OCT 7, 2015
E B & K N I R D EAT,
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
@johnwaynetv @jazzhands51
@ian_osu1 @ cailinpittt
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Kayln Bond is beautiful! @Kaayariel
I want @hayashakhtra to stay with me and cook&clean for me
Is Matt Casturo single? He's basically a perfect human specimen. @mattcasturo
Please be into dudes @foooose
Samantha, I want to drink your bath water and bathe in your're that hot and sweet @sammschoeppner Still waiting for Kelsey in my physics class to give up on that guy back home and give me a shot. @kelsey664
@Rymoore5I wish I had an excuse to talk to you more than once a week 6
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
Abbi Voda has the perfect personality, the perfect smile, and is just so perfect. @abbivoda
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
SAT 10.10
Jenn O'Neill @JENNearaly_crazy
Even when it's cloudy and barely 60 °, OSU is still beautiful #asseenoncampus
One of the hottest comics in the game right now, Kevin Hart makes a stop in Columbus on his What Now tour, in between filming for his various roles. There’s no doubt that this comedian, has made a voice for himself!
Emily Finchum @emfinchi7 Sitting by mirror lake makes me so excited to jump in. #GoBucks
Nationwide Arena | 8 p.m. | Vary
SUN 10.11
cait @CAiTDiOLiNRiO It's a requirement for all undergraduate females at @OhioState to wear flannel shirts tied around their waists on game day #asseenoncampus
Mac miller
Get a taste for the street style of Pittsburgh based rapper Mac Miller. Miller hit the scene in 2011 with his breakout hit “Donald Trump.” He solidified his name with a collaboration on “The Way”
David McGee @linemanmcgee73 Just saw some kid ride his bike straight into traffic and hit a car #new2osu
with Ariana Grande. --------------------------------------------------------------
LC Pavilion | 6 p.m. | $37.25
TUES 10.13
Sam Kastan @Kastan11 Girl sitting in front of me is Tindering with a guy named Chad about how much yoga she does #Gnarly #OnlyAtOSU
Paul mccartney
The OG of british rock on American soil is making a visit to Columbus for his solo tour, Out There! Paul McCartney brings his solo hits and some Beatles classics to the stage with this one night show!
kelluminati @kell56bell the union smells like cheese sometimes #new2osu
Nationwide Arena | 8 p.m. | Vary
Tacos on tacos on tacos!
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly, and two people will win $25 to El Vaquero! Chips and guac till you drop.
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Yonder Mountian String Band at the LC Pavilion on Oct. 31!
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
halloween party how to Throwing a frightfully fun bash By TAMIKA SMITH
hen you're in college, you really don't need a legit reason to throw a party. Parties are pretty much a reoccurring weekend theme. But, once Halloween rolls around, it's a different ball game. Throwing a Halloween party is very different from throwing your average Friday night get together. The Halloween party goes beyond the basic drink and food perks of a regular party, and that's what makes the anticipation and excitement so high. For your Halloween party to be successful, there are things you need in order to set it apart from the rest.
1. Location The ideal place to have your Halloween shindig would be a house. Preferably one that is old and big. The good thing about this is that campus is filled with old and big houses. Having your Halloween party at a large house not only helps with the theme of the holiday but also gives you more control. You can decide when your party both starts and ends. You most likely want your party to go on all night, which probably isn't an option with an apartment location.
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
2. Décor Not as in a princess themed children's party. But, your Halloween party should have some flair. Throw up some faux spider webs and maybe a skeleton or two in the yard. As far as the inside, your party should be really dark and filled with people in costumes, of course. No one wants to go to a Halloween party that doesn't scream Halloween, that's what makes it fun!
3. Music With any party, you want to play the newest music out, making sure it's upbeat and something you can dance to. Halloween is no exception. Hip Hop, rock, maybe some techno (if you're in to that sort of thing) are your best bets for a Halloween party. A DJ may also be a good idea for a Halloween party, assuring that the music you want will be played without hassle. To stick with the theme it's also a good idea to add some Halloween-ish music. It doesn't matter if it's not new, as long as it's a classic and people
will know the song. Throw on Michael Jackson's “Thriller” and it's sure to be a hit.
4. Add some tricks and treats With a Halloween party, you can definitely go beyond your regular beer and chips budget for your normal parties. Don't limit yourself. Add some fun factors to your party. It's good to provide favors -- orange neon glow sticks, smoke machines or some color themed Jello shots going around. Also, add some fun to your party by doing a costume contest, like sluttiest costume or lamest costume.
