UWeekly 08.19.15

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FREE AUG 19, 2015







UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015



August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Photo by Jon McAllister


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @ osuwexmed

@ b_mandato

@ theohiostateuniversity @ chasewruhlen @ theohiostateuniversity

@ nmoon15

@rachelghindea @ kikidenhas


@ kasuallife cailinpittt


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

It's enough! Be my bae this year @hayashakhtra

This stud jogging down Neil with "MCBRIDE" on the back of your shirt

Lilo @Lyndsiijean

Damn lookin fine in that hard hat @Hawkinbitches

When you graduate and it sucks cause you won't get to see @Sydcarrr lift anymore, damn.

You are gorgeous @graceesimp! let's study and pet those puppies together!

School is starting up soon, you know what that means. Hailey Farrell's sexy behind back in my life. @hailey_farrell


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

The things I would do to you if you gave me a chance @Gerardi51

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




THU 8.20

Yadi Melendez @laritzaM


So excited for my new life in college #OSU

Food trucks are all the rave these days and we are not mad about it. Try dishes from Aromaku, Mixing Bowl Asian Grill, Paddy Wagon, Red Plate Blue, and Schmidt’s Sausage Truck.

Sydney Sterling @Sydney3Sterling It feels so good to be back on campus! Can't wait for football season to start! #OSU


Columbus Commons | 11 a.m.

FRI 8.21

Jay Perrill @ JayPerrill15


20 more days until the best team in all of college football finally takes the field! The anticipation is killing me. #OSU #TheGrind

This folk band is headlined by two brothers from North Carolina. They’ve combined bluegrass and ragtime to create a sad but upbeat sound that will have you clapping along in between wiping tears

Emily Hipple @shorttcakee_emm "Wow, my bio lecture is so small! Only 216 people!" #onlyatOSU

off of your face. --------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 5 p.m. Tickets: $56.10

SAT 8.22

Nate Steingass @natesteingass My only goal for this year is to not step foot in Bullwinkle's. #new2osu


This EDM Dance Party, aka a rave, is guaranteed to get a little crazy. Be prepared for some high school prom grinding action and probably a lot of jumping around.

Meg @megsdaneen I spent more on Victoria's Secret OSU apparel today than I made on my last paycheck, but that's ok bc I'm #new2osu right??


Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $25



Food delivery? Yes please!

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best two will win a $25 gift card to Order Up Columbus!

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Father John Misty at LC Pavilion on Sept. 23.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo by ryan murphy/UW

Livin' la vida freshman Tips for living and surviving life as a first-year student By JAMES GARCIA @JamesDGarcia7 a


ere’s the deal: You are literally a joke, now that you are a freshman. You’re going to hear it chanted at you as you and your friends walk down the street together. Older kids will call each other “F*ckin’ freshman!” to insult one another. You’re going to read about it in magazine cover stories, how you are “literally a joke.” But fret not! You are powerful in your numbers and your revolt will be magnanimous. Why? Because you are the future, and you are the hope of the world (God help us). You are future sophomores and future presidents and stuff (but probably just cashiers). So be bold, be proud, be … fresh, men (and women)! This is new territory for most of you, and it will be horrifying, sloppy and sometimes pukey. You are expected to live with, and be one with, many new types of people. But you can survive. Below you will find steps on living with complete strangers in your closet formally known as a dorm room. The first step is knowing that you are no longer on friendly ground. Your new roommates are going to try to kill you in your sleep. Not really. But they may think about it when you eat their bagel 10

UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

and veggie cream cheese when they aren’t looking. That’s step No. 1: Don’t eat food that you did not buy! Stick to this rule, if nothing else, and you will go far in your likeability. Step No. 2 is the second most important step. Be aware of your surroundings in your closet. You will smell if you don’t shower. Nobody wants to see your shit all over the floor. If you’re listening to death metal, you should be doing so with headphones on, or else you will get beaten with socks filled with quarters. This is probably the hardest thing to do, but just realize that you are no longer at home with people who are forced to love you even though you suck, i.e. your family, and that your actions (and lack thereof) have a direct effect on those around you. Partying will be huge for you, if you’re not a nerd. And you are now a Buckeye, which will automatically give you the reputation of being a party kid. But watch yourself. This is step No. 3. Don’t be THAT kid. Don’t be the first one to puke. Don’t be the first one to pass out. Don’t drive to Taco Bell. Look, you’re not old enough to drink, and you’re not uweekly.com

mature enough to handle full-on alcoholism like us veterans, so don’t try so hard. Take it easy. If you must drink, remember that the coolest kid at the party is never the drunkest. It’s probably not you either, but being sober-ish is a step in the right direction.

Taking advantage of your new situation is the fourth step in surviving Year One. There

are plenty of clubs, activities and events to explore on campus. Do what all those cheesy posters around your dorm say to do: Get involved. Meet new people, because your personality is subpar and you might need to steal someone else’s. Be open to new experiences, and don’t let a little thing like crippling social anxiety hold you back from becoming the best you you can be, which is probably disappointing at best — so shoot for the stars, kid. You’ll be fine … maybe. Just try not to be so immature, or you can end up like me and own your high school immaturity and rock it until well into your 20s. The decision is yours, but whatever you do, do it with pizazz. Oh. And I guess you should go to class, too. Yeah. Do that.

ICYMI: What went down this summer By THAILYR SCRIVNER @TyScrivner a


ven though campus has been far more quiet over the last few months for summer break, there’s still been plenty going on around here. Let’s fill you in on the scoop so that you’re in the know to start this semester off. Marijuana might be legal soon – ResponsibleOhio has successfully got the legalization of marijuana on the ballot during this November’s General Election. This would allow for the sale of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use along with authorized growing sites in Ohio. President Drake in the hot seat – President Michael Drake will be questioned this week in former marching band director Jon Waters’ lawsuit. This comes from allegations of a reverse-gender discrimination claim Waters made in his public firing last year. Car2go limiting service – Car2go is scaling down its servicing areas which includes Clintonville, north of North Broadway and Bexley, effective Aug.

26. Anyone wishing to use the car service can drive a vehicle outside of campus but cannot park the vehicle outside of designated servicing areas. OSU remembers Zach Farmer – OSU students, faculty and family alike are remembering the strength and heroism of OSU student and baseball player, Zach Farmer who passed away after his second battle with acute myeloid leukemia at age 21. Through his website, zf11.org, you can read about his mission and join the bone marrow registry to help others dealing with this disease.

Possible suspects for campus car break-ins – The hunt for those responsible for the

more than 50 car break-ins near campus might be coming to a close. Raymond and Britnei Judd, the top suspects, have been charged for the crimes. The couple have previously been charged with misdemeanor petty crime offenses and been caught several times breaking into cars near campus.


Pelotonia 2015 a $13 million success– To date, Pelotonia ’15 has raised more than $13 million. There is still the opportunity for donors to give up to two months after Pelotonia weekend, so there’s a chance the ride could see $14 million. Kasich kicks off at OSU– Ohio Gov. John Kasich kicked off his presidential campaign just a few weeks ago at the Ohio Union. Kasich, an Ohio State alumnus, and his campaign group Kasich for America spent nearly $40,000 for their announcement that Kasich will run for president in 2016. Olentangy Trail under construction

– Anyone who gets their endorphin fix by running and riding on the Olentangy Trail or driving in the surrounding areas should be aware of alternate routes on the OT once you get near Worthington. This comes from a mega fix on the north side including Interstate 270, Highway 23 and State Route 315.

