2022 Annual Report

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August 1, 2022

Greetings from Montezuma,

Two months ago we held graduation at Glorieta, a retreat center near Santa Fe. We did so after the students and staff were evacuated from campus. We thought we would be gone for a few days when we left on April 29, but instead we were gone for the remainder of the school year. Our Get-Away Families and local partners were fantastic as we navigated the Calf Canyon/Hermit’s Peak Fire and its aftermath–all while themselves dealing with the threat of fire to their homes and community. Students, parents, board members, faculty, staff, and alumni rallied to help us through the challenges.

It's impossible to fully express the gratitude I feel for the support and encouragement we received from down the road and around the world. Thank you.

Of the many reasons we were able to successfully complete the year – even as we were getting a handle on Covid – I would like to highlight two. First, the faculty and staff went above and beyond to teach and support our students under the most trying times. And second, the work we did in the early stages of our strategic plan to strengthen the foundations of the school served us well during the pandemic and the evacuation.

This Annual Report contains facts and figures, donor rolls, and data points that together tell the story of this past year. It also contains four profiles of faculty and staff who made a difference throughout the year. I would like to highlight all the faculty and staff because everyone gave so generously of their time and expertise, but space only permits us to share a few across the school. Max, Abby, Dr. Sam, and Kate, like all the faculty and staff, rose to the occasion to make this year so successful.

The first phase of the strategic plan focused on strengthening the foundation with a particular emphasis on increasing efficiencies, improving technology platforms, and strenghthening staffing practices. Without these efforts our move to Glorieta could have been crippling rather than just immensely inconvenient.

While the United World College mission is timeless and never more important than today, the work we do with students needs to change to reflect a world with the rapid pace of technological change, increased polarization, and inequities that threaten our civil societies. We also recognize, given the human impact on climate that in part created the biggest fire in recorded history in New Mexico, that our students need to be ready to be advocates for sustainability. This got much more real for all of us just a few months ago and we feel an acute need to increase instruction and programming on sustainability going forward.

In conclusion, I want to thank you again for your support for our students and the UWC mission. We learned again this year that success is the result of many people working together. And one of the most important outcomes of a UWC-USA education is an enhanced ability to work with people effectively despite, and even because of, their differences. I look forward to working with you to encourage the next generation of leaders as they depart Montezuma for new roles and responsibilities in the greater world.

My very best,

American University

Amherst College

Appalachian State University

Bard College

Bard College Berlin

Bates College

Beloit College

Bennington College

Boston University

Brown University

Bucknell University

Case Western Reserve University

Central Methodist University-College

Colby College

College of the Atlantic

Colorado College

Concordia College at Moorhead

Connecticut College

Cornell University

CUNY Brooklyn College

CUNY Hunter College

Dalhousie University

DePaul University

Drexel University

Duke University

Durham University

Earlham College


Aeronautical University

Emerson College

Emory University

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Florida State University

Furman University

George Mason University

Georgetown University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Hampshire College

