JUN 15, 2015
Cannabis 3
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
#AsSeenOnCampus @ joshreyes_
@ scientifichooligan
@ ascatosu @ hangovereasy @ osuchadwickarbor
@ joshreyes_
@ soangelasaid @ allinforis
@ cailinpittt
@ julie_bastulli
@ b_mandato
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Mirror Lake at Sunset Photo by Andrew Bruening
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Jt Blubaugh is a mighty fine man @jtblue30
@thealakhras was gorgeous in black on saturday night! As usual....
I swear in my ochem 2 recitation all I do is stare at Yousef why hasn't he noticed?! @yyacoubian
I don't think there is anyone more perfect than Anna jack I just wish I had a chance
Damn! Every time I see @carlyhogan28 I want to get my ass back in the gym so I can look as fine as her!
I've been following ohiostatelexi (now xtraxtralex) since I was a sophomore in HS. can't wait to meet her #OSU19 @xtraxtralex
Lindsey Loss is absolutely gorgeous. Plus her dogs are amazing too. I need to marry her! @Lyndsiijean 6
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Joanie Garcia is bae. Ahhhh so attractive @joaniegarcia
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
WED 7.15
Brody Ritter @brody_ritter
Just fist bumped the President of Ohio State, safe to say we are best buds now. #GoBucks @OhioState
Fall Out Boy’s newest hit “Centuries” was used as ESPN’s anthem for College Football this year and, as National Champs, we can’t forget the lyrics even if we wanted to. Also, make sure you bring some tissues for Khalifa’s hit, “See You Again.”
Quentin @qbrown_2 #OSUtips no, you are not seeing things, that is a man with a bagpipe. Except he is not a man. He is a gift. #osu19
LC Pavilion | 5:30 p.m. | Vary
FRI 7.17
Chops @ TheReal_BLamb "they live on Frambiss... Frames?" #new2osu
What goes great with hot ribs? Some cool jazz. Head over to this three day festival and try some of the best ribs from all over the country. Twenty-three fantastic BBQ teams will be competing for the title of “Best Ribs.” Try them all!
Nat @_natalieshotts This guy wearing a *ichigan shirt is getting roasted on High Street
Arena District | Time: 11 a.m. | Free
MON 5.20
Ohio State Sophomore @ OSUsophomore if you don't take a snapchat story (video) of studying in the library (with your BESTIES or alone) then it didn't really happen. #new2osu
Visit some of the top restaurants in Columbus for special prices until the July 25. Participating restaurants include Chile Verde, La Fogata, Nada, and Milestone 229. With $5,000 benefiting the Mid-Ohio Foodbank.
Geneviève Gray@Gdawggray Sure hope my roomie likes jazz #new2osu
City-wide | Time: Vary
Restaurant Week, anyone? Attn: Concert lovers
Wanna win free dinners for a week? What about a pair of tickets to every outdoor concert in 2016? We thought so! Enter to win at!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Deftones at LC Pavilion on July 28.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
the case for cannabis
A breakdown of both sides of the initiative to legalize marijuana in Ohio By LOGAN KORN
or the past year and a half, more eyes than ever have been turned towards Colorado as they legalized Marijuana for recreational use on January 1, 2014. For the first 10 months of 2014, Colorado’s department of revenue reported an earning of $41 million from taxes on the sale of marijuana alone. With the increased likelihood that you might see the same legalization of marijuana on your Ohio ballot in November, we’ve broken down the initiative thus far. Spearheading the legalization is ResponsibleOhio, an organization that has been gathering signatures to get their amendment on the ballot that would allow 10 growing sites in 10 different Ohio counties. “The bill also legalizes home grow for adults 21 years and older who can then grow up to four plants with a license,” said Faith Oltman, the spokeswoman for Responsible Ohion said. 8
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Earlier this year, the organization gathered more than 300,000 signatures, and it was at this time that Secretary of State of Ohio Jon Husted advised election officials to closely scrutinize the signatures. And ultimately, the group submitted almost 700,000 signatures.
"It's a crony scheme to line the pockets of a few wealthy investors." With a lot of support comes a lot of criticism. The Green Party of Ohio opposes the amendment on grounds that they think it would create a “state-backed cartel.” “It’s a crony scheme to line the pockets of a few wealthy investors,” said Libertarian Party of Ohio Political Director Tricia Sprankle in a statement.
“Stating that ResponsibleOhio would create a cartel is simply untrue,” Oltman said in an interview. “Having 10 grow facilities ensures that the marijuana is closely regulated. Not only will the marijuana will be regulated, but most importantly the edibles and their THC content will be closely measured and properly labeled.” There are at least three other groups in Ohio that have proposed plans to legalize marijuana that do not restrict growing sites, including Ohio Rights Group, Ohioans to End Prohibition and Responsible Ohioans for Cannabis. Recently, the Ohio Legislature has put a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot. This amendment would not allow any addition to the constitution that would create a “monopoly, oligopoly or cartel.” If this new addition to the ballot is passed, ResponsibleOhio’s amendment will automatically fail. Whether this would or would not be a 11 •
Calling all thrill seekers
relish the rest of summer with ohio amusement parks By EMILY RUDDUCK
here must be something magical about the summer heat that makes you feel like waiting for two hours to be placed into a seat barely large enough to contain you with a measly over-the-shoulder restraint that will serve as your life-saving device as you plummet at least 100-feet to the ground, only to be whipped back up, through twists and turns for only about a minute and a half. But when it’s all over you scream, “Let’s do it again!” Buckeyes are in the prime location for summer thrills. Halfway between the world renowned Cedar Point, a mix of waterparks, both indoor and outdoor, and Kings Island, an exhilarating day trip is only a couple hours away. If you’re planning a visit, here’s what to know for our amusement parks for the 2015 season. Cedar Point’s Rougarou is a new floorless rollercoaster, boasting speeds of 60 mph, a 137-foot drop, four inversions and plenty of twists and turns to challenge your digestive system. It is the first floorless rollercoaster at the legendary park and will sure to make you feel like you’re flying. Notable mentions at Cedar Point include my personal favorite, Millenium Force, still holds the top spot of one of the best steel coasters in the world. King’s Island opened Banshee last year that is expected to continue reeling in attendance for the 2015 season. 11 • photo courtesy of Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Becoming a Tinder Pro for Dudes By CAMERON RODA
et’s face it, we all use Tinder. Maybe you’re in a relationship now so you deleted the app, but anyone who’s single at least has Tinder downloaded on their phone for those drunken nights with no regrets. Tinder is a lot of fun for me because it’s 95 percent humor and 5 percent me falling in love with the cutest girl I find. When I’m hanging out with the homies, Tinder always finds a way to come up in conversation. But I realized something: guys NEVER discuss their Tinder bios to each other. Why? Two simple reasons, one because they probably have something pretty douchey in their bio that would get made fun of, and two because guys are never going to see the bios of other guys. Guys are easily the thirstier of the sexes when it comes to Tinder, So I decided “Hey! Why not make a fake Facebook account, pose as a girl and find out what dudes say to try and get some matches. I was not disappointed. First up was Adam. Judging by his picture, the dude has to be SWIMMING in matches, luckily for him Tinder keeps a count. Nothing screams ‘Swipe Right girl’ quite like taking a mirror pic in 2015 wearing a tank with a giant Tiger face on the front. Next up was Josh, who is a self-described “bartender by trade, hockey player at heart”. Josh clearly wants you to give him athlete status, but he’s 29 so what is bio is really
