DEC 8, 2015
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
What are your plans for winter break? By KAITLIN BRADLEY
Monica Bhat
Andrew Petrilla
Sleeping. I need it!
Spending time with family, that's the most important.
Annie Pennybaker
Not studying! Oh, and baking Christmas cookies in a real house.
Tom Weston
I'm going to Las Vegas with my dad because I just turned 21, it'll be a great time.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Forever waiting for you to notice me @ChaseFarris57
Meredith snyder please be into black dudes @mere_snyds
What will it take to go on a date with you? Nothing better than a God-fearing, soy-sauce loving man @RIP_JEP
@MeghanCollyer is so cute. The things I would do...
Went to high school with Aaron D'Amore, and holy shit, he got hot. @Aaron_DAmore_
Taylor Blatt, will you marry me? @taytaayy22
Zach Mason is literally the cutest thing. I loved watching you play this season...Stay amazing @Zach_Mason7 6
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
Max from my chem 1210 lab, plz break up with your gf and be mine already @maxewellhoover_
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
TUES 12.8
Ali Catherine @AliQuayle94
Jingle Ball
I just realized I don't even know my advisors name #GoBucks
The best way to spread Christmas cheer… well, you know the rest. Pentatonix and Charlie Puth are here to help you jumpstart the holidays by performing for Jingle Ball!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper @ImJustStephen This has been on crazy semester, to say the least #new2osu
LC Pavilion | 5 p.m. | $35
FRI 12.11
Julie Bastulli @Julie_Bastulli
The Nutcracker
Class of '16 has never experienced a TTUN loss #GoBucks
Get crackin’ at this beautiful show with the magic and adventure of BalletMet’s The Nutcracker. Journey with Clara and her Nutcracker Prince and indulge in unforgettable characters and choreography, exquisite costumes and scenery and music from the Columbus Symphony.
Taylor Kneip @forksandkneips Just walked all the way to class in the rain with my backpack unzipped!!!!! #new2osu
Ohio Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | Vary
SAT 12.12
Kat @katmagee Sitting in the Union and pretty sure I'm in the background of someone's wedding pictures.. #onlyatohiostate
zac brown band
The Jekyll and Hyde Tour is the fifth headlining concert tour by American country music group, Zac Brown Band. The tour began this past spring on May 1, 2015, in Nashville, Tennessee. Concert goers can expect is in support of their fourth studio album.
kelluminati @kell56bell college is going great i am happy always and sleep so much and am probably not dying #new2osu
Schottenstein Center | 7 p.m. | Vary
Free OSU apparel!
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly and two will win a 2014 National Championship sweatshirt & scarf from Conrad's College Gifts!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two will receive a pair of tickets to see Badfish at Newport Music Hall on Feb. 5!
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
time & change of winter break These are the good ol' days, take advantage By CAITLIN ESSIG
ust a few years ago, you were living in a dorm, gathering with your floormates for a hastily thrown-together holiday party. You probably dressed up, took selfies, ate something your RA called “food” and rolled your eyes at how corny the whole thing was, before going back to your room and changing into something more scantily clad while taking shots of Kamchatka. Now, you’re in yet another round of finals, each one reminding you that graduation is creeping closer, and each one making you more apathetic toward studying than the last. Your class load has probably gotten lighter, but you’re still living for the weekend — though you probably drink something stronger and more expensive now. Four years ago, you couldn’t wait to be 21, but now that you’ve passed that birthday and maybe a couple more, you just feel old. You might not miss the dorms but you probably miss the simplicity of being a freshman sometimes. Your first holiday season in college is so unlike the rest. You’re still figuring out what you want to get out of your four (or more) years. You live with the majority of your friends and you probably still feel that organic pang of homesickness, especially this time of year. When you go home (your parents’ house is still home at this point), you breathe a little sigh of relief, 8
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
as everything returns to your comfortable normalcy for a few weeks. Maybe you reconnect with your high school friends, or maybe you just melt into the couch with your dog and Netflix. As you grow up, your holiday breaks change. Maybe you plan a trip to Chicago or New York City for New Years Eve. Maybe you have a car on campus and jet back to Columbus before the Christmas morning wrapping paper even hits the trash. Maybe you sign up for a service trip or spend part of break with your significant other’s family. Somewhere along the line, you disconnect. It’s probably subconscious, but it happens. You start to rush through the whole season, wanting to do and see it all, while maybe forgetting to be present and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year. As you near the end of your college days, don’t forget to slow down when you can. Take your time in studying for finals, then unplug for a little while. When reality sinks in that there’s no winter break in the real world, you’ll fiercely wish for it back — though I know it’s a catch-22, because we don’t know we’re in the good old days until we’ve left them. Whether it’s your first winter break in college or your last, find the time to share it in meaningful ways with your family and friends. Create new
ditions you swear to come back to and then follow through each year. A group of my friends from high school and I have a liquor gift exchange every year, without fail. It may be weird, but having a set reason to get together is wonderful. When your mom asks how you plan on spending the next day of your break, come up with something better than “sleeping in until noon and watching ‘Scandal.’” Definitely make time to do those things (time for that doesn’t exist in the real world, either), but don’t build a whole break out of it. Take your parents out to lunch. Put your phone away and ask them real questions about their past and their views on the future. Grab a beer with your brother. Take your little sister sledding. Those will be the memories you’ll cherish when you barely have time to eat a meal with your family some future Christmas down the line, as you balance work and other obligations. And when you find yourself at 23, getting ready to put on an ugly Christmas sweater and head to a party with your best friends from college, remember to linger a bit at the end of the night. Someday you’ll miss it and remember it fondly as one of the good old days.