Harvey Mudd College

Hood College

IE University - Madrid

Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios

Superiores de Monterrey

Ithaca College

Jacobs University Bremen

James Madison University

Kalamazoo College

King's College

KU Leuven

Lake Forest College

Lawrence University

Lehigh University

Lewis & Clark College

London Metropolitan University

Los Angeles Pierce College

Louisiana State University

Luther College

Macalester College

McGill University

McMaster University

Methodist University

Miami University of Ohio

Middlebury College

Minerva University

Monmouth University

Montclair State University

New York University–Abu Dhabi

Northeastern University

Northwestern University

Occidental College

Ohio State University

Pace University

Pepperdine University

Queens University of Charlotte

Reed College

Ringling College of Art and Design

Sarah Lawrence College

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Scripps College

St Olaf College

St. John's College

St. Lawrence University

Stetson University

Stevens Institute of Technology

Swarthmore College

The College of Idaho

The George Washington University

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

London School of Economics and Political Science

The New School

The University of British Columbia

The University of Edinburgh

The University of North Carolina

Trinity College

Tufts University

Universiteit of Bremen

Universiteit Leiden

Universiteit of Amsterdam

University of Aberdeen

University of Brighton

University of Bristol

University of California–Berkeley

University of California–Davis

University of California–Los Angeles

University of California–Merced

University of California–San Diego

University of California–Santa Barbara

University of California–Santa Cruz

University of Cambridge

University of Central Florida

University of Chicago

University of Exeter

University of Florida

University of Glasgow

University of Groningen

University of Hong Kong

University of Houston

University of Illinois

University of Kansas

University of Leeds

University of London

University of Maryland

University of Miami

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities

University of New Mexico

University of Oklahoma

University of Portland

University of Redlands

University of Richmond

University of Rochester

University of South Wales

University of Suffolk

University of Surrey

University of Sussex

University of Toronto

University of Victoria

University of Warwick

University of Washington

Vanderbilt University

Warren Wilson College

Wartburg College

Wesleyan University

Wheaton College–Massachusetts

Whitman College

Williams College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Steven F. Dichter, Chairman

Geeta Anand

Bill Banowsky

Marc P. Blum

Manolo Espinosa '87

Benjamin F. Jones AC ’91

Marybeth Kravets

Kuo-Chuan (KC) Kung ’87

Justin Lee ‘95

Marisa Leon ‘87

Thomas Schwingeler ’86

Subitha Subramaniam ’88

Tyler C. Tingley

Jonas Nilsson ‘90

Jonathan Schneider

Klaus Desmet ‘88

Melanie Weston ’86

Peter Alderman ‘91 AC

Victoria J. Mora


Victoria J. Mora, President

Naomi Swinton ‘89, Dean of Students

Alexis Mamaux, Dean of Academics

Todd Austin, Special Assistant to the President

Jonathan Ehrlich, Vice-President for Finance and Operations

Mark Hodde ‘89, Chief Advancement Officer

Abby Sussman

”In the weeks preceding the evacuation, most conversations I had with students ended with a reminder to make sure their ‘go bag’ was ready,” said Abby Sussman, director of student life.

As the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire crept closer to Montezuma and the staff readied for the possibility of an evacuation, the resident life staff knew that students needed to be as prepared as possible for an evacuation to go smoothly. Abby developed a list of personal items for students to collect in a “go bag” in their dorm rooms so that they could all be ready to leave without delay. The “go bags” included chargers and devices, two days of clothing, travel documents, water bottles, sun protection, and, of course, hand sanitizer and masks.

The evacuation did go smoothly in large part to the work Abby and the resident life team put in to make sure everyone was ready. Even so, there were glitches. “I remember watching our dean of students, Naomi Swinton, sprint across the field as we were loading the buses to evacuate to fetch a student's passport that they had forgotten in their room.”

After two days at New Mexico Highlands University, the students and staff relocated to Glorieta, a camp and retreat center near Santa Fe. Many residents of Las Vegas and other areas threatened by the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire also moved into rooms at Glorieta. Among them were people who were now homeless and whose livelihoods had vanished.

“I was reminded that our students are remarkable and amazing people who demonstrate passion, empathy, and curiosity,” Abby said. “At the evacuation site, students volunteered to help other evacuees move their belongings, take care of their pets, and listen to their stories. Even as they themselves were under intense academic pressure and reeling from the uncertainty of leaving everything behind on campus, they found a way to make a difference for others.”


Dr. Sam

Dr. Peter Samaranayake, or Dr. Sam, as everyone calls him, is a beloved science and Theory of Knowledge teacher. He has taught at two other UWCs and is also the proud parent of two UWC-USA students. Because of his experience at other schools and his perspective as a parent, preserving the students’ academic experience in the midst of major upheaval was a key priority.

