FREE JUL 8, 2015
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
#AsSeenOnCampus @ chasewruhlen
@ danigagnee @ osurec
@ amytellmewhere @ nom_life
@ moongoddess_flowerchild
@ ohmygodzki
@@cailinpittt b_mandato
@ julie_bastulli
@ osuchadwickarboretum
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Ohio State student inductees toss their caps in celebration as they look forward to their membership in Mortar Board, a national senior class honor society. Photo by Andrew Bruening/ The Ohio State Office of Student Life
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
.@tdeck68 has stolen my heart with his love for country music.
When @MollyWashko blesses the day, all my worries die, I'm glad that I'm alive!
Ball is not life, but I'm glad ball has given me the the chance to watch @mhiller33 move his sweaty ass
.@allieogilvie she's everything and more
.@MeltonSean is about as perfect as they come
@camaddlev please talk to me
Sooooooo is @NickTripodi170 single??????
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
I want some of the Colombian good good (; @adrian_macias02
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
Yik Yaks of the week Being an ugly girl is like being a guy, it means you are going to have to work for living.
THU 7.9
This Ohio band got their start playing at a campus bar at OSU. Since then, they’ve released three EPs and have toured throughout the Midwest. The Floorwalkers are joined by Nick D and the Believers and Happy Chichester.
Shoutout to the baby bucks at orientation today! We can't wait to corrupt you. Why is ohio the shit? Why are we so awesome. I know it could have a terrible effect on the planet, but I would have no problem if every mosquito on earth dropped dead right now Why don't they have golden retrievers be the ball boys at tennis matches? There is minion cereal now. All is lost
Columbus Commons | 6 p.m. | Free
SAT 7.11
If you haven’t belted out Three Days Grace’s hit “It’s Not Too Late” or Theory of a Deadman’s hit “It’s Not Meant to Be,” you’re really missing out. Catch up with some of your favorite 00’s grunge bands.
Having attractive coworkers is a blessing and a curse I'm taking this girl out tomorrow who's job is making burritos. If I play my cards right I might get chipot-laid
LC Pavilion | Time: 4 p.m.
When people talk on their phones in the library does it make you wonder where they learned that to be appropriate behavior? *misspells word in yak* *deletes, retypes and resends yak* * hates self* Lesson learned this summer. Working an intenrship totally blows and I never wanna graduate lol Real talk: Why are you on tinder if you're not even going to send me a message after you swipe right?
TUES 7.14
Few bands would’ve dared mix reggae and rap-metal styles into one sound, but this Nebraskan quintet of rockers nailed it. Come out and celebrate the 20th anniversary of their classic “The Blue Album."
LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. Tickets: $39.50
Restaurant Week, anyone? Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will dinner
for two at Wine Bistro during Restaurant Week!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Primus at the LC on August 1.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
segway to the
danger zone
Student takes Segway adventure through city By @MIKE_HUSON a
ying on my back, spread out like a starfish on a sidewalk in downtown Columbus, I have a mouthful of purple flowers. I have one shoe on and another flung far away. I have a bloody elbow, a crooked helmet, and from several feet away, I can hear the soft hum of my Segway. In my left ear, I can also hear my group’s tour guide Jim Ervin, 56, assuring me through an earbud that the carload of people slowing down to laugh at the scene of the crash are only a bunch of “haters.” For Jim, that’s how people break down on Segway tours: “lovers” and “haters.” They either share the sidewalk or purposely obstruct it. They’re friendly and upbeat, or they grimace as you wiz by and are total buzzkills. Of the two, I wanted to be a “lover.” I wanted to love Columbus. The only problem was I didn’t know much about it. I didn’t have a connection. I was born here, but my family moved when I was young. Since being back to attend Ohio State, I hadn’t ventured out much or tried to rediscover my hometown. I still felt like a visitor, here. I wanted to make Columbus my home again. SegAway Tours of Columbus seemed like a good place to start that transition, and with tickets costing $25 for students (if purchased at the Ohio Union) I decided to give it a shot. My buddy Tino and I stand in the Greater Columbus Convention Center, strapping on our helmets and plugging in our earbuds while we wait for the safety tutorial to begin. We’re joined by Anand and Veena, who both graduated from OSU in 2009 with degrees in food 8
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
photos courtesy of mike huson, by Giustino Bovenzi
science. It will be just the four of us Buckeyes in the tour group, two students and two alumni, and not a second of Segway experience between us. If the rest of the group is nervous, they didn’t let on. I’m terrified. The three guys get off to a rockier start than Veena, who is able stand still as a statue immediately after stepping on the damn thing. I spend three minutes violently thrusting back and forth as I continually overcorrect my weight, accidentally engaging the forward and reverse platform sensors. After a few practice laps around the parking lot, we file into a single row and follow Jim the tour guide like little ducklings following their mother toward High Street. We make our way through Sensenbrenner Park, and then cruise south along High Street. We politely crawl past pedestrians and race through crosswalks. We stop by the Ohio The- 11 •
professors you will have at OSU By JACOB GEERS
hroughout our time at Ohio State, we will all take a ton of classes and have a ton of different professors. Here are six categories of instructors that we will all experience (or endure) throughout our time here at the University:
they’ve worked so hard to make them unlikable enough that no student would ever want to interact with them.
1. Professor that doesn’t give a f*ck (good version) – This professor doesn’t take
3. Professor who struggles with English – We’ve all had them. Sometimes they try,
attendance, doesn’t sweat the small stuff, but honestly cares about you as a student. They have flexible deadlines, super generous office hours, but also don’t give a fly if you decide to be a burnout.
sometimes they don’t, but sit toward the front and work your hardest. Go to office hours, go to tutoring, but don’t just complain and let your grade drop.
2. Professor that doesn’t give a f*ck (bad version) – This is the prof who doesn’t have a care in the world, including about your grade. They come in with half-assed PowerPoint’s (probably black text on white background) and mumble on and on without any concern as to whether anyone is paying attention. If you go to their office hours they will probably be confused as to why because
4. Professor vs. technology – Ohio State has had the same projector system for years, but these adorable professors are still driving the struggle bus. You will find them taking up the first fifteen minutes of class failing to get the computer to work and asking a student to please call IT support. 5. Professor who knows their class is hard as sh*t, but doesn’t give a fly – These
professors are often extremely likable, but also annoying. You will hear them say things like, “Yeah I know that midterm was super hard, but no curve. I just like writing hard tests.” These professors totally admit their material is hard, but you just gotta suck it up, 'cause they aren’t changing.