5. Invites It’s best to have an open invitation for any holiday party, especially Halloween. To insure that people actually go to your party, it's good to start early. Tell all of your friends about the party, and make sure they then tell their friends. Social networks are great for spreading the word, too. Definitely post about the details on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
The Pursuit of Success 6 tips for entrepreneurers By KAITLIN BRADLEY photo courtesy of Nate demars
or any college student, picking out your first professional outfit can be an intimidating but necessary experience. For guys, a good suit is all you need for your countless interviews. One local clothing store can make the shopping trip much less painful. Pursuit, formerly located in the South Campus Gateway, aims at narrowing down suit options to help young adults feel less overwhelmed. They also sell colorful suit accessories such as bowties and socks and even offer custom tailoring. Amidst the opening of Pursuit’s new location in the Short North, we sat down to talk with the store’s founder, Nate DeMars, for an exclusive on what students can learn from their success. The move to the Short North Arts District was fueled by a desire to embrace the locally made spirit of Columbus. Suit up and learn from DeMars’ sentiments about his path to success as a business owner and a buckeye. Shrink The Concept: Take an idea that has big potential and map out how it can be started without a lot of money. The original pop-up store made it so that Nate and his team could get their
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
product in front of their prospective demographic for feedback. Their initial investment cost was $25,000 versus the millions that most people believe is needed to start a business from the ground up. Be Open to a Change in Scenery: Pursuit’s store move was driven by the momentum of the Short North. While the store did well in the South Gateway location, it only served a specific market. Lately, the Pursuit team has been working on expanding the brand and has, also, been watching the Short North’s growth. A variety of self-made businesses and people who support local products in the neighborhood create an exciting and dynamic environment. “We want to be Columbus’ favorite suit store. It sunk in that we were missing out on the neighborhood so we got in there, because no one is doing what we do there.” DeMars stated. Embrace the Power of a Team: What has allowed Pursuit to thrive is the right team of people, DeMars said. He had no personal experience in the business of suits or fashion period. However, the team saw an opening in the market and came into
the business with consumer perspective. DeMars attributes their success to everyone’s passion, from the amateurs in a starting position to the students and student interns who were all willing to deal with the ambiguity of a startup’s future. Don’t Be Afraid of a Detour: The idea of entrepreneurship is every business student’s ideal, but coming up with a business concept causes the most anxiety for those who plan to pursue it, according to DeMars. His advice, from his personal experience, is to embrace the professional roles where there is an opportunity for growth, especially in the skill sector. DeMars himself spent four years working a corporate role at Whirlpool, in a position that required speaking to a variety of people. Although it wasn’t a part of his original plan, it helped him develop skills that have benefitted him as an entrepreneur. Listen to your Inner Voice: DeMars said it’s a priority to make time for the things you’re passionate about, otherwise your own success might not take off. When it doesn’t go directly as planned, as something is bound to go wrong in the process, SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
Loud In the library 5 Annoying Students You'll Find on Campus
By Rie Smith
here are annoying people everywhere. From celebrities to radio hosts to people at the grocery store or even your own building, absolutely annoying people abound. But there is one place where the annoying people stick out worse than most: campus. Campus is a place that you are obligated to go to by society and pay dearly for with your limited resources. So, how fitting that some of the most annoying people you will find are none other than your fellow students. Whether you are a second semester senior or a freshman, you know exactly who we are talking about.
The inappropriately loud student in the library. Whether they realize it or not, their energetic conversation and irritating laughter pierces your study zone like a knife. They’re not loud enough to ask to be quiet, but you can’t find your groove with them two tables too near to you. You’re stuck listening to them recount their bender story to their friends until you either make it through your homework or give up. The all too excited freshman is the next type of student you could run into. There are roughly 7,000 of them every fall, so you may literally run into one. And if not, they are impossible to miss. How would we be able to tell them apart from second semester seniors if they didn’t sport their new OSU swag, lanyards and day planners with conviction? With their stupid questions (what is Carmen, anyway?) and blissful ignorance of what 6 classes mean in the college realm, makes these eager beavers unbearable. The overly intelligent student. These SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
The Madness needs to stop Thoughts on Gun Control By Ashley Wilkinson
Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine ... We've become numb to this. We talked about this after Columbine and Blacksburg, after Tucson, after Newtown, after Aurora after Charleston,” President Barack Obama said in a speech concerning the mass shooting in Oregon last week. Yes, yet another shooting. They are happening so frequently now, that it has really become some sort of a routine. On Oct. 1 around 10:40 a.m., a call was made to 911 about the shooting. The gunman, Chris Harper Mercer, killed nine people and injured seven at a small community college in Oregon. Mercer died, as well. First, the reports indicated that he was killed in a shootout with police officers. However, recent reports have stated that he killed himself. “It’s a sad fact that we are the most advanced country with the most mass gun attacks. And yet we have a Congress that explicitly blocks us from even collecting data on how we could potentially reduce gun deaths. How can that be? This is a po-
