UWeekly 08.26.15

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AUG 26, 2015


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UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015



August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



One Direction in Ohio Stadium Photo by Chris Casella


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015



August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @ gabbybailey

@ emilymaestevens

@kohlbie2 @ohmygodzki @ mags0509

@ thevintageurbanite

@theohiostateuniversity @operationflannel

@ cailinpittt apeterson89 @



August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

If I could date any athlete on campus, it would be Craig Fada...Too bad I'm just in the crowd of thousands of other students @cfada29

I am Adam and @danigurrl06 would be my Eve to make this Earth a paradise!

Columbus may not have sun most of the days but it has @itsnealeee! So warm!

I can't wait to see her just how perfect she is maybe get the nerve to say hey this time @marissa_klein

I hope you rush in the fall @dat_bingswag

This school year is gonna suck now that Brandon isn't single @brandonfriedel

We'll see each other in hell @conniemorino! You stole my heart, i left God and worship you.


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015

who else is not happy that @j_dolfo25 passed all her classes and won't be eye candy at midwat any longer

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




WED 8.26

h-drizzle, @iamobliviated


Getting my 4th? 5th? BuckID. Apparently #new2osu

Start off the semester on a productive note by hanging out on the Oval with your friends and watching a movie. If the free movie doesn’t draw you in, the free food will.

~*JuLeZ*~ @Julienora1 Attention freshman: Big Bar takes blocks! #new2osu


Main Oval | Free

FRI 8.28

Jake @HotMess_14


Stole a load of plastic forks and paper napkins from the campus chipotle #new2osu

Nothing more warm or fuzzy than welcoming the incoming freshmen with an insane dance party on the South Oval, is there? Big Sean apparently loved OSU so much he had to come back and we’ll

Sara Elizabeth @saradactyl024 17 days until kickoff! #GoBucks

welcome him with open arms. --------------------------------------------------------------

South Oval | Time: 7 p.m. | Free with BuckID

SAT 8.29

Austin Capell @TheRealCapeezy New NoCo is now known as NewCo #new2osu


Join UWeekly for the Ultimate Back to School bash! We'll have free food, live music, Scarlet beer, specials and much more. Get there early for some day drinking and beat the clock specials!

Connyr Aungst @C_Aungst38 It's been an unreal summer with poeple I never would have expected to interact with #GoBucks


Out-R-Inn | Time: 2 p.m. | Free



Columbus 'til I die

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will win a a pair of tickets to the Crew SC game on Sept. 6!

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Halestorm at the LC Pavilion on Sept. 30.

photo courtesy of columbus crew sc


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


it's time to embrace senior year By KAITLIN BRADLEY


enior year is notorious for being the most challenging year, with the onslaught of major classes, job searches and friends preparing to embark on future journeys. It is easy and expected for college seniors to get overwhelmed and cripple under the pressure. But, it’s the perfect time to embrace the chaos. Personally, I am preparing to begin the 2015 fall semester with a full class load of major and minor classes, a part time job as well as an internship and making time to enjoy my friends during this last year. Perhaps that’s why I see senior year as an opportunity rather than a death sentence. Senior year is an opportunity to take advantage of experience. As veterans of the college scene, as we’ve already walked the “New to OSU” path. We know how act right, so to speak, in class and in the party scene. Therefore, before everyone leaves on their different roads, take advantage of the fact that for the next nine months, we have each other. We all have the choice to soak up each opportunity to love, party and succeed with our friends and ultimately classmates. The year will inevitably be filled with triumphs and failures; everyone experiences those throughout a college year, but that is what makes it such a fulfilling experience. College is not easy. It should be noted that those who have pushed through college and have an end in sight are a breed of their own. Are they better than everyone else? No. But they are all connected by the fact that they trudged through Thompson during finals to study that stack of flashcards for the hundredth time, they walked the oval for those 8 a.m. classes and they chanted ‘Seven Nation Army’ down High Street to celebrate the championship win. We are connected as Buckeyes. So when the road looks daunting at the beginning of this next year, remember that you are exactly where you need to be. The road can be rough but has been weathered by the graduating classes who have walked before us. This year is an opportunity to hone our talents once more. Let’s utilize the time in front of us to learn, both in and out of class; we might even be able to walk out of that stadium on graduation day and say that we know where we’re headed because we know where we came from so well. Welcome back to school, Bucks. Here’s to making this semester a great one.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


Guest Column: You have permission to be lazy when sick By Shaun Young,


Founder of Ardina

ollege is a time for independence and new experiences, but those experiences aren’t always positive. There are tow trucks, lost cell phones, the morning after your first pitcher of Liquid Dope and the illness you come down with right in the middle of finals week, on the coldest day of the semester. Whether it’s a UTI, sinus infection or a mysterious rash from the dorm showers, getting sick or having a medical concern when you’re away from home can be hard to deal with. Motivating yourself to leave your warm bed to trudge across campus to the Wexner Medical Center when you’re feeling miserable isn’t easy. Once you get there, you’re stuck sitting in a waiting room, texting your parents to try to figure out your insurance information. Going to the walk-in clinic is a little more convenient, but it also involves the risk of having to make small talk with a cute neighbor, or a professor, when you’re feeling (and looking) your worst.With all the technology we have, there has to be an easier way right? Now there is, thanks to Ardina, a Columbus startup touting itself as “healthcare without the BS.” Ardina provides 24/7 telemedicine or access to doctors and nurses on the phone and online, for only $10 permonth. For the membership fee, members can reach doctors via the phone and Internet as often as they want for no additional fees. The doctors can write many common prescriptions like antibiotics and will call them in to the pharmacy of your choice, and they can even diagnosis dermatological issues with a convenient photo upload app. Consultations are confidential, and for $10 each month you don’t need to worry about figuring out how to use your insurance or dipping into your spring break fund to get a professional opinion or prescription when needed. OSU students can sign up for Ardina today at www.myardina.com and, when they sign up with their “.edu” e-mail address, will receive a free Ardina graphic tee along with their membership.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



major anxiety: Finding your niche


he most common, yet most annoying question you’ll get during your entire college education is, “So, what’s your major?” While well-intentioned folks will grill you about your ambitions for after graduation, as the initial question is almost always followed by, “what are you going to do with THAT?” It can be overwhelming. Sometimes, you may even start to question your choice. Before you know it, it’s 3 a.m. and you’re sitting in your bed, calculating the amount you’ll spend on this major and the interest accrued immediately upon acceptance (seriously) and suddenly, you can’t breathe. Just me? Have no fear, my friends. It’s perfectly acceptable to want to change your major. Don’t spend 4 or 5 years of your life working toward something you’re not passionate about. But, keep in mind that majors are broad. Specialties and sub-fields exist within them to keep you from being held down in a particular, stereotypical job field. So when someone asks, “what are you going to do with THAT?” or says, “you’ll never find a job with THAT major!” you can fire back with these list of careers under the most common majors across the United States. You’re welcome. Sleep well.

