JUL 29, 2015
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
#AsSeenOnCampus @ gabbybailey
@ daniellepoling @ ohiostatemed
@ osuchadwickarboretum
@ nikibprete @ gabe_t
@ ohiostateoptometry
@ eurokie @ osuwexmed
@ daniellepoling
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Matt & Kim at LC Pavilion CD102.5 Summerfest 2015 Photo by Chris Casella 4
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
@cas_o_fras has the best buns on campus. @ simbakahr
Anthony from the neuro office @Abernardi14
Will you listen to Jason Aldean Pandora with Me @sle96
Wish we could have one conversation. You seem like a hardworking, sweet, fun, & genuine guy; that's hard to come by these days @NateLyell
you're B-E-A-utiful! @kanneyj
You're hot and have a perfect smile @Gerardi51
Someone said @kaitlynleary was back from AZ... #VolleyballGirls #OSUWVB
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
.@brody_ritter. I met you at orientation and you're as perfect as they come
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
WED 7.29
Gabby Croci @GabbyCroci23
Chloe is wearing an OSU shirt at Venice Beach and the amount of times people yelled "go bucks" is amazing #howfirmthyfriendship
This incredibly soulful talent was first featured on Disclosure’s hit “Latch” and his fame skyrocketed since. His debut album included his hit songs “Lay Me Down,” “Stay With Me,” and “Like I Can.” The feels. So many feels.
Fake Urban Meyer @FakeUrban Hey @Cam_Johnston - see me tomorrow. I'm penciling you to be on the offensive line.
The Schott | 8 p.m.
THU 7.30
Amy Hanley, MS, RD @ AhealthEeater
Feels amazing to be back, it will always feel like a second home. #howfirmthyfriendship #buckeye4life…
This twangy band from Nashville is best known for their hit song “Wagon Wheel” which can be heard at least once a night at any and every campus bar. The band also covers some pre-World War II blues songs.
Mia Sanchez @miaballet Got my class schedule! 8am Business calc is the shit #new2osu
LC Pavilion | 6:30 p.m. | $43.60
SAT 8.1
Cameron Harris @camjamharris At that point of the summer where I'm craving Ohio State football more than anything
Besides for his great hair and his gorgeous face (I have a crush, sue me), this country star is crazy talented. Strap on your country boots and listen to his hits like “Alone with You" and “The One That Got Away."
EAP @_priceisright Summer's Heat or Winter's Cold @ The Ohio State University
Celeste Center | 7 p.m. | $35.25
Giveaways! Pelotonia swag!
Free concert, anyone?
Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will win a T-Shirt and other Pelotonia goodies!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and one will win a pair of tickets to see Brandon Flowers at the Newport on August 10.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by andrew bruening
the power of the unit
Pelotonia, Team Buckeye battle on the frontline of cancer funding and research By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a
n less than weeks, Pelotonia will take place– a bike ride that raises awareness for and money to cure cancer. But did you know that Team Buckeye (the official Ohio State backed group within Pelotonia) has been on the forefront of fighting cancer. Since its inception in 2010, the fellowship program has accepted 292 students. A majority of the accepted are either undergraduate or graduate students attending Ohio State. “There was no other place to be,” said Amanda Campbell, a graduate fellow whose focus is on the natural killer cells and their response to antibody therapy. On top of being in the fellowship, the united passion in fighting cancer is evident. “Cancer research is something I always wanted to do, “ said Serena Chang, a dance and molecular genetics major. For George Koutras, a fourth year in biomedical science, the research side of looking into reengineering viruses to combat cancer piqued while at Ohio State. “[I] didn’t even know the potential… [reengineering viruses] opens the door to combat cancer,” Koutras explained of this new approach at under8
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
sanding cancer. Team Buckeye is just one part of the cancer-solving puzzle. This year, Pelotonia has generated over $9 million in donations. As the bike ride gets ready to begin, there will be over 7,700 riders with over 269 different groups. Unlike other organizations that fight cancer, Pelotonia is more than that: it’s
"So many people are dedicating their lives to find a cure for cancer." a community. “It’s a grass root program in the Columbus area. So many people are dedicating their lives to find a cure for cancer, “ said Campbell on the importance of Pelotonia. Chang added to the importance of donating to Pelotonia, “I’ve never felt so much [from] a community… strangers will do anything to help reach your goal. That sort of community is irreplaceable." From Campbell, Chang and Koutras, they are a small sample of the dedication and passion pumped
into the fellowship program. There aren’t very many places in the world were you will find someone connecting art to science in the form of a choreographed danced (a task that Chang is attempting to complete), or someone reengineering viruses to fight cancer (the work that Koutras has been a part of), or in the work of understanding natural killer cells being done by Campbell. These three examples skim the surface of how in-depth, challenging, and taxing the fight for cancer is. Hopefully one day, there will be a cure for cancer – or even a way to slow down the effects of cancer. When asked if she thought there would be a cure for cancer within the next 50-100 years, Campbell responded, “ we have a shot at finding the cure… [the scientific community] found a lot about cancer, but there’s a lot we don’t know. I believe in my heart, that we will find a cure.” It’s that type of optimism that keeps the fight to end cancer alive. With the fellowship program by Team Buckeye, Ohio State has put some of the brightest minds on a path to find the cure. This is the power of the unit at its strongest.
11 •
Rockstar rider has no excuses By EMILY RUDDUCK
hen first-time Pelotonia rider Lydia Corle, a senior at Ohio State, was encouraged to attend a Pelotonia meeting with her friend, Hayley Smith, Corle said that she wasn’t fully engaged. After all, she was stressed about exams and the day-to-day of being a student. But, she went anyway, and it changed her life. Corle watched a video at the meeting that was made by fellow rider, John Looker, that shot down any and all excuses that someone could conjure up, like, “it’s too hot, I’m too busy, I can’t wear spandex, or I don’t have a bike,” Corle said. But the inspiring moment came at the end of the video, when it was revealed that Looker has stage 4 brain cancer, and 2015’s Pelotonia will mark his 7th year riding and he is going the full 180 miles. At that moment, Corle said she, “realized that if having cancer isn’t a good excuse, then there’s really no excuse that exists that is good enough.” Corle also realized how petty her problems were in comparison, and quickly became passionate about Pelotonia and the commitment to fundraising. Teaming up with her two friends, Hayley Smith and Val Rasicci, the three began fundraising for their respective rides, beginning at 4th Street Bar & Grill, where Rasicci works. Rasicci has, “always been passionate about the battle against cancer because her mom passed away from ovarian cancer when Val was
young,” Corle said. Smith has also been directly affected by cancer, as her mother battled cervical cancer when Smith was in 7th grade. Collectively, their slogan became We’re Riding For Mom for, “any mom who has been affected so that future moms don’t have to fight the battle,” Corle said. Corle, who is from the Akron area, fundraised at Jerzee’s Bar & Grill in Green, Ohio, where she works, as an additional fundraising campaign; selling ribbons representing the various cancers for $1 and adding the ribbons filled with names onto the front of her shirt. The community response was incredible. Corle said that while residents of Columbus hear about Pelotonia all the time, folks in Green had never heard of it. While some people laughingly told her that she was crazy, her reply is always the same. “I’ve never been so excited to do something that’s so miserable.” The event at Jerzee’s raised a whopping $11,000. The result is a beautifully adorned t-shirt that includes colorful ribbons and 180 reasons to ride. “I am going to wear that shirt in the race. Then, when I get tired, I can just look down and realize that there are so many people counting on us to keep going. Not just to keep riding, but to keep raising money to search for the cure. That’s why I ride.”