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UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
litical choice that we make: To allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction,” Obama stated in his speech. As a country, we shouldn’t have to make this political choice; it should have already been made. We need tighter gun laws. There’s a classic argument against the previous statement, something like, “Stricter laws won’t stop mentally ill people from acting violently.” Even though I do agree with that, we can still do our best to prevent these mass shootings by making certain changes to our gun laws. I think, nationwide, we need to have registration requirements, training tests for every state like Ohio already has, and, perhaps, a mentality test. Two months ago, a new law was put into place in Oregon. It expanded background checks for firearm purchases. After so many shootings, it is good to see that our country is moving in the right direction, but more has to be done. Maybe the gunman got his hand on a firearm
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before this law was passed. Or, maybe he passed his background check. I am all for background checks, and I understand why they are a part of the process. However, they cannot measure a person's mental health and not every potential shooter would have previous charges on his or her record, so their background check would come out clean. Perhaps, every six months or every year, a person with a gun should have a certain amount of gun training to check up on their status or even have a doctor sign off each year to make sure they are healthy and everything is okay. This may sound really strict, but something needs to change. “We are not the only country on earth that has people with mental illness who want to do harm to other people. We are the only country on Earth that has these mass shootings every few months.” It’s a problem. It’s a big problem. So many people have lost their lives, and for what? For going to school, a church or a movie? This needs to stop. We need tighter firearm laws to help prevent this tragedy from happening all over again.
Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree
Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner
Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Doug Mayfield
What's the best Halloween costume you've seen or been? By Madison durham
Sarah Lyons
When I was little my mom dressed up my sister as a clown but she was angry so she was just this scary little clown running around everywhere... now I'm terrified of clowns.
Will Griffis
I went as a Lego once, it was a cardboard box with Tupperware glued to it.
Katie Simpson
I was Pooh Bear when I was little and that was pretty dope.
Rebecca O'Donovan
Four little kids dressed up as a car.
Reanna Nartker
A bunch of little kids dressed up as Crayola crayons, so cute.
Katie Widman
Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. Shout out to Shannon Clegg.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Photo by David Heasley
E-Z does it Ezekiel Elliott’s rushing saves the Buckeyes in Indiana By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a
f it weren’t for running back Ezekiel Elliott, the Buckeyes might've been a victim of Team Chaos – and might’ve been the victims of the first major upset of the 2015 college football season. Elliott broke off touchdown rushes of 55, 65 and 75 yards, and amassed a career high of 274 rushing yards in No.1 Ohio State’s 34-27 win against the Indiana Hoosiers. The St.Louis native was averaging 11.9 yards per carry – which is an OSU record. Even more impressive: Elliott has now tallied 10 straight games with at least 100 yards rushing. By far, the trouncing of the Hoosiers was his most impactful game of the season. While Elliott was definitely the key player on offense, the defense held its own when it mattered.
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
With Indiana driving late, the Hoosiers were deep in the Ohio State redzone. However, a failed fourth down conversion as time expired preserved OSU’s bid at staying kings of college football for one more week. Against a talented Hoosier offense that featured the likes of quarterback Nate Sudfeld, the Buckeyes fought hard to collect 11 tackles-for-losses. Defensive end Tyquan Lewis led the Buckeyes with 3.5 TFL’s, while fellow star defensive end Joey Bosa found a way to earn 2.5 TFL’s. Even though Lewis and Bosa had great TFL numbers, linebacker Raekwon McMillan led the charge against the Hoosiers with a whopping 14 total tackles. McMillan, who has led the Buckeye tackling core for a second consecutive game, now has 30 tackles in the past two contests. Without McMillan stopping plays, OSU would be in a tough jam as the Big Ten season really begins to take hold.
Indiana held the Buckeyes to 2-for-14 on third down conversions. On a few of those conversations, Buckeye quarterback Cardale Jones was stopped at the line on his go-to QB Draw – a play that has worked well in short yardage situations for the better part of the last eight games Jones started in. Final stats for Jones included 18-for-27 passing for 245 yards and a touchdown. Jones also threw an interception in the third quarter, which was one of three turnovers OSU committed against the Hoosiers. So far at OSU, head coach Urban Meyer has yet to lose a regular season conference game. With the win against the Hoosiers, the Buckeyes are now 71-12-1 as the No.1 team in the nation. Better yet, Ohio State has taken the past 20 games from the Hoosiers, and now has a commanding 71-12-5 record in the series.
