazilian JiuJitsu is a martial art that involves grappling and is similar to wrestling,” assistant coach Heather Enyingi said. “The difference is that you can win by gaining points based on positions, in addition to tapping out.” UVM alum Chris Owen, who is now a black belt at Boston Brazilian JiuJitsu, founded the club team back in the late 1990s. The current team practices at the Combat Fitness Gym in Winooski and is recognized by the SGA. “Students from every class are in the club, and there are about 30 of us who are regulars,” team member and junior Chris Johnson said. “There are people of all skill levels in our club.” New team members said not to be shy about checking the team out.
“Everyone is really nice and always willing to help you out,” ,.%('<!-.'=3$$'1*"->-<'%-3#&'>)*' joined this semester and had one summer’s worth of experience beforehand. Everyone joins for different reasons. Johnson’s motive was that he simply needed something to do at UVM, and it seemed like -' 5**#' ,(' %3"6!' )!' )-#' -$>-<%' been interested in combat sports and martial arts. The club’s trainer, King James, said it’s not all about the combat, however. “It’s a great workout even if <*+2.!'"*('3"(!.!%(!#'3"',5)(3"5&?' James said. James said that there is opportunity to take the sport beyond just recreation — they’ve had people from the team go on to compete at the state and national level. “The majority of people who join have little to no experience with JiuJitsu and the martial arts,” Enyingi said. “I encourage everyone to come out and give it a try. Combat sports can seem intimidating, but we really do have a lot of fun.”
Dressing for the Vermont weather
Choosing what to wear in the fall can be tricky. Too cold to not wear a sweater, but too hot to wear a winter jacket. Although the individual pieces in our closets are !"#$!%%&' ()!' *+(,(%' ()-(' -.!' comfortable and chic seem limited. For the fall, layering is key. Have a fur vest — faux or real — hanging in your closet, and you just don’t know how to wear it? Admittedly, fur can be a bit much, but pair it with a simple long sleeve tee or a plain sweatshirt. A shaggy but glam vest takes a laid back sweatshirt to the next level. Belt it for an even more .!,"!#'/!!$0 While in every season, layered jewelry is not only appropriate but encouraged; this fall stacked bracelets bring an edgy feel to any *+(,(0'1*"2(')!%3(-(!'(*'43$!'*"' the heavy metals. The more the merrier!
Keep it casual but cool in an army green jacket that’s ideal over a dress or paired with jeans and boots. What color better portrays power in a girl’s wardrobe than army green? Rather than opting for the goto ugg boots, choose a musthave pair of leather boots. The material is the easy part, getting the height and ()!',('.35)('6-"'7!'-'%(+84!.0' Kneehigh boots are great for ()!'/-$$0'9+6:'%$38;,((!#'4-"(%' into them or layer on some tights with a cute dress. While this look is fab, it is not trend proof. For a classic piece, opt for a midcalf pair. The color of the boots truly depends on your wardrobe. If denim is a staple in your wardrobe, choose brown. Black pairs with almost everything. No matter whether you purchase tall or medium height boots, make sure what you are spending money on ,(%'-44.*4.3-(!$<0' While looking chic, you should still be able to feel your feet after you take your boots off. No fashion statement is worth a trip to the ER.
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The Adventures of Joel and Chris by Andrew Becker
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brought to you by bestcrosswords.com
15- Rich cake 16- Jackie’s second 17- Small antelope 18- Writer Jong 19- Japanese computer giant 20- Lawsuits 22- Slender freshwater fish 24- Exchange need 28- Allow as a discount 29- Soap ingredient 30- Erodes 32- Has a bug 33- Bond servant 35- Mid-month times 39- Dunce 40- Chopper 41- Approached 42- Pack away 43- Portents 45- Able was ___... 46- Continental identity of a Chinese person 48- Gum arabic source 50- Stellar 53- Bed covering 54- Orchestra section 55- Chairs 57- Leg 58- Assembly rooms 60- Steel girder 65- Diamond authority 66- Designer Simpson 67- Standards 68- That, in Tijuana 69- Warble 70- Convoluted fold of the brain;
ACROSS 1- ___ Dame 6- Inquired 11- Sun. talk 14- Christmas song
DOWN 1- Cpl., for one 2- Boat propeller 3- Part of TNT 4- Hold up 5- Bring out
6- Bikini blast 7- Achy 8- “Charlie’s Angels” angel 9- And so on 10- Trader 11- Capital city of Yemen 12- Construct 13- Nouveau ___ 21- Gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans 23- Volcanic glass 24- Highways, e.g. 25- Marner’s creator 26- Big fiddle? 27- Toward the sunrise 28- Actress Charlotte 30- Pallid 31- Level 34- Priest of the East 36- Garbage 37- Causing goose bumps 38- Perspire 43- Black gold 44- Cure, in a way 47- Walk nonchalantly 49- Checking out, as before a robbery 50- Dispute 51- Joins 52- Beat 53- Swiss city on the Rhine 55- Dog-powered snow vehicle 56- Fashion mag 59- “Much ___ About Nothing”, play by Shakespeare 61- Son 62- Be human 63- ___ Darya (Asian river) 64- Ed.’s pile
Poetry reading lets writers unwind By Madeleine Gibson Staff Writer Under the eerie gaze of past professors’ portraits, students gathered as writers, readers and listeners in the John Dewey Lounge Thursday, Oct. 7 to share original and other written
works. Jim Davis, founder of the biweekly poetry reading Champlain Creative, encouraged English master’s student Phil Zapkin to participate. Zapkin took over last year when Davis graduated and has been organizing the event ever since.
Zapkin set up the room, provided snacks and began the evening with a poem. On Oct. 7, Zapkin set the mood !"#$% &'% (')*##+"',% -*.*/#"0'% 01% unrequited love by the French poet Baudelaire. “I jumped at the opportunity to get involved in a writing
group,” Zapkin said. “I think that was actually the idea behind it originally, just a place for people who enjoy writing, but may not seriously consider themselves ‘writers,’ to come and read without any pressures.” Although familiar faces are frequent, many new ones were present through wordofmouth or the English department’s email reminders. Junior Alissa Carberry discovered Champlain Creative through a friend and now attends on the weeks that Burlington’s Firehouse Gallery readings do not occur, she said. “It is a good way for people — a nice informal way — to be connected [with other writers] … to drop in and out instead of a rigid class schedule,” Carberry said. As an English graduate student and teaching assistant, Zapkin tries to emphasize the importance of oncampus outlets of creativity to his students. “I offer extra credit to come and absorb some culture, so we usually have some students who normally would never think to check out a poetry reading,” Zapkin said.