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
college life lessons from disney movies By ASHLEY WILKINSON
hen I was a kid, I loved watching Disney movies. Cinderella was my favorite princess, while The Fox and The Hound was my favorite animal movie. We all grew up with Disney movies about magic, princes, and friendship. These movies obviously teach lessons beyond magic. Many children can grasp these simple ideas and lessons. But perhaps Disney movies have more abstract lessons for us adults (or college kids) ... Mulan – This movie is all about girl power! Mulan, a favorite Disney princess, disguises herself as a man so she could serve in the army. She does many heroic things while serving, such as saving the emperor. She is eventually discovered, but in the end, she shows that women are capable of anything. Although gender discrimination isn’t as popular as it used to be, it is still present. The Lion King – The Lion King is a much loved Disney movie and is a favorite to many. One big lesson I got out of revisiting the movie is that you shouldn’t be held down by your past. Simba struggles with his past throughout a lot of the movie, but at the end, he realizes that he can’t let his past keep him from being king. Rafiki makes the claim, “The past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” I think this is an important lesson for everyone, no matter how old you are.
Finding Nemo – Even though this is a somewhat newer Disney movie, I think it can be enjoyed by audiences of any age. My favorite character is Dory. How could you not love Dory? She has Ellen DeGeneres’s voice and has a fun, quirky personality. In one scene, Dory says, “When life gets you down do you wanna know what you’ve gotta do? Just keep swimming!” This can easily be related to college. Say you flunk a giant test. It isn’t the end of the world! Just keep swimming and do better next time! Pinocchio – Even though the main lesson in this movie is to avoid lying, there is a smaller lesson that I feel is relevant for college aged kids. The Blue Fairy tells Pinocchio to let his conscience be his guide. Let’s be honest, this can go towards avoiding drunken hook ups to deciding a major. Cinderella – I left my favorite for last. This movie has a very simple lesson, although it is a lesson for everyone. Cinderella teaches us to never give up on our dreams. Think about it, Cinderella went from a house maid to a princess. If that isn’t inspiration, I don’t know what is (even though it is just a movie)! Even if you fail a test or get a bad grade, don’t let it get in the way of your dreams!
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
WHERE THE MONEY GOES • 100 percent of money raised goes to cancer research, nothing to administration • Idea Grants which help scientists develop innovative cancer research including new treatments and prevention, things that wouldn’t yet get funded by the National Institutes of Health • Scholarships to those pursuing independent cancer research and tools for discovery such as new equipment and technologies • Recruitment and retainment of talented physicians, scientists and physician scientists who specialize in different types of cancer • Clinical trials, such as the recent drug Ibrutinib which took $100,000 to trial two incurable diseases, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma, which had a 50 percent response in long-term mantle cell lymphoma patients and 90 percent with chronic lymphocytic leukemia which led to both indications being FDA approved and now available to millions. • Cancer vaccines, such as a recent one against breast cancer that has seen complete and partial responses; the next step is moving into clinics • Screening for the Lynch Syndrome across the state of Ohio for newly diagnosed colon cancer patients and biological relatives which can help prevent cancer with precautionary measures *Based off information available through the Pelotonia and Team Buckeye websites
BY THE NUMBERS • $9,225,911 raised to date for 2015 • More than $90 million raised since 2009 • 7,738 riders currently enlisted • 269 pelotons (riding groups) • 292 scholarship recipients through the Pelotonia Fellowship Program • $6.6 million in funding to Idea Grants thus far, which funds research on new treatments & prevention • No.1 most powerful fundraiser in OSU history *Based off information available through the Pelotonia and Team Buckeye websites
FUNDRAISING TIPS • Create a personalized rider profile page that tells your story and why your goal is important to you. • Include a link to your rider profile page in your email and across your social media accounts so that those interested can easily access your page to donate. • Write a letter to those you wish to donate to the cause. This will make a more personal connection between you and donors and show your commitment. • If you have a part-time job, ask your employer if they would be willing to donate or match donations. • Host a fundraising party or event that includes a raffle, items for purchase and have an easily accessible computer where people can donate on the spot. • Sell unwanted items to secondhand stores and use the profits toward your ride. • Team up with your favorite local bar or restaurant and see if they’d be willing to donate a percentage of sales from one night toward Pelotonia. Once you have a date, submit the event on the Team Buckeye website so that it will appear on their calendar. • Ask family members to donate now in lieu of any upcoming birthday or holiday gifts (or at least part of what you normally get). • Put up flyers in any shops and restaurants that allow them near you and campus. Be sure to make this just as customized as your page and give a brief description about yourself and the cause and include how people can access your donation page.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
reconnect with your no. 1: Yourself
or many Ohio State students, staying in Columbus for the summer sounds pretty much ideal.
You’re free to play in the city you’re so used to
missing out on while you’re busy cramming for midterms. Your friends are probably close and your parents are probably far, so while you can call them to check in, you still have that independence from them you’re used to during the school year.