Photo by geoff hammersley
'Jackets' weather How CBJ can have a successful season By ryan mcglade
lass rattles. Skates with razor-sharp blades slash the icy surface. Chants of “C-B-J” resound inside Nationwide Arena. Columbus Blue Jackets hockey is back. The Blue Jackets begin their season Friday at home against the New York Rangers. After qualifying for the 2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs, much excitement surrounded the team heading into the 2014-15 season. Injuries brought said excitement to a halt, though, as Columbus finished nine points short of postseason contention. Despite not making the playoffs last year, a winning culture is certainly taking hold in Ohio’s capital city. For the first time in franchise history, the Blue Jackets have stringed together three consecutive winning seasons as well as back-to-back 40-win seasons. Forwards Nick Foligno and Ryan Johansen are definite reasons for this culture change. Foligno was named the sixth captain in franchise history in May, and for good reason. Last year, he led the team in goals, multi-point games (17), plus/minus rating, points, power play goals (11) and shooting percentage (.170). Johansen played in all 82 games a year ago, tallying 26 goals and 45 assists. His crafty passing should give his line mates excellent scoring opportunities. The two players have been joined with Brandon Saad to make up Columbus’ top line. Saad brings championship experience, as he was a member of the Chicago Blackhawks when they won the Stanley Cup in 2013 and 2015. One of the largest keys to the Blue Jackets being successful this season comes down to two words: staying healthy. Columbus had a league-leading 508 man-games lost to injuries during the 2014-15 season. Forward Boone Jenner and defenseman Ryan Murray took the brunt of SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
'he named me malala' By regina Fox
It is better to live like a lion for one day than to live like a slave for 100.”
This quote at the beginning of “He Named Me Malala” set the tone for the heroic and inspiring tale of a young Pakistani girl who decided she was not going to succumb to Taliban rule. In October of 2012, the Taliban attacked a bus full of girls traveling home from school in Mingora, about 100 miles from Pakistan’s capital. Malala Yousafzai was only 15 years old when the Taliban called for her by name and shot a single bullet that hit her head, neck and shoulder. She had been singled out for advocating for girls’ education. She miraculously survived and now campaigns globally for equal educational rights. The film unfolds with emotional interviews with Yousafzai and her family, footage of Pakistan when schools were being bombed and artistically animated accounts of Yousafzai’s past. Beginning when she was born, to when she anonymously blogged for the BBC about her life under Taliban law, to her amazing medical recovery, “He Named Me Malala” walks audiences through every stage 16
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
of Yousafzai’s life. Most of the film is focused on Yousafzai’s present day life and her continued efforts to empower young women around the world through knowledge and leadership. Yet, she is only a teenager. “While Malala is this amazing young girl who has accomplished so much, at the end of the day, she is still a teenager,” director Davis Guggenheim said in a conference call. Interviews with her two brothers (one older, one younger) are sprinkled throughout the movie. The boys tease her about being “obsessed with books” and for “being naughty.” They even recount incidences when Yousafzai has smacked them in the face. With the left side of her face functioning less than the right due to the Taliban attack, Yousafzai giggles and covers her mouth in embarrassment when asked if she thinks Brad Pitt is cute. During intimate interviews, she confesses to feeling out of place at her school in England and worries that her friends won’t accept her differences. And like
so many of us, she teaches her father how to use Twitter. “It’s too easy for us to make our heroes untouchable and put them on a pedestal; ‘Well I could never be like her.’ Truth is she is just an ordinary girl who became famous because she was brave and she made an extraordinary choice in her life to speak out,” Guggenheim said. At the end of the movie, viewers are left thinking about education, religion and politics here in the United States and overseas, which is exactly what Guggenheim wants. Ultimately, he believes audiences should be the ones to decide the takeaways of the movie. “Certainly I feel like there are some big, important themes in this movie that I want the audience as they watch this to wrestle with. I hope I never tell people what the message of my movie is,” Guggenheim said. “He Named Me Malala” is in theaters everywhere Friday.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of Chris casella
the lonely hour Sam Smith charms audience By ALEX ANTONETZ
here’s something to be said for an arena show with no frills. No big dance numbers; no pieces of the stage rising up and spinning around the arena floor. That wouldn’t be right for British crooner Sam Smith, who let his sweet, sweet voice get all the shine at the Schottenstein Center Monday night. Smith laid down a nearly 90-minute set, complete with familiar hits — “I’m Not The Only One,” “Like I Can,” “Lay Me Down,” “La La La,” a stripped-down take on “Latch” and, closer, “Stay With Me” — and the debut of a cover of Frank Sinatra’s “My Funny Valentine,” which was taped as part of a special for what would have been Ol’ Blue Eyes’ 100th birthday this year. It was an intimate show in a 20,000-seat venue, albeit one that was less than half full Monday, which came as a bit of a surprise considering Smith’s foothold on Top 40 radio since his debut album, “In the Lonely Hour,” dropped last year, and four Grammy wins in February. Instead, Smith offered up a master course in humility, using his awkward charm as a substitute for polished stage presence. Perhaps it’s that reason that an arena felt so small. He said “I’ve Told You Now” is about an unrequited drunk dial. He said he wants to fall in love with someone who loves him back. And in arguably the night’s most intimate moment, he said it’s hard for him to perform songs written about a man he no longer loves. His candor was endearing, partially the product of a consistent smile between tracks and a relatable kind of awkwardness — Smith doesn’t exactly have two left feet, but his two-step during “Restart” will never SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015