The overall collaboration of writing and creativity, ranging from undergraduate to graduate levels, is a unique experience for students unaware of the English department’s diversity. UVM alum Chris Croweak has found an outlet in Champlain Creative as he has been writing more. “I’ve been more consistent [in attending] lately,” Croweak said. “I had always wanted to read and never did it. From what I hear, the quality of the writing is high.” Sydney Lieb, a regular attendee to Creative, plans to submit her poetry to upcoming literary magazine Demonyms, Lieb said. Zapkin declared her the informal “winner” of the night’s readings. Not everyone read, with half of those in attendance there just to lend an ear, perhaps working up the courage to someday read a poem of their own. Writers of UVM looking for an outlet for their work can check out Champlain Creative at 7:15 p.m. every other Thursday night in the John Dewey Lounge.
Sufjan’s comeback hits a high note Illustration by Eileen Dirks
Staff Report At one point during his show on Tuesday, Oct. 12, Sufjan Stevens proclaimed: “It’s just like one big lovefest in here.” And it was. After over a year without touring, Stevens began his tour in Montreal on Tuesday night, the same day that “The Age of Adz” dropped. This concert showed a +0(2*-3% 40-*% #*/$'05"'.(*'/*2% Stevens than the soft melodies of times past. The songs retained Stevens’ endearing earnestness, however, as they delved deep into a soulsearching journey. The concert felt like a surreal trip inside Stevens’ consciousness that the soldout venue was led through together. Stevens opened with “All the Delighted People,” the title track from his recent EP, singing appropriately, “I feel alive/I feel it glowing in the room,” before closing the song with the audienceinspiring request: “All delighted people raise their hands.” The songs were set against the dynamic artwork of space and cities, neoncolored lines being drawn or images of people, including himself. At one point, Stevens spoke about how “The Age of Adz” was inspired by Royal Robertson, a man who painted artwork relating to life, the world and the apocalypse and who suffered from schizophrenia. Much of the art playing on the screen behind Stevens came from this man’s artwork, Stevens said. He then proceeded to dedicate the song “Get Real, Get Right” to Robertson. Stevens was not all seriousness, despite the heavy subject matter of many of his songs. There were moments
when he couldn’t help but smile, and he danced on stage a good deal. Stevens at one point warned the audience to “get a drink, go to the bathroom” because the next thing he was going to perform was what he called the “magnum love opus.” This referred to the more than 25minutelong “Impossible Soul,” which he played in its entirety. Listening to “Soul” was nothing short of a transformative musical experience.
The concert felt like a surreal trip inside of Stevens’ consciouness that the sold out venue was led through together. He led the crowd through dark times to upbeat revelations, 6'&++7%&88+7"',%#$*)*%-*9*+&#"0')% #0%#$*%/0'."/#)%01%$")%+"1*: After “Impossible Soul,” which received applause that lasted after multiple thank yous from Stevens — as well as an exclamation of “That was awesome!” from one audience member — Stevens took the energy of the audience still a step higher by segueing into fan favorite “Chicago.” Stevens ended the show on this high note. The audience proceeded to stamp their feet and cheer, demanding Stevens return for an encore. He came back on and played a couple of older songs — nearly the entire concert was off of “The Age of Adz” — including “John Wayne Gacy.”
Students and recent graduates show artwork Staff Report On Friday, Oct. 8, with artwork displayed against a backdrop of glittering jewelry, students and recent graduates stood by, ready to discuss their artwork as people meandered through the gallery. Von Bargen’s First Annual Art Show, held at Von Bargen’s Jewelry on Church Street on Oct. 8, was a onenight juried showcase of artwork by local art students and recent graduates. UVM alum Curran Broderick was chosen as the winner, according to Von Bargen’s Facebook page. The showcase provided an opportunity for the young artists to show their work to the public. “[My art work is usually] kind of just hanging around my house,” participant and St. Michael’s graduate student Amanda Vella said. “It’s really nice to be able to show on Church Street.” Focusing on students, the show provided an opportunity that they might not otherwise have. “I haven’t been in an art show since high school,” participant and UVM junior Loren Teetelli said. “It’s pretty exciting.” The show was a chance to participate in Burlington’s art scene. “I always like to be involved in the art world,” participant and UVM senior Violeta Hinojosa said. It was also helpful for networking. “It’s nice to meet other artists because I’m new in town,” Vella said.
SARAH SCHUMACHER | The Vermont Cynic
On Friday, Oct. 8, Von Bargen’s First Annual Art Show displayed the artwork of students and recent graduates. Participants were given a good deal of freedom in the kind of artwork they could show. “Before, I’ve put a theme together — this is more open,” Hinojosa said. Perhaps because of this openness, the show featured a diverse selection of artwork. Broderick is a photographer, while participant and UVM alum Sienna Fontaine displayed acrylics and watercolors of
landscapes and animals and Hinojosa’s paintings were more abstract. All six participants had a distinct style to their work, varying in both subject matter and medium. The format of the show, showing for only a few hours at Von Bargen’s Jewelry, a business on Church Street, made it a different experience from other art shows.
“I’ve never done one exactly like this,” Vella said. “It’s kind of different in that it’s just one night.” The location of the show also drew people in from the street who might not otherwise have attended an art show. “There’s a different population [than other art shows],” Fontaine said. “You have people who aren’t expecting to come in pop by.”
The showcase was judged by Jodi Ferriera of Von Bargen’s, Firehouse Gallery curator Chris Thompson, Johannes Zeigler and Champlain College professor ToniLee Sangastiano. Broderick’s work will be displayed at Von Bargen’s throughout the next month, according to Von Bargen’s Facebook page.
