UWeekly 6.17.15

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JUN 17, 2015








UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015



June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Photo by Jon McAllister/UW


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @ b_mandato

@ nom_life

@ osuchadwickarboretum @ livingcbus

@ lsanzenbacher

@ ffarah77

@ soppiasoppia

@ @cailinpittt centalapalooza

@ jess_mccune


@ cherry_jane13

June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

@Mal2013_, I'm your neighbor and I always hear you blare blink 182 in your car, and I'm in love with you for that.

@GadorCody I've never wanted someone all over me like I want you

@bigspoon75 makes my heart go hot dang whoo

JB, tried to get you to sing "Hang on Sloopy".. I don't know why I didn't get your number at 4th St. Favorite and it's yours. @KEGeorge1 @joekapferer- the worst injustices are that I missed my chance to ask you out & the censorship of a certain photo on your photography page.

@jgravalis from USG is an 11/10 #Gorgeous #YouCanAllocateMeAnyday

I don't go to the same college, but god damn @YayImNan's avi on Twitter makes me feel some type of way. 6

UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

Hope to see @bryanthovest in Knowlton next year. We could do it "prairie style" anytime - If that's wrong i dont want to be F.L. Wright ;)

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com



WED 6.17

Fake Urban Meyer @FakeUrban

Neapolitan pizza + pint

There's a port-o-john on my 50-yard line and I'm none too happy about it. #StonesColumbus

Is there anything better than pizza and beer? Let us answer that. No. Come craft your own specialty pizza with the finest ingredients, listen to local music, and sip on a pint of craft beer.

Lucas Abreu @lucabreu96 Before orientation: Scared of leaving home for Ohio State. After orientation: Scared of leaving Ohio State for home. #OSU18 #new2OSU


Pizza Cucinova | Time: 6 p.m. Tickets: $8

SAT 6.20

Keaton Figurski @KeatonFig Some kid showed up to Ohio State's orientation wearing a Michigan backpack, needless to say he disappeared halfway through the first day

Buckeye Country Superfest

Buckeye Country Superfest is the ultimate concert for country lovers in Columbus. This two day event features Blake Shelton, Rascal Flatts, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, and more.

Michaela @micmart214 Casually cried in the Get Involved session of orientation because I love Ohio State so much and wish I was #new2osu vs #old2osu


Ohio Stadium | Time: 5 p.m. Tickets: Vary

TUES 6.23

Ian @polar_mcbear Operator: You've reached Ohio State University Hospital East. How may I help you? Me: I'd like to make a reservation for the weekend.

Third Eye Blind, Dashboard

If you know anything about the 90’s/00’s, you know about Third Eye Blind and Dashboard Confessional. You don’t want to miss this!

Rania @RanWeasley Hope to God I can one day love a man 1/5000th the amount I love The Ohio State University


LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. Tickets: $35

Giveaways! Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will win a $25 gift card to Piada and a Piada Pride T-shirt!


Attn: Concert lovers!

Piada, pasta and pride


#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Best Coast at Newport Music Hall on June 18.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photos courtesy of fiveid studio

titans of industry

5 current and former OSU students conquer crowdfunding By @ADAMAMBRO a


ou’d be hard pressed to find a corner of the university where cool and innovative things are not happening. And one group, consisting of current industrial design students and recent Ohio State graduates, is tackling a project that aims to simplify your life, or at least post-workout routine. FiveID Studio, made up of twins Fred and Gered Bowman, Lonie Smith, Adan Ali and Mohamed Rage, recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to create the TITAN Mixer Bottle, a creative take on the popular shaker bottle, which promises to mix a clump-free protein shake with little to no effort. “The inspiration for the TITAN Mixer Bottle came from being dissatisfied with current shaker bottles on the market,” said Gered Bowman. “Fred [Bowman] was getting especially tired of this, and he challenged the team to create something better. We started from the ground up, reimagining what a protein shaker bottle could be and do.” And create something better they did, with a little help from the Kickstarter community. The team targeted and easily surpassed its goal of


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

$25,000, which will be used to bring the product from concept to reality. “We decided to create a Kickstarter campaign for the TITAN Mixer Bottle, because as industrial designers crowdfunding has become a game changer in the industry,” said Bowman.

"We started from the ground up, reimagining what a protein shaker bottle could be and do." “Until recently, getting a product to market meant working for a large design firm or company or getting funded by venture capitalists. Now, via platforms like Kickstarter, we are able to get our products directly to the consumers and get backing and exposure to the people who are interested in the product the most. “ With 25 days left and more than $34,000 pledged (at time of writing), it’s clear to see that


this idea has been well received by OSU students and the greater Central Ohio area. “The community has also been a great asset,” said Bowman. “With so many great fitness resources in Columbus such as the RPAC on campus and the Arnold Classic, it has been amazing to see the support and words of encouragement we've gotten from Buckeye Nation.” FiveID plans to sell the TITAN Mixer Bottle in supplement shops and gyms around the globe, in addition to a presale, which will start immediately following the conclusion of the Kickstarter campaign. Those interested in ordering can visit www. titanmixerbottle.com to subscribe. So, what’s next for the team of designers? After the resounding success of its current Kickstarter campaign, Bowman said FiveID has more exciting things planned. “As a design studio, FiveID has been able to work on various projects ranging from product design to graphic design and even video production. We have some amazing projects lined up for the near future, and we can’t wait to show everyone what else we have in store.”

While you were away from the Scarlet and Gray By @MIKE_HUSON a


hio State stays busy, even in the summer. Whether you’re back on campus for summer classes, an internship or just needed to get out of your parents’ house, here’s a quick rundown of a few things you might have missed.

The Best Damn Band in the Land lands in good hands – TBDBITL may be getting even better after OSU named Christopher Hoch the marching band’s interim director for the upcoming season. The name may ring a bell; Hoch previously served as associate director of the marching and athletic bands, during which time, he orchestrated the now infamous “Tribute to the Classic Video Games” halftime show during the 2012 homecoming game against Nebraska. Hoch was named to the position after several candidates turned down offers to fill the void left after previous band director, Jon Waters, was fired. Here’s to Hoch finding his footing this season, and here’s to all of us avoiding this director drama again next year.

