Uweekly 11.24.15

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NOV 24, 2015



November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015






@ cailinpittt @ian_osu1






November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

Just thinking about Aaron Tomich whispering into my ear with his deep and seductive boice makes me tingle inside @ADT78

Never wanted to date a girl more @sydneymcnulty

Yara in my dorm, you have the most beautiful eyes! You're also super funny and the most caring person I've ever met @YaraaMohamed

Zack Buck is a total babe and his blading skills are so attractive @Buck_E_Cheese

That kid in the blue hoodie, glasses, and cool patterend toms at Scott at around 1:09 PM @KyleTatad

Wishing that what we shared this weekend was a reality everyday @kchris33

Everyone calls you ebeth and it's cute af. And so are you @ebeth6797 6

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015

I may never get to hang out with @curmemary but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




WED 11.25

jukie @julieseemann

holiday local showcase

semesters fly by so quickly. it feels like when you think you just finished your first pop tart but it was actually the second pop tart

Jingle your bells with a hit of a holiday night with the exclusive performances of Clubhouse, The Cordial Sins, Go Analog and DJ RAAD. For an extra holiday treat, Skully’s gives the gift that keeps giving with no cover!

Erica @erica__yuan Accidentally walked into the boys bathroom #new2osu


Skully's | 7 p.m. | Free

FRI 11.27

ebeth @ebeth6797

Columbus blue jackets

I want a boy to talk about me in the same way osu students talk about afro duck

It’s Ohio vs. Everyone on the ice these days! Come cheer on our Columbus Blue Jackets as they face off against the notorious Pittsburgh Penguins. --------------------------------------------------------------

Brian Lamb @TheReal_BLamb I guess no one takes your offers on the OSU 2017 page seriously after you try to sell a crouton and an oboe :/

Nationwide Arena | 7 p.m. | Vary

MON 11.29

Addie Scott @adddiescott I found a wood chip in my vegetables at kcom today #classy #new2osu

Beer and donuts

What could be better than donuts and beer? The donuts are provided from Buckeye Donuts, so you know they will be sinfully good! $20 for a flight of 6 beers (each paired with a different of donut) $2 off pints after your tasting.

Sara Guagliardo @guacursocksoff "Why did you miss every class today?" "Pandora played Pitbull on Today's Hits radio while walking to class and I had an emotional breakdown"


The Daily Growler | 11 a.m. | $20



Vaporfi freebie!

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly and one person will win an Edge Starter Kit from Vaporfi! ($129.99 value, wow!)

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two will receive a pair of tickets to see Greensky Bluegrass at Newport Music Hall on Jan. 16!


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo by jon mcallister

calm before the storm Can't miss events before the big game By GEOFF HAMMERSLEY


t’s the most wonderful week of the year. Ohio State travels to Ann Arbor, Mich. to face their archrival. If you can’t make it for The Game, you can still partake in the festivities around campus.

The Thin Scarlet Line Literally overnight, all of the ‘m’ letters on campus are covered with scarlet tape. From Mendenhall Lab to the Woody Hayes athletic center, the tape is scattered over all of those pesky letters. And on social media, you’ll notice that some people have marked out the m’s in their names. We take the rivalry seriously. For this week, the letter ‘M’ is as cursed as saying Voldemort – except for the fact that Voldemort was beaten once by Harry Potter, and Ohio State has pummeled Michigan since the turn of the century.

A Rivalry with a Cause The football field is where the action will take place on Saturday, but there has been another competition amongst both Big Ten institutions: the blood drive.

Cross has been the sponsor of the event since 1982. While the Buckeyes won the blood battle last year, they trail the all-time series to the Wolverines 12-18-1. However, since the inception of the blood battle, the all-time record of the football games is tied at 15-15-1.

Mirror Lake Jump Sportscaster Keith Jackson coined the phrase “The Granddaddy of Them All” for the Rose Bowl. You might as well use that same phrase for this OSU-Michigan tradition: Mirror Lake Jump. While the history behind the jump isn’t as rich as the Rose Bowl, it has become a fast-adapting tradition at OSU. The original year of the jump isn’t specific, as people probably jumped in the lake before, but 1990 seems to be the time that the huddled masses made the plunge. If you missed the jump this year, you have next year – well, if you’re an underclassman. I’ve never jumped, but do like to watch the whole experience from one of the hills leading up to Thompson Library.

Called the “Blood Battle,” the American Red 8

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


One Final Tackle This tradition is geared toward the football players, specifically the seniors. Normally, the seniors hit the tackling sled for the last time as Buckeyes in the practice before The Game. Even though they may hit some great tackles a few more times in preparations for the bowl game, it just isn’t the same.