studios at 106 E 13TH
2 bedrooms at
1991 N 4TH
saying is “I’d be doing bigger things if coach didn’t cut me from JV in 2005”. Kick it over 22-year old Jon, who led off his bio by letting you know “I’m a virgin so I’m not looking for a hookup”. Either Jon doesn’t understand Tinder at all or doesn't watch enough TV to see 400 eHarmony commercials every day. After Jon I was blown away by Ian, whose bio is just full of power moves. His bio says “Don’t get lost in the sauce” because he wants you know he parties even though he’s only 20. He made sure to wear a Hooters shirt and throw up the hang loose sign in his pic too, so you know he’s chill and gets some pretty much whenever he wants. Finally I came across Jacob, but we’re cool so I’ll call him Jake. Jake is 19 so he’s hopping fresh onto the college scene with a bang. He wants the ladies to know about his best qualities, that’s why he left his bio blank and put up pictures of him on all the sports teams he played on in high school. (Seriously c’mon dude, you’re on the bench in two of the three pictures). Clearly Columbus girls have some talent waiting for them. On a personal note, this was way too much fun and I could have done it for hours. Don’t worry though guys, I’m done trolling. I think next week I’ll try this again, except with girls.
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
2 bedrooms at
65 W 8TH
illustration by ron horsley
townhomes at
275 E 13TH
monopolistic move is still a hot debate. But there is no debating that there could be benefits locally and statewide, bringing in a proposed more than 35,000 new jobs to Ohio and tax money. Faith goes on to explain more. “85 percent of revenue from the marijuana would go back to the community, get more safety officers, fix roads, and even improve education,” Oltman said. “Another 15 percent of the revenue would go towards marijuana research and testing.” Not only is there a chance that the legalization could improve the economy, like statistics have shown in Colorado, but it could also improve the health of the community and cut down on crime. “Legalizing marijuana would take away the black market dangers like drug dealers stealing from each other or not knowing if what you are smoking or ingesting is safe,” said Brad Berberri, OSU student and owner of the smoking accessory shop Tokables. “People are doing it anyways so you might as well have a government organization telling you its is safe.” Come November, voters will have an interesting decision to make. If you’re a voter in the state of Ohio, it’s important to stay up to date on the progress of this amendment, other proposals and know what you are voting for.
Dubbed as the world’s longest inverted rollercoaster, Banshee sends rides upside down 7 times and through a series of corkscrew twists at 68 mph. Halloween-esque music plays and a woman scream just before you’re dropped but, let’s be honest, it’s hard to tell what’s coming from the speakers and what is a fellow rider. Notable mentions include The Beast, which is still the longest wooden rollercoaster in the world. Diamondback is still an enthusiast’s favorite because of the 215-foot drop, 10 total drops and speeds of 80 mph. Coney Island is a suitable alternative to non-rollercoaster enthusiasts or if you want an amusement park for your younger siblings or the kids you babysit. It is the fifth oldest amusement park in the nation, and you can find 26 classic rides like bumper cars and paddle boats. Guests can also enjoy waterslides, live stage shows, mini golf and games. Two new rides have been added for the 2015 season; a swinging pendulum ride and kid’s bumper cards.
photo courtesy of Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
laying down the trump card By CAMERON RODA
Nails on a chalk board. Walruses making love. A nuclear detonation. These are all things I’d rather listen to than anything that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth. Had I known in 2012 that deciding to be a journalist meant three years later I would be forced to pay attention to a self-bloviating jackass, I would have chosen something like carpentry instead.
A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle Sports Editor Ryan McGlade Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella
Photographers David Heasley Jon McAllister Layout Designer Chelsea Castle Lead Designer Doug Mayfield Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz Circulation Steve Landes
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Donald Trump is divisive. He makes people want weird things like asking McDonalds to bring the McRib back permanently or wishing George W. Bush was president again. Trump isn’t just a grown up version of that douchey frat star with the unlimited bank account, he is every single one of them combined. Trump looks like he might be kind of fun actually, but that’s mainly because he looks like an inflatable pool toy that was only blown up halfway. If you tried to touch his hair, you’d find out pretty quickly that it’s just a bunch of carrot shavings that Donald glued together after he bought 20 bags of salad mix. In his latest attempt to remind people he exists, Trump decided that he was fit to become the leader of the free world. Last night I dreamt demons were going to peel off my skin and pour salt all over me, and that’s not even half as scary as the last sentence I wrote. But hey, I’m a reasonable guy. Donald wanted to try something new in life and I should be supportive right? So when his announcement began, I turned on the TV to see if Trump had finally acquired the decency of a normal human being. Nope. It took Trump less than five minutes to pump out one of the most racist remarks a “political candidate” has ever made. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best... They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Ah yes, the usual “Mexicans are drug-riddled rapists” line that every past candidate has used to win the presidency. The other 15+ Republican presidential candidates must have been instantly kicking themselves for not beating Trump to the punch with this golden remark that would have surely locked up the nomination. Luckily for those guys, they’re getting at least a reality TV show on TLC out of all of this after the election is over. As voters, we’re so blessed to have one of the smartest minds in the world as a candidate, and if you don’t believe me just take Donald’s word for it, “I went to the Wharton School of Business, I’m, like, a really smart person.” There you have it folks. Trump is just like, really smart ok? So smart that he alienated almost 1/5th of our country’s population before his campaign announcement even got started, the same ethnic group that overwhelmingly voted against Mitt Romney in 2012. Donald isn’t worried if you like him though, because he is I-N-D-EP-E-N-D-E-N-T and he can look out for himself, “I don’t need anybody’s money. It’s nice. I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using lobbyists, I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich.” BOOM. With that comment, Trump turned the GOP presidential nomination into one big dick-measuring competition, except Donald measures his with dollar bills instead of a ruler. You’ve got to give it to the man though, he is a genius. He knows nothing wins over the hearts of hard-working Americans struggling to pay the bills like smacking them in the face with your wads of cash. Keep ballin’ out Donald and just do you fam, do you.
Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler
Ryan Mann Ryan Shaw
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Brand Ambassador Kendra Schwarz Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Kyle Dawson Jenna Fisher Viv Le
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What do you think about the possibility of having legalization of marijuana on the Ohio ballot? By Lauren Every
Andre Salais
I think it should be legalized. So yes, it should be on the ballot and voters in Ohio should have a chance to move forward with legalization.
Amy Skiva
I’m actually actually a medical patient in Arizona. So, yes.
Tomer Leselias
I’m not necessarily for or against it. I don’t use marijuana myself, it’s not something I’m interested in but I think, if done properly, I think the state can benefit economically from legalization ‘cause people use it anyways but the way they acquire it isn’t through a legal means and its not taxed so we don’t benefit.
Jermaine Clarke
I think they’re doing it in the wrong year. I think next year is when the democrats will come out so I think it will be hard for them to get it passed.
Jackie DeMaagd
Yea, it’s good. I mean, I can’t speak for Ohio ... but I can speak for Ohio.
Drake Stuart
It’s good. I think it should be legal. I think most things should be legal as long as people don’t use it to hurt other people. If it’s just for yourself and whatever and it doesn’t affect other people I think people should have access to it.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
experienced engle Strong sophomore season should have positive effects for upcoming junior campaign By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a
hether it’s in academics, a career, life, relationships or even sports, experience is a vital entity to have. Hypothetically, experience should lead to success. That statement has been true for junior Clark Engle of the Ohio State men’s golf team. His freshman year consisted of a somewhat limited amount of competition, while his sophomore year featured him playing in 34 rounds and reaping the benefits from playing said rounds. As a sophomore, Engle (a @Clark_Engle11) led the team with an individual season stroke average of 72.32. He was the only Buckeye to place first in a tournament last season. His first-place finish of a 3-under 213 at the Intercollegiate at The Grove helped lead OSU to the tournament title. Leading the charge among his teammates during tournaments occurred frequently for the Springfield, Ohio native last season. Engle finished either tied for first or in sole possession of first among fellow Buckeyes in six of the 11 tournaments he played. His lowest finish among teammates was fifth at the Lone Star Invitational. Engle was no stranger to golfing with the best in the field during the 2014-15 season. In more than half of the tournaments he competed in last year, he finished sixth or better, shooting under par in five of the six. Furthermore, the junior placed in the top five among all golfers in five tournaments. Engle’s strong efforts as a sophomore led to multiple accolades. He was selected by the Golf Coaches Association of America to the Division-I PING All-Midwest Regional Team in addition to being named to the All-Big Ten Second Team. His outstanding performance at the Intercollegiate at The Grove earned him Big Ten Golfer of the Week honors as well. Now that he’s a junior, expect Engle to continue his leadership ways this upcoming season. Recently hired head coach, Jay Moseley, will likely lean on his third-year golfer to be one of the leaders for the four freshmen that joined the team this offseason. Look for Engle’s statistics to improve this upcoming season. From his freshman campaign to his sophomore campaign, multiple categories progressed for him. His season stroke average was 75.18 in his first year at OSU. His lowest score through 54 holes as a freshman was 213 compared to 207 as a sophomore. Engle improved his lowest round score by one stroke from his freshman season to his sophomore season as well. Perhaps most important, he gained more experience last season by doubling the number of rounds he played compared to his first season as a Buckeye. As the first two years of his collegiate career have indicated, Engle will likely better his numbers again during the 2015-16 season. photo courtesy of osu athletics
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
FREE AGENCY SAGA How it's shaping the next season By BRAD PIERRON @JBradleyPierron a
hat will come of the carousel that has been NBA free agency in 2015? As of late, it seems free agency has had more blockbuster decisions than ever before, and this year has been no exception. LaMarcus Aldridge met with seven teams before deciding on the San Antonio Spurs, adding an action-packed element to this July. The bizarre scenario of DeAndre Jordan (from Los Angeles to Dallas to Los Angeles again) has certainly added a touch of drama. And LeBron James re-signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers has the ever-so-familiar outlook of the superhero and his city. With all of this said, what will be the results of this great storyline? How do the plot twists affect the conclusion? Well, to begin, the Spurs are undoubtedly back as a primary contender for both the Western Conference crown as well as the NBA championship. In addition to the sensational talent that is Tim Duncan, Danny Green, Manu Ginobli and Kawhi Leonard decided to return to their “home” team, and the aforementioned acquisition of Aldridge places the proverbial cherry on top. The only loss for the Spurs was Tiago Splitter, who had to be moved to make cap room for Aldridge, but with the numerous signings, this loss does not seem to be impactful. Of course, the Warriors aren’t going anywhere, especially after locking in Draymond Green to a massive deal worth $82 million, but the Spurs are that good. Meanwhile, in the East, the Cavaliers are rebuilding their championship-contending team from last year in order to best the new-look Hawks and SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
Hight St Columbus | (614) 298-8817 FROM THE OSU STUDENT UNION
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by david heasley/uw
strike when the fire is cold
Crew CS in need of crucial points against Chicago By @BEN_FERREE a
fter a four-game unbeaten streak, Columbus Crew SC’s road troubles arose yet again. Playing last Saturday in Montreal, Crew SC was shellacked by a final score of 3-0. It was the worst performance in team history against a Canadian team. Columbus won’t have long to recover, as it has to bounce back in time for a two-game week against Eastern Conference rival Chicago Fire. Chicago is having a down year this season. Despite signing three designated players (players exempt from the salary cap) this offseason, the Fire are smoldering in last place in the East. Playing them in Chicago on Wednesday and then in Columbus on Sunday is an excellent chance for Crew SC to gain two victories, move on from the Montreal loss, and get its first road win of the MLS season. It’s a rather unique situation to play the same team twice in such a condensed time frame, and it will be interesting to see how the lineups shake out for both squads. Players will need rest from trying to play three games in eight days. Columbus should be plenty motivated to get victories in both games, as it will be looking for revenge from the last-minute equalizer Chicago scored in Columbus in the teams’ only prior meeting this season to salvage a 2-2 draw. Crew SC will also be looking to climb the wildly vacillating Eastern Conference table. Last week the team jumped up to second place, but the loss to Montreal knocked it back down to fifth. Getting the maximum amount of points from the two games against Chicago will be paramount in securing its playoff position. Crew SC head coach Gregg Berhalter seems willing to chalk up the Montreal performance to an off day, and not an example of any larger issues. “By and large, it wasn’t our night tonight,” Berhalter said after the Montreal match. “Things that would normally go in just weren’t falling for us. I think there were some decent moves, but overall [the attack] wasn’t fluid enough … everything is a lot more precise and accurate. Today we did not have that.” Columbus vs. Chicago round one will kick off at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Round two, at home, will kick off at 5 p.m. on Sunday.
