Uweekly 12.02.15

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$25 up for grabs to The big bang 7


DEC 2, 2015


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015







@ cailinpittt @farezshah





December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

I know you have a GF & I respect that, but I want you to know that ur gorgeousness is much appreciated :) have a great day! @mrbednarki14

You're the only thing on my Christmas list! @madsgreg

I would love to go out on a date with Meghan Stiff. She is absolutely amazing. @meghan_stiff

Drew I wish I could get to know you because you seem so sweet and are absolutely adorable! @d_notar

Why aren't there more girls like you at this school??? @hailey_leanna

Tyler Sheppard is so dreamy @tylersheppard1

Are you taken, @dherbz13? Because you're a catch 6

UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015

Taylor Wicks the OA in Baker West is beyond beautiful @whatcani_tay

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




WED 12.2

Dane Bachman @dane_bachman

105.7 birthday bash

Did Mirror Lake Jump get cancelled? I'm the only one here #new2osu

Columbus’ newest alt rock station, 105.7 The X, hosts its first birthday party featuring Panic! at the Disco! Head over to the LC and relive your middle school years with favorites like “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and “Nine in the Afternoon.”

Emily @burts_bees_ "I literally would have taped my butthole if I jumped into mirror lake" @abba_dabs #new2osu


LC Pavilion | 6 p.m. | $38.50

SAT 12.5

thalia sofia @thalia_sofia11_

CD 102.5 holiday show

For the mirror lake jump do I have to bring my own mirror or will one be provided? #new2osu

You know it’s the most wonderful time of the year when this annual holiday bash rolls around! Celebrate with this year’s killer lineup, featuring Silversun Pickups, Foals, Wolf Alice and Circa Waves. --------------------------------------------------------------

tom @TMunson50 I feel like I was baptized in Jesus' bong water. #MirrorLakeJump

LC Pavilion | 4:30 p.m. | $35

TUES 12.8

Monica Brill @MonicaBrilll Best night of my life at the best university #mirrorlakejump #gobucks

Jingle Ball

The best way to spread Christmas cheer… well, you know the rest. Pentatonix and Charlie Puth are here to help you jumpstart the holidays by performing for Jingle Ball!

Ana Hoosier @ana_hoosier SO MANY GUYS IN SPEEDOS #mirrorlakejump


LC Pavilion | 5 p.m. | $35



Big Bang freebie!

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly and one person will win a $25 giftcard and a T-shirt to The Big Bang Dueling Piano Bar!

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two will receive a pair of tickets to see The Wailers at the LC Pavilion on Jan. 16!


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


LIFE Side note: I just googled what you can buy with $35,000 and it’s enough to buy a home or a pretty nice car. Anyways, the number of satisfied students goes down as their debt goes up. Only 33 percent of students who graduate with an average of $35,000 debt “strongly agree” that their degree was worth the price they paid and only 18 percent of alumni who owe more than $50,000 feel the same. “Given the value we as a country place on education, you would expect we would have a much higher percentage who say they definitely agree with that statement [that college was worth it],” said Brandon Busteed, executive director of Gallup Education and Workforce Development. It’s safe to say that the cost of college is a lot for students to bear and student loans are extremely daunting. Especially when only 14 percent of recent graduates have a career lined up directly following their graduation according to dailycaller.com.

photo by jon mcallister

is it worth it? Polls show recent grads aren't sure By LAUREN EVERY


fter long nights spent cramming for exams and long days wondering how you just bombed that exam that you spent all night cramming for, one question is bound to cross your mind: “Is this really all worth it?”

This question also tends to run through the minds of many recent graduates, according to recent polls by the Wall Street Journal and Purdue University. An ongoing poll created by Gallup for Purdue says that just 52 percent of alumni “strongly agree” that their diploma is worth the thousands of dollars they paid after they take that 30 second walk across the stage to receive it. Only 52 percent? That’s a lot of unsatisfied students. But why? Well, let’s keep looking at the numbers. ‘Cause polls don’t lie. Approximately two-thirds college graduates receive their diploma with a whole lot of debt. To be precise, this two-thirds of college grads have an average of $35,000 in debt.

Speaking as a recent graduate, being an official adult can be hard. It can leave you doubting why you just spent the last four (or five) years of your life doing all that work and studying so hard when you’re left back at your parents house applying to jobs for hours on end and getting excited when you get a rejection letter back because it’s better than not hearing anything at all. But here’s the bright side: it is definitely worth it. The overall unemployment rate for college graduates as of October 2015 is 2.5 percent. More education means more security, even if it takes a while for you to find a secure job. In addition, a person without a college degree earns an average of 62 percent less than those with a college degree. But college isn’t all about money. We go to college to get more of an education in order to have the best career we can and to fulfill our dreams. But, college really wouldn’t be worth it if we weren’t able to make great memories and friends along the way. Debt after graduation sucks. Not having a job right out of college sucks. Having to budget a lot after graduation to pay off your loans really sucks. But not attending the best damn university in the land and receiving one of the best damn educations in the land would suck even more. Congrats, (almost) grads!


UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


Festive Finals Keeping the holiday cheer during hell week By MADISON DURHAM


very year when that holiday music starts playing on the radio, college students everywhere look up in horror. Pavlov would be proud. You’d better watch out, kids, but feel free to cry and pout if you want. Santa’s coming to town in a few weeks. But, before that, we all have to brace ourselves for the hell that is finals week. Finals week is enough to make anyone sad and gloomy, but it’s almost worse during fall semester because it coincides with the most wonderful time of the year. Everyone else in the world seems to be filled with good cheer during the few weeks leading up to the holidays, but we know better. No hot cocoa for us… just an extra-large triple-shot cappuccino, please. Or two. Not to worry. Your holiday spirit doesn’t have to perish along with your GPA. Here are a few tips for staying festive during finals week.

Rock that Holiday Sweater Who says sweatpants and t-shirts have to be the uniform of finals week? Throwing on a festive sweater over a pair of leggings or jeans is just as simple, and just as cozy. It’ll boost your mood to look mildly decent during finals without even really trying, and your friends will appreciate the reminder that there are better times ahead.

Order an Extra Shot in Your Holiday Drink I don’t know of anyone during finals week that wouldn’t benefit from a caffeine boost. Even your treasured peppermint mocha could benefit greatly from the addition of a little more espresso. You’ll emerge from the haze of chocolaty minty goodness with a much-needed spring in your step.

Study to Classic Holiday Tunes Speaking for myself, there’s really nothing more festive than hearing Bing Crosby or Dean Martin crooning over the radio. Thanks to the fact that not


much holiday music has really been updated for a while, there’s a classic, soothing quality to old holiday songs. It makes for amazing study music, rolling along gently in the background as you review your notes for the hundredth time. You’ve also probably heard a lot of holiday songs more than once, which can be helpful while studying, as your mind is left undistracted by new lyrics.

Keep the Holidays In Sight Remembering that break is just around the corner during finals can be the one thing that pushes you through that final review session or all-nighter. Family, friends, gifts and good food await. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire and all that. Use your desire for a vacation to get through. Focus on how great it will feel once you’ve walked out of that last final. Best of luck, fellow exam-preppers.

December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


Balancing act Mixing work & play during finals



his is a rough time for the average college student. You're trying to get into the holidays, but you can't completely ignore the fact that you have some really important exams to take – finals to be exact. Because you don't want to miss out on enjoying the beginning of the holidays and you don't want to be unprepared for your upcoming exams, you have to find a balance between the two. You can ultimately be festive and prepared all at once. Prioritize: Studying around this time should be your main priority, but it doesn't have to be your only priority. Making a list of the things you need to get done is a great idea. It's okay to add in Christmas shopping for loved ones or going to a tree lighting ceremony. Your priorities don't have to completely revolve around your exams. Use your time wisely: Classes will soon come to a halt, giving you a few days to prep for exams before exam week. It's a good idea to study during the time you'd normally be in class, to stay in some type of routine. Studying for exams earlier in the day is a good idea when trying to not neglect holiday happenings. Many holiday events, even time spent with family members, do not occur until later in the day. So, the earlier you begin your studying routine, the better. Take breaks: Frequently. You don't want to burn yourself out when studying. It's okay to stop in the midst of studying to get a break in. During your break, take 20 minutes or so to decorate your house/dorm/apartment. Or, play some Christmas music as you're getting ready to study. These small gestures will be sure to give you some holiday spirit. Adding some Netflix and chill will also put you in the spirit. When taking a break from studying, throw on a Christmas movie, there are tons to choose from on Netflix right now. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Photo by Jon Mcallister