It’s Gold, Jerry! Gold! Illibuck may be the only rivalry trophy Ohio State plays for, but there is also hardware involved with the Michigan rivalry. When Ohio State defeats Michigan, the Buckeyes are awarded a pair of “gold pants”. They aren’t an actual pair of pants, but a trinket that has the year and score engraved on them. Since 2000, the Buckeyes have earned themselves gold pants on 11 occasions. They look to capture a twelfth pair on Saturday.

The Jump Do's and don'ts of Mirror Lake Night



hio State's annual Mirror Lake jump, which is ultimately a way for students to celebrate the upcoming Ohio State vs. *ichigan game, is once again taking place this year. In past years, the Mirror Lake jump has drawn criticism because of its attraction of large crowds – which often get a little out of hand. In an effort to make the jump more controlled and safer, the university has added fences around the lake as well as “mandatory” wristbands in order for students to attend the jump. Though many students don't like the added regulations, they will once again be a part of this years jump, scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Taking part in the jump is something that many students do at least once in their undergraduate lives. When done right, the jump is a great way to have fun with friends while supporting the Buckeyes in their quest to beat that team up north. The most important thing to keep in mind while jumping is staying safe and not spoiling the jump for yourself

photo by jon mcallister

and others. We've outlined some do's and don'ts that everyone jumping should keep in mind. If followed, your jump in Mirror Lake should be one for the books – go Bucks! Do: Wear weather appropriate clothing. With weather expected to only reach the high 40s on Tuesday and have a low in the 20s, layering up is a good idea. Everything will obviously get wet, but having long sleeves and pants on will definitely help during the trek home. Long clothes will also protect your skin from touching the grossness of the lake. Don't: You don’t want to simply wear a swimsuit as the water will not be at all warm enough to take a leisurely swim. Getting sick (or hypothermic) right before the holidays and finals week will suck! Do: Get a wristband in order to attend the jump. Better safe than sorry. Don't: Avoid trying to break down the fence or jumping early (like over a hundred students did last year). This only causes unneeded confusion and


chaos at the event, possibly ruining it for those who attend by following all of the requirements. Please, don't be that guy. Do: Get sleep and eat prior to the event. Jumping into Mirror Lake can be exciting but quite exhausting. You want to also be fully aware of your surroundings when jumping. That way you don’t jump on anyone and you’ll notice if someone is about to jump on you. Don't: Do not go to the jump intoxicated in any way. This is just an overall bad idea. Being intoxicated while jumping in a body of water will only endanger you and those around you. We're all adults here. We can have fun while still remaining responsible. Even if you aren't attending the jump, you should still definitely paint your face, get all festive and cheer your team on to a fourth consecutive win over TTUN!

November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


Fake it till you make it Passing as a football fan By TAMIKA SMITH


here are probably a number of reasons why you decided to attend Ohio State. It may have been because of the academic curriculum that is offered or because you had a parent or sibling that attended. Or it may have been because you, like almost everyone else in Ohio, are a fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes football team – the current reigning national champions, might I add. If you didn't choose the latter as the reason why you decided to attend Ohio State then you might be a part of the small population of OSU students that aren't football fans. *Gasps* While being a football fan isn't a requirement to get in to Ohio State, it still probably isn't something you openly admit to others. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Since you're not a fan, I’m sure you feel a little bit out of the loop. If you want to fit in with all of the football lovers then you need to pull a fake it 'til you make it – you've got to learn how to pretend you like football. Buy Ohio State Football Apparel. The first step in tricking everyone into thinking you like and understand football is looking the part. Wearing an Ohio State jersey or one of those black national champs tees that 99.99 percent of OSU students own just screams, “I’m a football fan.” Learn “Carmen Ohio.” You know, the song that everyone sings while latching on to one another at the end of every victory. You're going to look pretty ridiculous swaying back and forth while not singing or singing the wrong words. So, if you're attending a game, learn the damn song. Paint your face. Doesn't it just seem like the guys in the stands with their faces and bodies painted always know what's going on in the game? SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Peer pressure #FTK