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
photo courtesy of NHl images
this could be it
CBJ poised for a playoff run By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a
ast season, the Columbus Blue Jackets led the NHL with 508 man-games missed due to injuries – and were only nine points off the final spot in the playoffs. The team had the pieces for a playoff run, but unfortunate events caught up to them. Stuff happens. Knowing this, the Blue Jackets’ front office wheeled and dealed this offseason and snagged championship talent. Brandon Saad, a member of the Chicago Blackhawks team that won the Stanley Cup a month ago, was dealt to the Blue Jackets. Saad signed a six-year deal, making Columbus his home through the 202021 season. The left winger will add support – even though the Jackets gave up Artem Anisimov, Marko Dano and others in return for the 22-year-old rising star. Then again, at $6 million a year, Saad will have hefty expectations. General Manager Jarmo Kekalainen knows what he’s doing by giving Saad the whopping paycheck. He’s a proven scout, and has Dumbledore-esque wisdom when making trades and signings. As for other signings, Matt Calvert re-signed with the Jackets for three more seasons. This keeps Calvert with the team that drafted him in 2008, and allows for continued building rather than constant shipping of core players. Ryan Johansen – like Calvert – was selected by the Blue Jackets in 2010 and has stayed with the club via a re-signed contract last season. Between Calvert and Johansen, their only professional home is Columbus. The longer that stays the same, the longer Columbus can keep senior leadership in the locker room. Then again, newly crowned team captain for the Jackets, Nick Foligno, was transplanted from Ottawa. He’s been the catalyst to everything on the ice. From the hugs with Sergei Bobrovsky after wins to being a team captain at this past All-Star Game, SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
fall forward
5 local events to look forward to this autumn By JAMES GARCIA
ike all things, good or bad, summer must come to an end. But since we live in a thriving metropolis with an unstoppable pulse, the season ending only means the start of new and exciting things to do, see and experience in Columbus. It’s always good to have things to look forward to, so here are some of fall’s offerings that we’re most excited about.
50th annual Columbus Oktoberfest If ever there was a reason to get out of bed on a chilly Columbus day, it’s for more beer. The Ohio Expo Center comes alive Sept. 25-27 with all the classic German offerings, live entertainment and the promise of a good time (as long as you’re not the designated driver, of course). Oktoberfest in September? Sure, why not. If you prefer more wine in your European-themed festivals, be sure to check out the Columbus Italian Festival, which takes place Oct. 9-11 in Italian Village.
Independents’ Day Festival Get a taste of everything that makes Columbus 18
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
such a unique place to live and play with the Independents’ Day Festival Sept. 19-20. Featuring all things local, from maker creations to the street food that fuels the city’s night owls, this two-day event takes place in the artsy East Franklinton district. The event’s website boasts four stages to host local musicians, “live interactive features” and some big surprises, so keep an eye out for this celebration of our city’s creatives.
Halloween events If anyone thinks Halloween isn’t the best non-government-recognized holiday in existence, something is severely wrong with them. Valentine’s Day has nothing on this late-night gorefest. It’s the only time you’re not only allowed to act as crazy as you truly are whilst scaring innocent children, it’s actually encouraged. And there’s plenty of opportunities to get dressed up in Columbus. The annual HighBall events Oct. 23-24 in the Short North are all about the fashion. Be part of a fashion show or just stand by and see some seriously elaborate costumes while enjoying the
street party. Also keep Haunted Fest in mind. It’s the self-proclaimed Midwest “Halloween epicenter,” and it takes place Oct. 30 at the Ohio Expo Center. Get weird with it.
Ohio Craft Brew Festival Let’s skip all the fall or Halloween or geographical theme nonsense and skip right to the important part: the drinking. This is a festival that exists just to drink beer crafted in Ohio. The name really says it all. The festival is Sept. 11-12 at the North Market. Cheers!
Mirror Lake jump Nothing says winter is coming like a good ol’ fashioned case of hypothermia. Why do we do this to ourselves? Oh right ... because fuck Michigan. It doesn’t have to make sense, or be legal for that matter, it just has to happen. If the students can’t be strong enough to endure 30 seconds of pointless agony, how can we expect our players to throw a ball and tackle the enemy? The game is Nov. 28, so get your towels and immune systems ready, because our boys need us.