Tuition is staying and grants are paying – Good news for in-state students: the Ohio State Board of Trustees approved to extend the tuition freeze for in-state students, keeping it at $10,037 for the 2015-16 academic year. Bad news for out-of-state students dealing with gloating in-state students: tuition for non-Ohio residents will increase 3.1 percent, bumping it to $27,362. However, the university’s mandatory fees and on-campus housing are set to hold steady. On top of that, President Drake announced an additional $15 million in need-based financial aid will go to about 12,400 qualifying students through an affordability grant program.

Fate of alcohol limits languish in legislative limbo – Ohio brewers may soon be finding room for expansion, and not just in consumers or capital, but in content. State Rep. Dan Ramos (D-Lorain) introduced a bill that would raise the state’s alcohol limit of Ohio-produced and sold beer from 12 to 21 percent. This isn’t Ramos’ first shot at trying


to raise Ohio’s ABV (alcohol by volume) limit. But, as of May, House Bill 68 is still stumbling around the House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee. Go home, legislation. You’re drunk.

$10 million: Easy come, easy go – OSU may have found firm friendship with Stan and Jodi Ross. They just gifted the university $10 million. Can’t hurt, right? And with that support, the university has approved the naming of the Stanley D. and Joan SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.

June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015


piada serves up pride By @MIKE_HUSON a


isa Blackstone had never worked in an environment she felt supported the LGBT community. But all that has changed. Blackstone now works as a manager at the Bexley Piada, one of eight Italian street food restaurants in the Columbus area. And last year, when she suggested to her company they join the Columbus Pride parade, they agreed without hesitation and even rolled through with a small fleet of rainbow-painted Fiats. “I think it’s great they support the community and they don’t discriminate; we have a lot of people from the community that work within the organization.” Blackstone isn’t shy about showing her support for the LGBT community either. She was up front during last year’s Pride parade, hoisting a rainbow flag through the streets of downtown Columbus. This year, she’s showing her pride again by getting behind her restaurant. Piada is currently selling Pride T-shirts and

donating $5 from each shirt sold to Stonewall Columbus, a community service center that supports the LGBT community in Central Ohio. The heather black, minimalist shirts feature a rainbow scooter on the chest, a colorful interpretation of the restaurant’s Italian scooter logo. Matt Eisenacher, director of marketing at Piada, said that being involved in Columbus Pride and having the ability to give back has become a passion for Piada. “Given our involvement in the community and the fact that we’re based in Columbus, we wanted to find a way to take our place in the community and help be a positive change and increase support for the LGBTQ community,” he said. Piada is also offering a free meal to those who show support by buying a $25 Pride T-shirt in time for the Columbus Pride parade on June 20. Piadas, pasta and pride: a perfect Columbus combo. For more information, visit piadapride.com

photo courtesy of piada


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


caitlyn jenner is courage By @LAURENEVERY a


f you’re anything like me, you’re not afraid to admit that the Kardashian Krew has been your celebrity guilty pleasure for the last eight years. I’ve laughed with them and I’ve laughed at them. A lot. Their multi-million dollar TV shows are all about letting the public into their (sometimes not so) glamourous lives. We’ve seen sibling rivalries, newborn babies, hard-to-bear breakups, beautiful weddings and more. Even though the fights between my brother and I are usually about him eating my food rather than him signing a contract for a perfume line without me, at some level, I found this family relatable. This week, a new member of the Krew was presented to the world. Caitlyn Jenner made her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine. Caitlyn with a C. She became the quickest person on Twitter to reach one million followers, taking just four hours and three minutes (she beat President Obama’s record by 49 minutes, I might add). Later that day, ESPN announced that they would be awarding Caitlyn with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at their upcoming ESPY awards. It wasn’t long before the social media backlash began. Before I go into my backlash on the backlash, let’s start off with some hard hitting facts: In a survey done by Injustice at Every Turn, 41 percent of transgendered people said they had attempted suicide and the risk of suicide increases for those who have experienced bullying, sexual assault and job loss. Research by the Williams Institute shows that 78 percent of transgen-

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458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

dered participants who had experienced violence, whether physical or sexual, had attempted suicide. According to the Injustice at Every Turn survey, 25 percent of transgendered respondents said they had lost their job because they would not conform to gender norms and 90 percent said they had experienced transgender-based discrimination. One-fifth of respondents said they had been homeless. Now, a little bio: Bruce Jenner was a man’s man. As a gold-medal Olympian, Bruce set the world record in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics. He went on to become a household name, appearing in various TV shows and was one of seven spokespersons picked to appear on the famous Wheaties cereal box. He was married twice before he wed Kris Kardashian and has six children and four stepchildren. From the outside looking in, Bruce, now Caitlyn, seemed to have it all. “Little did they know I was totally empty inside,” Caitlyn said in her interview with Vanity Fair. Sadly, this seems to be a common feeling in the transgender community. According to the Intersex Society of North America, transgender is defined as “people who are born with typical male or female anatomies but feel as though they’ve been born into the ‘wrong body.’” I mean, think about that for a second. Imagine waking up every morning and looking in the mirror and seeing something that doesn’t match who you are inside. Sounds horrible. It takes courage for transgendered people to be themselves on a daily basis and I think it took courage for Caitlyn Jenner to become the person she has always longed to be. A lot of courage. Caitlyn Jenner is 66 years old. It took her 66 years to become herself. I agree, there are many people who are deserving of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, such as the incredibly brave Lauren Hill and the awe-inspiring Noah Galloway. These people are incredible and deserve an enormous amount of praise and admiration. And so does Caitlyn. By opening up to the public about her lifelong struggle and transformation, it is also opening the door for many people in the trans community to do the same. Caitlyn has the ability to create worldwide awareness and a movement toward acceptance. Judging by the statistics, change is needed. So, you go Caitlyn. I can’t wait for you to waltz across that stage in a fancy dress and heels to receive an award that you so deserve and I can’t wait to see the impact you have on the world.