Happy holi-bae Making a gift exchange with your S/O successful By REGINA FOX
h, so you didn’t land that cutie from class just yet but you snagged her/his number, hung out a few times and really enjoy each other’s company. The holidays are rolling around and while a grand gift gesture may not be appropriate, you think it would be a good idea to get them a little something… But what? A mixtape Not one of your basement-made, amateur- atbest raps, but a playlist burnt on a blank CD, which they actually do still sell. Include some good songs that never get dusty (i.e. “Baba O’Riley,” “Sugar, We’re Goin Down,” etc.) but make sure you sprinkle in tunes from your playlist, too. Turning someone on to new music is better than any bedroom eyes or dinner date. Big ol’ bottle of Barefoot The perfect amount for two, tied with a bow of
course. Wine poses a great opportunity to spend some alone time together and people are better with a little moscato buzz. Your favorite book This one definitely depends on the person. If your kind of significant other can appreciate the novelty of a physical book, scratch down some of your favorite quotes or a little message on the inside of the front cover. Or highlight some of your favorite passages. Sometimes if you can’t explain something, books can do the talking. Homemade coupons More on the cheesy side but altogether a nice gesture and open for interpretation. If you two are in the “going on dates” phase or would like to be, make some coupons for “Dinner at my place” where you cook for him/her, “Pizza and a trip to Petland” or “Pick a direction, I’ll drive” for a mini road trip.
Keep them light, you don’t want to spook them with over-the-top romance. Write them long hand, dress it up with drawings or pictures and seal them up in a festive envelope. One-time class Probably for two people who will be entering into the “Facebook official” stage in the near future. Choose a class, like pottery, glassblowing or something neither of you have done before. There is a variety offered around the campus area for reasonable prices. Guaranteed laughs and if you’re blessed with first timer’s luck, a new coffee mug. If you see a future with your situation-ship, consider one of the aforementioned gift ideas. If you two are only communicating past midnight on the weekends, my best advice is to just blow by the holiday and never make mention of it.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
gifts for the 'rents Hint: DIY gifts will still make mom cry Photo by Igor Bulgarin /
holiday happenings Keeping your holiday cheer in Columbus By TAMIKA SMITH
ecember has finally rolled around and we're all starting to get more and more into the holiday spirit. If you're like me, you love engaging in various Christmas-y events to boost your spirit. After you're done cramming and taking finals, a little holiday cheer is what you'll need. The good thing: Christmastime in Columbus is anything but boring. Here are a few holiday events taking place throughout December that will get you in the spirit and ensure that this Christmas is a memorable one:
Wildlights at the Columbus Zoo Now until Jan. 13 If you're from Columbus, then I’m sure you know all about the Wildlights at the Zoo and you've been numerous times. But, if you're not from Columbus and are sticking around for the holidays, you should definitely check it out. Tons of lights, light shows, camel rides, Santa and Mrs. Claus and ice-skating can all be found at Wildlights. Visit for more info on the event.
Shadowbox Live holiday shows Now until Jan. 3 This year, Shadowbox will be putting on a couple of holiday shows throughout the season: "Holiday Hoopla" and "Scrooge the Musical." "Holiday Hoopla" is a raunchy Christmas rock and roll show while "Scrooge the Musical" is a more classic retelling of 10
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
Charles Dickens' “A Christmas Carol.” Visit for more info on the events.
Merry and Bright Nights at the Conservatory Now until Jan. 4 The Franklin Park Conservatory will have holiday displays and activities throughout the holiday season including gingerbread contests and musical performances. The event is appropriate for the entire family. Visit for more info on the event.
"Krampus: A Yuletide Tale" Dec. 10-20 The Garden Theater on North High Street will be premiering their rendition of the European Christmas legend of Krampus (a horror film called “Krampus” is also currently in theaters). This show will be a musical that is appropriate for adults and children. Visit for more info on the show.
BalletMet's "The Nutcracker" Dec. 11-27 An annual happening in Columbus, "The Nutcraker" is a beautiful ballet that tells the Christmas story of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince. Everyone must see the ballet at least once in his or her life! Visit for ticket information.
emember back in the day in elementary school, we'd all make what we'd thought to be really great Christmas presents for our parents? Whether it was a card made from red construction paper or a paper ornament, we just knew our parents would love it. While you're not in elementary school anymore, as a college student, your budget probably isn't as advanced as your age. That means it's time to revert back to those elementary school sentiments when looking for a Christmas present for your parent(s). Here’s the thing: parents aren't very materialistic when it comes to gifts. They're more sentimental. That's what makes Christmas so great; it doesn't matter how much or little you spend on a gift for your parent(s), it's the thought that counts. As long as you have some time and a few bucks, this Christmas you can easily create a gift that the ‘rents will love. Now, because we're not children anymore (not age wise anyways) we're going to get a little bit more extravagant than a construction paper card. An art or photo calendar. Parents love calendars. What's great about making one is that you can customize it and add some of their favorite events in each month. Painted mug. The only people that may love coffee more than college students are parents. You can easily buy a cheap mug and then get artsy and make it pretty. Framed photograph. You might see some waterworks with this one. Find an old, sentimental family picture. Hint: Maybe a vacation from your childhood. Get the picture copied and put it in a really nice frame.