photo courtesy of Sara Meixer
Get fired up for The Worn Flints By JACK LYNCH
hen I arrived at Columbus’ own Psych Fest to see the release of The Worn Flints’ new album “Second Sun,” I was expecting a set of whacked-out blues tunes and some tight musicianship, but what I heard that night was something far more special. “People called us a blues trio when we first started, and I wanted to get away from that so hard,” said lead singer and guitarist Kenny Stiegele in an interview with UWeekly. Sure enough, when the Flints launched into “Second Sun’s” lead single, “Colorful Waste of Time,” I was met with a wall of dense vocal harmonies, a catchy, fuzzed-out guitar riff, and a ridiculous instrumental section featuring duelling guitar and flute solos.These were not The Worn Flints I knew— they had evolved. “‘Second Sun’ was born out of a desire to take a different alley musically,” said drummer Jacob Smith. “We had been going down the hard rock alley, and we wanted more jazz, more folk, more instrumentation.” In addition to the rock ‘n’ roll staples of guitar, bass and drums, the Flints added violin, cello, flute, saxophone and layered vocal harmonies to their sound, resulting in a collection of raw, organically full-sounding songs with a breadth of texture and an emotional depth to rival any world-class rock band. “Usually at a Flints show, it’s just me being a monkey out front,” Stiegele said. “And that’s fun and all—I like doing that, don’t get me wrong—but I wanted to highlight other musicians, and bring out some of the hidden talent in Columbus.” On the new album’s third track, “A Dance in the Mire,” violinist Liz Fisher shines through the mix, adding careful, flowing countermelodies until the song explodes into an intense, soulful saxophone solo played by Wes Clark. Clark was such a heavy influence on saxophone and flute that songs had to be rewritten after his SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
in defense of PewDiePie By @ADAMAMBRO a
o here’s something I never thought I would write about: no one should be upset about the news that broke last week of Felix Kjellberg AKA PewDiePie making $7.4 million in 2014. If anything, his success should encourage others to try and be just as enterprising as he is. Fellow gamers are all aware of PewDiePie and his series of YouTube videos. His shtick is not for all tastes, but for the preteen market, he’s huge. With over nine billion total views on YouTube, averaging over five million views an episode, PewDiePie has achieved Internet stardom. For anyone who has never watched his channel, PewDiePie makes a living by offering his “funny” commentary of video games in a series of “Let’s Play” style videos where viewers watch someone else play a video game. Strange? Yes, but the phenomenon of watching someone else play a game rather than play it themselves is more common than you’d think. The key is, for fans of PewDiePie anyway, a memorable personality and humor that drives the game play commentary. This brings us to last week, when reports surfaced of Kjellberg’s 2014 income stemming from these Let’s Play videos. Needless to say, the backlash to the news came on fast and furious. In response to this, Kjellberg took to his YouTube channel and released a video explaining his side of said news. “Money is a topic that I’ve purposely tried to avoid for the five years that I’ve been making videos,” Kjellberg said. “I just feel like it’s not important to anyone. I just want to make entertaining videos.” It’s in rare videos like these, when the PewDiePie persona is dropped, that a more humanized version of Kjellberg is revealed. One moment that stands out in the video is when Kjellberg starts to read comments he received and responds to them. One viewer’s comment of, “If only I could get paid that much for being a complete re---- in front of a webcam and generate a few million views…” is met with a kindhearted response. “I think that’s what is cool about YouTube, that anyone could technically do it,” Kjellberg said. “Surely, if I didn’t exist, there’d be someone to fill my place.” Then Kjellberg actually encourages the commenter to try the whole YouTube thing out because maybe that commenter could also strike YouTube gold. The point here is that no matter one’s personal views on the (decidedly obnoxious) videos Kjellberg makes as PewDiePie, we should all support anyone willing to put himself or herself out there to the public like he does.
apps of the week: Calculate grades, store files, browse bloggers Grade Calculator, iOS and Android Here’s a basic to use app that will allow you to calculate what grade you’re going to need to get on that final exam in order to pass with at least a C– for the semester.
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Cloud Hub, iOS Cloud Hub is a document reader and manager for iOS platform. It allows users to download or upload files from clouds services like Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Drive and iCloud. Manage all local files stored in the app; move, copy, delete and create directories, and view the content of the most common file types like PDF, PNG, JPG, MP4, iWork and MS Office.
Medium, Android Medium made its name online as a new platform for writers. It’s an Android app aimed at being a simple way to browse the bloggers you follow as well as discover articles from the wider Medium community, while also publishing your own work.
oh, the suspense
Top 4 thrilling shows to binge By LAUREN EVERY
ummer is the perfect opportunity to relax and binge on your favorite shows streaming online, especially with the rainy weather we’ve been having lately. Ohio weather, man. But instead of watching the popular binge-worthy shows like Orange is the New Black, Friday Night Lights or my guilty pleasure, Bob’s Burgers, you might want to try something new. Something suspenseful. I know you’re on the edge of your seat right now so without further ado, here are the best suspenseful documentaries and TV series you should watch this summer.
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst, HBO – This six part series premiered in February and will have you hooked during the creepy intro. For a little background, Robert Durst’s wife disappeared in 1982, his good friend Susan Berman was murdered in 2000, and Durst was convicted of killing and dismembering his neighbor Morris Black in 2001. Durst spent a few years in jail and then headed back into the free world until he was ap-
proached by filmmaker Andrew Jarecki. Without giving anything away, let me just mention that Durst is again on trial for the murder of Susan Berman. He was arrested the night before the final episode aired. No coincidence there, guys.
The Fall, Netflix – This thriller of a series looks at the relationship between a serial killer and the detective that is hunting him. The pursuit of a victim and the pursuit of a killer become strangely parallel throughout the three-season show. Stella Gibson, the detective, narrows the search down to a single subject early on and so begins the “catch me if you can” suspense. The build-up in this show is too good to ignore and will have you watching for hours. Dear Zachary: A letter to a Son about His Father, Netflix – Dear Zachary is a different kind of suspense. The kind of suspense that pulls
so many heart strings you don’t have any left. This touching and disturbing documentary chronicles the life of funny guy Andrew Bagby and was written, produced and directed by his best friend Kurt Kuenne. Kuenne originally meant for the film to be shown only to friends and family but as real-life events began to unfold, he decided to release the film to the public. This is definitely the most suspenseful and heart-drops-out-of-chest-whenyou-find-out-what-happens documentaries we’ve ever seen.
Top of the Lake, Netflix – After a pregnant 12-year-old is believed to have killed herself by walking into a freezing lake (sounds crazy already, right?), detective Robin Griffin is assigned to the case. Robin discovers some secrets in the town SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
EVA YANG High fashion isn’t on Eva Yang’s mind when she chooses her outfit for the day. To her, feeling good in what she’s wearing is the most important aspect of personal style. Having moved to America from China, her style is a fusion of Asian and American fashion. She enjoys mixing the signature cutesy, floral designs of Asian pieces with edgier, more basic American pieces to create an eclectic wardrobe.
How would you describe your style? I really like basic styles, and I like mixing things up sometimes, you know. Because I’m Asian, so sometimes the sizes don’t really fit for me. So I sometimes wear Asian clothes, like from Japan, from Korea. But I really like American styles … So I kind of like different kinds of styles.
Why is fashion important to you?
shirt $30 American Apparel
I think just dressing yourself up can have a really positive effect on you. It’s the attitude you show to people. So just being beautiful is really good.
Have you always cared about fashion? It’s hard to say, because I don’t know whether I care about fashion … if I go shopping, I will match different clothes, and on Instagram I will follow people who dress the best. I don’t really go through fashion magazines or follow bloggers.
