UWeekly 7.01.15

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JUL 1, 2015



UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015



July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Walk the Moon Photo by Lauren Weitz/UWeekly


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015



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July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

@brandonfriedel you are goals. And one hell of a dancer

@allieogilvie she's everything and more

@TDeck68 has the sexiest tats my goodness

Stop being a bull and I'll marry you! @jenna_ karajeh

To this girl Sarah Mamo in my bio 1113 class, you're perfect. Sit with me? @zewmageddon

@brody_ritter. I met you at orientation and you're as perfect as they come.

.@thealakhras would be the most beautiful and craziest lawyer in this country.


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

Kevin, I guess you have a great personality. @kbergb

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




FRI 7.3

Kady Gies @_its_CADY


I'm more excited for my History of Rock N' Roll class than any other class first semester at OSU #Priorities #OnlyAtOSU

Each year, Red, White, & Boom, is the ultimate Fourth of July party. With four stages placed throughout downtown playing music all day, endless food and drink options, and an awesome fireworks display, this is something you do not want to miss.

Jared Hagan @hagan_jared My mom is lost on campus. Lol. #new2osu


Downtown Columbus | Time: 12 p.m.

SAT 7.4

Beth Anne @beth_anne11 Just when you think you've seen it all in college, a student struts into your class dressed up in a life sized pineapple suit #onlyatOSU


Celebrate liberty, lunacy and the first amendment at the 32nd annual Doo Dah Parade! Wear what you want, be who you want, say what you want, this parade is for anyone and anyone. Bring your humor ‘cause this is sure to be a crazy time.

Hannah Slenska @hannahslens22 lol just heard some guy ask a group of people on high street where Midway was #freshman #new2osu


Park Street | Time: 12 p.m.

TUES 7.7

Brianna @BriannaLee2404 Becoming a Buckeye was literally the best decision I have ever made. #new2osu #osu19


If you listened to music at all in high school, you definitely remember Say Anything’s “A Walk Through Hell.” Their last album was released in 2009, but they continues to tour and get their songs stuck in our heads.

Shelby Kerstetter @skerstetter2 70 days until I take the field again #gobucks


Newport Music Hall | Time: 6 p.m. Tickets: $19


Attn: Concert lovers

Columbus till I die!

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will a pair of tickets to the Crew SC game on July 4th!

(Winner will also receive a voucer for a OYO Crew SC Cocktail Pack. Must be 21 years or older.)


#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Weezer at the LC on July 24.


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



love is love

photo by jon mcallister/uw

Students react to Supreme Court's historic decision on marriage equality By @MIKE_HUSON a


effery Koebel, a third-year in strategic communication, was at his boyfriend’s house when he realized he had just won a fundamental right. "A lot of people just woke up, and their lives had completely changed.” The highest court in the land had just ruled that no state held the power to ban same-sex marriage and must now recognize their unions nationwide. Akshay Krishnamani, a fourth-year in operations management, said that as a gay minority from South Carolina, he never thought he’d see a day like June 26 or be able to say he could choose to get married in his home state. “I think it shows the younger generation that, as they get older, they’ll have more of a voice in government and society in general.” 8

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

Koebel, a member of OSU’s Queers & Allies Student Association, said he feels a huge weight was lifted off many shoulders, but he knows this long-awaited victory isn’t the end of the story for LGBT rights or equality; it’s the marking of a chapter. LGBT discrimination persists throughout the country, including Ohio.

"Young students are really the key ... because they can bridge the gap between generations." But Ohio’s flagship university might not be a bad place to start engaging in LGBT activism to change that. uweekly.com

Melissa Wasser, president of Moritz College of Law organization OutLaws, said she feels OSU’s policies are progressive, protecting against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identification or expression. “I think the decision is going to start a lot of conversations with people, and I think that young students are really the key to that because they can bridge the gap between generations.” OSU is home to quite a few LGBT advocacy and allied student groups, including Pride OSU, the multicultural group SHADES, ComBIne, the Fisher College of Business’ Out in Business, Engineering Allies, Lead out Loud and others, including Pi Alpha Kappa and Sigma Phi Beta fraternities. Matthew Duncan, a former member 11•


5 foods to boost your meals and mood By THAILYR SCRIVNER @TYSCRIVNER a


t can be hard to eat an entirely wholesome diet, especially on a college diet. Enter superfoods. While these shouldn’t steer you away from bettering your diet overall, these nutrient dense foods can be thrown into a variety of low-cost food items that you’re probably already eating. Here’s the lowdown about a handful of these powerhouses and a few easy ways you can add them into your diet. 1. Chia seeds – They’re loaded with calcium, omega-3s and antioxidants. Chia seeds will gel in liquid because they are a soluble fiber. Add chia seeds into your yogurt, oatmeal, smoothie or sprinkle it on top of your salad. At around $4.99/ lb. they’re well worth the price, especially since they can eliminate the need for a fish oil pill or any fiber supplement. 2. Raw cacao – This is different than commercial chocolate cocoa powder. Raw cacao is full of antioxidants and has a healthy dose of magnesium and iron. Add a tablespoon into milk for a healthier version of chocolate milk or into plain greek yogurt with a little sweetener. You can find raw cacao for $5.99/lb (I get mine at Homegoods often). 3. Coconut oil –Your body converts the natural acid in

coconut oil into a substance called lauric acid, which studies have shown helps destroy bad bacteria. It also contains good fats that your body can use as energy and can help boost your metabolism. Add coconut oil to your smoothies, use it in place of oil in baked goods, or as your primary oil for cooking for $4.99 for a 16oz. jar. (I’ve found the best deal at Aldi’s). 4. Nutritional yeast aka “nooch” – It’s full of B-vitamins and iron and is a complete protein all on its own. It has a cheesy flavor so sprinkle some on your popcorn, salads, soups or even use it to make cheese sauce for your noodles. At around $5 per 4oz. you can find nooch at mostly every grocer. 5. Hemp seeds – They’re full of protein (the good kind that your body can easily digest), omega fatty acids and fiber that are good for heart and brain health. Oh, and antioxidants and minerals, too. Sprinkle some onto cereals, oatmeal or in your smoothies for a mild nutty flavor. Around $7 for 8 oz. Start small to make healthy changes. Just simply add more nutritious foods to foods you’re already comfortable with and you’ll be on the right path.


