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ARTF2031 Living Art
An examination of imposed boundaries and their effect on organic and in organic materials, exploring our relationships, modes of observation, confinement and communication with non-human organisms.
Image: Jeremy Passmore. Mycelium remnants.

This work takes place on Whadjuk Noongar boodjar. Always was. Always will be.
IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS THERE WAS SHAPE looks at how cultures and beliefs affect our realities. The work engages with the inherently fragile nature of borders and boundaries within culture. It explores the layers of connect and disconnect that are embedded within collectives; looking at the isolation of the natural environment from human societies, and divisions between the spiritual and material world.
The concrete structure named ‘Hyphen’ is two concrete ‘rings’ that are inherently intertwined; existing as separate yet interlocked entities. Burying one ‘ring’ within the concrete structure ‘Hyphen’, the work attempts to isolate what is intrinsically intertwined. Inviting the question, why are we trying to separate what is fundamentally connected?
The work also looks at intergenerational collaboration and grief. Time becomes unkempt when we stray beyond the boundaries of linear time. Collaborating with the past and across lifetimes, the work draws attention to the tenuous borders that maintain time as linear and ultimately rigid. Thank you to Michael Fox for his contributions to this work during and beyond his lifetime.
Camera: Sam Fox Art Technician: Andrew Christie
Dedicated to Michael and Ann Fox.
Image: Makaela Rowe-Fox. IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS THERE WAS SHAPE. Concrete. Performance Art. Found objects. 2021. Filmed by Sam Fox.