photo courtesy of Sarah Meixner
Psyched Columbus' fourth annual Psych Fest By JACK LYNCH
sych Fest is coming back to the Dude Locker for its fourth iteration, and festival founders Andrew and Amy Davis said the Columbus psychedelic music community has come together to create an event that is much bigger than a normal Saturday afternoon of music. The husband and wife team held the first Psych Fest last spring, and it’s grown exponentially since, featuring soon-to-be breakouts and Columbus natives The Worn Flints in past years and rising Columbus bands like Turtle Island and The High Definition at this years event. The Davises were joined by the festival’s sound engineer Ben Ahlteen, who will also be performing with his band, Domes. “I think we try to create a hypnotic atmosphere where you walk in and you’re in a different mental space completely from the outside world,” Ahlteen said. “Other local festivals showcase the music, and you’re seeing it at a cool venue, but ours tries to be more of a multisensory experience. That’s why we have the projection artist come — it’s almost sensory overload at times.” The projection artist Ahlteen referred to is “Mansfield Matt,” who uses colored oils and an overhead projector to create an organic light show that gives the festival a classic ‘60s psychedelic vibe. Andrew, who is a professional hypnotherapist, suggested that the multimodal aspect of Psych Fest adds to the level of immersion. “The reality of what we came to when we asked ourselves, ‘What is psychedelic music?’ was that it creates a trance state. You walk in the door and you’re somewhere else,” he said. The three members of the Psych Fest committee who were present emphasized the importance of collaboration, community involvement and active participation from artists in Columbus. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Katherine Wang Katherine Wang is a junior Business student who is focusing her studies on Marketing and Logistics. In her spare time, she works her job at Express and is an active participant in the Fashion Production Association on campus. Katherine’s fun personality is translated well through her style.
How would you describe your style? Sweater $30 ANN TAYLOR
I would describe it as fun, colorful and a little quirky. I really like bright colors and mixing prints.
Why is fashion important to you? Fashion is important to me because it gives me a creative outlet for self-expression. It gives me a chance to make a statement about myself without saying anything.
Who / What inspires you? I often get inspiration from fashion all over the place. This includes fashion bloggers, my current favorites are Man Repeller, Margaret Zhang and Jenn Im. I am also inspired by people on the street, friends and fellow classmates.
skirt $30 EXPRESS
How do you pick your outfits? For most days, it is based on practicality. If I know I will be moving around a lot, I will dress for comfort. What it really comes down to is if I have done laundry.
How does your shoe choices vary from when you’re going to class verses going out at night? For class I usually wear flats or canvas shoes due to their comfort because I have to run around campus. However, since it is getting colder, I think boots or ankle boots with a small heel are good for day and night because they are comfortable enough to wear during the day and they are dressy enough to transition into the night.
What are your favorite places to shop? I like Forever21 and H&M for their price points. However, I have been really liking Zara's and Express's fall styles.
What is your favorite makeup tip? SHOES $20 KOHL'S
Makeup isn't really my forte. However, I did see some Youtube makeup gurus putting highlighter pencil or white eyeshadow at the corner of their eye (near the nose) for a brighter, more alert look. I have been trying it out and really liking it.
- Georgina Pinou 20
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
halloween costumes to avoid By TAMIKA SMITH
alloween is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays. It's especially loved by college students everywhere. One of the best things about Halloween is finding a costume to wear. Pretty much everyone has their go-to theme for a Halloween costume. Some girls go slutty, while others may be their favorite television character, and some just wear what ever their best friend wore last year to save money. Whatever you are this Halloween, please don't be that girl. You know, the girl that wears a costume that about 100 other girls are wearing; the same costume that we've seen over and over again on Halloween. Elsa or Anna: Although its been almost two years since the release of the film, the “Frozen” craze is still relentless. While it still may be cute to see a four-year-old dressed up as a “Frozen” character, it's not cute when you're 18 and over. We've seen every “Frozen” costume, good and bad. There are a million other Disney princesses to choose from, pick a different one! Lingerie:The official costume of the girl that doesn't really care about Halloween but wants to go out with her friends, drink and possibly meet a guy. Yea … Don't be her. This Halloween, we should all make it a goal to wear an actual costume. Don't throw on a bustier, stockings and heels and go out. Despite what we learned in the great film “Mean Girls,” it's not okay to put on animal ears with lingerie and call it a costume.