Has BuckeyeThon gone overboard? By Jacob Geers


ithout fail, every year, you know when the BuckeyeThon registration deadline is nearing. Team captains will find any and every way to wrangle you, questioning your perfectly valid right to say ‘no’: "You aren’t signed up yet?? Sign up now!! Don’t you care about the kids?? It’s all for the kids?? Don’t you care about the kids????" And then, before you know it, here come the unsolicited text messages from people you haven’t talked to in years that probably go something like this: “HEY! It’s John! Remember me from our bullshit group project in some class three years ago? Professor Berry was just awful right?!?! LOL! It’s been too long! Oh, also, please join my BuckeyeThon Team!? Oh, you’re not?? Okay, talk to you never, kthxbai!" Why haven’t I done BuckeyeThon in my four years of undergrad at Ohio State? It’s not because I hate charity or don’t hate cancer. It’s because I am that geeky kid sitting in the back of your Math 1151 lecture whose laptop awkwardly blares an angsty Adele song when he opens it to take notes. I have absolutely no desire to go to the Union and dance for 12 hours straight. Every year I’ve donated to my friends because I think it is a great cause and I’m glad to see people excited about it. But, in what I am sure will be a contentious opinion, each year I have become increasingly frustrated

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


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UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015

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with how aggressive BuckeyeThon recruitment can be, and how, sometimes, overzealous recruiters push and prod past the point that is respectful. At least twice I’ve experienced long and awkward conversations about why I’m just not interested, and despite giving money to others’ BuckeyeThon campaigns, not to mention other charities in general, the intrusive nature of the discussions left me feeling sleazy, as if I had done something morally wrong. Giving feedback to a charity organization that does truly great work can be a tough needle to thread. You run the risk of looking like a total ass that doesn’t appreciate the fact that people are spending their time working for a charity instead of studying or partying, or worse, looking like someone who doesn’t care about charity at all. But it shouldn’t need to be stated that charities, and the people who work for them, do great work. If they weren’t, that would be a whole different conversation. From the outside looking in, I think BuckeyeThon has become a victim of it’s own success. It has become humongous, insular, institutionalized and isolated from large segments of the students they so eagerly recruit. I think few within the organization can fathom – nor do they try to fathom -- reasons why somebody wouldn’t want to participate, which can leave some members of the organization coming off as too hostile and too aggressive. And while I understand that sometimes charities need to nudge people out of their comfort zones a little bit, this insistent brand of recruitment can leave many people feeling lousy about just not being interested. A charity event’s level of success has to be measured in not just dollars earned, but also in the lasting lifetime effect people experience because of its existence. BuckeyeThon should not shy away from their goal of totally destroying cancer, but maybe also try not to destroy those of us who prefer not to dance.

Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree

Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner

Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Hugo Albornoz Cover photo by David Heasley

What's your favorite Beat Michigan Week tradition? By MADISON DURHAM

Katie Sarson

Mirror Lake jump, I’m excited for that. Depends how cold it is though. We live in the towers too, so tailgating is right there and it’s awesome people watching.

Dakotah Pettry

My family likes to go to Bodega just to watch, so that’s always a really great time, everyone there is kind of in the same place for it.

Molly Menker

We're freshman, but I'm looking forward to Mirror Lake. I’m really excited, I think it’s cool that so many people do the same thing. Everyone’s family gets together for the game, I like how everyone in Ohio comes together for it.”

Kiersten Ahrns

I like how we cross out all the M’s, I think that’s so cool. There’s so many tailgates, too.

Olivia Babich

Tailgating probably, it’s always awesome. Getting to watch at least the Mirror Lake jump sounds cool, I’ll at least go to watch everyone.

Rebecca Rings

I love the marching band, that’s my favorite part, Script Ohio. It’s the same every week, but it’s honestly my favorite part.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY




the one that got away Buckeyes look to rebound against TTUN after last-second loss to Michigan St. By Geoff Hammersley


t took three hours and six minutes, with some of the game being played in a cold, windy rain, for Michigan State to apply a critical blow to Ohio State’s goal of claiming a second College Football Playoff national championship. After a 41-yard game-winning field goal by Michael Geiger, you could hear a pin drop inside The Shoe. Geiger’s kick ended the Buckeyes win streak at 23 games, and conference regular season win streak at 30 games – an FBS record. The Buckeye offense was stagnant at best, only achieving 132 yards of offense – the lowest total for any Urban Meyer led squad. Additionally, the Spartans defense snapped running back Ezekiel Elliott’s streak of 100 yard rushing games at 15. “It’s kinda like a bad, bad dream… I’m disappointed,” Elliott said after the loss. Ohio State had six three-and-outs against Michigan State, with their final driving being just three plays, pinned at their own seven. 14

When the Buckeyes did score, it was due to Michigan State turnovers. Two fumbles, a sack-fumble forced by defensive end Sam Hubbard and a botched punt return, gave Ohio State short field to work with. By winning, Michigan State (10-1, 6-1 in Big Ten) now controls their destiny to the Big Ten Championship game on Dec. 5. In a stroke of absurdity, the Spartans defeated both Michigan and Ohio State this season on the road, without leading for a single second in either game. However, hope is not completely lost. For the Buckeyes to get to Indianapolis over the Spartans, they will be in need of some help. Penn State must defeat Michigan State and the Buckeyes must take care of archrival Michigan for a scarlet and gray representation in the conference championship game. However, one can never go into ‘The Game’ assuming it will be an easy fight. With Jim Harbaugh