Why are clothes important to you? bag $1,500 Chloe
shorts $50 American Apparel
I think everybody wants to be cute. And it’s really nice to hear people say, ‘I like your dress,’ or ‘I like your outfit.’ I think it’s your way of expressing yourself … It’s another way of saying who you are.
Who or what inspires your style? I think I keep learning from people around me … Also, I follow people on Instagram, where they have really beautiful outfits and “#ootd…” things like that.
Do you have any style advice for readers? Whatever you’re wearing is what you’re going to say about yourself. And sometimes, less is more. You can be basic, but you need to have a good match.
SHOES $59 Zara
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
- Emmy Wells
SUMMER-PROOF YOUR HAIR earlybird special
things to throw out this instant By JACOB GEERS
lrighty fellas, we are about two months away from classes starting again and it is time to spruce up.
1. Old high school spirit wear – Guys, it’s time. I know we all look back fondly on our old high school days from time to time, but these things just have to go. Your primary association shouldn’t be with your high school anymore, and wearing these things is probably just sheer laziness. At the very least, replace your old worn-out stuff with some OSU swag, or even better, fill it up with some button-downs and classier clothing. 2. Other college’s spirit wear – This should go without saying, but ditch your clothes that boast logos from other colleges. You are a Buckeye, and there’s really no good reason to be wearing stuff from another university. I feel like I see it everyday and I am like WTF. It’s not like their stuff is even exceptionally cool or fashionable. 3. Cargo shorts/khakis – NO. Just toss them, please. These things are very poorly fitting and will always appear baggy and juvenile. Trade them in for a pair of flat-front shorts or slim chinos that will give a far more sophisticated look. 4. Knee-high athletic socks – These are 100 percent fine for going to the gym and athletics, but DEF not for going to class or going out. The fad of having black Nike socks up to your knees has died, been resurrected, and thankfully killed again. If you want to wear high socks, invest in some nice dress socks and dress shoes. You’ll be the classiest MoFo in your O-Chem lecture. 5. Super baggy jeans – Treat yo’self and invest in some slim or form-fitting jeans. It can be easy to stay with the “reliable” bootcut or loose jeans you bought four years ago, but that fad is gone, and it isn’t doing you any more favors.
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July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
desserts at home, party of one
have a big sweet-tooth at times, but since I live by myself, it never seems logical to make a whole pan of brownies or an entire batch of cookies. I also feel too guilty to buy a quart of ice cream, because there is no question that I’ll eat the entire container. The following recipes are the perfect solution to making dessert.
crisp & cool in a cinch Three summer drinks to cool off and start your day
ired of drinking coffee every single morning? It’s time to give the caffeine a break and welcome your body to the world of antioxidant drinks. Here are three summer beverages that you can prepare at home, which will make you forget about coffee.
Watermelon Cooler Slushy Slushy. Fruity. Tasty! This iced beverage is worth including in your sweaty summer day and makes five cups. Here’s what you need: 1 quart seedless cubed watermelons, a quarter cup of white or brown sugar, a third cup of lime juice, a dash of salt, and a dozen ice cubes. Place the watermelon and ice in a blender. Add some lime juice, salt, and sugar. Blend the mixture until it is consistently smooth. Serve in a glass topped with a slice of watermelon and let it tease you.
Orange Snowman It’s orange. It’s slushy. It’s a summer retreat. Say hello to orange snowman and let him keep your day cool with four servings of joy. You will need: 1 can of frozen orange juice concentrate, a half cup each of milk, water and sugar, a half teaspoon of vanilla extract, and about 16 ice cubes. 24
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Mix the OJ concentrate, milk, water, sugar, vanilla extract and ice in a smoothie maker and blend until it is smooth. Pour in a glass with a slice of orange to top it off. Your snowman is ready to drink and he will remind you of the winter snow.
Mexican Strawberry Water a.k.a. Agua de Fresa This popular Mexican beverage is ready to greet you in the Midwest heat. You will need, a quart of sliced strawberries, a cup of white sugar, eight cups of iced water, one lime cut into 8 wedge slices and 8-10 fresh mint sprigs. In a bowl mix the sliced strawberries, sugar, and a cup of water. Cover the bowl and place in the fridge for 4 hours. Next, remove the bowl; add contents in a blender and blend until smooth. Strain the berry mixture using a wire mesh or a coffee filter in a large bowl, and dispose pulp and seeds. Finally, add seven cups of water in the mixture and place it in the fridge for several hours, or just add some ice. Serve in a glass garnished with some lime slices and mint leaves. As always, decorate the glass with slices of strawberry and lime, and enjoy up to 10 servings.
-Mihir Shah
One-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream 1. Peel a few ripe bananas (the more bananas, the more ice cream) 2. Slice them into chunks 3. Pop them in the freezer for several hours 4. Remove them from the freezer and blend them in a blender or food processor • Add milk to the blender if necessary • You can mash them with a whisk if you want it chunkier 5. Enjoy your smooth, creamy banana ice cream Microwavable Mug Brownies Ingredients: • ¼ cup flour • ¼ cup sugar • ¼ cup water • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 2 drops vanilla extract • 2 tablespoons cocoa Directions 1. Combine flour, sugar and cocoa in a microwave-safe mug 2. Add oil, water and vanilla to mug 3. Stir until smooth 4. Microwave for about 1 ½ minutes (you may need to experiment with your microwave) 5. Top off with some whipped cream, ice cream or just enjoy it plain
- Mackenzie Barney
Mobile cupcakes prove to be a
Ethnic explorations
Bamboo cafe
raving for Vietnamese or Thai food that won’t break the bank? Bamboo Café is the right place to be… Located on 774 Bethel Rd, Bamboo Café specializes in Vietnamese and Thai cuisine. Nestled inside a strip mall, the restaurant didn’t look like much from the outside, but the interiors will surprise you. The walls are tastefully covered with large bamboo rugs, with one wall ornamented with evenly spaced bamboo ladders and the other wall embellished with an overhanging thatched roof, supported by bamboo wood. Although the restaurant is small with 9 dining tables, they made good use of the space and kept it tidy. It has a Zen like feel, giving the overall atmosphere a relaxing feel. The meticulous cleanliness of this place is beyond 5 stars. I wouldn’t be surprised if the manager of this restaurant has OCD, but she does an impressive job promoting a hygienic environment. Even the chefs in the kitchen wear facemasks and hairnets while cooking. I made an accidental discovery of this place with my girlfriend and everything we ordered was great. While reading through the menu, we were surprised to see many of their entrée prices in the $10 price range with the most expensive dishes topping at $15 and usually involving seafood. Comparable restaurants, such as Basil and Nida’s in the Short North usually offer similar dishes around $14 with the most expensive dishes topping off at $19. We ended up ordering crispy egg rolls, a seafood stir-fry dish and spicy string bean chicken. For someone who is not used to eating spicy food, you might want to request the waiter to go easy on the hotness because, when you say “ hot”, they make it extremely fiery. Eating the string bean chicken made my tongue feel like it was on fire, although the delicious flavor made me keep coming back for more. I ordered a Vietnamese iced coffee to temper the heat on my tongue and was surprised to find it was very authentic. The taste of sweetened condensed mild infused with strong coffee served over ice kicks Star Bucks right in the behind. Next time you want some quality Vietnamese and Thai food, head over to Bamboo Café.
-Mihir Shah
What bar, club, growler spot, etc. do you want to know more about? #TellUWeekly & it could end up here!
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!
photos by jon mcallister
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Fall Out Boy & Wiz Khalifa
Fall Out Boy’s newest hit “Centuries” was used as ESPN’s anthem for College Football this year and, as National Champs, we can’t forget the lyrics even if we wanted to. Also, make sure you bring some tissues for Khalifa’s hit, “See You Again.”
LC Pavilion Time: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Randy Rogers
SoundOff After Party
Come join DJ Lance from CD102.5’s The Remix and get your groove on all night long. It is hump day, after all. You deserve a night out.
With four studio albums and seven hit singles, Randy Rogers is a band you don’t want to miss. Joined by Wade Bowen, the two are sure to sing their new collaborative single, “Standards.”
A & R Music Bar Time: 10 p.m. | Free
Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $18-20
Warm Enough
Hashtag Comedy
If you’re looking for something that makes you tilt your head and squint your eyes in interest, look no further. This gallery, which is open from the 1417, is a performance “which liquefies, solidifies, and vaporizes.” Hopkins Hall Gallery Time: 11 a.m. | Free
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Hashtag Comedy consists of a group of improv comedians who perform different scenes throughout the night. You’re guaranteed to see something new and hilarious no matter how many times you go. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5
Neon Trees
This Utah rock band originally gained fame after opening for the Killers in 2008. Since then, they’ve had various hits such as “Animal,” “Everybody Talks,” and “1983.” You don’t want to miss this! Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $25
Shawn Mendes
This rock band is straight out of the 80’s with their big hair and glam style. Accompanied by Columbus’s own Roxy Mae, this show is sure to transport you back to prime of hard metal rock n’ roll.
This 16 year old singer from Canada is reminiscent of young Justin Bieber. His hits “Something Big” and “Life of the Party” are catchy and fun. His talent is promising and we’re hoping he avoids the J Beib path at all costs.
O'Sheckys Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15
LC Pavilion Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $51.60
Blues Traveler
Best known for their 90’s hit, “RunAround,” this improvisational band is sure to put on a great show. A mix of cover songs and their own hits will keep you on your feet. Running ACES Harness Park Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
This indie rock band from Chicago made their debut on David Letterman last year after releasing their third studio album, “Orphan.” Unfortunately, they’re taking a break after their summer tour. AKA better see them now before you miss your chance forever. Rhumba Cafe Time: 9:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Better known as Young Jeezy, this hip hop artist is a former member of Boyz in da Hood. His hit “Soul Survivor” became a top ten hit in the US and he was also featured in Usher’s hit “Love in this Club.” The Xclusive Venue Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $35
This night of electronic techno music this night is sure to be a huge technicolor rave. Moonwalker will be joined by DJs Aaron, Tron, and Maytrix. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $10-$14
Sage Francis
Last year, this event welcomed over 3,500 people and over 50 dishes from various Columbus restaurants. And everything is affordable, from $1-7 for each dish. OfficeScape Coporate Center Time: 5:30 p.m. | Tickets: $2
The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $15-17
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
What goes great with hot ribs? Some cool jazz. Head over to this three day festival and try some of the best ribs from all over the country. Twenty-three fantastic BBQ teams will be competing for the title of “Best Ribs.” Try them all! Arena District Time: 11 a.m. | Free
Taste of Worthington
Paul “Sage” Francis is known for his amazing spoken word poetry in his hip hop based music. He first began performing at the age of 12 and his words cut deep.
Jazz and Rib Fest
NC4K Heart of Gold Fashion Show
Nellie’s Catwalk for Kids annual fashion show benefits childhood cancer. Children and families who are currently battling the disease to strut their stuff on the runway. This is a wonderful cause and it usually sells out so get your tickets fast! Convention Center Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Fly Golden Eagle
Nashville natives, Fly Golden Eagle has a twangy rock sound that you can tap along to. Also, they have really nice hair. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10-12
Gin Blossoms
This 90’s band was first noticed after they released their hit single “Hey Jealousy.” After a brief breakup, the band got back together in 2002 and has released two albums since. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $30.60
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Columbus Crew
If you’ve been craving some soccer ever since the USA Women’s National Team won the world cup, now’s your chance to satisfy that craving. I believe that we will win! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAPFRE Stadium | Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Franklin County Fair
Who doesn’t love a good summer fair? Get your elephant ears and freshly squeezed lemonade and pet some animals. The fair is also welcoming championship boxing on the 25th and a demolition derby. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Restaurant Week
Visit some of the top restaurants in Columbus for special prices until the July 25. Participating restaurants include Chile Verde, La Fogata, Nada, and Milestone 229. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Various Restaurants | Time: 5 p.m. | Prices Vary
Happy Hour
Monday Funday! Ethyl and Tank offers half off all drinks until 9 p.m. and they’ve introduced a self serve hot dog bar starting at 5 p.m. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free
Franklin County Fairgrounds | Time: 9 a.m. | Tickets: $6
Ringo Deathstarr
If Lana Del Rey and an electric guitar had a baby, it would be Ringo Deathstarr. Their hard hitting but dreaming songs will have you hooked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rumba Cafe | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Move Live
Brother and sister dancing duo, Derek and Julianne Hough, have put their talents on tour. This musical and dancing show is a fun one and will have you wishing you didn’t stop taking ballet after elementary school. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Palace Theatre | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
First Aid Kit
After gaining a following on YouTube, this Swedish indie duo have achieved global attention. Their catchy harmonies and soft country sounds even won them a nomination for a Brit Award as Best International Group. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Columbus Clippers
If there’s anything better than baseball on a summer night, it’s a hotdog for a dime. It’s time to empty out all that change you have in your car’s cup holder and put them to good use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Huntington Park | Time: 7:05 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Wine and Psychic Night
Wondering if your relationship is going anywhere? Or if you’ll get that job you applied for? Come find out by spending some time with psychic Debé. We’re not sure if we believe in psychics but we do believe in wine.