The sexy cop/inmate/devil/schoolgirl/ nurse, etc: I'll admit, I really wanted to be a sexy cop in the past. But I was young and naïve and I'm a lot wiser now. If you're a freshman then okay, you get a pass. But if this is not your first college Halloween experience then you should know better. I know everyone has a creative bone in their body, this year use yours. The bed sheet ghost: I'm not even going to give this “costume” that much attention. It's stupid SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
FOOD & drink
Not your mother's Candy Apple
Four candy apples you need to try By Ashley Wilkinson
alloween parties are upon us. There are drinks, costumes and music. The best kinds of parties, in my opinion, are the parties that have food, and candy apples are the perfect party favor. They are filling, sweet and easy to double-fist with a drink. If you are planning on hosting a Halloween party, check out these candy apple recipes. Don’t just serve them apples dipped in caramel; spice it up! Trust me, your guests will love it.
Apple Pie Candy Apple If you are an apple pie lover, this simple yet delicious apple pie candy apple will have you wanting more! To make this candy apple, you will need a crumbled up pie crust (premade pie crusts from the store will work), caramel candies, and cinnamon. Heat the caramel candies with water, stirring often, until the caramel is in liquid form. Put a desired amount of cinnamon into the caramel sauce, then dip the apple in. While the caramel is still wet, sprinkle the pie crust onto the apple.
The Ultimate Chocolate Candy Apple Calling all chocolate lovers! Are you ready for an extreme chocolate indulgence? To make this candy apple, dip an apple into hot chocolate sauce. Then, add any chocolate candy you want. I highly recommend mixing your chocolates. Use milk chocolate for dipping, dark chocolate chips, and drizzle with white chocolate.
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
Peanut Butter Bacon Candy Apple This apple is a little more advanced than most candied apples, but the end result is worth it! What makes it a little more complex is you need to candy bacon. To do this, bake a ½ pound of bacon in a 350-degree preheated oven for 10 minutes. Afterward, flip the bacon and bake for another five minutes. In a small bowl, combine the following: 1/8 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoons rice vinegar 1 tablespoons maple syrup When these ingredients are mixed, brush the mixture onto the bacon and bake for another five minutes. Continue basting the bacon every five minutes until done. It will probably take around 35 minutes. Prepare the peanut butter sauce by heating up creamy peanut butter and adding water to thin. When desired thickness is reached, dip the apple into the sauce and sprinkle on crumbled candy bacon.
Triple Fruit Candy Apple This super-simple candy apple will have all fruit lovers talking! Dip a candy apple into chocolate sauce (chocolate of your choice) and add finely chopped strawberries and bananas. Drizzle with strawberry and chocolate syrup. The possibilities for candy apple toppings are endless! Try these recipes, or experiment with ingredients yourself. Happy eating!
tricks and treats 3 edible party favors
arty favors are a must-have at a Halloween party. They also should be fun and bite size, not just crackers and a cheese ball. Since Halloween is in the air, the ideal party favors are Halloween themed. Here are some ideas for cute and edible party favors:
Banana Ghosts This treat is really simple and delicious. To make these, stick half of a banana onto a popsicle stick and dip it into white chocolate. Use milk or dark chocolate to make the eyes and mouth.
Witch Brooms Witch brooms take only two ingredients and two seconds to make! Simply stick mini pretzel sticks into mini peanut butter cups.
Vampire Cookies Bake or buy premade cookies (your choice of flavor), and cut each cookie in half. Coat both halves with red frosting, then place marshmallows on the rounded edges of one half. Smoosh two marshmallows so that they will look like vampire teeth, then place the other half of the cookie on top.
-Ashley Wilkinson
Potion punch
Mobile cupcakes prove to be Halloween punch on a budget By ASHLEY WILKINSON
hen hosting a party, guests are extremely appreciative when it is not completely BYOB. Although you shouldn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to buy large quantities of alcohol for your guests, it is a good idea to have a giant punch bowl for guests to help themselves. For this Halloween season, don’t just make jungle juice for your guests; stick with the theme! Make something creepy, delicious and wallet friendly! If you want to make a spooky concoction for your Halloween party, here’s a great and cheap recipe!
Blueberry Ricky Punch with Edible Eyeballs A Ricky drink is a classic drink associated with
Halloween. It was originally served to kids after trick-ortreating. However, for our purposes, this version is going to be alcoholic. To make your punch even more terrifying, I am going to include how to make edible “eyeballs” that will actually float in the punch. For the drink, mix: 12 cups blueberry juice Juice of 16 limes 8 cups sparkling water 3 cups gin Ice (recommended serving separately so it won’t water down the drink). This drink recipe yields 24 servings.