Dr. Sam feels his highest calling is to share the information and skills students need to grow academically. In order for students to excel, he also acutely feels the importance of creating a space for learning to happen—which he made possible even after the evacuation of the school to the retreat center. “I was pleased that many students found my new classroom an ideal space where they could find refuge in their need for quiet study time,” he said. “Some of them used the room late into the night and indeed into the wee hours of the morning, as I learned when I would come to class early and find students sleeping there!”

Faculty on campus live in close proximity to each other, but in the evacuation center families were housed in smaller rooms along the same hallways. Dr. Sam found that the new living arrangements during the last weeks of school led to even greater camaraderie. Additionally, he found the family style dining hall to be conducive to community. “Faculty were asked to spread out around the dining hall and sit at separate tables making sure that we were also seated with the students,” Dr. Sam said. “The family style dining, sharing from the same main dishes and taking turns in serving ourselves and others, was a new experience for many and I felt that it helped us support students throughout the displacement.”

We are enormously grateful to our alumni who gave back to UWC-USA during 2021-2022 and thrilled to report a participation rate of 27%. Alumni support allows us to ensure the same transformational ex perience for today's students and generations of UWCers to come.

We also thank the many alumni who assist the school, especially our Annual Fund volunteers, Reunion Committee members, internship providers, National Committee volunteers, events organizers and hosts, campus speakers, Alumni-In-Residence Fellows, and others who give of their time and talent to enrich UWC-USA.



Kate Ribeiro

An experienced English teacher who taught for two decades at the International School of Curacao, Kate Ribero taught theater arts for the first time when she came to UWC-USA. In an effort to improve her own theater skills, she auditioned this year for a community theater performance in Albuquerque. “I thought I would just go through the experience of the audition to gain some knowledge and experience to share with my students. I was surprised when I was actually cast in the show and even more surprised when I made the commitment to drive to Albuquerque 5 days a week for rehearsals.”

She found the experience, in the midst of a pandemic, challenged her beyond what she planned. “I learned so much, not the least of which was that I have incredible respect for actors. Often my drive back to campus at 11:00 pm each night was filled with tears and questions. Ultimately I realized that I can do difficult things, and throughout my time here I have often reminded myself of that.”

The idea that challenging students physically and intellectually leads to extraordinary growth is a fundamental principle of a UWC experience. Kate lived that tenet of the educational philosophy both in her profession and as the students and staff grappled with the pandemic and the threat of the wildfire that ultimately forced the community to evacuate.

After helping the students evacuate to New Mexico Highlands University when the order came, Kate was sidelined with Covid and had to wait a week to join the community at Glorieta, the retreat center where the students finished out the year. When she arrived at Glorieta ready to teach her classes and help the students finish strong, she found a community that was doing well - thriving even - thanks to the resilience of the students and the dedication of the staff at the retreat center. “I remember thinking how impressive it was to leave our campus and immediately be welcomed by the folks at Glorieta who fed, clothed, and housed us. I still feel pangs of gratitude whenever I drive to Santa Fe and see the sign for exit 299, the Glorieta exit, on Interstate 25.”

The Class of 1986

Karen Petroski '86

The Class of 1987

Anonymous '87

The Class of 1988

Jennifer Baggett Barna MD '88

The Class of 1988 Teachers

Ken & Mara (Steinbach) Sparks '88

The Class of 1990

Tal Oron Cohen '90

Adam Kirk '90

The Class of 1992

Michael Fuchs '92

Sean & Candy Weaver Murphy '92

The Class of 1995

Dario Betti '95

Gwen Albers (E)

Christie & Douglas Baskett

All and everything lost in the fire

Asad Panjwani '05

All children around the world denied education due to years of systematic oppression, namely in Palestine Anonymous '86

All my fellow students who changed me for the better

Chris Price MD '85

Souleymane Ba '99

Anonymous '86

Janoah Bailin '09

Bobbi Bailin (P)