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


quiz: what pet is right for you? By LOGAN KORN


he time has come. You are finally ready to get a pet. The countless times you have been rushing to class through the oval and seen adorable dogs running around has convinced you to get a pet. But … um, what pet do you even want? Take this quiz to find out, I dare you.

1. What would you do for a vacation? A) Go hiking and camping B) Stay home, relax and read a book C) Go to a rainforest D) Travel the world

2. Why do you want a pet? A) It would be cool to have a pet to exercise and chill with B) It would be nice to have a pet to keep me company C) I want a pet with some danger to it, because I’m hardcore like that D) I want a cool-looking pet to play with and to impress my friends

3. Pets are priceless, but taking care of them isn’t. How much can you spend per month? A) About $200 B) About $100 C) About $50 D) Less than $50; I need to save my money for happy hour

studios at 106 E 13TH

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UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


2 bedrooms at

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townhomes at

275 E 13TH



4. How much free time do you have?

A) So much I don’t know what to do with it B) What free time? C) Not a lot of free time D) I have at least a few hours of free time every day

5. What are your living conditions? A) Large living space with a yard B) Live in an apartment alone C) House or apartment; I like to have a lot of people over D) I live in an apartment and have a lot of people visit

6. How do you usually spend that precious free time of yours?

A) Exercising B) Watching cat videos and getting lost in the vast world of Netflix C) Spending time with nature D) Trying new things

7. What is your drink of choice? A) A nice cold Budweiser B) A bottle of wine C) SHOTS! D) Any craft beer

Mostly A’s: Dog You should look into getting a dog! Dogs take both time and exercise daily. Dogs are also fantastic at relieving stress and brightening your day. This past school year, OSU libraries teamed up with the Student Wellness center to offer stress-relieving events during finals week that included … wait for it … PUPPIES!

Mostly B’s: Cat You live a pretty mellow life right now and a cat may be just what you need. Cats are easily entertained and don’t require an extensive amount of attention.

Mostly C’s: Reptile You like to live on the edge and a reptile shows just that. A popular reptile is the ball python due to their mellow temperament and the fact that they can be fed live mice.

Mostly D’s: Exotic Pet Oh you trend setter you. You like being unique and getting an exotic pet will make you stand out even more. Hedgehogs are a popular exotic pet amongst college students due to the fact that they are fairly low maintenance and look pretty badass as well.


•8 of OSU’s LGBTQ First Year Q*mmunity, said

the network of LGBT groups are a beneficial alternative, offering support and different social opportunities. And having that opportunity for camaraderie and community his freshman year was important to him. “That was a really big step to come into the community that way and be able to really talk freely and openly about those topics.” Wasser, who worked last summer for the Why Marriage Matters Ohio campaign, said getting involved with LGBT groups can also provide a chance to organize and unify campaigns. “If people want to get involved, they have to start at the ground level. Write your state rep, write your state senator and say, ‘This is important to me. What is your stance on it? What are you doing to further nondiscrimination in Ohio?’” Koebel knows the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling was a huge milestone, but he noted most of the people who drove marriage equality are not going to be around forever. He said it’s important that young adults find themselves and find ways to keep pushing forward. "I am very thankful for this opportunity and so glad this has happened, but I don't think that this is where we, as a community, should get lazy,” he said. “It's important to realize that we do have a ways to go, and this isn't the end of the movement."

July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Long distance doesn't have to hurt By @CAITLINESSIG a


ong-distance relationships are hard, especially when you’re young and everything moves so fast. But something that often goes without consideration is the work necessary to maintain long-distance friendships. When you’re making a long-distance relationship work, there are incentives. You might want to marry this person, you probably want to sleep with this person again. Maintaining long-distance friendships, though, has less obvious perks. Yes, you probably love your good friends, but it’s easier to assume they’ll just always be there when you come back, or when they do. For many, summer marks the last time you’ll be in the same place as your close friends. For those coming into college, it’s the last summer where you’re pretty much guaranteed to have your high school friends around. For others, friends are graduating college and moving away for jobs. Summer is great, but it’s also a season of goodbyes. When I came to Ohio State four years ago from a village in Northeast Ohio, my best friend Myra went in the opposite direction: New York City. Our eight-year friendship hadn’t been separated by

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UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