To make the eyeballs, you will need 24 blueberries and 24 canned lychees. Use one blueberry per lychee, and push the blueberry in enough so that it will look like and eyeball. Set the finished product on a foil-lined baking sheet to freeze. Freeze for an hour. This drink is meant to impress! It’s fun to make, absolutely delicious, and costs only $30.31 to make 24 servings (calculated using Kroger prices) with cheap brands! That may seem a tad expensive, but a serving only costs $1.26!
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
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photos by ryan shaw
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Award winning Scottish synthpop band, CHVRCHES, is back on tour. Bringing lush electronic hits such as “The Mother We Share” and “Gun” with them to the LC on their North American tour. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $34.60
Band of Heathens
Beats Antique
A band on the cusp of celebrating their 10th anniversary of musical birth, Band of Heathens performs classic American rock mixed heavily with Texan style.
Beats Antique concocts an American experimental sound of world fusion and electronic with unforgettable percussives. Known for their performance art with their tribal fusion dance routines. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $29,60
OUAB Flicks for Free ft. Minions
The Tenshu
A multi-cultural event presented by PNC Arts Alive, Japanese choreographer/director Hiromi Sakamoto and author of the KABUKI Graphic Novels, David Mack to bring this artistic experience to life.
Indulge in your inner villian for a night of free snacks, soda and laughs at the screening of the Minions. U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: BuckID req.
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $12
Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
A self-titled “product of the 90s”, COIN brings grunge rock to the forefront with their aesthetic and musical style. They have just finished writing and recording their debut album in Nashville with Producer of the Year nominee, Jay Joyce. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $17.95
The Spikedrivers
Ladies 80's
The Spikedrivers are a Columbus, OH centric band that run the bar circuit of the city. They bring Americana rock style to their music and performances, for a cool vibe that matches the cold drinks.
Ladies, leave your man at home and get out for a night with the girls! Featuring DJ Ginsu, this night is not about the fellas, but they’re sure to show up! Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Wedding Runway Show
Columbus Fashion Week 2015 brings their third annual bridal show to fall fashion scene with the ethereal and boundary-pushing.
Columbus Athenaeum Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Rumba Cafe Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $7
Cashmere Cat
Magnus August Høiberg aka Cashmere Cat is a Norwegian musician, producer and DJ. He made a name in the DJ world in 2012, with remixes and edits of songs by Lana Del Rey, 2 Chainz and Jeremih. Park Street Saloon Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Grace Potter
The Vermont rock sensation with a voice larger than life debuts her solo album of hits after seven years with her rock band, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. Potter is best known for her self-produced tracks and collaborations with other artists, including Kenny Chesney and the Rolling Stones. LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Columbus Italian Festival
Hollywood Undead
An American band that combines rock and rap with their music and performance for a modern KISS feel. With a combination of paint and masks, this group combines street grunge style with the ambiguity of masks. Newport Music Hall Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $33.60
An American singer and songwriter from Las Vegas brings sin city style to original songs and shows. With hits like “On the Regular” and “Call It Off” from his album, Ratchet.
Their critically acclaimed style has been described as “synthpop” and this musical group is focused on bringing their audience the best art and music combination possible. Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
The Basement Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $19.45
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
The festival presents dozens of food and drink vendors for a variety in the Taste of Italy. Don’t miss the entertainment of multiple musical acts St. John the Baptist Church Time: Varies | Tickets: $5
Kevin Hart
One of the hottest comics in the game right now, Kevin Hart makes a stop in Columbus on his What Now tour, in between filming for his various roles. There’s no doubt that this comedian, known for his short stature and big voice, has made a voice for himself through standup, film and television! Nationwide Arena Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
OSU Football
Bass Jam
Welcome to the Bass Jam! This show features Broccoli Samurai, an electronic bass band, Electronic Orange Peel and more! It’ll make your heart thump and legs shake when the bass drops. Skully’s Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Ohio State University’s homecoming game is a perfect time to show off your OSU pride, as if anyone needs a reason! Cheer on the buckeyes as they face off against Maryland on the home turf. Ohio Stadium Time: 12 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Moonlight Market Celebrate sweater weather with a stroll down Gay Street at this Gallery Hop-esque event that boasts extended store hours and the beauty that is Columbus lit up at night. Gay Street Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Skizzy Mars
An up and coming rap star in the genre of alternative rap, Skizzy Mars is hustling to follow in the footsteps of modern alternative rappers like Kendrick Lamar. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $23.60
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Mac Miller
Get a taste for the street style of Pittsburgh based rapper Mac Miller. Miller hit the scene in 2011 with his breakout hit “Donald Trump.” He solidified his name with a collaboration on “The Way” with Ariana Grande that soared to the top of the pop charts.