the end of an era Mirror Lake Jump needs to stop By CAITLIN ESSIG


raditions aren’t supposed to be deadly. When thousands of Ohio State students congregated Tuesday night, painted their bodies scarlet and gray and chanted about how they don’t give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, the last thing they were probably thinking was that the night could be their last. But for one student, it was. Word spread quickly about a student, who was later identified as thirdyear Austin Singletary, being pulled from Mirror Lake in cardiac arrest. Police shut down the annual jump early, and by Thanksgiving day, we learned Singletary had died of a broken neck. The immediate reaction from students and alumni on my Facebook feed was split. Some called for an end to the jump; others said we can’t cancel a tradition because of one tragedy. But we’re Buckeyes, we’re supposed to stand together and that’s exactly what we have to do. The university and President Michael Drake both called for an end immediately, and that swift response was necessary. The university’s statement read, “In spite of significant efforts taken to make this event a safer one, this tragedy has occurred. We must come together and acknowledge that while this is a student-led tradition that has been passed down through the years, we cannot risk another tragedy. University leadership strongly agrees that we will work with our campus community to end this annual event.” It is a shame. It is several degrees more than just a shame, that the annual Mirror Lake jump had to end this way. But over the last 20-some years since the tradition began, we’ve gotten lucky.

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458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402

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UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


Michelle Hartman Derek Landers Meggin Weimerskirch Liza Worthington Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Alex Bixler Nicole Huser Julie Kehl

Getting drunk (as many, if not most, of the participating students do) and jumping into a freezing cold lake sounds idiotic. It’s a recipe for disaster. But we do it in the name of tradition, in the name of hating Michigan and we do it because it’s something we’ve just always done. I remember encouraging my friends to go, saying they’d regret not jumping, as I did the one year of my undergrad that I skipped it. We take tradition seriously at Ohio State, and I always saw Mirror Lake as one of the traditions everyone should participate in, even if they just went to watch. But just because it’s something we’ve always done, doesn’t mean it’s a great tradition. Mirror Lake wasn’t great because we all jumped into a lake, it was great because we all jumped into a lake together. The congregation and the camaraderie of gathering together and seeing thousands of your classmates care about the same thing, that’s what made Mirror Lake great. We don’t need to jump in a freezing cold, not to mention shallow, lake to have that camaraderie. We have it on game days, whether we’re in the student section of the ‘Shoe or cheering along at a bar. We have it at Convocation and Commencement. We have it when we go to class, when we study together, when we join clubs and Greek Life. We have that camaraderie at house parties and when we live in the dorms. We even have it on Twitter when we all share experiences like Carmageddon. And we have other, far greater traditions like wrapping our arms around each other to sing “Carmen Ohio,” taking the long walk, seeing the band spell out Script Ohio and rubbing Thompson’s head for luck. It’s just about learning to appreciate those little things like they’re big things. This Thanksgiving, I was thankful to be at home with my family, watching football from the comfort of my couch and eating too much delicious food. The home of another Buckeye was missing that joy and it could’ve happened to any of us. No tradition is worth one of our own not making it home for the holidays. I hope in a year we all remember the horror of finding out what happened to Austin Singletary, and we halt the jump for him, and for all of us, because it’s the right thing to do.

Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker

Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner Lauren Weitz

Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Chris Casella

Where is your favorite place to study? By MADISON DURHAM

Elizabeth Dudek

The Mason Hall study rooms because they are great for group studying sessions. Also, you can reserve them so you know you are guaranteed a spot!

Nick Stewart

Probably SEL, I like studying there because they have a lot of computers and a lot of my work involves computers.

Rosemary Garry

Stauf's Coffee in downtown Columbus for sure! The back room is perfect for focusing and the fresh coffee keeps me going. If I get hungry mid-study sesh, Club 185 is a short walk away with great, inexpensive food.

Emily Knipe

The 18th Avenue library because it's close to all my classes and there are always seats open in there.

Casey Scott

The back part of Thompson, the one that faces toward the RPAC, because it's one of the quietest places and there are a lot of lights.

Allie Stevens

I really like studying in Crane Cafe. There's usually tables available, and I'm a French minor so I like watching the French TV shows and trying to translate the subtitles!


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY




Cleaning (the big) House Buckeyes rout Wolverines, await post-season destiny By Geoff Hammersley


t half time, the 112th edition of “The Game” could’ve gone either way. However, a second half surge of 28 points guided the Buckeyes to a 42-13 victory – the largest margin for a Buckeye win in Ann Arbor, Mich. since 1961. Running back Ezekiel Elliott was the catalyst to the highly-explosive offense. Elliott, who called out the coaching staff last week for not doing enough to win against Michigan State, torched the Wolverines for 214 yards and two touchdowns. The magnificent performance from Elliott puts him in sole possession of the No. 2 spot in Buckeye history for rushing, only trailing Archie Griffin. “Our offensive line… controlled the game,” head coach Urban Meyer said. Meyer is now 4-0 against That Team Up North while leading the Buckeyes.