more than a few neighborhoods since it began, and suddenly we were not only streets, but states away. It would have been really easy to accept that we were both making new friends in our new cities, say we’d see each other at Christmas, and eventually drift apart, opting to share our new experiences with those new friends. But there’s another choice. When you’re fortunate to have friends who know you as well as you know yourself, who were there when you made prank phone calls and played Dream Phone, when you snuck out to bonfires and snuck into pools, who ran alongside you as teammates and stood next to you as graduates, hang on to them. College has taught me that friendships with deep roots, that last from childhood and beyond, are rare. Not everyone comes back to their parents’ house and has a group of friends who can pick up where they left off in high school. So if you are lucky enough to have those people, work to keep them. When Myra moved to New York, we started a conversation that keeps going to this day. We’ve sent thousands of texts and called each other when things were really bad or really good. She has become the sole constant in my life, while everything else has changed over and over throughout college. And you know what? Long-distance friendship doesn’t have to be hard. A few tips: Set realistic expectations. It’s hard to stay in constant contact with more than one or two people — it’s just a reality. If you’re telling someone every detail of your life, then telling the same stories and asking for the same advice of six other friends, you’ll be exhausted. Turn on your read receipts, iPhone users. While Myra and I haven’t gone more than a week without talking since she moved in 2011, we don’t always respond right away. Read receipts are the best way to say “I’m busy, but I’ll respond eventually” without saying anything. Use detail. A friend of mine once used the phrase “Myra-length text” to say she had something to say that would take a lot of words to say it. Sharing stories in detail has been a way for Myra and I to feel like we’re not missing anything in each other’s lives. Whether you’re separated by a few cities, states, or an ocean, it is possible to make long-distance friendship work. And there’s nothing better than being reunited after months apart and feeling like no time has passed.

Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler

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Mihir Shah Arianna Urban Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Jon McAllister

What do you think about the recent legalization of same-sex marriage? By LAUREN EVERY

Caroline Jimenez

I think it’s good for other countries to hear that. To see what we’ve done with this movement.

Pooja Vijayasarathy

I think it was great. I think it was a great day for everyone. I’m really happy they did that.

Anna Seanor

I think it’s a good thing, I definitely agree with it. And we were actually talking about this the other day. I heard it on the radio and I called my mom and I was like ‘Mom, same sex marriage is legal’ and she was like ‘Well, finally. It’s about time.’ So yea, I agree with it.

Alex Wohlwend

I’m obviously opposed to it ‘cause I’m straight but if those people are around me I accept them for who they are. So, I guess the bigger picture, I accept it.

Ashton Kimber

It’s very exciting. I think it’s a step in the right direction. It’s good.

Kyle Berger

I think it’s a good thing. I mean, who’s the government to tell two people that they can’t marry or love each other. I think it’s a great step forward for our country.


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



masterly maddy

photo by david heasley/uw

Athlete to watch: Sophomore expected to have another superlative season By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a


eing dangerous in more ways than one is an irreplaceable quality to have as an athlete. The Ohio State field hockey team has that in sophomore forward/midfielder Maddy Humphrey (a @MadHumps23). Humphrey had a remarkable year as a freshman, leading the team in scoring with 32 points (12 goals, eight assists). She had multi-goal games on four different occasions, one multi-assist game and eight multi-point games. The native of Virginia Beach, Va. was the second leading scorer among Big Ten freshmen, earning her way to three conference Freshman of the Week honors. The second of such honors came after an 11-point weekend against Appalachian State and Michigan State. Humphrey had two goals and an assist against the Spartans, while notching her first career hat trick versus Appalachian State – she became the first rookie in OSU field hockey history to record three goals in one game. The outstanding 14

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

weekend came in the midst of a streak where she registered at least one point in 10 of her first 13 career collegiate contests. Her numbers fared well among Big Ten players, too. Humphrey finished seventh in points per game (1.78), eighth in goals per game (0.67) and ninth in assists per game (0.44). In addition to her conference laurels, she was named All-West Region second team by the National Field Hockey Coaches Association following the 2014 campaign. At the annual team banquet, she and senior Peanut Johnson (a @peanutjohnson12) were named Offensive Player of the Year. Given Humphrey’s scoring prowess as a freshman, expect her to be one of the top scorers — if not the top scorer — for the Buckeyes this upcoming season. She and Johnson will likely lead the way offensively for the Scarlet and Gray. The two combined for 59 points a year ago, ranking fourth highest among duos in the Big Ten. Humphrey’s ability to assist and score is what uweekly.com

makes her dangerous. Opposing players cannot defend her in a way that only limits her scoring. If they do, then she’ll create scoring opportunities for her teammates with her passing. If opposing teams focus primarily on closing her passing lanes, then she’ll put the ball in the back of the net. Humphrey’s multi-dimensional attack forces the opposition to defend her in more ways than one, making its job significantly more difficult. It will be crucial for Humphrey to contribute offensively this season. Last year, OSU went 4-3 in games where she scored at least one goal. On the flip side, the club went 2-9 in games where she did not score. In contests where she had a goal and/or an assist, the Buckeyes went 5-6, while posting a 1-6 record when Humphrey did not do either. As the numbers show, the team performed much better when she produced on the offensive end. Look for the standout sophomore to lead the Buckeyes this season once it begins on Aug. 28 at home against St. Louis.

photo by david heasley/uw

The B1G Impact

Former Buckeye Russell highlights the NBA Draft By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a


'Angelo Russell (a @Dloading) was not rated in the top ten of any recruiting rankings for the class of 2014, but that did not stop him from putting up big numbers as a freshman at Ohio State. His efforts were rewarded in the 2015 NBA Draft as Russell was selected second overall to the Los Angeles Lakers. Russell’s selection was a little bit of a surprise as the Lakers passed on Duke’s Jahlil Okafor, but Russell had been surging up draft boards and was the most intriguing backcourt prospect in the draft. Ohio State basketball has had four picks in the top four in the last nine NBA Drafts – Ohio State football has had four picks in the top four in the last thirty-four years. It was a big night for the Big Ten – as the conference is starting to produce NBA prospects. Backing up the perception of the Big Ten being one of the premier conferences in college basketball. The Wisconsin Badgers saw two of their star players from their back-to-back Final Four runs go off the board. National Player of the Year Frank Kaminsky was selected ninth overall by the Charlotte Hornets; the Houston Rockets picked Sam Dekker with the eighteenth pick– one pick after the Milwaukee Bucks (Dekker’s home state team) passed on him. Kaminsky became the highest drafted Badger since Devin Harris was picked fifth in 2004. The Hornets have selected a Big Ten player in the first round for three straight drafts. The other Big Ten members that were drafted included Aaron White of the Iowa Hawkeyes, who went to the Washington Wizards at the 49th pick; SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.