August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


first-year advice by @OSUSophomore


uilding a social media presence that will make it more likely that tall guys, who hopefully come from families with money and/ or play hockey or lacrosse (they’re synonymous, I know), whose attention you desire will text you first on weekend nights and Sunday mornings is the only important part of college. You know how you want to spend your early 20s. Those are the “traveling the world” and “getting an internship in a big city that will allow you to post skyline photos at sunset” years. You want to spend your postgraduate, mid-20s attending bachelorette parties and posting pictures of your engagement ring that will make your friends from high school and college jealous. You must do this in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Boston or Columbus if you’re working for Abercrombie and Fitch. You want to turn that corner around 30 living in the suburbs (of one of those above areas), married with that same bland, tall guy (who only wears gingham shirts), who works in finance or something with two kids, driving the nicest car among your female friends from the gym, or “club,” if your husband’s family comes from even more money. Fingers crossed so hard right now! How do you make sure this definitely-goingto-happen-to-you-as-long-as-you-join-a-sororitycome-January fantasy becomes a reality? Well, you start today. Via the aforementioned social media, you need to make sure that you are routinely mentioning three foods you’d never actually eat and an alcoholic beverage you’d never actually order voluntarily if someone else wasn’t buying it for you. Bookmark this, close your eyes and repeat after me:

"Pizza. Tacos. Guac. MARGZ."

Unless you want to be one of those fat-asses who weigh more than 100 pounds, you should not eat or drink any of those more than once during your four-plus years in college. However, you should be tweeting about your desire and love of these items to make Tyler or Hunter or even Zach notice them and think, “this girl is funny because she just said the hilarious word ‘pizza’ and I should text her before midnight on Thursday and ask her, “hey u goin dt tn?” As long as you’re someone important and attractive enough for a football player to send you a Snapchat pic, there is absolutely nothing that differentiates you from your peers. And that’s a good thing. You want to look and be the exact same as every other girl in your sorority. You want to make sure you are all wearing the same clothes, putting the same stickers on your laptops, desiring the same jewelry and having similar taste in shoes. You want to be at Buttwinkles with them on Saturdays and Midway with them on [insert other random day here]. And you sure as f want to be with them at The O for #BTC. There should be very-little-to-nothing about you that is different. It’s why we exist. We want other less desirable girls to hate us so we can have “haters.” Still, we all know that while Tyler or Zach is acceptable, Hunter is the goal. Hunter’s dad owns more than one car dealership. Hunter throws a football across the street while tailgating before football games. Hunter sleeps on a bed without bed sheets. Hunter tweets, like a lot, about Chipotle. Hunter has the cardboard from beer cases hanging on his bedroom wall. Hunter is the aspiration. You need to bring the perspiration. Those gym selfies aren’t taking themselves. If you’re uncomfortable even mentioning food, playing up the “my college life is so hard” or even the “this is such a crazy world and I’m sitting

over here like” persona on Twitter is another key to showing you’re down to earth. You’ve never had a car payment, your parents have AT LEAST a three-car garage and you’ll spend your next two or three summers traveling to Europe and places with European-style pools like Las Vegas and Miami ... (the one in Florida, not the one in Oxford where Kelly who didn't get into Ohio State attends) so that “woe is me” angle is absolutely, 100 percent, unequivocally believable. You want those pictures with your tall, boring-ass boyfriend near the waterfront in Chicago come summer 2018, don’t you?! That’s why we come to college. Step up or step off. But don’t ever log off. Hunter needs to see your frequently updated Instagram.

Have a question for @OSUSophomore? Ask us on Twitter with #TellUWeekly and you could see your answer here in print!


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


What you should do with your last week of summer By RIE PHILLIPS


ne week left, then summer ends. Poolside days and bonfire nights are replaced with long lectures and late nights studying in the library. Our friends disperse to their various colleges and the social scene practically goes into hiding until Thanksgiving break. Which begs the question, what should you be doing with your precious last week of freedom? As I look through my Instagram feed of the last few months, it is full of idyllic American summer posts. My summer appears to be full of lazy lake days, carnival rides and bonfire evenings. Although this is true to an extent, there is a lot of crafting that goes into making your feed retain a certain aesthetic. Why am I saying all this? In a world submerged in media, it is easy to feel like we are trying to convince our followers that we have a life, rather than going out and living one. That is why, for the last week of summer, you should throw your phone in a drawer, go on an adventure without putting it on your Snapchat story. Make memories without your phone for a change. Grab your friends to do something spontaneous without Snapchatting, Instagramming or checking in on Facebook. There is so much freedom to leaving all that behind, even if it is just for a day or two. Go on a last-minute road trip to that place you’ve always wanted to see. Carpool with friends to a bed and breakfast or tent camp for a few days. Not only will you learn a lot about your friends, you become instantly closer to people once you’ve slept on their shoulder for four hours and argued about whose turn it is to pump gas. As with any trip, you'll learn a lot about yourself, as well. Grab up some last minute concert tickets to a band totally not your taste. Listening to different genres of music is like entertaining someone else’s point of view. It grows your mind. Going to a concert of music outside your comfort zone with your SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Dear Freshmen, You don’t have to come to college and confidently know what you’ll want to do when these four (or five) years are up. In fact, the likelihood that you change your major at least once is high, and that’s fine because college is for finding your niche and discovering what you’ll actually want to do with the rest of your life. Your freshman year is going to be filled with a smorgasbord of new experiences, whether that be sneaking alcohol into your dorm, finding a diverse group of friends, realizing that you have to actually study for tests or just simply being away from parents constantly monitoring what you do. At the risk of sound preachy, your freshman year will set the standard for your college career, and possibly your future. Can you still have fun? Definitely. But in between those times, consider these tips to set you on the right track for after the keg parties.

Get Involved Ohio State has a ridiculous amount of clubs and activities for students to get involved in. There is literally something for everyone, including a sourdough enthusiast club. (Not kidding.) You probably got the oversized booklet at your orientation, but if you can’t find it under the mess of moving in, go to ohiounion. osu.edu and browse through the directory. Find something that sounds interesting and get started!

Work, Work, Work As if college isn’t hard enough, right? If you have an idea of what you’d like to do, or even if you don’t, look on the student employment website, sfa.osu. edu/jobs/stuemp/ocii.asp Working while in school looks great on a résumé, even if it’s one afternoon a week. It also allows you to connect with mentors in the field that you’re interested in. But even if you’re at a dining facility, you’ll get to brush up on your people skills, which are immeasurable when you job hunt or apply for internships later on.

Get To Know Your Professors This seems weird when you’re transitioning from a high school student. It can feel a little awkward, or that a line is crossed somehow, but instructors and professors are great resources for figuring out your next step in a particular field, or the best ways to get involved. They’ll give you first-hand knowledge of what you’re up against, the pros and cons, if your goals are realistic and how to achieve them. And honestly, it doesn’t hurt to show a little interest in their work anyway. When you show willingness to learn, it goes a long way if something really does come up and you need a deadline extension.