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


at the helm of Michigan, the Wolverines are back to prominence. They enter the contest on Saturday with only one conference loss (to Michigan State). Even though the Big Ten championship is out of the Buckeye's control, they must play their best on Saturday to help keep the dream of a New Year’s Six Bowl alive. After the loss on Saturday, coach Meyer said, “It takes a lot of courage to show up on Sunday ready to go beat a good team up north.” College and coaching careers have been made (and broken) by this game. The perfect rebound for Ohio State is to roll into Ann Arbor, Mich. and beat their rival. A loss, however, will send the defending champions down an extremely slippery slope. Kickoff is slated for noon, and the game can be caught on the student home for Ohio State athletics on ohiostatesports.net.

Photo by david heasley

rivalry renewed Urban vs. Harbaugh Woody vs. Bo



ome of the most iconic moments of the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry surfaced from 1969 through 1978, better known as The 10 Year War. That decade, of course, featured arguably the two most prominent figures in each university’s football program to date — Ohio State’s Woody Hayes and Michigan’s Bo Schembechler. The two head coaches brought the rivalry to a new level of bitterness, hatred and intensity. Some may argue that those three entities of the rivalry have since lost their luster — considering the Wolverines won 10 of the 13 meetings from 1988 through 2000 while the Buckeyes have won 12 of the last 14. This year’s installment of ‘The Game’ might bring back some of that bitterness, hatred and intensity found in the Woody-Bo era. The programs both concurrently have high-profile head coaches– Urban Meyer for Ohio State and Jim Harbaugh for Michigan. As if it hasn’t been hard to notice, both men bring a fiery passion to the sport. So does the Meyer-Harbaugh chapter of this storied rivalry have the possibilities of being similar to the Woody-Bo era? While fans on both sides may not want to openly admit it, I feel deep down many do hope this new facet of the rivalry is reminiscent of when Hayes and Schembechler roamed opposite sidelines. Although we haven’t even seen the first contest between Meyer and Harbaugh yet, it already has a similar characteristic to the Ten Year War. Eight out of the 10 meetings between Ohio State and Michigan during the Woody-Bo era featured a matchup of both teams ranked in the top 15. This will be the case again this year despite Ohio State losing to Michigan State on Saturday. Players of both sides are obviously looking forward to Saturday’s game. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo courtesy of DISNEY/PIXAR

THe good dinosaur Q&A with Pixar artist Bryn Imagire


ike Apple to techies or The New York Times to misguided writers like me, Pixar, the Disney-backed studio behind “Toy Story” and every other good animated movie of the last 20 years, surely is to aspiring animators. The sterling-résuméd production house, coming off this summer’s critical and box office hit “Inside Out,” is due to release a second film in the same calendar year for this first time in its history Wednesday with “The Good Dinosaur,” helmed by first-time feature director and Pixar vet Peter Sohn. Bryn Imagire has worked at Pixar since 1998’s “A Bug’s Life.” She served as the shading art director on “The Good Dinosaur” — the commercials offer a simple premise for it: “What if the dinosaurs survived?” — Pixar’s most visually stunning project yet and another that hits all the emotional beats. (Par for the course at this point.) Imagire spoke and presented extended clips of the film at Ohio State’s Sullivant Hall Oct. 27, and UWeekly sat down with her after. First, thank you for almost making me cry with that clip. Oh! I know! We went to the wrap party on Saturday and I was teary. Have you seen the finished movie yet? Yes! We saw it on Saturday. And it’s like, oh my 16

By ALEX ANTONETZ gosh. I’m so happy with it. It’s really great. Pixar has these classic characters. The stories are great. The characters are great. That’s why people get so emotional. How do you help bring that to life? I’m an art director of shading. The supervising animators and the lead animators on “The Good Dinosaur,” Mike Venturini was a lead animator, they do all of the animation, and we in the art department, art directors and (the) production designer, figure out the look of the overall movie. Bringing characters to life, we do it in a really subtle way. We do it with believability, appeal, things like making the character feel like you want to either know them or touch them. You create that connection between audience and characters. What we do is sort of on the more subtle side. We don’t do the acting or that part of it but we do have to design it. The character designer does have to figure out the colors and textures of things. So we have a hand in it but it’s in the design part of it, not in the actual animation. One thing I did notice from the clips is that everything looks very photorealistic. The environments were very photorealistic. Was that a conscious decision? Well, I think photorealistic is a subjective term. We set out on this movie to make the environments