Hight St Columbus | (614) 298-8817 FROM THE OSU STUDENT UNION


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


photo by david heasley/uw

no holidays

Crew hosts critical match on Fourth of July By @BEN_FERREE a






hough they have just one win in their last eight games, Columbus Crew SC are trending in the right direction. The team is undefeated in their last three matches, coming back in all three for two draws and a win despite conceding the first goal in every match. Early concessions had been a weak point for the team – they were 0-6-0 when they gave up the first goal to start the season. However, the last three games have improved that mark to 1-6-2, following a comeback 1-1 draw against LA Galaxy, a comeback 2-1 win against the New England Revolution, and most recently a comeback 2-2 draw against Real Salt Lake, a game where the Crew trailed twice. After the win against New England, Crew SC Head Coach Gregg Berhalters stressed the importance of staying focused even when the team is losing, “we talked before the game about managing the game. No matter what happens, we go down a goal, we go up a goal, it stays tied… manage the game.” Defense has been the issue for Columbus. They have both the leading goal scorer and the leader in assists in MLS with Kei Kamara (a @keikamara) and Ethan Finlay (a @EthanFinlay13), respectively. However, the defense has let up 25 goals this season, which is third most in the league. Consistency on the back line will be needed if Crew SC wants to be able to advance up the table and deep into the playoffs. The next match day for Columbus will be on the fourth of July against the New York Red Bulls. The Crew will play in Columbus at MAPFRE Stadium, with kickoff slated for 7:30 p.m. ET SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


putting pen to paper As free agency begins, Cavs look to reload By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a


ast week, Cleveland Cavaliers big man Kevin Love announced he would test the waters of free agency. On Sunday, LeBron James opted out of his contract. James intends to restructure his contract, but the hysteria has already begun. Will LeBron leave again? Is he going back to Miami? If he puts on sunglasses, does that mean he’s going to LA? Welcome to the fabulous time of NBA Free Agency – where rumors and loud voices reign supreme on where stars might end up playing. Yes, James opted out, but when his player option is in the ballpark of $21 million, you can’t really afford to pay him and other superstars that kind of money. The system doesn’t work that way. Love testing free agency makes some sense – if a major market team is willing to pay something in the neighborhood of $16 million, he might leave. It would help Cleveland, because fellow big-man Tristan Thompson wants a max deal after showing his worth in the NBA Finals against Golden State. But back to LeBron.

If James convinces Love to re-sign with Cleveland and not resign from wearing a Cavs jersey, then a Miami Heat-esque situation occurs – in a good way! Fellow friend of James, Dwyane Wade, has a player option on his deal with the Miami Heat. When Wade covered the Finals for ABC/ESPN, he subtly mentioned his Heat days in the past tense. With tin foil hat and megaphone cranked to full blast, “hey everyone, Wade is leaving Miami”! Once again, welcome back to the world of free agency – where every superstar looks to collect their money, or will pack their bags and fly out to a place that will pay their ransom. There’s nothing wrong with that. The only issue is this: you need a full team to win a title, not just a few superstars. Cleveland has a scroll of players up for free agency this summer. The list includes: Matthew Dellavedova, J.R. Smith, Iman Shumpert, James


Jones, Shawn Marion, Kendrick Perkins, and the guy who fills up the Gatorade bottles. Okay, I made the last one up, but you get the picture. Cleveland needs James to rework his deal, so the Cavs front office can try and pay some of the other guys –and avoid having them being taken by another team. If Love leaves, so be it. At least there will be money to spread the wealth. Golden State won a title because they had depth. Cleveland can have depth, and it can be theirs to keep, if the price is right.

July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY




photo by lauren weitz/uw

Walk The Moon creates ‘beautiful energy’ in sold-out show By @CAITLINESSIG a


ours after same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide, Walk The Moon brought the celebration to its concert in Columbus. Wearing a shirt that bore the state of Ohio in rainbow colors with the word “Pride” in the center, lead singer Nicholas Petricca had a message for the crowd at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion Friday night: “Today is a very exciting day. Love wins today,” he exclaimed before the band launched into “Different Colors.” The track, off the band’s latest album, “Talking is Hard,” conveys support for the LGBTQ community — the “different colors” speak to the rainbow pride flag. The audience was captivated throughout the show, with most singing along to the Cincinnati-based band’s every word. In typical fashion for a Walk The Moon concert, the majority of the fans, especially those who clawed their way into the crowded pit, had painted their faces with bright geometric shapes to match the band’s own face paint. When Walk The Moon played its current radio hit, “Shut Up and Dance,” it was hard to hear if 18

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

Petricca was even singing, as the fans were enthusiastically shouting every word as they danced along. In its entirety, the set wasn’t very long, as the band has only released three albums in its seven-year history. But the sold-out crowd didn’t seem to mind, as the familiarity of these Ohio boys’ music, building off fellow Cincinnati-natives and opening band Public, was enough to create a positive atmosphere.