History • • •

Law Local and State Government Teaching

• • • •

Campaign Management Curator Research/Analyst Archivist for museums, art galleries, etc.

English & Literature • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Journalism Marketing Creative Writing Technical Writing Corporate Communications Travel Writing and/or Travel Brochures/ websites/blogs Advertising Non-Profit Grant Writing Psychology Market Research Counselor of nearly any field Experimental Psychology Higher Education Administration/Student Support Services Labor Relations Data Analysis Community Advocacy/Relations

Business • • • • •

Sales Management Insurance Underwriting/Risk Management Commercial and Retail Banking Bank Branch Management Employment Law

• •

Real Estate Appraiser Retail Management of hotels, restaurants, hotels, healthcare, non-profit, etc.

Political Science • • • • • • •

Literally Any Kind of Law Post Law School Political Advising Lobbying Special Interest Advocacy Resource Development Media/Communication Policy Education

Sociology • • • • • • •

Court Reporting Court Administration Counseling Community Organizing Mental Health Services Probation and Parole Development/Fundraising

Art • • • • • • •

Conservation Restoration Public Relations Fine Arts & Craft Arts Graphic Design Medical Illustration Advertising

- Emily Rudduck

Job Of The Week Moocho Campus Ambassador

Duration: Semester, with opportunity to continue Pay: $9/hour + bonus potential Moocho is a mobile payments app for college students. You will be sharing Moocho with students across campus. Must be friendly, outgoing, with strong communication skills and the ability to work independently. Send resume and cover letter to help@moocho.com 14

UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


no major? no problem


ave you ever taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Test? If you haven’t taken an entry level psych class or tried to get married through the church (doubtful) then you probably haven’t. The idea is that you answer a bunch of questions and then get the “letters” of your personality. Then it outlines the way in which you handle conflict, interact with friends and strangers, how you thrive in social situations and overall, socially and intellectually, what is best for you. It’s a nice guide for people who want to get to know themselves in order to be successful in the best way they can be. While I’m not a Myers-Briggs test giver, I can understand being overwhelmed in choosing a major, especially when there are SO MANY options. I like a lot of things. I want to DO a lot of things, so committing to one thing was scary. It doesn’t have to be. Follow these simple personality traits to see what major could be YOUR major. Follow up with research and talking it through with an advisor or academic support person in your res hall. Strong-Willed, Great Debater, Determined Try your hand at political science. There are a lot of things you can do, aside from practicing law, where a strong voice is needed. Think advocacy, campaign management or community developement. Creative, Intellectual, Imaginative Look into the Arts, whether that be literature, photography, performing, music, or craft art like painting. Use your creativity as a way to express your thoughts without having to constantly speak them. Finding a group of people with similar talents or interests can help too. Analytical, Independent, Methodical Science is a great path for these personality traits. Developing theories and conducting experiments and/or research in relation to them really hone analytical skills and allow you to work (nearly) independently. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


don't try to be perfect In the game of life, being solid goes further than being perfect



erfection. It’s the embodiment of hours spent trying to make something flawless. Whether it’s a project, work, or even a hobby, people chase perfection. It’s the metric used to compare – looking at college football, for instance, we judge who gets to the playoffs by record; the four institutions who are as close to perfection get in, while the rest are left out.

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015

Life is different than sports. Being in hot pursuit of perfection seems great, but there are inherent problems that come with it: everything needs to be spotless, and everything needs to go according to plan. Great concept, but you become so locked in to the task that you forget to look up and admire the environment around you. The more you try to road map your way to reaching perfection, the more times you will force the results – and generally, the end result won’t end up the way you want. You’ll spend restless nights attempting to critique stuff that can’t be fixed, and spend your waking moments worrying about stuff that doesn’t matter in the long run. You will feel like the sky is falling after stuff doesn’t go according to plan, when in fact, the sky is still intact. The endgame for attempting to be perfect isn’t satisfaction. It’s misery. Life is way too short to live like that. Being solid goes further than trying to be perfect. You don’t get as worked up over mistakes and you have a slightly lower stress level because the self-induced pressure to not mess up isn’t there anymore. Also, things happen in life that you can’t control or have no way of knowing – opinions, stuff you-don’t-know-you-don’t-know, and things of that nature. By being solid, you can just be you, and don’t need to contort into something you’re not just to make other people happy. If you’re in the business of keeping track of wins and losses in life, then it may be worth noting that you can throw the perfect game in life and still end up losing. Stuff just doesn’t pan out. You move on from it, and live to see another day. Nobody was ever faulted for being a solid individual. The same cannot be said for the people who tried to live a too-perfect life.

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

Photographer David Heasley

Copy Editor James Garcia

Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle

Layout Designer Chelsea Castle

VP of Marketing Lindsay Press

Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley

Lead Designer Doug Mayfield

Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris

Play Editor Alex Antonetz

Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz, Alix Ayoub

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Contributing Adam Ambro

Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn

Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson

Cover design by Alix Ayoub Page 10 illustration by Alix Youb

What are you most looking forward to this semester? By Madison durham

Nick Martin

I’m excited for meeting back up with my friends in Columbus that I haven’t been able to see over the summer.

Chelsie Johnson

Manasa Punugu

I’m looking forward to the end of the year and graduating soon.

Meeting new people and getting involved in the university more, as I’m a transfer student and this is also my first semester here.

Krista McComb

I’m most excited because I’m a senior and this is my last year at Ohio State and I’m ready to take advantage of every opportunity.

Paige Bennett

Reuniting with my friends I haven’t seen all summer and hanging out on the weekends.

Fatima Khan

To make new friends and meet new people because it’s my first actual semester at OSU.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Ray Carlin/Icon Sportswire BAR/Ray Carlin/Icon Sportswire/Newscom

predicting the road to glendale Ohio State is IN, but what about the others? By Geoff Hammersley and Ryan McGlade


he college football season begins in less than two weeks. You know what that means? It’s time to give our preview of how we think this season will go – and who will find themselves in Glendale, Ariz., for the championship game.