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

Photographer David Heasley

Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler

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VP of Marketing Lindsay Arnett

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Lead Designer Doug Mayfield

Brand Ambassador Kendra Schwarz

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Photo Editor Chris Casella

Circulation Steve Landes


Marketing Interns Kyle Dawson Jenna Fisher

Viv Le Ryan Mann Ryan Shaw Contributing Alyssa Adkins Ty Anderson Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every

Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Mike Huson Logan Korn Jack Lynch Chris McLain Matt McGreevy Sarah Mikati Allie Misch Brad Pierron Cameron Roda

Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner Mihir Shah Arianna Urban Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Chris Casella Special thanks to Peak Human Performance, Bobby Jocson

How would you feel if "last call" at a bar was pushed from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m.? By LAUREN EVERY

Collin Scarlet

Just for special occasions I think it’s a good idea because people are out late on those occasions anyways and that also gives people more time to sober up and that kind of stuff.

Haley Noll

So it’s only for special occasions? Then yea! That sounds fine.

Sriram Durvasula

It would be a good idea and a bad idea. I think it’s a good idea in the sense that if it is open until 4 a.m. instead of 2 a.m. people are inside they’re not outside and that reduces the chances of them getting into trouble outside the establishment. But, at the same time, they would need to understand the consequences of, you know, having taxis available and having campus police present and things like that at the same time. So, as long as they understand the implications of what that means in terms of security commitment is they did all the way until 4 a.m. then I think that’s a good idea.

Jack Nemeth

I think that'd be really cool. A lot of times, I don’t really know how itd be in the winter time, but I know a lot of the times I’d like to stay out and most of my friends would too.

Kenza Kamal

I have no opinion on that ‘cause I don’t drink. So, I don’t know

Rebecca Mellino

I guess for special occasions it could be a good idea.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Ohio State football head coach Urban Meyer speaks at a press conference organized by OSU SIDs.

photo Courtesy Ohio State Athletics

Behind the sports screen The job of OSU's sports information directors By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a


roadcasts, interviews, press conferences and other forms of media engagements occur frequently for Ohio State athletics. Who organizes such events, though? Enter the OSU sports information directors. SIDs are the ones behind the cameras. They arrange the appearances of the individuals we see in front of the cameras. OSU has 11 full-time SIDs in which almost all of them are responsible for multiple sports. Leann Parker, the athletics communications director and SID for men’s ice hockey, men’s lacrosse and women’s tennis, further explained how SIDs work with the media. “We are the media relations contacts for all 36 sports,” Parker said. “All media requests come through us. We handle all the information promoting our teams on ohiostatebuckeyes.com, most of the team social media pages. If a game’s on TV, we talk to the TV talent and get them our notes and then talk with them … We do help the media get our story out there and then also tell our own story through our website and social media.” The SID position also entails monitoring individ14

UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

ual player and team stats, handling the press box on game days, researching, traveling and working with their respective teams daily. While stats have been one of the core responsibilities for an SID, social media has become an integral duty as well. Photos, tweets and videos are routinely posted to provide followers with news and behind-the-scene looks.

"The challenging part is how you can keep it fresh when you're not in season," “The challenging part is how can you keep it fresh when you’re not in season,” said Alex Morando, the assistant director athletics communications and SID for men’s soccer and baseball, of using social media during the offseason. “That’s the toughest part, I think. But during the season it’s uweekly.com

always something.” “[Social media is] a way to get directly to fans,” Parker said. Morando and Parker agreed the most demanding aspect of being an SID can be described with one word: time. “You’re set to a schedule and you have to follow that schedule,” Morando said. “You can’t just take a day off. You're a part of the sports staff. The coaches have to go to all the games; the trainer has to go to all the games, so that’s just like what we do.” Not only does winning make things more enjoyable for the teams, it makes things more enjoyable for the SIDs, as it leads to more media coverage. “It definitely helps get more coverage just because it’s more fun,” Parker said of winning. “You know, it’s more fun when your team wins and there’s more stories and everyone is more excited to talk and coaches aren’t like, ‘Oh great, I really want to talk when my team just lost.’” Parker said that as an SID, it’s gratifying to see student athletes develop during their time at OSU. “You get to watch the student athletes mature and help them maybe in some way,” she said.

photo Courtesy of Columbus Crew SC

Family Man How Frankie Hejduk helps family, players acclimate to capital city By @BEN_FERREE a


olumbus has long been lauded as a hidden gem of America. A great city to live, work and raise a family. No one knows that better than someone who has done all three here, Frankie Hejduk. As the captain of the 2008 MLS Cup winning Columbus Crew and the second addition to the Crew SC circle of honor, Hejduk established his roots here during his playing days. When they were done, his love for the area is what brought him back. The Hejduk’s will be welcoming their fourth addition this week, as the family is expecting the birth of their third son any day now. The age span is impressive, as the oldest, Nesta, is 17, followed by Coasten, 7, and the lone girl, Cali, 5. “I’ve got a full house with a wide range of ages,” Hejduk said. “Going through the Crew junior ranks, the Crew Academy ranks, I’ve been doing this for years, and I’ll be doing it for years to come.” As the brand ambassador for Crew SC, Hejduk is actively involved with soccer on nearly every level. “[Soccer] is a great opportunity to be with your kid and grow up with them, while at the same time doing your job and helping the community out,” Hejduk said. “It’s the perfect role. To put smiles on faces, and get these kids really into enjoying the sport, it’s a cool thing to be a part of.” Hejduk’s natural energy and enthusiasm for soccer makes him a perfect fit for his role promoting the Crew SC, but he has also made part of his job promoting the city of Columbus. “As a guy from San Diego, a lot of people ask me, ‘Whoa, what are you doing here?’” Hejduk said. “I got attached to the area … the people are really down to earth, really cool, really easy to get along with. They have open hearts. That’s close to me … SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Northern (non) exposure World is hush about women's world cup By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a