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


really gigantic and epic, so I think when we do that, we do have to look at what it really looks like and try to get the feeling of that onto the screen. ... So maybe this looks photorealistic in terms of other Pixar movies but I feel like it doesn’t go to that ultra photorealistic. I think the main thing we had to do was create a vast, epic landscape for Pete (Sohn) to shoot in so that’s the decision that was made early on. To do that, we made it look the way that it did. Pixar looks like a fun place to work. Maybe not so much when you’re on tight deadlines and things like that, but is the stereotype from outsiders that it’s a super cool place to work accurate? I think that it is for me as an artist. I feel like it’s not so much the zaniness that you see in DVDs. There is a lot of that going on, like there are scooters and skateboarders. There’s a pool. There’s all the amenities. … So it is true. I don’t have a scooter but it is a great place to work. And I think another important aspect of Pixar is that they really want to hang on to people and make people happy working there so that you have that sort of longevity, and it’s sort of rare in the industry with things being sent to other countries. A lot of CG studios get written scripts and they just execute the visual part of it or the animation. Pixar still does everything SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


derek dicenzo Local jazz musician great brings passion to performance By JACK LYNCH

photo courtesy of Kris Misevski


rhythmic punch, while Floyd’s keys add color and soul to the sound. Next week, DiCenzo is teaming up with fellow Columbus musician Happy Chichester to play a set of classic pop tunes from groups like The Beatles, The Kinks, and Sly and the Family Stone.

biquitous local jazz musician Derek DiCenzo is known not only for his passionate live performances, but also his prolific output, playing freelance gigs in addition to shows with well-established trios.


“There’s lots of two-part and three-part vocal harmony, and we each have songs on which we’re the lead singer,” DiCenzo said. “It’s super fun. I think we’ve done this off and on for 25 years. The ample singing I get to do makes this band different than most of my usual stuff.”

This month Dicenzo had a residency at Dick’s Den, where last week he played a stellar set with the legendary Bobby Floyd Trio, of which he is a longtime member.

But in spite of the highly structured song forms of pop music, expect to hear moments of improvisation and spontaneous groove from DiCenzo and Chichester.

“I've been with Bobby for 15 years or more now. Reggie Jackson has been there for almost as long as I have,” said DiCenzo on the group’s leader and its drummer. “Every gig is great. Bobby is just an amazingly generous musician.”

“Improv makes jazz unique, fresh, personal and exciting. If you're there to experience the music live, you're much more likely to feel those things,” DiCenzo said.

The longevity of the trio is readily apparent at any of its live performances. DiCenzo’s walking lines on upright bass are closely synced with Jackson’s athletic drumming, giving the music a solid,

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


DiCenzo’s next performance is with Happy Chichester and Jimmy Castoe at Dick’s Den Wednesday.

a year in gaming Highs & lows of 2015



ith the holidays just on the horizon, it means the bulk of fall game releases are already on shelves. So it’s the perfect time to look back on 2015 and see what were some of the highs and lows of the year in gaming. Lows: Batman Arkham Knight: Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored this game. It was a blast soaring across the night sky in Gotham battling Scarecrow, Two-Face, The Riddler and the like. However, I was playing on PlayStation 4; while the console version was immaculate, the same can’t be said for PC. The PC version arrived broken in June, was completely pulled from Steam for nearly five months and when it came back was just as broken as before. This is a black eye for the AAA gaming space and WB should be embarrassed for the halfhearted attempt at its PC port. Gamergate: Sadly this nonsense has continued into 2015, yet the more troubling aspect is that people seem to have forgotten all about it, or assume that it has passed at this point. That’s not the case, as women and minorities are still constant targets of abuse. It’s disconcerting to see people constantly and flagrantly harassed online, but as this saga approaches year three, there’s still little that has been done to resolve anything. Highs: Metal Gear Solid V: The long-awaited swan song in the series from creator Hideo Kojima didn’t disappoint. This is my pick for game of the year and while it certainly lacked the traditional “Metal Gear” over the top style of storytelling, the immersive and captivating gameplay loop made it impossible to stop playing until every objective was achieved. It will be interesting to see how publisher Konami moves forward without Kojima, but if this ends up being the last in the series, then it was an inspiring way to go out. Fallout 4: Another highly anticipated title saw SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


James Bowen James Bowen is a Senior Fashion and Retail Studies major. His interest in fashion is apparent by the way he puts together his stylish outfits.