On top of Elliott’s big day, quarterback J.T. Barrett also broke the century mark on the ground, rushing for 139 yards and three scores. Barrett also uncorked another touchdown in the air while collecting 113 yards of passing. 14

UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015

“Incredible effort by [Elliott and Barrett], but it all starts up front,” praised Meyer of his offensive line. The offensive line parted way for a season-high 369 yards of rushing at Michigan. The Wolverines’ defense, which entered ‘The Game’ with the fourth best rush defense (100.2 ypg), was torn to shreds by the Buckeye barrage on the ground. However, the Buckeyes will be sitting at home on Dec. 5, as the Michigan State Spartans clinched the Big Ten East crown with a blowout win over Penn State, and will face the Iowa Hawkeyes in the Big Ten Championship – which will become a de facto play-in game for a spot in the College Football playoff. It still isn’t clear where the Buckeyes will be heading to for a bowl game, but the possibilities are only limited to a few places. According to the Big Ten, “The Rose Bowl Game has sole discretion on a replacement team, and will uweekly.com

generally select the highest‐rated available team, but will take into consideration final College Football Playoff rankings, head‐to‐head competition, division champions and most recent Rose Bowl Game appearances.” Ohio State has a real shot at going to Pasadena for a Rose Bowl. In addition, the Fiesta Bowl and Peach Bowl could be possible landing spots. Either way, you can just about lock the Buckeyes into a New Year’s Six Bowl. But, hold the phone, there is an outside chance for a repeat spot in the playoffs. If Clemson and Alabama lose their respective conference title games on Saturday, things become weird. Fivethirtyeight.com said that the Buckeyes have a 22 percent chance at finding a way into the playoffs. With that being said, it will literally come down to the final day of the season to see where fate sends the Buckeyes. And we all know what happened last year.

Photo by david heasley



or the first time in history, the Columbus Crew SC will be competing for the MLS Cup at their home stadium. By virtue of a 2-1 aggregate series win over the New York Red Bulls in the Eastern Conference finals, Columbus gets to host the championship against the Portland Timbers. Columbus won the first leg of the home–and– home aggregate series in Columbus 2-0, putting all of the pressure on the Red Bulls. In the second leg, it took until stoppage time in the second half for New York to get on the board at all. They very nearly tied it up after that, but the Red Bulls’ Bradley Wright-Phillips last second shot hit off of the right post, sending Columbus through to the finals. The Timbers have played at MAPFRE Stadium once already this season in September. They were the victors by a 2-1 scoreline, with the lone Crew SC goal coming from Kei Kamara – who led the MLS in goals this season. The Crew will be looking to change that result and bring home their first championship since 2008. Portland has never won nor played in an MLS Final. This is the first MLS Cup appearance for the majority of Crew SC. The only player who has appeared in one before is the captain Michael Parkhurst. He played in three finals for the New England Revolution, but was on the losing side for all three. The MLS Cup isn’t the only thing on the line. The victor of the final game of the MLS season will also claim a berth to the CONCACAF Champions League. This prestigious tournament brings together the best teams in all of North America. An American team has never won, and rarely do they even make the finals. Making the tournament and doing well within would be a major statement for any club. Crew SC have limited tickets available for the final. Most of the seats were sold before the game was even official due to an aggressive pre-sale camSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY




ucked between Ace Hardware and Jack & Benny’s on High St. is P3 Magic Theater, Columbus’ only theater with weekly magic performances, and possibly High St.’s best hidden date spot. Oh, and the Tuesday night magic shows are free, by the way. “People wonder how in the hell this is free,” said theater founder Shaun Dunn. “We like to keep the mystery there.” Dunn said audiences can expect mind-reading shows, hypnotism, jugglers, comedians, fire breathers and of course, magic tricks with modern twists. After Dunn and his business partner Mandy Hartley had their line of instructional magic DVDs bought by Penguin Magic, the world’s largest retailer of magic tricks, he and Hartley converted their studio space into a theater.

abracadabra Hidden theater offers weekly free magic show By JACK LYNCH

This week’s show features British magician Kieron Johnson. Weekly performer Nick Locapo said the guys who come to P3 are the real deal — the magician’s magicians. “This is the coolest part: we’re literally getting the best guys in the world,” Locapo said. “It’s kind of crazy the level of talent that exists in this show. It’s a night of unique fun that people don’t get to experience very often.” Dunn said Locapo has been one of the main reasons the theater has grown since the intimate 50seat theater started hosting shows early last year. “We’ve never advertised the show. It’s all just grown from word of mouth,” Dunn said. “Nick is very charismatic. He’s good at bringing people out.” After performing an estimated 10,000 shows at Universal Studios and Disney World (20 shows a day), Locapo has honed his craft to a science. “I used to just do a lot of card stuff, but now I’m more of a general practitioner,” Locapo said. “I do this trick where I make a lot of alcohol appear. I make like 12 to 15 bottles of wine appear out of nowhere.” How the bottles appear is a mystery. But the suspense and excitement? It’s easy to figure out where those come from.

photos courtesy of p3 magic theater


UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


P3 Magic Theater has free magic shows every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. and lectures on Sundays for aspiring magicians. The theater is located at 2575 N. High St.