A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle Sports Editor Ryan McGlade Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella
Photographers David Heasley Jon McAllister Layout Designer Chelsea Castle Lead Designer Doug Mayfield Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz Circulation Steve Landes
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
Between the weekend bar crawls, long days with friends at Oval Beach, porch parties and other debauchery, it can be easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of friends and activity. But summer is good for something else that might go overlooked during the even busier school year: alone time. It seems so many college students de-prioritize alone time, forgetting to do things for themselves, by themselves. I deeply value my college friendships, and like to be available for my friends as often as possible, but balancing in some alone time was one of the most enriching aspects of my time in college. For some, college is just a routine. They show up, take classes, work toward that expensive piece of paper and (hopefully) have a job offer waiting on the other side. But college can be so much more: after all, college falls during your formative years when you’re trying to figure out not only who you are, but who you want to be. That can be so hard without taking time to yourself every once in a while. Alone time, where you truly de-plug from others to do something just for you, is so inherently important. A few reasons why: It makes you more aware of the world around you. Especially when traveling or exploring unfamiliar places, you only have yourself to rely on, so you have to be more alert than when you’re traveling in a pack. From navigating airports to finding the nearest coffee shop, having to direct yourself makes you more independent and competent. It makes you more confident. Piggybacking off the last point, the more street smart you are, the more confidently you will start to carry yourself. The inner feeling of not needing to rely on another person to make or break your day feels good, and confidence has so many positive effects on your life. It makes you more adaptable. After college, there’s a decent chance you’ll move to a job, city, or even country where you don’t know anyone. That’s a stark contrast from the endless resources and familiar faces at Ohio State. But if you’re more accustomed to doing things alone, that transition is much easier. You’ll still call your friends and family when you’re feeling lonely, but you won’t feel helpless without them. It makes it easier to get what you want. Even in simple situations like wanting to see a movie at a certain time, or wanting to make a quick shopping trip, being comfortable doing things alone means you can have what you want, when you want it. It’s certainly not for everyone, but I personally enjoy spontaneously going to movies alone — aside from tearjerkers or comedies where I’d be hysterically crying or laughing alone. Hard pass. The more quality time you spend alone, whether it’s a solo vacation or a run around the block to clear your head, the more you’ll learn about yourself, and the more potential for happiness you’ll create. It might sound counterintuitive, because college is this time where you’re building close, important friendships with people you want to surround yourself with, but alone time adds to your happiness too. College can be such a demanding time in your life, so taking a step back from it all to decompress and focus on yourself is crucial for your mental health. Don’t be shy — take yourself out on a date.
Copy Editor Corinne Gleckler
Ryan Mann Ryan Shaw
VP of Marketing Lindsay Arnett
Contributing Alyssa Adkins Ty Anderson Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker
Brand Ambassador Kendra Schwarz Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Kyle Dawson Jenna Fisher Viv Le
Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Mike Huson Logan Korn Jack Lynch Chris McLain Matt McGreevy Sarah Mikati Allie Misch Brad Pierron Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner
Mihir Shah Arianna Urban Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Andrew Bruening Special thanks to Justine Boggs, Karl Koon, Team Buckeye, Pelotonia, Pelotonia Fellow Program organizers, Amanda Harper and Serena Chang
What is one thing you want to do this summer but haven't had a chance to do yet? By Mike huson
Cameron Williams
One thing I want to do is go camping more, white water rafting. Probably hit a few more clubs. Other than that, I think I'm good. Get outside, relax a little bit.
Kate Pelini
A day of doing nothing before classes start again.
Tevin Johnson
I want to go to a lake for a weekend or something like that. I just want to get away for the weekend. Any kind of lake. I just want to get away from the hustle and bustle of school. Nowhere specific.
Andy Sun
Just getting out of Ohio. That's about it. I've been in Columbus for a while now, so I want to travel a little bit.
Cristina Ocrainiciuc
I've been doing all that I want, and I couldn't ask for more.
Kate Isaacs
I wanted to go to Cedar Point this summer, but I probably won't. I want to play volleyball too. Volleyball seems more likely. I associate it with summer. It seems like a summer tradition.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
brax on brax on brax
What does Miller's move mean for him and the Buckeye offense? By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a
hen Braxton Miller first publicly committed that he was returning to Ohio State, Miller proclaimed that he was the best athlete in college football. Now, Miller will truly be able to showcase his athleticism as he is making the switch from quarterback to wide receiver. Many Buckeye fans claimed to have “called it” after hearing the news of the position switch. It did not come as much of a surprise and leaves the quarterback competition as a two-man race between J.T. Barrett and Cardale Jones. Miller could have transferred to another school and played immediately in this upcoming season due to his graduate status. Rumors swirled about possible moves to schools like Alabama, Florida State and Oregon. In the end, Miller decided to come back and remain a Buckeye forever, something important to him. He said his son, Landon, would be a Buckeye one day as well. OSU’s offense is not short on weapons and Miller gives the coaching staff yet another option. I have my doubts about where exactly Miller will 14
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
fit as a regular in the rotation. He is presumably moving to the “hybrid-back” position as opposed to a traditional wide rec eiver.
It is unlikely we have seen the last pass Miller will throw as a Buckeye. Let’s not for one second understate how elusive Miller is in the open field. If you doubt his ability to make people miss while out in space, there are dozens of videos to prove you wrong. His role will be one that will allow him to be in space. Does Miller present an upgrade at the hybrid-back position over Jalin Marshall, though? Miller is not an upgrade over Ezekiel Elliot in the backfield. Miller is 6-foot-2 but does not seem like an
option to line up as an outside receiver opposite of Michael Thomas. Bumping Marshall to the outside is not the best way to utilize his skill set. Dontre Wilson is a playmaker off the bench that will get a share of snaps, too. These are all questions and considerations that head coach Urban Meyer and his offensive staff have to decide on. It is unlikely we have seen the last pass Miller will throw as a Buckeye. OSU has ran some creative packages in the past, including special packages for then-backup Kenny Guiton. And of course, plays like the reverse pass that Evan Spencer threw to Thomas toward the end of the first half in the Sugar Bowl that went for a touchdown. While Miller’s position change provides some clarity to the quarterback race, the Buckeyes will need to find the right combination of skill set players to compliment their eventual starting quarterback. It is still a great problem to have, but everyone is going to expect their touches, especially the team’s former star quarterback with a chip on his shoulder.