- Emily Rudduck 14

UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


Career Fair lowdown


n unfortunate downside of career fairs is the absence of fair food and sketchy rides. There is, however, a lot of information to either overwhelm you or inspire you. Maybe a little bit of both. So, what can you expect at a career fair at Ohio State? For starters, there are usually about 50 vendors registered, which ranges from work-study programs, to academic programs to jobs outside of Ohio State. Regardless of their affiliation with Ohio State, these vendors are all guaranteed to offer flexible schedules, résumé-building experiences and short commutes. Dress for success and check in with your BuckID to have access to the fair, usually in The Union, but keep in mind that different career fairs will target different students, so you should plan ahead and attend the career path that interests you. You can stay up to date on the career fairs that are coming up when UWeekly posts them, or you can visit www.careers.osu.edu for a complete listing of events and locations. Each event has a contact name, e-mail and phone number for questions as well as specific requirements for each job fair. (For instance, Fisher College of Business? requires students to request a nametag beforehand.) There are major-specific events that target different fields, such as engineering, data analytics and social work. If nothing else, you’ll be able to speak with a handful of employers that can offer you a glimpse into the working force of a particular field. When you’re ready to feel like an adult, check out these career fairs. Aug. 27 – Buckeye Careers Campus Job Fair targets all OSU students. Sept. 9 – Fisher Fall Career Fair targets students interested in business. Sept. 15 and 16 – The Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair targets all OSU students and recent grads.

- Emily Rudduck


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


probably my biggest regret from college. There’s such an appalling stigma attached to seeking counseling — but everyone could benefit from the undivided attention of someone to talk to for a few hours. College is brand new territory, and it can range from terrifying to wonderful to overwhelming and stressful. This is probably the time in your life that you can benefit most from a professional to work through your ups and downs with. Take advantage of it while it’s free. Don’t be afraid to surprise yourself. If you’re even remotely curious about something, Ohio State is the place to try it. There are clubs for every passion, from performing random acts of kindness to perfecting one’s talents in barbequing. One thing I never thought I’d seek out was Greek Life, and I ended up not only rushing, but joining a chapter that completely changed my life. You never know where you might meet your soulmates and discover more about who you truly are, so if it piques your interest, give it a try.

take it from a postgrad: 5 things to take advantage of at ohio state By @CAITLINESSIG a


hen I tell people that choosing to go to Ohio State was one of the best decisions of my life — if not the best — I am far from kidding. Beyond the friends I made there and the stories I’ll be telling for years to come, the sheer amount of resources Ohio State students have at their fingertips is truly staggering. But freshmen aren’t handed a cheat sheet when they reach campus, and sometimes it’s hard to see everything you have access to. When I think about my undergraduate experience, there are a few key decisions I made, or didn’t make, and words of wisdom I’d pass down to today’s freshmen. Here are some of those:

Be smart about your academics.

This starts with your academic adviser. Meet them. Make sure they know who you are and what you want to accomplish at Ohio State. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, they are the perfect person to help you figure that out. Don’t be afraid to ask for a new adviser if yours doesn’t click. You’re paying for your future, and no one will advocate for you if you don’t advocate for yourself. This also applies to help in your classes— if you need it, seek it out. Don’t fumble your way through studying alone when you don’t understand something. Take advantage of the free counseling. Ohio State’s Counseling and Consultation Services offers free sessions to students every semester, and not taking advantage of that is

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458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

Remember your roots while you expand your wings. College is all about furthering your academic educa-

tion while also furthering your education about the world and the people in it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look back every once in a while. Call your parents. Check in on your siblings. If you’re lucky enough to have close high school friends as you all move on, don’t let those bonds break just because you’re making new ones. You may find out you have less in common with them than you thought, but give yourself the chance to find out before you write them off completely. Friends who have known you since childhood are rare, and once you lose them, that’s not a bond you can build with anyone again. Get a job and/or internship. Even if you’re lucky enough to have your parents helping you pay for some or all of college, getting a job is so important to developing maturity in college. Going through college without working can also make adjusting to the “real world” very difficult, even if you land a job right after graduation. If you’re in a field like journalism where internships are integral to your future success, do as many as you possibly can. Graduating with a full resume in different areas of your field not only makes you an impressive candidate for future employment, but it will end up enriching your life as much as your LinkedIn profile. Had someone told me these things four years ago, I’m not sure I would’ve taken the advice. I might’ve still let some of these things slip through the cracks, and still graduated feeling I could’ve done more. But hopefully, you’re smarter than four-years-ago me.

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

Photographer David Heasley

Copy Editor James Garcia

Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle

Layout Designer Chelsea Castle

VP of Marketing Lindsay Press

Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley

Lead Designer Doug Mayfield

Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris

Play Editor Alex Antonetz

Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz, Alix Ayoub

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Contributing Adam Ambro

Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn

Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson

Cover design by Doug Mayfield

What's the best part about being back on campus? Sam Falck

Just having your friends around. The fun of college is having everyone around in the same place. I get to see everyone and they’re all close by.

Erika Ellman

Arica Williams

Actually seeing the streets being full of people. When I was here (this summer) and not seeing everyone else here it was dead as heck. It’s easier to meet new people.

I’m a freshman so I don’t really know. The atmosphere is a lot better though. Seeing everyone this past weekend all dressed up in their attire.

Zeke Badowski

Seeing all my friends from out of town or different places.

Mason Bender

Seeing all my friends again that I hadn’t gotten to see all summer.

Jasmine Harris

I just like the feeling of when there’s more people on campus. It’s a lot more fun to get involved in different activities. It’s always a better environment to have others around.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo by david heasley/uw

the countdown begins

Buckeyes begin training camp, work to create explosive offense By @GeoffHammersley a


e are less than three weeks away from the colossal showdown begins between the defending champions, Ohio State, and the team that ruined the Buckeyes' undefeated season last year, Virginia Tech. Before we get to that Sept. 7 blockbuster in Blacksburg, Virg., the Buckeyes have started to practice – and have shown signs of an extremely lethal offense.

We Saw This Coming

For starters, graduate wide receiver Braxton Miller has taken the No.1 uniform, and has shifted from the man throwing the footballs to the man receiving them. As mentioned before in previous UWeekly articles, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. However, now we have actual proof that Miller was receiving footballs. Even better, Miller still showed the burst of speed that made him the nightmare of Big Ten coordinators. If you thought opposing coaches were already losing sleep over how to stop the Buckeyes, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Freshman Torrance Gibson, who was recruited 18

UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

to play quarterback, was seen passing the ball and catching the ball last week in practice. With a seemingly infinite amount of options, coach Urban Meyer holds one of the more explosive Buckeye offenses of all time.

The Great Unknown (Or Is It?)

The quarterback debate for the Buckeyes still runs rampant, but as we get closer to the start of the season, the light at the end of the tunnel shines brighter on what the verdict will be. Will J.T. Barrett get a shot at beating Virginia Tech, or will Cardale Jones get that opportunity? During media day last Sunday, Meyer said, “I think they're both right there, and you probably wouldn't expect me to say anything different, but that's what it is.” Annnddd, the wait continues on who will be named starting QB. In all likelihood, we may not know who the starter is until literally the first play in Blacksburg.

Gone Go The Stripes

Practice last week saw the removal of the black stripe from the helmets of freshman Isiah Prince and uweekly.com

Mike Weber. Both are highly touted recruits – especially Weber, who spurred the Michigan Wolverines and came to Columbus instead. It will be interesting to see if these two see playing time during the season. In the case of Gibson, Meyer said, “[Gibson] is a kid that runs around pretty fast and is a really good guy. He's a team first guy, which I really appreciate that. If Gibson is having success in the receiving department this early, he may see some action as the season progresses. With the next man up mentality, every player has the potential to see the field if necessary.