Charlotte Benishek '11

Mary DeJone-Benishek & Robert Benishek (P)

Mads Benishek RCN'09

Mary DeJone-Benishek & Robert Benishek (P)

Jorge Bilbao

Carolina Bilbao

Aubrey Bodden '04

Debi & Bob Stuber (P)

Max Bolles '21

Monica Egan (P)


Olly Brock MAA'23

Rhonda Broussard (P)

Benjamin Carlson '03

Holly Mackenzie &

Michael Carlson (P)

Donald Ray Chambers

Joan Haratani

Edward Chitlik

Seth Coan '96

Ines David '02

Nancy Colalillo

Gale & Shelby Davis (DT)

Barbara Woll Jones (P)

Jingjing Zhou '03

Steve Dichter (T)

Arlyn and Fred Nathan (P)

Kristen Dinger & Jason Dinger PhD '93 (P)

Nancy & Stephen Dinger (P)

Linda Keely

Stanley Keely MD

Luke Dinger '23

Nancy & Stephen Dinger (P)

Stanley Keely MD

William Guy Dobyns '06

Keith & Kristen Dobyns (P)

Alain Dumesny '86

Anja Weiss AC'87 & Martin Weiss '86

Reagan Gibbs '86 Anonymous '86

Brett Gilland (E)

Hannah Henage '21

Ben Gillock (E)

Chris Gillock

Chris Solso & Bob Huber (P)

Anne Farrell

Wilmer Steven Montilla Morantes '18

Free Venezuela

Cesar Castillo '89

Paul Shau Bok Fung

Albert Shiu & Annie Fung '85

Le Thanh Ha Anonymous '03

Ghulam Hanif

Jehanzeb Noor '00

Amy Hanson (E)

Christie & Douglas Baskett

Claire Hatch MAA'22

Meg & Doxey Hatch PhD (P)

Mike Hatlee PhD (E)

Anonymous '13

Benjamin Carlson '03

Mark Hodde '89 (E) (P)

Michael Jakob & Melanie Weston '86 (T)

Taylor Howard '04

Curtis Robinson (P) & Angela Howard-Robinson (P)

Holly Jones '08

Dori Jones & Gary Kowalski (P)

Rachel Jones AC '90AC'90

Yale & Barbara Jones (P)

Teh Mee Joo

Boon Linn Lee '97

Kip Kiprop

Dimitri Augustidis '18

Doreen Kirabo '98

Nancy Colalillo

Aleka Kroitzsh '18

Gregory Kroitzsh (P) & Geeta Anand (P) (T)

Ravi Karan Kumar

Gaurav Kumar MD '86

Tom Lamberth

Clio Knowles '95

Shayan Shokrgozar '13

Yumna Hari Singh '98

Jada Lewis '17

Jeanette Lewis (P)

Lu Lockwood

Virginia Mattingly (E)

Alexis Mamaux (E)

Anonymous '98

Nat Mann

Duncan RyanMann PhD (P)

Esther Mbandeka '23

Elizabeth & Festus Mbandeka (P)


Junko McDonald (P)

Maya McDonald AD'15

Aleyda Gonzalez

McKiernan PhD (P)

Aldona Kapacinskaite '09

Eileen McKiernan González PhD '88

Derek Mitchell PC'12

Kelli Mitchell (P)

Sudesh & Captain Raj Mohindra

Gauri Goyal & Amit Mohindra '84

Victoria Mora PhD (P) (T) (E)

Lisa Darling

Joy Davis

Michael Jakob & Melanie Weston '86 (T)

Michael Peters

Iris Nevins '10

Andrea Shaw (P)

Robin Norris (P)

Benjamin Carlson '03

Amanda Padden '18

Sandra & Rodd Padden (P)