photo courtesy of Ohio State Athletics
going the distance Zach Farmer valiantly battles a familiar foe By BRAD PIERRON @JBradleyPierron a
t was a little more than four years ago that I stood in the batter’s box in Piketon, Ohio. Piketon High School had a young, left-handed pitcher by the name of Zach Farmer, and he was quite the competitor. He undoubtedly had next-level pitching ability, but even more so, he had a resolute spirit, a relentless determination on the mound. The Ohio State Buckeyes saw this same competitive drive, and they were glad to see Farmer sign with them leading into the 2013-14 season. During his freshman campaign in Columbus, Farmer further demonstrated his resolve as he posted six wins in nine starts and maintained a 3.28 ERA. Such a season was cut short, however, by circumstances unforeseen. After becoming ill during a series at Purdue, Farmer returned to Columbus and went through several tests at the Wexner Medical Center. These tests uncovered a disheartening diagnosis. Farmer had acute myeloid leukemia, a type of blood cancer. After a couple of difficult months, Farmer’s resolute spirit prevailed, his relentless determination shined forth, and on June 6, 2014, he learned that he was in remission. Unfortunately, this battle was not yet complete. Two weeks ago, Farmer was told that his disease had returned. While this news may have discouraged the vast majority of us, he tightened up his laces and took the proverbial mound. It is incredible how the test of an athlete in competition displays the strength of his or her character. In competing against Farmer, one knew, whether it was a 2-0 or an 0-2 count, he was going to fight. He was not going to give up on that out. He was not going to give up on the inning. And he was certainly not going to give up on the game. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by david heasley/uw
feels like the first time
Breakout season earns Kamara first All-Star pick By @BEN_FERREE a
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
rew SC currently sits in second place in the MLS Eastern Conference due to many strong player performances, but no one is standing out more than forward Kei Kamara. In his first season back in Columbus since 2007, Kamara is leading the League with 15 goals in 21 games. He is two goals ahead of his closest competition, Sebastian Giovinco of Toronto FC. It’s already the fifth-most goals in a single season for a Crew SC player in franchise history. If he can average one goal a game going forward, Kamara has a chance to tie the all-time League record of 27 goals in a season. Kamara came back to Columbus after playing in England, most recently for Middlesbrough. It was a bit of luck that Crew SC held the No. 1 spot in the allocation ranking for returning players to bring Kamara back, as he is the perfect target forward for Gregg Berhalter’s system. The results have been spectacular, and have led to Kamara’s selection to the MLS All-Star Game, held this year in Denver. He is the only representative playing in the game from Columbus, and it is his first MLS All-Star appearance. “It means a lot. A lot of players in this league want to be an All-Star,” Kamara said. “Coming into this year, it was one of the things on my check list ... so to finally be on the All-Star team is a big thing for me.” Kamara had a simple explanation for how he scores so many goals - “It’s my job. It’s what I do.” Kamara has teammates that make his new career high in goals easier. Ethan Finlay is currently leading MLS with 12 assists, and the ever-threatening Federico Higuain keeps teams from focusing solely on any one Crew SC attacker. Even if the rest of the season does not go as well as it has gone so far for Kamara, he will continue to alter the Crew SC record books. Just three more goals will have him in second place for single-season goals in club history, tying former Crew SC great Stern John. Kamara’s last goal broke him into the top 10 for a Crew SC player in their entire career with 20, and he could conceivably get as high as eighth all time, which is currently held by Dante Washington with 28. While the team is currently in the thick of the playoff race, Crew SC fans can take solace that even when the team loses, they’re watching Kamara make history.
photo by david heasley/uw
Scarlet, gray & brown Ohio Stadium hosts Cleveland team By BRAD PIERRON
@JBradleyPierron a
he historic Ohio Stadium will not be filled with its customary scarlet and gray on Aug. 7. Instead, orange and brown will fill the ‘Shoe as it hosts the Cleveland Browns’ 2015 “Orange & Brown Scrimmage.” In a year during which the AFC North looks to be wide open, this seems to be the right move for the Browns. FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland was renovated this offseason, and it will be exciting to keep that under wraps until the NFL preseason begins. Additionally, there seems to be an optimism in the air regarding this year’s Browns team, and what better place to build upon this enthusiasm than the Horseshoe? Ohio Stadium seats almost 32,000 more people than FirstEnergy Stadium. This is both a great marketing ploy by the Browns and an even better way to attract their fans and followers. The dedicated fans from Cleveland are sure to make their way down to Columbus, to the place where Paul Brown made a name for himself. Not to mention, the ever-growing fan base in Columbus, even if partially lukewarm after years of underachievement, is sure to be glad to have a chance to tailgate and make their way to the ‘Shoe. Perhaps, the excitement of fans for this year’s Ohio State team will be why they attend the scrimmage. This could be extremely beneficial for the Browns, and it could be the start they need for a season of high expectations. It is also important to note that a few Buckeyes will be returning to Ohio Stadium for the first time since they were still playing on Saturdays. Donte Whitner, an All-American safety as a Buckeye, will be making a return to Columbus. Brian Hartline, who had a little less than 1,500 yards receiving
Hight St Columbus | (614) 298-8817 FROM THE OSU STUDENT UNION
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by Chris casella
a summerfest to remember Recapping the popular CD102.5 weekend festival By CHELSEA CASTLE and JAMES GARCIA
mong a sea of man buns and flower crowns, Summerfest separated the talented from the shitty; the good from the bad, the fun from the whack. Day 1 of CD102.5’s fifth installment of Summerfest was headlined by Cake – whose set I can sum up in one word, boring. I’m not gonna lie – I left after their fifth song because I simply could not stand to listen any more, nor could I stay awake. As my boyfriend so eloquently and melodramatically put it, “I only have so much time on Earth, I don’t want to waste it listening to that crap.” Matt & Kim stole the show, and if you’ve ever seen them live before, you know why. They’re frequent visitors of Columbus, so much so that they call the capital city their second home. “You guys know we’re like family,” Matt shouted at the beginning of their set. “The sun is just coming down, and I think that’s when things start to get weird. And I know you all in Columbus like to get weird!” Cue the bass drop. Matt & Kim’s hour on stage was full of talking, interacting with the crowd, shouting copious F 18
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
bombs, blasting EDM mashups and playing only a handful of their own songs. But they played the favorites: “Let’s Go,” “It’s Alright,” “Get It” and “Cameras.”And that’s not to exclude their fun tossin’s like Beastie Boys’ “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” and R. Kelly’s “Remix to Ignition.” Even if their music isn’t your cup of tea, I promise you that it’s simply impossible not to have a freaking great time with them on stage. Any good musician will tell you that Kim isn’t that great on drums, and Matt isn’t that great on keys/ vocals. But it doesn’t matter. They are the perfect example of the balance of personality and working a stage, and musical abilities. They aren’t just playing music for you, they give you a f*cking show. Their sets are full of confetti and balloons and if you don’t find yourself smiling or dancing at one point, you should probably go back to your trashcan, Grouch. The British band Glass Animals kicked off the evening, as Civil Twilight had some travel issues and were unable to make it to the show. I was looking forward to GA, as I’ve been a big fan of “Gooey” and “Black Mambo,” the latter of