"Today is a very exciting day. Love wins today." In fact, Walk The Moon specifically tries to create a positive experience for its fans. Before singing “Aquaman,” Petricca asked that the fans move their arms in the air to create a “safe place” in the venue, where no one felt like they looked dumb or had to care what others thought of them. Before closing with its first big hit, “Anna Sun,” Petricca marveled at the mass of people before him uweekly.com

and requested they “take all this beautiful energy and go make the world a better place.” The whole concert felt like that: a little escape from reality where there really was just beautiful energy. Though the weather was not ideal for an outdoor show — it had been raining on and off all day with sprinkles coming and going as the show went on — no one seemed to mind. Absent were people complaining of wet hair and running makeup. Present were good vibes and true fans swaying and jumping to their favorite songs, from “Jenny” to “Tightrope” and “Work This Body.” All through the pit, ponchos were tossed around like beach balls and people lifted their friends up on their shoulders. No one seemed to mind the mud-caked lawn seats, either. Walk The Moon is the perfect band to see in lessthan-ideal circumstances because it’s fun and it brings that to its concerts. It’s pretty clear that a group that begins its show blaring “The Circle of Life” from “The Lion King” doesn’t take itself too seriously, and Walk The Moon encourages its fans not to either.

The hottest celebrity birthday party at OSU By BRYAN FRAKER


hat was the most recent thing your significant other got you for your birthday? A Subway sandwich that’s in the premium category? A set of PBR glasses they swiped from the local watering hole that still smell of stale booze? Birthday sex?!? Basically nobody in college can afford a truly opulent experience. This is why we should all be pissed of at Kim Kardashian and her gift to Kanye West for his recent birthday. Renting out the Staples Center? Getting John Wall and other celebrities to play ball with Kanye? Having the Lakers cheerleaders do their thing during the game in front of absolutely zero crowd? What the hell, Kim? You already have millions of dollars and an ass that has its own gravitational pull for every penis within five feet of it. Why do you have to ruin relationships for the rest of us? Well, you know what, Kim? That’s not what the rest of us Ohio State brethren would want. There are far more interesting things that can be done with our tastes in mind and won’t dent the wallet as much. I’d like to lay out what could be a perfect birthday celebration for Ohio State folks that any red-blooded Buckeye will thoroughly enjoy. The day starts with an event in the ‘Shoe. Whether it be a game of flag football with friends, kickball with a bunch of well-wishers, or just planting a keg at midfield to drink with your closest buddies, you have to start here. It’s the mecca of the Columbus campus and you can soak in the atmosphere to imagine what it would be like to hear 100,000+ people cheering your name. Next up is a party bus around campus to all the big-picture hot spots on campus. Hanging on The Oval, jumping into Mirror Lake, twerking on all the Brutus statues around campus. You get to decide where and what you do that will make this day memorable on social media later. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



affordable virtual reality? yes, please By LOGAN KORN


irtual reality is a new frontier for technology and Google’s approach on the matter is very, well, Google. Instead of hurrying to the consumer level with a couple of hundred-dollar headsets like other companies, Google’s low key approach focuses on getting virtual reality headsets into the hands of app-makers – along with the hands of curious people who'd rather not spend $250 – for less than a case of beer. Announced last year, Google Cardboard made some pretty hefty promises: Bringing virtual reality to all and doing so affordably. While some people are quick to jump on the Oculus bandwagon when it comes to virtual reality, Google was creating an immersive experience with nothing but a piece of cardboard and the overpowered smartphone you most likely have in your hand right now. When my Google Cardboard came in the mail it was a simple set up process, having to fold over a couple flaps and then slide my phone in. The viewer itself is really just a giant piece of cardboard cut out to hold the phone while the lenses

are simply small plastic magnifying glasses. But to my surprise everything works flawlessly. Head positioning and tracking are accomplished with your phone's accelerometers and gyroscopes, which make for a very smooth experience. Due to some fancy software tricks, the applications and videos I toyed with were surprisingly bright and very detailed. You can view Google Earth in a whole new way, take a ride on a virtual reality roller coaster, or even free fall from a cliff. The Cardboard apps out now are mostly short, straightforward experiences, but it’s pretty awesome to try out virtual reality and get a glimpse into the future and not make a big investment in terms of time or money. Overall I have enjoyed my Google Cardboard experience but it has left me itching for more. I felt the content was lacking but the content that was available was great. I am surprised at the effectiveness of a cardboard box and a couple lenses, and that is something I never expected myself to say.

apps of the week: Play piano, Map a route, Scan receipts Perfect Piano, iOS and Android This is a fun app that allows you to either “free-play” or learn to play the piano. It can slow down or speed up an exercise, display music sheets, record your performance, play samples from nine different instruments and support external MIDI keyboards via USB. 20

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

OS Maps, iOS Aside from the different aesthetic from most mobile maps, OS Maps is an app geared towards hikers, with features for bikers and runners in the pipeline. The app lets you both plot a route for your trip through the wild and then records your progress as you walk it.


Office Lens, Android Microsoft’s Office Lens is as good as having a scanner in your pocket. Scan receipts or any document and the resultant image can be converted into a Word document, PowerPoint slide or even PDF file and saved to OneNote or OneDrive.

arkham knight:

Breaking bones and PCs By @ADAMAMBRO a


ast week, one of summer’s most anticipated video games, “Batman Arkham Knight,” was released to rave reviews. Scores of 9's and 10's were handed out left and right and the game’s Metacritic score, as of this writing, stands at 89. But the game’s great reviews have done nothing to mask the less than positive issues about its terrible PC port that have dominated the headlines at Kotaku, IGN and Gamespot. “Arkham Knight"'s computer-based problems have been so bad that Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment (WBIE), in an unprecedented move, has suspended sales of the game’s PC version indefinitely, stating that it is aware of the issue and is calling on its outside firm for help. On the surface, this acknowledgement from WBIE, seems legit, but a closer read reveals more of the same concerns that have plagued the gaming industry over the past year. The fact that the studio used outside resources to create its PC port hints that WBIE viewed the PC version as secondary. Even more concerning is that this is another example of a big AAA title being released unfinished and broken. From “Assassin’s Creed Unity” and “Halo Master Chief Collection” to “Witcher 3,” there has been a consistent stream of games being released that are not ready for market. Games, it should be pointed out, that all were delayed from their original release dates in order to be better polished for consumers. In the current example, “Batman Arkham Knight” was pushed back all the way from Oct. 2014 to just this past week. That’s more than eight months later, and the game is still not up to par, which is, in a word, unacceptable. While the root of this problem lies with the publishers, the onus actually falls on the consumer. Players need to protest by closing their wallets to SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Style has always mattered to fourth-year Ian Rubini. His appreciation for fashion stemmed from his older sister, who always made sure he looked good before he left the house. Now, fashion plays an even bigger role in his life. He’s a merchandising intern at Abercrombie and Fitch, where he works with design and fashion on a daily basis. Whether Rubini is at work or adventuring Columbus with his friends, he’s sure to do it in style – style that makes you take a second look.