How would you describe your style? My style is minimal and modern with some classic elements. I like to wear dark neutrals that can be combined in numerous ways to create outfits.

Why is personal style important to you? Turtle neck $1 Gabriel Brothers

My style is important to me because it's my first impression. Tackling any day is easier when wearing the right outfit.

jacket $50 Gap

Do you have a go-to outfit? All black. Black is appropriate every season, never goes out of style and always looks kind of dressed up.

Who/what inspires your style? Everything I see can influence my style. As a student at a large university, I'm always surrounded by people to look at. I look past the things I don't like and remember the things I do so I can incorporate them into my own look.

What fall/winter trend is your favorite? As a student teaching assistant for the Fashion Forecasting course at OSU, I have graded over sixty student presentations on fall trends this semester. "Power Furs" was my favorite presentation. This fall, furs are being dyed to grab attention and are said to be the cold-weather equivalent of statement necklaces.

Jeans $10 Bullhead

Where do you like to shop? Online is my favorite place to shop. It's always open, there are more choices than in real stores and comparing items is easy. A good return policy with cheap shipping and free returns is important to me as an online customer.

Do you have any advice for readers? Research before buying. Online reviews help me make purchase decisions whether I'm shopping at the mall or online. A quick search for an item on Amazon gives me a good idea of what an item is actually like by reading customer reviews.

Shoes $90 Aldo


UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


- Georgina Pinou

Layers on layers on layers Surviving the campus cold By Tamika smith


s late November and December roll around, we get excited for the holidays, eating tons of food, going shopping for loved ones and receiving gifts. But, with the holidays also comes a downside – really cold weather. As most students travel on foot, by bicycle or by bus, they're bound to come in contact with the cold a lot in between classes. It's important to make sure you're properly dressed to combat the drop in temperature when on campus. Layer it up The best way to stay warm when walking around on campus is by layering on clothing. It's good to start with a t-shirt or two then add a sweater, hoodie or fleece on top and then finish off with a well-insulated coat. Layering ensures you stay warm when outside. It also helps you to not burn up when indoors because you can easily take off your coat or fleece. For the bottom of your body, wearing long johns under your jeans or sweats will also ensure you stay warm. Don't forget your feet Footwear is important in the colder months. You want a shoe that will not only help your feet to stay warm but one that's also comfortable. Boots are best in cold whether. UGG boots, Timberlands and duck boots are the most popular on campus; you either own a pair or see 100 people wearing them daily. It's also good to add a pair of long wool or synthetic socks for extra warmth. Accessorize Once you have the main parts of your body covered, you should always keep going. Hats, gloves and scarves are pretty much essential with staying warm while in the cold. Hats or earmuffs are good to have when on campus to protect your ears while walking or waiting at a bus stop. Scarves will SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


FOOD & Drink

cran-kin pie? Combining two Thanksgiving flavors

By Ashley wilkinson

pumpkin bars > pumpkin pies


By Ashley Wilkinson

all me strange, but I’ve always hated pumpkin pie. I don’t know why, exactly. I try it every Thanksgiving in hopes that perhaps my taste buds have changed, but I always end up spitting it out.

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher gave us a little recipe book with fun and delicious Thanksgiving recipes on them. My mom decided that one recipe in particular looked promising and decided to make it. When the final product of this recipe came out of the oven, I immediately fell in love. Perhaps I don’t like pumpkin pie because I have discovered the better alternative. Wondering what could possibly be better than pumpkin pie?

1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg In a medium sized mixing bowl, beat the eggs, pumpkin, sugar and oil together. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt together in a separate bowl. Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pour into a greased and lightly floured nine inch pan and bake in a 350 degrees preheated oven for 35 minutes.

1/3 cup butter 1 3/4 cup powder sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 1/4 tablespoon hot water

These bars are mainly a super moist, flavorful pumpkin cake with the most delicious icing on them. For the recipe, you will need:


For my family, have a tradition involving the classic thanksgiving dessert: pumpkin pie. You might be wondering how one could make a tradition using pie, but my family has done it. We smother our pie in cranberry sauce. You heard right. We don’t smother our pie in whipped cream; we use cranberries to create a much different flavor profile. The tradition merely started when my grandpa decided to plop a spoonful of cranberry sauce on his pie, and he never looked back from there. Now, the tradition is three generations old.

Icing recipe:

Answer: Pilgrim Pumpkin Bars

2 eggs 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon


uring the cold winter holidays, it is common for families to create or carry on traditions that have been passed down throughout the years. For Thanksgiving, some traditions may be as simple as watching football after feasting or visiting relatives.