The beginning of camp gave us a glimmer of what Miller can do on the receiving end of things, as well as how the freshman are competing. This is before the dreaded two-a-days begin this week. However, it appears that everyone has brought their A-game since day one. This couldn’t be bigger for the Buckeyes: as every minute of practice winds down, they become closer to the redemption match (and title defense) against the Hokies.

early experience

Why Nick Elswick is set to have outstanding 2nd season By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a


xperience and success are invaluable as an athlete. Ohio State sophomore Nick Elswick has had both in his young cross country career as a Buckeye. Elswick competed exceptionally well in 8k races last season. In the first 8k race of his collegiate career, Elswick set his personal record with a time of 24:30.4 at the Kentucky Bluegrass Invitational. His time earned him a ninth-place finish and helped his team place third overall. That meet marked the first of three 8k races in which Elswick was the top runner for the Buckeyes. He was the top finisher for OSU at the Roy Griak Invitational in Minnesota as well as at the Greater Louisville Classic. The three performances came in successive meets. In Elswick’s first collegiate meet, he placed sixth individually out of 96 runners at the Dayton Flyer 5k Challenge with a time of 15:58.9. His efforts aided the Buckeyes in finishing second overall as a team. Already in his early career at OSU, Elswick has gained valuable experience. The Chardon, Ohio,

native ran against stiff competition at the Big Ten Championship, the Indiana State Pre-Nationals and the NCAA Regional Championships. At the conference meet, Elswick rounded out the five Buckeye runners who scored while running against four schools that were in the Top 25. He scored again for the Scarlet and Gray while racing among 45 of the top teams in the country at the Pre-Nationals. Although he did not score at the NCAA Regional Championships, he now has the experience and knows what a meet like that warrants. The sophomore has become involved with the university in more ways than just cross country. This summer, Elswick was a Bucks Go Pro intern. The goal of the Bucks Go Pro program is to assist OSU student athletes in gaining highly beneficial work experience so they are ready to start their careers after college. Additionally, Elswick was a part of the Wolstein Leadership Academy, which was installed by the Ohio State Department of Athletics. The purpose of this program is to aid Buckeye student athletes in becom-


photo courtesy of ohio state athletics

ing leaders both in athletics and outside of athletics by learning skills taught to them by OSU alumni, faculty and staff, along with local business leaders. Taking all aspects of his freshman season into account, Elswick’s sophomore campaign should be an exciting one. As a second-year runner, he’ll know how to lead the team, as he did in three meets last season. Furthermore, he now understands what it’s like to compete in meets that have top-national talent as well what it takes to be successful in said meets. Elswick and the Buckeyes begin the 2015-16 season in Kettering, Ohio, at the Dayton Flyer 5k Challenge on Sept. 5.

August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


new crew

Club acquires three new members, adds momentum to playoff push By @BEN_FERREE a


he Major League Soccer transfer window is now officially closed, and Columbus Crew SC made a flurry of trades and signings at the deadline to bolster their playoff chances. Already in solid playoff position, these moves address multiple weaknesses Crew SC had – pushing to not just make the playoffs, but compete for an MLS Cup. The first transfer Columbus made was for fullback Harrison Afful. He came from the Tunisian league but is more well-known for his World Cup experience with Ghana. During the 2014 World Cup, he recorded an impressive assist against eventual champions Germany. Afful’s attacking prowess, even as a defender, will fit well into head coach Gregg Berhalter’s system. After getting acclimated, he will likely start at right back, a position that has been in flux ever since the sudden departure of Hernan Grana earlier this year. The next transaction for Crew SC was a trade for some much needed depth. Columbus sent their second round MLS Superdraft pick to the Montreal

photos courtesy of columbus crew sc

Impact in exchange for forward Jack McInerney. Once a quick rising talent, McInerney has fallen out of favor with his last few teams. However, at just 23 years old, he still has tremendous potential. Columbus plays a one forward system, meaning McInerney won’t see much time as he sits behind the league’s leading goal scorer, Kei Kamara. But when he does play, he will be able to contribute. “Whenever I played against Columbus, I hated [it]. They are pretty physical and very dangerous going forward. At the same time, I liked playing them because the games are very open. They liked to get forward … I’m looking to be joining the other side and having fun and creating chances with my new teammates with Crew SC,” McInerney said. The final move was the ones fans had been waiting for the most. Crew SC’s defense has been porous of late, and people were clamoring for more centerback help. To address that, Columbus signed Gaston SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.



UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


there is still time

Browns struggle in preseason opener, look to improve against Buffalo By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a


eek one of the preseason is in the books, and while it is hardly possible to form any substantial conclusions from just a single game, the preseason offers fans a chance to catch a glimpse of their starters – and build hope for the upcoming year. Most importantly, football is back! The Browns had a rough season last year. After a promising, the team faded down the stretch and eliminated themselves from playoff contention. Inconsistent play out of the their quarterbacks, as is always the story with the Browns, became the big need to address this offseason once again. Cleveland elected to bring in a veteran rather than draft another project, as they still have Johnny Manziel in the picture. Josh McCown was signed this offseason after a 1-year stint with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As the starter of the preseason game against the Washington Redskins, McCown played one drive, connecting with Travis Benjamin for a 2-yard touchdown. He went 5-for-5 passing on the drive for 33 yards. Seeing Johnny Manziel back on the field was a welcomed sight as a guy that is still rooting for him to stick in the league. It was quite an offseason for Manziel, who drew criticism during last season for both poor play and signs of immaturity. Johnny Manziel’s drive ended in a punt initially, but Cleveland’s special teams unit was able to recover a fumble on that subsequent punt, allowing the Browns to keep possession. On a 3rd-and-4 in the red zone, Manziel was able to scramble for a 12-yard rushing touchdown. He did not flash his signature “money-sign” after the touchdown. Manziel finished the day 7-for-11 with 42 yards. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



freshman friendly

photo by david heasley

5 under-21 venues you must check out this semester By JAMES GARCIA


aving a vertical license shouldn’t stop you from drinking in the rich local music scene — though you will certainly have a tough time drinking much else when you’re out on the town. It’s no problem getting into the larger music venues around town — the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, Newport and the Schottenstein Center all allow those younger than 21 to enter — but for the smaller venues, access can be a bit more restrictive. Below are a few places where you can catch a dirty punk rock show, a blistering German EDM DJ set or an edgy basement indie act that even you young’uns should be able to get into. Please note that rules at these venues can change and may vary from event to event, so make sure to contact the venue before you tell all your friends that you’re cooler than they are.

Skully’s Music-Diner This Short North venue was deemed 2015’s Best Bar for Music by Columbus Monthly’s Readers’ Picks for good reason. Shows here are intimate but with a high-quality stage and sound system in place — oh, and it’s still a diner, so there is food available. There are plenty of event offerings at Skully’s each week, 22

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such as Ladies ‘80s nights, EDM dance parties and plenty of hip-hop acts. But like many places, there is a $5 surcharge for people not old enough to order up a cocktail.

Bernies Bagels & Deli When you’re in need of a good dive, your search stops here. Opened in 1975, Bernies provides a grungy DIY venue on High Street across from the Wexner Center for the offbeat music scene enthusiast — it’s even been known to house comedy shows from time to time. The venue is accessible by those 18 and older unless otherwise requested by an artist. But get your fill of the place because Bernies will close its doors after 40 years of service on Dec. 31, according to its Facebook page.

Ruby Tuesday Eighteen and up! Come to Ruby Tuesday on Summit Street for an old school vibe and intimate shows. The bar is rustic, with a large front patio (you might even get a chance to score some smoked meats cooked in their big smoker). The stage is fairly low to the ground, so you can get pretty close to your hometown heroes. Just don’t get too uweekly.com

close. Nobody likes a desperately over-zealous fan breathing on them.