to b or not to b Ending the semester with good grades
ne of the scariest words to hear as a college student: finals. As the end of the semester winds down, the hardest part is staying strong and either maintaining your grades, or improving them. Not slacking off is a vital task around this time. When the semester first started, I'm sure you had dreams of acing every class but now you might be hoping to just pass the class. While you may not be acing every class, you still have time to do well in your courses. The good thing about finals is that they are often a large part of your grade. This may seem like a bad thing if you're not prepared for your finals. But, if you are prepared to do well on you final exams and papers, you will have a good chance of getting A’s in your classes this semester or at least settling for a B. Take these tips into consideration when preparing for your finals and you should do well. Make up missed work. When I say missed work I’m not necessarily talking about turning in assignments you didn't do. Most likely, your professors won't let you make up past work. You should, however, make up work you may have missed for the sake of not missing anything that was taught in class. Ask other students for their notes on a day that you missed. If you did happen to miss an assignment, you should go back and attempt to do the assignment just to make sure you know the material. Communicate with your professors. If you don't feel completely confident on what was taught in the course, then you need to tell your professor. During finals week, professors will have various office hours for extra student help. Make an appointment with your professor to go over past content. Do any extras. At the end of the semester, some of your professors may give extra credit opSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
And it’s about time we gracefully bow out. But don’t worry, you can’t get rid of us that easy. It’s time for a UMakeover and it’s time to get back to the roots of what the magazine was created for. We want to tell the stories of people in the Ohio State community and we want to be a staple for students. You know that scene in "13 Going on 30" where Jenna is pitching a redesign of her magazine?
A Letter From the Editor I have a confession to make... Yep, the puzzle page. Sudoku is life.
Welcome to 1870 Magazine.
Back during my sophomore and junior year at Ohio State, I was working at the OSU Call Center. Three times a week for about four hours, I called alumni to ask/beg for donations for the school. For the amount of pissed off “No”’s I got while working there, having some sort of distraction and pick me up was absolutely necessary. And that’s exactly what the magazine was for me. At least, at the time. Back then, UWeekly looked a little different than it does now. It was more of “UWeekly Newspaper” rather than “UWeekly Magazine.” Last year, UWeekly actually became the first college newspaper to ever be printed on glossy magazine paper; fun fact. Because of our awesome UWeekly clan of student writers, past editors, photographers and more, we’ve been able to be a part of the Ohio State community for ten years now. Ten years of sharing student’s stories and thoughts. Ten years of “BarStarz” reminding you that you actually did make it to Out R Inn this weekend regardless of what your memory says. Ten years of sharing street style and your secret OSU Crushes.
UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis
Photographer David Heasley
Editor-in-Chief Lauren Every
Layout Designer Lauren Every
Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley
Design Hugo Albornoz
Play Editor Alex Antonetz
Copy Editor James Garcia
Photo Editor Chris Casella
VP of Marketing Lindsay Press Account Executives
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
That’s basically what we want to do. We want to see recognizable faces on the cover. We want you to open up the magazine because your roommate is on page 12 and your professor is on page 28.
I used to pick up UWeekly only for the puzzle page.
“Who are these women? Does anyone know? I don't recognize any of them. I want to see my best friend's big sister, the girls from the soccer team, my next door neighbor...Let's put life back into the magazine. And fun and laughter and silliness,” she says.
Michelle Hartman Derek Landers Meggin Weimerskirch Liza Worthington Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Alex Bixler Nicole Huser Julie Kehl
The name comes from the year THE Ohio State University was established and we want to become THE monthly magazine on campus. Get excited, the cover for the January issue is a tidal wave of awesome. #SaveToos Even if you pick it up solely for the puzzle page like I used to, take a look through and I hope you'll find something you truly enjoy. Thanks for sticking it out with us, OSU, and I’m so incredibly excited for all of you to see the new and improved UWeekly in 1870 Magazine.
- Lauren Every
Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker
Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner Lauren Weitz
Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Ron Horsley
#TBT A look back at UWeekly's first issue By LAUREN EVERY
he very first issue of UWeekly came out on Sept. 21, 2005. It’s safe to say that a lot has changed in ten years, and some things are still the same. To prove the point, let's look back at the content of that very first issue and compare life at The Best Damn University in the land. The issue came out during Welcome Week and welcomed “the best academically prepared freshman in history.”
Also, huge news in 2005. Bars switched to digital jukeboxes and people were pissed. “Alot of people were upset about the new jukebox,” said Bryan Penn, a bartender at The Blue Danube which is still located on North Campus. But, don't worry Bryan, a few people were happy about it.
It’s weird how that happens every single year at OSU isn’t it? I wonder how that freshman class would compare to this year's freshman. Probably pretty poorly.
Especially patrons at Out R Inn because their jukebox was equipped with Limp Bizkit and the entire collection of the “Now That’s What I Call Music” series. Out R Inn’s most popular song played on their fancy new jukebox was “Blvd of Broken Dreams” by Green Day. What a time to be alive, you guys.
OSU was also welcoming students for the first time to the RPAC which opened in August of 2005 after a $140 million dollar project. What did people do before the RPAC? Worked out outside like cavemen, I guess. But the real question is, what did people do before the cheese tortillini and taco salad at the cafe?