6. Professor who inspires you – And finally you’ll have that professor who changes the trajectory of your college career. You will go to their office hours just to hear them talk, and ask them for advice about your classes and career. Make sure you find one of these profs before you leave. Put yourself out there, talk to interesting instructors after class, you won’t regret it.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
college tips to cut your grocery bill By THAILYR SCRIVNER @TYSCRIVNER a
hen living on a budget, a trip to the grocery can leave you feeling more frustrated than excited to finally stock up your fridge beyond butter and a few granola bars. Shopping for groceries doesn’t have to cost you a ton. By taking a few tips into account, you can save yourself some cash, which means more money for drinks at the bar. 1. Stock up on the essentials at Aldi. I feel like Aldi gets a bad rep because of its style, but that doesn’t mean the products themselves are of poor quality. Everything from greek yogurt to ice cream to pasta is the cheapest I’ve been able to find. Side note: Aldi owns Trader Joe's so many products just get new labels for their respective store. 2. Start tracking your costs for items you buy often in a Google spreadsheet so you can access it any time you’re at the store. I’ve been in Giant Eagle before like “oh look, this is on sale,” only to find it’s cheaper at Kroger every day of the week.
studios at 106 E 13TH
2 bedrooms at
1991 N 4TH
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
3. See if there’s a gift card available for purchase at the grocery store before you go out to eat or shop somewhere. Most retailers are available at grocery stores now, even Target. So buy gift cards from somewhere like Kroger so you can at least earn fuel points while you’re buying unnecessary things from The One Spot.
4. Download your grocery store’s app like Kroger or Cartwheel for Target. It may
not seem like a ton of money at the time for the effort but saving an extra $4 each trip adds up. 5. Save your receipts. Ever had that moment where you buy something from the store only to go in there a week later and see that it’s now on sale? Me too. Many stores like Target and Walmart have a price match guarantee and will give you the new ad’s price if purchased in the last seven days.
6. Check the unit price of items.
Sometimes buying items in bulk doesn’t necessarily mean they’re cheaper if you’re paying more per ounce than its smaller counterpart.
2 bedrooms at
65 W 8TH
townhomes at
275 E 13TH
•8 atre, then the Ohio Statehouse, then Colum-
bus Commons. After a half hour, everyone is feeling pretty comfortable on their Segways. As we zoom along, a few people giggle and condescendingly point as they go about their apparently cooler-than-riding-a-Segway business. “I’ve gotten used to people looking at me like I have three heads,” Jim said. But for the most part, people cheer us on or exclaim how they’ve always wanted to ride one. “Last time I checked, I had 754 friends downtown,” he added. We seem to be in good hands with Jim. He knows the city and is quite the raconteur. At the Planter’s Peanut Shoppe, he tells us about the city’s historic support for the company. Over the Main Street Bridge, he talks about Columbus in more abstract terms as we stop for photos. At Huntington Park, he connects the open spaces in the baseball stadium’s walls to the history of kids trying to sneak a peek at a free game. Nearing the end of the tour, we make our way through the Arena District, parts of which used to be grounds to the Ohio Penitentiary. Cruising through, Jim asks, “What are ya’ in for?” A few seconds later, he responds for the group, “Having fun on a Segway.” On the final leg of our tour, the four Buckeyes are getting pretty comfortable with the city and the Segways. We weave in and out of parking barriers like skiers on a slalom course before heading
photo courtesy of mike huson, by Giustino Bovenzi
back to the Convention Center. And that’s when it happened. Turning the corner at Goodale and High Street, my left tire clips the edge of the biggest flower pot I’ve ever seen. Lying there, I start to worry that I’ve made a huge mistake taking a Segway tour to rediscover Columbus. But, then, after the carload of “haters” drove off, another car pulled over and stopped, and a woman leaned out of the window to ask if I was
okay. Then an older couple walked over to check on me. A young businessman stopped mid-stride to survey the damage. Veena even crashed her Segway trying to turn around to see what had happened. By the time I stood up, I was surrounded by “lovers.” And after living in Columbus for two years, I finally felt like I was home. I felt like I knew the city a bit better. I felt the connection. It was quite the segue.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWeekly writer and osu student rebecca epperson (right) in london during her study abroad trip this summer. Photo courtesy of rebecca epperson
WHy studying abroad ruins your life
tudying abroad in Europe? Do you mean gallivant around the Old World, taking in the sights and enjoying the advantage of the drinking age whilst pretending to be going to college? Sounds ideal! Until you come home, and realize that the U.S. is nothing like the croissant and cheap boxed wine-fuelled high you experienced all semester.
A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle Sports Editor Ryan McGlade Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella
Photographers David Heasley Jon McAllister Layout Designer Chelsea Castle Lead Designer Doug Mayfield Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz Circulation Steve Landes
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Returning from a long trip is supposed to remind us of the highlights of our home, but coming back from Europe inevitably drags the average American college kid life’s glaring flaws into the spotlight. The post-travel hangover of disappointment hits you hard like that bike you accidentally stepped in front of on the streets of Amsterdam. Or Paris. Or Rome. The ugly truth is, as amazing as studying abroad in Europe is, it ruins your college experience when you return. Or at least it did for me. Since most of us make the abroad trip between the ages of 19 and 20, the drinking age is the first difference you get salty about. You can’t walk down the street to the nearest grocery and grab some Merlot to pair with dinner anymore, or go out with friends like you did abroad. Next, you realize the food in Europe is superior to American food in every way imaginable. It is healthier, looks prettier and tastes a million times better. Whether it is fancy crêpes or plain chicken, you go through several stages of disappointment when you realize you’re back in the land of Red Bull and Ramen. Even your stomach needs time to adjust to all the weird stuff that is in our food system compared to the European Union’s. And coffee … oh, the coffee! As hard as you search across campus, you won’t find the same kind of lattes and espressos that put Starbucks to shame. Ultimately, studying abroad in Europe ruins your college life because it gives you an insane travel bug; the kind of bug that you really don’t have the time or money for. While living in Europe, you got so used to catching trains and trams, navigating insane metros, as well as taking on new cities constantly, you begin to understand how life-changing traveling can be. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and into new experiences that grow you as an individual. Once back on U.S. soil, cities and major sites of attraction feel incredibly far apart and few between. You can't take a day trip to Amsterdam or Prague, and certainly can’t hop a night train over to Paris for the weekend. To compensate this newfound void, you end up spending a large portion of your time reminiscing, day dreaming or planning your next trip. Studying abroad changes you in amazing ways. The lessons you learn along the way cannot be learnt in a classroom or read out of a textbook. Whether it is meeting incredible people or learning just how capable you are, you’re never the same person on the other side. However, it will certainly ruin your college experience when you come home.
Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler
Ryan Mann Ryan Shaw
VP of Marketing Lindsay Arnett
Contributing Alyssa Adkins Ty Anderson Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker
Brand Ambassador Kendra Schwarz Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Kyle Dawson Jenna Fisher Viv Le
Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Mike Huson Logan Korn Jack Lynch Chris McLain Matt McGreevy Sarah Mikati Allie Misch Brad Pierron Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner
Mihir Shah Arianna Urban Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Chris Casella Special thanks to Cazuela's Grill
Where is your favorite place in Columbus to eat or drink? By mike huson
David Bucchioni
Cap City Diner. I just like the old 50s diner look, and they have a pretty good gluten free menu for my wife. I get the Philly Cheese Steak.
Tatyana Defoe
As far as eating, I like Katalina's. They have good food, good breakfast and lunch. Everything is fresh and grown locally.
Lauren Saavedra
Bar Louie's is great. The have awesome happy hours and sandwiches on Tuesdays. For their happy hour, I usually just get their 16 ounce beers, which are pretty cheap. For their dollar sandwiches, I'll usually get their buffalo chicken sandwich.
Kristopher Yarborough
Probably Cane's. Maybe not so much for the food, but for the time I come on campus, it's usually live on campus and a lot of stuff going on over the weekend, so it's always kind of a fun trip. I'm not from here and it's only in Columbus, so it's kind of a cool thing.
Cassie Coville
Brown Bag Deli is really good. The sandwiches are really good. They toast their sandwiches, and they have homemade-like side dishes.
Noah Toumert
Ethyl & Tank. I went there twice this weekend. I like the vibe. I like the game up in the top called Bug Buck Hunter 2. They have really good service. I feel like their staff is always really friendly. It doesn't feel like a college bar all the time, which is great.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of XINHUA/SIPA/Newscom
third star's a charm
The United States women's national team wins World Cup By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a
our years ago, Japan shocked the United States in the Women’s World Cup final. For four years, the ladies on the national team had to wake up each morning knowing that they let a World Cup slip away. This time, however, was different as the United States beat Japan, 5-2, in the 2015 World Cup final in Vancouver, Canada. It seemed too perfect for a USA-Japan rematch. Japan got back to the final off a fluky own goal by England in one of the semi-finals, while the Americans dominated a determined Germany side in the their semifinal match. In life, you don’t get very many second chances to redeem yourself. The United States took that to heart, as they throttled Japan in the first 16 minutes by scoring four goals. Carli Lloyd was the star of the match, as she netted a hat trick by the 16th minute of the contest 14
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
against Japan. It only took less than three minutes for Lloyd to score her first goal –a finisher off a corner kick. Her second goal came off a free kick that bounced around within the penalty box. Lloyd was in the right place at the right time and tapped the ball into the goal from about three yards out. Lloyd’s third goal was a majestic blast from the half-way line that went over the head of Japanese goaltender Ayumi Kaihori. Poor clearances by Japan also played a part into its defeat. In the 14th minute, Lauren Holiday volleyed a misplayed ball within the Japanese box for an easy score. Japan rallied, scoring two goals – with one being an own goal – against the Americans. Team USA, however, wouldn’t back down from trying to score again. Tobin Heath scored the fifth (and final) goal for the United States in the 54th minute, sealing
the third World Cup title for the Americans – and first since 1999. The trophies didn’t stop there for some members of the U.S. national team. Lloyd collected the Golden Ball Award (tournament’s best player) and goalkeeper Hope Solo was awarded the Golden Glove Award (tournament’s best goaltender). Lloyd also was tied for the most goals (six) in this World Cup; however, she lost the Gold Boot (tournament’s top scorer) to Germany’s Celia Sasic via tiebreaker – Sasic had a better minutes played/goal ratio. By defeating Japan, America stands alone as the only nation to win three World Cups (1991, 1999 and 2015). Germany is second with two World Cup championships – winning its last in 2007. For Abby Wambach, her World Cup swan song ends with hoisting the championship trophy – after a 14-year journey for a World Cup Final victory.
photo by david heasley/uw
Out of control Why OSU shouldn't be criticized for non-conference games By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a
or Ohio State football, the season never stops. The program is always looking to be one of the nation’s top teams, whether it’s settling a three-headed quarterback competition, locking down one of the top recruiting classes for 2017 or doing its best to bolster its non-conference schedule. The selection of last year’s College Football Playoff taught us that perception is everything. The quality of wins is the biggest factor in a resume, which includes the relative strength (or weakness) of the opponent, the margin of victory or the location of the game. For example, last year, Florida State was the lone unbeaten team in the regular season. The selection committee, however, gave it the three-seed, behind two teams with a loss each, due to the weak ACC and the lack of quality non-conference opponents. Fortunately for the Buckeyes, the Big Ten is gaining respect nationally. The Buckeyes cannot control their Big Ten schedule, so the conference must continue to progress, especially with nine conference games coming shortly. The non-conference schedule is the other variable. Schools can schedule marquee games or load up with cupcakes to coast into conference play unbeaten. With OSU perceived as an overwhelming favorite to win the conference this season, and presumably in the future, it’s paramount that OSU schedules at least one tough non-conference game. The problem is the schedules are made years in advance and it’s nearly impossible to determine if a quality game scheduled now will be one in five years. Over the next decade, OSU will play Oklahoma, TCU, Oregon, Notre Dame and Texas in a “homeand-home” series with each opponent, playing one road game and one home game. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
Hight St Columbus | (614) 298-8817 FROM THE OSU STUDENT UNION
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by david heasley/uw
moment in paradiso
Michela Paradiso set to have breakout year By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
ichela Paradiso has done a lot at Ohio State. She started 19 games as a freshman, had the third-highest point totals for the Buckeyes as a sophomore and executed bigtime goals, such as the game-winning goal against Indiana, as a junior. Now entering the season as a senior, there aren’t many games left for Paradiso to leave her mark, which is why she’ll have the best season yet. Consistency has been key for her. All the matches OSU played in the past three years in some form or fashion featured Paradiso. Playing time won’t be a problem this season for the Columbus, Ohio native. In fact, it’ll probably rise. Last season, Paradiso was on the pitch for 1272 minutes – a season-low at OSU. Being a senior, her experience will garner more minutes and will create more opportunities for scoring chances. With one of the top point scorers from last year, Kayla Varner, graduated, Paradiso can fill the void left by Varner in the point category. The highest point total from Paradiso happened in her sophomore season – collecting a total of 12 points – while her lowest point total happened last season. Granted, Paradiso started in four fewer games
last year. A big drop off a season ago for Paradiso was on the assisting end. She had one (important) assist against Duke – which ultimately sealed the deal on a Buckeye win. That was it, though. In her freshman and sophomore year, Paradiso had a combined 14 assists. For OSU to compete in the Big Ten this season, more assists from the midfield will be needed. Last season, OSU went 6-10-3 with eight losses being by two goals or fewer. A great season by Paradiso in the assist category will mean more wins for the Buckeyes. Gradually, Paradiso has improved her shoton-goal percentage. She’s gone from a .242 shot percentage her freshman year, all the way to a .387 percentage at the conclusion of last year. Even though she only took 31 shots last season, the numbers showed that Paradiso improved on shot selection. In comparison, her sophomore season featured a career-high 43 shots, but only 15 of those were considered on goal. Paradiso and the Buckeyes begin their season on Aug. 21 against Illinois State in Columbus at 7 p.m.