Kafe Kerouac Looking for an indie show, a poetry reading or maybe just a cup of joe while enjoying some pleasant live entertainment? Hell, improv comedy teams even stop by Kafe Kerouac if you’re in the mood for a laugh. You won’t be the only hipster abstaining from alcohol here, either, so that may be an added plus for you. This place just north of campus on High Street is all ages, too, so go nuts.

House shows There are many houses around the campus area that play host to local and small touring bands. To name a few: The House With No Name, 15th Street House Legion of Doom, The Boneyard and The Airplane Room. Some of them go for periods of time without shows, or stop altogether, but it’s a safe bet you can find at least one of them shaking its foundation in a musty basement show filled with punks and carefree youths of all ages. There’s no Yelp for these places, though, so if you don’t like the facilities, too goddamn bad.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Columbus musician Mary Lynn wears her heart on her sleeve By JACK LYNCH


or Mary Lynn Gloeckle, the eponymous lead singer and pianist of Columbus rock band Mary Lynn, there is no separation between her real identity and her stage presence. What you see is what you get. “It’s all Mary Lynn. There’s no character. This is just me waking up and living my life,” Gloeckle said. “If there’s a character, then it’s me.” This unbridled authenticity defines Mary Lynn’s music, whether it’s through genuine reflections on heartbreak or screams of exuberance to make crowds bang their heads. “I’m a real person, and I just want to be as honest and real as possible,” Gloeckle said. “I want to evoke some sort of feeling, whether it’s sad or happy — whatever I was feeling when I wrote the song.” Gloeckle got her start in the Columbus music scene by playing keys in This Is My Suitcase before

playing solo sets and slowly amassing a band to fill in her sound. These days, she’s reunited with former bandmate Joe Camerlengo, who handles studio production and plays bass in a live setting, to make her sophomore album.

"It's a lot more rock n'roll, and it's a lot more confident." “It’s a full band effort, it’s a lot more rock n’ roll, and it’s a lot more confident and cohesive,” said Gloeckle, who cowrote songs on the unreleased new album with Camerlengo for the first time. With much of the new material recorded, Mary Lynn has been exchanging mixes with recording

engineer Bill Moriarty, who famously contributed to Dr. Dog and Man Man, and it’s expected to be done “very soon.” Fans of Mary Lynn know to expect an emotional punch from her songs, which contain heavy lyrical themes, despite the party vibes. “On this album there’s a theme of movement. It’s kind of about feeling stuck, and feeling everything moving around you,” Gloeckle said. “But it’s also about going through something and getting through it and moving on.” Whether it’s live or on the album, for every heavy moment, there’s bound to be a bright spot ahead. “If you never experience heartbreak, then you’re never going to fully know what it’s like to experience love, you know?”

Mary Lynn’s next show is at Spacebar with Patient Zeros on Sept. 1


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015



Reflecting on the summer of live music By REGINA FOX


his summer has been one of great change for me. I won’t go into great detail, but I quit my first job, lived away from home for the first time and landed my first internship. But one thing that didn’t change was my chase for great live music and I struck gold, time and time again. My summer got off to a rip-roaring start with Hozier at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion. Now, I’m sure you’ve read your fair share of reviews, but even the most positive don’t do the man and his band justice. His performance of “In a Week,” with accompaniment from Alana Henderson, was the most sentimental experience I’ve had at a concert. While the song may be a bit morbid, the arrangement was nothing short of beautiful. Moving right along, X Ambassadors played a quick set at Skully’s Music-Diner one Sunday night. This is the second time I saw them this year but the first time since their most recent album came out. “Naked” is one of their new tunes, and the fun, sexy lyrics of the song paired with the endless energy from the guys was definitely one to remember. Fun fact: only a few short weeks after that show, X Ambassadors were featured in Rolling Stone as one of the 10 Ten New Artists You Need to Know. Among Matt and Kim, Third Eye Blind, 311 and Glass Animals, I saw many outstanding shows this summer, but hands down, the best Columbus concert moment of 2015 for me was Weezer, coming out the gate for its CD102.5 Summerfest performance at the LC Pavilion with its top gun, “My Name is Jonas.” I was catapulted back to my best friend’s basement where we spent hours of our adolescent years clicking away at our plastic guitar keys and slamming our whammy bar while mastering songs on “Guitar Hero.” I was slung back to a time where my only concerns were kicking Tom Morello’s ass in Guitar Battle and what snacks my mom packed for the pool. Everybody can appreciate a good dose of nostalgia. So cheers to Weezer and all the rest of the great SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



ultimate video game preview for fall


ith the new semester kicking into gear it’s time to focus on what’s really important: the upcoming fall games. And what better way to spend the extra money your parents gave you “for emergencies” than on the best lineup of games in recent memory? Autumn is always the time of year when the heavy hitters — the “Madden’s,” the “Assassin’s Creed’s” and the “Call of Duty’s” — come out. But this year is special because of the number of franchises that haven’t been seen in many years. Here are some of the most anticipated games that are currently scheduled for release this fall: Metal Gear Solid V: The tale of Big Boss wraps up in Hideo Kojima’s final entry in the MGS franchise. There has been some nasty behind the scenes drama happening between the game’s creator, Kojima and publisher Konami, so hopefully that doesn’t tarnish what otherwise should be another over-the-top masterpiece. This third-person stealth action game is incorporating an open world for the first time in the series’ history and

knowing Kojima’s modus operandi, there are sure to be plenty of lengthy, excessive cut scenes and eccentric characters.

Release date: 9/1/15 Fallout 4: Anyone who has played Fallout 3

will remember the moment of walking out of Vault 101 and seeing the gorgeous shot of the desolate wasteland of Washington D.C. Now, Bethesda Studios is taking the player to Boston, in what is sure to be a game that’ll be on heavy rotation for Fallout enthusiasts if for no other reason than the recent statements from the game’s creators saying that there’s more than 400 hours of content.

Release date: 11/10/15 Star Wars Battlefront: The last “Star

Wars Battlefront” game came out a staggering 10 years ago, but the time gap makes sense since the love for the Star Wars I.P. had diminished after the miserable three prequel movies. Now, with the fantastic-looking “The Force Awakens” right around the corner, Star Wars hype is through the roof. What the team at EA Digital Illusions Creative

Entertainment has shown so far of “Battlefront” looks amazing and authentic to the original movies, from the player models to the music, right down to the blaster sound effects. The one downside is that the game has no single player campaign, so the servers are going to have to be able to handle the stress of a huge Day One player base. If the current generation of games is any indication, this could be a real big problem.

Release date: 11/17/15 Just Cause 3: The “Just Cause” franchise can

be summed up in one word: chaos! In “Just Cause 3,” there is no story; you just play a mercenary who’s out to cause havoc and harm to his enemies. And that’s really all the elements needed to make a fun game, or film, as any action movie fan can attest. There’s just no substituting the warm feeling you get when you set up dozens of C4 explosives around a tower, take a step back and watch the whole thing come crumbling down while humming “The Ride of the Valkyries.”