Geoff’s Playoff Predictions 1) Alabama Once again, Nick Saban will coach Alabama to a No.1 ranking when the dust settles on the season. The Crimson Tide will probably lose a game, but the inevitable chaos that comes with each regular season will keep the Tide’s chance at going back to the playoffs very likely. An early season tango with Georgia on the road and a late season meeting with LSU, who comes off a bye week, are the probable spots for the Tide to fall. 2) Ohio State Going undefeated is no easy task. The Buckeyes will be back in the playoffs, but history plays against the Buckeyes with their last two regular season opponents. In 1998, Michigan State (who had Saban as coach) defeated No.1 Ohio State in Columbus and ruined the Buckeyes’ title hopes. In 1969, the No.1 18

UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015

Buckeyes rolled into Ann Arbor to face Michigan and first year coach Bo Schembechler. Ohio State lost 24-12. This year, first year coach Jim Harbaugh leads the Wolverines. 3) Southern California (USC) The PAC-12 will be a free-for-all, but the Trojans will walk out as champions. USC will have to fight both Oregon and Stanford from the other PAC-12 division, as well Notre Dame on the road. If the Trojans can get wins in all three of those games, then they will have the best shot out of anybody in the PAC-12 to find a berth in the playoffs. It also doesn’t hurt to have a Heisman candidate in Cody Kessler leading the charge. 4) Oklahoma The Big 12 doesn’t play a championship game, and I can’t see them having any representative higher than fourth in the playoff picture. The Baylor & TCU trains will be derailed this season by the Sooners. Coach Bob Stoops needs to get Oklahoma back into the national conversation, and this season is their best shot. The Sooners’ season doesn’t begin difficult, giving them time to make any adjustments before the real tests begin in October. uweekly.com

Geoff’s Predictions • Semifinal #1 at the Orange Bowl: No.1 Alabama over No.4 Oklahoma • Semifinal #2 at the Cotton Bowl: No.2 Ohio State over No.3 USC • National Championship: Ohio State over Alabama

Ryan’s Playoff Predictions 1.) Ohio State It’s difficult to pick against the defending national champions, especially considering all the talent they’ll showcase again this year. The Buckeyes arguably have Heisman candidates at three different offensive positions: hybrid back (Braxton Miller), quarterback (J.T. Barrett) and running back (Ezekiel Elliott). On defense, the linebackers and secondary should be formidable, ball-hawking forces. The defensive line may be the weakest link, as Joey Bosa and Adolphus Washington are the only two returning starters. OSU’s largest hurdle during the regular season may come in the last two games against Michigan State (Nov.21) and Michigan (Nov.28).

photo by geoff hammersley

2.) Texas Christian (TCU) Quarterback Trevone Boykin has been labeled by many as the preseason Heisman frontrunner. He and the Horned Frogs are coming off a season where they were second nationally in points per game. Head coach Gary Patterson, however, will need to shore up the secondary, as it allowed 233 passing yards per game last season. TCU’s biggest contest will come on Nov. 27 when in-state rival Baylor comes to town in a game that could decide the Big 12 champion. 3.) Alabama The Crimson Tide’s defense could be one of the toughest in the nation. All three starting defensive linemen are returning with standout inside linebacker Reggie Ragland looming behind them. The defense was stout against the rush in 2014, only allowing 102.4 rushing yards per game. Alabama may have some early struggles offensively in the passing game, though, as it lost star receiver Amari Cooper to the NFL. Luckily, the team has a stud in Derrick Henry at running back that can mask any potential shortcomings in the passing game. 4.) Southern California With the sanctions finished, USC will return to national prominence. Quarterback Cody Kessler will be a large reason why. Sophomore receiver JuJu Smith will be a lethal target for Kessler by providing highlight-reel plays. On the other side of the ball, USC may have one of the best groups of defensive backs in the country. Watch for Su’a Cravens, Adoree’ Jackson and Kevon Seymour to stifle opponents’ passing attack. The Trojans’ rush defense, however, may experience a few bumps after losing defensive end Leonard Williams and linebacker Hayes Pullard – the top two tacklers from last year’s team. Ryan’s Predictions • Semifinal #1 at the Orange Bowl: No.1 Ohio State over No.4 USC • Semifinal #2 at the Cotton Bowl: No.2 TCU over No.3 Alabama • National Championship: Ohio State over TCU


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


the next three

Previewing the upcoming critical games for the Crew SC


photo courtesy of the columbus crew sc


ith just eight games remaining in the MLS regular season, the push for the playoffs is officially on in Columbus. Crew SC stand firmly in playoff position at third place in the Eastern Conference (top six teams make the playoffs), but will look to increase their position in the coming games and stave off any surging opponents. Columbus did well in the past week, getting a come-from-behind draw on Wednesday against New York City FC, and then a come-from-behind win against Sporting Kansas City on Saturday. Crew SC have only lost twice in their last 13 games, and will look to continue against their next three opponents.

First up is a rematch with NYCFC in Yankee Stadium on the 29th. While the draw last week was better than a loss, Columbus needs a win this time around. NYCFC currently sits in outside the playoff picture in the Eastern Conference, and if any team could break into the Top 6 and knock someone out of the standings, it would be them. With stars like David Villa and Andre Pirlo in the mix, along with the blistering streak Kwadwo Poku is on, NYCFC is a team on the rise. Columbus then returns home for a game on Sept. 6 against FC Dallas – one of only three remaining home matches for the Crew. While the points won’t matter as much since Dallas is a Western Conference team, they are also one of the best teams in the west. A good performance against them will show the league that Crew SC aren’t just a regular season

team, and that they will have the ability to advance once the playoffs begin. “We want this place to be a fortress,” Head Coach Gregg Berhalter said, “we’ve had a good home record this season, and there’s nothing better then when the stadium is filled. The people are loud, and the atmosphere is great.” The third game up is against the Philadelphia Union, on Sept. 12. The last time Columbus visited the Union, it was one of the low points of the season. They were drubbed 3-0 by a team that’s been struggling all year. It was this loss that began the calls for changes to be made to the Crew SC lineup; calls that were listened to and successfully made by Berhalter as he went out and acquired a multitude of new players in the transfer window. A road win in Philadelphia will get Columbus points, but more importantly, put the ghosts of their early season struggles firmly behind them.



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


fantasy football draft guide Sleepers that could be the difference between elation, agony By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @_JBloomfield a


here are many differing strategies for assembling the ultimate fantasy football roster. It is not hard to find value in the first few rounds of a standard draft, but the mid-to-late rounds are where the money is made. Thus, I have assembled the “All-Sleeper Team” to pick out some guys with value in those rounds. Quarterback: I would grab a guy like Tony Romo or Matt Ryan, who can be had in the middle of the draft, but I also would grab a nice backup with high upside like Teddy Bridgewater. Bridgewater was a highly touted prospect with a big arm. Now, he is in year two and poised for a breakout with a new playmaker in Mike Wallace. It also doesn’t hurt to have Adrian Peterson returning in the backfield to help push the offense. Running back: They are highly important, and building depth in the back half of a draft is difficult.

Two sleepers stand out to me in this department: Joseph Randle and Alfred Blue. Randle is currently splitting carries with Darren McFadden behind the same offensive line that helped DeMarco Murray get a nice payday this offseason. The philosophy will not change – the Cowboys will make it a priority to run the ball, and Randle will get the bulk of the touches. Plus, McFadden is already hurt. Don’t be afraid to reach for Randle. Blue is the beneficiary of the injury to Adrian Foster. He will start in his place for at least two months. Shockingly, no one is taking Blue and some are even taking Foster before him! Backup running backs will be drafted before him. Trust me, Blue will be there way later than he should be. Take him. If you can flip him and sell high after a good performance or two, take advantage of that opportunity. Wide receivers: There are two guys consistently


going after round ten if they are even drafted at all that I would take a crack at: Cody Latimer and Eddie Royal. Latimer is taking over as Peyton Manning’s third option in a high-pass volume offense in Denver – especially in the passing touchdowns category. Royal is reuniting with Jay Cutler in Chicago, and their chemistry, in addition to Kevin White’s injury and playing opposite Alshon Jeffery, has Royal as a real guy to watch. He is a guy that has a nose for the endzone. According to Forbes.com, the fantasy football industry moves roughly $11 billion dollars – and that is before ad revenue is accounted for. Go get your cut and don’t be afraid to brag to your friends and family along the way.

