2 1 1 uwcf inclusion exclusion policy

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United Way of Central Florida 2-1-1 Inclusion/Exclusion Policy 2-1-1 United Way of Central Florida maintains and makes available to the public a comprehensive, up-to-date, Community Resource Database (“database”) of social, educational, legal, community/recreational, consumer protection, and health and human services (“services”). The Inclusion/Exclusion policy in compliance with standards set by the governing body AIRS (Alliance for Information and Referral) provides the criteria by which agencies and services are included or excluded. Inclusion/Exclusion of an agency or program does not imply endorsement or disapproval. Agencies offering services provide the information listed in the database. 2-1-1 United Way of Central Florida reserves the right to edit information for brevity, clarity and content and to publish the information in a variety of media subject to confidentiality issues. Inclusion in the database is provided free of charge to organizations that meet the criteria within this policy. Inclusion is a privilege and 2-1-1 United Way of Central Florida reserves the right to remove or exclude any organization from its database for any reason. Criteria for Inclusion To be included in the 2-1-1 database, an organization must:  Provide social, educational, legal, community/recreational, consumer protection, health or human services (“services”) for residents of Polk, Highlands, and Hardee County;  Provide services for free, at a low/reduced fee, on a sliding scale fee, or with scholarships for residents who cannot afford private sector services;  Demonstrate provision of service for at least six (6) months;  Have an available contact person, location and telephone number for the service. Using an answering machine or email is acceptable;  When applicable, provide proof of credentialing (e.g. licensure, certification, accreditation) as required by any regulating organization;  When applicable, provide the letter of determination of 501(c) tax-exempt status on the on IRS/Department of Treasury letterhead;  Complete an annual update verifying accuracy of the organization’s services. An organization must be catagorized as one or more of the following: 1. A not-for-profit 501(c) tax-exempt organization providing services to the residents of Polk, Highlands and Hardee County, Florida; a. Faith-based congregations, ie, churches, synagogues or mosques, that offer social services to the community at large and not solely to current or former members.

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