You know how once or twice a year the city decides to crack down on porch couches and leaves a notice on your door? That started in 2005 after a campus fire killed five people on 17th Ave. So, maybe think twice before you put that indoor couch outside. The city actually is doing that to prevent house fires.
There was some controversy in 2005 (when isn’t there some sort of controversy at OSU) regarding Roger D. Blackwell. Blackwell, who The Blackwell is named after in case you didn’t put two and two together, was convicted of insider trading. Because of this, there was serious discussion about changing the name of the hotel.
The ways to ruin your freshman year remain the same: don’t jump into a relationship, don’t assume class is always optional, don’t let alcohol ruin your life and don’t buy your school books prematurely. Seriously, it will save you hundreds.
Apparently, everything got swept under the rug because I’m sure 99 percent of students today have heard absolutely nothing about this.
For UWeekly’s very first issue, one lucky person won an iPod Nano. UWeekly now gives away giftcards to Melt. You tell me what’s better. An iPod Nano or an ooey-gooey-cheesy sandwich?
tured in this issue: Freshman literally walked around with paper maps to find their classes. No iPhones means no OSU app. Yikes. Thad Matta was young(er). Guys only danced at bars to impress girls. Did grinding exist in 2005? Paul Wall was blowin’ up. ROKR came out with the first cell phone to link to your iTunes. It apparently sucked. #TeamRAZR People were pirating DVDs. Instead of tweeting mean things to OSU football players when the team lost, people searched for players personal emails and sent them hate mail that way. How kind. Britney Spears just had her first child with K. Fed. Now, that’s a #TBT if I’ve ever heard one. Donald Trump picked a former stripper as a contestant for "The Apprentice" because the previous season didn’t live up to his standards. Make "The Apprentice" great again. Right, Donald? We’ve come a long way, folks. And in ten years someone will be reading this and laughing. Hello to you and goodbye to UWeekly. It’s been a great run.
Here are some other fun things that were fea
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
back to the desert No. 7 Ohio State draws No. 8 Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl By Geoff Hammersley
hio State’s fate has been determined: the Fiesta Bowl with No. 8 Notre Dame. The last time the Buckeyes (11-1, 7-1) took on the Fighting Irish (10-2) was in the 2006 Fiesta Bowl – a game where Troy Smith torched the Irish en route to a 34-20 win. This time around, OSU has the explosiveness of J.T. Barrett and Ezekiel Elliott on offense to go against the school from South Bend, Ind. We know enough about the Buckeyes, but let’s preview the Irish: Quick Notes: Head coach: Brian Kelly Kelly coached the Irish to the 2012 National Championship, only to be sandblasted 42-14 by Alabama. However, he has recent success in bowl games, winning the 2013 Pinstripe Bowl (against Rutgers) and the 2014 Music City Bowl (against LSU). Offense X Factors: QB DeShone Kizer and RB C.J. Prosise 14
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
Since filling in for an injured Malik Zaire, Kizer has been a huge reason for the Irish reaching the 10-win mark. Kizer has been extraordinary in big games – he threw for 321 yards against Clemson in a driving rain.
Okwara has 36 tackles, but is second on the team with 12.5 TFLs. The more impressive stat is that Okwara has nine sacks, a team best. Okwara and Smith are definitely the two people the Buckeye offense needs to watch out for.
Prosise, like Kizer, can become electric. This season, Prosise had five games where he rushed over 125 yards; he also received 100 yards against Clemson in the loss.
Prediction While Notre Dame has lost to the No.1 team in Clemson, and PAC-12 Champion Stanford, they are a real threat to the Buckeyes.
Notre Dame has their playmakers, and given just an inch, they can take off down the field for a score.
Now, if the Buckeyes come out playing like they did against Michigan, then the Fiesta Bowl committee should load up the confetti machine with scarlet and gray by halftime. If the Buckeyes sleepwalk in this game, Notre Dame has a chance to steal a victory – but even then, Prosise and Kizer will have issues getting past the Buckeye defensive line late in the game.
Defense X Factors: Jaylon Smith and Romeo Okwara Smith leads the Irish with 98 total tackles. On top of that, he’s one of the top defenders on the team with eight tackles for loss (TFL). The bigger stat is his five pass breakups and six quarterback hits. Expect the Irish, collectively, to harass Barrett, but specifically Smith to be the first man in Barrett’s grill.
Ohio State 36 Notre Dame 24
Photo by david heasley
B1G & Best Why the B1G is better than the SEC By GEOFF HAMMERSLEY
he crowd was electric; rumblings were felt in the press box and the deafening noise on the field for Michigan State’s game winning drive against Iowa made you feel as if the game was about life and death. In a way, it was. As L.J. Scott stretches his arm out on a second chance effort to break the plane of the end zone, roars from the Spartan end zone erupted. While on the other side, blood-curdling yelps mashed with others’ silence created a cacophony of emotions. The sights and sounds from the 2015 Big Ten Championship was what you wanted in a conference finale. Tough defense, a couple of big –and I mean gigantic– plays that let you know the offense was still alive. How’d-he-do-that, instant-classic plays made by both sides brought Indianapolis into the limelight for college football. And that’s the way it should be. Saturday night was the ‘Exhibit A’ to why the Big Ten was the most dominant, tough and best conference in college football over the past 13 weeks. All this, while Ohio State sat at home wondering what their postseason fate was going to be. Now, Michigan State sits in a playoff semifinal game against Alabama in the Cotton Bowl – for Sparty, it's their second Cotton Bowl in a calendar year. At the same time, Iowa punched their ticket to the “Granddaddy of Them All,” the Rose Bowl. The Hawkeyes, who were 27 seconds away from being in the playoff, make the trip back to Pasadena, Calif. for the time in 25 years. Throw in Ohio State going back to the desert for the Fiesta Bowl, and you now have three Big Ten institutions in New Year’s Six bowl games. Between the Buckeyes, Hawkeyes and SparSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by Andrea Raffin /
rock on the range ROTR releases line-up for 2016 By JACK LYNCH
ock and roll fans are already getting pumped up for next year’s Rock on the Range, the annual eardrum-shattering, face-melting music festival at Mapfre Stadium, home of the Columbus Crew.