How would you describe your style? Actually, someone described it best for me. They said if a frat star and a hippie had a love child, then I would be it … Basically, I really like to have a nice, put-together look, but at the same time have more of the forward fashion kind of like, hipster, kind of different things that aren’t typical on the street.

denim shirt $25 Abercrombie watch $30 Timex T-shirt $20 Abercrombie

Do you have one consistent style, or does it change often? It actually changes all the time. Depending on my mood, I’ll be very out there, or sometimes I’ll be more refined and just kind of classic … But I always try to have something consistent – like, I wear my Birkenstocks all the time. What is your process for picking out an outfit? Not much of one. If it’s clean, that’s important … But most of the time, it’s kind of just throwing on something. I try and not have clothes that I don’t think I’d like. I kind of match my clothes when I buy them, so I guess it’s easier for me to pick them out. Who or what inspires your style? Bands, I guess. I really like music and live music, so I’ll go to a concert and see what the bands are wearing and kind of go from there.

pants $40 Abercrombie

What are some of your favorite places to shop? Abercrombie, J Crew, Urban Outfitters … I really like to find things that people wouldn’t have. So, really out-there small fashion boutiques, or thrift stores too. I really like things that are old and no one would have. Do you have any fashion advice for readers? Don’t wear cargo shorts.

- Emmy Wells SHOES $100 Birkenstock 22

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


SUMMER-PROOF YOUR HAIR earlybird special


Ultimate summer new guest specials Beauty Guide




ummer is my favorite season; no school, no snow and no responsibilities. However, along with the lack of responsibility comes the lack of motivation to straighten my hair or put on makeup, and suppresses any urge to dress to impress. Here are my favorite three essential beauty hacks to have on hand this summer that will make you look flawless with as little effort as possible. Dry shampoo – A MUST for hot summer days. There’s nothing worse than the feeling of stepping outside and after an hour (or less) our hair getting sweaty, and losing volume at extreme rates. Dry shampoo is a quick fix: just spray it in your hair before going out, flip your head, and in less than two minutes your hair is voluptuous and ready to go. My favorite is Tresemme dry shampoo because it’s not too expensive and it doesn’t turn your hair white. BB cream – My favorite go-to foundation. Simply put it on your face every morning to even and tone your skin in just one step. As a bonus, most BB creams have SPF in them to protect your skin from those hot summer rays! My favorite is Garnier Moisture Renewal BB Cream Skin Perfector, it’s not too thick and lasts all day. A casual sundress – This is vague, but having a few basic sundresses on hand will be your savior this summer. Keep the dress simple so you can accessorize it in different ways, and then, nobody will remember you wore the same sundress last week. It’s a closet staple, so you can get ready for anything in something you feel great in, in any occasion! My favorite is my little black shift dress I got at Urban Outfitters, it’s light so I can wear it without getting too hot, and I can dress it up or down.


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July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



latte time:

make your own flavored lattes

A eat, drink & laugh photos by david heasley/uw

Wit and sarcasm crash Cbus via new restaurant


on’t like bad service and rude waitstaff? Dick’s Last Resort might change your mind. New in the Arena District at 343 N Front St., Dick’s Last Resort is a unique experience for the Columbus market. Dick’s Last Resort seems unlike any other restaurant as their servers unleash a steady stream of sarcasms and jokes with their patrons. Some even make paper hats with humiliating blurbs for their customers to wear during their dining experience. You would think it might make it easy for people to leave and never come back again, but in fact, it causes the opposite. “Our service has to be better than most places in order to be able to get away with those jokes. There aren’t many places where you can laugh for an hour and a half and have a good meal," said general manager David Swann. "People think that we’re rude and angry, but we’re not. We just want to make people have a good time.” Dick’s has a unique hiring process to ensure that their staff has the right blend of competence and wit, which isn’t always easy. They have a two-part hiring process, in which the first part is a normal interview like anywhere in America. The second part involves bringing them in a larger group and having them


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

audition with a judging panel. “We put them in the craziest scenario that you can think of and they have to improvise while working with the group. It is actually a blast. That is one of my favorite things to do,” Swann said. The atmosphere of the place is lively, entertaining, and decorated with goofy-looking ornaments in every corner. They are also budget friendly, with weekday lunch specials for $6.99 and includes a sandwich and french fries. Their happy hours include domestic drafts for $2.50, house liquors and specialty drafts for $3.50, and house margaritas and long island ice teas for $4.50, making them, arguably, the most aggressive happy hour in the Arena District. They also have select appetizers for $5 to help moderate digesting all that alcohol. I would highly recommend their tender BBQ ribs lil’ baskets. “Our number one goal is to create a memory with every guest that comes in," Swann said. "That is why you see so many birthday parties, bachelorette parties, and divorce parties - those are the best."