August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



high score on high street New arcade livens up Old North Campus By JAMES GARCIA


ow was your weekend? Uh-huh. That’s nice. Oh, me? Well, first I was attacked by a giant f---ing spider. I got absolutely wrecked by an errant goddamn asteroid. Then I used a sick finishing move to take down a mutant demon warrior. And washed it all down with a quality Ohio-brewed pint. The Old North Arcade is a new destination north of campus that will likely satisfy your desire to stay in to play video games, while quenching your thirst for social interaction. With a selection of more than 30 free-to-play arcade cabinets, along with Nintendo 64s and GameCubes, and 20 draft beers on the menu, it would be difficult for anyone to be underwhelmed here. “It’s all about interactivity and competitiveness, or what we call ‘socialtainment,’” arcade owner Ben Morgan said. “You can work together to beat venom, whether it’s a first date or having a casual drink and conversation, you’re doing doing something together — it’s more tactile, it’s more hands-on.” Upon walking into this bar on High Street, just south of Duncan Street, I was hit with nostalgia and excitement. The walls were lined with video games from the past, but what’s more, they were surrounded by people who were laughing and enjoying each other and their surroundings in the present. I grabbed a pint of Great Lakes’ Lake Erie Monster and made my way to a game. “It’s definitely something we’re very proud of,” Morgan said, after elaborating on the somewhat arduous process of getting the bar licensed, approved and opened. “I knew we were just going to knock it out of the park … but we had no idea it was going to be so busy.” After playing my personal favorite classic game, “Centipede,” a dismal performance of space travel in “Asteroids” and getting lucky once in a game of “Mortal Kombat II,” a commotion broke out behind me. A couple of local magicians were wowing a group of mystified folks with card tricks and sleight-of-hand illusions. Later, after grabbing a smoke outside, arcade 45 • 22

UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


photos by david heasley/uw


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Caution: Safety Squad is on the loose By JACK LYNCH


raffic cones and hazard lights dotted the stage at Dick’s Den, sure signs that Safety Squad had arrived. The nine-piece jazz fusion collective stunned audience members in early August with its dynamic, intricate tunes and a rock ‘n’ roll attitude sure to get feet moving. “The core of the music is very rock and groovebased, but it still has influences of jazz and funk and all that stuff,” guitarist Zakk Jones said. “It’s about putting on a show for people.” Many of Safety Squad’s members are recent graduates of the Capital University jazz program, where the group began covering songs by the Grammy Award-winning fusion band Snarky Puppy. “We all play with each other so much, and we hang out because we’re all friends, so that’s what really clicks. That’s what puts the music on another

level, especially live,” said Jones, who mentioned that some members of Safety Squad have been playing together for as long as six years.

"We plan on trying to expand our horizons, so come see us while you can." Safety Squad’s songs take the form of complex, seven-minute epics with plenty of soulful improvisation and highly-skilled musicianship, whether it’s from Andrew Williard’s mad scientist approach to

the synthesizer, or Ohio State Marching Band alumnus Aroh Pandit’s powerful trumpet solos. “To me, I think the spirit of music comes from improvising,” said Bauer, who noted the importance of improvisation in a live setting. “Nothing in life ever really goes to plan. We’re improvising every minute of every day. I’m improvising right now.” For the level of technical skill these musicians possess, it’s startling to realize that the average member is about the same age as an OSU senior. “We’re the only band in Columbus doing anything like this,” Bauer said. “We plan on getting on the road. We plan on trying to expand our horizons, so come see us while you can.” No matter what music you normally listen to, Safety Squad is nothing short of spectacular, with a live show you do not want to miss.

Safety Squad's next show is at Brothers Drake on Sept. 24


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015



How presidential candidates can become appealing By BRYAN FRAKER


ow quick would you click a link that reads “Donald Trump does a beer bong”? I’d break my finger because I smashed the screen so hard and fast. We all see the news headlines and debates leading up to the 2016 presidential election. However, all of that stuff is super boring. We know 90 percent of the candidates are meaningless filler and we’re still a year away from the serious stuff. Doesn’t matter to the candidates, though, because they are out and about like moths to the light. You see Marco Rubio throwing a football to a kid (and the kid missing it … YouTube it). You have Ted Cruz stopping by the Iowa State Fair to do some BBQ with a local man. You have Hillary Clinton doing whatever the hell she’s doing on the road to make herself visible. This is all great for them, but what’s this doing for me? I don’t want candidates doing that crap. You have to really entertain me more than inform me about your beliefs. I have my political beliefs already set and I’m voting on that. However, if you want the ever important college vote to count like it did for Obama, here are a few things you can do while at Ohio State that will greatly enhance your value to the student body: Beer bong. Everyone’s seen someone’s mom or dad do something crazy at a party and it absolutely brings the house down. What could be more college than ripping a Natty Light beer bong at an off-campus party? Bonus points if you do it without spilling on your shirt and tie. Eat past midnight on High Street. It doesn’t matter where you go and what you get, but the greasier and unhealthier your choice is, the better. You can talk with students in front of your cameras right as you chomp into a fat sandwich from PJ’s. Again: Bonus points for no spilling. Throw the Frisbee on The Oval. Any time a politician tries to do anything athletic, it becomes SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



dawn of the syndicated undead T

he latest trend in on-demand viewing seems to be the revival of old shows on the plethora of streaming services. Whether it is shows that were taken from broadcast TV too soon or shows that haven’t been seen in decades, the last couple of years has seen a golden era of nostalgia. One of the latest shows to join the likes of cult faves “Arrested Development” and “Community” is the recently cancelled “The Mindy Project.” The Mindy Kaling-fronted show had a prime spot on Fox over its three seasons, but low ratings eventually got it the axe. Looking to get into more of the original programming game, Hulu snatched up “The Mindy Project,” with the show’s fourth season beginning on Sept. 15. But just because the show isn’t restricted to broadcast regulations anymore, doesn’t mean there are going to be drastic changes. “If we really changed the show too much and made it, you know, more risqué and put it more on a tilt towards stuff you might find on HBO or Showtime, I think we would maybe turn off some of our core viewers,” said Ike Barinholtz, an actor and writer on the show, in an interview with The 26

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New York Times. Differing from the Netflix model of releasing the entire season all at once, Hulu has opted to go a more traditional route of offering up a new episode once a week.