photo courtesy of Christian Taske/Columbus Crew SC
going international Crew SC introduces new player By @BEN_FERREE a
he summer transfer window has begun for MLS, and teams are free to add new players to their roster. Columbus Crew SC made a move in January for international player, Cedrick Mabwati, who simply goes by Cedrick. He was debuted by Crew SC on July 4, marking Cedrick’s first time in America. A national team player for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cedrick has spent his entire playing career in Spain, most recently with Osasuna in Spain’s second division. He also played in Spain’s top-flight league, La Liga, with Real Betis. His primary position is a winger, though he has also spent some time at forward. Winger will most likely be the position he’ll play with Columbus. He’ll need to learn head coach Gregg Berhalter’s system and develop a rapport with the other players before starting. If Cedrick secures a starting spot, it’ll likely be Justin Meram’s, with Meram coming off the bench in a super-sub role, as he has done in the past. “I’m a very fast player, I attack very well up front. That is what I want to try to bring here to this team,” Cedrick said. “I’m very comfortable on the left side, but wherever Coach Gregg wants to put me is where I’ll be.” “Cedrick is a young, versatile player with international experience who can make an impact at any of our four attacking positions,” Berhalter said. “He is another player with considerable potential identified by our international scouting network.” Though he’s new to the league, Cedrick started making friends before making his transfer. Cedrick said that he met current Crew SC left back and Costa Rican international Waylon Francis through Instagram, and that “they have become good friends.” It’s possible that Cedrick isn’t the last addition the team makes before the transfer window closes in August. After the sudden departure of right back SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
No bull
photo by david heasley/uw
Bullwinkles brings the Bear back to campus By @CAITLINESSIG a
ullwinkles is the kind of place you can walk into confidently on a Thursday night and say to the bartender, “I’ll have 21 bombs, please.” For those of us campus dwellers who still remember Old Charlie Bear, which was located in the South Campus Gateway until it moved across the Olentangy River two years ago, Bullwinkles might as well be called New Charlie Bear. In fact, you can even order a draft beer in those iconic plastic boots, still emblazoned with the old Charlie Bear logo. The owners of Old Charlie Bear finally brought back a piece of campus tradition on June 25 when this dark, spacious dance club finally opened its doors in the old College Town bookstore space on High Street. As a nearby resident, I’d spent months peering in the often-open back door of the club as workers laid wooden flooring, attached mirrors to the walls and hung glittering disco balls from the ceiling. To finally walk through Bullwinkles’ doors that first Thursday night was like taking a trip back to being 19 again — except this time, I didn’t have to sport two black Sharpie Xs on my hands. 18
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Opening night, dollar bombs were on special all night, which proved both ideal to my college budget and dangerous to my 22-year-old aging body. Bombs definitely don’t taste better with age. But the dance floor was open and it seemed everyone there was a May Ohio State graduate or older, reliving our younger years. Between running into old friends and celebrating our youngest’s 21st birthday, it was a great night. I returned Saturday, June 27, to a much different crowd. The entire bar — which is roughly the size of Big Bar and the top floor of Midway combined — was filled with so many people you could barely move. The word had clearly gotten out quickly. Not only was Bullwinkles packed, but it also seemed the entire Ohio State football, basketball and volleyball teams were there. As someone who is above-average height for a woman, standing at a comfortable five feet six inches, I have never felt shorter in my life. In this case, I suppose Bullwinkles could also be a New Midway, where athlete sightings are relatively common.
If you’re looking for a place to dance, go to Bullwinkles. Additionally, the drinks are pretty cheap, with $1 bombs, $2 bull drafts and $6 boots seeming to be their go-to specials so far. As the bar isn’t too established yet, specials could change, so be wary of time limits on deals like the $1 bombs — Saturday night those went up to $3 at midnight, which a friend of mine learned the hard way. If Bullwinkles can pull crowds like it has so far in the summer, when bars tend to be deserted even on the weekends, it has a bright future ahead. I imagine Greek organizations will be fighting to hold TGs there — a privilege I envy as a graduate. Until then, I and many other old-to-OSU residents are definitely lucky to have a few weeks to enjoy the good old days (with far worse hangovers) before we pack up our campus apartments and grow up for good. Bullwinkles is located at 1770 N. High St. and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.
Fingers aim to put
Columbus in its hands By JACK LYNCH
ce of Cups was packed to capacity June 19 for The Receiver’s album release party, and fans of the Columbus-based duo who arrived early received a special treat. The first band to play was Fingers, a young local band returning home on the heels of a Midwest tour, and based on the energy in the crowd and on stage, everyone was feeling the local love. “I think you can tell when something doesn’t have the soul to it, when someone’s just not behind it as a musician,” said bassist and vocalist Vincent Valentino, who was absolutely behind every note he played that night. Valentino occasionally slammed his eyes shut and belted out stratospheric vocal notes, playing intricate bass lines at the same time. Sharing lead vocal and guitar responsibilities was Yashi Bellomy, while Maxwell Slater banged out tight grooves on the drums, and Ben Ahlteen added atmospheric touches on keys and guitar. “For me, when I’m listening to something, I want to hear something new every time,” Bellomy said. “I want to be able to dig deep into a song, and to me, that’s what the soul of it is—something you might miss the first time around, but you can feel it.” Fingers’ songs are filled with these little details, and are mostly slow burners that take time to develop. On the band’s newly released EP, “Little Waves,” album highlight “Blue Bird” is essentially a six-minute-long crescendo, beginning with a peaceful guitar line and slowly gaining energy until the intense instrumental ending. “And soul is something that’s unique to a song,” Slater said. “Anybody can hold a groove, but a large part of being soulful is somebody’s individual personality—the ability to make something distinctly theirs.” True to his word, Slater’s style of drumming is skilled and expressive, and more importantly, all four members of Fingers are uninhibited on stage, showing the audience their true personalities.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Apple (finally) takes a bite out of the music streaming game By @ADAMAMBRO a
nless you happen to live under a rock, the dominating news headline from this past week in tech has been the rollout of the much anticipated, or dreaded, depending on who you are, Apple Music. With the debut of Apple’s overhauled music system on its newest iOS update, there has been a wide array of “hot takes” on whether this new service will be the killer app Apple has long sought, or just another in a long line of Spotify copycats. Business Insider claims that Apple Music will be the death of Spotify mostly because the app completely replaces the standard music icon that Apple users have long been accustomed to. In addition, Business Insider says ease of setup will appeal to Apple users who never got around to setting up a Spotify account. And once Apple gets its hooks into consumers, it usually has them for life. However, the most important thing for new users to be aware of is how to turn off the auto-renewal; after the free three-month trial, users will automatically be charged a $9.99 monthly minimum.