ight now, the Women’s World Cup is being played in Canada. You wouldn’t know it by the amount of media coverage, though. Yes, the Stanley Cup playoffs as well as the NBA Finals have something to do with that. These two sporting events are part of the “Core 4” professional sports in America – MLB, NBA, NFL and NHL. Piling onto the Women’s World Cup lack of coverage is the fact that ESPN doesn’t have the rights to broadcast this time around – those rights belongs to FOX. While Fox Sports 1 seems to give adequate amount of coverage, most people don’t go to FOX for sports, they go to ESPN. With ESPN having rights tied to the NBA Finals through ABC, it’s only natural that it covers every storyline imaginable for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors. Finding stories about the Women’s World Cup on ESPN and FOX is challenging. Yes, you can find the scores relatively easily, but anything after that becomes an adventure that rivals finding the lost city of Atlantis. With the Men’s World Cup last year, it was easy to find stories. Literally, guys who barely made the U.S. National Team were profiled. For the women’s team (with the exception of Alex Morgan, Hope Solo and Abby Wambach), it’s hard to find the same storylines. There are stories to be found; there always are. It also doesn’t help that former FIFA President, Sepp Blatter, wanted to see the women athletes in more skin-tight, on-field apparel. It’s almost as if the Women’s World Cup was created only to appease women representation, and not to entertain SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015


lindor lands in big leagues Indians top prospect makes MLB debut By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a


n a baseball season that has featured the debuts of mega-prospects across the league, the Cleveland Indians are getting in on the fun with the call-up of Francisco Lindor on June 14. Lindor became the 10th player in the top 12 of Baseball America’s top 100 preseason prospect rankings to play at the MLB level in 2015. Lindor was not in the starting lineup, but made his way to the plate twice in an 8-1 loss to the Detroit Tigers. The game featured a lengthy rain delay and Lindor came on as a pinch hitter in the seventh inning. After striking out, he came back in the ninth and singled for his first career hit. The Indians have been searching for some production from the left side of their infield all season. In fact, a week earlier, the team sent down its starting third baseman, Lonnie Chisenhall, and its starting shortstop, Jose Ramirez, and swapped infielders with the Class AAA affiliate in Columbus. While with the Columbus Clippers in parts of

2014 and 2015, Lindor slashed .276/.330/.394 in 95 games. He showed decent pop with seven home runs in 391 at-bats. These numbers were consistent with his overall minor league numbers, in which he slashed .278/.354/.384. Lindor’s strongest asset is his glove that he complements with a strong arm at the shortstop position. The reason he stayed in the minors for so long was likely to develop his bat a little further. The real reason may have been from a front office standpoint and related to delaying the start of Lindor’s “service-time clock” to keep him at a cheaper price long term. The Indians find themselves on the wrong side of .500 at this point of the season, but within shouting distance from the top of the AL Central. There is plenty of time for Cleveland to play its way back into playoff contention, as it has in the past few seasons. Lindor’s call-up could be the push that the Indians needed to turn things around in C-Town.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios

'Inside out' to bring emotions to life onscreen By @CAITLINESSIG a

Inside Out,” the latest film from Pixar Animation Studios, takes creativity and originality to new heights with a concept of animating something so familiar, yet so rarely personified: the emotions inside one’s mind. “The one thing I think will be interesting is that the film has a chance to bring people to a place that everyone is familiar with, but no one's seen before,” writer and director Pete Docter said in a press call for college media. “And that is the world inside your own mind.” “Inside Out” brings five emotions — fear, sadness, joy, disgust and anger — to life as it goes inside the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley. Docter said they settled on these five after consulting with a researcher in the field of expression. At the time, he’d named these five emotions as well as a sixth, surprise, as the primary emotions everyone has. “And weirdly, we just heard that researchers from around the world looked at all of their work they'd done, and the only thing that they agree on (were) 18

UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

these five emotions,” Docter said. “Some of them have other ones like pride or anxiety, but the five that they all agreed on ... as existing are these five.” A real challenge came from deciding exactly how these emotions would look as animated characters.

“There are so many challenging things from the concept on, what do (emotions) look like? What does the mind look like?” Docter said. “The hardest one to develop visually was Disgust, and early on we couldn't really decide, is she disgusting or disgusted as a character, and that would lend itself to very different looks.” The team decided on the latter, said producer Jonas Rivera. “The design, she's pretty, and so the design became more about her just being disgusted at everything, and it took, I mean, it's embarrassing to say how long it took to get her right. (It was) almost a couple years of designing and writing,” Rivera said. uweekly.com

The idea for the film itself came from Docter watching his daughter grow up. “When you're young, (for) a lot of people, (and) this is certainly true of my daughter, she was very energetic and rambunctious and jumping around and happy all the time, and then when she turned 11 she got a little more quiet and reclusive,” Docter said. “And I was telling these guys about it, and we were like, ‘What's going on inside her head?’ “That's what kind of started the idea, the idea of really featuring emotions as characters and we've read about how emotions affect our daily life and decisions and things and this is our chance to kind of personify them.” Rivera said he enjoyed the idea at its inception. “I just like how it all came from just an observation Pete had of watching his kid change,” he said. “Everybody changes, and so we thought that's a fun idea: ‘What if we could somehow show that from the inside?’” “Inside Out” stars Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.

5 books to pair with sun and Summer Shandy By JAMES GARCIA @ JamesDGarcia7 a


s unfathomable as it might seem to the exhausted student on break, there are creatures out there who are looking for summer reading material. More fathomable is the fact that some of these same beings are getting loaded now that both class and the sun are out. We’ve put together a summer reading list that is a little off-center of convention.

1. “The Rum Diary” by Hunter S. Thompson – Nobody belongs more on an off-kil-

ter, booze-induced reading list than the doctor of journalism: Hunter S. Thompson. While his second novel might not be the drug-fueled frenzy that was his most popular novel, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream,” it is not lacking in his unique take on life, journalism and excessive drinking. The story follows a passionate young writer in 1950s Puerto Rico, who bounces from one scene of chaos to the next. 2. “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov – There’s plenty of imagery in this book of Lolita, a vivacious (and underaged) harpie, sprawled out on a towel in the backyard catching some rays, while the enigmatic Mr. Humbert looks on — albeit creepily — in longing. The story does follow the more-than-questionable exploits of a pedophile, but Nabokov’s powerful use of language is nonetheless stunning. And besides, anyone drinking a beer alone outside during the day must have a penchant for some of the more dubious aspects of life.