But just because the show isn't restricted to broadcast regulations doesn't mean there are going to be drastic changes. “Maybe it’s getting old fashioned, but I love a Christmas episode airing in December,” said Kaling, in an interview with The New York Times. Another show that recently got a (much-maligned) Netflix revival was the aforementioned uweekly.com

“Arrested Development.” Star of the show Jason Bateman went on record on Marc Maron’s “WTF with Marc Maron” podcast as to what went wrong. “[The episodes] were meant to be the first act of a three-act story that [creator Mitch Hurwitz] had in his head. And the second two acts … are still yet to be told,” he said. “But Netflix called it ‘season four,’ which was a little disingenuous because it implied that the show was coming back,” Bateman continued. “And that’s not what the show was, because each episode was about an individual character, and I think it was a little confusing and frankly underwhelming for the audience. That was unfortunate. It wasn’t branded honestly. Or correctly, I should say.” There are plans for 17 more episodes, according to producer Brian Glazer, so hopefully the entire story will paint a better picture as to what the show is meant to be in its new incarnation. In the meantime, it will be interesting to see how “The Mindy Project” adjusts to its new home.

- @AdamAmbro a


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


MORGAN TAYLOR Second-year Morgan Taylor is excited for a stylish semester back at OSU after a summer at home in New York. When she’s not studying for classes, this nutrition pre-optometry major enjoys going out with friends, dancing as a part of various student organizations, and relaxing in her first campus apartment. Although her schedule is busy this year, she manages to find a balance of work and play and also a balance in her wardrobe.

How would you describe your style?


It’s pretty eclectic. I like a lot of different things. I like different styles, I’m not preppy but I’m not bohemian, I kinda like to mix everything together.

How do you pick your outfits?

top $15 FOREVER 21

I usually pick out one outfit and then try on seven more then I end up sticking with the first outfit. I also use balance, you have to use something tight and then something looser so you don’t look overwhelming.

Why is fashion important to you? It’s important to me because it’s cool to look back on what you were into at a specific moment in time and to see what you were doing.

Who or what inspires your look? My aunt Julie is really fashionable. She’s always up on new trends and sends me links all the time and pictures of fashion bloggers. She just has a really good eye for things like that. Yea, she’s really cool.


Where are your favorite places to shop? Skirt $45 A&F

This may sound lame, but I really like Abercrombie. And Free People and H&M, you can get stuff cheap and you can get basics.

Do you have any fashion advice for readers? Dress for the weather and dress for your body. Don’t just get something because it’s trendy or in style, make sure that you like how you look in it.

What is your ‘go to’ outfit? I really like chunky knits and leather. Black is always flattering. I really like statement necklaces but nothing too shiney, kind of like a distressed metal look.

- Lauren Every



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


Stylish school bags

Backpacks you'll actually want to wear By LAUREN EVERY


emember in highschool when all the cool kids refused to use backpacks? They carried around their folders and books in their hands or on their hips because who needs a backpack when you’re only walking ten feet from your locker to class? Reality check: in college, the average walk to class is about 10 minutes. Instead of being that rebel-wannabe-cool-kid who still carries his 12 pounds of books and comes to class with veins sticking out of his arms and forehead from the strain, be the actual cool kid with an actually cool backpack. Here’s where you can find one: Urban Outfitters: Conveniently located on the corner of 14th Avenue and High Street, Urban Outfitters has a variety of bags and backpacks perfect for holding your books and keeping your style. Check out the BGD Canvas Backpack for $49. It comes in 11 colors including mint, dark blue, black and orange. Herschel Supply Company: A backpack from Herschel Supply Company will make you look effortlessly cool. Try the Classic Backpack for $39.99, with one large and one small zipper compartments, or the Heritage Backpack for $54.99, with a laptop sleeve pocket. Both come in more than 10 color choices. Baggu: If you’re looking for something a little more fashion-forward, try Baggu’s backpack with two front pockets and a drawstring larger compartment that is perfect for larger books. The backpack is $38 and comes in nine colors including fun patterns like “Sailor Stripe” and “Black Static.” Baggu also offers various over-the-shoulder bags like a$28 Duck Bag complete with a laptop pocket. Forever 21: Backpackin’ on a budget: Forever 21 has a great selection of affordable and awesome bags. The edgier faux leather backpacks bring just the right amount of grunge to your daily outfit and range from $20to $35. More traditional backpacks, like the Classic Canvas bag, are only $24.90 and SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



fresh fashion 4 Freshmen you'll see on The Oval By LAUREN EVERY


h, freshman year. A glorious time filled with lanyards and the campus GPS to direct you when you’re good and lost. The first day of class comes with the question: “What do college kids wear to class?” Here are four different freshman fashions you’ll see on campus this year. 1. The girl who’s way too dressed up: Here’s some advice for the freshmen who are trying to impress the upperclassmen boys: Stop, you can do that on the weekends. Now, don’t get me wrong, it is definitely not a sin to look nice for class. Cute patterned shorts with a nice shirt and some sandals is a wonderful outfit for the first day of class. However, if your outfit is tiptoeing the line of Downtown on a Thursday Night, maybe do a little less. The amount of times girls have done the “my feet are hurting so much in these heels that I have to walk with my knees completely bent” walk around campus is more than a handful. Don’t be that girl. A lecture hall is not worth the blisters. 2. The guy who is still playing high school sports: Having pride for your hometown is great. I still own every single one of my sweatpants and sweatshirts from high school and am not ashamed to wear them on occasion (go, Panthers). But there will always be that guy who wears his high school basketball cutoff shirt and basketball shorts and basketball shoes. That’s great that you were captain of your high school team, really, we’re impressed. However, it’s time to trade in that high school gear for some real sports gear. And by that I mean Buckeye gear. 3. Buckeye fan gone too far: Being a Buckeye is something people dream about their entire lives. Game days are the perfect opportunity to show your Buckeye pride and get decked-out in your scarlet and gray and buckeye necklaces. Some people like to wear their Buckeye pride on the daily: Buckeye T-shirt, Buckeye sweatpants, Buckeye backpack. That’s great, you should be thrilled to go to this university, but let me remind you: If you’re going to class here, you don’t have to prove to anyone that you are a Buckeye. We know. We’re sitting next to you in class. 4. The girl who wants people to know she works out but has no intention of actually working out: This girl knows what’s goin’ on. Since approximately 80 percent of the female population at Ohio State wears workout gear and only about 50 percent of them workout on a daily basis, she’ll fit right in. So, why do we wear workout clothes with no intention of hitting the gym? Because it’s comfortable. Guys, try on a pair of leggings. I dare you. Freshman year is a time to figure yourself out. Expand your social horizons, your educational horizons and especially your fashion horizons. 30

UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


I woke up like this Everyday effortless makeup for class By LAUREN EVERY


ne of the best parts of going back to school is all the back to school shopping. We buy all these cute new clothes with good intentions. Thinking, “Hey, maybe I’ll actually look good for class this year. You never know who will be in my classes!” But, alas, the first day of school arrives, and we throw on that same pair of athletic shorts we’ve been wearing the past three days and the one T-shirt in our drawer that isn’t too wrinkled and head on out for the day. We might not dress our best everyday, but here’s one thing we can do: slap a little makeup on in less than five minutes. Our clothing may say, “I just woke up,” but our face can say, “Flawless.” Eyebrows can make or break a face. Coloring in and shaping your brows can be a hassle, especially if you’re like me and they’re pretty much nonexistent without a pencil. To get a quick brow makeover without too much of a hassle, try Maybelline’s Brow Drama Sculpting Brow Mascara. The brush is basically a mascara brush, and a quick sweep or two over your brows will add color and definition. A nice highlighted eye will fool the world about your sleeping habits. First, pick a concealer or powder a shade or two lighter than your usual, and use this under your eye to combat any dark circles you may have. Then use a light “bone” colored eyeshadow right in the corner of your eye. It will make your eye look bigger and brighter and will combat any dark circles you might have. Pair that with your usual mascara, but wiggle it on the base of your lashes before sweeping up. This will prevent any clumps and make your lashes look more natural. As for foundation, I usually try and stick to a light powder foundation for days I have class. If you have blemishes you want to cover, use a green concealer before your usual concealer. The green color combats the redness and therefore requires less of your normal concealer. Less is more for class days! Lip color is great to finish up your look. Revlon Colorburst is similar to a regular lip balm and comes in various neutral colors that will highlight your natural lipcolor while also brightening up your smile.


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Money 101: Budgeting in the kitchen


Coat each beef tip with flour and sit it into the pot. Then mix all remaining ingredients in a bowl. After mixing, pour over beef tips. Cook on low for five to six hours. The final product is delicious over rice!

udgeting is very important in a college kid’s life. Without a budget, too much money can be spent and leave a person scrambling for money. One of the most important things money is used toward is food. Here are some basic ideas for budgeting for your next trip to the grocery store. First, write out a general budget based on your income. For example, if you make $750 a month, have to pay $350 toward rent, $100 toward utilities and $100 toward other expenses, you are left with $200 for groceries and other things you want to buy. That may not seem like a lot, but knowing how to shop for food will leave you with enough money for shopping, drinks or movies. If you are left with $200, split it into two parts: $130 for food, $70 for extra activities. To make the $130 go a long way in the grocery store, take advantage of store brands, sales and coupons. Have a goal to not spend any more than $30 dollars each week at the store. Also, take advantages of leftovers for dinner. Everyone’s salary/expenses are different. Play around with the numbers. In the long run, budgeting will help you keep debt free (excluding those pesky loans, of course).

-Ashley Wilkinson

-Ashley Wilkinson

What a crock!

2 simple and savory crock-pot recipes


f you have a crock-pot, they do absolute wonders. Meals can be prepared with simple ingredients and be cooked throughout the day while classes are going. Just because the meals are easy to make, doesn’t mean they can’t be delicious. With the right ingredients, crock-pot recipes can be considered a gourmet meal. Below are amazing recipes that you must try!

Crock-Pot Lasagna Who knew you could make lasagna in a crock-pot? It’s possible and it will make your mouth water with the first bite. Here is the recipe: • 1 pound ground beef • 36 ounces of your favorite spaghetti sauce • ¼ cup shredded parmesan • 2 cups cottage cheese • 1 egg • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese • 9 uncooked lasagna noodles Ground and cook the beef until golden brown, then mix in the spaghetti sauce. In a medium bowl, mix the parmesan, cottage cheese and beaten egg together. Spray the crockpot with nonstick spray. 32

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Spread 1/3 of the meat sauce in the bottom of the pot, then spread 3 lasagna noodles over it (break them if needed). Next, spread the cottage cheese and parmesan spread over the noodles. Sprinkle the mozzarella over that, then start the process over until you run out of ingredients. Cook for five to six hours on low and then indulge!

Mongolian Beef This dish is my absolute favorite! The recipe calls for: • 2 pounds beef tips • 1 cup flour • ¾ cups soy sauce • ¾ cup water • ½ teaspoon mixed ginger • ½ teaspoon minced garlic • ½ cup shredded carrots • ½ cup diced onion


why you Mobile should pack lunch in college cupcakes prove to be a By ASHLEY WILKINSON


hen students don’t have a dining plan, food costs can sky rocket. Many students may resort to going out for lunch, whether it is to Chipotle or somewhere where prices are equivalent. An average Chipotle meal is around $8. If a student eats somewhere like Chipotle for lunch three times a week, that’s around $96 per month spent on lunch alone! For the students who have busy schedules and don’t have time to go back to their place to eat lunch, packing a lunch will help save money. You may be thinking, “I don’t go to Chipotle three times a week, I just go to somewhere cheap like McDonald’s.” Let’s say that you go to McDonalds three times a week, with an average meal being $3. You can construct a lunch for cheaper than that! Here are some prices of an average packed lunch with prices from Kroger: • Sandwich (ham and American cheese): 82 cents • Bag of chips (Doritos): 44 cents • Fruit (an apple in this case): 47 cents Total: $1.73 See? Packing lunch is going to save you money in the long run. It may not be as delicious as Chipotle, but at least it isn’t as unhealthy as McDonald’s!


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



hit me with your best shot


Sex on the beach • 3 oz. package of Orange Jell-O • 1 cup of cranberry juice • 3 oz. of peach schnapps or Pucker • 5 oz. of vodka Bring the cranberry juice to a boil and remove from heat. Add gelatin, stirring until it’s fully dissolved and then mix in the alcohol. Divide into cups, cool and enjoy!

Piña colada • •

3 oz. package of Pineapple Jell-O 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (found in the canned food section) • 1 cup of coconut rum (Malibu recommended) Boil up that coconut milk and dissolve your Jell-O. Once dissolved let cool to room temperature and then add your rum. Divide into cups, cool and enjoy!


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015

Dreamsicle • 3 oz. package of Orange Jell-O • 1 cup of boiling water • 5 oz. of Cream or vanilla flavored vodka • 3 oz. of Triplesec Dissolve Jell-O into boiling water then let cool to room temperature. Add all alcohol and distribute, cool, and enjoy!

Get creative! You can mix up different recipes by dissolving a 3 oz. pack of any Jell-O into 1 cup of boiling water. Then simply add 8 oz. of cold liquid- a mixture of liqueur and vodka, straight alcohol, or alcohol and cool water. If you want to make scarlet and gray Jell-O shots you might quickly realize there is no such thing as gray Jell-O. Thankfully the recipe for gray Jell-O is quite simple.

Gray Jell-O • 2 3 oz. boxes of Grape Jell-O • 1 3 oz. box of lemon or lime Jell-O • 1 5 oz. can of evaporated milk Combine all ingredients to 1-½ cups of boiling water. Divide into cups and enjoy!