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


blond Rock group gives Columbus a taste of Athens By JACK LYNCH


thens natives, Blond, have only been playing together for two years, but strong songwriting and soulful singing elevate the band’s music above the standard classic rock-revival fare. Lead singer and principle songwriter Jamie Scott uses his dynamic vocal range to shape the band’s songs, softly crooning during quiet sections and building to passionate screams in intense moments. “For about 90 percent of the songs, Jamie has an idea, some vocal melody, some chords and then we all input our stuff to make his songs better and more cohesive,” bassist Ethan Wehrly said. “It’s kind of like a collage.” On tracks like “Kiss U Thin,” from the band’s most recent release, “Live At RTV,” the five-piece rock band slowly gets into the groove, allowing photo courtesy of Eden Campbell


UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


the song time to develop before cranking out an energetic, rhythmic ending. “We wanted to have an accurate representation of what we sound like live, and I feel like ‘RTV’ did a good job of that,” Wehrly said. Recorded as part of a friend’s school project, the songs on “Live at RTV” were recorded while all band members played simultaneously, yielding a raw but full sound without significant production or overdubs. “From the beginning, things have gone really smoothly,” Wehrly said. “We played Athens Folk Fest, which is a benefit for cancer and leukemia. All of our friends were there and they really liked it. After that, we started playing The Union regularly and we’ve gone from there.” “We played the last show there,” Wehrly said, on the legendary Athens venue that burned down earlier this year. “Eric’s drums got completely destroyed. I thought I lost my bass but it survived.” But in spite of the bad luck, Blond perseveres, and should be showing up in Columbus more often in the coming months, according to Wehrly. “Carabar reminds me of The Union quite a bit. A good crowd of weirdos,” Wehrly said. “I really like the vibes in Columbus.” Blond’s next show is at The Shrunken Head Saturday, Dec. 5, with The High Definitions.

photo by Maxim Maksutov/Shutterstock.com

Superheroines Females dominating the superhero genre



here’s something special happening within the superhero genre. “Wonder Woman” began principal photography last week, “Supergirl” is the number one new TV show of the fall and Netflix has just debuted what might be its best original series to date in Marvel’s “Jessica Jones.” In short, women are kicking a**. Starring Krysten Ritter as the show’s hard-drinking titular hero, Jones represents the most mature, lo-fi superhero material that Marvel has produced. Earlier this year, Netflix and Marvel’s first teamup reintroduced audiences to “Daredevil.” While “Daredevil” comprised an uncharacteristically edgy (and hyper violent) offering by Marvel, it wasn’t until “Jessica Jones” that the comic book giant seemed to hit its stride, with a more developed, more polished product. The neo-noir style show centers on Jones, who has put her hero days behind her and has since opened a private investigation firm in the hopes of making a living, all while keeping a low profile. Unlike the coming of age mythos witnessed in most superhero origin series, Jones deals with more envelope-pushing themes, like addiction, infidelity and PTSD. “Jessica Jones” also introduces, by far, the best Marvel villain put to screen: the brainwashing Kilgrave, played to perfection by David Tennant, in a complete transformation from his “Dr. Who” days. What’s especially terrifying about Kilgrave is that, unlike typical super villains bent on general chaos and world domination, his motives—the complete psychological annihilation of Jones—are pinpointed and highly personal, though his methods lay waste to anyone within her radius. The mind-controlling sociopath doesn’t care about the Avengers (although they are alluded to at times) or making the world kneel to his will; instead, Kilgrave’s singular focus is on Jones. His deadly obsession with her is what drives him, and SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Mackenzie Spicer Fifth-year Mackenzie Spicer has two guilty pleasures: wine and shoes. As a hospitality management major, she always aims for a classic look but also keeps it fresh and fun with statement jewelry pieces.

How would you describe your style?

necklace $12 Loft

Sweater $40 francesca's

My style really depends on the mood I'm in. During the day I am more relaxed with my style and don't really care what I am wearing since I'll be in class. But, on a night out, I like to look classy. I like wearing neutral colors and dressing them up with jewelry.

Why is personal style important to you? I think personal style can really show someone's personality, mood and how they want to be seen as a person by the way they dress.