Release date: 12/1/15 - @AdamAmbro a

apps of the week: Transfer pics, Back up contacts, Google with ease WeTransfer, iOS and Android WeTransfer offers a simple way to select your photos and videos or use the share button, add your friends’ email addresses and upload up to 10GB to share. Your friends will receive an email with a download link and there's no signup required. 26

UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

CleanUp Suite, iOS CleanUp Suite combines three must-have tools into one to make sure that your address book is free of duplicates and unwanted contacts. Accompanied by a powerful always-on backup tool, this address book app will keep you in control of the phone numbers you would otherwise never remember. uweekly.com

Google Now Launcher, Android This app basically brings Google Now to your home screen, with items like local weather, upcoming appointments and favorite websites. You can also execute “Ok Google” commands hands-free for all your search demands.


WWE could pave way for streaming


ny fan of wrestling, or “sports entertainment,” can attest to a few truths about the business over the past few years. First, John Cena is the worst. Second, Brock Lesnar is a freak of nature and, third, the World Wrestling Entertainment Network rollout has been an unmitigated success. In the past, WWE sold its monthly pay-per-view events for $45 to $60. The cost per event could rarely be justified as the product became increasingly watered down and predictable. Enter the WWE Network, an idea so bold only WWE CEO Vince McMahon could think of it. It put the entire library of WWE, World Championship Wrestling and Extreme Championship Wrestling content on the web to stream and included all the pay-per-view events for the sum of $9.99 per month. Many in the business industry thought that the venture was doomed from the start, and the initial subscriber numbers indicated this was indeed the case. But, sticking to his guns, McMahon and company kept their heads down and barreled forward and now the company is reaping the benefits. According to theWashington Post, the WWE

Network was adding “more paid online subscribers than Wall Street expected and turning a second-straight quarterly profit, if a modest one. It now makes more from Web subscribers, which reached 1.2 million during the quarter, than it ever did from pay-per-view." Around the same time that the news of the WWE’s success surfaced, CEO of The Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger, said to CNBC that he could see ESPN, which is owned by Disney, being sold directly to the consumer someday. “We […] view technology as a friend, not a foe,” said Iger. And while he added that it was only “conjecture at this point,” Iger did acknowledge that he could see ESPN going à la carte, but not within the next five years. However, Digitaltrends.com pointed out a sobering truth about Disney going a la carte with its services: namely that it would have to charge at least $36.30 per month for ESPN alone.

- @AdamAmbro a

Is there a video game, movie, TV show or other that you'd like to review or learn more about? #TellUWeekly on Twitter and it could end up here!


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


ZOEY ZICKAFOOSE Zoey Zickafoose is a fashion-loving homebody who, when she does go out, likes to make sure she stands apart from the crowd. She previously interned at IL Moda, a fashion public relations firm in the Short North. During her internship, she decided that PR is the career path she wants to take. As she works to complete her degree in strategic communications, she does it with an edgy style that is unmistakably her own.

Necklaces $20 & $40 PHYLLIS & HAZEL

How would you describe your personal style? My personal style is probably edgy but with a vintage twist.

Why is style important to you? When I was growing up, I lived in a really small town, and fashion wasn’t a thing at all. And I always felt I didn’t want to be a part of the in crowd. I wanted to be a little different, so my own personal style was a way to set myself apart from everybody else.

shirt $30 FREE PEOPLE

Was fashion always important to you? I think. Even at a young age, I always was interested in looking different – maybe not always exactly fashionable.

Describe the sort of outfit that you feel most confident in. Something black. Black and leather, faux leather, whatever … I just think it makes such an understated statement. I think you just can look so effortlessly cool in black.

Who or what inspires your style?

Skirt $100 ASOS

‘70s style is really an inspiration for me, and I know when I was studying fashion seriously in school, we were talking about history of fashion. And we were talking about Yve Saint Laurent and how that was when womenswear started to really take off, like the power suits and things like that in the ‘70s, and flares and everything. I just thought that was interesting. So that’s what I really like.

What are some of your favorite places to shop? I think it’s so easy to shop online. Because I feel like I get distracted when I shop in person, and then I don’t know what I’m going for … So I like to shop at Top Shop and Asos. I’m really into British brands.

Do you have any style advice for readers? I would just say you do you. Being yourself is the best thing.

boots $500 YSL


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

- Emmy Wells


Flare jeans are in (again) By LAUREN EVERY


uess who’s back, back again. Flares are back, tell a friend. Yep, you read right, flare jeans are once again “in.” I thought we had gotten rid of these after the ’80s and then the ’00s, but it looks like we just can’t get enough. Since style has changed from the last time you wore your ripped flare American Eagle jeans during freshman year of high school, we’re here to tell you how to ease yourself back into this fashion statement. There are a few ways you can wear flare jeans without sending your body into shock. The first is to ease into the complete flare by trying out some bootcut jeans. Bootcuts look great with a nice fall bootie, try something similar to Steve Madden’s Woodmeer style for the fall. If you’re more of a tomboy, try a distressed bootcut and roll up the bottom so it hits right above your ankle. Throw on a pair of your best converse, a tucked-in a v-neck T-shirt and a simple necklace for a completed look. If you’re ready to jump right into the flare jean look, there are various places to get a great pair that will last until the next time this fad comes around. Try a pair of Diesel jeans which are around $200, or get a cheaper pair without breaking the bank at H&M for around $40. If you’re blessed in the booty department, try a high-waisted pair with minimalistic pockets, and let the booty speak for itself. If you’re lacking in the booty department, you might appreciate a lighter wash of flare jeans with a more decorative pocket. Once you’ve found the flare for you, it’s time to pick out the shoes. Try a nice wedge sandal, platform heel or a pointed toe flat. Make sure the flares are about one inch from the ground if you’re in heels, and make sure they’re just barely grazing the ground if you’re in flats. A good hem can go a long way, but if you’re in a rush, try out some double-stick fashion tape which can be found at Target for about $5to $10. Flare jeans look great with a tucked in button-up blouse, a cute and casual T-shirt or a long, loose cardigan. For accessories, stick to minimalist jewelry like a long necklace with a simple pendant, stud earrings and a few bangles. Use a smaller purse or clutch as to not take away from your real focus piece: those flare jeans. Good luck!

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August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



diet 101: Avoid the Freshman 15


brain power! 6 snacks that are kind to the mind


tudying: a long and awful process of trying to memorize an obnoxious amount of information in just a few sittings. Since school is back in session, it’s time to start studying once again, as well as writing papers. It seems as if many students don’t get back into the swing of things at the beginning of the semester and normally struggle through the first midterms. It doesn’t have to be like that, though! In fact, eating certain foods can enhance brain function and can help ace that midterm. Here are five delicious foods that actually can help with studying.

1. Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate because of the antioxidants it contains, but it also improves brain functionality and memory. This is because eating dark chocolate increases the blood flow to the brain. 2. Carrots: Carrots not only improve eyesight, but they can help your brain, too. This is because carrots contain luteolin, which prevents the degeneration of memory. Time to memorize every word in the text book! Okay, maybe not. 3. Avocados: Who doesn’t love avocados or guacamole in their burrito bowl? When you order guacamole at Chipotle, that $2is worth it because it helps your brain. Like dark chocolate, avocados help 30

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increase blood flow to the brain. They are also high in potassium, which contributes to the oxidation of your brain.