-Logan Korn



etting tired of ordering Fireball every time you go to the bar? Next time impress your friends by ordering these crazy ass drinks.

The ultimate Jell-O shot guide ell-O shots are a fairly common tailgate and party commodity but seem to always taste the same. So here are some unique Jell-O shot recipes and instructions to help you come up with your own unique Jell-O shot ideas. Each one of these recipes will make approximately 20 shots.

drinks you didn't know you could order

Dirty bong water Yep, you read that correctly the Dirty Bong Water. Though it’s not as off-putting as it sounds. This shot is made with raspberry liqueur, Blue Curacao liqueur, almond liqueur, spiced rum, and a dash of sweet and sour mix.

Brain hemorrhage shot This is dedicated to all the Walking Dead fans, or I guess anyone that loves a funky shot. This drink is made with peach schnapps and baileys. Wait until you see what it looks like.

The Buckeye mule shot This is one of the more refreshing drinks I discovered that I couldn’t get enough of. Usually this is made with Buckeye Vodka, lemon juice, and raspberries. The type of vodka used varies by bar.

Buttery Nipples The only thing more fun than ordering the drink, is drinking the shot itself. This drink is made up of 2 parts Buttershots Liquor and 1 part Irish Cream.

-Logan Korn

pregame on a budget N

o matter what kind of drinker you are, consuming alcohol in college can quickly become bad news for your wallet. Start the school year off right, and learn how to pregame better and on a budget.

Warm apple pie beer

1 shot of cinnamon whiskey (Fireball recommended) 1 bottle of hard cider (Redd’s Apple Ale recommended) Pour the shot of whiskey and hard cider into your “Undisputed” OSU beer mug, stir and enjoy.

Dirty orange juice

Not many things can make a 40-ounce of malt liquor taste great and refreshing. That’s what makes dirty orange juice impressive. Suck it up and drink the top third of a 40 ounce bottle of malt liquor,then proceed by filling it back up with orange juice.


This drink is reminiscent of creamsicles that I used to chow down on in my elementary school days, except with this I can get a good buzz going at the same time. Mix a shot (or two) of whipped cream flavored vodka into a glass of orange juice with ice and stir. This drink is best when accompanied by sunshine and good vibes.

Citrus vodka punch

Do you have a party to please and are limited on resources? Citrus vodka punch is by far the most simple and cheap party-pleaser you can make. It calls for three ingredients: lime vodka, lemon-lime soda and lime sherbet. This can be made into a personal serving or a large batch to share. Add some mountain dew to further mask the taste of your cheap-ass vodka.

-Logan Korn


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015



August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Movie on the oval


Start off the semester on a productive note by hanging out on the Oval with your friends and watching a movie. If the free movie doesn’t draw you in, the free food will. Main Oval Time: 8:30 p.m. | Free

Bistro Night

The Vaccines

They’ve performed with The Rolling Stones, Arcade Fire, and Muse, and now they’ve come to Columbus! Come watch as London-based indie-rockers The Vaccines put on what’s sure to be an epic show.

Is there anything better than a $10 bottle of wine and a specialty chef’s dish to go along with it? No. No there is not. Ethyl and Tank Time: 10 p.m. | Free

A and R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $21.60

Swing Dancing

Weird Wednesdays

Hosted by SwingColumbus, this weekly event is full of dancing and music. If you’re a beginner, stop by at 7:30-8 p.m. for a quick lesson.

Rage on with some live music by TreeHouse and Sun-Dried Vibes. TreeHouse is a reggae band from Myrtle Beach, SC and has performed at the House of Blues. Scarlet and Gray Cafe Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Nyoh's Buckeye Bar Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $3


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015



Food Truck Food Court Following the Food Truck Fes-


tival, Columbus Commons will continue their weekly Food Truck Court. Try food from Aromaku, Blue Olive, Pitabilities and Red Plate Blue. Yuum. Columbus Commons Time: 11 a.m. | Free

Ladies 80's

Kristin Diable

Featuring DJ Ginsu, this weekly girl’s night of drinks, dancing and fun never fails to be amazing! If you plan on bringing more than 8 ladies with you, ask about their VIP complimentary bottle service.

Kristin Diable is a soulful Americana singer out of New Orleans, Louisiana. She began her mainstream music career in New York in the early 2000’s before returning to Louisiana, following her roots. She will be accompanied by Theo’s Loose Hinges.

Skully's | Time: 9p.m. | Tickets: Vary

The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $14.95

Julie Goldman

Best known for part on Logo’s Big Gay Sketch Show, this comedian, actress and musicna has shown no signs of slowing down. She’s currently working on a feature film called Nicest Thing, a lesbian romantic comedy.

Game and Wine Night

Bring your girlfriends and enjoy a night of wine and board games. Happy hour glasses of wine are available until 9 p.m. for $5. Camelot Cellars Winery Time: 7 p.m. | Free

Wall Street Nightclub Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Welcome Week Concert



Nothing more warm or fuzzy than welcoming the incoming freshmen with an insane dance party on the South Oval, is there? Big Sean apparently loved OSU so much he had to come back and we’ll welcome him with open arms. South Oval Time: 7 p.m. | Free with BuckID



This event features a slew of artists, including 12th Planet, Antiserum, Attak, Burgle, and Vexxe, with visuals by VJ Vendetta. Anyone with a love of EDM and dancing will find themselves in good company. Skully's Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $16-20

Looking for a classy night out that doesn’t break the bank? This casual, no-cost performance is the best of both worlds, featuring gorgeous performances by Balletmet and a relaxed outdoor setting. Scioto Mile Time: 7 p.m. | Free

Open This End


Sketch comedy + rock ‘n roll? Don’t mind if we do. Come out and prepare for an awesome night full of laughs, good music, good drinks, and a little of everyone’s dark side. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $20-35

This special gallery features art from world renowned artists like Andy Warhol, Mike Kelly, Tony Smith, and more. Their art explores themes like conceptualism, performance art, and minimalism. Urban Arts Space All Day | Free


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


scarlet beerfest



Join UWeekly for the Ultimate Back to School bash! We'll have free food, live music, Scarlet beer, specials and much more. Get there early for some day drinking and beat the clock specials! Out-R-Inn Time: 2 p.m. | Free

Bass Jam


Aqueous, Spritiual Rez, The Fritz, Heady Ruxpin, and Carma headline this event, which offers fans of funk, jamtronica or EDM--or fans of all of the above--a chance to let loose and enjoy live music.