10 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2010
College Street plays host to Sticks and Stones By William O’Donoghue Staff Writer Imagine a warmly lit room !"# $%&'(!!'# )!!&*+# ,-.# (/-.*+# %&0/*%-# 1$..*.*+# (%22*# 2/-.'# (/0$# 3%/-0/-4*# %-'# %# 5%/0/%-# 0!678# # 9/-'%# :8# ;!-.*<# %&0# !3.-/-4#=>0/1?*#@#>0!-.*+A#%0#BCD# E!22.4.#F%22.&G#$%'#%22#0$.#H*H%2# .2.6.-0*# !"# %# 4%22.&G# !3.-/-4# and more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often more than their own $!H*.*+# ;!-.*# *%/'8# >$.# $%*# &.*H&&.10.'# /0# "&!6# G.%&*# !"# '.1%G# 0!# 1!-I.G# 0$.# "&%4/2/0G# !"# 2/".# /-# 0$.# 2/4$0# !"# 0$.# 0&%4.'/.*# !11H&&/-4#/-#5%/0/+#*$.#*%/'8 R$/*# 0$.6.# /*# -!0# H-/KH.# 0!# 0$/*# !-.# *1H230H&.S# %22# !"# 0$.# 3/.1.*#!-#'/*32%G#&.I!2I.#%&!H-'# '.1%G#%-'#&.4.-.&%0/!-8##
Whether one finds this artistic approach aesthetically pleasing or not, it is worth viewing simply for its unorthodox manner of expression.
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Holy leaking radiation, Batman! THE VERMONT
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Haylley Johnson cynic@uvm.edu
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Emily Kokoll, Stephanie Corcoran, Katie Seelen, Corrie Roe, Amanda Santillan, Nicolette Rosa, Kate Piniewski, Sarah Leidinger, Becky Hayes, Jules Reza, Asya Cook, Jenny Mudarri, Kate Macpherson, Stephanie Nistico, Jenny Baldwin, Jasmine Hughes
Don’t drink the water, there’s tritium in the water. According to a Reuters article published on Oct. 11, Entergy Corp., the owners of Vermont Yankee, reported that a sample taken from a well near the plant contained roughly 1,000 picocuries of tritium. Entergy claims “this test result does not indicate any threat to public safety or health,” according to Reuters. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory @"==)--)"7(+,-"(<"$-7A*(&$31)&$( disclosure of tritium pollution until 30,000 picocuries are found, but the fact remains that Vermont Yankee has continued to disappoint Vermonters and clean energy advocates around the country. In 2012, if their license is not renewed, Yankee will be shut down — costing hundreds of jobs but averting the potential for disaster in Southern Vermont — and politicians have drooled over their chances to platform on this. Gubernatorial candidate Brian Dubie is a supporter of keeping the plant open, saying that it would cost too many jobs, but opposing candidate Peter Shumlin wants the plant completely renovated, which would cost millions of dollars. B:$&$(+&$(/"-*-(+7<(C$7$0*-(+--"/)+*$<( with both plans. Tritium is one of the least dangerous radionuclides, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. However, why would we choose to have radioactive material in the water at all if it was avoidable? Vermont Yankee should shut down and renovate. The energy the plant provides for much of the region is priceless, but Canada’s supply of hydropower is staggering and could provide a substantial -1..,$=$7*()>(*:$(.,+7*(#+-(*+2$7(">D)7$4 Another energy standin could come in the form of green energy. Though the output is minuscule compared to nuclear energy, wind farms and solar power are movie stars in the eyes of Vermonters. To combat the loss of jobs, Vermont Yankee employees could be used to assist in renovations; not only do they need employment, but they could provide knowledge about the plant that Entergy Corp. wouldn’t necessarily be privy to if outside work was brought in. The problems surrounding Vermont Yankee should not be used as a political platform by politicians. Studies, tests and analyses of the plant should be payed for by Entergy, and eventually, if luck is on our side, Vermont will see clean nuclear energy and a polished product. 9$(-:"1,<(C$(+-:+=$<(">(E$&="7*( Yankee now, but if done right, Yankee can usher in a shining example of nuclear energy for the next generation.
Operations Manager Claire Danaher
Advertising Manager Andrew Laird
Distribution Manager Kyle DeVivo kdevivo@uvm.edu
ADVISER Faculty Adviser Chris Evans
Noise over noise, silence over abuse
Urine and pepper spray are not the only harmful substances that the Burlington Police Department has been hurling at the students of UVM recently. Abuse of power stands out as the most disturbing thing our men and women in uniform seem to be throwing at us. In the past few weeks, I have personally witnessed and heard several stories of the Burlington police blatantly using their powers of intimidation and status to write citations and issue tickets to those who truly do not deserve them. I can let it go if the police feel the need to ticket someone who is making too much noise at a party, walking home too drunk or causing public havoc. However, I also feel that four people on a porch talking is not worthy of a $300 dollar ticket. Two weekends in a row, I have witnessed police drive down streets at a walking pace, stop for any hint of noise, get out of their vehicles and ticket the nearest college student with little to no actual reason. If the student refuses or contests, the police often threaten to call the landlord and issue citations to every person on
the lease. I have also witnessed police being extremely rude and condescending toward students who are being ticketed and simply trying to defend their rights as citizens by asking why they are receiving a ticket. A Burlington city ordinance states that any noise that can be heard from the street may constitute a noise violation. !"#$%$&'()*(+,-"(-.$/)0$-( noise that bothers neighbors or other people. The tickets I witnessed being issued were given around 11:30 p.m., on the weekend, on streets populated by only college students. This leads me, and hopefully any other semiconscious human, to the same conclusion: The police are simply looking to )--1$(*)/2$*-(*"(0,,(31"*+-4( The number of tickets written reached an alltime high last year and will surely surpass the record again this year due to an increased police presence. Ironically, the Burlington Police Department conducted a survey of issues the community is most concerned with in their 2009 Community Re Assessment Report. The survey is available on their website
and the results clearly show that noise levels are a dead last concern among 13 other issues. In a college town, the reality is that the only way for a police force to stay in business is to write spurious tickets that they know students will not contest in court because they would have to pay a court fee. 56(31$-*)"7()-8(9:$&$()-(*:$( protection from our protection? ;*1<$7*-(=+2$(1.(+(31+&*$&( or more of the population of Burlington and seemingly &$/$)%$("7,6(+(31+&*$&(">(*:$( respect from police that other residents do. Someone has to stand up and say that college students are citizens and residents, too. 9$(.+6(*:$(*+?$-(*:+*( support the police and we should not be treated like some menace to society. Max Krieger is a sophomore political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.
