Warsaw East European Review

Page 87

Nóra Anna Lantos, Nóra Orsolya Bal ázs Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Stereotypes of the political left and right in Hungary

1. Introduction 1.1 General preview and goals The meaning, perception and psychological correlates of liberal-conservative or leftwing – right-wing ideologies are very popular topics in political psychology. This direction of research focuses on the affective/ motivational background of party and ideological preferences, assuming essential psychological differences behind them. These differences were detected by multiple methods in previous studies. Some, using self-reporting questionnaires, focus on the personality, attitude or value differences between participants with a left-wing or right-wing orientation1, 2, 3, while others place the emphasis on the general perception of differences between leftist-rightist orientation and the attributions given to them4, 5. The latter approach is related to the concept of stereotype. The present paper has two aims. First, our goal is to test the structure and content of stereotypes of leftists and rightists in Hungary, building on the wider political psychology literature of the probable differences and investigating whether factors of stereotypes – 1

J. T. Jost, The end of the end of psychology, American Psychologist, 61, 651–670., 2006.


Carney D. R., Jost J. T., Gosling S. D., Potter J., The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives: Personality Profiles, Interaction Styles, and the Things They Leave Behind, Political Psychology, 2008.

3  G.V. Caprara, S. Schwartz, C. Capanna, M. Vecchione, C. Barbaranelli., Personality and politics: Values, traits, and political choice, Political Psychology, 2006. 4  Huddy, L, Young, E., Martin, D. Political ideology as social identity. Ppt presented in the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, March 31- April 3, 2011. 5

L. Farwell, B. Weiner, Bleeding hearts and the heartless: Popular perceptions of liberal and conservative ideologies, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 845–852, 2006.



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Nóra Anna Lantos, Nóra Orsolya Balázs (Hungary) Stereotypes of the political left and right in Hungary (WEER 2014

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