Ravi Parashar

Anonymous '99

James Byrne '03

Åsa Massleberg & Olivier Cottray '94

Gisele Fernandez

Anand Gopalan '02

Chao Lu '04

Charlie Thompson '16

Peggy Peters

Susanna Peters & Charles Wallace (P)

Rhodina Pressley '86 Anonymous '86

Anna Rogers MD '03

Janet & Michael Rogers (P)

Erwin Philip Romer

Nicole Römer '90

Judi Ruprecht (E)

Christie & Douglas Baskett

Yacoba Sam '86

Neil Rau MD & Margaret Drent '86

William Sampaeo Shain

Phil Shain (P)

Anson Sidle '22

Linda Wason-Ellam

Gayle Spearman Leach Anonymous '86

Dan Stuber '05

Debi & Bob Stuber (P)

Duke & Suzanne Sundt

Yemi Aguda '89

Lena Sutter '12

Patty Lins & Lawrence Sutter (P)

Emily Swartz '13

Karen Spencer & Doug Swartz (P)

Naomi Swinton '89 (E)

Janet Swinton (P) (E)

Hannah Taylor

Tibaleka '04

Sarah (DT) & Jim Taylor (DT) (P)

Nyoko Muvangua '99

Senti Thobejane '86

Anonymous '86

Thomas Anonymous '86

luchie pavia ticzon

Zoann Merryfield

Shana Tinkle '07

Amy & Marshall Tinkle (P)

Hannah Tyson

Sal Lavallo '09

Chris Solso & Bob Huber (P)

Katie Wiebke '10

Amy & Mark Wiebke (P)

Wilderness Sheng Liu (P)

Lauren Wilkes CC'19

Andrea & Forrest Wilkes (P)

Gita Wilson

Shayan Shokrgozar '13

Lefteris Xanthoudakis


Siu Fung Yau '98

Nancy Colalillo

Ivan Alves PhD '87

Anonymous '87

Ron & Carla (Castellanos) Bass '87

Bob Amai PhD

Eszter Horvath & Tamas Orban PhD '93


Jehanzeb Noor '00

Aaron Anderson '00

Brandon Anderson '00

Doris Annau

Anne & Martin Annau (P)

Ronald & Aloha Baumgarten (P)

Reed Baumgarten '89 (E)

David Bennett

Ben Wiehe & Carolyn Hunt '96

Bill Brandenburg

Mars Chapman '08

Gadi Maayan '02


Amadou Cisse '97

James & Anke (Schlevoigt)

Bysouth '97

Imogen Curnew '04

Monica Palmeira & Crister Brady '04

Andi Cheney '05

Rachel Markowitz '04

Brecht & Wendy Vandaele '04

Allison West '04

Åke Densert '87

Ron & Carla (Castellanos) Bass '87

Juan Caballero Campos &

Karen Taylor de Caballero '87

Leila Whelan '88 & Boyd Waters '87

Emeka Dilibe '93

Anonymous '94

Rosanna Herrera & Gabriel Shelton-Davis '94

Ivel Dixon Rose

Anonymous '84

Marija Dokmanovic-Chouinard '95

Anonymous '94

Kyle Faas '95

Anonymous '94

Lee James MD PhD & Aly Kassam-Remtulla PhD '94 (T)

Jenifer Flynn Walker & Bela August Walker '95

Lucas Finnegan '98

Carla Tennenbaum '97

Pablo Flores Villar '97

James & Anke (Schlevoigt)

Bysouth '97

Andrew Waters & Maria Rodas Waters '97


Aracely & Liam O'Hara (E)

Jim Gritter '88

Julia & Ben Fishman '88

James McNeil '89

Yvonne Dettlaff & Michael Polenz '88 (P)