To turn off the auto-renewal: 1. Tap “Account” in the top left of the Apple Music app 2. Tap “View Apple ID” 3. Tap “Manage” underneath subscriptions 4. Tap “Your Membership” and then slide the auto-renewal to “OFF” I just saved you $10 come October. You're welcome. One man who has been working closely with Apple to spearhead this new utility is Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor. He initially worked on the design of Apple Music, but has since shifted in
recent months to concentrating on marketing, helping to explain the service and Apple’s goals to artists. “[Apple] treated music in a way that put an emphasis on curation and taste,” Reznor said. “What we tried to do with Apple Music is make the experience around the catalog feel like people that love music have touched it in the various ways it gets presented to you: playlists that noticeably feel better, radio stations that were programmed by people, recommendations that feel less like a computer and more like someone made you a mixtape and you like their taste.” It will be interesting to watch how people take to Apple Music. With the a la carte nature of media these days, it remains to be seen where another $9.99 monthly service fits into our everyday lives. But knowing the Apple marketing and media machine, the predominantly positive launch fairly assures this new venture will be a success.
apps of the week: Post ads, Play music, Track calories cPro Craigslist Free Client, iOS and Android cPro features an intuitive interface and essential set of features to browse and post to Craigslist. It also includes notifiers that run your searches in the background and alert you of new matches. With the autumn semester coming, this is a great way to look for that rug to really tie your dorm room together.
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Apple Music, iOS Regardless of whether you’re currently paying for a monthly music subscription, give the new app on everyone’s minds a whirl. The three-month trial is enough time to listen to your fave summer anthem ad nauseum.
MyFitnessPal, Android Lose weight with MyFitnessPal, one of the world’s most popular health and fitness apps. With the largest food database, its fast and easy-to-use calorie counter helps to take those extra pounds off during the summer swimsuit season and beyond.
for Daredevil season 2 By @ADAMAMBRO a
arvel’s “Daredevil,” which debuted its initial season last Mar. on Netflix to rave reviews, is well into production for year two, and the showrunner has revealed the direction the show it about to take. According to a Nerdist report, Marco Ramirez, who is taking over the showrunner responsibilities this year, has been referring to season two as “Daredevil vs. the Punisher.” For those unaware, in an inspired casting choice, “Walking Dead” alum Jon Bernthal will be portraying the troubled antihero Frank Castle, who is on a collision course with the “Man Without Fear,” played by Charlie Cox. Last month, Marvel's head of TV Jeph Loeb said that “Castle’s appearance will bring dramatic changes to the world of Matt Murdock and nothing will be the same.” The Punisher has long been a fan favorite, and after a subpar 2004 film outing, many fans were wondering when, or if, Marvel would return to the character and give him the proper treatment he deserves. What’s interesting with the narrative route “Daredevil” is taking next year is that it is mirroring the current slate of upcoming superhero movies. The show will be the third in line of this genre that will see heroes facing off
against one another, following “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Captain America: Civil War.” Granted, in those films, the heroes will more than likely work out their differences before the end and team up to take on a greater threat. With “Daredevil,” it’s unknown whether the Punisher is going to remain an antagonist for the entire season. There are also rumors making the rounds that both Elektra and Bullseye will debut on season two. This makes sense considering both characters were teased at various points in season one. Should the rumors prove to be true, then fans familiar with the “Daredevil” storyline know it has a pretty straightforward path that will likely play out next year. However the rumors ultimately play out, it’s clear that the people behind superhero shows finally understand that fans want to see their favorite characters on screen interacting with one another. With “Daredevil” joining its Marvel cinematic brethren and bringing in the Punisher for season two, the show will be able to rise to the charge.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
shirt $15 ModCloth
Like many of us, Christina Dawes likes to indulge in sweets. However, Dawes has taken her sweet tooth a few steps further than most. Her sugar craze was the reason she landed her current job at Cheryl’s Cookies. Dessert is also the inspiration for her wardrobe and her personal style blog “The Daily Sugar.” After following fashion blogs throughout high school, Dawes decided to start her own blog to showcase her style, which is usually inspired by something sweet.
What words best sum up your personal style? I would say just like, fun and playful, girly. And I love vintage styles, so definitely a vintage vibe with it.
Why do you think what you wear matters? I think that personal style is just really cool because it sets everybody apart. So you can just show off who you are and where you’re from or what you want to be. So it’s like saying something without having to say anything.
Do you have one consistent style, or does it change often? I feel like I work towards having just one, but it’s changed so much over the past couple of years … And it’s fun to experiment – I love trends and trend forecasting, so I like to use those but still stick to my personal style.
bag $50 Shop Ruche
What is your go-to outfit? shorts $50 ModCloth
If I don’t know what to wear, I usually pick a dress so I don’t have to pick a top and bottom. So, just either a dress that you could make more casual, or fancy it up if you accessorize a lot.
Who or what inspires your style? Just things that I love, so, really weird things like sweets or things that I loved as a kid – movies, books … just things that I like, I get inspired by that. It doesn’t have to be fashion.
What are some of your favorite brands and favorite places to shop? I love ModCloth. That’s been my favorite for a while, because they just have vintage-y stuff you can’t find everywhere. I also like Nasty Gal, because they have some really unique pieces and they’re kind of affordable. And then Forever 21.
Do you have any style advice for readers? I would say definitely just don’t be afraid to wear what you want. I feel like growing up, I always wanted to wear what I want, and it took a while to just embrace it and not care what other people think.