After last summer’s festival filled its lineup with metal titans like Slipknot, Judas Priest and The Dillinger Escape Plan, next summer’s lineup brings a slew of crowd-pleasers to Columbus. In a surprising move, the Red Hot Chili Peppers were chosen to be 2016 festival headliners, whose idiosyncratic style of funk rock runs complementary to the strains of hard rock and heavy metal usually showcased on the main stage. “Everything has been turned up a notch to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rock On The Range,” said ROTR co-executive producer Gary Spivack in a press release. “It’s paramount that we continue to raise the bar so Rock On The Range remains the elite rock festival in America. We feel we've accomplished this goal and then some.” In a testament to Spivack’s “elite” vision for the festival, it will feature some unexpected reunions, including hard rock fan favorite Disturbed, who is coming back to the stage after a four-year hiatus, and are known for their iconic song “Down With The Sickness.” In addition, The Mars Volta predecessors At The Drive-In will be playing its frantic style of post-hardcore experimental rock after almost 15 years apart. Following the dissolution of The Mars Volta in 2012, fans of singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala and guitarist Omar Rodríguez-López will likely flock to the festival for an opportunity to hear classic songs like “One Armed Scissor.” Other highlights of the lineup include Death From Above 1979, who is known for its danceable style of noise-punk, and heavy metal gods Lamb of God, who will have been headbanging together for 22 years in 2016. The 10th anniversary of Rock on the Range is taking place May 20-22 at Mapfre Stadium. Tickets and the full lineup are available online at
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of Samantha Urell
High Definition Local band looks to nationwide fame
The secret to playing a good live show lies in a simple formula," said Nick Kurth, lead singer and guitarist of The High Definitions. “Equal parts preparation and bourbon.” The band slayed the audience at The Shrunken Head on Saturday, with frontman Kurth’s manic guitar solos taking center stage while bassist James Eger and drummer Jon Coale held down beats so fat you could land planes on them.
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
The High Definitions have serious potential for widespread acclaim due to their sophisticated songs, rhythmic precision and, most importantly, the feel-good rock n’ roll attitude of the music. “I feel like I make the skeleton of the song, and they put in the organs. They flesh it out and make it into an actual thing,” Kurth said on the band’s collaborative songwriting process. “But it does continue to grow after it’s done recording.” “Eventually it starts walking around,” Coale added. “And you can’t tell it to be back by eight.” Indeed, The High Definitions have a penchant for improvisation and will follow the song wherever it takes them, even in a live setting. “Starting out, we had songs and a form that were more defined, whereas now we’ll have a song concept and explore it more,” Kurth said. “The songs have a lot more room to breathe,” Coale added. On the band’s most recent studio release, an advance single called “Song and a Dance” from its upcoming full-length release, it’s easy to hear where the form of the song ends and where the improvised outro begins. “I think the cool thing about this album, and the thing I’m really proud of about it, is that it was recorded 90 percent completely live, as far as the rhythm section,” Kurth said. “It has the niceness of a studio recording, but it has the energy of a live performance.” As for what’s next, The High Definitions hope to take their sound nationwide, spreading the love by taking the show on the road. “Our strength is in our live performance, so that’s the way we’re gonna spread it, by travelling and doing it live,” Kurth said. For a chance to hear “Song and a Dance” before it blows up, check out The High Definitions at
photo courtesy of sassafraZ
Frazzle town SassafraZ brings outdoor festival feel to the Newport
fter playing more than 80 shows this year, local jam rock band SassafraZ is ending the year with a bang in Columbus. On Friday, the band is bringing its annual flagship show, Frazzle Town, to the Newport Music Hall with the goal of giving the audience the feel of an outdoor festival on an indoor stage. “We have a lot of painters, we have some amazing giant stilt walkers, and we have five bands with a DJ and a beatboxer in between sets,” said Jack Gould, saxophonist and founding member of SassafraZ. “It’s going to be a night of great, continuous music.” And with presale tickets going for $10, the band hopes to bring big crowds out to the show as well. “This year we really wanted to step it up,” Gould said. “We’re filming it and recording it, so this could be a really big step for us as a band.” On the band’s most recent release, “Live in New York,” SassafraZ creates extended jams filled with hooks and skilled musicianship, and Gould said the album will give audiences a good idea of what to expect from Friday’s show. Joining SassafraZ are groove rock band Aqueous, of Buffalo, New York, local band Zoo Trippin, and local hip hop group G. Finesse & Black Eagle, among others. “We’ve played with a lot of different acts,” said Tony G. Finesse on the concert’s diverse lineup. “No matter who we’re playing with, we always work just because of our personality and the energy we bring to the stage.” “G. Finesse is bringing it harder than anyone in Columbus right now,” Gould said. “All these musicians have a lot of heart, a lot of soul. These are people who really play hard and always bring it. I think the flow is going to be really nice.”