which they opened with. And for the first band of the evening, the crowd seemed to really dig them too. They sounded pretty good musically; lead singer Dave Bayley’s vocals were especially smooth and almost better than on the album. He interacted a little, and probably just enough, with the audience; with weird movements and animal-like gestures and dances as he gripped the mic stand often with his guitar slung around his waist. The rest of the band were also multitaskers – the guitar and bass players were both on keys and other percussion instruments. And the drummer incorporated shakers and an electronic drum pad in addition to his kit. The pinnacle of their set came after something happened with Bayley’s mic stand, so he improvised. “Since my stand is all whack, I’m gonna take a seat up here!” he bellowed in his thick accent as he proceeded to use holes on the side stage speakers to climb up. As he towered over the speakers he shared that the next song was about Kanye West, and they broke into their version of “Love Lockdown.” Truly the way to my heart. Bear Hands played next, and maybe it 33 •
Summer 2015 in review By BRYAN FRAKER
ummer is a great time for relaxation. Class is out, the days are longer and the fantastic weather means tons of lounging poolside. However, there is one thing that doesn’t relax or slowdown in the least: the entertainment world. Whether or not you’ve been paying attention the last month, there have been some interesting events happening in the entertainment world. Luckily for you, I’m here to help you figure out everything you may have missed. Superhero movies still dominate. “Ant-Man” came out July 17 and it has gotten plenty of praise. This marks yet another year where a superhero movie has hit theaters and killed it. We’re not even in the normal superhero ranks anymore, either. There’s no way your mother knows who Ant-Man is, but clearly it doesn’t matter. I’m still waiting for the Powdered Toast Man movie. Amy Schumer wins the season. Speaking of success this summer, she's is proving she’s the breakout comedienne of 2015. Her show “Inside Amy Schumer” is highly acclaimed, her movie “Trainwreck” is the comedy movie of the year, and she was reportedly offered “The Daily Show” hosting gig before Trevor Noah. It’s amazing to see someone succeed in multiple mediums especially when the only things I can succeed in at once is watching porn and overcooking ramen. Bill Cosby allegations continue. I would say it’s sad that someone of Cosby’s stature has fallen so hard, but all the sexual assault allegations make his fall from grace not sad. He deserves everything he’s getting right now. The only thing about this that’s sad would be the lost essence of our childhoods knowing that we looked up to someone so heinous. Hulk Hogan’s racist dialogue. Speaking of childhood idols falling from grace, Hulk Hogan is officially fired from the WWE due to some racist language he used in his 2012 sex tape. The big takeaway here is that there was something more obscene on this sex SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
apple music under INVESTIGATION
ressure is quickly mounting against Apple’s newest venture, Apple Music, with the claim that the streaming music service holds an unfair advantage against its rivals Spotify, Rdio and Pandora. Those three, along with others, all rely on the iTunes store to reach as many consumers as possible. In doing so, they have to pay Apple the right to be featured, thus creating a conflict of interest when Apple Music debuted earlier this month. Obviously, Apple Music doesn’t have to pay this so called “Apple Tax,” so last week, subpoenas were issued to many of the streaming music companies, as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began to investigate the claim of Apple’s anticompetitive practices. One supporter of the FTC’s investigation is Senator Al Franken (D-MN) who said, “Increased competition in the music streaming market should mean that consumers will ultimately benefit through more choices of better products and at lower prices. I am concerned, however, that Apple’s position as a dominant platform operator may actually undermine many of the potential consumer benefits of its entry into the market.” The result of the investigation will not be known for a-while, but considering there is support coming from senators it shows that there will at least be a relatively enduring outcome, as opposed to the whole situation fizzling out in front of nameless committees.
Turn your phone horizontally!” This remark can be seen on nearly every YouTube video shot with a cell phone. It’s hard for people to remember they have to turn their phones to spontaneously record something when 90 percent of the time they hold it vertically. So, to combat the collective Internet grumbling, a YouTube app called APKMirror is introducing a feature that will full-screen vertical videos. Viewers no longer will be tormented by the dreaded black bars that always seem to negate the otherwise great video of your drunken friend face planting. The new app makes plenty of sense in the post-Periscope world, a place where videos are required to be shot vertically. Currently, the app is only available on the Android marketplace where there is a new version of YouTube, update 10.28, that once installed will make this change. Depending on the popularity of the app, it could see the light of day on iOS someday, but for now Android users have a leg up on their smart phone brethren.
- @AdamAmbro a
- @AdamAmbro a
apps of the week: Explore Star Wars, Hang out, Play with effects Star Wars, iOS & Android Following its commanding performance at San Diego Comic Con and in anticipation of the release of “Stars Wars: The Force Awakens,” Disney has unveiled the official Star Wars app. Features include behind-the-scenes featurettes, trailers, taking and sharing of selfies in iconic costumes, Star Wars themed weather forecasts and sound effects from favorite characters. 20
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
Free, iOS Launched earlier this month on iOS, Free users create statuses to show if they’re available to hang out. The app has three different modes including: “Going Out,” “Flexible” or “Busy.” Whatever your status, the app will send push notifications to friends who live in your current city, letting them know your availability., Android Add music and sound effects to your videos or lip sync to your favorite songs. Then share your videos on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Messenger, Whatsapp and Vine.
Hulu set to remove ads and raise prices By @ADAMAMBRO a
t’s the classic good news/bad news scenario. Hulu, the TV streaming site, is set to announce a version of its service that will air programming without ads. The catch, of course, is that this new optional format will mean higher prices to make up for the lost ad revenues. First reported by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the plan could debut as early as this fall and the price increase could be anywhere from the current $7.99 a month to between $12 and $14 a month. The decision to remove ads came about in order to compete with Netflix and to a lesser extent HBO Now, neither of which stream content with ads. According to Time, “The option apparently has a codename of its own, ‘NOAH,’ which stands for ‘No Ads Hulu.” News of Hulu’s drastic change comes shortly after Netflix’s announcement that it now has over 65 million subscribers worldwide, compared to
Hulu’s respectable, but nowhere close, 9 million. While the removal of ads is no doubt a good move for consumers, if they can afford a few more dollars per month, the real question is how negatively advertisers will react to the news. This may be why Hulu, as the WSJ points out, doesn’t actually want as many people to jump to this new option, hence the higher price tier. The reason Hulu gets to air all the major network shows is because it’s partially owned by Disney, 21st Century Fox and Comcast, none of which want to lose out on advertising dollars. But with such a staggering subscriber differential compared to Netflix, it’s clear something has to be done. According to the WSJ, Hulu will generate anywhere from $1.5 to $1.7 billion in revenue in 2015,
while in 2014, Netflix garnered $5.5 billion, thanks in large part to this drastic difference in the number of users. It should be noted that this is all rumor from the WSJ, but since it’s along the same lines of the rumors that surrounded HBO Now for nearly a year, and with the NOAH codename already public, it’s a safe bet that this is happening. There are a few things that will be interesting to see once this comes to fruition. Will the number of first-time subscribers increase or decrease with the addition of the ad-free format? And will there be more or fewer shows coming to Hulu as a result? Only time will tell.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
MIKAYLA LOWENKAMP When senior Mikayla Lowenkamp isn’t busy doing research at Wexner Medical Center, she’s snagging deals at Nordstrom Rack and looking to friends for fashion advice. She likes to stick to the basics with neutral colors like navy blue and white to give her wardrobe a timeless look.
How would you describe your style? It kind of depends on the day. Its usually a little preppy but if I feel lazy then it’s more of leggings and a workout tank and tennis shoes.
How do you pick your outfits? I’m really bad at putting outfits together so usually I have other people help me put different pieces together.