3. “The Dharma Bums” by Jack Kerouac – Wine, nature and pseudo-Buddhism. From

the most recognizable name in hopeless wandering comes the story of Jack Kerouac’s semi-fictional brush with transcendence — both at the bottom of the bottle and the top of a treacherous mountain. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



the music streaming war has begun


ith the announcement of Apple Music at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference 2015, the tech leaders are throwing their hat in the ring of an already crowded streaming music landscape. According to Beats boss Jimmy Iovine, “Apple Music is really going to move the needle for fans and artists. Online music has become a complicated mess of apps, services and websites. Apple Music brings the best features together for an experience every music lover will appreciate.” The development of a streaming service for Apple has long been rumored but it’s nice to see that the company has finally made it official. An official press release touts Apple Music as “a revolutionary streaming music service, a pioneering worldwide live radio station from Apple broadcasting 24 hours a day and a great new way for music fans to connect with their favorite artists. Apple Music combines the largest and most diverse collection of music on the planet with the expertise of world-class music experts who have programmed playlists for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, PC, Apple TV and Android phones.” In response to the headline grabbing news of Apple’s new service, Spotify CEO and Founder Daniel Ek tweeted a terse appraisal of his company’s new competition: “Oh ok.” In a more traditional PR move, Spotify later went on to formally announce that its paid subscriber numbers has grown to 20 million, up from 10 million this time last year. That raises the total number of users to an astounding 75 million. Now, with Apple Music set to launch June 30, consumers are faced with the prospect of deciding whether this new service is right for them. To help wade through the myriad offerings, here are some of the more popular streaming music services and how they stack up against one another:

Apple Music

Price: $9.99/mo. for individuals; $14.99/mo. for families Free Version: Free for first three months before switching to $9.99 Song Library: Entire iTunes library (more than 30 million songs) Mobile Availability: Available on iOS and Android (in Fall 2015) On Demand: Yes

Price: $9.99/mo. for individuals; $14.99/mo. for families Free Version: Available Song Library: More than 30 million songs Mobile Availability: Available on iOS, Android and Windows Phones On Demand: Yes


Google Play Music

Price: $9.99/mo. for unlimited use Free Version: Available Song Library: More than 30 million songs Mobile Availability: Available on iOS and Android On Demand: Yes


Price: $4.99/mo. for unlimited use Free version: Available Song Library: Approx. 2 million songs Mobile Availability: Available on iOS, Android, Windows On Demand: No

- @AdamAmbro a

apps of the week: Find WiFi, Record police, Edit videos WifiMapper, iOS &Android If you’re in a new city and need to get access to WiFi, a new app called WifiMapper aims to help you find a free hotspot nearby. The app calls itself the world’s largest WiFi database, with over 500 million WiFi hotspots available to find. When you tap on a WiFi hotspot in the map, the app can tell you what kind of venue it’s located at and how reliable the connection is. 20

UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

Mobile Justice, iOS Mobile Justice is a better system for recording videos and reporting incidents for when the police go too far. The app provides information on what you can and can’t do when recording police officers with your smartphone and it also provides tips on how to stay safe when a police officer interacts with you, both for yours and the police officer’s sake. uweekly.com

KineMaster, Android KineMaster could be the most advanced video-editing app available today. It’s the first and only professional video editor available for Android devices that is truly on par with any PC video editing software in terms of functions.

Netflix users inevitably freak out



rrested Development Season 5

In other Netflix related news, “Arrested Development” producer Brian Grazer announced that a fifth season of the show will begin production next year. Speaking on Adam Corolla’s podcast, Grazer said, “Netflix is determined to do more episodes, so we’re going to do more episodes.” He then went on to say that production of the fifth season would begin on Jan. 1, 2016, with the show set to return four months after that. While the show is much loved, the previous season was not as well received due to the busy schedules of the participants. Many of the actors never shared screen time together, losing a lot of the magic that defined the show’s first three years. Recently, Internet news sites were running hyperbolic headlines left and right about how Netflix was testing the waters of advertising. Without context, which is usually how people form their reactions, this led to outrage before the company responded in an effort to put minds at ease. Initially, users were seeing ads for other Netflix original programming, such as “House of Cards” and “Orange is the new Black” before the shows they were watching. Fearing the worst, many took to Twitter in disgust, proclaiming that they would not stand for the travesty of advertising. Others went to Facebook to demand the removal of these ads, or else they were going back to cable. Side note: does anyone else see the irony here? In light of customer demands, Netflix CEO Reed Hasting was forced to release a statement via his Facebook page, saying that “No advertising coming onto Netflix. Period. Just adding relevant cool trailers for other Netflix content you are likely to love.” Other Netflix representatives tweeted out more or less the same thing, that the ads viewers are likely to see will only be relevant to other Netflix shows. Also, users will be able to skip most pre-roll ads.




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June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY




o fourth-year Julie Bastulli, clothing is an art form, a way of telling people what kind of person you are even before meeting them. Her friends call her style edgy, but she doesn’t stick to one specific style – she just wears what she likes. Her daily outfits are a reflection of the inspiration she gains from things that surround her, ranging from people on the street to leather jackets and celebrities.

Shirt $20 H&M

How do you describe your style? I would describe mine as kind of urban sophistication, I guess. It’s kind of a mix. I don’t really stick to one thing.

Bralette $34.95 PINK

What does your style say about you? I just like to look like I didn’t put too much effort, you know, and didn’t take five hours to pick one outfit.

What, or who, inspires your style? Shorts $20 H&M

Purse $15 Urban Outfitters

I love the ‘50s and “Rebel Without a Cause,” I love that movie … I also love Danielle Bernstein. She’s a blogger, she’s “We Wore What.” I am obsessed with her and all of her clothes and how she styles stuff.