Do you have a go-to outfit? My go-to outfit for the winter is leggings with a sweatshirt or a sweater. I love to be warm and comfortable.

Who/what inspires your style? The world around me and, also, a good, new, cute pair of shoes inspires all my outfits.

What fall/winter trend is your favorite? I love big comfy sweaters and scarves with leggings and boots.

Jeans $69 Loft

Where do you like to shop? I usually shop at Loft, Francesca's, Macy's and J. Crew.

Do you have any advice for readers? Wear what makes you feel fabulous and comfortable in who you are. Your outfit should make you feel like you're walking the runway!

What celebrity has a style that inspires you? Blake Lively. She's always classy but fun.

Shoes $99 steve madden

What's your favorite makeup tip? Mascara is a must. It can really bring out your eyes and make a bold statement while wearing a little makeup.

- Lauren Every 20

UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


stylish studies Keeping chic and comfy


By Tamika smith

f you're a fellow fashionista, you probably hate this time of the year in the college world, or every single day in the college world for that matter. When you're studying, going to class or preparing for exams, five-inch heels with your totally cute fur vest isn't really an ideal outfit. I get it. You don't want to fall into the cycle of looking like a total disaster. But guess what – you don't really have to choose between studying comfortably and style when choosing your outfits. You can ultimately be cozy and chic at the exact same time. You must simply take these tips into consideration: Leggings are pants, don't let anyone tell you different: I'm sure you have ten pairs of black leggings on deck. Wear them. It's so easy to make leggings look chic; throw on a cute pair of boots and a chunky sweater and bam! Chic. Don't forget how comfortable you'll be when trudging around campus or studying in the library. Blankets are in: It's true. Blanket coats and ponchos are totally back in. What's even better is that they're also really, really cute. Throwing on a poncho with some pants (leggings), boots and an oversized bag will give you a stylish twist while feeling like you're still in your bed wrapped in your blanket. Sweat(s) it out: When paired with the right clothing items, sweats can be chic! Wear your sweats a little fitted or high-waist and add a cute turtleneck or blazer to your ensemble. It's also a good idea to accessorize. Adding bracelets or a flashy watch will make your outfit look that much more put together. Pictures are worth a thousand words: And graphic tees are no different. They're cute as can be and come in such a variety that you could ultimately wear one every day of your life. Throwing on a cute graphic tee or sweatshirt will ensure your comfort. Add an oversized coat paired with a large barrel bag SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



diy flavor Steak marinade & dry rub at home By Ashley wilkinson

Satisfying steak By Ashley Wilkinson


hen I want a nice, filling meal that could practically keep me satisfied for a few days, I always go for steak. Steak can be found at many different kinds of restaurants, whether it be Italian or Japanese style. Considering the size and price of Columbus’ food market, it seems like it would be rather hard to pick a decently-priced destination to find an absolutely great serving of meat, but I think I have found pretty incredible ones! Here are my top three picks of places to get steak in the Columbus area without putting a giant hole in your wallet!

Ted’s Montana Grill Ted’s Montana Grill is located at 191 W. Nationwide Blvd. Even though it is a chain restaurant, the Columbus location was the very first one opened! From burgers to steaks, this place knows how to make delicious and mouthwatering meat. The restaurant prides itself in using bison, while helping preserve bison herds in the west. Some tasty bison menu items include bison nachos, Ted’s fillet, as well as braised bison short ribs. Many customers claim that bison is the only way to go. Check out Ted’s Montana Grill and you may just fall in love! 22

UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015

The Hickory House Located at 7051 E. Main Street in Reynoldsburg, The Hickory House is a great place to indulge in juicy steak and ribs. The restaurant was opened in 1978 by two bartenders and they never looked back. What makes their restaurant above average? Their rubs are handmade, they strive to select high quality aged steak and they have amazing porterhouse cuts. The prices aren’t too extreme for a steakhouse serving that quality; steaks range from $16-24. If you are a rib lover, they serve great fall-off-the-bone ribs slathered in their super-secret recipe (an award winning recipe)!

House of Japan Who doesn’t love hibachi cooking? If I want hibachi, this is the place I go. Whether going for lunch or dinner, this restaurant always satisfies! For the hibachi grill, you are served a salad smothered in delicious dressing, vegetables and crave-worthy fried rice. I definitely recommend the steak here. They give you the option of filet mignon and New York strip steak. Of course, filet mignon is a tad expensive, but it is worth it! The steak is always tender, juicy and satisfying! This restaurant is located at 8701 Sancus Blvd. uweekly.com


lavor is everything. When eating steak, it is important to make the meat a star. Some prefer to season the steak with just salt and pepper. However, I like to take it to another level. Here are the recipes for my favorite steak marinade and steak rub!