“WE TOOK THE MOST EXPENSIVE CAMERAS THEY MAKE AND SHOT THE DUMBEST THINGS POSSIBLE.” — Johnny Knoxville, on “The Daily Show,” talking about the new “Jackass 3D” film.
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THE VERMONT CYNIC 116 Dudley H. Davis Center, 590 Main Street, Burlington Vt. 05401
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ADVERTISING vcads@uvm.edu — 802.656.4412
Breast cancer awareness gets it right M*)"#$%6"/6)*%2#%$-)%$-2*:% deadliest cancer in the United V$"$)#=%"664*:2/1%$4%$-)%D"$24/"8% Cancer Institute. However, ]7:12/1%.(%"88%$-)%37##%;":)% about it in October, one may be inclined to think that other cancers, some even more :)":8(=%"*)%.)2/1%<4)3788(% underrepresented. ?-2#%2#%/4$%$4%#"(%$-"$%N%$-2/@% "88%43%$-)%!7.8262$(%M*)"#$%A"/6)*% J<"*)/)##%\4/$-%1)$#%)9)*(%()"*% 2#%"%.":%$-2/1+%N/%3"6$=%$-)%6"7#)I#% partnership with the NFL — most visible in the form of pink apparel that the players wear :7*2/1%$-)%;4/$-%>%2#%"%.*2882"/$% scheme to raise awareness and !*4;4$)%$-)%01-$%"1"2/#$%.*)"#$% cancer. X-28)%2$%2#%64;34*$2/1% to know that breast cancer "<"*)/)##%"6$292#$#%"*)%$"@2/1% "%#$*4/1%#$"/6)%2/%1)$$2/1%$-)% word out, the dearth of publicity that other cancer awareness
movements receive evokes the opposite emotion. ?-)%4/8(%$<4%6"/6)*#%;4*)% deadly than breast cancer are 87/1%6"/6)*%"/:%6484/%6"/6)*+% M7$%<-)/%<"#%$-)%8"#$%$2;)%(47% -)"*:%\"*6-%.)2/1%$47$):%"#% CD"$24/"8%A484*)6$"8%A"/6)*% Awareness Month” or celebrated CH7/1%A"/6)*%J<"*)/)##%X))@G% 2/%D49);.)*T%?-)#)%:2#)"#)#%
probably the most preventable form of cancer, as most cases :2*)6$8(%*)#78$%3*4;%#;4@2/1% "/:%$4."664%7#)+%M*)"#$%6"/6)*% 2#%/4$%#4;)$-2/1%4/)%6"/%"942:% .(%"%#2;!8)%823)#$(8)%6-"/1)=% 4/8(%6"$6-%)"*8(%<2$-%*)178"*% #6*))/2/1#+%% Yet despite its relatively 7/:2#$2/172#-):%/"$7*)=%"$%8)"#$% "#%3"*%"#%6"/6)*#%14=%2$%)/]4(#%"%
When was the last time you heard March being touted as ‘National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month’, or celebrated ‘Lung Cancer Awareness Week’ in November? are both far more deadly than breast cancer, so why are they left relatively for dead by activists "/:%;):2"%)B!4#7*)T What’s more is that the 8)":2/1%6"7#)%43%6"/6)*%:)"$-% 2/%J;)*26"=%87/1%6"/6)*=%2#%
;4/$-%2/%$-)%/"$24/"8%#!4$821-$% due to concerted awareness efforts and a partnership with the most popular sport in North America. ^/6)%"1"2/=%NI;%/4$% :2##2/1%.*)"#$%6"/6)*%"#%.)2/1%
The Chinese paradox A Chinese man named Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last week, but few people in China know about it. In fact, many don’t even know he exists. Liu Xiaobo has been a nonviolent democracy advocate in China for the !"#$%&'%()"*#+%%,)%-"#%.))/%01-$2/1%34*%"% peaceful transition to democracy. 52"4.4%2#%67**)/$8(%#)*92/1%-2#%#)64/:% year of an 11year jail sentence as a result 43%"%;"/23)#$4%-)%<*4$)%6"882/1%34*%!482$26"8% reform. His wife, Liu Xia, informed him of his award while he was in jail. Now she’s under house arrest. No !-4/)#=%/4%64;!7$)*%>%/4$-2/1+%?-)*)% "*)%17"*:#%"*47/:%$-)%6846@%<"$6-2/1%-)*% premises.
The China of today presents an extreme paradox between the capitalist manufacturing supermachine that makes all our stuff and the antifree speech communist government. ?-2#%2#%<-"$%2#%-"!!)/2/1%$4%!)4!8)% "88%"*47/:%A-2/"+%?)B$%$-)%<4*:#%CD4.)8% E)"6)%E*2F)G%4*%CH27%52"4.4G%"/:%(47%<288% 84#)%(47*%$)B$2/1%!*2928)1)#+ D4$%4/8(%-"#%$-)%A-2/)#)%149)*/;)/$% censored news of Xiaobo on telephones, televisions and computers, they are also $-*)"$)/2/1%#"/6$24/#%"1"2/#$%D4*<"(=%$-)% host country of the Nobel committee who awarded Liu the prize. Situations like these remind us that China is a communist state. A-2/"%2#%$-)%<4*8:I#%;"/73"6$7*2/1% superstar. So much of our stuff is made 2/%A-2/"%$-"$%$-)%!-*"#)%C;":)%2/%A-2/"G% should be printed on the back of the J;)*26"/%K"1+ ?-)%A-2/"%43%$4:"(%!*)#)/$#%"/%
unimportant or blown out of proportion. Rather, I feel efforts such as the one put forth by breast cancer activists every October should be par for the course with every major type of cancer. X2$-%*)#!)6$%$4%"/$2L#;4@2/1% 6";!"21/#%"/:%"88%87/1%6"/6)*% awareness efforts that already exist, I feel that, especially .)6"7#)%87/1%6"/6)*%4</#% the dubious distinction of the deadliest cancer in America, more steps should be taken to raise awareness. Perhaps a partnership with another major sport or even with the NFL would do the trick. At least by my perception, efforts that already exist are scattered and relatively ineffective. In fact, every month of $-)%()"*%2#%:)#21/"$):%"#%"/% awareness month for a different type of cancer.