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of NATE DEMARS
ugly sweaters galore Local store specializes in 'ugly' holiday sweaters By KAITLIN BRADLEY
or the third year in a row, Christmisc. is brought to students by the owners of Pursuit and offers a variety of holiday sweaters, from festive to “ugly.” With the surge in popularity of ugly Christmas sweater parties, the comfy delights of gaudy garb has triumphed over glittery cocktail attire. After initial success with the Columbus Christmas crowd, the creatives behind Christmisc. decided to spread the movement to Dayton, Ohio, where the store has also flourished. The ugly sweater trend is blooming for these local innovators. The idea of a pop-up sweater shop may be surprising, as ugly sweaters used to only be worn by elementary school teachers or anyone looking to be overly festive. But, the idea is actually genius. Ugly sweater parties have swelled in popularity in the last five years and almost everyone probably has an invite to one in their Facebook notifications.
cided to put a rack of "ugly sweaters" in the back of the store as a fun holiday item to drive people in. And we quickly sold out. The next year we did it again with more sweaters and again sold out. At that point we decided it had a lot of potential and it should be its own store. The following year, 2013, we opened Christmisc. as its own separate pop-up. We sold all 2,000 sweaters we brought in that year,” DeMars said. For students this is excellent news as Christmisc. offers sweaters ranging from $4 to $48, with options for everyone looking to show up in the right holiday gear without breaking their budget. Besides, who wants to get buffalo chicken dip or eggnog all over their best clothes? Now that we have you hooked with prices that rival Goodwill, let’s talk about what holiday haute can be found at the store. Remember how every item is curated and brought to the store?
Thus, Ohio State’s latest holiday tradition in South Gateway: Christmisc. As the founder of Pursuit and Christmisc., Nate DeMars shared with us the inspiration for this annual holiday staple.
Well, you’re not just getting a holiday sweater, you’re getting a genuine, vintage item! The Christmas collection includes sweaters, vests, turtlenecks, sweatshirts, fleece and accessories.
“Originally, in Pursuit's first year, 2011, we de-
If you’re an original who likes to customize,
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
check out their vast collection of holiday goods to find your unique fashion statement for any occasion. However, the pop up shop’s benefits don’t end there. Christmisc. also offers last minute gifts for the procrastinator in us all, as they are partners with Wholly Craft. Wholly Craft supplies Christmisc. with a collection of Ohio themed gifts and crafts from a wide range of talented, local crafters. Not only are these gifts good for a last minute idea with heart, almost all of these goods sell for less than $20! Since most holiday parties are before the end of finals, get to Christmisc. soon! They are only open until Dec. 23 or when they sell out, whichever comes first. Even the Pursuit crew will be grabbing their garb before the holiday for their own ugly sweater party, in honor of their hit pop-up shop. “We usually throw a big sweater party ourselves! It serves usually as both a grand opening and a holiday party for our Pursuit and Christmisc. company party,” DeMars shared. Style is subjective to taste, so indulge your senses this season and grab an outfit richer than eggnog!
put a (nice) ring on it Ditching cheap jewelry By REGINA FOX
adies, take a glance at your hands. Are you sporting some cheap, nickel-plated ring set from Forever21? Even worse, are you not wearing any rings at all? Clothes become bally, fade and lose their shape but, with the proper care, good jewelry never falters. Rings are passed down from generation to generation and speak volumes about the person. But finding a ring that will withstand the test of time isn’t always easy. Sometimes the toughest part of finding a pretty jewel for your finger is identifying nice metal. At first glance, there is no difference between cheap metal and sterling silver but after a short period of time, inexpensive, or base, metals turn amber in color and leaves behind a nasty green residue on your skin. Though not 100 percent effective, if you notice an imprint in the band, typically on the inside, that is a good indicator that it is sterling silver. This metal will never tarnish. Since the 1860's, America has required that jewelry marked “sterling silver” must contain 925 parts silver for every 1000 parts base metal. Most of the items made between 1860 and 1970 were stamped with a “925” on the inside to indicate the material used. Some also included the name or initials of the manufacturer. These stamps though can be bought at any craft store so nothing is stopping an artisan using base metal to stamp their pieces to look more like authentic sterling. Buyers beware. But once you have a solid sterling base, the next obstacle posed to you is differentiating gemstones from glass. If you’re on the hunt for turquoise, abalone or even mother of pearl, there are definitely some imposters in the field. Check for imperfections in the gem; slight cracks, muddling in the color, things like that. Gemstones are natural SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
extreme makeover:
Gingerbread house edition
cookies for santa
By Ashley Wilkinson
hristmas without cookies is like Pooh without Piglet or Kayne without Kim; it just wouldn’t be right. Making cookies during the holiday season is one of my favorite things to do with family and friends. With pretty much a million different cookie recipes out there, which ones should you make? Chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter. There are so many possibilities! Cookies that contain chocolate seem to be a very promising option to choose. Who doesn’t love chocolate? Here are two of my favorite cookie recipes containing chocolate. Spread the cheer by giving these to your family, friends and neighbors to spread holiday cheer! Chocolate Crinkle Cookies 1 cup cocoa powder 2 cups sugar ½ cup canola oil 4 eggs 2 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour 2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup confectioner’s sugar for the coating In a bowl, mix the cocoa powder, sugar and oil together. Add the eggs and vanilla and beat until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining ingredients (excluding the confectioner’s sugar). Combine the cocoa mix with this mixture, cover and chill in a 22
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refrigerator for at least four hours. After being chilled, roll dough into two-inch balls and dunk in a bowl of the confectioner’s sugar. Place on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake at 350 for 12-14 minutes. Open the oven after baking these glorious, gooey cookies and I promise you’ll fall in love. The textures of these cookies resemble brownies and the chocolate flavor is out of this world. Peppermint and Oreo Cheesecake Cookies ½ cup room temperature unsalted butter 3 ounces room temperature cream cheese 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup flour ½ cup peppermint chips (I use Andes peppermint crunch baking chips) 1 cup crushed Oreo's In a medium bowl, whisk together cream cheese, butter, sugar and vanilla. Fold in the peppermint chips with a spatula and gently mix in the flour. Roll the dough into two-inch balls and roll in the crumbled Oreos. Place on a parchment covered cookie sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes at 375 degrees. Keep a close watch so the cookies don’t get too brown. These cookies are a big hit at my family’s Christmas gathering. If you are a mint and chocolate lover like myself, you need to try these scrumptious cookies!