TOP $50 Ralph Lauren
What do you look for when you go shopping? I usually tend to stick to neutral colors. So, I like black, white and navy and I tend to gravitate to those colors. My whole wardrobe is neutral colors.
Why is fashion important to you? watch $250 Kate Spade SHORTS $35 Banana Republic
Bangles $28 Alex and Ani
I think it's important to always put your best self forward and to present yourself in a professional manner. Whether that be what you’re wearing or how to fixed yourself up that morning. So, yea, I think it’s important to always put your best foot forward.
Who or what inspires your look? I’m really obsessed with the J. Crew catalog so I love anything from there.
What are your favorite places to shop? I really like J. Crew and Nordstrom Rack. Nordstrom Rack is my favorite place to shop because you can get all that stuff for, like, half the price.
Do you have any fashion advice for readers?
Shoes $95 Birkenstocks
I try to kind of bounce off my friends and see what they’re wearing and ask where they got it and bring them along to help me pick out things. It’s always a lot easier to see it on someone else and seeing what you like, I think, instead of just going into stores kind of blind.
What’s your go-to outfit? I really like high waisted shorts with a button up or some sort of dressier top.
- Lauren Every 22
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
SUMMER-PROOF YOUR HAIR earlybird special
By SARA WILSON hat does your college style say about how successful you’ll be in the real world? Take this quiz to find out.
You woke up late for your 8 a.m.! What do you do with your attire for the day? A. Forget trying to look good, I have to get to class! B. I miss breakfast to make sure I am presentable for the public. C. Who cares about getting dressed — I’ll just skip class. D. That’s a normal morning for me; hello, sweats! E. I put on what I laid out last night!
new guest specials $10 HAIRCUT
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and 20% off aveda products
new guests only. $25 service minimum. present coupon at time of service. not valid w/other offers. exp 8/31/15 sav.hl.15 | 1581 n high st | 1618 neil ave | 614.291.2421
Cosmetic Art School Work done eclusively by supervised students.
What does your purse look like? A. A Michael Kors splurge. B. It’s always different! I change it out based on my outfit. C. I don’t really have one! I usually just carry my wallet slung around my wrist. D. It’s huge! I usually have to root through combs and hair products to find anything. E. Small and easy to carry around. It’s usually slung across my body. You have your first real interview! What do you wear? A. Lots of patterns and color! I want to make a statement. B. Mostly black with a little pop of color somewhere. C. Not sure, my only black skirt is the same one I go to the club in. D. I go all out! Designer pieces and name brands — have to look the part! E. I like to take style risks and my interview outfit will match that. What’s your style motto? A. Keep up with the Kardashians. B. Make it your own! SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photos by Chris casella/614
coffee, coffee, coffee Top 5 coffee shops to make finals studying easier
inals week is quickly approaching and I know you’re thinking of finding the perfect environment to study get caffeinated. If you are hunting for a coffee shop to study, search no more. I found the five best coffee shops that offer free Wi-Fi and can rock your finals week.
Upper Cup Coffee Located on 79 Parsons Ave, Upper Cup Coffee is a beautiful local coffee shop that roasts, grinds, and brews their coffee in the house. Upper Cup has the perfect espresso, which goes good with ice to cool your summer day. They have a nice, warm atmosphere with affordable prices. Most sandwiches are $6, and their grill cheese and egg sandwiches are $3.50. I recommend getting their pour over coffee, but if you are adventurous get the iced mocha.
Luck Bros Coffee House Located on 1101 W 1st Ave, Luck Bros is a good environment to enjoy quality coffee and donuts while you study. They named their drink sizes very creatively. The ‘Awesome’ size it 12 oz, the ‘Indecisive’ size is 16 oz, and the ‘Party’ size is 20 oz. Luck Bros features artisanal donuts from local donut maker Destination Donuts on Friday, 24
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
Saturday, and Sunday. They spin vinyl records all day through a vintage Marantz tube amp. Their espresso flight is the real deal, where you get to try the espresso straight, in milk, and Kyoto cold brewed with a complementary house baked cookie.
Café Brioso Located on 14 E Gay St, Café Brioso focuses on providing high-quality gourmet coffees, loose-leaf teas, coffee accessories, sandwiches, soups, salads, and baked goods. Owner Jeff Davis is known for roasting the artisan-roasted coffees in house. Their honey vanilla latte is perhaps one of the best lattes in Columbus. It will alter your mind, refine your palate, and improve your focus. I’d advise pairing their latte with a banana muffin or a delicious chocolate chip cookie to get your day started.
Café Apropos Locate on 443 W 3rd Ave; Café Apropos is one of the best coffee shops to study in Columbus. Their amazing coffee, unlimited outlets, and luxurious booths will make you forget about your campus library. The outdoor seating is also a wonderful spot to study when the weather is pleasant. Apropos roasts local coffee and also serves beer, wine and spirits. On Tuesdays and
days they have a $7 beer and pizza combo. Happy hours are daily from 4-8 pm with $3 tap beers and discounted food. I recommend getting their houseiced coffee.
Stauf’s Coffee Roasters Located on 1277 Grandview Ave, Stauf’s is my favorite coffee shop in town. They are owned by Cup O’ Joe, so you know the quality is top notch. Their indoor and outdoor settings are the ideal environment to hang out, enjoy some coffee and study. The atmosphere is lively, subtle, and rustic. They also have board games to accompany your study break. I usually get the coconut-flavored latte, which is awesome, smooth and delicious. If you are looking for something strong then I suggest going for a coconut-flavored cappuccino. I hope that you now found the right environment to study because these coffee shops kick Starbucks right in the behind with their quality and authentic atmosphere. All the best on your exams and enjoy the rest of your summer break!
-Mihir Shah
Mobile cupcakes prove to be a
DIY recipe for
vietnamese iced coffee
re you craving for strong coffee and cannot afford Starbucks frappes? It's time you make strong coffee at home. This recipe will blow your mind, get you energized, and improve your focus. In under 20 bucks, you can make enough iced coffee to last you weeks.
What you will need You will need French medium coarse ground coffee. Note that fine ground might fall through the tiny holes of the coffee press. I personally use Trung Nguyen gourmet blend coffee because it has an authentic taste, popularly used for making Vietnamese coffee. You can find it on Amazon for about 12 bucks or at an Asian market. Next, you will need a Vietnamese coffee filter set. You can get it under 6 bucks on either Amazon or the Asian market. Once you have these two components, you will need a can of sweetened condensed milk, which you can find for less than 2 bucks at Giant Eagle. Finally, you will need a glass and some crushed ice.