M7$%<-)/%<"#%$-)%8"#$%$2;)% (47%#"<%#4;)4/)%!4#$2/1%"% #$"$7#%4/%W"6).44@%".47$%87/1% 6"/6)*%"<"*)/)##T%?-)%)33)6$% M*)"#$%A"/6)*%J<"*)/)##%\4/$-% has on us is multifaceted, and therefore very effective. NI;%844@2/1%34*%4$-)*%6"/6)*% "<"*)/)##%1*47!#%>%.)#2:)#%$-)% 4/)%.)2/1%4.#)*9):%$-2#%;4/$-% >%$4%#$)!%7!+%?"@)%(47*%;4/$-=% take a cue from breast cancer awareness efforts and make it count. A concerted, focused effort is all it takes.
!"##$$%&'()"')$$)*$&$+'*,-."&'$ English major. He has been writing for ?-)%A(/26 since fall 2010.
Public servants for profit
extreme paradox between the capitalist ;"/73"6$7*2/1%#7!)*L;"6-2/)%$-"$%;"@)#% all of our stuff and the antifree speech, 64;;7/2#$%149)*/;)/$+%M7$%$-)%$2:)%2#% 6-"/12/1+ J664*:2/1%$4%$-)%Los Angeles Times, more retired Communist Party leaders are 6"882/1%34*%*)34*;=%64;!8"2/2/1%$-"$%CD4$% 4/8(%$-)%"9)*"1)%62$2F)/=%.7$%)9)/%$-)%;4#$% senior leaders of the Communist Party have no freedom of speech.” Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said 4/%ADD%8"#$%<))@=%CN%.)82)9)%3*)):4;%43% speech is indispensable for any country … I often say that we should not only let people have freedom of speech; we, more important, must create conditions to let them criticize the work of the 149)*/;)/$+G% China is currently in a tense economic battle with Japan and the U.S. over currency devaluation and trade relations. ?-2#%6478:%.)%$-)2*%OPQP=%"#%.4$-%)64/4;26% *)8"$24/#%"/:%!482$26"8%)9)/$#%"*)%:*"<2/1% international criticism. We need to look past the factories, the #@(#6*"!)*#%"/:%"88%$-)%$)6-/4841(%$-"$% have characterized 21st century China and understand their true identity. E)*-"!#%$-)%$2;2/1%2#%!)*3)6$+%E)*-"!#=% "#%$-)%A-2/)#)%149)*/;)/$%68"2;#=%$-)% "<"*:%<"#%C"%!482$26"8%$448%;)"/$%$4% 2**2$"$)%R$-)%149)*/;)/$S+G China has come to a fork in the road. Now is the time to see what happens — stay tuned.
Max Krieg is a senior global studies major. He has been writing for ?-)%A(/26%since fall 2010.
A fundamental breakdown of our #462)$(%2#%-"!!)/2/1%*21-$%.)34*)%47*% )()#=%$-*)"$)/2/1%$4%6*7;.8)%$-)%9)*(% 3".*26%43%47*%.)2/1%$4%/4$-2/1%.7$%82/$%2/% the bottom of the dryer, dried up and <"2$2/1%$4%6"$6-%0*)%$-)%/)B$%$2;)%(47%$*(% to dry a sweater. It’s hard to tell, all the way up here nestled safely in the Green Mountains, $-"$%47*%#462)$(%2#%3"882/1%>%N%;)"/=% really, who has the time to worry ".47$%#76-%$-2/1#%2/%.)$<))/%M)2*7$=% 84/1.4"*:2/1%"/:%-);!L.*"2:2/1T
did not spread to homes which had paid the fee.” J%ZQL()"*L48:%*)$2*):%6"3)$)*2"% worker and South Shore resident of A-26"14%*)!)"$):8(%6"88):%!4826)%$4% inform them she was constantly bullied Will public service ever .(%$<4%(47$-#%2/%$-)%/)21-.4*-44:%<-4% <478:%#)$%0*)%$4%-)*%!*4!)*$(%"/:%#;"#-% become truly public once her windows. again? On one such day, when the youths <)*)%$-*4<2/1%.*26@#%"$%-)*%"/:%-)*% ?-)%.*)"@:4</%2/%#462)$(%N%#!)"@%43% windows, she called police only to be told is the privatization of our public services. her case was not a hazardous priority D4=%NI;%/4$%$"8@2/1%".47$%$-)%#$*))$% and she would have to wait. When one of #<))!)*%"/:%$-)%!84<%:*29)*%>%"8$-471-% $-)%.*26@#%#$*76@%-)*%$-*471-%"%<2/:4<% $-4#)%#)*926)#%"*)=%$44=%U726@8(%.)64;2/1% "/:%-2$%-)*%2/%$-)%6-)#$=%#-)%1*"..):%-)*% privatized — but our essential public 17/%"/:%#-4$%4/)%43%$-)%.4(#+% #)*926)#%82@)%0*);)/=%!4826)=%";.78"/6)#% M4$-%43%$-)%(47$-%-"9)%.))/%6-"*1):% and teachers. <2$-%"11*"9"$):%"##"78$%43%"%#)/24*=%<-28)% J#%#4;)4/)%<-4%2#%2/%$-)%$)"6-2/1% $-)%<4;"/%*);"2/#%7/6-"*1):%>%"/% profession myself, I know a lot of incident which could’ve been avoided educators do not do the job for money, had the police prioritized better. .7$%<-)/%$)"6-)*#%-"9)%.))/%<4*@2/1% D4<=%<2$-%/)<#%43%!4826)%/)1821)/6)% under old, expired contracts, imposed -)*)%2/%M7*82/1$4/%"/:%4/%6";!7#=%"#% .(%#6-448%.4"*:%43062"8#%>%<-4%-"9)% <)88%"#%!4826)%;2#;"/"1);)/$%"6*4##%$-)% probably never set foot in a classroom — 647/$*(%"/:%4/%6488)1)%6";!7#)#=%N%6"/I$% money does become the weakest link. -)8!%.7$%<4/:)*[%X-)/%<288%2$%"88%)/:T However, even with all the Will public service ever become truly #-4*$64;2/1#%!7.826%#)*926)%823)%<288% !7.826%4/6)%"1"2/T have, we can’t turn a blind eye to those Or are we doomed by our capitalistic who have volunteered — yes, they’ve <"(#%$4%-)8!%4/8(%$-4#)%-21-L!*24*2$(=% chosen these professions — to serve and 3))L!"(2/1%!"$*4/#%43%#462)$(T protect us. \(%17)##%2#%"#%$-)%#$*2/1#%7/*"9)8=% N/%V47$-%W78$4/=%?)//+=%$-)%A*"/26@% the only ones who are safe are those who family did not pay their $75 annual fee to refuse to let the ties which bind us break, $-)%0*)01-$)*#%"##462"$24/+%X-)/%$-)2*% "/:%$-4#)%!7.826%#)*9"/$#%34*%!*40$%<288% -4;)%6"71-$%0*)=%E"78)$$)%A*"/26@%6"88):% become the lint at the bottom of the $-)%0*)%:)!"*$;)/$%34*%-)8!+%Y/%*47$)=% :*()*=%34*14$$)/%"/:%<"2$2/1%$4%6"$6-%0*)+ $-)%0*)%:)!"*$;)/$%*)"82F):%$-)%A*"/26@% family indeed did not pay the association /)01&"2$3&'2".$)*$&$*"4)5'$"670&,)54$ fee and upon arrival subsequently major. He has been writing for ?-)%A(/26 since spring 2008. watched the Cranick family home burn $4%$-)%1*47/:%<-28)%C;"@2/1%#7*)%$-)%0*)%