SHOES $30 Forever 21
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
- Emmy Wells
SUMMER-PROOF YOUR HAIR earlybird special
new guest specials $10 HAIRCUT
and 20% off aveda products
Topshop takeover
British retailer hits Easton By MARGARET KENNEDY
ay goodbye to the endless clicking and page refreshing, Topshop is moving in! Opening fall 2015, the company will debut their new location in the Easton Town Center. This is huge because the United States has seven freestanding Topshop stores, and it’s sold only within 52 Nordstrom Stores, giving us limited access to our beloved brand. Soon, Easton Town Center Store will be offering the most amount of merchandise to customers in our region (Midwest area), including accessories and shoes. Nordstrom will also be offering a select few pieces during the Anniversary Sale (July 9 – Aug. 5) to make this introduction even more incredible. Topshop is a British multinational fashion retailer inspired for the “young and different generation.” How I like to describe it is as H&M’s older sister because of the styles, and price points of the pieces. Pieces range from casual crops and comfy tees to trendy jackets, matching sets, and accessories and prices are similar to those of Madewell or J. Crew. Topshop is also going to offer even more looks, now that Nordstrom and Topshop have partnered with Kendall and Kylie Jenner to create a their new California-inspired line that will appeal to a wide variety of consumers. Nordstrom will be having a Topshop launch party in fall 2015, when the line officially opens to the public. For more, check ous
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and 20% off aveda products
new guests only. $25 service minimum. present coupon at time of service. not valid w/other offers. exp 8/31/15 sav.hl.15 | 1581 n high st | 1618 neil ave | 614.291.2421
Cosmetic Art School Work done eclusively by supervised students.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by ben yoder/614
photos by Chris casella/614
¡Comer, beber y ser feliz! Top 5 spots for Mexican food and margaritas in Columbus
ooking for quality Mexican food? Search no more. There’s a lot to explore in the city of Columbus. From restaurants to patios and taco trucks, the list is never ending. I made it easy for you to get started. Here is a list of 5 places that have the best Mexican food in town.
1. La Plaza Tapatia Located at 4233 Shoppers Lane, La Plaza Tapatia is the real deal. Plaza is an authentic Mexican food, a grocery store section, a bakery, a music store, an ice cream shop and a full bar all combined into one. What more can you ask for? Popular items include cactus, tacos, ceviche, mechiladas and guisados. Some deserts I highly recommend are the flan, horchata and tres leches cake.
2. El Camino Inn Located at 238 S 4th Street, right beside the 16-bit arcade bar, El Camino is a great spot to take a date or hang out with friends to grab a quick meal and drinks before starting a long night. Their casual atmosphere features a wide selection of tequila, beers and other cocktails. Their food is simple and delicious, and items worth trying are tacos, tostadas, gorditas and burritos. I also hear their margaritas are the real winner.
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
3. Junior’s Tacos Located at 184 W 5th Avenue, Junior’s Tacos is a renowned taco truck in the town of Columbus featuring scrumptious authentic tacos that will get your mouth watering. Their food is insanely affordable and is filled with quality ingredients. Fillings include steak, pollo, chorizo, carnitas, lengua, fish, veggie and al pastor. Other items worth trying are their tortas, burritos and quesadillas. Next time you drive past a white taco truck, I highly recommend giving this place a try.
4. Los Guachos Taqueria Located at 5221 Godown Road, Los Guachos Taqueria is known for their best al pastor tacos in Columbus. Their daily specials will keep you coming back for more. On Monday’s, you can buy one Taco al pastor and you get the second one for free. Wednesday’s $2 Gringa’s night. On Friday’s they serve spicy shrimp tacos, on Saturday’s lamb barbacoa tacos, and on Sunday’s their veal cabeza de
res tacos. Other items worth trying are their tortas pastor, tostadas, gringas and burritos.
5. Taco Nazo As another taco truck, Taco Nazo located on 2200 E Dublin Grandville Avenue is known for having the best tacos in Columbus. Their prices are cheap and their portions are huge. Finding parking at this location is a challenge, but the effort is worth every penny. Not only do they just offer authentic tacos, they also serve American style tacos so that you can actually taste the difference between Mexico and America. Other items on the menu worth trying are their gorditas, sopes and tostadas. Time to get your sombrero to protect you from the burning summer heat and head to one of these authentic Mexican restaurants. Most important, remember these words: Authentic. Authentic. Authentic!
-Mihir Shah
Mobile cupcakes prove to be a
5 N
photos by Chris Casella/uw
best campus spots for mex & margs
ext time you have a craving for a cold margarita or chips and salsa, look no further than your own surroundings. Some of the city’s best and most authentic Mexican food is just around your corner. Here are the top Mexican restaurants on campus that will rock your world with their happy hours and specials. Cazuela’s Grill – Located on 2247 N High Street, Cazuela’s is a great Mexican place with an outdoor patio for students to indulge in some cheap tacos and flavored frozen margaritas. Currently they have the Mucho Macho Man challenge, which involves devouring a large Mucho Macho Burrito in less than 20 minutes. If you win, the burrito is free and you will also win a free t-shirt. Happy Hour is daily until 6 p.m. and their popular food items are the Tres Marias, quesadillas, burritos, nachos and tacos. Mad Mex – Located on 1542 N High Street at the South Campus Gateway, Mad Mex is a wonderful place to gorge on some Mexican food before or after watching a movie at the Gateway theatre. Most items on their menu are half-off Tuesday through Sunday from 10 p.m. until midnight. Additionally, Happy Hour runs Tuesday through Friday from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Margarita specials include $3 for 12 oz., $5 for 16 oz., and $7 for 22 oz. Popular food items include the ice cream burrito, chicken wings, blue corn bread, gobblerito and the Mad Mex Burrito. Their salads are also a delight for healthy eaters, and not to mention they have $2 PBR pints daily. Plaza Mexican Grill – Located on 1644 N High Street, Plaza Mexican Grill is a decently priced restaurant for college folks. Plaza provides delicious authentic food and great customer service. They are known for their $1 taco night on Monday’s. Some of their popular drinks are the flavored frozen margarita pitchers, Coronaritas and Mexican beers. Popular food items include their queso and guacamole tortilla bowl, chimichangas and spicy burritos. Their guacamole is fresh and their bartenders are friendly. Labamba Mexican Restaurant – Located on 1956 N High Street, Labamba is college-friendly place worth your time and money. Although they serve no drinks, their food is the real deal. Everything is fresh on their menu, their staff is friendly and the cleanliness of the place is immaculate. The popular items include the big burritos, super nachos, avocado and bean/ aguacate Con Frijoles, tortas and their chicken, beef, and chorizo tacos. Yes, their food is authentic! El Vaquero – Last but not the least, this restaurant located on 3230 Olentangy River Road is listed as the best Mexican restaurant according to, and is known for its great outdoor patio, delicious margaritas and fantastic service. Their enchilada supreme and Tacos Costeros are a delight. Their delicious shrimp cocktail is worth trying. Happy Hour is between 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. during which they have great drink specials and $1.50 off appetizers.
