Warsaw East European Review

Page 159

Krzysztof Żęgota University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland

The Kaliningrad Region – Key to Security in East-Central Europe

Political transformations in East-Central Europe after 1989, and the advancing processes of integration, have resulted in a significant increase in the importance of the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation for the stabilisation of this part of Europe in two dimensions: the Kaliningrad region provides a unique example and a specific “testing ground” for cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Russia, and also plays a crucial geopolitical role for the southern part of the Baltic Sea region. For the Russian Federation, this region has become especially important in view of the integration processes occurring in East-Central Europe over the last twenty-five years. The European integration process has been ongoing, with significant milestones marked by two stages of the EU expansion in 2004 and 2007, when a series of East-Central European states gained membership. An increase in the cohesion of this part of Europe was also affected by progressive Euro-Atlantic integration, a subsequent step of which was the eastward expansion of NATO in 1999 and in 2004. Thus, the area of European and Euro-Atlantic integration significantly neared the borders of the Russian Federation. It is important that the Kaliningrad region has entered into intensive interactions with various entities from the EU member states, becoming involved – to some extent – in the network of relations with the EU: through the integration of local governments, universities, non-governmental organizations, and by utilizing various cross-border cooperation programmes. On the other hand, it should be noted that the Kaliningrad region, as part of the Russian Federation, is participating in a great integration process being carried out in the postSoviet space under the auspices of Moscow. The genesis of this process can be traced back to the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 1991, although processes of the post-Soviet space’s reintegration gained momentum after Vladimir Putin took office as president of the Russian Federation in 2000. This process was marked by former Soviet republics entering into agreements of a political, military and economic nature



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Articles inside

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Maria Magdalena Stroińska (Canada), Grażyna Drzazga (The Netherlands) Public and Private Hate Speech in Poland (WEER 2017

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Rudolf Pikhoia (Russia) How the Socialist Economy was destroyed in the USSR (One reason for the collapse of the country) (WEER 2017

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Kazimierz Dadak (United States) Price of Aggression: The Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy (WEER 2016

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Krzysztof Żęgota (Poland) The Kaliningrad Region - Key to Security in East-Central Europe (WEER 2016

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Teimuraz Papaskiri (Georgia) Reconsidering Russian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century (WEER 2016

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Agnieszka Legucka (Poland) Russia’s Peacekeeping Operations in the Post-Soviet Space: “Mirotvorchestvo” Applied (WEER 2016

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Palina Prysmakova (United States) Where are We on the European Map? Comparing Public Service Motivation in Central and Eastern Europe with Neighboring Countries (WEER 2015

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Nóra Anna Lantos, Nóra Orsolya Balázs (Hungary) Stereotypes of the political left and right in Hungary (WEER 2014

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Živka Deleva, Antonín Mikeš (Czech Republic) Micro level factors leading to a migratory decision: Migrant groups in the Czech Republic (WEER 2014

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Magdalena Dembińska (Canada) Fluctuating Images of Enemies and Friends: Abkhazia With Turkish Cyprus’ Lens (WEER 2013

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Allen C. Lynch (United States) The Logic of Geopolitics in American-Russian Relations (WEER 2012

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Jan Malicki Jubileusz. Studium Europy Wschodniej. 1990-2020 „30 tomów na 30-lecie” 30 years of centre for east european studies (1990–2020) „30 volumes for the 30th anniversary

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Dr. John S. Micgiel Foreword

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