Bar Houli '07

Jasper Lauderdale '08

Carlos Sabatino Gonzalez '07

Anne Marie Wildt-Andersen '07

Ghassan Jaradat '09

Marta Lucía Kupfer García '09

Gareth Smit '09

Roger Kenna '85

Chris Price MD '85

Stephan Klasen '85

Bernice van Bronkhorst & Francisco Ferreira PhD '86

Felicity Gallagher '85

Scott Nolde & Wendy Hughes '85

Chris Price MD '85

Charlotte Brenner Zeile '85

Joyce Litherland

Anonymous '92

Ted Lockwood PhD

Virginia Mattingly (E)

Pir Maleki

Anonymous '88

Chris Nikirk & Atousa Maleki '88

Liza Malkoun '91

Anneke Swinehart '91

Dottie Mann

Paul Fraser

Duncan RyanMann PhD (P)

Lindsley Silagi

Antonio Mariniello

Piergiorgio Golli & Maria Mariniello '90

Dylan McFarlane '04

Monica Palmeira & Crister Brady '04

Denise Moore '03

Anna Rogers MD '03

Allison West '04


Jeremy McGaffey '01

Ben Rice-Townsend '01

Pedro Medina

Olivia Llamas '93

Sander Kroeze & Annelise Sprenger '94

Anne Marie Wildt-Andersen '07

Norman & Dorothy Meredith

Olivia Llamas '93

Jenifer Flynn Walker & Bela August Walker '95

Montoeli Molefe '92 Anonymous '91

Howie Muir

Anonymous '86

William H. Murray, Jr.

Elizabeth Mlekush (P)

Eugene Nickolov

Christina Nickolova '02

Joe Nold

Ann Petit & Ben Thompson '88

Chris Pancoast '95

Anonymous '94

Jenifer Flynn Walker & Bela August Walker '95

Anna Barbara Perugini

Anonymous '89

Giulio Regeni '07

Anonymous '17

Eng Han Ng '06

Carlo Pizzinelli '08

Carlos Sabatino Gonzalez '07

Anne Marie Wildt-Andersen '07

Shen Yoong '08

Jorge Ricci '84

Dorota Ratusinska '84

Marion & John Manton '91

Tina Mion & Allan Affeldt (T)

Bob Rudzik & Gwen Albers (E)


Quawntay Adams (P)

Easter Maynard (P)

Miamon Miller

Andrew Rosen '86

Anonymous '86

Julia Scott Fleming '86

Hritik Sampat

Andrea Pappajohn & Kimathi Marangu (P)

Ann Schroeder '86

Anonymous '86

Ron & Carla (Castellanos) Bass '87

Marc Meneghini &

Sandra Encalada PhD '88

Teresa Ordorika Sacristan PhD '86

Caro Perez Alvarado MD '85

Ellen & Diego

Pérez-Salicrup PhD '86

Sebastien Ramseyer '87

Michael Allan Shelton

Anonymous '91

Cesar Simosa '97

James & Anke (Schlevoigt) Bysouth '97

Milan Svoboda

Hung-Yun Chu & Matt Svoboda '88

Lawrence Tharp

Bertha Camacho '93 & Harald Tuckermann '92

Pooja Kochhar & Ajay Totlani '92

Dan Tyson

Anonymous '86

Patty Milligan '86

Philippe Wamba '89

Anonymous '89

Sandro Trosso '89

Steve Watkins '98

Sheila Leach '98

Maureen Williams

Nuria Pastor-Soler MD '86

Jorden Grimm


Glorieta Adventure Camps

Max Murphy

As manager of UWC-USA’s Constructive Engagement of Conflict programs on campus, Max Murphy designs curricula to train students to transform personal and communal conflict. He also oversees service learning programming and leads project-based trips where students engage with regional and global conflicts.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Max’s work, particularly in organizing community service opportunities for students, became much more difficult. Students at UWC-USA typically perform 17,000 hours of community service each year. Max worked hard to find alternatives to the work in elementary schools and the local homeless shelter that students were unable to conduct. For example, he was able to move some tutoring programs in local schools to Zoom.

Max is also a key member of the resident life team who helps students who run afoul of the community rules and UWC guidelines.