Bourbon Brown Sugar Marinade ½ cup bourbon ¼ cup soy sauce ½ cup dark brown sugar ¼ tablespoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon corn starch Mix all ingredients together. In a large Ziploc bag, soak the steak of your choice in the mixture for 3-4 hours in a refrigerator.

Coffee Dry Rub 1 teaspoon ground coffee 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon brown sugar ¼ teaspoon paprika ¼ teaspoon garlic powder ¼ teaspoon onion powder ¼ teaspoon black pepper Combine all ingredients and rub on the steak of your choice. The coffee creates an amazing flavor and goes so well with the savory ingredients.


Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

get to hustlin' Life after graduation



deally, you’ve interned at potential employers or within the field from which you’re graduating. But, you know what they say about the best laid plans…they don’t always pan out the way that we expect them to. With winter graduation looming in the near future, you may be ecstatic that your hard work these last four (or four and a half) years has finally paid off, but also a little anxious because what are you supposed to do now? People expect you to actually put pants on every morning? Here are some tips on how to find out what comes next. Congratulations, graduates! Check The OSU Job Fair Website OSU regularly holds job fairs that cater to the general student/alumni population as well as specific colleges. These fairs are year-round and if you don’t land so much as an interview, it’s an awesome opportunity to network with potential employers or people that can mentor you. To get you started, Fisher Spring Internship and Job Fair is Feb. 2 in the Union. Give Yourself Credit When you’re beefing up your resume, make sure to add the experiences and skills that you acquired during your undergrad, including lower-level classes. Talk about specific class projects that you lead and achievements that you’re most proud of. For me, passing Philosophy – Probability and Decision Making was a big accomplishment because of the confusing math involved. Use those past classes to your advantage to make you look more employable, especially if you don’t have work experience. Reach Out Social networking is awkward for a lot of people. You are basically engaging in a professional relationship for the sole purpose of the future possibility of using that person’s referral to get ahead, but think of it as a mutually beneficial relationship. Someday, you may be in the position to help them. Friends, family members, acquaintance and folks you meet at the job fair are all potential alliances. Be sure to be clear about your planned path and ask them anecdotes of how they got to where they are. Most will be more than happy to talk about themselves. Don’t Refuse a Gap Year The reality is that you have six months before you have to start paying off those loans, so if you feel like you need the six months to “find yourself,” then do it. Once you enter bona-fide adulthood, there’s really no looking back. Take a vacation. Recharge. Find your passion. Ask to shadow professionals in a field that you’re interested in and find out if that’s really something you could wake up every morning for.


Visit go.osu.edu/bowltour to sign up for updates and for more information.

December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015



December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


105.7 The x First Birthday party Columbus’ newest alt rock



station, 105.7 The X, hosts its first birthday bash featuring Panic! at the Disco! Head over to the LC and relive your middle school years with favorites like “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and “Nine in the Afternoon.” LC Pavilion Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $38.50

Columbus Jazz Orchestra Home for the Holidays

It’s the holiday season! Get into the spirit with some holiday tunes, courtesy of the Columbus Jazz Orchestra. Southern Theatre Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Ugly Sweater Party

OUAB Flicks for Free ft. Southpaw

Dance and drink your way toward the holiday season with this rockin’ Ugly Sweater Party, courtesy of Avalon. Avalon Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015


Singer-songwriter duo Jenn and Tom Korbee recently became the first married couple to perform as finalists on American Idol, and just released their single “Show Me the Way." Woodlands Tavern Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15

Jake Gyllenhaal and Rachel McAdams star in this gritty film, which delves into the life of a fictional boxer desperately trying to stay afloat. US Bank Conference Theatre Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Buck ID req.


Ryan Smith



Local Columbus musician Ryan Smith brings his Americana sound to the Bogey this Thursday. Settle in for some light acoustic melodies and hometown charm. The Bogey Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Ladies 80’s

Holiday Hoopla

This annual sketch show, featuring music and The Santa Babies, is sure to provide holiday cheer and a lot of good laughs. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Merry & Bright

Feel the spirit of the season surrounded by festive flower displays, evening lighting and lots of activities, including a really large and really pretty poinsettia tree and live music. Franklin Park Conservatory Time: All Day | Tickets: Vary

Ladies 80's & More! Dance to hits of today and the 90's and shake up your week! Ladies 21+ have no cover and it’s $5 for ladies 18-20! Skully’s Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Fantasy of Lights

Free cookies and hot chocolate?! What more could you ask for? Head over to Alum Creek State Park for some festive light displays, all on view from the comfort of your car. Alum Creek State Park Time: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY







Columbus natives and OSU grads Saintseneca have been making waves in the folk music scene, and now they’re back for a hometown show to promote their newest album, Such Things! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | $12

The Arcs

Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys fronts this garage rock band, which features key industry players like Richard Swift and Nick Movshon. The Arcs are currently promoting their new album, Yours, Dreamily.