Why do you think what you wear matters? I think it’s a way to express yourself. It’s all about saying who you are. It’s an art form. I’ve always thought it’s been an art form, and I don’t think people really realize that it’s an art form. Who you are and how you dress kind of tells someone a little bit about you before you even meet.

What are some of your favorite brands and favorite places to shop? I love Top Shop and Zara a lot … most cliché answer ever. I also like vintage shopping a lot. I shop at H&M … Target. I kind of go everywhere.

What do you wear on your off days? I’ll do high-waisted [shorts] with a T-shirt, sometimes just gym shorts and a cute little Tee tucked in the side, tennis shoes. When I’m just lounging around, I’m pretty casual.

Do you have any style advice for readers? It took me a while to not care about what I think people are going to think about what I’m wearing. And I know that’s so hard to grasp, but once you get that, and you’re like, ‘I’m just dressing for me. I’m not dressing for anyone else.’ I think that that’s really important. Do it for you. I think that’s the biggest thing.

- Emmy Wells SHOES $25 Target 22

UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

x julie_bastulli uweekly.com

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How to rock your jumpsuit By Emmy wells

@AndtheEMMYgoes2 a


he jumpsuit—you either love it or you hate it, but either way it’s not leaving any time soon. And it shouldn’t. It’s a one-and-done outfit, it can be worn throughout the seasons and it allows you to be comfortably chic. If you think you can’t wear a jumpsuit unless you’re 6 feet tall and 110 pounds, think again. Keep these simple styling tips in mind, and you’ll be turning heads in your jumpsuit for only the right reasons this summer.


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Make sure you’re wearing the right shoes – One style doesn’t suit all when it comes

to jumpsuits. If your jumpsuit is slim-fitting and has elastic around the ankles, you’ll want to pair it with heels. Try a wedge for the perfect height and comfort. If you’re wearing a wide-legged jumpsuit, flats or regular sandals are appropriate. Wear a jacket – If you’re a jumpsuit newbie, layering it with a jacket can make the fact that you’re wearing one a little more subtle. Choose a solid black jumpsuit – Since jumpsuits are already attention-grabbing, keep it simple with a solid black one. Plus, we all know that black flatters everyone. It’s slimming and gives you an edgy, sophisticated look. Loosey-Goosey – Loose-fitting jumpsuits allow room for movement, flatter most body types and let in some air during the summer heat. All in the fit – As always, fit is the most important aspect of choosing the right jumpsuit for your body. If you’re a looking to make your legs appear longer, a jumpsuit with wide legs will do the trick. A cinched waistline and a V-neck will elongate your frame even more. If your legs are already long, try showing them off with a tighter fitting pant style.


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June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photos by chelsea castle/uw

chop and change The history behind campus' latest restaurant


t’s a burger joint on campus unlike any other, but the building that houses it is a story in itself. The building home to The Chop Shop, located at 2159 N. High St., is truly historic. Built in 1913 as a World Theatre named Alhambra (later renamed as Roxy World Theatre between 1985-88), its legacy continued to run for 75 years until 1988 making it the longest running theatre in Columbus. The theatre featured silent movies until the 1920s, flourished during the Golden Age of Hollywood, became a porn theatre in the late 70s, and ended its career screening art, cult and indie films for the college population in the 1980s. The building was then reconstructed to become a fitness center for the college population until it transformed once again with a succession of several nightclubs, which were not very successful. On one side of the building was a barbershop, also known as the Little Barber Shop, which closed a year ago. The owners John Massmiani, Cindy Massmiani, John Kalestic and former OSU football player Alex Boone decided they were going to take over the other space to open the Chop Shop, which has an attached upstairs bar called the Tin Room. To preserve some of its historical aspects, the 100-year-old ceiling from the movie theatre was repurposed into the Tin Room as walls. John Massmiani said he decided to open the Chop Shop because he wanted a place for students to really enjoy good, quality burgers. Since he also owns the Little Bar next door, students can order from the Chop


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

Shop menu while having drinks at the Little Bar and have it delivered at their table. When asked why he chose to open a burger restaurant, he remarked that when it came to burgers, it didn't matter what one’s nationality was: everyone likes burgers. From old to young, people anywhere in the country, burgers are a classic staple that is enjoyed throughout the world. John Massmiani said he felt that there wasn’t any place on campus to get a good burger and the Chop Shop was his way of solving this need.

“Someone would always ask me where they could go for good burgers and I didn’t really know what to say to them,” John Massmiani said.

For those who prefer quality to quantity, the Chop Shop is an ideal restaurant, as they use all natural ingredients. “The animals are grass fed, they are not pumped with any hormones or antibiotics, so they pretty much live a humane life,” says Sean Bannon, Chop Shop general manager. Their veggie burger, fries and onion rings are also made in the house from scratch. And even the buns are sourced from a local bakery named Auddino’s Italian Bakery. “We tried to keep it very simple,” John Massmiani said, “because we wanted it to be specific and do a few things really well.”

-Mihir Shah b/chopshop614 uweekly.com



Inside the chop shop

f you’re a fan of Little Bar, Big Bar, or the Little Donut Shop, the minds behind them have another treat in store for you. The Chop Shop is a hip and modern burger joint that opened this spring, owned and affiliated with the same owners of LB, BB and LDS. The simple menu is evidence of the owners’ strategic decision to offer only a few items so they can really focus on the quality of each dish. You can choose from eight pre-made burgers, or build your own, enjoy fries or onion rings as a side, with salad options, craft beer and milkshakes. This tactic was something that did not go unnoticed to Tristan Van Doormaal, a neurosurgeon-finishing residency at The James Cancer Hospital. “I like the limited amount of choice. I heard that they may be expanding the menu and I don’t think they need to.” Located right at the heart of campus at 2159 N. High St., the Chop Shop is a conveniently walkable location for students. The upstairs is a dedicated bar area, called the Tin Room, and bespeaks of the polished metal of the walls and ceilings. Large windows open to allow in fresh air and span both the south and west walls of the place giving the Tin Room and outdoor-like feel. “The place seems modern and the food is good. The milkshakes keep me coming back,” said Daniel Deleandro, a graduate student in exercise science, who’s visited a couple times. The Chop Shop is open everyday between 11 a.m. until 11 p.m., and the Tin Room has happy hours on the weekdays between 4 p.m. until 7 p.m.