Coca-Cola responds to Killer Coke Dear editor, I would like to address the concerns raised by the Student Action Committee regarding CocaCola’s labor and environmental practices — “Coke’s contract renewal on the rocks,” Oct. 11, 2010. Their concerns are important to us and we are committed to an open dialogue with the UVM community about our company and our business practices. It is important to note that some individuals and organizations choose to target wellknown companies like Coca Cola because our operations are highly visible and because our brand name increases the likelihood of attention for their issue and their organization. Even so, we are committed to engaging in dialogues as we look for ways to continuously improve our practices, address the challenges facing us and build trust with our partners and other stakeholders. Colombia There simply is no truth to the allegations raised by “Killer Coke.” Their allegations that CocaCola bottlers in Colombia have been complicit in violence against union members have been proven to be false time and time again by courts
in Colombia and the United States. Two different judicial inquiries in Colombia — one in a Colombian court and one by the Colombian attorney general — found no evidence to support the allegations that bottler management conspired to intimidate or threaten trade unionists. These same allegations were the thrust 03$/$4/5-6(+$14&*$(2$7889$/:/(2-+$+,&$;0'/< Cola company in a U.S. district court in Miami. The company was dismissed as a defendant in 2003. On Sept. 29, 2006, the court issued a decision to dismiss the two CocaCola bottlers in Colombia from all remaining cases as well. This decision was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in August 2009. In 2006, The International Labor Organization (ILO), a United Nations’ governing body for workplace rights, accepted requests made independently by CocaCola and the International Union Federation of food and beverage workers to conduct an investigation and evaluation of CocaCola bottling operations in Colombia. The ILO completed its independent evaluation in 2009 and issued a report that may be reviewed at www.ilo.org. The
Students need to get out and vote Dear editor, As college students, it is common for us to feel detached from politics and be unlikely to vote, but I have developed a passion for it over the past few years. Politics on a local scale gives us an opportunity to speak our minds, push for what we believe in and engage ourselves in issues that affect our daytoday lives. In just the past few years alone, the Vermont Legislature has been working on some very important issues, from closing Vermont Yankee to legalizing samesex marriage. And there is much more we can accomplish. Over the past two years, I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know Kesha Ram and am fully supporting her reelection campaign this fall. Kesha is a hardworking and committed public
servant. As students, it important that we remain a part of the Burlington community, which is something Kesha understands. As a recent graduate and former president of the SGA, Kesha is dedicated to the issues that affect us the most, from improving the quality and affordability of our education to working for more affordable offcampus housing. Kesha is committed to working for us and keeping us informed about what is happening in the statehouse. That is why I am supporting Kesha in the election on Nov. 2. Christopher St. Martin Class of 2011
Standards falling, despite ‘goals’ being met Dear editor, I was extremely disappointed after reading the staff report regarding money !"#$%&'&()&*$+,(-$.&/%$+0$12*$20$0+,&%$ articles regarding the misleading nature of the administrative remarks. To begin, the vice president for research and Dean of the Graduate College is quoted saying that UVM’s faculty is dedicated not only to educating our students but also to “research.” But a recent faculty survey reports 35 percent of faculty have less discussion and interaction in class, 36 percent have less one on one time with students and nearly half have had to change their format for assignments and exams. And more importantly, in regard to the research, over 60 percent have trouble meeting their research obligations because of increased teaching and advising obligations. So while they may be dedicated to educating and research, the administration is making it hard for them and standards are falling.