For the icing, mix together all of the ingredients. Add more water if necessary. Chill for 10 minutes. These pumpkin bars are absolutely amazing! Give them a try and you may even give up pumpkin pie for good!

UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015


Adding cranberry sauce adds a slight bitter and savory element to the sweet pumpkin pie filling, making the perfect balance. It also adds a little crunch (I could preach all day about how important texture is in food)! If you’re looking for something different for this upcoming Thanksgiving, try topping your pumpkin pie (or pumpkin bars) with cranberry sauce! Who knows, it may become your new family tradition!


Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

color your mood How colors can effect your work By EMILY RUDDUCK


olor has the power to appeal to our visual senses in an abundance of ways, varying between colors. There is a driving force behind why companies choose the colors that they do for their logos, marketing materials and even down to the paint color inside of the building. Have you ever noticed that hospitals and day spas are often shades of green? That’s because green is associated with health, tranquility and nature.

Visit go.osu.edu/bowltour to sign up for updates and for more information.

Blue, on the other hand, is often used by corporations because it promotes loyalty and productivity. It also represents authority, which is why many government officials will wear a blue tie, or a blue uniform, like the police. Below is a list of color recommendations for your workspace decorating that you can implement based on the bad work habits that you’d like to avoid based on the adjectives that they represent. Red: energizing, powerful, assertive but unfortunately ignites appetite and aggressiveness. Orange: Childlike, optimism and fun. Everyone needs some of that, right? Green: Earthy, gentle, represents new beginnings and balances your body and emotions. Yellow: Joyful, friendly, lively and energetic. Apparently, though, it also represents betrayal and cowardice. Purple: Royal, introspective and creative. Brown: Outdoorsy, rustic and earthy. Grey: Responsible, accountable and methodical. It can also represent detachment, which is why it’s often paired with another color for balance. Black: Prestigious, powerful and elegant. However, it obviously has negative connotations as well, such as depression and death. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015



November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


CD102.5 Holiday Local Showcase Jingle your bells with a hit of a



holiday night with the exclusive performances of Clubhouse, The Cordial Sins, Go Analog and DJ RAAD. For an extra holiday treat, Skully’s gives the gift that keeps giving with no cover! Skully's Music Diner Time: 7 p.m. | No Cover

In Vino Illusio Magic Night

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Enjoy an enchanting night with Camelot’s resident magicians, Erik Tait and Nick Locapo! These guys are regular entertainers at Camelot Cellars and know how to entertain! Camelot Cellars Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Championship Boxing

Make your Wednesday a knockout with this champion event! Be sure to get your tickets for this exclusive show, presented by Title Boxing Club, ASAP! LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015

“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch” but you sure get us into the holiday spirit! Let your heart grow three sizes with this musical theatre event. Ohio Theatre Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Angela Perley & the Howlin’ Moons

Perley’s music is considered nostalgic and bears the influence of old time country roots music and rock and roll. Natalie's Coal-Fired Pizza Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


Small & Wonderful Head to the Short North for a



Holiday Tradition! The gallery will feature works by twenty-one artists in various mediums will be on display in their new space. Featured artists and works include Aminah Robinson, Ohio landscapes by Paul Hamilton and more! Hammond Harkins Galleries Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Ladies 80’s

Bazaar Royale

Come rock out with Bazaar Royale as he performs, accompanied by Tess and Niki Darling! Royale is known for his rock, blues, jazz, funk, pop and hip hop fusion of style. Woodlands Tavern Time: 2 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Merry & Bright

Feel the spirit of the season surrounded by festive horticulture displays, evening lighting, and an array of activities and entertainment, including a 15' poinsettia tree and live music. Franklin Park Conservatory Time: All Day | Tickets: Vary

Ladies 80's & More Thanksgiving! Dance to hits of today and the 90's and shake up your holiday! Ladies 21+ have no cover and it’s $5 for ladies 18-20! Skully’s Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Hadden Sayers

Hadden Sayers’ self-titled American Blues band brings their soulful style to the stage for their annual Thanksgiving show! Work off some of the turkey by hitting up this show! Woodlands Tavern Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $10


November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY






Columbus Blue Jackets

It’s Ohio vs. Everyone on the ice these days! Come cheer on our Columbus Blue Jackets as they face off against the notorious Pittsburgh Penguins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nationwide Arena | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary

Small Business Saturday

Shop small and local in the Short North Arts District on Small Business Saturday, and make sure to grab a Short North Arts District Black Friday Messenger Bags with purchase, before they run out. The high-quality bag displays a map of High Street, and is available to the first 1,000 shoppers at participating businesses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Short North District | Time: All Day | Free