By Ashley wilkinson
’m sure we have all made a gingerbread house in our lifetime; the typical brown square house with a roof decorated with candy. That was when we were young and most likely not very elegant with our decorations. But we’re in college now; the game has changed. We have grown up and are therefore capable of making extreme houses. Need some inspiration? Snoopy Gingerbread House Snoopy: the famous Peanuts beagle who lazily sleeps on his dog house. Making a Snoopy gingerbread house isn’t too complicated. Simply paint the house with red icing and add M&Ms or Skittles to resemble Christmas lights. To make Snoopy, shape one large marshmallow for the head and one for the body. Construct Snoopy’s feet with small marshmallows. Paint on the ears and nose with melted chocolate. Cabin with Chimney Making a cute log cabin is super easy! Simply glue cinnamon sticks on the house itself to resemble logs and layer Triscuits to resemble a straw roof. To make the chimney with “smoke,” construct the chimney with almonds and place a light blue or white cotton candy on top to resemble the smoke.
Mobile cupcakes prove to be a
dreams don't pay bills An anecdote of selling out By EMILY RUDDUCK
quipped with the fearlessness and blind optimism that goes hand in hand with youth, I always knew what I wanted to do with my life. There wasn’t a question. For some, finding their passion means years of soul searching, or feeling trapped in a major, or a career in which they abhor. Me? Nope. I was going to change the world. I was going to be on the New York Times bestsellers list, tour exotic, hard-to-pronounce countries, party with authors and artists comparable to rock stars and never, ever sell out. But dear, sweet, naïve Emily – you didn’t account for bills. Or student loans. Or the money that it would take to fund your flamboyant travels. Most nights, I wrestle with the guilt of foregoing my autonomy for financial gain. I now spend more time at a corporate office closely resembling an airport – a cruel irony while I sit in the atrium and pin to my “wanderlust” board – than I do at the home I give my literal tears to have. I stifle the vigorous voice of my younger self when she whispers, “But this isn’t what we planned. What are we doing here?” I drown in anxiety when I contemplate never achieving more than this. And just when I thought that these feelings were mine and mine alone, my recently graduated friends and I finally just said it aloud; we had all sold out in various ways. We all have regrets. We all harbor a hint of self-hatred for settling for less than what we want. What we deserve. I swear, I’m not this emo in real life. Ok, so I can’t just pick up and take off whenever I want – but I can still plan. (Italy, I’m coming SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Jingle Ball
The best way to spread Christmas cheer… well, you know the rest. Pentatonix and Charlie Puth are here to help you jumpstart the holidays, performing for Jingle Ball with tracks from Pentatonix’s best-selling Christmas album and more! LC Pavilion Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: $35
Tory Lanez
Canadian rapper Tory Lanez will have you moving to his self-proclaimed “swavey” beats this Tuesday, featuring hit tracks like “Say It” and material from his upcoming album, For Regrets. Skully's Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Columbus Blue Jackets
Easton Entertainment
Cheer on the Blue Jackets as they take on the L.A. Kings! Nothing lets some steam off from finals like booing the opposing team. Nationwide Arena Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
Fantasy of Lights
Free cookies and hot chocolate?! What more could you ask for? Head over to Alum Creek State Park for some festive light displays, all on view from the comfort of your car. Alum Creek State Park Time: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Put down your shopping bags and relax. Easton has musical groups all day to help set the mood for all you crazy holiday shoppers! Easton Town Center Time: Varies | Free
The Revivalists Known for their big sound and
bigger band, this seven person ensemble brings the noise to any joint. After seven years of making music together, New Orleans rock hybrid The Revivalists have honed their sound and style to bring a unique show every time. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Dave Koz
Warm up to some hard rock styles with a collective show featuring the sounds of Artifas, NoMara, 8lb Pressure, Bad Remedy, Twenty-Second Dimension and KrashKarma! Skully's Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Hashtag Comedy
#Hashtag Comedy is made up of improv comedians! Each show is unique,so all audiences will be seeing something new, fresh and funny! Backstage Bistro Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5
Multi-Grammy nominee and saxophonist Dave Koz returns with the jazz show of the holiday season. Koz will be joined by, Jonathan Butler and saxophone star Candy Dulfer. Palace Theatre Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
OUAB Flicks for Free ft. trainwreck
Take a break from the trainwreck that is Finals Week, this hilarious comedy will have you laughing like it’s your job. US Bank Conference Theatre Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Buck ID req.