Whether you recognize them from their hit song “Hurricane” or their song “Bones” (which was prominently featured in a Game of Thrones trailer), MS MR are guaranteed to put on a high-energy show, featuring their unique atmospheric pop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $37.25
Newport Music Hall | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $30.60
Cleveland Cavaliers
Tap into your hardcore side with this American metalcore band with origins in Atlanta, Georgia. After a brief three year break following their first album release, Issues has been consistently writing and recording original music for four years. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Park Street Saloon | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $17
The Flex Crew
This local reggae band will bless your ears with their soulful and funky songs. TFC has performed with many popular reggae artists and continues to tour the country.
Skully's | Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Race for Education 5K
OSU’s own English Undergraduate Organization hosts this annual event, which supports I Know I Can, a non-profit that assists local high school students in raising money for college. Come out and show your support; who knows, you might end up running next to some of your professors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fred Beekman Park | Time: 10 a.m. | Tickets: $12 30
UWEEKLY • October 7, 2015
Welcome the Cleveland Cavaliers to Columbus as they face off with the Memphis Grizzlies in their NBA preseason game at 7PM. The “Schott” will serve as the Cavs home court. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paul McCartney
The OG of british rock on American soil is making a visit to Columbus for his solo tour, Out There! Paul McCartney brings his solo hits and some Beatles classics to the stage with this one night show! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nationwide Arena | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Get down with this American sludge metal band that was formed in Savannah, Georgia. Their music is experimental in its own nature with heavy riffs, droptuned guitars and elements of psychedelic rock. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Basement| Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $21.60
Schottstein Center| Time: 7 p.m. | Vary
Captain Mark Kelly
Blast off with this decorated astronaut as he details his experiences with NASA, after spending 50 days in space and commanding both the Space Shuttle Endeavour and Space Shuttle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catfish and the Bottlemen
Welcome a british invasion in the form of North Wales rock band, Catfish and the Bottlemen. There performances will include hits from their 2014 album, “The Balcony”, on their north American tour. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ohio Union | 7 p.m. | Prices: Free w/ BuckID
Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $24
Idealist Grad Fair
My Morning Jacket was formed at the tail-end of the 1990s, when Jim James’ group Month Of Sundays folded, and went on to record their acclaimed “sublime” hits. They made their early reputation off the three albums they recorded at Above The Cadillac.
An opportunity for any students who are interested in non-profit work to meet with over 70 representatives from local, national, and international universities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Glenn School of Public Affairs Time: 5 p.m. |Tickets: Free
My Morning Jacket
Palace Theatre | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary
Lure him in
o, you’re out and you see this really cute guy that keeps looking at you. You guys continue to make eye contact and you want him to talk to you, but how? Your next move will depend on how much you’re attracted to this guy or where you want to take things. Let’s be honest, sometimes you want to talk to a guy because his interest in you is kind of sweet and someone is giving you the attention you deserve. Own the limelight. If that’s not it, maybe you’re extremely attracted to him and his fine ass is going home with you tonight. You go, girl. Whatever the reason is, you need to send this boy a signal that lets him know you’re interested. Now, if you’re the kind of girl that likes to take action and be the one in power then saunter on over to him, hot stuff. Call the shots, take the lead, be a bad bitch and ask for that number. You’ll need to be brave, a good flirt and build off of the sexual tension. Guys love a confident girl who can take control. Though, there’s nothing wrong with manipulating the male species to come to you.
ual tension or further build the attraction between you two. Once he makes it to you, be fun and flirty! If you can’t get a clear view of his entire body then simply continue to make eye contact and be fabulous, hot, cute—whatever works for you. Laugh, smile or dance (if your moves are more hot than embarrassing) to keep his attention. He’ll come over sooner or later. If your patience is waning then point at him and motion him to come to you—JUST KIDDING. Be careful, sometimes coming on too strong will scare guys away. A better way you can get him to introduce himself is to start talking to the people with or around him. If he sees you being friendly with his pals or that you’re close enough to talk to, he’ll be more inclined to say something. Make the situation casual and once you’re near him, you can simply ask him a question or say ‘Hi’ yourself. It’ll be a great way to get a conversation flowing that isn’t awkward.
The next time you see a cute guy eyeing you, remember your options are going to him, baiting him or meeting him halfway. Also, be cool, calm and collected! Be your flirtiest self and work it.
Seduce them. Entice them. One way to get a guy to come to you is by smiling at him. It’s like a huge welcome sign that’ll make him comfortable enough to say ‘Hi.’ My personal favorite is looking him up and down and then making eye contact. You don’t need to smile. The lingering look will add to the sex
Get them hooked, girlies. With love, Stella
October 7, 2015 • UWEEKLY