“I feel particularly proud this past year that I didn’t drop the ball on any of the disciplinary work with students even during our evacuation to Glorieta,” said Max. “We had a handful of outstanding Action Plans (repair steps resulting from restorative justice work) that were not complete when we had to leave campus. I continued to shepherd those students through their restorative steps up to graduation, making sure these educational opportunities did not fall away.”

As with other staff, Max found himself leading in surprising ways. “I remember leading the caravan of UWC-USA vehicles from Highlands to Glorieta,” Max said. “I was the ‘pilot car’ and had 40 vehicles following me including our entire fleet of UWC-USA buses full of students, Las Vegas Public Schools buses, and employees in personal vehicles. The cars and buses stretched close to two miles on Interstate 25. It was the highest stakes driving of my entire life!”

We are grateful to the generous donors who set up the following named endowment funds and encourage additional gifts to any of these funds. To create a new fund (minimum gift of $50,000), please contact Mark Hodde at 505-454-4214.

African Scholarship Endowment Fund

The Ari and Alex Blum Scholarship Fund

Erick Argueta International Fund

Asian Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bartos Institute for the Resolution of Conflict Fund

Brandenburg Endowment Fund

The Brown Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund

Campus Center Principal Fund

Castle Endowment Fund

Amadou Cisse Senegalese

Student Aid Endowment Fund

Class of ’89 Endowment Fund

Davis Conflict Area Endowment

Davis Endowment Fund

Davis - Faculty/Staff Development Fund

Sebastien de Halleux Scholarship Endowment

Dwan Light Sanctuary Endowment Fund

Eastern Europe Scholarship Endowment Fund

Lucas J. Finnegan ’98 Scholarship Fund

Frances K. Tyson Endowment Fund

Franklin Endowment Fund

Geier International Scholarship Endowment Fund

Geier Plaza Endowment Fund

General Operating Endowment Fund

General Scholarship Principal Fund

Getz Beneficial Fund Principal

Greek Scholars Endowment Fund

Gulf Interstate Company Endowment Fund

Armand Hammer Memorial Endowment Fund

Helenty Homans Scholarship Endowment

Hoover Fund Principal

The Huntsman Scholarship Fund

Indian Student Scholarship Endowment Fund

Bertrand Kan Merit Scholarship Endowment

Rita and KC Kung Scholarship

Lansing Field House Endowment Fund

Latin American Scholarship Endowment Fund

Lemke Family Scholarship Fund

Lucille Lockwood Principal Fund

Ted Mann Scholarship Fund

Sally C.M. Martin Memorial Endowment Fund

Middle East Endowment Fund

Middle East Scholarship Endowment Fund

Morrie Moss Endowment Fund

Muslim Girls Scholarship Endowment Fund

Chris Pancoast Memorial Scholarship Fund

Kaushalya Parashar Endowment Fund

Anthony Portago Scholarship Endowment

Ron Prieskorn Endowment Fund

Public School Teacher Initiatives in International Education Fund

Victoria Ransom ’95 and Alain Chuard Scholarship

Rifkin Endowment Fund

Carola Warburg Rothschild Fund

Kristian Segerstråle ’96 Scholarship

Socially Aware Endowment Fund

Noam Stampfer Scholarship Endowment Fund I

Noam Stampfer Scholarship Endowment Fund II

Hilde and Fritz Tannhauser Memorial Scholarship

Technology Endowment Fund

Dan Tyson Memorial Endowment Fund

Wilson Family International Endowment Fund

Charles Wong Scholarship

UWC-USA students and staff are deeply grateful for the support we receive each year – we recognize that our community is strong because of the generosity of so many alumni and friends around the world. We know that thousands of alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of the school cheer us on as we work to become the changemakers and leaders the world needs. Kurt Hahn famously said “There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.” Thank you for helping us see what we can become and the difference we can make!

Photo by Ben Walton

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