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Merry & Bright
Feel the spirit of the season surrounded by festive flower displays, evening lighting and lots of activities, including a really large and really pretty poinsettia tree and live music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Nutcracker
Get crackin’ at this beautiful show with the magic and adventure of BalletMet’s The Nutcracker. Journey with Clara and her Nutcracker Prince to the Land of Sweets and indulge in unforgettable characters and choreography, exquisite costumes and scenery and music from the Columbus Symphony.
Franklin Park Conservatory | Time: All Day | Vary
festivus de dru
The Showcase
Ohio Theatre | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Vary
Celebrate festivus in the best way possible, by helping a member of the community! All proceeds go towards helping Dru Furan’s recovery from a badly broken leg that has resulted in surgeries and months off of work. The show will feature The Frank Harrison Group, The Wayfarers, Spilling Seeds and more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Newport Music Hall | Time: 5 p.m. | $10
Ladies 80's & More! Dance to hits of today and the 90's and shake up your week! Ladies 21+ have no cover and it’s $5 for ladies 18-20! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's | Time: 8 p.m. | Vary
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | $15
The Ooh-La-Las Burlesque Show
Ladies 80's
Show off your pipes with this live R&B and Hip Hop show, or simply come to enjoy the sounds! Winners have the opportunity for a variety of prizes such as opening spots for Scarface, two hours of studio time, and a music video.
For anyone who is sick of Christmas, this show is for you! Get cozy with The OohLa-Las Burlesque and The Trulie Awesome Show for a night of winter wonders! This talent-packed show is sure to leave you begging for more.
Ruby Tuesday | Time: 9 p.m. | Vary
Scrooge 2015
Zac Brown Band Jekyll + Hyde Tour
The Jekyll and Hyde Tour is the fifth headlining concert tour by American country music group, Zac Brown Band. The tour began this past spring on May 1, 2015, in Nashville, Tennessee. Concert goers can expect is in support of their fourth studio album.
Feeling bahumbug? Head to the musical version of Charles Dicken's “A Christmas Carol.” Bring the whole family and enjoy this wonderful holiday tradition sure to bring joy and warm the heart of any Scrooge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shadowbox Live | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary
Holiday Hoopla
Sponsored by PNC Bank, this two hour show is filled with holiday themed sketch comedy and music featuring the always funny and delightful holiday tradition, The Santa Babies! Come help The Santa Babies celebrate their 25th year! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shadowbox Live | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Vary
Shottenstein Center| Time: 7 p.m. | Vary
Wanda Sykes
Catch Wanda Sykes on her one night show as she brings her stand up comedy tour to Columbus, Ohio! Sykes is well known for her comedy but recently best known for her roles in movies like Monster-in-Law, Evan Almighty, and License to Wed!
The Flex Crew
Wiggle and shake at this weekly reggae show! The Flex Crew know their stuff, and they’ll have you dancing the night away with their smooth and soulful rhythms!
Skully's Music Diner | Time: 10 p.m. | $10
Are the party starter and the best hype man around? Then get yourself to Skully’s for this weekly MC battle where the winner wins two hours studio time, a $50 gift card to OTT Botique and 100 CD duplicates! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's Music Diner | Time: 9 p.m. | Vary
Palace Theatre | Time: 8 p.m. | Vary
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • December 8, 2015
that awkward moment...
know this is an awkward and embarrassing topic for some, but it needs to be addressed. It’s like this quote I heard, “If the topic makes you uncomfortable, it’s probably worth talking about.”
ask for an unreasonable amount of head from him.
The quote was referring to important social issues, but it can still be applied.
Though, be understanding. Crack a joke or say something to make him feel comfortable. The last thing you should want to do is ruin his night and yours. Just because blood can’t seem to make it to his manhood, that doesn’t mean the night can’t be hot and steamy.
I don’t need to ask if you’ve ever had a situation when a guy couldn’t get it up. The more important question is what you did in response or what you would do? How would you act? From a girl’s perspective, if a guy can’t get hard she either thinks he doesn’t find her attractive or there’s something seriously wrong with his penis. Then, things get really, really awkward. Naturally both parties will be flummoxed about his lack of erection. Guys usually don’t know why their endowments kind of stop working during sexual activity. Blood doesn’t flow, he’s stressed, or he’s tired—who knows! It’s hard to pinpoint the cause, but, luckily, other parts of his body can still have a good time. If you ever find yourself in this predicament, turn it into an opportunity to find pleasure other ways. Test your creativity and skills in the sheets.
OK, maybe that’s too aggressive—or maybe not.
If sex is off the table at the moment, it won’t be forever. Try again the next morning. I bet it’ll be f-cking awesome morning sex too. He’ll want to makeup for the loss of time and you’ll be excited to see what he’s got. Let him show off.
Start your day off with morning sex and later a mimosa to reward yourself for getting through the night with your dignity intact. Honestly, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If anything you should walk away finding the entire situation humorous. It’s not like it happens that often. Right? Go on and exercise those creative and kinky minds.
He’ll most likely want to compensate for his inability to get up, so take advantage of the time to
With love, Stella
December 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY