UWeekly 7.22.15

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JULY 22, 2015







UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @ coverphoto

@ kasuallife @ ohiostatemed

@ alexantonetz

@ alexantonetz @ rachow_lejeune

@ osuchadwickarboretum @ emilymaestevens


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015



Wiz Khalifa at LC Pavilion Photo by Chris Casella


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

Jackie Leonti is so adorable! I am in love!!

Bri Neitzel and Malorie Baldazo let me take one or both of you out #perfection

still trying to get @tala_kayy to notice me

I'm in love with@missyraej

shhh... don't spill the beans @lexandrecabello, it has been you for quite a while now

Sean Melton is such a babe @MeltonSean

Took a vacation and back in the US. @jenna_karajeh is still beautiful and furious


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

brandon sinram on the tv in the union... dressed to the nines but you're def a 10 my lord

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




THURS 7.23

Katie Stumpp @KatieStumpp


Just asked a coworker & a student athlete "shouldn't you be at the Espy's?" .. & was still weirded out by my own question #OnlyAtOhioState

CD102.5 will be hosting a three day festival full of music. On this first day, come out and see Cake, most known for their song “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”, and stay for Matt & Kim, Bear Hands, Glass Animals, and Civil Twilight.

Tyler Holland @BigTcheer If Ohio State was in the SEC we would win it


LC Pavilion | 3:30 p.m. | $39.50

MON 7.27

Jane Lankes @ JaneLankes Also, I went all the way to New Zealand to sit next to an Ohio State alum on my flight back to LA #howfirmthyfriendship


Singer/songwriter Eric Hutchinson recorded and released his own album which peaked at number 5 on the iTunes store. He’s best known for his songs “Rock n’ Roll” and “Ok, It’s Alright With Me.”

Maddie Shively @Maaddddiiieee Just saw an M4, C63 AMG, and a Lambo racing around campus #OnlyAtOhioState


Newport | 7 p.m. | Vary

TUES 5.28

Xavier Moore @ X_Moore27 Proud to say that I have officially committed to Ohio State to continue my baseball career and education


Too’s only has so much time left on campus which means you only have so much time left to enjoy the specials on Too’s Day. Domestic bottles are $1 and if someone asks you to do a tidal wave shot, say no.

lisa frank @badgirl_tritri Lanyards are used to assert dominance. The more lanyards you wear the more powerful you are #osutips #new2osu


Too's | All night | $2 cover after 10 p.m.

Giveaways! Bier bitte!

Free movie, anyone?

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will win a $25 gift card to Hofbrauhaus!


#TellUWeekly why you should win, and one will win a pair of tickets to see Paper Towns at the Gateway Film Center!


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



the struggle is real

photo by jon mcallister

Problems only Ohio State students have in the summer By @CAMERONRODA a


very year in early May, finals come to a slow close and students are quick to vacate campus. As the Buckeyes empty out of the city en route to new internships or their last summer at home, campus becomes a shadow of its formerly robust self. Empty are the cement paths of The Oval, the green grass devoid of students attempting to shed their pasty Ohio complexions for something more likely to make people ask if they’re from Florida. High Street, a thoroughfare so routinely busy that Frogger saw it once and said “Nah,” becomes a cement meadow where kids surely would gather for a game of baseball if they weren’t drinking their days away (or working). But beyond its looks, campus’ annual transformation extends to the lives of the students who stick around through the summer. Whether you’re working or just taking summer classes, changes on 8

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

and around campus mean some of the luxuries we take for granted during the school year disappear when summertime hits. So what are the biggest problems OSU students face during Columbus’ hottest months?

"It's like OSU is charging you NOT to

take classes in the summer."

Remember all those perks you got with your BuckID? You know like COTA bus access, DTix or going to the RPAC? Well unless you’re taking two or more summer classes, you can forget about those. uweekly.com

No doubt plenty of students have cars, but for those who use the COTA bus system as a primary way of getting around Columbus, they’ll have to shell out $62 for a summer-long student pass. Guess what, your favorite artist is coming to the LC in three weeks! Too bad you can’t get a discount because DTix doesn’t give them to students that aren’t enrolled in summer courses. And if you were thinking about working out at the RPAC, you’re going to need to pay $82 for a summer pass. These prices are the same whether you’re enrolled for the fall semester or not. Basically it’s like OSU is charging you NOT to take classes in the summer. But even if you don’t use COTA buses or aren’t interested in working out, summertime on campus can still have its problems. Columbus gets insatiably hot in the summer sun, yet we have no real body of water to share it with. Northeast Ohioans 11 •


reasons why family trips are better in college By LAUREN EVERY


rowing up, I remember always looking forward to summertime for so many reasons. No school, spending all day at the local pool with my friends, eating a minimum of five freeze pops a day and, of course, family vacation. Although some things have changed (school never stops, I have a job now and I eat a minimum of 7 freeze pops a day), I look forward to family vacation even more at 22 than when I was 6, went to Disney World and got to buy a new Barbie for the plane ride. Why? Well, let me tell you.

1. Free food – The biggest perk of going on a family vacation is that your family will most likely pay for most/all of your food. I don’t know about you but living on a college budget means I don’t go out to eat very often and when I do it’s at Pizza by the Slice on my way back from the bars so that doesn’t really count. Treat yo’self/let your family treat yo’self. Splurge on that side salad. And the lemonade. After all, this only happens once a year

at most. Just remember to thank mom and dad after you come out of your food coma.

2. Drinking with the fam – Remember when you were in high school and you had to hide four lokos in your closet because you weren’t old enough to drink? Okay, maybe that was just me. Either way, you’re now in college and, even if you haven’t told them, your parents have probably inferred that you’ve tasted alcohol and they’re okay with that because you’re not a kid anymore. If you’re lucky, your parents will ask you to join them by the swim up bar and they’ll order you a second of whatever they’re having. Speaking from personal experience, I went on a family vacation a month ago and my dad bought six bottles of wine for our hotel room for him and I to share. We were only there for 5 days.

3. Mom and dad are cool again – Unlike your teenage bratty self, you’ve 11 •


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


tinder pro tips for the ladies By @CAMERONRODA a


ast week I had the opportunity to see first-hand how dudes present themselves to girls in their Tinder bios, one of my funniest journalistic endeavors to date. I laughed so much it was borderline an ab workout, but this week I was given the chance to flip the script and put the girls of Tinder on blast this time. Ladies I gave you a week’s notice okay? You had the opportunity to get rid of the embarrassing stuff, hopefully you took my warning. First girl that popped up for my Tinder experiment was Amanda: she’s 25 and drinking a milkshake in her picture so she starts off strong, but then her bio kills any chance at some matches. She starts off by letting us know she’s a “professional puppy snuggler”, which is harmless sure, but also the least original thing someone could say because literally everyone in the world loves snuggling with puppies. Hell I’ll take a puppy over a girlfriend any day (maybe I’m using the wrong Tinder then?). Amanda ends her bio by letting prospective guys know that she expects them to run slower than her in the event of an alligator attack, ensuring her survival. Uh yeah, nice fucking try Amanda (swipes left). Next up was Layla, who clearly knows nothing about men because she took the time to write a paragraph in her bio. If there’s one thing to know about guys Layla, it’s that their attention span is good for about two sentences max. That means all that stuff you wrote out about your two cars and your apartment was probably only read by one guy: me. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.



UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


•8 can at least find some section of Lake Erie to relax at in the summer

that doesn’t look like a nuclear waste dump, but unless you plan on spending time in Alum Creek’s E. coli-ridden lake, you’re going to have to drive pretty far from Columbus to find a nice beach. Unfortunately for those of you who are repulsed by the idea of working out, the summer months in Columbus don’t really give you many excuses not to. Even if you don’t pay for a summer RPAC pass, the warm sun and empty campus mean you can get a workout in just about anywhere. And because summer classes aren’t anywhere near as difficult as fall/spring semester classes, the only person who’s going to buy your excuses is the person in the mirror. Compared to the school year, weekend nights at bars around campus are actually pretty enjoyable. Open patios and less students mean more space to enjoy yourself, but what about those weekdays where you just want to be an alcoholic for the night? Thursday is probably your night then, because Monday through Wednesday nights are so dead that you’ll find yourself feeling more like the resident alcoholic at your hometown bar than a kid just doing college stuff. If you decide to go out to get hammered with your mates and that late-night hunger creeps into your stomach, guess what? CANE’S CLOSES AT 7 p.m. (Sorry, but that’s so ridiculous it needed caps.) And that’s pretty much the moment where you realize that summer on campus is a bit like seeing that ex you’ve been hoping to get back with for the past year and realizing they’re dating someone way hotter than you. But don’t worry, because street sweeping is there to make sure your fun summer Thursday nights turn into miserable, $200 Friday mornings. Hope you’re not late for work now! Thanks, Columbus.

•9 now realized that mom and dad are in fact not the worst humans in the world. They’re actually pretty cool most of the time. You no longer have to worry about going to the beach and moving your towel at least 5 feet away just in case you see a cute guy/girl walking your way because parents are, like, so embarrassing. Who cares anymore?

4. Go with the flow – Don’t worry about planning because your family has done that for you. They know what you’re interested in and they’ll do some research and figure out what activities would be fun for the whole family. All you have to do is say ‘okay’ and walk out the door. Sounds pretty simple to me. 5. You’re genuinely happy to see them – Family vacations used to seem like a drag at times only because you saw your family every single day. Going from living in the same house to living in one hotel room could be a little too much family time. Now that you’re in college, you only see them every once in a while which makes this time spent together special. Not saying you won’t get sick of them at some point during the trip, but it’s nothing like it used to be. 6. A break from your decrepit campus housing – Living in my parents house, I didn’t appreciate hotel life as much as I do now. However, after experiencing less than adequate campus housing, hotels on family vacations seem like heaven. Especially the cleaning service. I want that. So, next time mom calls you up and asks what week you’re free, keep these perks in mind, have a blast and eat all the food.


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


why radio > everything else By ASHLEY WILKINSON


s college kids, we constantly have music around us. We listen to it when we study, walk to class and drive. It is everywhere we go. Restaurants play music, bars play music - all for the sole purpose of keeping people happy and relaxed (or pumped up in certain situations).

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle Sports Editor Ryan McGlade Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella

Photographers David Heasley Jon McAllister Layout Designer Chelsea Castle Lead Designer Doug Mayfield Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz Circulation Steve Landes


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


The music industry has drastically transformed over the years, making it possible to listen to music pretty much anywhere and everywhere through iPods, iPhones or streaming. With all the new ways of listening to music, it seems as if we forget about the one amazing music outlet that most of us grew up with: the radio. Why should we listen to the radio when we have new technology constantly emerging in the music industry? First and foremost, without the introduction to radio, we may not have figured out how to make televisions or even cell phones work. Can you imagine how difficult life would be without those devices in today’s technology-driven society? Radio also gives the music world many options. You can select different stations depending on your genre preference, whether it be rock, pop or country. Not only do radio DJs play specific genres for a station, but they also introduce people to new music. Radio isn’t a boring playlist that auto replays like an iPod does; an average radio station (excluding top 40 stations) probably plays around 100 to 200 different songs a day. What about Pandora? Pandora seems to be a very popular mobile app that even I enjoy. However, I do not consider it radio, even if it is described as an online radio. Sure, Pandora is great at selecting genres and discovering new music, but it’s missing one big detail that the real radio has: being personable. Radio has DJs who control the show: they talk to listeners, play requested songs and even host contests. Okay, so maybe it’s not all about music; radio is more than that. Radio provides us with news, whether it be breaking news, world news, or news about entertainment. Stations, such as NPR, are strictly focused on world news. Ohio State has an amazing NPR station (WOSU 89.7), which allows listeners to tune in at any time of the day and listen to different radio shows talking about current events. If you aren’t into very formal news, many radio stations provide morning talk shows. These talk shows are very laid back and cover anything from local news to entertainment news and everything in between! So when you are in the car looking for some entertainment, remember to turn on the radio for either music or news! Radio serves as one of the oldest forms of entertainment technology and it definitely deserves some appreciation!

Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler

Ryan Mann Ryan Shaw

VP of Marketing Lindsay Arnett

Contributing Alyssa Adkins Ty Anderson Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker

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Mihir Shah Arianna Urban Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Alix Ayoub

How do you feel about Tinder and do you use it? By Lauren Every

Morgan Taylor

I think it’s really creepy. I think guys use it just for sex and I think that’s weird.

Fred Bowman

I really haven’t used it. I have a twin brother and he actually uses it. It’s just crazy cause I didn’t even know Tinder existed until this year and it’s just crazy how everybody on campus is using it.

Daveon Douglin

It’s out there. It’s really out there. You can get a bunch of random people. I’ve met people from Tinder and they’re a huge spectrum of people from, like, crazy boring people to crazy people in general to really chill people.

Kevin Herbig

I’ve never used it personally, but I know some people that have and I know a couple of them got siblings, which I found really weird. And the biggest thing is people finding their ex boyfriends or girlfriends. That can get pretty bad.

Nahi Chaar

Tinder... I personally have never used it. But what I know is that people tend to seek something from it ... other than socialization. So, I think that’s the whole point of it.

Jimmy Chau

I don’t use Tinder. I’ve been with somebody for seven years, so I don’t really have a need for it. I have friends who are couples who do use Tinder, but it’s like they use each others profiles and talk to people and mess with them. So, I think that’s pretty funny. But me and my girlfriend have no interest in that.


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photos by david heasley/uw

building the ultimate quarterback From Rex Kern to Braxton Miller, we look at some of the best QBs at OSU By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a


hio State has been spoiled with great quarterback talent. All the way back to Rex Kern in the 1960s to the Braxton/ Cardale/J.T. saga entering 2015, OSU has been scary good at finding the man to throw the football. Say we took the best attributes from past quarterbacks that donned the Scarlet and Gray, and built them into a singular person. Yes, we are knee deep in the offseason. This, however, gives us the ability to look back at some of the great quarterbacks that you might’ve never heard before – anybody remember Kern? The five attributes I’ll look at are arm strength, clutch, leadership, speed and ability to beat Michigan. From these five attributes, we’ll figure out what the ultimate OSU quarterback looks like.

Arm strength: Cardale Jones There’s a reason Jones has the nickname “12 Gauge”. The man packs the power of a shotgun in his arm. Jones’ arm was a huge factor in OSU’s run to the national championship. Big touchdowns in the Big Ten championship game and College Football Playoff Championship against Wisconsin and Ore14

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

gon, respectively, put Jones in this list. While some quarterbacks have accuracy and not precision – and vice-versa – when throwing the long ball, Jones has both. Pinpoint throws of 50-plus yards to receivers is a specialty of his.

Clutch: Craig Krenzel One thing is for sure, Krenzel didn’t lose the game for you. When the Buckeyes needed a score, Krenzel answered – especially in autumn 2002. Krenzel made big-time touchdowns against Purdue and Illinois to help keep OSU’s national title hopes alive. Then count the double-overtime win against Miami (FL) in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl – a game where the Buckeyes were huge underdogs. Yeah, Krenzel is the most clutch quarterback in OSU history.

Leadership: Rex Kern Statistically, Kern wasn’t the best quarterback ever, but his coachability with former Buckeye coach Woody Hayes puts him in this list. The Hayesand-Kern connection helped guide the “Super Sophomores” to the 1969 national championship in the Rose Bowl. Kern took the Buckeyes back to uweekly.com

another Rose Bowl in 1971, but lost to Stanford. If not for Kern’s leadership, the future of OSU football may have been different.

Speed: Braxton Miller This is a no-brainer. Miller’s speed at the quarterback position has been unrivaled. His ability to high-step defenders and take off down the sideline is something straight out of a cartoon. Miller’s speed worked wonders against Michigan in 2013 – remember the long touchdown run? Even though injuries have plagued Miller, his speed hasn’t suffered.

Ability to beat Michigan: Troy Smith Probably the most important category of them all: the ability to beat the archrival. The glory days of beating Michigan shined brightest with Smith. He went 3-0 against the Wolverines, including the win in the “Game of the Century” in 2006 – a match-up that put No. 1 OSU against No. 2 Michigan with a national championship bid on the line. Even though the Buckeyes lost to Florida in Smith’s last game, the main legacy of the Heisman winner will always ring true: he never lost to Michigan.

stay or go?

Why the Reds should trade Todd Frazier By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a


his baseball season hasn’t gone well for the Cincinnati Reds. Over the All-Star break, Todd Frazier put on a show during the Home Run Derby at Great American Ballpark, providing their highlight of the season thus far. With the trade deadline nearing, though, the Reds will likely sell off their assets and build for the future. The Reds will try to find a new home for Jay Bruce, Marlon Byrd, Aroldis Chapman, Johnny Cueto, Mike Leake, Brayan Pena and maybe others. The Reds need to try to get young talent because of the strength of their division. The Cardinals and Pirates are the best teams in the league and the Cubs are currently a playoff contender with the best farm system in the majors. This brings us back to Frazier. The fans love him. He has a great personality and is a tremendous player who could be the cornerstone of a franchise. He signed a two-year, $12 million deal this past offseason and has an additional year of control in which he is arbitration-eligible in 2017 before hitting free agency in 2018. All these things add up a perfect outcome: trade him. It’s a simple, though unpopular, move because the Reds would be shortening the length of their rebuild. While Frazier is now bursting onto the national scene, he is already 29. His value is at his peak, which leaves the Reds with two scenarios. The first option, the likely option, is that the Reds keep Frazier and sell off the rest of their tradable assets. The club will get some nice players in return, but it’ll likely take a few years for all the pieces to develop and put itself in position to contend. By then, Frazier will be 31 and up for a new deal and won’t come cheap. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.





Hight St Columbus | (614) 298-8817 FROM THE OSU STUDENT UNION


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


photo courtesy of Ohio State Athletics

gotta have willpower

Helen Willman expected to lead Buckeyes in 2015 By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a






UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

aving leaders on a team is crucial for producing success. Senior Helen Willman of the Ohio State women’s cross country team will have the opportunity to be that leader this season. As a junior, Willman (a @hellOnEarth) was the team’s No. 3 runner, with then-seniors Katie Borchers and Michelle Thomas being OSU’s top two runners. Now that Borchers and Thomas have graduated, Willman will likely be the Buckeyes’ lead runner for this upcoming year. She certainly did not disappoint as OSU’s third runner a season ago. At the 2014 Big Ten Cross Country Championships, Willman finished 26th overall with a personal-best 6k time of 20:47.4. Her stellar performance helped propel the Buckeyes to a fourth-place finish at the conference championships. Willman’s previous personal-best time for a 6k came during her freshman season at the adidas Invitational when she finished in 21:40. The Carmel, Ind. native also improved her personal-best 5k time last year. She placed eighth at the Blue Grass Invitational with a time of 17:04, surpassing her previous personal-record 5k time of 17:53 she set as a freshman. Last year proved to be Willman’s first taste of competing in the NCAA cross country championships as well. She finished 157th overall for the Scarlet and Gray at the meet. While Willman performs exceptionally well athletically, it should be noted that she also excels in her academics. The senior is a three-time Academic All-Big Ten selection in addition to a three-time Ohio State Scholar-Athlete. Entering her fourth year with the Buckeyes, Willman will likely be one of the leaders on this cross country club. Her commitment to competing and to her studies will make her a great role model for the younger runners on the team. Furthermore, she had the privilege of running alongside OSU greats in Borchers and Thomas for three years. What she learned from them in terms of being a leader and running will reveal itself this upcoming season, if it has not already. Willman and the Buckeyes begin the 2015 campaign not too far away from Columbus on Sept. 5 at the Dayton Flyer 5k Challenge. uweekly.com

photo by Daniel Herlensky/Columbus Crew SC

cinderella story ends Crew SC's Kevan George, Trinidad and Tobago fall in Gold Cup



orth America is currently fixated on the 2015 Gold Cup, a tournament similar to the World Cup, but only featuring members of CONCACAF, the countries in North America. One of the surprise teams in the tournament has been Trinidad and Tobago, an island nation with a population of 1.3 million. It topped its group in the opening round of the Gold Cup, going through with the highest seed despite playing heavyweight Mexico, whom it tied in a dramatic match 4-4. One of the players on Trinidad and Tobago, Kevan George, is also a member of Columbus Crew SC. He played every minute of the Gold Cup for his home nation, as its Cinderella run ended last weekend when it lost in extra time on penalty kicks to Panama. “It feels like a blur to be honest,” George said. “It was a great experience and a great thing to be a part of ... it was honestly the happiest moment of my life.” One of the more memorable moments of the Gold Cup was the 4-4 draw against Mexico. Not only did Trinidad and Tobago score at the end of regulation to secure the top spot in Group C, it did so while Mexican fans pelted the field and players with garbage and debris. Despite the risks and hazards, the game didn’t stop, and Trinidad and Tobago wasn’t daunted. “We took it as a compliment. We were doing something to obstruct the Mexicans’ game plan all day,” George said. “If they were beating us by three or four goals, I doubt the fans would’ve been troubled to throw things at us.” Though its main goal was to reach the final, Trinidad and Tobago can be proud of its performance. By FIFA rankings, it was ranked lower than both Mexico and Panama, teams it pushed to the brink. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



paper stars

photo by david heasley/uw

An interview with the stars of "Paper Towns" By @ALEXANTONETZ a


at Wolff has a relatable charm to him. His thick, sculpted-back mop, spotty facial hair and a pimple or three complement his plain black tee and Nudie Jeans varsity jacket like peanut butter and jelly. He looks like the kind of guy that his fans (read: mostly teenaged girls) could maybe … possibly ... see giggling — no, beatboxing — with at their lunch table some day. Being a burgeoning heartthrob and starring as the dorky Quentin in “Paper Towns,” the upcoming feature film adaptation of young adult author John Green’s beloved novel, seems like it would be a lot of pressure for a 20-year-old actor still making a name for himself. Not for the cool-as-a-cucumber Wolff, who sat down with UWeekly, alongside Green and “Paper Towns” co-star Halston Sage, after stopping in Columbus last Wednesday to promote the film. (Cara Delevingne, the enigmatic Margo in “Paper Towns,” walked the red carpet and participated in the Q&A beforehand but was unfortunately absent for interviews.) “I feel like we just tried to make as good a movie as we could,” Wolff said. “We tried to make sure that John was happy and thought it honored the book, and we’re as big of fans (of the) book as (the fans) are. 18

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

... Everything else is kind of out of our control. “You know, what’s funny about these kids is that they’re really smart, so as crazy as they go and you actually talk to them one-on-one, they have really interesting things to say about all his books and movies.” *** There’s a quirky confidence about John Green. Already neat and well-spoken, his success as a YouTube vlogger has no doubt prepared him for the stage on which he now stands. He’s cool in a “I was once a nerd and still kind of am” way — the kind of cool that involves wearing red, suede Adidas tennis shoes with his finely tailored gray jacket and slacks. (No tie, of course.) His “Paper Towns” tale doesn’t exactly venture into sparkling new narrative waters. It’s a comingof-age story that crosses off some of the expected boxes: finding a prom date, losing your virginity, going off to college. But it does so on its own accord — for the most part, all of the characters are likable, its ending defies formula and its ultra-hip soundtrack is killer. Hell, I’m a 27-year-old dude and I thought “Paper Towns” was cute. Don’t tell my friends. But “Paper Towns” ain’t “American Pie,” uweekly.com

“Dazed and Confused” or “Superbad.” Green, ever the smooth and prepared politician-type, avoided taking credit for that. Share the love, brother. “(The actors) were all just so deep into the characters that there was so much room for nuance,” Green said. “I always think about the way Nat walks as Q that he holds one of his arms really close to his leg because he’s just so wound. He’s so anxious. Stuff like that adds so much to those characters, so hopefully it’s in those little things that characters become real and people become real.” Halston Sage (Margo’s concerned BFF Lacey in “Paper Towns”) isn’t quite a household name yet, either. Her curled, highlighted-blonde locks and pretty smile embody a kind of all-American look. She’s the out-of-your-league, pretty, popular blonde from high school but with a likable sense of humility about her — for all intents and purposes, she’s her “Paper Towns” character IRL. (Of the three, she was the only one to keep her new, custom Ohio State football jersey on during interviews.) It’s probably easy for her to be typecast. There are a lot of directors who want pretty blondes. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.

photo by KC Wilder

Fine Animals let loose on Cbus By JACK LYNCH


reathy voices drenched in reverb, deep basslines, and an undeniable onstage chemistry define the sound of Columbus’ own Fine Animal, all wrapped up in a sleek electronic aesthetic. The band enveloped the audience in a set of delicate, dreamy soundscapes at its last Columbus show, supporting Brooklyn, New York, act Mr Twin Sister at the intimate Rumba Cafe July 14. “When I’m writing, I’m always thinking about Lucy’s voice,” multi-instrumentalist and producer Kelan Gilbert said about songwriting partner Lucy Oaks. “To make a comparison, when a painter paints, he has a selection of colors, and I have Lucy’s voice as a color to paint with when I’m writing.” Emblazoned on the band’s equipment was the slogan “music for ice skating,” an apt description for the chilled, flowing textures of the duo’s music, which could serve as the backing track for a figure skater in the spotlight. A backdrop of changing leaves, agricultural scenes, and surreal film clips was projected on the back wall of the stage at the duo’s most recent show, carefully synced up with the progression of the music.

“We feel that our songs have a very cinematic quality at times, and some of the songs are begging for a visual element,” said Gilbert, who composed the visuals himself from creative commons materials.

The band’s recent release, “Before The Glow,” is a compelling snapshot of Fine Animal’s sound and attitude. “Sometimes it’s reality, sometimes it’s fantasy, but I think overall, especially for ‘Before The Glow,’ when I was writing a lot of the lyrics for the songs, they were based on things from my past,” Gilbert said. Fine Animal’s next show is slated for Aug. 7 at Brothers Drake Meadery with The Cordial Sins and Friendly Faux.


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Reddit drama riles up internet By @ADAMAMBRO a


ellen pao

ecently, the rising tide of anger over interim Reddit CEO Ellen Pao’s firing of community liaison Victoria Taylor became so toxic that Pao finally succumbed to the pressure and stepped down from her post. Taylor, who was the go between for the volunteer moderators of Reddit and the site itself, had become something of a star for the way she so efficiently ran the site’s most popular feature, the AMAs, or Ask Me Anything. While there is no clear reason why Taylor was let go from her position, Gawker claims that it has to do with her refusing to relocate to the West Coast and a reluctance change the AMA format, like adding videos. The ousting of Taylor gave more than enough fuel to the Reddit trolls to come out in full force and attack the only person they assumed was to blame, Pao. Such swift contempt against public figures is becomingly increasingly commonplace in today’s internet-based world. However, as it turns out in this case, the anger might have been directed at the wrong person entirely, leaving Pao as a scapegoat over the controversial firing. Yishan Wong was Reddit’s CEO before Pao and immediately following the news that Pao had stepped down, he took to Reddit to try and clear a few things up, ultimately placing the blame of the whole situation on Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian: “I'm glad redditors have started to piece together all of this. Here's the only thing you're missing: It

travels upstream, except when it comes from the CEO's boss. Alexis wasn't some employee reporting to Pao, he was the Executive Chairman of the Board, i.e. Pao's boss. He had different ideas for AMAs, he didn't like Victoria's role, and decided to fire her. Pao wasn't able to do anything about it. In this case it shouldn't have traveled upstream to her, it came from above her. Then when the hate-train started up against Pao, Alexis should have been out front and center saying very clearly ‘Ellen Pao did not make this decision, I did.’ Instead, he just sat back and let her take the heat. That's a stunning lack of leadership and an incredibly sh---- thing to do. I actually asked that he be on the board when I joined; I used to respect Alexis Ohanian. After this, not quite so much.” Joining Wong in his assertion that Pao was set up to fail was Reddit’s VP of Engineering Bethanye Blount, who quit after just two months on the job, citing that she lost faith in the site’s current direction. According to Engadget, Blount “felt that Pao had been set up to take a fall over a ‘glass cliff,’ implying that gender discrimination may have been involved.” Again, the whole situation just goes to show how discouraging the internet can be when the mob mentality takes hold. Added to the fact that the tech world is male dominated and most Reddit users are white men, the optics of an Asian woman having to step down due to peer pressure is not a good look. Hopefully the black eye Reddit and its users have suffered here will bring about some change and better overall leadership, but that might just be wishful thinking.

alexis ohanian

apps of the week: Calculate grades, store files, browse bloggers BitTorrent Shoot, iOS and Android This app uses BitTorrent’s Sync P2P technology so transferring photos to a friend doesn’t go through the cloud, but through a secure server. To use, simply select which photos you want to send; a QR code then pops up that your friends can scan with their phones using the Shoot app to access the photos. 20

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

Scanner Pro 6, iOS Scanner Pro 6 allows you to scan documents and photos to your iPhone and from there you can upload them to a variety of services, like Evernote, Dropbox and Google Drive. Plus, when you scan documents, it can automatically convert them into .PDF files.


Adobe Photoshop Mix, Android Adobe Photoshop Mix is a simple yet impressive photo-editing tool that can effectively replace the default photo editor on your Android device. It includes the usual bunch of trendy filters, and other unique features like one that allows you to neatly cut out sections of pictures and splice them into new images.

streaming correlation Music systems help to boost concert sales By @ADAMAMBRO a


ith the recent launch of Apple Music and Taylor Swift’s criticism, the attention drawn to the issue of artist royalties in the era of streaming music has never been this strong since the early 2000’s when Metallica took on Napster. Now, a new study by EventBrite has broken down the statistics behind streaming music, showing how the process affects artists and how users spend their money on music. According to the numbers, over 51 percent of concertgoers buy their tickets based upon music they discovered while streaming. This has led to an increase in average spending on live music from $29 in 2008 to $48 in 2014. In that same amount of time, physical media purchases of CDs have fallen from $35 in ‘08 to $18 in ‘14. The long and short of it is that these numbers show that, while artists are busy arguing about the

pennies they’re losing from streaming royalties, they should in fact be celebrating the increased concert sales.Not only are more patrons spending $25 to $50 a pop on concert tickets, but it’s likely they’re also buying mementos from the show like a $35 t-shirt or $40 vinyl print.

Netflix numbers surge At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the number of Netflix subscribers has once again increased, according to reports of the last business quarter. The strong overseas push the company employed over the past several months has paid off greatly, with the announcement last week that it added over 2.5 million new subscribers. This brings the total number of users to over 65 million, with 42 million of those in the U.S. and the other 23 million international. Netflix had said that


it was expecting over 69 million users by the third quarter, but this announcement was certainly good news to investors. In addition to positive news for the company came some positive news for the consumer: Netflix has no interest in raising the current prices. Instead, it wants to focus on convincing subscribers to upgrade to a higher resolution (which comes at a higher rate). It also wants to expand its library of offerings to include more Disney titles and original programming. As a wink-wink gesture during its 45-minute broadcast conference call, Netflix explained that it “wants to get like HBO before they get like Netflix.” In other words, it wants to get the quality of programming up to the level of HBO, while its streaming-newbie rival struggles to reproduce Netflix’s massive subscriber base and successful business model.

July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


DAVID JACK sunglasses $6 Amazon

backpack $50 Urban Outfitters

Senior David Jack is no stranger to fashion. As an employee at Abercrombie and Fitch’s Easton location, he has lots of experience styling himself and also offering style advice to others. Although he’s required to wear A&F while at work, he makes sure to mix up his style and enjoys following trends on instagram for inspiration.

How would you describe your style? Well, it varies day to day. Some days I want to be grungy and wear ripped jeans and black but some days I’ll be really preppy and wear a polo and shorts and Sperry’s. So, I would say part preppy, part kind of grungy.

How do you pick your outfits? Usually it depends on my mood and where I’m going. Like, if I’m going to a club downtown or something I might wear a collared shirt and khakis or something but if I’m just going to a concert of a low-key bar I wouldn’t be as formal.

Why is fashion important to you?

shirt $6 Forever 21 watch $60 American Apparel

I just think it’s important to express yourself and I think it’s a cool way to show people who you are and how you’re feeling and what you’re into. I think it’s cool. It’s an important part of my identity.

Who or what inspires your look? I get most of my inspiration from Instagram, probably. I follow a bunch of people on Instagram. I really like Kanye West’s style. I mean, I don’t know if I can necessarily take his outfits and I would wear that but I think his style is really cool.

Jeans $78 Abercrombie & Fitch

Where are your favorite places to shop? I love going to Urban [Outfitters] because it’s right there. I shop at Abercrombie a lot just cause I have to but I do like a lot of their new stuff. H&M, Forever21 is super cheap and they have a bunch of trendy stuff. I like J. Crew but I never buy that much because it’s so expensive.

Do you have any fashion advice for readers? I would just say wear what makes you comfortable but don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone or dress how you’re feeling in your clothes. Just play with it, don’t be too serious.

Shoes $35 Converse

- Lauren Every 22

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


SUMMER-PROOF YOUR HAIR earlybird special





cissors, clippers, and dyes … oh my! The school year is just around the corner and it’s time to get ready. Students are buying textbooks, getting new clothes and the most exciting part, in my opinion, getting their hair done! That’s right, fellow buckeyes. We need to make sure we don’t have any roots showing and our dead ends are gone so that we can go into the new school year in confidence! It’s time to make an appointment, but what style should you get? There are so many to choose from, but let me tell you about some of the latest, trendy hairstyles that you will love! Colored ombre – Ombres have become very popular over the last year or so, and they still are! Now, hair stylists have decided to take the muchloved ombre to the next level and create colorful ombres: pink, purple, red - practically any color you can think of! Splash lights – This dying method works with darker hair. The main purpose for splash lights is to make a section in the middle length of your hair lighter than the base color. Popular methods for splash lights include a horizontal line straight across or an oval. Blayage – Looking for a different way to color hair instead of using foil? The blayage is right for you, then! Blayage is a technique where dye is applied free-hand for a very playful yet natural look. Silver hair – This trend is for the adventurous. The silver hair trend is a very new trend, originally intended to embrace women who are starting to get grey hair. In fact, many celebrities have participated in silver hair fab. Some include Rihanna, Nicole Riche and Kelley Osborn. Undercut – Wanting to stay away from the dyes? Here is a great and stylish haircut that has recently emerged. Although this may seem a little

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July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo by ben yoder/614

Brewing up fun in the sun Top 5 breweries with patios in the capital city


ummer break is coming to an end and life is about to get real. It’s time to party hard, and at the same time bask in the heat of the sun. Here are five local breweries that will rock your world with their outdoor patios.

Seventh Son Brewing Co. – Located on 1104 N 4th St., Seventh Son is one of the best breweries in Columbus with an outdoor scene. The beautifully vibrant surroundings are consistent with their beautifully vibrant beer. Once an auto garage, this place transformed into a modern environment for a casual hipster hang. There’s a patio outside with a fireplace and a food truck, and a bigger patio behind the bar with more seating. Their beers have bold and distinctive flavors, and I highly recommend a flight sampler for a first-timer. The space is open to the public Thursday through Sunday and available for event rental any day of the week. Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus

– Located on 161 N High St. in downtown Columbus, Elevator is one of the city’s mainstays for 24

UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

fine cuisines and great brew founded by a Father/ Son drinking team in 1999. The outdoor patio is a pleasant environment to drink and eat during a typical beautiful evening. Their happy hour is from 3 to 7 Monday through Friday, and specials include $3 pints and $5 appetizers. I hear their calamari is fantastic.

the perfect summer evening with a huge parking lot to accommodate their customers. Happy hours run Monday through Friday from 4 to 7 during which all house pints are $3.50 and guest drafts are $1 off. They also have 70-cent wings on Mondays, and I highly recommend their tap beers.

Columbus Brewing Company Restaurant – Located on 535 Short St., Columbus Brew-

Hofbrauhaus Brewing Co. – Located on 800 Goodale Blvd., Hofbrauhaus is famous for its lively atmosphere and their outdoor scene. Their patio is almost always crowded during the summer, and is an ideal spot for drinking, eating, and even dancing. Hofbrauhaus beer is brewed using original recipes handed down by the duke of Bavaria, over 400 years ago. The beers are easy on the palate, yet tasty and refreshing. They feature live music, and their happy hours are from 3 to 6 Monday through Friday during which their beers are $1 off. I hear their sauerkraut is amazing.

ing Company is the ultimate brewpub in town. They feature American-style food with a worldly flair and handcrafted beer in an upscale casual setting. They have a large area for outdoor seating which is quite nice to sit during the summer time. Happy hours are Monday through Friday from 4 to 7 during which appetizers, select wines, and pineapple infused cocktails are $5. Their flights of beer are $6 and they are known for their craft beers.

Smokehouse Brewing Co. – Located on 1150 Dublin Road, Smokehouse brews unique, fresh ales, has remarkable food, and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. They have a large outdoor patio for uweekly.com

-Mihir Shah

Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

photo by megan leigh barnard/614

the xyz's of

india pale ales


ver go to a bar and wonder what the different types of beer are in the family of pale ales? Here is a brief history of India Pale Ales. India Pale Ale or IPA is a hoppy beer in the broad category of pale ales. Pale ales are processed by warm fermentation that uses pale malt, dried at temperatures sufficiently low to preserve all the brewing enzymes in the grain. The IPA style is over 175 years old. Most IPAs are usually light colored beers but with a strong alcohol content. Because of its hoppy nature, IPAs are uniquely bitter giving the beer an acquired taste for most people. The three main styles of IPAs are English-style IPA, American-style IPA, and Double or Imperial IPA. While English-style IPAs are usually weak in malts and have low alcohol content, American IPAs are stronger and brewed with distinctive American hops. Furthermore, Double or Imperial IPAs are much stronger, hoppy, and have an alcohol content above 7.5% by volume. There are also hybrid IPAs such as Wheat IPA or Belgian White IPA, which are also gaining popularity. A standardized measure to find out how bitter an IPA is through IBU or International Bitterness Units. The higher the IBU, the more the hops content in the beer. Brewing great tasting beer with a bitter flare is more of an art than science in the case for IPAs because there are many varieties of hops. Columbus has a large number of breweries that produce local IPAs and that is a popular trend with the college population. Not only do IPAs offer a distinctly unique flavor, their high alcohol content provides a good “buzz” with less consumption when compared to typical beers. For example, Budweiser and PBR require students drink more than a couple to feel the effects of the alcohol compared to just one IPA. More importantly, the quality of the brew is top notch and guarantees consumer satisfaction. Popular breweries in Columbus that produce local IPAs are Seventh Son Brewing Co., with their popular IPA being The Scientist, Columbus Brewing Company Restaurant, with their popular IPA being The Bodhi double IPA, and Elevator Brewery & Draught Haus, with their popular IPA being Three Frogs IPA.

-Mihir Shah


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY


want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!

photos by jon mcallister


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015



July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Franklin County Fair


Elephant ears, tractor pulls, boxing, oh my! Come get some freshly fried french fries and some freshly squeezed lemonade and spend a day wandering about the fairgrounds. Franklin County Fairgrounds Time: 9 a.m. | Entry: $6

Live Hip Hop

Metz and Viet Cong

These two bands aim to provide a different atmosphere than most at their concerts. Thier songs involve themes of violation and suffering as a result of dealing with dark times.

Celebrate hump day with some live music. Various DJs and MCs will be playing hip hop music all night long. Skully's Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $5

The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $15

Swing dancing

Bistro Night

Hosted by SwingColumbus, this night is full of dancing and music. Come at 7:30-8 p.m. for a beginners lesson. Nyoh's Buckeye Bar Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $3


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

Is there anything better than a $10 bottle of wine and a specialty chef’s dish to go along with it? No. No there is not. Ethyl and Tank Time: 10 p.m. | Free



CD102.5 Summer Fest CD102.5 will be hosting a three


day festival full of music. On this first day, come out and see Cake, most known for their song “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”, and stay for Matt & Kim, Bear Hands, Glass Animals, and Civil Twilight. LC Pavilion Time: 3:30 p.m. | Tickets: $39.50

Food Truck Court

Ladies 80’s

Grab your girls and join DJ Ginsu for this weekly girl’s night out! If you plan on bringing more than 8 ladies with you, ask about their VIP complimentary bottle service.

This weekly treat features eight food trucks including Aromaku, Red Plate Blue Plate, and Mikey’s Late Night Slice. Get a meal at one truck or try a few!

Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Free for Ladies 21+

Columbus Commons Time: 11 a.m. | Free

In Vino Illusio Magic show

Sip some wine and watch as magicians Erik Tait and Nick Locapo show off their skills. And, let’s face it, wine makes everything magical anyways. Camelot Cellars Winery Time: 7 p.m. | Free

Betsy Franck

This girl has got soul. Her songs mostly speak of her journey through Appalacia and is currently working on her second solo album. Betsy will be accompanied by pianist and composer Matt Munhall. Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY





If you’ve seen the new Honda Pilot commercial featuring Weezer’s song “Buddy Holly,” then it’s been stuck in your head for weeks just like it has been for us. We’re not even mad about it. They’re accompanied by Atlas Genius, Saint Motel, and Pop Etc for the second day of CD102.5’s Summer Fest.

LC Pavilion Time: 3:30 p.m. | Tickets: $39.50


Columbus Made Summer Jam

As a rapper from Vancouver, Canada, SonReal tries to draw attention to different social issues through his music. He focuses on real life problems like poverty, education, and social acceptance. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10-12

Come out and see live music all night long featuring DJ Hylyte who released his song “Bytch Im From Ohio” last year. Skully's Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $20

James Cotton

Columbus Clippers

James Cotton is an American blues singer/songwriter/harmonica player. He began recording music in the 1950’s and is still jammin’ today. James will be accompanied by the Mark May Band.

Cheer on the Clippers as they take on the Rochester Red Wings. Stay after for Fireworks and Party at the Park. Huntington Stadium Time: 7:15 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Bicentennial Park Time: 7:30 p.m. | Free


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


Low Dough Show



Tight on money but craving a concert? The last day of CD 102.5’s Summer Festival has you covered. This show features Fidlar, Cayucas, Joywave, Genevieve, and Bully and is sure to be a good time. LC Pavilion Time: 3:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Bass Jam

This event will have you dancing all night long to live EDM. Artists featured include Magnetic, Manitoa, Heady Ruxpin, and Carma. Skully's Time: 8 p.m. | Free ages 21+


Kevin Gates

Growing up in Baton Rouge, Kevin Gates struggled with depression and found listening to rappers like Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre helped him get through his problems. He has now collaborated with Pusha T and Wiz Khalifa. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $20-35

July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY




James Bay

Let the smooth voice and acoustics of James Bay woo you throughout the night. This 23-yearold has only released one EP and is already touring the U.S. and U.K.


Newport | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $25



Eric Hutchinson

Singer/songwriter Eric Hutchinson recorded and released his own album which peaked at number 5 on the iTunes store. He’s best known for his songs “Rock n’ Roll” and “Ok, It’s Alright With Me.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




With three platinum albums to their name, Deftones know how to rock your face off. They are accompanied by Death from Above 1979 and The Bots. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $35

Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Ross TriFit Challenge

If you’re looking for a challenge, look no further. There are three levels to this triathlon, making it something for everyone. The last leg of the race is a run through Ohio States campus, how nice! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Antrim Park | Time: 6:30 a.m. | Tickets: $80


After releasing their fourth album last September, Delta Spirit has been throughout the U.S. and Canada. Their songs have been featured on various TV shows such as Sons of Anarchy and Friday Night Lights.


Most known for their recent catchy hit “Geronimo”, this Australian indie band is sure to put on a great show. Their album “Bombs Away” even reached number two on the ARIA Albums Chart. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Basement | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10-12


The Basement | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $22-24

The Flex Crew

This local reggae band will bless your ears with their soulful and funky songs. TFC has performed with many popular reggae artists and continues to tour the country.


Skully's | Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Karaoke Sunday Night

Bring your friends and forget your inhibitions for Ugly Tuna’s Karaoke night. We’d recommend some Spice Girls or the classic *NSYNC- “Bye Bye Bye.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ugly Tuna Saloona | Time: 9 p.m. | Free


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015

Jocef Michael Band

This “local dreamer” started making music in college. He now has his own hip-hop R&B sound and was even featured on an episode of MTV’s MADE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Principally Speaking

Enjoy hits from the 60’s and 70’s played by rock cover band Principally Speaking while enjoying food and drink from Cap City Fine Diner. You’ll definitely want to try their blue cheese potato chips. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cap City Fine Diner | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Free


Aerial Silks Workshop If you’ve ever had a desire to learn how to be one of those aerial gymnasts in Cirque Du Soleil, this is your moment to shine. This 90 minute class will teach you the basic mounts, poses, and flexibility work.


Studio Rouge | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $25

Too’s Day

Too’s only has so much time left on campus which means you only have so much time left to enjoy the specials on Too’s Day. Domestic bottles are $1 and if someone asks you to do a tidal wave shot, say no.


Too's Spirits Under High All Night | $2 Cover after 10 p.m.

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Aries: Get it, Aries! This week, go on get it. What is it? Who knows! But I'm pretty sure you'll know when you found it. Get it, girl! Or boy. Just GET-IT.

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Cancer: Keeping yourself Libra: Let's be honest, Leo.You're organized in the summer can be a hat person.You just haven't tricky. Remember, post-its can be found the right hat that screams your best friends not just during school. “you.” You need a hat that matches your Post-it's are like your inner voice come to personality. Fedoras have gotten a bad life. Sure, they're great for reminders but wrap but they have some less cheesy w.sudoku.com Page 15 of 25 Page 15 of 24 25 Jul 05 Jula05straw one is great for summer. Taurus: Whistle while you work, they're also great as little notes to yourself. styles24 and Taurus. Or sing while you work. Stick some on the bathroom mirror that Or, you could go for the backwards Kangol to give off that “Samuel L. Jackson” vibe. Whatever you do, just keep some say: “You got this!” or “Don't cry today!” sort of upbeat rhythm while doing your Scorpio:You're either a winner hum-drum daily tasks. If you can't whistle, Leo: This isn't the Hunger Games, or a loser, Scorpio. There is no in hum. If you can't hum, what's wrong with Leo. We don't all have to fight between. There's no second place. you? You should have figured this all out for our place. Don't judge other in elementary school. people who are less competitive than you. There's no participation ribbon. Set out to win, and you will. And if you lose make Everyone has their own way and pace of sure to talk mad smack about how your Gemini: Summer is here and you doing things. Plus, natural selection will opponent uses drugs. People hate drugs! know what that means. Time kill off some of these wusses anyway. to test out new and interesting Sagittarius: There are a lot of ways to make hamburgers. Beer can hamVirgo:You can't pick and choose burger? Hamburger stuffed in an onion? options in life, Sagittarius. Don't when to support your friends, Whatever you think up, make sure to let the choices overwhelm you. Virgo. Friendship isn't like a bag of document it in case it's Pinterest worthy. Just slowly, way the pros and cons of each trail mix.You have to be there with them Still post it even if they don't turn out so option. Take eggs for example. There's through thick and thin.You can't just spit great. #burgerfail regular medium, large, extra large eggs. out the salty nuts when all you want is chocolate. So, stick with your friends even Then there's brown ones, vegetarian, organic, free-range...AHHHHH! when they're salty nuts.


Capricorn: Nutrition is a constantly changing “science,” Capricorn.Your health and diet should be constantly evolving too. Remember the food pyramid? Yeah, you don't really need that much bread. And you don't really need meet and dairy. In fact, let's just rename that thing “Salad triangle.” Aquarius: Trust your instincts, Aquarius.You don't want to be like that dumb girl in every horror movie that looks behind her back and keep shrugging off a bad feeling. If your gut is trying to tell you something go with it. Unless, your gut is trying to tell you it needs Taco Bell. In that case, silence the demon. Pisces: They say coconut oil is the most useful thing you can keep in your house, Pisces. There's all these practical uses for it as well as a plethora of health benefits. Why not try it this week? You can try oil pulling or making your own deodorant out of it.

July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



in the land down under ...


’ve got my magician’s hat on and a few tricks to share. Here’s my book of spells to turn your guys’ world upside down (in all the right ways). His head will be spinning with bliss and you’ll be the girl behind it. Therefore, look hot because it’ll be your face doing-that-thing-with-your-mouth-kissinghis-cajones-while-your-hands-were-massaging-hisshaft that he’ll remember for days. A key part in giving phenomenal blowjobs is to feel like the sexiest woman alive, so shave, wash your hair, apply mascara, wear a sexy bralette and Own. This. Shit. Be a tease. Once you’ve got him naked and in front of you do a mental power pose. It’s your time to shine, baby. Start by kissing him in the area surrounding his manhood. Grace your lips across his V or touch the inside of his thighs. Hell - Make him beg for it by running your tongue on his balls. He’ll be so lost in horny heaven that you could ask him to commit any sin and he’d whimper “yes.” Lick him like a Popsicle. It’s a hot day on the beach and you need some cooling down (while he gets all hot and bothered). Start your tongue at the end of his shaft and make your way up to the head. Do that a few times before taking him into your mouth. Make him work. Let him have the reigns on this one. After some bobs, he’ll begin to thrust himself. Now that your hands are free, either play with his cajones or touch yourself. Yes, touch your-


UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


self. This, for some reason, drives guys crazy and gets them so horny—he’ll want you right then and there. So whenever you’re horny and ready for the main course, touch yourself. Surprise him. Don’t be just another girl. Be that girl that rocked his motherf***ing world. Give the fail-proof blowjob the usual and boring way—or—show him what you’re really made of. Lay on the edge of the bed while he stands facing you. Unzip his pants if he isn’t undressed; grab his ass (hips, if you don’t know him that well) and thrust him into your mouth. Obviously, if the bed is too low do not attempt this! You’ll realize too late that the distance is too far and embarrass yourself, which is certified mood killer. The next time you’re getting down, be the gal that was next level by making foreplay fun. Tease him, play with him, and enjoy the ride with him. I’m not saying take a week long vacation in the land of foreplay, but drag it out enough to make sex that much better. Remember, your guy should be coming through, too. You’re rocking his world; make sure you let yours be rocked as well. If not—NEXT, because don’t f*ck with selfish! Be sure to find more tips at Cosmopolitan! Love, Stella


July 22, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • July 22, 2015


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