-Mihir Shah

Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

photo by Chris casella/614

What does your jeni's flavor say about you? By @JacobGeers a


he Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. That is surely how the entire OSU Campus is feeling with Jeni’s once again shutting their doors due to listeria. How shall we best remember them, but by gushing all over our MOST favorite flavors! But are Jeni’s flavors just flavors, or are they tiny windows into your soul?! In this piece, the clairvoyants at UWeekly (me) attempt to reveal hidden truths about yourself based on your FAVORITE flavor of Jeni’s ice cream, as we all count down the days until they are back for good! Brambleberry Crisp – Everyone knows it’s good, you know it’s good, what’s the point of trying anything else? You are careful, shy, and not very adventurous. You know how to find contentment and stick with it. Anything else is kinda scary. Brown Butter Almond Butter – You like the finer things in life. You aren’t here for just some run of the mill ice cream flavor, you are looking for the elite, the best. Sure, you might see yourself as better than the other people around you, but so what? You are. Salty Caramel – The only reason you are even at Jeni’s is because Starbucks is closed. You are #basic and #proud. Make sure to snap a pic for instagram (“Mayfair” filter recommended), and don’t get any on your Ugg Boots! Dark Chocolate – You don’t take shit. You drink your coffee hot and black, and often want to dump it on the idiots around you. You are here for ice cream, by golly, and you want it intense. Like you. Whiskey and Pecans – A fan of this flavor might wonder: “why are we even getting ice cream? SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!

photos by jon mcallister


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015




s the weather heats up, there are two things that scream, “SUMMER.” 1, booze and 2, watermelon. Put the two together in a delicious, refreshing and surprisingly boozy cocktail. Boozy Watermelon Mint Lemonade Ingredients: 1 seedless watermelon, cut into chunks ¼ cucumber, cut into chunks 1 cup fresh lemon juice ¼ cup mint leaves 2 ½ (or more, depending on your taste) cups white rum or vodka ¼ cup simple sugar 1. Blend the watermelon, cucumber and mint. 2. Add lemon juice and keep blending until it’s smooth 3. Use a sieve to strain into a pitcher. If you don’t have one, a fine colander will do. You want to get rid of the pulp and leaves. 4. Mix in the alcohol first and then the simply syrup. Mix gently and well. 5. Add lemon slices and ice. Get fancy with lemon slices and a sprig of mint for garnish.

-Emily Rudduck

What bar, club, growler spot, etc. do you want to know more about? #TellUWeekly and it could end up here!


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Neapolitan Pizza + Pint


Is there anything better than pizza and beer? Let us answer that. No. Come craft your own specialty pizza with the finest ingredients, listen to local music, and sip on a pint of craft beer. Pizza Cucinova Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $8

ZIGGY - Gay Pride Kickoff Party


If your teenage self jammed out to Hinder’s “Lips of an Angel”, this concert is the perfect opportunity for you to relive some of those angsty memories. Side note: “Lips of an Angel” came out ten years ago...we feel old.

The Columbus Gay Pride Festival is starting off with a bang this year. Rapper ZIGGY,is definitely going to bring the hype with her singles “Creepin’” and “Look Back at It.”

Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $22-25

CMH Fashion Week Launch

Bistro Night

Ethyl and Tank has decided to add some class to campus bars. Bottles of wine are $10 and they offer various chef specialties each week. This sounds like it would make a great date night for all you couples out there. Ethyl & Tank Time: 10 p.m.

This annual event aims to showcase local fashion designers and also provides scholarships for fashion design students. This year, the headliner will be announced at this fabulous launch party which is open to the public. Park Street Saloon Time: 6 p.m. | Free


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $13



Imagine Dragons


Imagine Dragons is a Grammy Award winning rock band and I would “Bet My Life” that they are going to rock your face off. “It’s Time” to buy some tickets and enjoy a night of head bobbing and belting along to their hit songs. Don’t miss out! Nationwide Arena Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: vary

Best Coast


This dynamic duo is known for combining poetry and song. They have even written songs for Michael Jackson. These ladies are sure to put on a soulful show.

Best Coast’s newest album “California Nights” reminds us of something that would be on a Friday Night Lights soundtrack. They’re upbeat and fun but still give you just the right amount of feels. The tour has been selling out so get your tickets now!

LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $33 - $48

Ladies 80’s

If you're looking for a great Girls Night Out (GNO), look no further. Skully’s promises to keep your feet movin’ with hits from the 80’s and 90’s playing all night long. Grab your girls and head on over! Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Free for ladies 21 +

Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $24.60

Which One’s Pink

Paired with Columbus College of Art and Design, Shadowbox created a show to honor rock band Pink Floyd. The show delves into the musicians lives and even highlights the relationship between their music and The Wizard of Oz. It’s awesome. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $20-25


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


The Clarks



The Clarks first got together in 1986 when they were students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They are known for their covers of the R.E.M., the Replacements, and The Rolling Stones and also their original songs. Sounds like a rockin’ time! A&R Music Bar Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15-20

The Ohio Hip Hop Awards Showcase

The Cave Singers

The Basement has been the home for up and coming bands for a decade and what better way to celebrate than with the soulful sounds of The Cave Singers? This group sounds like a mixture of The Lumineers and Mumford and Sons. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $12

Downtown Drive-In: Mean Girls

Ugly Hour

It may be called Ugly Hour, but there is nothing more beautiful than $1 drinks. Come early and get a seat on their patio and soak in the rays while soaking up the alcohol. Ugly Tuna Saloona Time: 8 p.m. | Free

You can’t sit with us! Just kidding, yes you can. This event is free for viewers without cars, just make sure you bring your own lawn chairs. BYOLC. North Market Time: 8:30 p.m. | $18 per car