- Mihir Shah

re you spending too much money on Starbucks lattes? Its time to make your own flavored homemade lattes. All you need is some flavored syrup, course ground espresso beans, a French press coffee maker and milk. If you don’t have an espresso maker, don’t worry; instant coffee works great for this instance. How to get started… The most important ingredient you need is syrup. My favorite is Torani Coconut flavored syrup for my coconut lattes and it costs $7.99 a bottle on their website. This quality brand is used in most coffee shops across the nation that includes Cup O’Joe and Staufs. Their standard bottle size is 750 mL and can last up to 25 lattes. There are so many flavors to select: Almond, apple, bacon, chocolate, vanilla and even peach. The list goes on. How to make it… Add two shots of espresso coffee, halfcup of strong brewed coffee or 2-3 rounded teaspoons of instant coffee to 8-12 ounces of milk. Make sure the milk is frothy. You can either steam the milk, or microwave it and whip it using a fork. Once you do that, top the latte with 2 tablespoons of your favorite syrup (coconut for instance) and then stir it. Knowing you will have to survive the heat of the summer day, you can top it with some ice and serve in a tall glass. Enjoy your cheap custom-made lattes and say goodbye to 5-dollar lattes!

- Mihir Shah uweekly.com

Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

Peruvian drink How to make a pisco sour


hen traveling, it is expected to try new things. For example, when I went to Peru a few weeks ago, I decided to try alpaca (delicious) and guinea pig (not so delicious). But it's not all about that food, you need to be adventurous with some alcohol, too! For Peru, their specialized drink is the Pisco Sour. It may seem weird to have a cocktail that is sour, but Peruvians know how to do it. The Pisco Sour is a raging hit, having tourists yearning to be able to indulge in the decadent and creamy cocktail in their own country. Now, I know that nobody is going to hop on a plane to Peru to try this drink after reading this article, so I am going to teach you how to make it so you can enjoy it in the comfort of Columbus for a low price. Let me first explain what the drink is. The alcoholic component of this cocktail is pisco, which is a white brandy that is made strictly in Peru. Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to find it in the States, so I am going to use gin as a substitute. The other items needed are lemon juice, an egg, and simple syrup. The exact measurements for one amazing Pisco Sour are as followed: • 1oz lemon juice • 1 egg white • 1 1/2 pisco (or gin for our purpose) • 3/4 Oz simple syrup Shake all of the above ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice (or whisk together and chill). When you pour the drink, it will have a lime green color and will be foamy. It almost has the same consistency of a daiquiri because if the egg white. Time to enjoy! But wait, your wallet needs to be happy, too. So now comes the fun part: math! After a visit to a local Kroger, I have concluded the following: • RealLemon Lemon Juice (8oz) costs $1.06, making each ounce 13 cents • Kroger Brand Large Eggs (12 count carton) costs $2.59, making each egg 21.6 cents • Cocktail Essentials’ Simple Syrup (12 oz) costs 2.99, making ever ¾ ounce 17.6 cents • A bottle of Seagram's Extra Dry Gin $12 (25 oz) making each ounce 48 cents So, making one delicious Pisco Sour will only cost you 87 cents! That’s definitely cheaper than buying a plane ticket to go try one! Now that you know how to make Peru’s signature cocktail, invite some friends over, impress them with a Pisco Sour, and perhaps roast a guinea pig (I’m just kidding. Please, don’t).

-Ashley Wilkinson


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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photos by jon mcallister


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015



July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Sam Pace


Get ready for a night of smooth rock ‘n roll, provided by Sam Pace, a musician who found his sound in Texas and is now touring the country. Accompanied by NYC band, Les Racquet, this show is sure to be raw rock ‘n roll. Scarlet & Grey Cafe Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $3


Swing dancing

Each Wednesday, SwingColumbus hosts a night full of live music and swing dancing. If you’re a beginner, don’t worry! Lessons take place until 8 p.m.

Melissa Precise and Sa’dia Rehman are taking over Hopkins Hall Gallery. The two will be using their bodies to create sculptures in the space and will keep viewers interests peaked throughout.

Nyoh's Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $3-8



The Creative Arts of Women, an open-membership group for women artists, writers, and more, will be flexing their creative muscles for the community to see. The gallery features items that were previously discarded and have now been turned into something new. Urban Arts Space Time: 11 a.m. | Free


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015

Hopkins Hall Time: 3 p.m. | Free

This Columbus band plays some catchy alternative rock-like tunes. This show is also their debut to the public so come out and support these local musicians! Skully's Time: 7p.m. | Tickets: $5



The Ataris Best known for songs like “Boys


of Summer,” this alternative rock band will keep you on your feet all night long. They most recently released two EPs but their newest album has yet to release, so maybe you’ll be blessed with some new material.

King Avenue 5 Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $15

Boom! with Ginger Minj

Paul Pfau

Most recently featured on NBC’s “The Voice,” Paul Pfau’s voice is a smooth and jazzy combination of Michael Buble and Jason Mraz. His newest single “Happy to Be” also won a WAMMIE this year.

Bring in the Fourth of July weekend with a boom! This fun night will feature Ginger Minj from RuPaul’s Drag Race and is sure to get a little crazy. The good kind of crazy.

Brothers Drake Meadery Bar Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $7

Ladies 80’s

Celebrate our nation’s independence with all your independent lady friends who don’t need a man. Ladies night always provides great music, great dancing and great drinks. Skully's Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

AXIS Club Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10-15

Name 10 Trivia

Relax before a big weekend with some Thursday night trivia! Come with some friends and see which team knows the most, winner gets a pat on the back. Gateway Film Center Time: 8 p.m. | Free


July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Red, White & Boom



Each year, Red, White, & Boom, is the ultimate Fourth of July party. With four different stages placed throughout downtown playing music all day, endless food and drink options, and an awesome fireworks display, this is something you do not want to miss. Downtown Columbus Time: 12 p.m. | Free

Red, White and Bands

If you like freedom, fireworks, food, and science, head on over to COSI for a night of fun. One ticket gets you exclusive access to various exhibits like Space Life and Energy Explorers. Embrace your inner child!