-Mihir Shah
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
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photos by jon mcallister
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Accessible Expressions Ohio
With help from Very Special Arts (VSA) Ohio, this exhibit helps to raise awareness about art and disabilities. The artists are a variety of ages and each piece gives them an opportunity to express themselves. This is a great cause! Urban Arts Space Time: 11 a.m. | Free
Bistro Night
Shaman’s Harvest
This Missouri rock band is most known for their hit ‘Dragonfly’ which reached #16 on Billboard’s Active Rock Chart. They have since produced various tracks for WWE fighters and also a few movies.
$10 bottles of wine and a chef’s specialty? Don’t mind if we do. If you feel like treatin’ yoself, this is the night for you. Ethyl & Tank Time: 10 p.m. | Free
A & R Music Bar Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5
Farmers Market
Which One’s Pink
Support local vendors and buy some fresh and delicious food at this weekly market. After visiting Someday Farms, Nova Terra Farm, and/or Ohio City Pasta, make sure you stop by the info booth for free recipe cards. Franklin Park Conservatory Time: 3:30 p.m. | Free
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
If you’re a Pink Floyd fan, this is something you do not want to miss. Shawdowbox Live has paired with CCAD to create a multimedia tribute to the rock band. Sit back, sing along, and enjoy the show Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $20-25
The Floorwalkers This Ohio band got their start
playing at a campus bar at OSU. Since then, they’ve released three EPs and have toured throughout the Midwest. The Floorwalkers are joined by Nick D and the Believers and Happy Chichester.
Columbus Commons Time: 5:30 p.m. | Free
Ladies 80’s & More
Restart House Music
Restart House Music is devoted to discovering “underground sounds.” Bring your dancing shoes and gear up for a great night!
Let DJ Ginsu and $3 Fireball shots be the host of your weekly girls night. Dance the night away without a care in the world and with drinks in hand.
Brothers Drake Meadery Time: 10 p.m. | Free
Skully’s Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $5-$10 Free for ladies 21+
Music in the Park
Bring a lawn chair and/or blanket and let the summer breeze whip around you as you listen to some live music. Yabo Taco will also be serving up some delicious eats and Huffman’s Market will be catering ice cream for dessert. Sunny 95 Park, Upper Arlington Time: 7 p.m. | Free
Wine & Ice
If there’s one thing better than a glass of wine it’s a glass of wine with a cup of ice cream on the side. We think the German chocolate brownie ice cream with a glass of chocolate raspberry port sounds most amazing. Camelot Cellars Winery Time: 8 p.m. | Free
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Too Short
Rapper Too Short is best known for his hit songs like “The Ghetto” and “Blow the Whistle.” He is also one of the very few artists to collaborate with the late Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Don’t miss this! LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $48- $128
Kid Runner
These former Capital University students are on their way to the big leagues. After their recent single “Move” was picked up by the X Games, they said the momentum hasn’t died down. A and R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10-$12
The Shamrock Club Music Festival
The Wet Darlings are the epitome of indie rock. This band formed in Columbus and, as their website says, writes and plays mostly “breakup songs.” Skully’s Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Shamrock Club Grounds Time: 4 p.m. | Tickets: $5-$8
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Do you love puzzles? What about being locked in a chamber for 45 minutes without a key? If you said yes to either of these questions, this is an experience for you. Discover the clues and find the key. Or else. 1415 E. Dublin Granville Rd. Time: 9:30 p.m. | Tickets: $29
The Wet Darlings CD Release Show
Founded in 1936, The Shamrock Club of Columbus is Central Ohio’s largest Irish organization. If you enjoy some irish jigging and bagpipping and beer, this is the perfect event.
The Chamber Escape Room
Three Days Grace
If you haven’t belted out Three Days Grace’s hit “It’s Not Too Late” or Theory of a Deadman’s hit “It’s Not Meant to Be,” you’re really missing out. Catch up with some of your favorite 00’s grunge bands and don’t forget your gloves with the fingers cut out. I think they wore those, right?
LC Pavilion Time: 4 p.m. | Tickets: vary
Westerville Area Chamber 42nd annual music & arts festival
Man Man
The 42nd annual music & arts festival is featuring over 140 different artisans and two different stages. Heritage Park Time: 10 a.m. | Tickets: $1
This energetic band from Philly is anything but one-dimensional. Incorporating instruments like the clavinet, sousaphone, flute, and euphonium, this show will be one of a kind. Skully’s Time: 8:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15-$18
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Ohio Wine Festival
Wine snobs, unite! This lovely weekend features twenty different wineries from all over Ohio such as Chateau Tebeay, Plum Run Winery, and Wyandotte Winery. Pinkies up and drink up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
North Market | Time: 12 p.m. | Tickets: $20-$25
Todrick Hall Live
Viral Youtuber, Todrick Hall, is bringing his craziness to Columbus. Featuring acts like “Twerking in the Rain,” this is sure to be a wild show.
Lincoln Theatre | Time: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $26.50
Few bands would’ve dared mix reggae and rap-metal styles into one sound, but this Nebraskan quintet of rockers nailed it. Come out and celebrate the 20th anniversary of their classic “The Blue Album,” which included hits “All mixed Up” and “Down.”
LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $ 39.50-$42
The Flex Crew
The eight members of this reggae band have traveled throughout the country bringing their “flava” to various cities. They’ve performed with Steel Pulse, Michael Rose, and Wayne Wonder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skully’s | Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10
The Lonely Wild
This group released their first album called The Sun Comes Up in 2013 and have opened for acts like Damien Rice and Laura Marling. Their indie folk sound is music to our ears. Literally.
Rumba Cafe | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $12
Good Guys 18th PGG Nationals
Cars, cars, and more cars. Over 6,500 of them to be exact. Also, don’t forget your red, white and blue on All American Sunday featuring American made vehicles of all years. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ohio Expo Center | Time: 8 a.m. | Tickets: vary 32
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
Rapper Freakie of KasshKingz Music Group may be living the life of a king, but he’s still willing to work the mic on a Monday. Mixing rap, crunk and R&B, Freakie will be joined on stage by Phenom and Joe Row. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Matt Harlan
This Austin-based storyteller bring his Texan perspective to folk music. Come down to hear this winner of the Singer-Songwriter of the Year at the 2013 Texas Music Awards retell a few tales from his highly acclaimed “Raven Hotel” album. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rumba Cafe | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $8
The Texas Tenors
A unique mix of country, gospel and broadway, the Tenors have come a long way to Columbus from their start on “America’s Got Talent.”