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015

Each year, this event draws thousands of music industry professionals and showcases Ohio’s elite hip hop artists. Come see rappers, singers, break dancers, and more! Skully's Time: 6 p.m. | Cost: $10


Buckeye Country Superfest



Buckeye Country Superfest is the ultimate concert for country lovers in Columbus. This two day event features Blake Shelton, Rascal Flatts, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, and more. Get your truck, your daisy dukes, a case of beer, and your American flag! Ohio Stadium Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: vary

Damien Rice

The Big Phat LGBT Party

This indie musician is one of our favorites. Damien Rice has released three studio albums that will keep you swaying back and forth all night. Maybe bring some tissues. Just a suggestion. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $38.50-40


Laughs are guaranteed at this event featuring comedians Earthquake, Lil Duval, Luenell, and more. Earthquake, has had roles in TV shows such as Everybody Hates Chris. Everybody Hates Chris but everybody loves comedians. Palace Theatre Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $50-70

Join the big phat party featuring two guest DJ’s spinning tunes all night. The event is also having a “surprise guest.” Well, now we have to go. Who doesn’t love surprises? Newport Music Hall Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $15-30

Bass Jam

This event will have you dancing all night long. Local musicians like the Evan Oberla Project and Under the Sun will be bringing their jazzy funk to the stage. This night is sure to be swingin’. Skully's Time: 8 p.m. | Free


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Cirque Du Soleil: Kooza



Cirque Du Soleil is known for their out-of-this-world acrobatics and insane stunts. Kooza is a story about a “loner in search of his place in the world.” But, I mean, sometimes it’s hard to focus on a storyline when there are humans flying through the air. Under the Big Top Time: 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Tickets: vary

Beer Tasting + Timeless Films

One ticket to this event gets you three craft beer samples, one pint of your favorite, snacks, and a classic film: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The movie starts at 6 p.m.

Gateway Film Center Time: 4:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15


UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015


The Veronicas

These Australian sisters released their first album in 2005 and have since had numerous chart topping singles. Thier electro-pop music is sure to keep you on your feet. Newport Music Hall Time: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. | Tickets: $20-22




Pool Tournament

Suzi-Cue invites guests to participate in their 9 Ball Pool Tournament. An extra $1 enters you into their Break and Run Jackpot.


Third Eye Blind & Dashboard Confessional If you know anything about the 90’s/00’s, you know about Third Eye Blind and Dashboard Confessional. You don’t want to miss this!


Suzi-Cue | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5


LC Pavilion| Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $35

Columbus Clippers

Movies by Moonlight

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out with the crowd! Buy me a beer and some dime-a-dogs, I don’t care if I ever get back!

Take a night to embrace your inner child as Easton Mall shows various family friendly movies. On this particular night, “Boxtrolls” will be playing, a movie about an orphaned boy trying to save his friends from an evil exterminator.


Huntington Park | Time: 7:05 p.m. | Tickets: vary


Easton Town Center | Time: 9 p.m. | Free

Mucho Mad Mondays

Our favorite five words: all you can eat burritos. Take advantage of this awesome deal (they're $5) but make sure you don’t eat so much that you can’t walk home. Napping in restaurant booths is frowned upon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

From Autumn to Ashes

Headbangers unite! This screamo band from Long Island, NY will provide concert-goers with a night of hardcore music. But don’t moshpit too hard, guys. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mad Mex | Time: 4 p.m. | $5 burritos, $5 margs

Skully's | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15-18

Mug Night

My Morning Jacket & Floating Action

Get rid of your Monday blues with a mug or two of your favorite beer. If you’re ballin’ on a budget like most college kids, this is the place for you.

My Morning Jacket has been rocking together for 17 years and they keep getting better with age. Floating Action has a similar sound so this show is guaranteed to have a great flow.


Out R Inn | Time: 7 p.m. | $1.75-2.25 Refills


Palace Theatre | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: vary


June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015



Chemistry + Timing = True Love?


o say that I am bad at math would be the understatement of the century. When it comes to math in relationships, however, just call me Einstein. Communication + timing + chemistry = true love, pretty simple right? Well, maybe. Lately I have been thinking about dating, pretty normal. Not only have I continually fantasized about the beach I will be laying on in just a few short weeks, but I have been fantasizing about falling in love, because why not, right? It takes a lot to make a relationship work, as you’ve probably heard me say in the past. One thing I guess I never really considered was timing. I mean there is definitely a time and place for most things but I never thought falling in love should be on a timeline per say. I thought falling in love was just some magical thing that creeps up and all of a sudden without you realizing it’s just kind of there. I wouldn’t say that that is wrong. Love is certainly an unexplainable phenomenon that one day you wake up and are like holy shit I think I love

studios at 106 E 13TH

this person even if they have some weird f*ckin habits. I read a quote the other day that apparently came from “How I Met Your Mother,” which I have never seen by the way, but it went something like: “if you have chemistry you only need one other thing, timing, but timing's a real bitch.” Makes sense I suppose. At one point I thought this guy and I were going to get married and live happily ever after, but that didn’t happen and at one point I think I told him that the timing just wasn’t right. In the end it really was just we weren’t right for each other and yeah maybe I had a lot of shit going on at the time, but if we were meant to be we would have found a way to work through all the nonsense. On the other hand, however, I have recently begun dating an old friend from high school. I still wouldn’t say that the timing is right but really when is the time ever going to be right? Bryan and I were pretty close friends about five years ago and I was

2 bedrooms at

1991 N 4TH


dating some random douche-bro at the time and when we I got out of that relationship Bryan and I stopped being friends for whatever reason. A while ago he got back into contact with me and it’s been pretty great ever since. In terms of timing, five years ago when we were sophomores in college probably would have been the worst time ever to date, and now we have both been through enough bullshit and life events to really appreciate not only a good relationship, but know exactly what we want. Maybe timing was off then, so now it could be a super great thing you know? Only time will tell. (Ha, get it?) I’ve read and heard a lot of stories about relationships and I have seen a lot of relationships. I have seen couples fall apart to come back together even stronger, and maybe the timing and your SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.

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June 17, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • June 17, 2015


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