How to prepare First, add approximately 3 tablespoons of gourmet blend coffee into the coffee filter. Gently shake it and lock the coffee press inside. Then add 2 tablespoons of condensed milk into a glass and place the coffee filter on top so that the coffee pours inside the glass Next, add 20 mL of boiling water into the filter and wait for 30 seconds until the coffee has fully absorbed the water. Then add 60-80 mL of boiling water into the filter and cover it with the cap. Wait for 5 to 8 minutes for the coffee to drip through the grinds. See the magic happen as the coffee slowly drips through the pores of the filter into the glass! The coffee must drip slowly in order to capture the pure coffee essence. Finally, remove the filter, stir the coffee and condensed milk mixture, and add crushed ice to fill the glass.
-Mihir Shah
What bar, club, growler spot, etc. do you want to know more about? #TellUWeekly & it could end up here!
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here! @elizabethfair
photos by jon mcallister
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Sam Smith
This incredibly soulful talent was first featured on Disclosure’s hit “Latch” and his fame skyrocketed since. His debut album included his hit songs “Lay Me Down,” “Stay With Me,” and “Like I Can.” The feels. So many feels. Schottenstein Center Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Reba McEntire
After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Tiffany Lamson and Taylor Guarisco found themselves with nothing to do but jam together. And, so, Givers was born. Their debut album, released in 2011, and they have been touring throughout the US.
This homegrown county star first started performing at local rodeos. Yep, rodeos. She is now occasionally referred to as “The Queen of Country” so this is sure to be an awesome show.
A and R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $17.95
Celeste Center Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Mark Battles
Aaron Gillespie
As if being a rapper isn’t cool enough, Mark Battles decided to also create his own record label called Fly America. His single “Last Night” reached second on MTVu charts and he was also named an “Artist to Watch” last year by FoxWeekly. Skully's Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $20
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
As the former lead singer of Underoath and The Almost, this summer marks the first time Aaron Gillespie is touring on his own headliner tour. He is joined by William Beckett from The Academy Is. Park Street Saloon Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $12
Old Crow Medicine Show This twangy band from Nashville
is best known for their hit song “Wagon Wheel” which can be heard at least once a night at any and every campus bar. The band also covers some preWorld War II blues songs. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $43.60
The Aristocrats
Ladies 80’s
This “supergroup” was first thrown together for The Anaheim Bass Bash in 2011 after only one rehearsal. They said their chemistry was so good on stage they decided to continue recording and touring together.
As Destiny’s Child would say, “Ladies, leave yo’ man at home.” Mhm. Forget the guys, bring your friends and have a jumpin’ time. Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Free for Ladies 21+
Jake Miller
Last year, rapper Jake Miller was named the number one artist to watch by FoxWeekly. His most recent EP, called Rumors, includes his song “Dazed and Confused” which features Travie McCoy. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:300 p.m. | Tickets: $27.60
Skully's Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $25
Joe Firstman
From 2005-2009, Joe Firstman was the bandleader for the late night show Last Call with Carson Daly. He is now writing his own music and touring, playing songs from his various EPs. Woodlands Tavern Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Patti LaBelle
This singer, songwriter, author, and actress has been in the entertainment industry for more than 50 years. She and her backup singers, named The Bluebelles, were the first African-American vocal group to be on the cover of Rolling Stone. She is known for hits like “Lady Marmalade” and “On My Own.” Celeste Cener Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $37.25
Beach Fuzz
This indie band from Santa Cruz, California has a mellow rock sound. They’re accompanied by Bummers, a local rock band. A and R Music Bar Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $11.45
Midwest Beatbox Battle
Picnic with the pops
Skully's Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
This metal band from North Carolina has released seven albums since they were formed in 2000. Their most recent album, titled Coma Ecliptic, was just released on July 10. Newport Music Hall Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $27.60
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra has presents various Picnic with the Pops events but this one is particularly special for us Buckeyes. Featuring TBDBITL, the two groups will band together, pardon the pun, and celebrate Buckeye pride. Columbus Commons Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $29.45
Presented by Shut Your Mouth and Beatbox, this competition is sure to entertain with it’s 80 competitors. They are narrowed down to a top 16 and then battle face-to-face.
Between The Buried And Me
Jake Owen
Besides for his great hair and his gorgeous face (I have a crush, sue me), this country star is crazy talented. Strap on your country boots and listen to his hits like “Alone with You,” “The One That Got Away,” “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” and “Beachin’." Celeste Center Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $35.25
dj giovanny
If you just want a night to relax and forget about the work week behind you and the one in front of you, this is the place for you. Dance the night away and, if you come before 10 p.m., entry is free. Skully's Time: 10 p.m. | Entry fee varies
This rock band has been around since the 80’s but has no problem pushing their creativity to new limits. They recently released an album called Primus & the Chocolate Factory which is based off of the original Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory movie. Lc Pavilion Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $47.10
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Meghan Trainor
This singer/songwriter/producer began as a writer before making it big with her song “All About That Bass” which was rejected by Beyoncé and Adele. She has since recorded various singles like “Lips Are Movin” and “Dear Future Husband.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Celeste Center | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $37.25
PJ Morton
Best known for his song “Only One” which featured Stevie Wonder and was nominated for a Grammy, this singer/songwriter also toured and recorded with Maroon 5. He also won a Grammy for writing and producing India.Arie’s album titled Interested. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Woodlands Tavern | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $25
The Flex Crew
This local reggae band will bless your ears with their soulful and funky songs. TFC has performed with many popular reggae artists and continues to tour the country.
Skully's | Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Bobby Floyd Trio
Columbus native, Bobby Floyd, is an accomplished pianist and has toured throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Japan. He has even played in various nightclubs with legends like Ray Charles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $10 32
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
Chris Tomlin
This Grammy winning Christian artist had his last album debut at number one on the Billboard 200 chart and it was only the fourth contemporary Christian album to do so. He is also a member of CompassionArt which uses income from works of art sold to provide relief worldwide.
Columbus Clippers
Cheer on the Clippers as they take on the Scranton Wilkes-Barre RailRiders. Eat some hot dogs, too. Lots of hot dogs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Huntington Park | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Celeste Center | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $27.75
Happy Hour
Monday’s aren’t so bad when you can get half off drinks until 9 p.m., right? And if you want to stay after 9 p.m. for a Monday Funday, make sure to still stick with the deals: $2 well drinks and $2 bombs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Country rock bands can’t get much more American than Alabama who originally formed in 1969. Best known for hits like “Tennessee River,” “Love in the First Degree,” and “Song of the South,” this is one concert you and your parents would enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Celeste Center| Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $43.25
Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free
Mug Night
If you prefer cheap beer and only cheap beer, celebrate the start of another work week at Out R Inn. Mug Night features crazy cheap refills so empty out those pockets and the change in your car and have a good time.