Chris Marshall, better known by his stage name Crizzly, is a DJ and producer. Currently based in Austin, Texas, he began DJing in 2010, developing a style that incorporates dubstep, crunk, hyphy, drumstep and trap, among other genres. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Vary


Fabolous is an American hip hop recording artist from Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for his solo hits like "Can't Deny It" and "Young'n (Holla Back)" as well as his collaborations like "She Got Her Own" by Jamie Foxx & "Say Aah" by Trey Songz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

XO Nightlife | Time: 10 p.m. | Vary

Holiday Hoopla 2015

Bass Jam

A two hour show filled with holiday themed sketch comedy and music featuring the always funny and delightful holiday tradition, The Santa Babies, who are also celebrating their 25th year! The event is sponsored by PNC Bank.

Skully’s annual Bass Jam show is a multi-genre bash, featuring the talents of Any Colour, Blue Moon Soup and He'll Naw. It’s only 18+ to enjoy the dance party with no cover and endless drink choices for all 21+.



Shadowbox Live | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Vary


UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015

Skully's | Time: 8 p.m. | Free






Happy Hour

Beer and Donuts

Finish off your holiday weekend with a pairing that is unbeatable, donuts and beer! The donuts are provided from Buckeye Donuts, so you know they will be sinfully good! $20 for a flight of 6 beers (each paired with a different of donut) $2 off pints after your tasting is a deal you won’t want to miss.



Brush off your monday blues with some half off drafts at Ethyl’s. Beer not your thing? Try their $2 Well Drinks and Bombs or self-serve hot dog bar starting at 5 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free


The Daily Growler | Time: 11 a.m. | $20


Kick start the holiday season with a classic story reimagined at Shadowbox Live. This musical version of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” is sure to have everyone in good holiday cheer! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shadowbox Live | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary

Bluewater Kings

Voted one of the country's best party bands by "The Knot" magazine, The Bluewater Kings perform all around the world, but play mostly in Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Cleveland and Indianapolis. They play a mix of motown, old-school rock, jazz, current top 40, swing, 80s/70s/90s hits, afro-cuban and more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Woodlands Tavern | Time: 8 p.m. | Free


Holiday Craft Night

Low on cash but want to give the special people in your life good gifts? Then head to Camelot Cellars for a special event where you get the chance to work with expert crafters to create a special piece of art! Bring your own supplies and craft items or you can purchase supplies at the event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Camelot Cellars Winery | Time: 6 p.m. | Free

Jarrod harris

Atlanta native, Jarrod Harris may have been raised in the South, but he is not your stereotypical Southern stand-up comedian. His complex and almost unbelievable life experiences make for a refreshingly silly and unexpected comedy voice.


Woodlands Tavern| Time: 8 p.m. | $10

November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • November 24, 2015



signs your relationship is over


ave you heard Justin Bieber’s new album, "Purpose"? YES? OMG, isn’t it so good? If you haven’t listened to his album, I’ve got you covered. I hear a lot of girls talk about how bad their relationship was after they’re dumped. It’s weird and unfortunate that girls don’t realize how sucky their boyfriends treated them until after the relationship is over. Knowing right away that things are dead could save you so much time and pain. Here are nine signs that your current love is done—with the help of Bieber songs (some may be stretches, but hear me out). “Where Are Ü Now?” You guys were practically best friends. You and your boy used to stay up talking all night, but now he’s MIA. You’re asking yourself why things changed and how you can get back to the old times. He’s no longer the guy you turn to. “No Sense” Listen to “No Sense.” Everything you guys did used to be fun. He cracked a joke, you laughed. He no longer jokes around. You no longer laugh. The relationship is becoming boring and you rather hang with other people, so leave him before he leaves you.

stable and love yourself before you can give your all to someone else. “What Do You Mean?” Just like the song, there’s a lack of communication and the relationship is a shit show. One minute you’re happy, the next you’re mad at him. If your relationship is a rollercoaster—in a bad way—say, “See ya!” The relationship is doomed. “Been You” This song is about not taking a chance on love. The survival of a relationship is about making all the right moves before and during. If you guys were affectionate at the start of the relationship but aren’t anymore, things aren’t looking so well.




“Sorry” You guys never stop fighting and it’s completely tiring. You both can only say, “Sorry” so many times until it is truly too late. “Get Used to It” This song is about doing the most to see a girl he likes. Ask yourself: is my man going to great lengths or trying for us? The point is whether you guys still care about the relationship. I hoped you learned something about your relationship and enjoyed Bieber’s new album!

“Love Yourself” A strong relationship can’t be superficial. You both need to feel emotionally secure and invested. You have to be emotionally


Love, Stella uweekly.com

November 24, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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