Second, President Fogel is quoted suggesting that these external funds show that our goal of being one of the nation’s premier small research universities is “eminently achievable.” What does he mean by “our goal?” Both the SGA and Faculty Senate rejected his Transdiciplinary Research Initiative, the Spires of Excellence. Yet of course he pushed them through the board. Many people have felt that the school should continue focusing on its strong liberal arts education and research coming out of all departments. This reference to “our goal” suggests that Fogel means everyone — all of us — but it is clear that only he and his administration actually have this goal. When he says “we,” he means himself and his large number of vice presidents. Sincerely, Alexander B. Buckingham Class of 2013
report found that CocaCola bottlers are upholding labor standards that have been %/+(1&*$(2$;040=>(/?$(2'46*(2:$%&-@&'+(2:$ collective bargaining agreements and providing a safe working environment. India In India, as in every country where we do business, we place a high priority on water conservation and corporate responsibility and are committed to working with our partners, stakeholders, the government and the community at large to address the global issues like water scarcity. The beverage industry is responsible for less than onehalf of one percent of total water usage in India, making it one 03$+,&$=0-+$&31'(&2+$6-&%-$03$5/+&%$(2$+,&$ country. For our part, the CocaCola system in A2*(/$,/-$(=@%0)&*$5/+&%$6-&$&31'(&2'.$ by 14 percent since 2004, and we’re continuing to invest in innovations and plant processes. Our efforts start inside our plants, where we focus on improving our water 6-&$&31'(&2'.$/2*$+%&/+(2:$+,&$5/-+&5/+&%$ from our manufacturing processes before it is discharged from our bottling plants. Outside our plants, we are working to replenish 100 percent of the groundwater
that we use throughout India. To date, we’ve replenished approximately 93 percent of the groundwater we use through the creation of rainwater harvesting structures, restoration of ponds, and traditional water bodies and interventions focused on improving water 6-&$&31'(&2'.$(2$/:%('64+6%&B$ For example, we have installed more than 500 rainwater harvesting structures in 22 states, and this year we donated over $1 million to support the revival of Nemam Lake, a 1,000 acre lake in Tamil Nadu. You can learn more about our commitments to workplace rights and environmental sustainability under the sustainability tab of our corporate website, www.thecocacola.com. We are working to deliver on these commitments and in so doing we are creating value for our business while helping to strengthen our partners and the communities we serve. Sincerely, David Larose Vermont/New York State Manager CocaCola of Northern New England 733 Hercules Drive Colchester, VT 05446
Quick Opinions Jeff Barbieri
Barbieri: Thirtythree miners trapped underground for 69 days in Chile have 12/44.$>&&2$%&-'6&*?$/@@/%&2+4.$/>4&$+0$ survive by rationing their food to a soda bottle cap of canned tuna and a mouthful of water per day. Stand aside “Survivorman,” these guys are the real masters of the craft.
! Max Krieger
Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for governor in New York, gave a speech saying that children should not be “brainwashed into thinking the homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t.” He gave that speech to Orthodox Jews, who would never “brainwash” their children into odd behavior or lifestyles...
! Michael Farley Recently, the French government declared the wearing of burqas as unconstitutional. Since writing my column about this issue, the Eiffel Tower has been shut down numerous times because of new terror threats, and a travel advisory was issued for European travel. Is there a correlation? Oh, yeah, there is.
By Rory Leland Staff Writer
(RL) Rory Leland (WA) Will Andreycak
Pittsburgh Steelers @ Miami Dolphins This will be the second week back for Big Ben, but as we stay ahead of the curve here at The Cynic by doing picks a week early, I’m making this pick without seeing him play week six. I’m taking some creative freedom here in assuming that he’s still a better quarterback than Charlie Batch. The last home game for the Dolphins resulted in the Miami offense scoring a mere 14 points against a New England defense that has shown to be extremely average. Pittsburgh comes into town this week having not allowed more than 17 points — through !""#$ %&"$ '$ ()*$ ($ +,-.$ *"/")-"$ that will force Chad Henne to take control of the game. Unfortunately for Chad, he’s A) only an alright quarterback, and B) Troy Palamalu’s hair is an effective black hole for airborne passes.
(RL) Pittsburgh Steelers (WA) Pittsburgh Steelers
New England Patriots @ San Diego Chargers This is a bad matchup for
the Patriots. With a young secondary that has been riddled with inconsistency, facing the top ranked passing offense is a little foreboding. Even without Vincent Jackson, Phillip Rivers is leading the league in passing yards. The Chargers have a 23 record as I write this, however they are 20 at home, which happens to be where this game is being played. While I’m not entirely comfortable with this pick, I see this game turning into a shootout, which I fear the Patriots will lose. Deion Branch will help replace Randy Moss, but I don’t see the New England offense keeping up with the Chargers’ powerhouse aerial attack.
(RL) San Diego Chargers (WA) New England Patriots
Minnesota Vikings @ Green Bay Packers I just really like picking against the Vikings. To me, this is an easy pick, because Green Bay is an elite team and the Vikings are the biggest underachievers in the league. But whenever I get the opportunity to pick against Brett Favre, I take it. While this should be an easy win for the Packers, Aaron Rodger’s concussion problem should be worrisome for Packer fans. If he is out for an extended period of time, you’re looking at a lot of Matt Flynn on your plate. And Matt Flynn doesn’t go well with anything.
Illustration by Dana Ortiz
(RL) Green Bay Packers (WA) Green Bay Packers
Peppers w i l l
New York Giants @ Dallas Cowboys Dallas has no offensive line. Well, o b j e c t i v e l y , they do have an offensive line, but it’s just very, very bad. And they’re going up against a defense centered around getting pressure on the quarterback, which spells trouble for Tony Romo. Kim Kardashian is going to have a rough Sunday wondering why all those mean men are jumping on her boyfriend. One of the most surprising developments of the season has been the breakout of Hakeem 012#-3$ $ 4.+5,6.$ %&"$ !""#-7$ ."$ Washington Redskins @ is on pace for 106 catches, 1,309 Chicago Bears yards and 19 touchdowns. It would be unexpected that he would maintain this pace, but he’s been one of the best receivers Chicago is 41 as I write this in the NFL this season. pick, which is more than anyone expected out of them. Now !"#$%& considering they’re led by Jay (RL) New York Giants Cutler, it’s only a matter of when (WA) Dallas Cowboys he decides to assume the role of team jackass and turn the city against him. Couple that with the fact that pretty soon Julius
realize he already got paid, I don’t see the Bears’ success lasting very long. While Washington is a mediocre team overall, Donovan McNabb has done wonders with a worse supporting cast in the past. I expect this to be the beginning of the Bears’ downward spiral for the rest of the season and the beginning of McNabb in the MVP discussion. Book it!
(RL) Washington Redskins (WA) Washington Redskins
Two games give two different outcomes for men’s hockey By Diana Giunta Senior Staff Writer
DAN EVANKO | The Vermont Cynic
Junior Matt Marshall steals the puck in a game last semester. The team has experienced ups and downs on the road this year.