Brothers Drake Meadery Bar Time: 10 p.m. | Free

COSI Time: 3 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Taste of BOOM!

Red, White & Boom Official Afterparty

If there’s one thing all Americans can agree on it’s that we love food. A sub-celebration of Red, White, & Boom, Taste of BOOM! will provide crowds with delicious treats from local restaurants downtown and elsewhere.

Once the fireworks finale has ended, a new party begins! Head over to The Three Legged Mare to continue your night of food, fun, and freedom. The Three Legged Mare Time: 11 p.m. | Free

Downtown Columbus Time: 3 p.m. | Free


Fireworks with COSI

If you’re not really into fighting through the mobs of people who will be downtown, we invite you to celebrate your freedom at Brothers Drake Meadery Bar. Live music and good drinks all night long!

UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


Doo Dah Parade



Celebrate liberty and lunacy and the first amendment at the 32nd annual Doo Dah Parade! Wear what you want, be who you want, say what you want, this parade is for anyone and anyone. Bring your humor ‘cause this is sure to be a crazy time. Park Street Time: 12 p.m. | Free

LC Summer Bash ft. Gavin degraw

From “Chariot” to “Not Over You,” Gavin DeGraw has a number of great songs and what could be better than great music? Great music and great fireworks. And a great country, too. Olentangy High School Time: 4 p.m. | Tickets: $10-45


Columbus Crew

Support the Columbus Crew as they battle the New York Red Bulls! If you’re really looking to go all in, join the all you can eat pre-match tailgate before the game for $29. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY




Columbus Clippers

There’s no better time to celebrate America’s favorite pastime than during a weekend full of celebrating America. Go Clippers! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Huntington Park | Time: 7:15 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


This lesser known band will woo you with their soft vocals and quick guitar strings. Thier debut EP “Middle Children” is getting great reviews so don’t miss out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Brothers Drake Meadery| Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Market Flea

Come see local artisans, crafters, and more at the first of many Flea Markets! Vendors include Wild Wall Flowers, Home Carry Goods, Pretty Little Soul, and Wildflower Vintage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

North Market | Time: 10 a.m. | Free

The Flex Crew

This local reggae band will bless your ears with their soulful and funky songs. TFC has performed with many popular reggae artists and continues to tour the country.


SKully's | Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015



Happy Hour

Just because the weekend’s over doesn’t mean your fun has to stop. Treat yourself to some half off drinks and ease into the week slowly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free

Lady Blazer

Join this cool, soulful, Macklemore-ish band for a night of music and drink. They’re also joined by All Over the Place, Urban Tropic, and Pza Prty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $8-10



Jane’s Addiction

Jane’s addiction has been rocking together since 1985 and have shown no signs of stopping. They released their latest album in 2011 with hits like “End to the Lies” and “Irresistible Force.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $45-47

Say Anything

If you listened to music at all in high school, you definitely remember Say Anything’s “A Walk Through Hell.” Although their last album was released in 2009, this band continues to tour and get their songs stuck in our head all day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Newport Music Hall | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $19

Mucho Mad Mondays

After a brief hiatus, Mad Mex is back and this means so are their great deals. Pick your pockets for some change and head over for $5 all you can eat burritos and $5 big azz margaritas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mad Mex | Time: 4 p.m. | Free

Mug Night

Get rid of your Monday blues with a mug or two of your favorite beer. If you’re ballin’ on a budget like most college kids, this is the place for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Out R Inn| All Night. | $1.75-2.25 Refills

US Soccer WAtch party

The men’s U.S. soccer team is back and Fado Irish Pub has got the tournament covered for you all summer long. Support your team and drink a beer or two. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fado Irish Pub | Time: 9:30 p.m. | Free

Pizza and a Pint

Our two favorite things: pizza and beer. Come out to Columbus Brewing Company and sip on your favorite craft beer while your woodfired pizza crisps in the oven all for $12.94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Columbus Brewing Company | All Night | Free



July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



5 love languages


he 5 Love Languages sound romantic, right? Well, this has little to do with romance or French, so I’m going to kill that vibe right here and right now. As much as love is romantic, it’s also a game. As your love and sex counselor (or fairy god mother), I’m here to make you all better partners. So let’s take a more psychological approach to love. Stay with me, girls. I was introduced to the 5 Love Languages from an unofficial couple (we all know how that goes). Their interest in love was surprising, seeing as how the 5 Love Languages are mainly used for married couples and they were adamant they weren’t together. Is anyone else confused? Their relationship status is beside the point, but hearing about the 5 Love Languages made me wonder what exactly it is and what’s the purpose? From the research I did, I discovered that the 5 Love Languages are mostly used for married couples trying to keep their marriage together. So where do single college students or college couples fit in? For starters, the love languages are verbal or physical. They are Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts. Acts of Service is helping your significant other in ways that relieves responsibilities on them. Words of Affirmation are verbally expressing your love and appreciation, as well as, praising your guy. Quality Time is simply spending time alone with one another, and Physical Touch is affection such as hugging or tender contact in private and public. The last is obvious; those who speak Receiving Gifts aren’t materialistic, but sentimental gifts hold a great deal of significance. Now that you know the 5 Love Languages, what’s yours? If you visit www.5lovelanguages. com, you can take their profile and discover how you prefer to be loved. After I discovered that my primary love language is Words of Affirmation, I didn’t know what to do with this new information. Besides becoming more aware of myself and knowSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015



July 1, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • July 1, 2015


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