4. Garlic: Garlic is a much-loved food but is dreaded during date night because of the fear of bad breath. No date? Eat garlic! Make your favorite Italian dish for dinner before an evening study session. Garlic is a great brain food because it increases blood flow and helps prevent radical damage. If you don’t want to go all-out on an Italian meal, you can purchase garlic supplements that will also do the trick. 5. Oatmeal: This is a great food to help wake up your brain in the morning and prepare you for the day. It is proven that oatmeal keeps down cholesterol and as a result is good for your brain. Oatmeal is also good for alertness needed to be able to pay attention in class. This is because the carbs in the oats are broken down slower than most carbs, providing a steady level of energy. Perhaps eating oatmeal can replace coffee. After making a habit of eating these foods, you may notice a difference in your grades. You’ll hopefully feel more alert. -Ashley Wilkinson

veryone dreads the freshman 15. Even though the name is specifically aimed towards first year students, it can happen to sophomores, juniors, and seniors as well. When I was a freshman, I unfortunately transformed the freshman 15 into the freshman 20. The main reason for this, in my opinion, is the constant snacking I participated in while I studied for tests or wrote essays. I ate the unhealthiest snacks such as chips, ice cream, and candy. This is a pretty common study session trend for many students. There is nothing wrong with snacking, but here are a few tips to keep your weight down while still munching on goodies. 1. Instead of eating sweets, try snacking on fruits. Fruit is still as delicious and contains very few calories! 2. Portion out snacks. If you don’t want to eat fruit all the time and want to eat junk food, limit yourself. Instead of eating 3 scoops of ice cream out of boredom, only eat one. Those 2 scoops really do make a difference! 3. Snack on nuts. Nuts are filling and have very little calories. If you want a little more flavor, seasoned nuts aren’t many calories, either. 4. Don’t snack every study session. If you study a lot, it isn’t a good idea to keep stuffing your face just because you’re bored. Chewing on gum should do the trick.

-Ashley Wilkinson uweekly.com

moving Mobile on upcupcakes prove to be a

New restaurants debut on campus By ASHLEY WILKINSON


new semester means many new things for students at Ohio State: new classmates, new schedules and perhaps new friends. This semester, Buckeyes will be coming back to new restaurants to try out. Look out for Bibipop, Jersey Mike’s and Paulie Gee’s. Bibipop is an enticing emerging restaurant in the Columbus area. It is somewhat similar to Chipotle, but with Asian food. Order a bowl, salad or wrap with freshly steamed rice, your choice of proteins and fresh vegetables to put on top. Jersey Mike’s is serving up delicious subs in multiple Columbus locations, including ones on Lane Avenue and High Street. They have both hot and cold subs, as well as wraps and they make their bread fresh daily. Paulie Gee’s is a new restaurant that will go into the old Short North Coffee building. It specializes in New York-style pizza. They serve many different kinds of pizza, including eight styles of vegan pizza, soups, salads and decadent desserts. An all-time favorite dessert from Paulie Gee’s is the apple cider caramel sauce dessert pizza. How delicious does that sound?

photo by jodi miller/614


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Save your beach bod Have your beer and drink it too


rinking makes it difficult to keep your beach body that you worked oh-so-hard for the month before summer break. Although totally cutting alcohol out of your diet is the most effective and obvious solution, let’s be honest, that is not the most desirable option for a lot of people. The best place to start when watching your drinking habits is to make sure you are drinking in moderation. This means taking breaks in between drinks to avoid over drinking and to keep track of the amount you have drank throughout the night. When you drink more than 30 grams of alcohol, the type of alcohol you consume doesn’t change the fact that it will lead to weight gain, according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Below are the calories and grams of alcohol found in popular drink types. • 12 ounces of beer = 153 calories and 13.9 grams of alcohol • 12 ounces of light beer = 103 calories and 11 grams of alcohol • 5ounces of red wine = 125 calories and 15.6 grams of alcohol • 1.5 ounces of liquor (1 shot)= 97 calories and 14 grams of alcohol As scary as moderation may sound, you can still make “good” or “bad” drink choices at the bar. Getting drinks with less simple syrups can drastically cut down on your calorie intake. Although, for some people, the weight gain coming from drinking is not always what they drink but rather what food 32

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choices are made while under the influence. Drinking on campus at night can give one a serious case of the munchies. A simple solution might be to just avoid eating food all together during a night out to drink. But believe it or not: that is not always the case. Eating foods high in protein and fiber before or during a night out can help regulate your blood sugar and keep it from crashing, which causes you to feel hungry. So yes, this is a good excuse to get Chipotle before a night of drinking (but do you really need an excuse to get Chipotle?). Also what you do after a night of drinking can be key to staying healthy while living a party lifestyle. Staying hydrated is always important, but is even more important when drinking due to the dehydration alcohol causes. At the end of a long night of drinking, you might just want a Caniac and to pass out face down on your bed, but drinking water can be a key in suppressing weight gain by keeping you hydrated. It suppresses hunger the night of and also when you are hungover the next morning and craving a big, juicy burger from Five Guys. In the end, moderation is the best solution when balancing watching your weight and drinking. Though it can be difficult to do sometimes, it will be worth it when you don’t put on fifteen pounds before the first Buckeye game.

-Logan Korn uweekly.com

The second annual brew at the columbus zoo


he Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is bringing back Craft Brew at the Zoo on Aug. 21with special guests: the Spin Doctors, the Pretty Filth and The Wet Darlings. The Columbus Brew at the Zoo is presented by Fat Tire Amber Ale and will take place from 7 to 11 p.m. General admission tickets are $30 and include: -Regular admission to the zoo as early as 9 a.m. -A 10 ounce tasting glass -Six 4 ounce samples (more can be purchased at the event) -Live entertainment -Access to many food trucks, including Schmidt’s and Skyline -Access to more than 50 different types of beer from many well-known breweries including: The Columbus Brewing Company, New Belgium Brewing Company, Four String Brewing Company, Blue Moon, Magic Hat and many more. Sober driver tickets are available for $15, which only includes admission to the event. What better way to spend a Friday evening than at the Columbus Zoo sharing positive energy and even better beer with fellow Buckeyes.

-Logan Korn


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015



August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Idina Menzel


Most recently, Idina Menzel, has been known by a different name. For most of us, it’s Queen Elsa from Frozen. But for John Travolta, her name is Adele Dazeem. If that doesn’t ring any bells, do yourself a favor and YouTube it, it’s hilarious. On a serious note, she is crazy talented and you do not want to miss this. Palace Theatre Columbus Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: vary

Alanna Royale

HPMG presents My Time

“Six members, five beards, two horns, one lady” pretty much sums up the smooth and cool sounds of Alanna Royale. They’re joined by Cleveland band, The Floorwalkers, who have a jazzy indie feel.

Columbus record label, High Power Music Group, is showcasing their talented artists including Prada Rose, SnoCap, Mike Solo, and Evalooshen. This is one party that will not stop.

Rumba Cafe | Time: 8 p.m. Tickets: $10

Skully's Time: 6:45 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Columbus Crew

Rachel Sepulveda

I believe that...I believe that we...I believe that we will...I believe that we will win! Come out and support your Columbus Crew team as they take on New York City. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

Jazz singer/songwriter Rachel Sepulveda will have you swaying to her various covers and original arrangements. She is sure to provide guests with a relaxing evening of great jazz music. Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10



Food Truck Food Court Food trucks are all the rave


these days and we are not mad about it. Try dishes from Aromaku, Mixing Bowl Asian Grill, Paddy Wagon, Red Plate Blue, and Schmidt’s Sausage Truck. Columbus Commons Time: 11 a.m. | Free

Ladies 80's

The Spill Canvas

Best known for songs like “All Over You,” this band has had a rocky past few years. After announcing they were taking a break in 2011, the band is now back together and seems to be going strong.