The men’s hockey team played in two very different games against the University of :!#"!1& 0'*#!!1%& $*& *;!#& 5;& $(!& regular season Oct. 8 and 9. The Denver series followed an exhibition game against New Brunswick on Oct. 3, in which the Catamounts were defeated 32. “From where we were last week to where we are this week is a huge step,” senior Dan Lawson said. “It shows a lot about the character of this team that in the second week we can make all these adjustments and get that much better in one week. So I mean we’re really excited about down the road.” <(!& -1%$& #'7($& *,& $(!& %!1'!%& resulted in a 53 Denver victory, despite the best efforts of senior Wahsontiio Stacey, who recorded a hattrick in the loss. The Catamounts gained the -1%$&6!/3&*,&$(!&7/=!&'#&$(!&-1%$& period when senior Josh Burrows got the puck to Stacey from the boards and Stacey sent it high into the net on the power play.
Stacey’s second goal came at 6:08 in the second period. Stacey thought he had increased Vermont’s cushion to 30 shortly after, but a tripping penalty was called on senior assistant captain Jack Downing and the goal was disallowed. “I’m still wondering why it wasn’t threenothing,” head coach Kevin Sneddon said. “That was a pretty big momentum swing right there, we got the goal and it resulted in a penalty. I didn’t think that was the right call; it should have been three nothing.” Downing’s tripping penalty would prove to be costly for the Catamounts when Denver sophomore Drew Shore took advantage of the resulting power ;6/>&/#3&%.*1!3&:!#"!1?%&-1%$&7*/6& of the night at 10:43, bringing the score to 21. Denver sophomore Matt Donovan then evened the score at 18:47 when he scored a short handed goal. <(!& 0'*#!!1%& 9*563& %.*1!& twice more before Stacey put the Catamounts back within a goal of Denver, scoring his third goal at
This week in sports Sports By Will Andreycak Sports Editor
going to boo Modano, but it is all too common to see athletes of former teams being ridiculed Boss of the week: Mike return. Modano is one of Modano and the Dallas Stars upon the leagues greatest domestic fan base contributors and the entire league knows it. It was warming Mike Modano is one of the to see a great American athlete greatest Americanborn hockey get recognition for his impact on players in the history of the sport. a single city. After spending 20 phenomenal years in Dallas, the Stars didn’t Goat of the week: Gilbert offer Modano a contract Arenas extension and instead of retiring, he signed with the Detroit Red Wings. In 20 seasons as the Last Tuesday controversial face of the Stars/North Stars Wizard guard Gilbert Arenas franchise, Modano had 557 goals 9/%&-#!3&,*1&,/2'#7&/#&'#@51>&$*& and 1,359 points, the most by a his knee, which he did to give U.S.born player in NHL history. backup Nick Young more playing While Modano’s Red Wings time. “I lied to coach and told lost 41, the reception he received him my knee was sore so he’d from his former team was the start Nick,” Arenas said. Wow story. Gilbert. Coming off a year where There is no way Dallas was you were almost thrown in jail
Tuesday Women’s soccer vs. Dartmouth College Centennial Field 3 p.m.
Women’s hockey vs. Boston College Gutterson Field House 7 p.m.
for brandishing a handgun in the locker room, a little discretion would be nice. The next game Arenas made ('%&-1%$&%$/1$&/$&(*=!&'#&*"!1&#'#!& months but was removed from the game with a real groin injury '#&$(!&-1%$&$(1!!&='#5$!%8&A>&$(!& time the game was over, Arenas (/3& 6!,$& $(!& )5'63'#78& 01!;/1!& yourself for one hell of a year, Wizards fans.
Quote of the week “I can’t wait to taste his power.’’ Jets linebacker Bart Scott, — who has never faced Adrian 0!$!1%*#&)!,*1!B&*#&$(!&;1*%;!.$& of facing the Minnesota running back before their Monday Night game last week.
Staff Report
Former UVM men’s hockey coach to be inducted in Massachusetts Hockey Hall of Fame Former University of Vermont men’s hockey coach Mike Gilligan is among the 10 men and women who will be inducted into the Massachusetts Hockey Hall of Fame this year. He posted a record of 27928946 in 19 seasons as the University’s men’s head coach. Gilligan is currently an assistant coach for UVM’s women’s hockey team.
Tickets to athletic events no longer available at Davis Center It used to be a great convenience to be able to walk to class on Monday mornings, go to the Davis Center and grab hockey tickets for the upcoming weekend series. That privilege is no longer available as the only way to get tickets for athletic !"!#$%&'%&$(!&)*+&*,-.!&/$&0/$1'.2& Gymnasium, which is located on $(!&%!.*#3&4**1&*,&$(!&)5'63'#78&
Men’s soccer falls to Boston University Vermont lost their third straight game, falling to 653 on the year and 120 in America East. Vermont was outshot 205 and gave up two secondhalf goals scored by the Terrier’s Ben Berube and Aaron O’Neil. With the victory, Boston University !+$!#3%& '$%& 9'#& %$1!/2& $*& -"!& games and improves to 831 overall. The Terriers also remain unbeaten in league play with a 300 mark.
Women’s hockey vs. Boston College Gutterson Field House 2 p.m.
17:50 of the third period. Vermont’s hopes for a late comeback were not to be, though, as Shore tapped the puck into an empty Vermont net at 19:28, securing the Denver victory. The following night’s game was much more of a defensive battle as the two teams skated to a 11 tie. Denver came out strong in the opening period, outshooting Vermont 105. :!#"!1& $(!#& %.*1!3& $(!& -1%$& goal at 3:06 of the second period when Shore knocked the puck in from the slot. Vermont was able to tie things up as the second period was winding down at 18:06. Senior Dan Lawson scored when he received the puck from sophomore Tobias NilssonRoos and his shot from the point 3!4!.$!3&*,,&/&:!#"!1&3!,!#3!18& Neither team was able to score in the third period or in overtime, leaving the score at 11. The team’s next challenge will be Hockey East opponent Merrimack College on Oct. 23.
Men’s hockey vs. Merrimack University Gutterson Field House 7 p.m.
Men’s soccer @ University of Albany Albany, N.Y. 2 p.m.
Women’s soccer @ University of Albany Albany, N.Y. 2 p.m.
!"#$%&$'# a look through the lens The 350 environmental movement overtook Burlington on Sunday, Oct. 10. Hundreds of residents turned out to support the Vermontnative organization, which boasted cooperation in 188 countries. Photos taken by Elliot deBruyn