Skully's | Time: 7 p.m. | $32

Crazy Mama’s Reunion Show

CD102.5 Holiday Show

You know it’s the most wonderful time of the year when this annual holiday bash rolls around! Celebrate with this year’s killer lineup, featuring Silversun Pickups, Foals, Wolf Alice and Circa Waves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 4:30 p.m. | $35

Get Right with DJ Giovanny

Saturdays are for dancing, period. Get down to trap and EDM with DJ Giovanny at this killer dance party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's Music Diner | Time: 10 p.m. | Vary


Head over to Skully’s for what’s sure to be a rockin’ good time, featuring bands such as the Fleshtones, Th' Flyin' Saucers, Screaming Urge and Crazy Mamas DJ's.

Long-time Christian rock favorites Newsboys come to Columbus this Saturday to promote their newest single, “Guilty,” and to spread their message.



Palace Theatre| Time: 6 p.m. | Vary

Skully's Music Diner | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary


UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015




The 1975

Jingle Ball ft. Pentatonix, Charlie Puth




Panama Wedding

British indie-rock icons The 1975 return to Columbus to promote their upcoming album, which will feature tracks that showcase their evolving sound, like the psychedelic “Love Me.” Don’t forget to watch out for old favorites like “Chocolate,” too!

American synthpop group Panama Wedding will have you dancing the night away at The Basement, as they promote their newest album Into Focus, which was released on November 6th. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Basement | Time: 6 p.m. | $13



LC Pavilion | Time: 6:30 p.m. | $30

The best way to spread Christmas cheer… well, you know the rest. Pentatonix and Charlie Puth are here to help you jumpstart the holidays by performing for Jingle Ball!


LC Pavilion | Time: 5 p.m. | $35

The Flex Crew

Straight flex it on the dance floor at this weekly reggae show! The Flex Crew will be sure to make you shake to their sweet musical sounds, courtesy of their regular spot in Skully's lineup.


Skully's Music Diner | Time: 10 p.m. | $10

Goodnight Goodnight

Shake out those Monday blues and dance your heart out with Goodnight Goodnight, Four Skulls, Bow Echo and Echo Mecca at this indie electronica show. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's Music Diner | Time:7 p.m. | $5

TOry Lanez

Canadian rapper Tory Lanez will have you moving to his self-proclaimed “swavey” beats this Tuesday, featuring hit tracks like “Say It” and material from his upcoming album, For Regrets.


Skully's Music Diner| Time: 8 p.m. | Vary


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • December 2, 2015



love passionately or not at all


very Thanksgiving, I say that I’m thankful for everything and everyone in my life. Though, this year I decided to really reflect on what makes my life amazing. I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. I’m thankful for my special someone and my friends. I’m happy that I get to be at the best damn school in the land. While I was counting my blessings, Meghan Trainor’s, “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” (featuring John Legend) started playing. I’ve heard the song several times and each time it was just another pop song, but in that moment I actually listened to the song. I absorbed the lyrics, while Trainor and Legend’s voices weaved in and out of each other. The song could not have been more relevant to Thanksgiving. We’re often told that being in college and in our 20's is the perfect time to be selfish, because we’re still figuring out who we are. It’s true. This is the time when you should be living for yourself.

Though, as someone who’s in a serious relationship, you can’t be too selfish. You have to consider your boyfriend/girlfriend in almost everything you do. That sounds scary but, honestly, it just means you’re growing up.

love another human, you have to truly appreciate that person and everything he/she does for you. If you can’t think of a moment when that person did something good for you—go back to loving yourself. If you know you’ve got something amazing and the connection feels right, then love and love hard. It can be difficult to open your heart but aim for a passionate love. I’m jealous of people who can love without borders; they’re typically the happiest. I understand they also fall the hardest if things don’t work out, but at least they loved the right way. We have to lose our fear of being heartbroken, because every heart can be mended. What’s much scarier is wasting your life on someone who’s just OK. For all the people in relationships, learn to love like you only have one day with that person. This’ll require you to get in touch with your feelings and truly appreciate every minute with them. Start by paying attention to the things that make him/her smile, and make sure you’re getting the love you deserve as well.





The person with the biggest heart is never in the wrong; so don’t be afraid to fall because you can get right back up. With love, Stella

As you move away from a life where you only needed to love yourself to a life where you want to


December 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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