GiRlS NiGhT! Bring your best girlfriends and your best dancing shoes for a night of carefree livin’. Skully's | Time: 9p.m.

The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $21.60

John Boerstler

Referred to as a “guitar legend,” John Boerstler and the Sidewinders will be playing original material along with jazz and soul music. John is accompanied by well known local artists like Phil Clark and Joe Nelson.

Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Mini Spa Night

Joined by Reverse Vanity Spa, Camelot Cellars Winery will be offering massages, nail treatment, skin care services, and, of course, wine. Each service ranges from $10-15 and 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Colony Cats and Dogs. Camelot Cellars Winery Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY


The Avett Brothers



This folk band is headlined by two brothers from North Carolina. They’ve combined bluegrass and ragtime to create a sad but upbeat sound that will have you clapping along in between wiping tears off of your face. Lc Pavilion Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: $56.10


The Ramshacklers

This Brooklyn band has nine members who make up their “funk army.” Get ready to dance along to their R&B and classic rock covers. With local band G. Finesse & Black Eagle opening. Park Street Saloon Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $12

This Columbus native band is all American Rock with a whole lot of soul. Their twangy guitar mixed with their smooth and deep vocals make for a great listen. Woodlands Tavern Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Kidd Ara

The Navigators

This central Ohio band has a goal of helping those in need. They raise money for local and national charities at each of their shows and have raised over $200,000 in the six years they’ve been together. Bicentennial Park Time: 7:30 p.m. | Free

This Columbus rapper has some impressive and effortless rhymes. He’s accompanied by Jacey Jasnoch, TS & DBarnes and more. The Basement Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $12


UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


Columbus Crew



Enjoy the last few days of summer before classes begin at another Crew game! Relax with a beer or two and cheer on your team. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Sublime Tribute

EDM Dance Party

Featuring members of Bummers and Devil’s Lace, this is a night dedicated to the addicting sounds of Sublime. Sing along and relive the 90’s.

This EDM Dance Party, aka a rave, is guaranteed to get a little crazy. Be prepared for some high school prom grinding action and probably a lot of jumping around. Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $25

Woodlands Tavern Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Personal Public

An alternative electo-rock band from Columbus, Personal Public first began in 2012 with two high school friends. Their newest album is set to release this fall and they are joined by Zoo Trippin’, Beyond Pluto and more. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $14.95

Phil Clark and The Soul

If you like soul music, you will love Phil Clark and The Soul. And he’s a Columbus native so what’s not to like? Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



LampStrong Foundation Inaugural Kick Cancer Cup


Come support a great cause and also meet some former Columbus Crew players and OSU athletes. All of the proceeds to go LampStrong Foundation which was founded by an OSU and Crew goalkeeper who is a Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivor. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 1 p.m. | Tickets: $12.75

Vivo Music Festival

This three day festival aims to connect classical music with present day all while bringing the community together. The festival will welcome 8 Strings 9 Tails, In the Dark and Unstrung. Short North Stage Time: 4 p.m. | Donation Only

The Markley Ensemble

UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015

This local reggae band will bless your ears with their funky music. They’ve performed with various reggae artists and tour throughout the country. Skully's Time:10 p.m.| Tickets: $10

Coffee Mead Release

The annual release of Brothers Drake’s Coffee Mead is even more exciting this year. The three different varieties are made with coffee beans from throughout Ohio. Live music begins at 4 p.m. Brothers Drake Meadery Time: 11 a.m. | Free

The three members of The Markley Ensemble reign from a different band called Lone Raven. They’re known for playing music from around the world. Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza Time: 12 p.m. | Free







Happy Hour

Drink away your Monday blues and enjoy your last day of freedom before classes start. Everything is half off before 9 p.m. so treat choself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free


Honey and Blue

Singer/songwriters Adam Darling and Stephanie Ambers named their band Honey and Blue based on the soulful and deep sound of Adam’s vocals and the sweet and innocent sound of Stephanie’s voice. Sound like a great combination to me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza | Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $10

You Me & Apollo

This band engages their audience with their wonderful acoustics and vocals and also with their honest lyrics. The band has released two EPs.

Texas Hippie Coalition

If you combined a badass cowboy and death metal, you would get Texas Hippie Coalition. The band released their first album five years ago and has since performed at Rocklahoma and Rock on the Range.


The Basement | Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $10-12


Park Street Saloon | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $14

Nerd Night


Conscious Pilot

If you consider yourself a self-proclaimed nerd, then this is the night for you. Nerd Night has a different theme every week and invites all to join and let their nerd flag fly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After getting his start as a Drum DJ, this artist taught himself how to produce his own music. He know created his own EDM songs.

Head on over to Cap City Fine Diner to hear the music of Michael Robinson on the patio. We suggest their Cap City Diner Meatloaf, it’s a classic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cap City Fine Diner | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Free



Woodlands | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $7

Ruby Tuesday | Time: 9 p.m. | Free

Michael Robinson



Saint Asonia

This supergroup released their very first album less than a month ago and are already touring the country. The four members are former members of various popular rock bands like Three Days Grace, Staind, Eye Empire, and Finger Eleven. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $24.60


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



I got 99 problems but sex ain't one ... I think


’ve missed my femme fatales and am so glad to be back from the little hiatus! I spent the time sipping spicy margaritas while observing and contemplating all things love, dating, and sex. If you’ve read my previous work, you know that I appreciate and support a sexually hedonistic woman; meaning, women shouldn’t be shamed for having loads of sex. Good sex. Bad sex. Oral sex. Whatever. It’s your body, and the idea that sex makes you a bad person is archaic. Let’s rid ourselves of the delusion that a woman who wants to explore her sex life is doomed to hell. She isn’t. Men have plenty of partners and no one is saying they’re damned. Am I right? Today, in the era of Tinder, sex is just sex. Sex doesn’t mean you’re going to get pregnant, ruin your future marriage, or die. Sex is an activity that shouldn’t carry any baggage. It’s easy to find, it’s easy to move past. Now, I have a question. Agree or disagree? With that being said, it doesn’t hurt to have your sh*t together, ladies. It doesn’t hurt to be knowledgeable about sex and what you’re going to put your body through. We need more sexually


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active women who are on the road to happiness/ success, who are confident, and who can demand sex on their terms to prove that lascivious woman are capable of greatness. It’s time I explain where this issue stemmed from. Also, if you’re eating, you’ll want to stop or continue reading at a later time.

help it. Then, it finally dawned on me why I was so judgmental. I wasn’t upset with her for doing it. It was because she proceeded without knowing the risks, benefits, or the preparation one needs to do before (yes, you need to prep before doing it up the ass). She consented because some guy that paid for her ice cream a few times asked her so she couldn’t say no. My eyes are rolling into my head. She didn’t demand for lube or wonder if it would hurt her because she was naïve. She didn’t know better and a guy took advantage of that. This is the travesty, people! Her story makes me feel like every sad and angry face emoji. Moral of the story: if you’re going to be a sexpot, be an active participant in sex and know what the hell you’re doing. Knowledge is power. Don’t let these men take that away.

We need more sexually active women who are on the road to happiness and success." My BFF has been seeing a guy on and off. One day, they had sex in his car and did anal…anal. My first question to her was if there was lube, which there was none. Not to my surprise, she told me it wasn’t pleasant—at all. Then, complete judgment. Ugh. I hate judging my friends for their sexual actions, but I couldn’t


Now for my last question, who runs the world? With love, Stella


August 19, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 19, 2015


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