Aladdin Shrine Center | Time: 2 p.m. Tickets: $47
Mr Twin Sister
Mr Twin Sister marries indie, dream pop and disco vibes into one indescribable sound that has something for everybody. Even Kendrick Lamar has taken note, sampling their tune “Meet the Frownies.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rumbua Cafe | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $12
Jim (Jimbo) Berling Benefit Bash For only $5 at the door, this is a benefit bash you can get behind. But Jimbo won’t be the only one benefitting from performances by Folquinox, Envelope, Dead Set Ready, DJ Carma and MC Travis Hoewischer. Do yourself a favor and come on out!
Skully's | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5
Kristi Rose and Fat Kaplan
This acclaimed husband and wife duo from Nashville draw upon a wealth of musical influence to create a sound like no other. Rose’s powerful voice is complemented by the melodies of multi-instrumentalist Kaplan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza | Time: 8 p.m. Tickets: $5
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Aries: Keep your emotions in check, Aries.You can't lose it every time someone mentions Game of Thrones. I know, I know. It was a tough finale. But you've got to move past it. Just remember to never open your heart to GOT. Players get played, Aries.
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Cancer: Treat yo self, Cancer. Sometimes you just deserve a reward. Keep it small and don't go overboard. Like have a bowl of ice cream, not the Pagewhole 15 of 25carton. There's a difference between a treat and a sugar-induced depression.
Taurus: This is your time, Taurus. You are finally going to get your stuff together.You are gonna get so organized that even Martha Stewart will be jealous. Highlighters, Post-Its, three hole punch? You deserve it all. Oh, you should even buy some gold star stickers for yourself for when you excel.
Leo: Chill out, Leo.Your anxiety will be the death of you. Just because you're not having full on panic attacks doesn't mean you couldn't relax a little. People can sense your nervous energy when you walk into a room. Just take a chill pill, or whatever pill people are passing around.
Gemini: It's quality not quantity Gemini. That should be your mantra. That goes for everything in your life: food, booze, relationships. Don't skimp on the important things. Trust me, just cause it's cheap doesn't mean you're not going to pay for it in the end.
Virgo:YOLO,Virgo. Remember: You only live once. But also remember, FOMO. Fear of missing out is a real struggle if you sit at home for too long. And never forget: DOJO. Cause you could use some martial arts discipline,Virgo.
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Capricorn: Communication is Libra: This is your Alexander week, extremely important in relationLibra.You know your terrible, ships, Capricorn. Not just verbal horrible, no good, very bad day... communication, non-verbal cues are week. That kind of week when all of that even more important. bad daysPage fall 15 onofseven days in a row. But 24 25Jul 05 24Watch Jul 05 your body language. When you say “I'm not mad,” is fear not, Libra, There's always another your body showing that? And when you week around the corner. And maybe that dance with your partner is your body one might even be slightly better. saying “This feels like suicide?” Scorpio: People always remember Aquarius: Calm down, Aquarius. a stranger's kindness. Remember No one is out to get you.Your that this week, Scorpio. Don't friends are just that: your friends. be so wrapped up in your own stuff. Try They want to see you happy as much as to remember other people are going you want to see you happy. It's not like through their own things. Being nice for they're all hanging out right now hoping no reason will make you feel good and you don't text any of them. make other people feel better. Sagittarius: Anger is a four-letter word, Sagittarius. Wait, ok, technically it's a five-letter word. But it's so terrible it should be considered one. It's like the “a” word of emotions. Ok, I guess there's already an “a” word. Look, if you speak with angr* you're gonna look like an a-word. Ok? *Typo intended!
Pisces: Change is coming, Pisces. Don't fear it; embrace it! You know what else you should embrace? A stuffed animal. I mean, let's get real.You haven't slept well since you tossed Mr. Bear. Who cares how old you are, sometimes change just means reverting back to a more awesome time.
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
in july, every night is date night
nfortunately, summer is coming to an end sooner than some wish. Fortunately, football season is almost here! It’s bittersweet. Though, let’s enjoy the last, full month of summer. Let’s make July one for the books, so that when we look back, we have something good to think about. As you all know, it rained relentlessly for an entire month. June was a wet and cloudy blur, so there’s no way in hell that we can let this month pass us by. Honestly, time lost is one of the worst things for young adults. We experience severe cases of FOMO, so calling all friends, squads, couples and summer flings. There are a multitude of fun things to do this month! My date ideas are not limited to two people but those with summer flings, especially, need to make the most of this month.
You all know your days with your beau are dwindling. Though, let’s not worry about that and instead think happy thoughts! Now, ready for date ideas?
One of the simplest ideas is to go to a bar. If you live in Columbus, you know that there are like 1,000 bars. Hit up Short North for a fun and quality time! If you need a change from campus bars visit MOUTON, which will be fancy in comparison. Get ready to dance at Bar 23. It’s a blast that serves specialty martinis and offers a DJ on weekends. If you’d rather drink beer, visit Short North Pint House. They have a wide selection of brews along with American pub food. 34
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015
If you’re a bar rat or it’s just not your thing, opt for a date with more sustenance that’ll leave you both thinking of the day for weeks. Go to a concert. Sam Smith is performing at the Schottenstein this month! Visit Ticketmaster for more information. If you both have a thing for classic films, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to catch one at Studio 35. has all the deats! If you want to test your relationship and get your hands dirty, try Clay & Coffee. It’s offered every Saturday at Clayspace. Interested in really testing things? Add some mystery to your love and try the Chamber Escape Room, the real-life puzzle. You need 11 people and some witty minds! Visit for more information. If your guy’s into sports, pitch (pun intended) the idea of going to a Clippers game, but specifically try Dime-a-Dog night. It’s a dime for a hot dog like how great is that?! Baseball games are the best place to relax, cuddle and connect with your fling! Also, the outdoor setting is ideal for ‘gram worthy pictures. Besides baseball, checkout a Columbus Crew match! I could go on and on because the events for July are endless, but you can visit Columbus Underground and Columbus Alive for the full list. I promise, there’s something for everyone in this great city! Have fun, girls! Love, Stella
July 8, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • July 8, 2015