Ron E Polo
Up and coming rapper, Ron E Polo, will impress you with his clever lyrics and catchy flow. He has even opened for Wiz Khalifia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Our R Inn | All Night | Refills: $1.75-2.25
Summer Slaughter Tour
If you enjoy death metal and/or screamo, you have to go to this evening-long of a concert. Featuring Arch Enemy, Born of Osiris, and Veil of Maya, headbanging and mosh-pitting are a sure thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Northland Performing Arts Center Time: 3 p.m. |Tickets: $28.94
Gramps the Vamp
This funky afrobeat band from Chicago just released their first album last year and will be joined by Urban Tropic. Fun fact: Gramps the Vamp is also the name of a villain in an episode of Scooby-Doo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brothers Drake Meadery | Time: 9 p.m. | Free
• 18 was because they followed Glass Animals or I’m musically bias (ie. have ears), but they weren’t too great. The lead singer’s voice is super strange, and sometimes that works, but personally, I’d rather listen to Janet from the show “Friends.” The Brooklyn-based band classify themselves as indie pop and post-punk, which is fine, but they just fell flat. There was a very noticeable difference in the crowd, too – more talking, no one standing in the lawn, hardly anyone was engaged or seemed to be feeling it. A couple people around me seemed to be singing along at times, but they were cross-legged on the lawn and hardly paying attention, like they were chilling out to the radio or something. After Matt & Kim got the crowd riled up, there was a long, instrumental lead up to Cake’s appearance on stage. It was kind of funny – the music was dramatic like you’d hear in a popular 80’s action flick. But it was anti-climactic – the music stopped, Cake walked on stage, and just stood there. I should first say that I was expecting Cake to be good – I don’t know a lot of their songs but I do like a couple of the classics – but they just weren’t. You couldn’t hear the bass player at all, the lead singer’s acoustic sounded like crap, and he also stopped in the middle of a song to tune his guitar and said “that’s just what I do” … Uh, ok. Their keyboard player also broke out a trumpet quite a few times, to which the crowd went wild when he’d play a couple notes. I was super confused as he sounded like a 13-year-old learning to play trumpet for the first time. I understand the band selection for the evening, attracting a varied audience and mix of younger and older demographic. But floods of people left after Matt & Kim, and throughout Cake’s set. I left with a stale, gimmicky taste in my mouth from Cake, but at least I had good vibes and a pep in my step from Matt & Kim. Day 2: The sun shone bright over the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion Friday, and the crowd was soaking it up while excitedly awaiting Weezer’s headlining performance on the second day of Summerfest. Summer was in full swing as POP ETC took the stage to open the evening’s musical festivities. The band pumped out broad, sweeping synth melodies, fully entertaining the crowd that continued to funnel into the pavilion. POP ETC sounds like the ’80s snuck into practice and replaced a guitar rock band’s instruments with synths, but left all the big, guitar-inspired hooks and leads. The L.A. dance indie troupe Saint Motel played next. The inclusion of trumpet and saxophone made this band stand out in the best way. Saint Motel captured the sound of summer with the dancey, riff-heavy “Feed Me Now.” These guys were on point with groove-centric tunes like “Benny Goodman,” whose driving bassline and uber-poppy winds were hard to ignore, encouraging many to jump about carelessly. Its song, an almost Sinatra-esque number, “Ace in the Hole,” really drove its set home — and in a ’56 Cadillac, no less. Atlas Genius’ first US performance was at Summerfest of 2012, and CD102.5 saw fit to bring the gang and Columbus back together. This band put on a darker and more introspective show than the previous two groups. With droning guitar, poppy basslines and just the right amount of synth, Atlas Genius funneled otherworldly meanderings into tidy pop packages. Its cover of ’80s anthem “You Spin Me Right ‘Round” was somewhat unsettling, with a dope-fueled breakdown that unleashed some energy, but the crowd didn’t seem to fully mirror the band’s enthusiasm. Atlas Genius is a talented band, and definitely worth listening to, but it seemed ever so slightly out of place in the day’s lineup. A couple was engaged on stage. Congrats to them. Moving on. Weezer. What needs to be said about Weezer? Weezer is as Weezer does. The hit-machine pumped out every song that you danced to every summer since “Say it Ain’t So.” “Jonas,” “Hash Pipe,” “El Scorcho,” “Beverly Hills” — they were all here, and all of them were in full form. As a band, Weezer can’t really be any tighter. It’s got its set down to a science, and it really shows. There really is something for everyone in a legacy band such as this. Rivers Cuomo just looks like he’s having a blast throwing his seductive guitar licks around like a champ, and the crowd melted in his hands. It really felt like the good life: summer summarized in a way that I’d go back to any day.
photos by chris casella
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Star-crossed lovers or a good time?
nough of the bullshit, I’m looking for something real. Unfortunately, summer flings aren’t real. They’re a dream filled with laughter and kisses—and nothing ruins summer flings like reality. To be with him or not to be with him? Why stay in a “thing” with someone? Personally, I’d end the relationship—especially—if you two are heading to different schools. I know couples that go to different universities in Ohio, but honestly how serious are you guys? There are a thousand men and women in college that are just looking for a good time. It’s hard to stay faithful around such easy and sexually open attitudes. Don’t bring yourself any unnecessary pain by staying with him if you’re the jealous type…or the fun one (there’s nothing wrong with exploring yourself and sex life!). You guys probably didn’t even put a label on your relationship, which is fine—for like three minutes. I know everyone hates confrontation, but talk about it. It’s time to become a woman that is destined for world domination; and, if you can’t even ask a simple question then get your ish together! I highly advise you have a marathon of Sex in the City and learn a thing or two from those strong women (channel Samantha Jones in these situations). Though, I would definitely not continue the relationship because no one was able to bring up the topic of “us.” Once summer is over, it’s no longer a situation where you just “go with it.” Muster up the strength to talk about where you both stand or to end it with him. Unless, you’re in love or believe you love him.
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015
Who’s to say that you should end a “thing” if there’s a real connection? This is when you need to do some serious soul-searching and see if feelings are mutual. Will he be worth it? Maybe. If there’s something so amazing that no other guy has given you, don’t dump him. In the words of my good friend (and Alfred Lord Tennyson), “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Any relationship that you put time and effort into will be rewarding in some way. He may not be the one you marry, but you’ll have learned a great deal about yourself while being with someone special. You’ll cherish the sweet memories and ensure the man you marry is nothing short of superb. Either way you take your relationship or “thing,” it’s all about you and your happiness. That sounds selfish but right now in your life it’s all about you. More females need to do what’s in their best interest, because too many of us sacrifice our happiness. Remember, you’re a strong “Independent Woman (Pt.1).” You’re a “Survivor” who don’t need “No Scrubs.” I hope you understood my references to some of the best female anthems ever made. If you didn’t, you’re welcome. Those songs are instant mood boosters. Embrace your independence, girlies. With much love, Stella
July 29, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • July 29, 2015