“The World’s Greatest Pink Floyd Show” is coming to Columbus. Pay tribute to the band by rocking out for the night and seeing an awesome light show. LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Skully's Time: 8 p.m. | Free 21+

Grandview Hop

Come out and experience Grandview’s version of Gallery Hop. Various local restaurants and shops will come together with live music to provide locals with an entertaining night. Grandview Cafe Time: 5 p.m. | Free

Winery Tours

Learn about the history of Wyandotte and how to make wine. See the wine cellar and stay afterwards for food and a bottle of wine that’s about a million steps above Franzia. Wyandotte Winery Time: 3:30 p.m. | Free


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY





Start your school year off right with some good ol’ karaoke. If you need some liquid courage, try one of their awesome fish bowl drinks. It’ll give you enough courage you might just kill your rendition of “My Heart Will Go On.” Ugly Tuna Saloona Time: 9 p.m. | Free


The Loveless Family Reunion

This local reggae band will bless your ears with their funky music. They’ve performed with various reggae artists and tour throughout the country.

Columbus Commons and Great Lakes Brewing Company are presenting a day filled with live music featuring Lydia Loveless, The Girls!, Dead Girlfriends, and Shores of Elysium.

Skully's Time:10 p.m.| Tickets: $10

Columbus Commons Time: 2 p.m. | Free

The Great Amazing Race Columbus

Mad Dog and Englishman

Jazz Arts Group and Shadowbox Live will be collaborating for the first time ever to pay tribute to famous rock and blues artists, particularly Joe Cocker. The two hour live music performance is sure to do Joe justice. Shadowbox Live Time: 2 p.m. | Tickets: $20-25

Bring your best bud and race in a one mile obstacle course. Various Clue Cards will create more of a challenge and the first team to reach the finish line will be the winners. Highbanks Metropark Time: 4 p.m. | Tickets: $24


UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015





Mug Night

If you’re looking to soak up the last of the summer sun, catch a spot on the front or back patio of Out R Inn. Refills range from $1.75-2.25. Welcome back, college budget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Too’s sadly is on it’s last year here on campus so you need to spend as much time here as possible. Domestic bottles are $1 all night and their tidal wave shot is priceless.


Too's Spirits Under High All Night | $2 Cover after 10 p.m.

Out R Inn | All Night | Free

Sundance Short Films

Happy Hour

Six different films from Sundance Film Festival will be shown on this special night including Don Hertzfeldt’s Grand Jury Prize winning ‘World of Tomorrow.’ If you’re a film major or if you like films at all (so, everyone), you’ll definitely enjoy yourself.

You made it through your first week of classes and what better way to celebrate than half off drinks? Treat yo’self. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free


Wexner Center for the Arts Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $6-8


Nerd Night

Each Monday, Ruby Tuesdays welcomes students to be their nerdy selves. Each week has a different theme with ‘nerdcore’ DJs, bands, movies, and video games.

Have some fun and get a great workout in during this free for students Zumba class. If you love gettin’ down at the club on the weekend, this might be your calling.


Ruby Tuesday | Time: 9 p.m. | Free






Ohio Union | Time: 6 p.m. | Free

Principally Speaking

Smile Run

Head on over to Cap City Diner for some great live music from Principally Speaking and other local musicians. We definitely suggest the Blue Cheese Potato Chips to start.

Join this virtual marathon to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The race reminds everyone to ‘smile and forgive’ and allows you to race on your own time.


Cap City Fine Diner | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Free


Virtual Event | All Month | Tickets: Vary


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


photo by david heasley/uw

• 22 arcade I was beckoned to a bar across the

street by some punk rock. Morgan said this was a perfect example of the nights he envisioned for his customers and one of the main reasons he chose the location in Old North Columbus, an area he said is quickly becoming a hotbed of cultural activity. “It was a complete no-brainer for us to choose this location,” he said. “This is a great area for music and entertainment.” He said not only is his arcade filling a much-needed niche in the night-life scene, but it has created a hub for all the other forms of entertainment that the Clintonville and Old North area is already wellknown for. He finds musicians set to perform at venues in the area, such as Ace of Cups, meet up at the Old North Arcade before and after their shows. And obviously magicians, who host free shows next door to the arcade each Tuesday, like to show off their skills here, too. “We just compliment the other businesses here, I think,” Morgan said, speaking on the symbiotic relationship he’s formed with surrounding bars and nighttime hotspots. “It’s hard to resist the Old North. … You’re not truly an OSU student if you haven’t gotten food drunk at Hounddog’s Pizza.” Morgan said he’s “a gamer at heart,” having grown up playing games like “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” on Nintendo 64 and the “Magic: The Gathering” card game, and has found a real passion in the upkeep of the video games, which need constant attention. “They’re classics for a reason, those old games,” Morgan said. “There’s no discrimination in these games — it doesn’t matter your handicap or socioeconomic status — it’s about how good you play the game.” Morgan has truly taken a fully interactive slice of history and placed it at the fingertips of both old and new gamers. “What is old is new again.”


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Detecting a Sociopath 6 signs that your dude is crazy


elcome back to the best college ever, where the male population is abundant; where football games dominate our Saturdays and increase our consumption of beer; and where we work our asses off to make dreams come true. This is the place to be, people! If you’re reading my column for the first time because you’re #new2osu – Hi, I’m your new fairy godmother! If you’re reading my column for the first time and you’re not #new2osu – what took you so long? You guys or girls are in for a treat, so check back every week to see what I’ve got to say about love, dating and sex! As I mentioned above, the number of males on campus provides plenty of options. You can theorize why the numbers are so drastic or take it as a blessing of sorts and say, “OMG. There are plenty of fish in the sea!” Though, not every fish is dateable. You’ll date or hookup with people from different worlds, and you may or may not like it. You’ll also make a lot of mistakes along the way. You’ll sulk, bury yourself in bed, eat way too much of something, drink your sorrows away and move on – because it happens. As your dating coach, I’ll help you minimize the amount of boy problems you’ll have. Here are signs that the guy you’re seeing is a sociopath: 1. Can you get fries with that extra large ego? There’s a difference between cocky and narcissistic. If he feels entitled and always blames problems on 46

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other people, beware. Not only is this a certified f*ckboy, but he may be crazier than you think. 2. Have fun in the sun with all his lies. A guy who enjoys lying just to see if he can trick people is “insane in the membrane.” Get rid of him. 3. Cool, he’s carefree and never guilty. He’s always the victim in his stories. A dude who can’t show remorse or feel guilty about his mistakes is either a robot or a sociopath. Period. 4. An indecisive mind is dangerous. Sociopaths have the tendency to contradict themselves. They may want a committed relationship one day and want to be single the next. Don’t bother to keep up with his insanity. 5. This isn’t Fifty Shades of Grey. Controlling is not caring and intensity is not passion. If he’s interrogating you about your past while asking for the passcode to your phone, call things off ASAP. 6. His flattery is so sweet you want to vomit. Actually, it’s not sweet but ridiculous. Flattery here and there is fine, but he’ll try and manipulate you with praise. If a guy you’re seeing exhibits multiple signs (one sign would be enough to drive me the hell away), do yourself a favor and bin him. That dude is crazy AF. With love, Stella


August 26, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • August 26, 2015


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