Camelot Cellars Winery | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15
The Admirables
This funky R&B pop band will have you groovin all night long. It’s like really good elevator music that makes you want to dance and hit all the floors so you can listen longer.
Brothers Drake Meadery | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
Nerd Night
If you’re a self proclaimed nerd, it’s your time to shine. Every Monday, Ruby Tuesday offers a night with a different nerdy theme. Make some new friends and let your nerd flag fly! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ruby Tuesday| Time: 9 p.m. | Free
A.A. Bondy
This Alabama native will impress you with his one-man-band-esque sound. A.A. Bondy sticks to the simple things: his vocals, his guitar, and his harmonica. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Basement | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $12
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end up with Alzheimer's. Ok, that might HARD be a little dark and dramatic. Just saying, there's nothing wrong with being the teacher's pet.
videos before noon. Sure, cat videos are hilarious but watching them is a symptom of a bigger problem: laziness.
# 60
Sagittarius: Stop and think before you speak, Sagittarius. That might Virgo: If you can't say anything sound like a foreign concept to Gemini: Let your light shine, nice don't say anything at all,Virgo. you but a filter from your brain to your Gemini. Don't ever dull yourself The same rules apply on Facebook. Just like a nice photo and move on. mouth can actually prove to be quite down because other people # 60 27 65 48 71 4 3 6# 58 9 2 7 1 9# 60 6 4 31 56 22 87 9 5 4# 59 8 9 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 7 5 6 3 4 2 8 1 get bogged down in political fights useful. Next time you're rambling on, can't handle you at your brightest. Maybe 3Don't 89 23 94 55 6 2 1 7 8 3 5 4 8 2 13 78 69 92 4 6 5 1 7 5 7 6 8 9 2 3 1 4 1 3 8 2 7 5 6 4 9 if what you're saying is providing those 71 82 36 1jerks 7 8 9 will 3 5 just 4 8have 6 2 to 9 5wear 77 35 1sun4 43 8 1 9 6 in2 the 4 2comments 8 3 1 7 5 of 9 6somebody's meme. 2 6 4 1 9 8 question 3 7 5 95 19 52 24at7 night 6 8 1so 3 they 5 9 can, 7 4 8so29they 14 38 6can 1 5 2 6 7There's 3 3 8 nothing 7 9 2 5 worse 4 6 1 than getting 5 riled 9 1 8 6 2 anything 7 3 4 glasses of value. Save shouting out non 5 3 9 4 8 7 3 8 9 1 5 2 6 6 2 8 3 1 9 6 4 1 5 3 7 9 7 4 8 2 5 6 5 1 7 8 4 2 3 9 3 4 6 7 5 1 9 2 8 watch you be your best and shine. up at a photo with six words on it; don't sequesters until you're trying to end a 18 76 61 43 2 5 7 4 9 1 4 3 7 6 55 92 87 26 3 8 1 4 9 2 4 9 1 6 3 8 7 5 7 8 2 9 4 3 1 5 6 32 58 19 86 5 7 4 3 1 4 8 5 1 9 62 27 75 34 1 9 3 8waste 6 1 3your 5 6 time. 4 8 9 2 7 6 5 3 4 1 7 family 8 9 2 fight.
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24 Jul 05
Capricorn: It's time for a friend purge, Capricorn. Don't waste your time with wishy washy friends that are never there for you. It's better to have a couple besties that you know you can depend on then a plethora of flaky fake friends.You don't have to get rid of them like in the movie The Purge. Just say a silent goodbye and avoid murder. Aquarius:You could use a detox, Aquarius. Nothing too extreme, just cut out carbs, soda and alcohol for a week. Ok, maybe just a few days. Alright, let's get real. Just do your best today, Ok Aquarius? Pisces: This week, you will face a new beginning you weren't expecting, Pisces. Sometimes, what we think is the end of a chapter is really only the beginning of the next. The book always keeps you turning and guessing what's on the next page. That is, until you reach the final chapter.
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
exploring dangerous and wet territory
t’s time to turn things up a notch. Let’s get hot, steamy, and very wet. Dry land is fun—but it’s getting old—a great sex life needs a variety of sceneries. We all know college kids aren’t the cleanest, so clean your tub! There is nothing hot about mildew. Also, don’t half-ass clean. You want a sterile area where you and -your lover are comfortable. Trust me on this. I’m trying to minimize the amount of hazards having sex in the shower presents. If you want this to go smoothly and be fun for the both of you—clean! A spotless shower with a few candles (if you’re into that) can create a relaxing and sensuous ambience. If you have terrible luck, now is not the time to take any chances. This may be your first time having sex in the shower, so take one step at a time (literally and figuratively). It’s slippery in the shower so be careful of footing! Falling on your ass will be far from sexy and leave you mortified. Also, putting on the whole shebang might scare your guy away if things aren’t serious. The same goes for girls, gentleman! This may sound intimidating but it’s really simple; your thoughts will be on sex but still be mindful! In regards to guys, ladies, I hope you’re hooking up with gents who know how to take control. There are two popular positions, both of which have the guy doing all the thrusting: standing doggy and leg lift. To do standing doggy, bend over while he comes in from behind. Lay your hands on the edge
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015
of the tub or the wall of the shower with knees bent and derrière up. Leg lift is great if you rather have a position facing your partner. You can wrap your left leg around him or hang it over his elbow. If you’re a “bad bitch” who’s teaching him a thing or two, let him know to hold (or caress) you with one hand and keep his balance with the other. I’ve, also, tried the hanging garden in the shower, which is a dangerous position because we could’ve easily lost our balance. Though, if you’re a pro (*flips hair*) you’re always trying new things. If this is definitely a new thing for you, have fun and be cautious! Remember the first time you had sex? It was probably really unromantic, awkward, and slightly painful. While sex in the shower isn’t guaranteed to go perfectly if you’ve never tried it before, roll with the punches. Try again and again until it’s as easy as sex in bed. Also, this is a great time and place for foreplay and oral activities. If this is all too much, then play around in the shower and take it to the bedroom after. The goal is to mix things up and adds some excitement to your sex lives! Now, go get clean and dirty. Love, Stella
July 15, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • July 15, 2015